PDL :: Volume #5

#460: Heavenly body palace error

I “我” Opened mouth, Qin Shi long implored foul air, this line returned toward North District, he truly did not prepare to bring Yu Luocha, the reason had three points, the first point was because, his these time left, when did not know comes back, must leave behind the reliable person in East District, manages the influence on his hand, Yu Luocha could be said as an only candidate, but second, this crisis was all the way infinite, the Yu Luocha present strength, is only Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage, if encountered any danger, he feared that he had no time to take into consideration, at that time, did not need and other Hua Ling to kill him, he will also rebuke oneself, but died, last, was most important one. Point, because of empire. 张了张嘴,秦石长吁一口浊气,此行回往北方区域,他确实不准备带玉罗刹,原因有三点,第一点是因为,他这一次离开,不知何时回來,必须要在东方区域留下可靠的人,來管理他手上的势力,玉罗刹可以说是不二人选,而第二点,这一路上危机无穷,玉罗刹如今的实力,只是玄灵境初期,如果遇到什么危险,他怕他无暇顾及,那时候,不用等花零杀他,他也会自责而死,最后一点,也是最重要的一。点,是因为帝国。 Before, was escaped by Xue Bin, he has not known that actually in now Xue Binkou second planned is anything, this matter related to the Lin Yu safety, he must find the way to clarify the truth. 之前,被薛斌逃跑,他现在还不知道薛斌口中的第二个计划究竟是什么,此事关系到麟宇的安危,他必须要想办法弄清楚真相。 But wants to clarify the truth, decides however can have the conflict with the empire, but takes a broad view at entire Scarlet Flame Empire, dares with the empire for the person of enemy, to fear that has Hua Ling and Mysterious Palace. 但想要弄清真相,定然会和帝国发生冲突,而放眼整座赤炎帝国,敢和帝国为敌的人,怕是只有花零玄殿 Yu Luocha, can convince the Hua Ling person only. 玉罗刹,是唯一能够说服花零的人。 Um, I hope that you can remain.” To take the entire situation into account, Qin Shi can only endure the heart pain, deeply inspires nodded to Yu Luocha. “嗯,我希望你能留下來。”所以为了顾全大局,秦石只能忍着心痛,深吸口气的冲玉罗刹点了点头。 The tears bloom in the beautiful pupil immediately, the Yu Luocha tender body trembles lightly, but she is not person who pesters endlessly, bites the silver tooth saying: I want you to give me one, convinced my reason sufficiently.” 泪花马上就在美眸中绽放,玉罗刹的娇躯轻颤,但她不是胡搅蛮缠的人,咬着银牙道:“我要你给我一个,足以说服我的理由。” Deeply inspires, Qin Shi by talked about his reason together that then the silent condensation black pupil, looks at the Yu Luocha thin and pale appearance, waits for her response. 深吸口气,秦石将他的原因逐一道说,然后沉默的凝聚黑眸,看着玉罗刹憔悴的模样,等待她的回应。 Bei Chi breaks by biting the cherry lips, the light bloodstain seeps out, Yu Luocha opens the mouth to hesitate: I can stay behind, but you must promise me, must live coming back, meets me.” 贝齿将樱唇咬破,淡淡的血迹渗出,玉罗刹才开口沉吟一声:“我可以留下,但是你要答应我,一定要活着回來,接我。” hear that, Qin Shi relaxed, on face passed over gently and swiftly several to segregate to decide: I have said that must accompany your in the future 30 years and 300 years, will therefore definitely not die.” 闻言,秦石松了口气,面庞上掠过出几分凝决:“我说过,要陪你往后的30年和300年,所以肯定不会死。” How do you want me to do?” The Yu Luocha skilled artist has stroked such as the waterfall black hair, said lightly: Wants me to convince the Hua Ling elder sister, direct and does the empire declare war, compelling them to say that second plan?” “你要我怎么做?”玉罗刹妙手拂过如瀑布的黑发,淡淡道:“是要我说服花零姐,直接和帝国宣战,逼他们说出那个第二计划?” Shook the head, regarding this matter, in the Qin Shi heart early has the plan: Does not use, now also and empire fights, north the desolated jungle, the area north of the Great Wall day is firm, do you know?” 摇了摇头,对于此事,秦石心中早有计划:“不用,现在还不到和帝国交手的时候,在荒芜丛林北侧,有一座塞外天牢,你知道吗?” Um?” The Yu Luocha black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, light point broad and handsome forehead said: Knows that in the desolated jungle, will have a day of firm person to enter every year, from there person, was called the evil person completely.” “嗯?”玉罗刹黛眉微蹙,轻点螓首道:“知道,荒芜丛林中,每年都会有天牢的人进入,來自那里的人,全部被称之为恶人。” Has been responded, Qin Shi calculates, said: Before, I had treated in the area north of the Great Wall day firmly, tomorrow I to you list, you, so long as helps me convince Hua Ling, goes to the area north of the Great Wall day to save several people firmly, with taking several types of things on line.” 得到回应,秦石盘算一下,道:“之前,我在塞外天牢待过,明日我会给你个名单,你只要帮我说服花零,去塞外天牢救几个人,和取几样东西就行。” Before, when he was firm in the area north of the Great Wall day, remembers clearly on male Sun Yan's desk, saw two inscriptions for the archives of Queen Xiao Chong, he believes that in that two archives, decides news that however had him to want. 之前,他在塞外天牢时,清晰记得在公孙岩的办公桌上,看见两张落款为肖宠皇后的公文,他相信在那两张公文上,定然有他想要的消息。 The shyly meeting, Yu Luocha pursing the lips angle complies with one, can look that she is very depressing, whom saves continually and takes anything not to closely examine. 扭捏一会,玉罗刹抿着嘴角答应一声,能看出來她很压抑,连救谁和取什么都沒有追问。 The serious atmosphere ended gradually, Qin Shi confesses several with all people, when finished is dusk fall, on the vault of heaven outside hall, is slightly gloomy. 沉重的气氛渐渐结束,秦石又和诸人交代几句,结束时已是暮色降临,大厅外的天穹上,略微灰暗。 Puts out foul air, Shu Zhongyu, in quenchinging to gather in the spirit colored process not to finish, about thought that Qin Shi prepares to look at the Qin Xuexin injury, and also the matter, throughout was his moral nature knot, must inquire that understands was good. 吐出一口浊气,书中玉在淬炼聚灵花的过程中尚未结束,左右思索一番,秦石准备去看一看沁雪心的伤势,并且还有一件事,始终是他心底的结,要去询问个明白才行。 Arrives at the Qin Xuexin room, the Qin Shi shoving open door gently, on closing right up against the wing celtis wooden table under window ignites the candlelight, peaceful lying low of Qin Xuexin on bed, the dim light mapping on she blue luxuriant, seems has disorderly slightly, but this disorderly, has the incisiveness that her the dust colorful refined aura shows certainly, the cotton rose that such as in the first month of summer has not split bashfully, has bound tightly the full traces of spring. 來到沁雪心的房间,秦石轻轻的推开房门,在靠着窗户下的檀木桌上点着烛火,沁雪心在床榻上安静的平躺,昏暗的光影映射在她碧蓝色的秀发上,看上去稍有凌乱,而正是这份凌乱,将她出尘绝艳的脱俗气息展现的淋漓尽致,如初夏里含羞未绽的芙蓉,裹紧了满满的春意。 Visits following the crack in a door, beautiful pupil of Qin Xuexin closed, slightly prosperous chest orderly fluctuating, had not been awakened by noise by Qin Shi. 顺着门缝探望进去,沁雪心的美眸闭合,微隆的胸口有规律的起伏,并沒有被秦石吵醒。 Rests really soundly.” “睡得真香啊。” Smiled faintly, Qin Shi was soundless walked to go forward, this wanted to lower the head to kiss the Qin Xuexin cherry lips, unexpectedly when distance square inch, Qin Xuexin tender body slight swayed from side to side, has stood up from failure the jade surface to carry Qin Shi. 浅笑一声,秦石蹑手蹑脚的走上前,本想要低下头去亲吻沁雪心的樱唇,不料在距离方寸时,沁雪心的娇躯轻微的扭动一下,翻过身将吗玉面背过秦石 Qin Shi stares, circles to pass away to kiss once again toward Qin Xuexin, but latter's white hands rubbed very skillful tip of the nose, the hand back have just blocked the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi, then stood up from failure, avoided successfully. 秦石不由一愣,绕过身再度朝沁雪心吻下,而后者的玉手又揉了揉挺巧的鼻尖,手背刚好挡住秦石的嘴角,然后又翻了个身,成功避开。 Consecutively for several times, ends in failure completely, when Qin Shi tilts the head the surprise, suddenly sees the corners of the mouth of Qin Xuexin, nonchalant has selected selecting toward on, making him become aware suddenly suddenly, indignant seizing waist: Originally do you also study me to pretend to be sleeping?” 连续几次,全部以失败告终,正当秦石歪着头诧异时,突然见沁雪心的嘴角,不经意的朝上挑了挑,令他猛然恍悟,愤愤不平的掐住腰:“原來你也学我装睡是吧?” hears that sound, Qin Xuexin black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed, the opening sleepy eyes that cannot bear, swing to Qin Shi however smile, as if links the thousand years the cold ice to be melted is the same: Who said that you pretends to be sleeping on Xu, can't I pretend to be sleeping?” 闻声,沁雪心的黛眉蹙了蹙,忍不住的睁开睡眼,冲秦石荡然一笑,仿佛连千年的寒冰都被融化一样:“谁说,就许你装睡,不许我装睡呢?” Snort, looked how I tidy up you “哼,看我怎么收拾你” Qin Shi pursed the lips, sets out to fall down on the Qin Xuexin bed, during laughters is tangled up, a fiery kiss, Qin Xuexin makes an effort to shove open Qin Shi: Oh, you made to love me.” 秦石噘了噘嘴,起身就扑倒沁雪心的床上,嬉笑间的缠绵起來,一番火热的亲吻,沁雪心才使劲推开秦石:“哎呀,你弄疼我了。” hears that sound, Qin Shi all of a sudden hands and feet stiff stopping in same place, hurries to stand up from failure, holds the examination that the Qin Xuexin white hands are worried about saying: Sorry, sorry, where lane loved you? Is I am not good, I forgot you to have the wound in the body, you 闻声,秦石一下子手脚僵硬的停在原地,赶忙翻过身,抓住沁雪心玉手担心的查看道:“对不起,对不起,哪里弄疼你了?是我不好,我忘了你有伤在身,你” In the flurried apology, by the Qin Shi ear hears the bell laughter that the oriole has Gu Ban suddenly, begins to see only the Qin Xuexin over the face traces of spring supinely, said with a smile: Teased you, looked at your tense type.” 慌乱的道歉中,秦石耳旁突然传來黄莺出谷般的银铃笑声,仰起头只见沁雪心满面春意,笑道:“逗你了,看你紧张的样。” Toot toot the mouth like the child, Qin Shi fakes the spunk the [say / way]: Good, not only pretends to be sleeping, dares to deceive me unexpectedly, you have not promised me, will never deceive me?” 像孩子一样嘟嘟起嘴,秦石假作怒意的道:“好啊,不光装睡,竟然还敢骗我,你不答应过我,永远都不会骗我吗?” Where has to deceive you, you look.” “哪有骗你,你看。” Qin Xuexin curled the lip, pulls the blue hand sleeve, a red silt blue seal in the pupil of Qin Shi, making the latter love dearly, grasped the white arms in the hand has rubbed rubbing gently: Sorry.” 沁雪心撇了撇嘴,将蓝色的手袖挽起,一道红色的淤青印在秦石的眸中,令后者心疼起來,将皓腕握在手中轻轻的揉了揉:“对不起。” Gentle Fushun, Qin Shi while opens the mouth saying: Your injury restores how?” 一边温柔的抚顺,秦石一边开口道:“你的伤势恢复的怎么样了?” Anything has not obstructed greatly, is the bloodlines is not steady, for half a month recuperates was similar.” Qin Xuexin is smiling the light point broad and handsome forehead. “沒什么大碍,就是血脉不稳,这半个月调养的差不多了。”沁雪心微笑着轻点螓首。 Is all right well.” Qin Shi felt relieved that at once thinks, said: Was right, passes the period of time, I want North District, you and I together, ok?” “沒事就好。”秦石放下心來,旋即思索一番,道:“对了,过一阵子,我想要回北方区域,你和我一起,好么?” hear that, the Qin Xuexin tender body trembled trembling, the look slightly had absent-minded, she left the blue snow sect already for a long time, but in her heart clear, now the blue snow sect is faced with an archenemy, in sect already several urgings, but was shirked by all kinds of excuses by her, but if delayed again, unavoidably can have any accident. 闻言,沁雪心的娇躯不由颤了颤,神色略有恍惚,她离开青雪宗已经许久,而她心中清楚,如今青雪宗大敌当前,宗内已经几番催促,只是被她以各种各样的借口推脱下來,可如果再耽搁下去,难免会出什么意外。 What's wrong? Has the difficulty?” “怎么?有难处?” Sees Qin Xuexin not to speak, wipes to lose from the face of Qin Shi flashes past. 沁雪心不语,一抹失落从秦石的面庞上一闪而过。 Realized that the Qin Shi change the facial expression, the Qin Xuexin heartstrings tighten, thinking of not having the heart: Delays again, should not have the matter?” At once, she complies to say with a smile: Does not have, I accompany you to go back.” 察觉到秦石变化的神情,沁雪心的心弦不由绷紧,于心不忍的想了想:“再耽搁一阵,应该不会有事吧?”旋即,她笑着答应道:“沒,我陪你回去。” Child who Qin Shi wants to pick the treasure, the eyebrow opens gripping Qin Xuexin that smiles with the eyes: Um, these time goes back, I introduced you to my parents, with clansman.” 秦石想捡到宝贝的孩子,眉开目笑的握住沁雪心:“嗯,这一次回去,我就把你介绍给我的爹娘,和族人。” Frightened trembles, Qin Xuexin raises head suddenly, in the beautiful pupil flashes through the scared anxiety saying: No, is not good, cannot make your clansman know me.” 惊悚的哆嗦一下,沁雪心猛然仰头,美眸中闪过恐慌的焦躁道:“不,不行,不能让你的族人知道我。” Why?” Qin Shi puzzled blinking. “为什么?”秦石不解的眨了眨眼。 I hesitant, Qin Xuexin lower the head saying: I am the body of disaster hardship, before did not put to death the foe again, will have the danger with the people who I contact I, does not want one day, you to hate me.” “我”犹豫一下,沁雪心低头道:“我乃灾厄之身,再沒有诛杀仇敌之前,和我接触的人都会有危险我,不想有一天,你恨我。” Trembles at heart, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, he knows foe who Qin Xuexin said that is these inhuman, has destroyed the Qin Xuexin lifetime blood robe person. 心里哆嗦一下,秦石恍然大悟,他知道沁雪心所说的仇敌,就是那些毫无人性,毁了沁雪心一生的血袍人。 Looks at the look to be frightened, has confused dark green Bai Yu mian, hugs Qin Xuexin that Qin Shi loves dearly in the bosom, has clapped on her fragrant shoulder gently: Your life, is the sores all over the eye, will I be cruel enough to hate you? Promises me, later do not show off power in a person, making me accompany you to face together, would one day, I will certainly take off all your burdens, with the veil of camouflage, makes the patron god in your life.” 看着神色惊悚,带有迷茫的苍白玉面,秦石心疼的将沁雪心抱在怀中,轻轻拍了拍她的香肩:“你的一生,已是满目疮痍,我怎么会忍心恨你?答应我,以后不要在一个人去逞强,让我陪你共同面对,总会有一天,我一定会摘下你所有的负担,和伪装的面纱,做你生命中的守护神。” Walks arm in arm is not actually very chest tightly, the willow eyebrows of Qin Xuexin changes countenance along with the long hair that 3000 drop very much generously, finally is point under gently: Um, I believe.” 依偎在不是很宽厚却很紧实的胸膛,沁雪心的柳眉随3000飞泻的长发动容,终是轻轻的点下头:“嗯,我相信。” Hug for a long time, when the moonlight of rest soil scatters, Qin Shi thinks that he looks for Qin Xuexin, the proper business must ask that loosens the hand saying: Was right, the snow heart, you still remember before , when I and Xue Bin fight, that palace error that he offers a sacrifice to?” 拥抱许久,在息壤的月光散落时,秦石才想起來他找沁雪心,还有正事要问,松开手道:“对了,雪心,你还记得之前我和薛斌交手时,他祭出的那个宫阙吗?” Since previous and Xue Bin fights, that palace error for a very long time float can hardly be removed in his mind, he now has not thought clearly, in palace error strange strength what's the matter. 自从上次和薛斌交手,那座宫阙就久久的悬浮在他的脑海中挥之不去,他现在还想不明白,宫阙中诡异的力量是怎么回事。 Early has response one of the expectation, Qin Xuexin said: Um, that is heavenly body palace error, belongs to the Heaven Realm strength specially, quenches the spirit to be generally called unreliably spirit the virtual environment, by nine spirit vein is the foundation, once extradites Lei Jie, after marching into Heaven Realm, spirit vein in within the body will have the tremendous change, under in Lei Jie strength of heavenly thunder, the casting becomes heavenly body palace error.” 早有预料的回应一声,沁雪心道:“嗯,那是天体宫阙,专属于天境的力量,淬灵到玄灵统称为灵境,由九条灵脉为根基,而一旦引渡雷劫,步入天境以后,体内的灵脉就会发生巨大改变,在雷劫中的天雷之力下,铸造成天体宫阙。” Is this?” Qin Shi narrows the eyes the eye. “是这样?”秦石眯眯起眼。 Um, you look.” Qin Xuexin white hands pull-off, baseless a revolution, four glittering and translucent carving palace error float in control, said: Now, I am four days of boundaries, extradites four Lei Jie, casting four heavenly body palace error, in each heavenly body palace error, is containing the pure attribute strength, this strength must dominate above ordinary spiritual power, and can transform as the special armor, as defense.” “嗯,你瞧。”沁雪心玉手拖出,凭空一转,四座晶莹剔透的宫阙悬浮在手心上,道:“如今,我是四天之境,引渡四次雷劫,铸造四座天体宫阙,每一座天体宫阙中,蕴含着纯粹的属性力量,这种力量要凌驾于普通的灵力之上,并且能够转化为特殊的铠甲,作为防御。” Spoke, Qin Xuexin picks up four palace error single-handed, at once only feels the air congealment in room, palace error integrates in her fair flesh, melts the bright cold ice armor. 说完话,沁雪心单手托起四座宫阙,旋即只感房间中的空气凝结,宫阙融入进她白皙的肌肤中,化出剔透的寒冰铠甲。 This is “这是” Trembles, Qin Shi can feel, Qin Xuexin cold ice armor and initially Xue Bin raging fire armor equally good results from different methods, but compares, Qin Xuexin the is more terrorist and reliable. 哆嗦一下,秦石能感受到,沁雪心的寒冰铠甲和当初薛斌的烈火铠甲异曲同工,只不过相比较起來,沁雪心的这个更加恐怖和牢固。 The armor casts, Qin Xuexin said: You use spiritual power to try to the armor attack.” 铠甲铸成,沁雪心道:“你用灵力对着铠甲攻击试试。” Knit the brows, Qin Shi gathers two [gold/metal] single-handed, punctures to the cold ice armor of Qin Xuexin outer layer, unexpectedly both have not moved, on the armor disclosed cold air that such as the evil dragon is unexpectedly common, tuck dive swallows [gold/metal]. 皱了皱眉,秦石单手汇聚出两道金芒,冲着沁雪心外层的寒冰铠甲刺下,不料两者尚未触碰,铠甲上透露出的寒气,竟如恶龙一般,翻腾的将金芒吞噬。 ineffective?” 无效?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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