PDL :: Volume #5

#459: Arrangement

Next day, in the morning. 翌日,清晨。 After controlling one's breathing of half a month, the injury solitary restoration of Qin Shi, Shu Zhongyu installs the heart, starts to carry on to gathering spirit colored quenchinging. 经过半月的调息,秦石的伤势孑然恢复,书中玉安下心,开始进行对聚灵花的淬炼。 Looks on Blazing Book the partly visible miraculous glow, Qin Shi shoulders toward on wipes the superficial corners of the mouth, leaves the spacious room, walks toward the Mysterious Palace meeting hall, prepares to return to North District, unavoidably must confess some business. 看着焚书上若隐若现的灵光,秦石朝上挑起一抹浅淡的嘴角,离开空旷的房间,朝玄殿的议事厅走去,准备回到北方区域,难免要交代些事务。 Feng Hen, the owlet porch, Qiu Diao, Xiao Qing, Xiao Tianyue, Yu Luocha, Xu Qiao'er, Xiaomi Cai and the others, receive the news that Qin Shi goes out, in abundance gathering. 封痕,枭轩,邱雕,小青,萧天月,玉罗刹,许巧儿,小米彩等人,收到秦石出关的消息,纷纷汇聚而來。 Just saw Qin Shi, one group of people encircled him in the middle, your I keeping asking, Xiaomi Cai jumped made great strides forward, at once induces to scatter the mild miraculous glow to the Qin Shi black robe , the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow surprised pressed: Profound Spirit Realm peak? The father, did you strive?” 刚看见秦石,一群人就将他围在中间,你一句我一句的问个不停,小米彩蹦跳的迈进來,旋即感应到秦石黑袍下散射出温润的灵光,黛眉惊讶的蹙了蹙:“玄灵境巅峰?爹爹,你又精进了?” Chooses virtual environment peak? Drinks, is really the monstruous talent.” “选灵境巅峰?喝,真是妖孽。” hears that sound, nearby several people just the sitting down body, in the vision in abundance flashed through with amazement. 闻声,旁边几人刚坐下身,目光中纷纷闪过骇然。 Yu Luocha looks to the beautiful pupil of Qin Shi fills strangely, recalled when they just met, the latter Spirit King Realm Middle Stage, how long this, has achieved Profound Spirit Realm peak. 玉罗刹望向秦石的美眸充满怪异,回想两人刚相遇时,后者不过才王灵境中期,这才多久,已经达到玄灵境巅峰 Elder Brother Shi is fierce.” Before gathering up that Xiao Tianyue is smiling, to Shi Qindao: Elder Brother Shi, you do not know that since the previous time, you defeats that Yan Feng, he threatened daily must ask for three months later, when I pass on this news, first kills his spirit.” 石哥就是厉害。”萧天月嬉皮笑脸的凑上前,冲石秦道:“石哥,你不知道,自从上一次,你把那个闫峰打败,他天天扬言要在三个月后讨回來,等我把这消息传出去,先杀杀他的锐气。” Shakes down the head with a smile, Qin Shi said: Does not use, he did not have that opportunity.” 笑着摇下头,秦石道:“不用,他沒有那个机会了。” Um?” Several people of puzzled blinking. “嗯?”几人不解的眨了眨眼。 Qin Shi sinks, said slowly: These time shouted everyone / influential family that I want to say with everyone / influential family, several days later, when the snow heart injury restored, I was about to leave, return to North District.” 秦石沉顿一下,缓缓道:“这一次把大家喊來,我就是想和大家说,再过几日,等到雪心伤势恢复,我就准备离开,回北方区域了。” The voice just fell, in the hall the happy atmosphere coagulated suddenly, cross-eyed that all people looks at each other in blank diamay, regarding Qin Shi in the North District fact, is not considered as in several people but actually the secret, they know that Qin Shi must go back sooner or later, but is a matter of time. 话音刚落,大厅中本來愉快的气氛戛然凝固,诸人面面相觑的对视一眼,对于秦石北方区域的事迹,在几人中倒也不算是秘密,他们知道秦石早晚要回去,只不过是时间早晚的问題。 Is so anxious?” “这么急吗?” Low broad and handsome forehead, Yu Luocha low-spirited start to talk. 低下螓首,玉罗刹黯然的开口。 Under the strange atmosphere, under the Qin Shi helpless point, said: Yes, has delayed was too long, my family still in North District, late a day goes back, the danger are many a point.” 古怪的气氛下,秦石无奈的点下头,道:“是啊,已经耽搁了太久,我的家族还在北方区域,晚一天回去,危险就多一分。” Has been responded, several photographs already agreed that with one voice sets out to shout: We with you together, human many can also travel together.” 得到回应,几人像是早就约定好,异口同声的起身喊道:“我们跟着你一起,人多还能搭个伴。” 67 fiery vision mappings come, Qin Shi can the clear feeling sincere, in the heart ripple the light warmth, these time returns to North District, in his heart is early in a planned way, asks the helper to go back also to plan, but is not all people. 67道火热的目光映射而來,秦石能清晰的感受到其中的真挚,心中荡漾开淡淡的温暖,这一次回北方区域,他心中早有计划,找帮手回去也在计划之中,只是并不是所有人。 Stops, he moves the vision to Xiao Tianyue: Day moon/month, this time, with, do not calculate that your several months have not returned to Xiao, now before and Xiaoshan seniors , the date of Family Head election said that has approached, you go back first, take over control of Xiao.” 停顿一下,他率先将目光挪向萧天月:“天月,这一次,你就不要跟來了,算一算你也有数月沒有回到萧家,现在和萧山前辈之前说的家主选举之日已是临近,你先回去,接管萧家。” Doesn't lead me? No Xiao Tian matchmaker big is not glad stared staring: Elder Brother Shi, you are not will fear that I am a drag on your? Says me currently also to have Spirit King Realm Late Stage.” “不带我?别啊”萧天月老大个不乐意的瞪了瞪眼:“石哥,你不会是怕我拖你后腿吧?好说我现在也有王灵境后期啊。” Smiles bitterly, Qin Shi shakes the head saying: If fears you to hold back, I will not lead you to leave the lotus city, these time is really different, moreover before is, gives forewarning with the Xiaoshan seniors, I cannot break a promise in the human, you understand me.” 苦笑一声,秦石摇头道:“如果怕你拖后腿,我就不会带你离开莲城,这一次真的不一样,况且之是之前和萧山前辈有言在先,我不能失信于人,你了解我。” I opened mouth, a Xiao Tianyue bursting out laughing, the Qin Shi temperament he understood, finally has toot toot the mouth, not willingly sits returns to the chair: Bullies me, person who I how I, I am not have the dream to have the blueprint, you are insufficient to envy me like this, envies me?” “我”张了张嘴,萧天月一下哑然,秦石的脾气他了解,最终只好嘟嘟着嘴,不甘心的坐回到椅子上:“就欺负我,我怎么了我,我不就是个有梦想有蓝图的人吗,你们不至于这样羡慕我,嫉妒我吧?” Looks at the Xiao Tianyue indignant appearance, Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, pats from his shoulder: Separates one, does not part forever, why to cause this appearance, said again your grand blueprint, to not look everywhere the world beautiful woman, in our, is not the precious flower has main, is the big masters, you are reluctant to part like this, doesn't want not to let off the men?” 看着萧天月气愤的模样,秦石无奈的摇摇头,从他的肩膀上拍下:“只是分开一阵,又不是生离死别,干嘛弄出这幅模样,再说你的宏伟蓝图,不是为了找遍天下美女吗,我们这里面,不是名花有主,就是大老爷们,你这样依依不舍,不会是想连男人都不放过吧?” Nonsense, does not have Xiaomi Cai the Xiao Tianyue unwilling [say / way]. “胡说,不是有小米彩吗”萧天月不甘道。 Sucked the tongue, Qin Shi has eaten, this young brat, the thoughts in this, Xiaomi Cai much are big this year, calculated according to the Desolate Beast year, the distance also had several hundred years grown, owed he to think. 咂了咂舌,秦石吃楞一下,这小兔崽子,原來心思在这啊,小米彩今年才多大,按照荒兽的年计算,距离成年还有个几百年呢,亏他敢想。 These time returns to North District not to play, therefore definitely cannot be ambiguous, Qin Shi opens the mouth once again: This, when I handle the North District matter, at that time the Family Head election of Xiao should also end, I find the human to come back to meet you, ok?” 这一次回北方区域不是游玩,所以肯定不能含糊,秦石再度开口:“这样,等我处理好北方区域的事,那时候萧家的家主选举应该也结束了,我就找人回來接你,行吧?” Really?” “真得?” You know me, kept promises.” Under Qin Shi. “你知道我,说一不二。”秦石点下头。 The hesitant meeting, Xiao Tianyue said: That, I have a request.” 犹豫一会,萧天月道:“那,我还有个要求。” To this boy, Qin Shi really does not have the temperament: Anything requests, you said that looks.” 对这小子,秦石真是沒有脾气:“什么要求,你说说看。” I not in the period, you must help me favor Xiaomi Cai, cannot other man provoke the [say / way] that she Xiao Tianyue whole face smiles evilly. “我不在的期间,你要帮我看好小米彩,不许别的男人招惹她”萧天月满脸邪笑的道。 hear that, several people of complexion change, Qin Shi wicked inspiration , is really finally unbearably angry, moves the vision to Feng Hen: Feng Hen, the old rule, this time, I permits under you stingy point, immediately must walk, keeps as a memento to him.” 闻言,几人面色一变,秦石恶狠狠的吸了口气,最后实在气不过,将目光挪向封痕:“封痕,老规矩,这一次,我允许你下手狠点,马上就要走了,给他留点纪念。” Good “好嘞” Complies with one, Feng Hen sets out to clash Xiao Tianyue to fly to escape to go, in hall instantaneously grating shrieks and howls wildly to be full. 答应一声,封痕起身就冲萧天月飞遁而去,大厅中瞬间被刺耳的鬼哭狼嚎所充盈。 Pays no attention to Xiao Tianyue, Qin Shi about sizes up the vision in the crowd, falls on Xu Qiao'er and owlet porch: You, remains first.” 不理萧天月,秦石将目光在人群中左右打量一番,落在许巧儿和枭轩身上:“你们两个,也先留下來。” What?” Xu Qiao'er does not dare to believe pursues asks: Elder brother, can you not lead me? You were not and I said that Mysterious Palace finished, led me to go home?” “什么?”许巧儿不敢置信的追问道:“哥,你怎么能不带我?你不是和我说,玄殿结束,就带我回家吗?” This time does not go home, murders those who have cheated them.” The Qin Shi shaking down head decidedly, said: Present North District, concrete is any circumstance, I do not know, moreover facing Burning Sky Sect, assurance that even if I cannot win, I promises the sister-in-law to want safe and sound leads you to return to Qin Family, therefore now is also not the time, when that completely finished, I naturally can come back to meet you.” “这一次不是回家,是寻仇。”秦石决然的摇下头,道:“现在的北方区域,具体是什么情势,我也不知道,而且面对焚天宗,就算我也沒有必胜的把握,我答应过小姑要安然无恙的带你回秦家,所以现在还不是时候,等到那面彻底结束,我自然会回來接你。” The depressing hesitant meeting, Xu Qiao'er has not spoken again. 压抑的犹豫一会,许巧儿沒再说话。 She knows, Qin Shi said right, she and owlet porch their strengths, Lian Xiao Tianyue were inferior, this is a drag on everyone / influential family all the way throughout, but everyone / influential family did not say. 她知道,秦石说的沒错,她和枭轩两人的实力,连萧天月都不如,这一路上始终拖着大家的后腿,只是大家不说罢了。 You must meet me earlier.” “那你要早点來接我。” Finally broad and handsome forehead lightly, Xu Qiao'er tears tearful and Qin Shi looks at each other one. 最后螓首轻点,许巧儿泪水汪汪的和秦石对视一眼。 Certain “一定” The earnest response, the Qin Shi vision has swept from the crowd once more, just fell on Xiaomi Cai, Xiaomi Cai raises the pink / white fist directly, ominous [say / way]: Father, I and you said that if you dare not to lead me, I will certainly not let off you 认真的回应,秦石的目光再次从人群中扫过,刚落在小米彩身上,小米彩直接扬起粉拳,凶道:“爹爹,我和你说,你要是敢不带我,我一定不会放过你” Was threatened by the daughter, Qin Shi cannot help laughing, the Xiaomi Cai strength naturally did not have the words saying that seized Heaven Realm First Rank, in addition the bloodlines of Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake , were common Second Rank Heaven Realm expert meet, must evade the point temporarily, was only this stubborn temperament, will cause the trouble all the way unavoidably. 被女儿威胁,秦石哑然失笑,小米彩的实力自然沒话说,夺天境一层,加上七彩祥云蛇的血脉,就是寻常二层天境高手遇上,都要暂避锋芒,只是她这个桀骜的脾气,一路上难免会惹出事端。 Father, I promises you, I guarantee to be obedient, like this on Mysterious Palace, is good to see the threat ineffective, Xiaomi Cai stretches out the sound immediately, using both hard and soft tactics works on the Qin Shi black robe, about swing. “爹爹,我答应你,我保证听话,就像这一次上玄殿一样,好不好嘛”见威胁的无效,小米彩马上拉长声音,软磨硬泡的抓起秦石黑袍,左右的摇摆起來。 The echo of speaking in a coaxing voice, Qin Shi felt that goose flesh jumped, hesitates: Is having your line, but the words were you say, this must listen to my words all the way, otherwise I also delivered to you in the halfway.” 嗲声嗲气的回音,秦石感觉鸡皮疙瘩都跳了出來,沉吟一声:“带着你行,但话是你自己说得,这一路上必须要听我的话,否则就算在半路上我也给你送回來。” Snort, so long as leaves this, I did not fear that you deliver huh, on the mouth that me in heart refuses to accept happy complying said: Guarantee is obedient “哼,只要离开这,我才不怕你把我送回來”心中不服的哼哧哼哧,嘴上却是痛快的答应道:“保证听话” The happy expression cannot cover in the pupil, Xiaomi Cai the happy magpie, is rotating the handsome seven colored long skirts immediately likely, waves floatingly. 喜色在眸中遮挡不住,小米彩马上像开心的喜鹊,转动着翩翩七彩色的长裙吗,飘飘舞动。 The Xiaomi Cai side, is Feng Hen. 小米彩的身旁,是封痕。 Feng Hen was needless saying that has him who obstructed a day of remnant soul, Qin Shi must certainly bring in the side, but again side was Xiao Qing, both just looked at each other one, Xiao Qing open the mouth: I must go with you, I want to take a look at the grave of head of the clan Yu Bing.” 封痕不用说,有遮天残魄的他,秦石肯定要带在身边,而再旁边就是小青,两者刚对视一眼,小青率先开口:“我要跟你去,我想看看郁冰族长的墓。” Xiao Qing is here besides him, only Demonic Talisman Master, these time goes back facing after is not a person, but is Fang Xiong dominates the world the influence, therefore fights with Burning Sky Sect, definitely will use the massive demon symbols, if only refines by him, does not know that must refine lord knows, tired must die of exhaustion while still alive, what also raises to revenge? 小青是这里除他以外,唯一的符魔师,这一次回去面对的毕竟不是一个人,而是一方雄霸天下的势力,所以和焚天宗交手,肯定会用到大量的魔符,如果光靠他自己炼制,不知道要炼制到猴年马月,累都要活活累死,还提什么报仇? Therefore considers, Qin Shi complies saying: That is also good, I am not artificial, this probably also needs you to help me refine the demon symbol.” 为此斟酌一番,秦石答应道:“那也好,我也不矫情,这一路可能还需要你帮我炼制魔符。” Hey, hires me, reward very high, prepares spirit stones large bundle, otherwise I may press out to do to you clip clop.” Xiao Qing teased says the sentence. “嘿嘿,雇佣我,酬劳可是很高的哦,准备好大把大把的灵石吧,否则我可会给你榨干哒。”小青调侃的说句。 High, I pay “多高,我都支付” Qin Shi complies with one with a smile, he knows that Xiao Qing is joking with him, moreover is not the joke, depending on his present financial resource, wants to press out to do him, is really not easy. 秦石笑着答应一声,他知道小青是在和他开玩笑,况且就算不是玩笑,凭他现在的财力,想要把他榨干,实属不易。 Facing Qiu Diao, Qin Shi purses the lips saying: Qiu Diao, you first return to the quiet clan, then 面对邱雕,秦石抿嘴道:“邱雕,你就先回幽族吧,然后” No, Big brother, the sunlight head of the clan this time sends me to come out, to let me helps you, if you present make me go back, how I do confess with her?” Qiu Diao recently followed Qin Shi, to Qin Shi unusual admiring, hear that shakes the head to say hastily: You let me with you.” “别啊,大哥,曦儿族长这次派我出來,就是为了让我助你,你若现在让我回去,我怎么和她交代啊?”邱雕这些日子跟随秦石,对秦石非常的佩服,闻言连忙摇头道:“你还是让我跟着你吧。” Looks the look that Qiu Diao employs professional mourners, somewhat Xiao Tianyue appearance, Qin Shi shakes the head to say actually with a smile: I am not do not lead you, but is hopes that you return to the quiet clan , helping me taking advantage of the military strength, does not need too many, but certainly fine, as far as possible is Profound Spirit Realm above expert.” 看着邱雕哭丧的神色,倒是有几分萧天月的模样,秦石笑着摇头道:“我不是不带你,而是希望你回幽族,帮我借点兵力,不需要太多,但一定要精,尽可能是玄灵境以上的高手。” Facing gigantic Burning Sky Sect, definitely cannot be negligent, needs seriously to treat, looks for some helpers, but the quiet clan obviously is the most appropriate candidate. 面对硕大个焚天宗,肯定不能大意,需要认真对待,多找些帮手,而幽族显然是最合适的人选。 Being suddenly enlighted has raised the head, Qiu Diaodao: This, that does not have issue, if big brother’s matter, the quiet clan will certainly support 恍然大悟的扬了扬头,邱雕道:“这样啊,那沒问題,如果是大哥的事,幽族肯定会鼎力支持” Um, you go back now, one month later you are taking this, in the headquarters of Qinglong sect I.” Qin Shi single-handed, was carving Qin Word the token together baseless, gave Qiu Diao. “嗯,你现在就回去,一个月以后你拿着这个,在青龙宗的总部等我。”秦石单手一番,一道刻着秦字的令牌凭空而出,递给邱雕。 If received the imperial decree to be the same, Qiu Diao takes the token from the Qin Shi hand, then over and over guaranteed to Qin Shi, enhanced dust flies to escape toward the hall outside. 如接过圣旨一样,邱雕从秦石手中拿过令牌,然后再三的向秦石保证,才扬尘的朝大厅外飞遁而出。 Finally on remaining Yu Luocha, in instant, the Yu Luocha tender body that their vision just looked at each other trembles gently, she extremely knew about Qin Shi, even if a movement look, she can the clear sensibility, therefore does not wait for the Qin Shi start to talk, her beautiful pupil immediately flood slightly red, goes forward hastily three steps: „Do you want to drop out me?” 最后就剩下玉罗刹,在两人目光刚刚对视的刹那,玉罗刹的娇躯轻轻一颤,她对秦石太过了解,哪怕是一个动作一个眼神,她都能够清晰的感悟,所以不等秦石开口,她的美眸马上泛起微红,连忙上前三步:“你又想抛下我?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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