PDL :: Volume #5

#461: Three moves defeat Yan Feng

ineffective?” 无效?” Right, the palace error strength of attribute, quenchings to propose from common spiritual power that common spiritual power is very difficult to cause the damage.” Qin Xuexin answered. “沒错,宫阙中的属性之力,是从寻常灵力中淬炼提出,寻常的灵力很难对其造成伤害。”沁雪心解释道。 hear that, in the Qin Shi heart becomes aware suddenly: „When no wonder, before I to Xue Bin launched the attack, Lian Mei isn't the ghost day photo able to injure to him?” 闻言,秦石心中恍悟:“怪不得,之前我对薛斌发起攻击时,连魅鬼天照都无法伤到他?” Smiles under the point, the Qin Xuexin skilled artist wields, clears from the flesh the cold ice armor. 笑着点下头,沁雪心妙手一挥,将寒冰铠甲从肌肤上散尽。 Felt inconceivable at the same time, question that Qin Shi actually cannot think through: „Before me, pours has also bumped into many Heaven Realm expert, why doesn't see them to use the palace error armor?” 感觉到不可思议的同时,秦石却又想不通的问句:“那我之前,倒也碰到过不少天境高手,为何不见他们使用过宫阙铠甲?” I had said before, palace error is in itself by the spirit vein casting, therefore palace error was injured, is equal to is damaged in spirit vein, but seizes the day palace error of three boundaries to be frail, before has not reached arrives in full the day three boundaries, few people on own initiative will offer a sacrifice to leaving the palace error, that day you also arrive at the acme Xue Binbi, he cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, the choice offers a sacrifice to leaving the palace error, but what he has not expected, your psychic force unexpectedly such.” Mentioned the psychic force, Qin Xuexin revealed for several points to admire to Qin Shi. “我之前说过,宫阙本身是由灵脉铸造,所以宫阙被伤,等同于灵脉受损,而夺天三境的宫阙非常脆弱,所以在沒有达到齐天三境之前,很少有人会主动祭出宫阙,那日你也是将薛斌逼到极致,他才慌不择路,选择祭出宫阙,而他沒料到的是,你的精神力竟如此之强。”提到精神力,沁雪心秦石都露出几分钦佩。 On this piece of Desolate Spirit Continent, how spiritual power cultivates to be again high, but is the symbol of individual strength, but the psychic force is entirely different, takes a broad view at Qin Shi present Demonic Talisman Master to cultivate is, in the entire mainland, has attached great importance. 在这片荒灵大陆上,灵力修为再怎样高,不过是个人实力的象征,而精神力却截然不同,放眼秦石如今的符魔师修为,在整座大陆上,都会得到重视。 But Qin Shi is formidable, Qin Xuexin on feeling even more, Qin Shi is the hit saves her son of heaven, love at heart faints. 秦石越是强大,沁雪心就越发的感觉,秦石真的就是命中來拯救她的真命天子,心里的爱意晕开。 Under Qin Shi point looking pensive, he is the first time heard that Heaven Realm and Profound Spirit Realm have this grade of difference, said excitedly: That i.e., reached arrives in full Heaven Realm, can use the palace error armor at will?” 秦石若有所思的点下头,他还是头一次听说,天境玄灵境有这等区别,激动道:“原來如此那就是说,达到齐天境,就可以随意使用宫阙铠甲了?” Um, almost, seizes day palace error of three boundaries is the foundation, so long as the foundation hits steadily, even if palace error of uneven day three boundaries were damaged , the wound will not arrive at spirit vein, but achieves to ascend to heaven three boundaries, the strength of attribute then can be assigned away from the capital, utilizes in martial arts.” “嗯,差不多,夺天三境的宫阙为根基,只要根基打稳,就算齐天三境的宫阙受到损伤,也不会伤到灵脉,而达到升天三境,属性之力便能够外放,运用在武学之中。” Is so fierce?” “这么厉害?” Has sucked the tongue, the strength of attribute utilizes in martial arts, that said that so long as has not achieved the Heaven Realm person, even if thousands of people, can wave the second to kill? 咂了咂舌,属性之力运用在武学中,那岂不是说只要沒达到天境的人,就算是千万人,都能够挥手秒杀? This also continues, when hearsay, said that is so long as builds nine palace error, aspires to seize Heaven Realm peak, can concentrate to make the strength of domain.” Qin Xuexin said with a smile. “这还不止,在传闻中,说是只要打造出九座宫阙,问鼎天境巅峰时,更是能够凝造出领域之力。”沁雪心微笑道。 „The strength of domain?” Qin Shi has rubbed nose puzzled, this type of thing he hears has not heard, question: What is that?” “领域之力?”秦石不解的揉了揉鼻子,这种东西他连听闻都不曾听闻过,问句:“那是什么?” min the cherry lips, Qin Xuexin shook the head saying: To the strength of domain, I am not very clear, I know that is in this Desolate Spirit Continent, aspires to seize the Pyramid top layer ability truly, but takes a broad view at the mainland, the person who can be that degree is also very few, in our blue snow sect has Sect Master, with several old elders, has this mysterious strength, but they year to year close up, Qing cultivated, was I personally has not seen.” 抿了抿樱唇,沁雪心摇头道:“对领域之力,我也不是很清楚,我只是知道那才是这荒灵大陆中,真正问鼎金字塔顶层的能力,只是放眼大陆,能够达到那种程度的人也是少之又少,我们青雪宗中只有宗主,和几名年迈长老,才拥有这种神奇的力量,只是他们常年闭关,清修,就是我也沒有亲眼见过。” Has pinched the fist, the Qin Shi unclear sleep is severe, the strength of domain, is only listens to feel is very fierce, for this reason filled had yearned. 捏了捏拳,秦石不明觉厉,领域之力,光是听听就感觉很厉害,为此充满了向往。 But yearns for at the same time, he is deep for a very long time thought that the Chest is helpless: He he, this thinks that depending on my present strength, the foot has aspired to seize to flaming peak of flame empire, does not think that outside the human has the human, one should always strive for better, it seems like wish stands before the snow mind and body, keeps out wind and rain for her, but also has a long way to go.” 而向往的同时,他更是陷入久久的沉思,心口无奈:“呵呵,本以为,凭我现在的实力,已经足矣问鼎炽焰帝国的巅峰,不想人外有人,天外有天,看來想要站在雪心身前,替她遮风挡雨,还有很长的路要走啊。” Sighed to sigh one, Qin Shi was not saying that he went forward to hold Qin Xuexin, restrained the bitter and astringent [say / way] on complexion: Silly thing, you rests first, adjusts the body, several days later we.” 喟叹一声,秦石不在多说,他上前抱了抱沁雪心,收敛起面色上的苦涩道:“傻丫头,你先休息吧,把身子调整好,再过几日我们就出发。” Said goodbye to Qin Xuexin, Qin Shi drags along the serious body to return to the room, that night was doomed not to sleep, he was looking at the wooden frame on house beam, the spacious black pupil was out of sorts slightly. 告别沁雪心,秦石拖着沉重的身躯回到房中,这一夜注定不眠,他望着房梁上的木架,空旷的黑眸稍有失神。 Now all matters arrange appropriately, only needs, when the Qin Xuexin injury thoroughly restores, one month later with Qiu Diao can with, then march toward North District, for this reason in the rest of the time, making him appear somewhat are actually relaxed and quiet. 现在所有的事情都安排妥当,只需要等到沁雪心的伤势彻底恢复,一个月后和邱雕会和,即可朝北方区域进军,为此剩下的时间里,让他倒是显得有几分轻松和静谧。 Comes the safe idly, for half a month blinks passes. 闲來无事,半个月眨眼即逝。 Mysterious Palace because of the damage that honor big game creates, during this period also obtained the repair, many disciples immediately start to gather in the central arena compare notes, fight. 玄殿因荣誉大赛而造成的损坏,在这期间也得到了修复,很多弟子马上又开始汇聚在中央的擂台上切磋,交手。 Qin Shi occasionally passed by, will stand to watch 12, although many are Spirit King Realm, the Profound Spirit Realm disciple, may three people of lines probably have my master, the move and repertoire of everyone differ from, makes him harvest actually quite a lot, such as getting rid priority, at heart tactic, all sorts. 秦石偶尔路过,也会站在旁边观看12,尽管多数是王灵境,玄灵境的弟子,可正所谓三人行必有我师,每个人的招数和套路都有所不同,倒是让他从中收获颇多,如出手先后,心里战术,种种。 Looks quickly, was Shi Qin “快瞧,是石秦” Is good to lead, looks at his jet black pupil, although small a point, but is quite bright, is mixing with the light sadness, oh, he visited me, I must faint happily.” “好帅啊,看他那漆黑的眸子,虽然小了一点,但是好有神啊,夹杂着淡淡的忧伤,哎呀,他看我了,我要幸福的昏过去了。” Stands under the arena, psychic force broad Qin Shi, the discussion sound all around completely will receive in the ear, but he just reviewed the female who and opened the mouth to look at each other one, in latter's jade surface flies to wipe the pink clouds, exaggeration faints. 站在擂台下,精神力广阔的秦石,将周遭的议论声尽收耳中,而他刚回眸和开口的女子对视一眼,后者的玉面上飞起一抹彩霞,夸张的就晕倒在地。 A helplessness, he wants to ask actually where his eye was small, obviously very big, this is slandering of scarlet fruits. 一番无奈,其实他只是想要问一问,他的眼睛哪里小了,明明很大的好吗,这是赤果果的诋毁啊。 „Can stone big brother Qin, direct me?” “石秦大哥,能指点指点我吗?” Yes, martial arts, I always practice not well.” Since Shi Qin defeated Yan Feng, direct transform of their status in Mysterious Palace, once the infatuated Yan Feng's girl student, all swarmed to stone Qin. “是啊,有一个武学,我总是修炼不好。”自从石秦战败闫峰,两人的地位在玄殿中直接变换,曾经痴迷闫峰的女弟子,全部蜂拥向石秦。 In ten thousand flowering shrubs, Qin Shi comes the safe idly, occasionally also to these flower season young girl selection and broadcast 12, naturally will be only the pure selection and broadcast, head eight big that present he, Shu Zhongyu, Yu Luocha, Qin Xuexin three people, made, the sincerity will not dare to provoke the least bit sentiment debt. 在万花丛中,秦石闲來无事,偶尔也会对这些花季少女点播12,当然就只是纯粹的点播,现在的他,书中玉,玉罗刹,沁雪心三人,已经弄的一个脑袋八个大,真心不敢在招惹半点情债。 Stone Qin, came with my duel “石秦,來和我决斗” When is teaching is called Yun rain pretty girl martial arts, by the ear suddenly transmits shouting angrily that clenches jaws together. 正在传授一名叫做芸雨的貌美女孩武学时,耳旁突然间传來一道咬牙切齿的怒喝。 Does not need to get back one's composure, only listens to the sound, who Qin Shi knows is, looked askance looked at one toward Yan Feng, flushing Yun rain light [say / way] that helpless shaking the head, did not pay attention to: Today arrives at this, I walked first.” 不用回神,光是听声,秦石就知道是谁,侧目朝闫峰望了一眼,无奈的摇了摇头,不理会的冲芸雨轻道:“今天就到这吧,我先走了。” Spoke, his does not return walks toward the distant place, immediately must leave Mysterious Palace, now he may have no free time with Yan Feng child's play. 说完话,他头都不回的朝远处走去,马上就要离开玄殿,现在他可沒空和闫峰儿戏。 By disregarding, Yan Feng naturally cannot be resigned, one step leaps to the arena, points at Qin Shi to scold: coward, these many people look that has to plant you not to run 被无视,闫峰自然不会甘心,一步跃到擂台上,指着秦石骂道:“胆小鬼,这么多人看着,有种你就别跑” Regarding the satire of shouting curses, hum that Qin Shi snorts at contemptuously, but he does not care, does not represent others not to care, Yun rain and many females, to maintain him rushes to under the arena, the loathing said: „Is Yan Feng, you concerned about face? Previous time has defeated, now also feels all right to disturb Shi Qinge?” 对于叫骂的讽刺,秦石嗤之以鼻的哼声,而他不在乎,不代表别人不在乎,芸雨和不少女子,为了维护他冲到擂台下,厌恶道:“闫峰,你要不要脸?上一次败了,现在还好意思來打扰石秦哥?” Yes, my previous time has defeated, that does not represent my this time also to defeat Yan Feng confident raising to smile evilly, points at Qin Shi to get angry: Scoffs, comes up? Doesn't dare? Wanted me saying that your previous time, definitely was depends the luck, the seize every opportunity win? Otherwise doesn't this time, how dare to comply?” “是,我上次是败了,那不代表我这次也会败”闫峰信心十足的扬起邪笑,指着秦石怒道:“嗤,上來啊?不敢了?要我说,你上一次,肯定是仗着运气,投机取巧取胜的吧?否则这一次,怎么不敢答应呢?” You “你” Bites Bei Chi lightly, Yun rain several girls becomes flushed by the Yan Feng qi tender surface, Yun rain goes forward toot toot to say toward Qin Shi: Stone Qin elder brother, you got rid to hit one time with him, otherwise I thought that he will not grow memory 轻咬贝齿,芸雨几个女孩被闫峰气的娇面涨红,芸雨上前朝秦石嘟嘟道:“石秦哥,你就出手和他打一次,否则我看他根本不会长记性” Yes, teaches him.” “是啊,教训教训他。” The crowd discussed unceasingly, Qin Shi knit the brows, in their confrontations, more and more disciples will bring, has encircled including several elders, including Beidou, Tai Qing, on was clear they. 人群议论不断,秦石皱了皱眉,在两人的对峙中,将越來越多的弟子引來,连几名长老都围了上來,其中包括北斗,太清,上清两人。 About considers, Qin Shi knows that this weaponry, did not have the means to avoid, for this reason clapped on under the fragrant shoulder of Yun rain saying: Favors below, much study experience.” 左右思量一番,秦石知道这一仗,是沒有办法避免了,为此拍了下芸雨的香肩道:“在下面看好,多学点经验。” To Yun rain girl, Qin Shi very much appreciates, is a very assiduous small girl, before several times to practice martial arts, will not hesitate to make cut and bruised. 对芸雨这个女孩,秦石还是很欣赏,是一个很刻苦的小丫头,之前几次为了修炼武学,不惜将自己弄得遍体鳞伤。 Yun rain has gawked, at once immediately reveals the dimple. 芸雨愣了一下,旋即马上露出笑靥。 In the spoken language, Qin Shi does not bind tightly stepping of black robe to the arena, he always has to hate to Yan Feng, cold Dao: Sought the shame, I helped you.” 不在言语,秦石裹紧黑袍的迈到擂台上,他对闫峰始终有股恨,冷道:“求辱,我成全你。” Snort, you also really dare, this time I will certainly make you regret that you think I was once I?” “哼,你还真敢,这一次我一定会让你后悔,你以为我还是曾经的我吗?” Yan Feng sees Qin Shi to come to power, indifferent sneers, at once spiritual power overflows to rise, in the foreheads disclosed together the light thunder light mark. 闫峰见秦石上台,漠然的冷笑一声,旋即灵力四溢崛起,眉宇间透露出一道淡淡的雷光印记。 Second Lei Jieyin?” “第二道雷劫印?” Below crowd has been startled being startled, Yun rain several people are Qin Shi feel to worry. 下方人群不由怔了怔,芸雨几人不由为秦石感到担忧。 Originally, was moves second Lei Jieyin.” In the Qin Shi heart suddenly, has cancelled the finger at once completely at ease, said with a smile: Three moves, you can receive three moves in my hand, this showdown I calculate that you win “原來,是触碰到第二道雷劫印了啊。”秦石心中恍然,旋即坦然自若的勾了勾手指,笑道:“三招,你能在我手上接下三招,这一场对决我算你赢” Three moves? What?” “三招?什么?” Not is only Yan Feng, frowned in nearby many elder: This saying, was too rather crazy, although this boy a little skill, but Yan Feng moves Second Rank Lei Jie now, but also has practiced 6-Step peak martial arts: The dark green flame purgatory, wanting three moves to win him, is impossible.” 不仅是闫峰,就连在旁边的不少长老都皱起眉头:“这话,未免太狂了些,尽管这小子有点本事,可闫峰现在触碰到二层雷劫,还修炼了六阶巅峰武学:苍炎炼狱,想要三招胜他,根本不可能。” Ha Ha, ha, three moves? Shi Qin, you were laughing that wild Xue Bin ridiculed, has not actually rejected, he only thought Qin Shi to make a boner, for this reason turned round to exclaim to the stage under inevitable crowd: You heard, he said that wants three moves, even if he loses.” “哈哈,哈哈哈,三招?石秦,你还是那么猖狂啊”薛斌讥讽的大笑,却并未拒绝,他只想秦石出丑,为此回身对着台下的围观人群吼道:“你们都听见了,他说只要三招,就算是他输。” Yun rain several girls pinch tightly the pink / white fist, wicked staring Yan Feng, has looking of blame to approach Qin Shi at once, is anxious. 芸雨几名女孩捏紧粉拳,恶狠狠的瞪了眼闫峰,旋即不由带有责怪的望向秦石,紧张起來。 Induces to Yun rain several people of vision, Qin Shi smiles bitterly, crossed the hand back: Starts.” 感应到芸雨几人的目光,秦石苦笑一声,翻过手背:“开始吧。” Yan Feng concentrates the look, although on his mouth clamored, in the heart actually filled to dread to Qin Shi that now he was unable to forget, Qin Shi emerged from the devil attack of dark green flame purgatory finally, a palm struck the appearance that him flew. 闫峰凝起神色,尽管他口上叫嚣,心中对秦石却充满忌惮,现在他还无法忘记,秦石最后从苍炎炼狱的恶魔攻击下脱颖而出,一掌将他击飞的模样。 Therefore just started, he uses directly fully, has gathered the top of the head two, gathers the incessant raging fire, the evil spirit. 为此刚开始,他直接动用全力,将两手聚过头顶,汇聚起滔滔不绝的烈火,凶煞而起。 Dark green flame purgatory “苍炎炼狱” The evil spirit devil, the tuck dive in the raging fire offers a sacrifice, crazy plunges Qin Shi. 凶煞的恶魔,在烈火中翻腾祭出,疯狂的就扑向秦石 The strong gale surges, Qin Shi stands in same place, does not hide is selecting the faint smile that does not dodge, approaches the surface gate when until such as the cylinder mouth big or medium fist, he will carry after behind control extracts, light [say / way]: „A move 烈风涌动,秦石站在原地,不躲不闪的挑着浅笑,直到如缸口大小的拳头逼近面门时,他才将背在身后的手心抽出,轻道:“一招” Bang Before Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique , the Third Rank direct revolution, on fist by golden the scales and ossein level covers, is welcoming the vault of heaven straightly on. 星陨霸体决三层直接运转,拳头上被金色的鳞甲和骨质层笼罩,迎着苍穹笔直而上。 Sees this, below several elder looks stagnate several points, Tai Qing said: „Isn't he will want the malicious ghost resistance of frontage and dark green flame purgatory?” 望见这一幕,下方的几名长老神色凝滞几分,太清道:“他不会是想要正面和苍炎炼狱的恶鬼对抗吧?” Bang Bang, scarlet flame devil bumps into with a Qin Shi fist, at once the boundless body, refuses to compromise unexpectedly motionless, is similar to is sewn in the ground is the same, how whatever Yan Feng roared, did not listen to the least bit to direct. 巨响一声,赤炎恶魔和秦石一拳相撞,旋即磅礴的身躯,竟然僵持不动,如同被钉在地面一样,任由闫峰怎样咆哮,都不听半点使唤。 …… 咔嚓 The clear sound resounds, the scarlet flame devil gigantic arm, unexpectedly along referring to the seam reappears together the opening, at once disrupts directly everywhere the dust sand. 清脆的声音响起,赤炎恶魔硕大的臂膀,竟然沿着指缝中浮现一道裂口,旋即直接碎裂成满地尘沙。 Tai Qing several people stare suddenly: Good fearful fleshly body, moreover is this strength Profound Spirit Realm peak? Originally, did he also strive?” 太清几人猛然瞪眼:“好可怕的肉身,而且这力量是玄灵境巅峰?原來,他也精进了?” He he, no wonder dares such to speak the last words with Yan Feng, is really an interesting boy, when remembers just came, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, no wonder the Hua Ling palace main to him so regards as important.” On under clear approval point. “呵呵,怪不得敢这么和闫峰叫板,真是一个有趣的小子,记得刚來时,才不过玄灵境中期,难怪花零殿主对他都这般看重。”上清认可的点下头。 …… The Qin Shi footsteps translate, leave behind a series of remnant shades, when three, aggressive breaks the scarlet flame devil whole body, reprimands: Two moves 秦石脚步平移,留下一连串的残影,三步之余,生猛的将赤炎恶魔全身震碎,斥道:“两招” The next instant, he leapt before Yan Feng body, holds the wind seems like slow, the billowing severe gale distortion, will actually shake to Yan Feng's chest: Three moves 下一霎,他已是跃到闫峰身前,掌风看似缓慢,却将滚滚的厉风扭曲,冲着闫峰的胸口震下:“三招” Bang The voice falls to the ground, Yan Feng was shaken with a crash departs over a hundred meters far, tumbles directly from the arena. 话音落地,闫峰砰然被震飞出上百米远,直接从擂台上滚落下去。 Falls turns in the place, for a long time he foolishly stared staring: What's wrong, how in this? I moved Second Rank Lei Jieyin obviously, to defeat how also?” 摔翻在地,许久他才痴傻的瞪了瞪眼:“怎么,怎么会在这样?我明明已经触碰到了第二层雷劫印,怎么还会败?” Thorough that this time, he defeats. 这一次,他败的彻彻底底。 But Qin Shi, already the enhanced dust went, when the owlet porch does not know goes forward, has patted Yan Feng's shoulder from behind, said with a smile: Why I told you, the person who because you offended, was in this world the most fearful person.” 秦石,早已扬尘而去,枭轩不知何时上前,从后面拍了拍闫峰的肩膀,笑道:“我來告诉你为什么,因为你得罪的这个人,是这世上最可怕的人。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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