PDL :: Volume #5

#462: Soul incantation Fu Moshi

Fights with Yan Feng, making the Qin Shi reputation rise up once more. 和闫峰一战,令秦石的名声再次鹊起。 Every morning, outside the house was encircled, his several day of harming by the beautiful woman inevitably can not be peaceful. 每日清晨,房屋外必然是被美女围剿,害的他几日不得安静。 But what most makes his indignant is, when this full is annoying, some people took advantage unexpectedly, initiated the ill-gotten wealth, was primarily Xiao Tianyue, drew in Feng Hen and owlet porch, three people in side of central arena, specially and Hua Ling discussed that made one slightly to spread paving, above completely was Qin Shi has used the goods, even if has not used had also said that has used. 而最让他气愤的是,在他这满是懊恼之时,竟有人趁火打劫,发起了不义之财,以萧天月为主,拉上封痕和枭轩,三人在中央擂台的旁边,特意和花零商量,弄了一个小摊铺,上面尽是秦石使用过的物品,就算是沒使用过也说是使用过。 Underwear that any tableware, changes, the diaper of childhood, had everything expected to find in brief, what was helpless was although the price was unreasonable, actually also some people went crazy snatched, finally the source of goods was insufficient, Xiao Tianyue also has even done the auction, enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that made. 什么碗筷,换下來的亵衣,儿时的尿布,总之是应有尽有,无奈的是尽管价格无理,竟然还有人发疯的去抢,最后货源不足,萧天月甚至还搞起了拍卖,弄的风生水起。 It is said that is bringing the unusual smell underwear, auctioned 40,000 Upper Tier spirit stones, compared with this, any non- gate auction room, was explodes simply weakly. 据说,一件带着异味的亵衣,足足拍卖到了40000上品灵石,和这个比起來,什么无门拍卖行,简直是弱爆了。 The slang is good, who said that the female is not lovesick, buys this underwear is a flower season young girl, received the underwear, is calls the body to be fragrant to its unusual smell. 俗话好,谁说女子不思春,买这件亵衣的就是一名花季少女,接过亵衣,对其异味更是称之为体香。 Knew that this news, Qin Shi flies into a rage, but Xiao Tianyue actually quite the same as does not know that also on own initiative asked him to mention the business unexpectedly: Elder Brother Shi, this is an excellent opportunity, is inferior to our, shakes hand 1000 spirit stones, hugs 2000 spirit stones, kisses 10,000 I to guarantee that solely Qian Zhuan, you cannot hug the beautiful woman to turn over, is good?” 得知这个消息,秦石大发雷霆,而萧天月却浑然不知,竟还主动來找他谈起了生意:“石哥,这可是个大好的机会,不如咱们这样,握手1000灵石,拥抱2000灵石,接吻10000我保证,不单单钱赚了,你还能借此抱得美人归,多好?” Squeek psst 吱吱吱 In the anger, Qin Shi is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, has wiped out the Xiao Tianyue two front teeth directly, what made his puzzled was, Xiao Tianyue not only has not lost one's temper, instead also filled with the happy expression picked up two front teeth, holds in the pocket. 在愤怒之中,秦石忍无可忍,直接打掉了萧天月的两颗门牙,令他不解的是,萧天月非但沒有动怒,反而还满怀笑意的将两颗门牙捡起,揣进兜里。 Naturally, 2nd day he then knows that Xiao Tianyue like that will be why excited, at the 2nd day auction, presents two front teeth directly, was called the milk teeth that the Qin Shi childhood changes . Moreover the price that auctions is not low. 当然,第二日他便知道,萧天月为何会那般兴奋,在第二日的拍卖会上,直接出现两颗门牙,被称之为秦石幼年换下來的乳牙,而且拍卖出去的价格还不低。 Shouted Xiao Tianyue, I must kill you “呼萧天月,我非要杀了你” The west flood light golden yellow, the setting sun in the western sky, Qin Shi alone is standing in a nobody's pavilion building, the pavilion building is very high, is supporting the parapet in most top layer, just can see the auction of central arena. 西方泛着淡淡的金黄,夕阳西下,秦石独自站在一处沒有人的亭楼上,亭楼挺高,在最顶层撑着栏杆,刚好能够看到中央擂台的拍卖会。 Three let fall, when two young tartars fall others, the fist of Qin Shi pinches tightly psst to make noise, he can guarantee, if at this time, Xiao Tian moonrise in front of him, he can want Xiao Tianyue life now. 三声垂落,两颗乳牙花落人家时,秦石的拳头捏紧到吱吱作响,他敢保证如果这时候,萧天月出现在他面前,他一定会要了萧天月的命。 Hey, cannot think of my family Shi’tou, so is unexpectedly marketable?” In the anger, transmits in the waist for the wonderful elusive sound. “嘿嘿,想不到我家石头,竟然这么抢手啊?”在怒火中,一声为妙空灵之音在腰间传递。 Qin Shi reveals the happy expression: Elder Sister Yu, you will the gathering spirit flower absorb?” 秦石露出喜色:“玉姐,你将聚灵花吸收好了?” Yes, right, do you have the clothes that does not want, gives the elder sister several.” Shu Zhongyu said. “是啊,对啦,你有沒有不要的衣服,送给姐姐几件。”书中玉道。 Was startled being startled, Qin Shi said puzzled: What do you want my clothes to make?” 怔了怔,秦石不解道:“你要我衣服做什么?” Takes away the auction, good can such getting rich opportunity, how not treasure well? While you, when gains one red, when you pasted the season a while, I will not regret.” Shu Zhongyu delightful saying with a smile. “拿去拍卖啊,这么好的发财机会,怎么能不好好珍惜呢?趁着你当红赚一笔,等一阵子你过季了,我才不会后悔啊。”书中玉甜美的笑道。 „” Sucked the tongue, Qin Shi has gotten angry: Feeds, do you also play my joke?” “”咂了咂舌,秦石怒道:“喂喂喂,你也开我玩笑?” Ha Ha, said, day moon/month that boy, the contrast ratio you had the commercial brains to be many.” On Blazing Book the light dodges, Shu Zhongyu wears a white clothing to win the snow, falls on Qin Shi mysterious that. “哈哈,说真得,天月那小子,照比你有商业头脑多了。”焚书上光影一闪,书中玉身着一席白衣胜雪,落在秦石的神奇那。 Helpless shaking the head, Qin Shi sizes up on Shu Zhongyu, realized that latter's body, the contrast ratio the pale appearance, obviously was formerly fuller, the complexion also reveals light blushing, is joyful: Looks at this appearance, you restored.” 无奈的摇摇头,秦石书中玉身上打量一下,察觉到后者的身上,照比先前苍白的模样,明显饱满很多,脸色也露出淡淡的红晕,欣喜道:“看这模样,你恢复了很多啊。” Um, that gathers the strength of spirit colored soul to be very strong.” “嗯,那聚灵花的灵魂之力很强。” Now, what degree can be?” Qin Shi question. “现在,能达到什么程度?”秦石问句 Lowers the broad and handsome forehead to sweep on the tender body, Shu Zhongyu replied: If launches fully, should have three days of boundaries.” 低着螓首在娇躯上一扫,书中玉答道:“如果展开全力的话,应该有三天之境吧。” Hissing three days of boundaries?” “嘶三天之境?” Held breath a cold air/Qi, Qin Shi felt that somewhat inconceivable, at once remembers Shu Zhongyu itself to tall Qiling, had such strength not to be worth but actually surprisedly, instead felt that several points of happy expression, the Shu Zhongyu strength was increased to be higher, these time returned to the North District opportunity, will increase several points. 倒吸了口冷气,秦石感觉到有些不可思议,旋即想起书中玉本身就是至高器灵,拥有这样的实力倒也就不值得惊讶,反而感觉到几分喜色,书中玉的实力提升越高,这一次回北方区域的机会,就会随之增多几分。 Does not intertwine in this topic, Qin Shi thinks of anything's question suddenly: Right Elder Sister Yu, do you know the strength of domain?” 不在这个话題上纠结,秦石突然想到什么的问句:“对了玉姐,你知道领域之力吗?” „The strength of domain?” hear that, the Shu Zhongyu black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is pressed, to everything not to accept as correct accommodates tenderly is also raises several to wipe to dread: Knows knows, but how will you ask this suddenly?” “领域之力?”闻言,书中玉的黛眉蹙紧,对凡事都不以为然的娇容上也是升起几抹忌惮:“知道是知道,但你怎么会突然问起这个?” Before fought with Xue Bin, he offered a sacrifice to heavenly body palace error, I who harmed nearly defeated, afterward when I inquired the snow heart, heard strength the matter about domain, but she was also only ambiguous, knew a general idea, deeply is not again clear.” Qin Shi answered. “之前和薛斌交手,他祭出天体宫阙,害的我险些战败,后來我询问雪心时,听到了些关于领域之力的事,但她也只是模棱两可,知道个大概,再深就不清楚了。”秦石解释道。 Seizes Heaven Realm to dare to offer a sacrifice to leaving the palace error? He he, is really a rash boy.” Shu Zhongyu stares, at once is silent said for a long time: „The strength of domain, by nine heavenly body palace error structures, is one type can control alone the domain ability, said that it can burn Shan Zhuhai, is not overrated, is only now to you also early, understood that too many are not instead good, will only affect your cultivation is.” “夺天境就敢祭出宫阙?呵呵,真是个胆大妄为的小子。”书中玉一愣,旋即沉默许久才道:“领域之力,由九道天体宫阙构造,是一种能够掌控独自领域的能力,说它能够焚山煮海,都并不为过,只是现在对你还早,了解太多反而不好,只会影响到你的修为。” Burns Shan Zhuhai?” “焚山煮海?” Shocks licked the licking lips angle, Qin Shi has been surprised saying: „The strength of this domain, is really out of the ordinary.” 震撼的舔了舔嘴角,秦石诧道:“这领域之力,果然非比寻常啊。” But he also knows, Shu Zhongyu said right, the step must walk gradually, the food must eat one after another, the strength of domain to has not achieved Heaven Realm him, somewhat is truly unattainable. 但他也知道,书中玉说的沒错,步要一步一步走,饭要一口一口吃,领域之力对尚未达到天境的他,确实有些遥不可及。 But mentioned these, Qin Shi actually did not lose, lowers the head looked at to pinching tightly fist, sighed to sigh one: Although, my present strength is good, but in one year, Luan Muhua that old fogy, will decide however will not mark, will want to get rid to strike to kill him, will be somewhat difficult 而提起这些,秦石却不尽失落起來,低着头望向捏紧的拳头,喟叹一声:“虽说,我现在实力不错,可一年中,栾慕华那老家伙,定然也不会原地踏步,想要出手击杀他,还是有些难啊” One year ago, he in Luan Muhua hand, if not for closes right up against existence of Evil Spirit , it may be said that including strength to truss up a chicken no ants, but with the help of Evil Spirit , he can fight several moves with Luan Muhua freely reluctantly, is the latter has scruples, little uses in the martial arts situation, Burning Sky Sect after is north first Sect , in which martial arts not compared with 7-Step, will decide however will have many 6-Step martial arts, but this time, if the head confrontation, feared that will be will fall in leeward. 一年前,他在栾慕华手中,若不是靠着邪魔的存在,可谓是连缚鸡之力都沒有的蝼蚁,而尽管在邪魔的帮助下,他能和栾慕华勉强斗上几招,却也是后者有所顾忌,很少使用武学的情况下,焚天宗毕竟是北方第一宗门,其中的武学就算不比七阶,定然也会有不少六阶武学,而这一次,若是正面交锋,怕是会落于下风。 Although, he presently was not once Qin Shi, had several to fight with Heaven Realm expert, satisfying actually knows, to Luan Muhua this host, if there is a mentality that the least bit contempt and belittled, without doubt was seeking for the total destruction to oneself. 虽说,他现也不是曾经的秦石,和天境高手也有过几番交手,可心中却是知道,对栾慕华这一宗之主,若是有半点轻视和小觑的心态,无疑是在给自己寻找灭顶之灾。 Naturally is bad, can draw support from Shu Zhongyu and Qin Xuexin strength, at that time wanted to cut to kill Luan Muhua, will not make any mistake actually again, however the matter, he had not always said with Shu Zhongyu that was the blood robe person of ambush in Burning Sky Sect: Zhen Yuan, still Qin Shi does not know that Zhen Yuan strength is any degree, but knows that he can unarmed shake draws back Luan Muhua, feared that is at least in uneven Heaven Realm above. 当然再不济,可以借助书中玉沁雪心的力量,那时候想要斩杀栾慕华,倒是不会再有什么差错,然而有一件事,他始终沒有和书中玉说,就是潜伏在焚天宗中的血袍人:甄渊,至今秦石都不知道甄渊的实力达到什么程度,只是知道他能徒手震退栾慕华,怕是至少在齐天境以上。 Even if such, Qin Xuexin, is also not necessarily able to ask for the advantage in its front, therefore Qin Shi is annoyed, falls into the pain. 那样,就算沁雪心,在其面前也未必能够讨到好处,所以秦石不禁懊恼起來,陷入痛苦之中。 Depending on your present strength, to defeat Luan Muhua, pours also by no means not possibly.” Looks Qin Shi that scratches the head moves restlessly, Shu Zhongyu said suddenly. “凭你现在的实力,若是想要战胜栾慕华,倒也并非沒有可能。”看着抓头躁动的秦石,书中玉突然道。 Raises head indifferently, Qin Shi said: Elder Sister Yu, what good means do you have?” 漠然仰头,秦石道:“玉姐,你有什么好办法?” With the aid of external force, breakthrough Heaven Realm.” “借助外力,突破天境。” breakthrough Heaven Realm?” hears that sound, Qin Shi has gawked staring, at once helpless shakes down saying: „It is not good, before three breakthrough, completely with the aid of external force, this time , if drawing support from the external force, will decide however will have the influence to my foundation, virtual environment breakthrough Heaven Realm, cannot be careless, the trail that moreover my present Lian Leijie prints has not tried to find out, even if will draw support from the external force, feared that will be is also the moon/month.” 突破天境?”闻声,秦石愣了愣,旋即无奈的摇下头道:“不行,之前三次突破,全部是借助外力,这一次若是在借助外力,定然会对我的根基造成影响,灵境突破天境,不能马虎,况且我现在连雷劫印的踪迹都沒有摸索到,即便借助外力,怕是也要数月。” Such words, that only remaining finally one planted.” Shu Zhongyu said with a smile pale: Your psychic force , to promote to soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master.” “如此的话,那就只剩下最后一种了。”书中玉淡笑道:“将你的精神力,提升到魂咒符魔师。” Soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master?” Qin Shi has sucked tongue puzzled: What is that? Demonic Talisman Master, does not wind to calculate the rank according to the mark?” “魂咒符魔师?”秦石不解的咂了咂舌:“那是什么?符魔师,不是按照纹络盘算等级的吗?” First five grains are this, may after five grains, not be six grains, but you also because of the chance coincidence, refined six mark demon symbols, was mistaken that you have achieved six mark Demonic Talisman Master, actually above five mark Demonic Talisman Master, was soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, altogether was divided into nine soul incantations, cultivated with spiritual power for nine Heaven Realm relative.” Shu Zhongyu stops, explained: However the true soul incantation demon symbol, needs to integrate the strength of attribute, can be completes, your so-called six mark demon symbols, but is the soul incantation demon symbol has not integrated the strength of attribute, has failure of spiritual power overlay.” “前五纹是这样,可在五纹之后,并非是六纹,而你也不过是因机缘巧合,炼制出了六纹魔符,才误以为你已经达到六纹符魔师,其实在五纹符魔师之上,是魂咒符魔师,总共分为九道魂咒,和灵力修为中的九层天境相对。”书中玉停顿一下,解释道:“而真正的魂咒魔符,更是需要融入属性之力,才能够算是完成,你那些所谓的六纹魔符,不过是魂咒魔符沒有融入属性之力,只有灵力叠加的失败品。” Originally has this matter?” “原來有这种事?” Qin Shi stared staring, if said that starts from the psychic force, he is quite actually confident, moreover before , in soul that under desolated jungle Tianchi seizes, there are much has not bought , to make breakthrough really again, should not be difficult. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,若是说从精神力下手,他倒是颇有信心,况且之前在荒芜丛林天池下方夺來的亡灵,有不少还沒有吸纳,若是真想要再做突破,应该不难。 Um, if you can breakthrough to soul Demonic Talisman Master, such want to strike to kill Luan Muhua, should again not have the least bit accident.” Shu Zhongyu let go to say. “嗯,如果你能突破到一魂符魔师,那样想要击杀栾慕华,应该就不会再有半点意外。”书中玉摊了摊手道。 The silent meeting, Qin Shi sets firm resolve: Good, I try, now on only remaining this means that the hope can be successful.” 沉默一会,秦石下定决心:“那好,我试一试,现在就只剩下这一种办法了,希望能够成功吧。” The decision must start from the psychic force, Qin Shi has not continued to stop over in the pavilion building, but is Shu Zhongyu returns to the side building, enters in stone chamber. 决定要从精神力下手,秦石沒有在亭楼上继续逗留,而是和书中玉回到厢房,进入其中的石室中。 Sits cross-legged in the lotus flower place in stone chamber, Qin Shi inquired one: Elder Sister Yu, how then do I want to do?” 在石室中的莲花座上盘膝而下,秦石询问一句:“玉姐,接下來我要怎么做?” Soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, is the same with spiritual power Heaven Realm, is for the action of going against heaven's will, needs to extradite the day disaster, but this day disaster, is not Lei Jie, but is the soul disaster of your within the body, this point bystander could not help you, can only depend on you, will meet you to read the strength strongly in Sea of Consciousness, the induction that then tried your soul, quenchinged the control it.” Here, Shu Zhongyu stopped desirably, said: My book is the body of soul, you seek from me with your difference first, this induces own soul to play some help to you.” “魂咒符魔师,和灵力天境一样,乃为逆天之举,需要引渡天劫,只不过这个天劫,并非雷劫,而是你体内的灵魂劫,这一点外人帮不了你,只能够靠你自己,一会你将念力集中在识海中,然后尽全力的感应你的灵魂,将其淬炼掌控。”说到这,书中玉刻意停顿一下,道:“我本就是灵魂之躯,你先从我身上寻找和你的不同,这对你感应自己的灵魂起到些许帮助。” Nodded, Qin Shi grips Shu Zhongyu single-handed, the psychic force high centralism, under an exploration knit the brows, he discovered that Shu Zhongyu and he, has the essential difference, within the body completely is comprised of the spirit body, without flesh and blood and meridians, moreover in the spirit body, very special feelings, probably is the soul. 点了点头,秦石单手握住书中玉,将精神力高度的集中,一番探索下不由皱了皱眉,他发现书中玉和他,其中有着本质的区别,体内全部是由灵体组成,沒有血肉和经脉,而且在灵体中,有一种很特殊的感觉,就好像是魂魄。 Right, is the soul right, this is the soul. 对,是魂魄沒错,这就是魂魄。 Suddenly, the miraculous glow dodges, Qin Shi as if held anything, at once is not the spoken language the loosening hand, Bi Mu reads strongly the god in Sea of Consciousness. 猛然,灵光一闪,秦石仿佛抓住了什么,旋即不做言语的松开手,闭目将神念集中在识海中。 Vertically and horizontally five kilometers Sea of Consciousness, instantaneously reappears in the field of vision. 纵横五千米的识海,瞬间浮现在视野中。 In Sea of Consciousness drifts [gold/metal] who Profound Heaven Ancient Formation is forming, the vast psychic force read in the god unceasingly all around walks randomly, Qin Shi was recalling induced the difference that from Shu Zhongyu within the body, continuously explored in all around psychic force, suddenly, the strange aura flashed past in the sensation together, makes his black pupil one bright. 识海中漂泊着玄天古阵所形成的金芒,浩繁的精神力不断在神念周遭游走,秦石回想着从书中玉体内感应到的异样,不断在四周的精神力中探索,突然,一道诡异的气息在感知中一闪而过,令他黑眸一亮。 Had “有了” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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