PDL :: Volume #5

#458: Three years

Ended the conversation, Shu Zhongyu moves fast in Blazing Book, four jiao from room supposed the white clothing to tie, alone float in central, prepared to defend the pass for Qin Shi. 结束交谈,书中玉飘忽进焚书中,从房间中的四角设下白衣结界,独自悬浮在中央,准备替秦石守关。 Smiles understandingly, under Qin Shi stretches the slightly stiff veins: I should also start, must before the snow heart restores restores, otherwise was known me injured by her, refers to being probable to have an accident erratically noisily.” 会意而笑,秦石舒展下略显僵硬的筋脉:“我也该开始了,必须在雪心恢复前恢复,否则被她知道我受了伤,指不定又要闹出什么事來。” Sits cross-legged to sit the bed, Qin Shi raises the control, makes up on the knee, jet black pupil heart closed, enters to absorbed controlling one's breathing , the dark golden powder light is the same like the elf, along with fluctuating of chest, shuttles back and forth in the oronasals. 盘膝坐上床榻,秦石将手心扬起,搭放在膝盖上,漆黑的眸心闭合,进入到忘我的调息中,暗金色的粉末光影如精灵一样,随着胸口的起伏,在口鼻间穿梭。 The lotus flower stage that heavy that this time, he by Ye vast three people of injuring, nine spirit vein form, in the dantian center toward the left disalignment several points, on the spirit crystal that the peak picks up, is one after another sparse opening, in the opening runs out of the rich spirit pressure toward all around unceasingly, causing the vitality not to be steady, the five internal organs twitch. 这一次,他被叶浩三人伤的不轻,九条灵脉所形成的莲花台,在丹田中央朝左侧的位置偏移几分,顶端托起的灵晶上,也是一道一道稀疏的裂口,裂口中不断朝四周冲出浓郁的灵压,导致气血不稳,五脏抽搐。 These three bastards, this enmity sooner or later, this will be short of me to look personally “这三个王八蛋,此仇早晚有一天,本少我要亲手找回來” In regards, constrains for a long time anger such as the volcanic eruption, Qin Shi decided in the heart secretly that starts to transfer within the body surviving thin spiritual power, the reluctant revolution the timely rain rain and dew decides, the aquamarine has some vitalities spiritual power, sprays on the spirit crystal of disruption, such as the earth of prolonged drought welcomed spring rain, transmits buzz whining noise that overstepped. 内视一番,压抑许久的怒火如火山爆发,秦石在心中暗自决定,开始调动出体内残存的稀薄灵力,勉强的运转起甘霖雨露决,碧绿色带有些许生机的灵力,喷洒在碎裂的灵晶上,如久旱的大地迎來一场春雨,传递出逾越的嗡鸣声。 Sits is half a month, does not have the division of first and last days. 一坐就是半月,无晦朔之分。 In this period, Hua Ling went out, she has not disseminated the Qin Shi injured news, but has arranged specially three reliable Mysterious Palace disciples, extremely rare Top Grade spirit stones, delivered to the Qin Shi room. 期间,花零出关,她并沒有将秦石受伤的消息散播出去,而是特意安排了三名可靠的玄殿弟子,将一颗极为罕见的极品灵石,送到秦石的房间。 Receives Top Grade spirit stones, sense of gratitude of Qin Shi to Hua Ling, once again becomes the rich several points, Top Grade spirit stones, calls the spirit stones source, when a spirit stones mining area, will only produce Top Grade spirit stones, but Top Grade spirit stones forms, this mining area, is equal to losing the intelligence, is unable to produce spirit stones again. 受到极品灵石,秦石花零的感激之情,再度变得浓郁几分,极品灵石,也称之为灵石源,在一处灵石矿区,只会生产出一枚极品灵石,而极品灵石形成时,这一处的矿区,就等同于失去灵性,再也无法产生灵石 Top Grade spirit stones, implication spiritual power, is equal to 10 million Upper Tier spirit stones, because it extremely rare, therefore was not needed to do in the currency. 一枚极品灵石,其中蕴含的灵力,相当于10000000的上品灵石,只是由于它太过的罕见,所以不被用做于货币。 To the absorption of Top Grade spirit stones, Qin Shi is exceptionally careful. 极品灵石的吸收,秦石异常小心。 And fearful spiritual power, present he sighs but acme of perfection, has to divide ten it, moistens nine spirit vein in within the body separately, with central spirit crystal. 其中可怕的灵力,就连现在的他都不由叹而观止,只好将其分割成十块,分别來滋润体内的九条灵脉,和中央灵晶。 Under wild spiritual power, the space in room produces several points of ripples, was in the darkness under curtain of night, by well-illuminated of dazzling [gold/metal] photo, the sky was produced together the strange vortex one after another, likely is hunger for a long time wild animal, unceasing is nibbling spiritual Qi in world, but the Qin Shi body, such as deeply does not see the bottom the black hole, its buys in all. 狂野的灵力下,房间中的空间产生几分涟漪,本來处于夜幕下的黑暗,被一道一道刺目的金芒照的通亮,上空产生一道诡异的漩涡,像是饥饿许久的野兽,不断的蚕食着天地中的灵气,而秦石的身躯,则如深不见底的黑洞,将其尽数吸纳。 This condition, has continued for night, when twilight Eastern when red blows off, [gold/metal] in room gradually changes pale, but changes pale along with [gold/metal], the Qin Shi steady body shivers suddenly, the evil spirit vicious tendencies like are the ancient mark wind four to clash one after another, the sandal wood furniture of distant place, the tea table cup has, the window curtains, simultaneously plunders. 这种状态,足足持续了一夜,当暮色被东方的一点红吹散时,房间中的金芒才渐渐变淡,而随着金芒变淡,秦石稳重的身躯突然颤动一下,一团一团凶煞的戾气像是古老的纹络一样四下冲开,将远处的檀木桌椅,茶几杯具,窗帘,同时掠起。 The watermark clears, bone-chilling cold double pupil opens and closes lofty and steadfast. 水纹散尽,凛冽的双眸岿然开合。 The black pupil opens for the first time, two just like substantializing five claw gold dragon, the thorn that mounts the clouds and rides the mist, but after the twinkling, gold dragon draws in the pupil bottom immediately, reveals wiping to realize the heavy profoundness. 黑眸乍开,两条宛如实质化的五爪金龙,从中腾云驾雾的刺出,不过瞬息以后,金龙马上收拢进眸底,从中露出一抹让人察觉不轻的深邃。 Shouted “呼” Constrains in chest cavity for a long time foul air, puts out from the oronasal, the face of Qin Shi instantaneously becomes such as the jade gloss, formerly in the light dispirited that the foreheads showed that suddenly also swung however does not see. 一口压抑在胸腔许久的浊气,从口鼻中吐出,秦石的面庞瞬间变得如玉光泽,先前在眉宇间透出的淡淡萎靡,一时间也荡然不见。 Has pinched the fist, once again by the happiness of strength full, being made Qin Shi reveal a faint smile of satisfied, after half a month time, in regards within the body once again, that appearance in an extremely difficult situation, finally has to reply the past broadness . Moreover, these time absorbs Top Grade spirit stones, making his strength obtain qualitative leap once again. 捏了捏拳,再度被力量充盈的舒畅,令秦石露出一丝满意的浅笑,经过半个月的时间,再度内视体内时,那狼狈不堪的模样,终于有回复到了往日的恢弘,而且,这一次吸收极品灵石,令他的实力再度得到了质的飞跃 Although cannot try to find out Lei Jieyin, but this time he, actually solely is not Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, but is Profound Spirit Realm peak, because before drew support from external force breakthrough twice, making his foundation rock, throughout the ridge is unable to surmount, but through this time, the issue was not existing obviously, nine rough spirit vein also like were the foundations of thousand buildings, stable fell on dantian four, light that the spirit crystal that picked up sent out, goes far beyond the [gold/metal] glow of common person. 虽说未能摸索到雷劫印,可此时的他,却不单单是玄灵境后期,而是玄灵境巅峰,之前因为两次借助外力突破,令他的根基十分晃动,始终有一个坎无法跨越,但通过这次,问題显然不在存在,九条粗犷的灵脉也像是千层大厦的根基一样,稳固的扎落在丹田四下,托起的灵晶所散发出的光影,更是远远超过寻常人的金芒。 And, because is even more adept to the control of spiritual power, god character Secret Art grasps has also progressed, from the former 5% transformations, achieved now 10%. 并且,因为对灵力的掌控越发娴熟,神字诀的掌握也得到进步,从之前5的转变,达到如今的10。 Depending on the present strength, with the transformation of god character Secret Art, in addition demon ghost day photo, even if not draw support from the demon blood, I can also reach the beforehand altitude.” “凭现在的实力,和神字诀的转化,加上魅鬼天照,就算是不借助魔血,我也能够达到之前的高度了啊。” Qin Shi satisfied faint smile, because before lost the demon blood, making his strength drop sharply, even nearly lost to Xue Bin, in which dropping variance many to at heart some influences, but present he restores once again, unavoidably had to plant to be pleased with oneself. 秦石惬意的浅笑一声,之前因为丧失魔血,让他的实力大跌,甚至险些败给薛斌,其中的落差多少对心里有些影响,而现在的他再度恢复,不免有种沾沾自喜。 Demon blood after is external force, was inferior that own strength uses handily. 况且,魔血毕竟是外力,远不如自身的实力用起來得心应手。 Looks at this, did the injury thoroughly restore?” In Qin Shi hesitates, Blazing Book slight tremor several, an empty vast form of thick white clothing appears in front of Qin Shi, in the cherry lips transmits several elusive sounds. “看这样子,伤势彻底的恢复了啊?”就在秦石沉吟间,焚书轻微的颤动几下,一席霏霏白衣的虚渺身影出现在秦石面前,樱唇中传递几声空灵之音。 Induces in happy expression to Shu Zhongyu facial expression, Qin Shi smiles under the point that did not speak. 感应到书中玉神情中的喜色,秦石笑而不语的点下头。 Well, is not only the restoration, does spiritual power also strive much?” The beautiful pupil sizes up from the body of Qin Shi, looks on the strong flesh the hidden fine glow, the Shu Zhongyu surprise pressed has frowned saying: Ok, Profound Spirit Realm peak, it seems like that the elder sister in this year, you may not really be spells.” “咦,不光是恢复,灵力还精进不少吗?”美眸从秦石的身上打量一番,看着健硕的肌肤上暗藏精芒,书中玉诧异的蹙了蹙眉道:“行啊,玄灵境巅峰,看來姐姐不在身边的这一年,你可真是蛮拼的啊。” This more than half a year the experience, Shu Zhongyu stopped Qin Shi saying that several life and death crises, what making her is Qin Shi felt that the startled heart and gall trembles. 这大半年來的经历,书中玉已经停秦石说过,其中几番的生死危机,让她都不由的为秦石感到惊心胆颤。 Lowers the head to look to the miraculous glow on palm, Qin Shi said lightly: Does not have the means that does not spell, how that also returns to North District and Burning Sky Sect old dogs does accounts 低头望向掌心上的灵光,秦石淡淡道:“沒办法啊,不拼一点,那还怎么回北方区域焚天宗的老狗们算账” Burning Sky Sect?” Shu Zhongyu accident muttered one, quite had revealing of sensibility to smile faintly: He he, can go back?” 焚天宗么?”书中玉意外的喃喃一声,颇有感悟的露出浅笑:“呵呵,要回去了吗?” Yes, Burning Sky Sect, has expelled me twice, first time in Ancient City, I am isolated and cuts off from help, was abandoned by Sect , but this time, was compelled North District, such as the stray cur is common the past events that mentioned these unable to withstand, wiped the ruthless offense to flash through in the black pupil of Qin Shi, making the sound also become somewhat cloudy and cold: But, the first insult, I have asked, but this time, I believe that will not be far.” “是啊,焚天宗,已经逼走了我两次,第一次是在古城,我孤立无援,被宗门所弃,而这一次,更是被逼出北方区域,如丧家之犬一般”提起那些不堪的往事,一抹狠戾在秦石的黑眸中闪过,令声音也变得有些阴冷:“不过,第一次的侮辱,我已经讨了回來,而这一次,我相信也不会太远了。” Um, when prepares to leave? Depending on your present strength, enough has spoken the last words with Burning Sky Sect.” The Shu Zhongyu mind shivers, is looking on that also somewhat shy face, dodges, but the resoluteness, reveals gratified smiling. “嗯,准备什么时候动身?凭你现在的实力,已经足够和焚天宗叫板了。”书中玉的心神颤动,望着那还有些青涩的面庞上,一闪而出的刚毅,露出欣慰的笑。 Recollection once, in North District, even faces several Broken Spirit Realm, the Spirit King Realm rival, needs she to lend a hand to assist, but now is to have 7-Step martial arts, the cards in a hand of various being as deep as a well, how generous shoulder can use not, in all her winds and rains of front under for her mask. 回想曾经,在北方区域,甚至面对几个破灵境,王灵境的敌手,都需要她來出手相助,而如今却是身怀七阶武学,各种高深莫测的底牌,已经能够用不怎样宽厚的肩膀,在她的面前替她遮挡下所有的风雨。 Should be quick, this Yu Qing from exploding, making the snow heart also receive the heavy injury, when she restored, I was handling this matter, can go back.” “应该快了,这一次玉清自爆,令雪心也受了不轻的伤势,等到她恢复过來,我在把这面的事情处理一下,就可以回去了。” Moreover, now I in East District, has many influences, these time goes back, should take away some powerhouses, fist difficult enemy extreme methods, Burning Sky Sect has a thousand years base industry side overlord after all, in which powerhouse like saying, has formidable rallying point, Luan Muhua strength is more impossible to halt, feared that has achieved Second Rank Heaven Realm.” “而且,如今我在东方区域,也有着不少的势力,这一次回去,应该会带走些强者,一拳难敌死手,焚天宗毕竟是拥有千年基业的一方霸主,其中的强者如云,拥有很强大的号召力,栾慕华的实力更不可能止步不前,怕是已经达到二层天境。” And, empire uncertainty factor, this time Xue Bin has not attained the East District voting rights, the vision will put North District surely, if the light is I, that arrived said fortunately that could not fight to engage in guerrilla warfare visibly, was worst I , to pat, by my present skill, feared that was Luan Muhua , under do not want to stop me.” Here, Qin Shi, rigorous many said once again: But, I after all am not a person, I also had Qin Family and Qin sect, therefore this time, could not accommodate the least bit accident.” “并且,还有帝国这个不定性的因素,这一次薛斌沒有拿到东方区域的投票权,目光定会放到北方区域,若光是我一人,那到还好说,明着斗不过可以打游击,最不济我要是想拍拍屁股走人,以我现在的本事,怕是就算栾慕华,也别想阻拦下我。”说到这,秦石顿了顿,严谨不少的再度道:“但,我毕竟不是一个人啊,我还有秦家和秦宗,所以这一次,容不得半点意外。” Is listening to the well analysis, the Shu Zhongyu surprise looks at eye Qin Shi, suddenly said with a smile: He he, our Shi’tou, are really the growth are it seems like many, was not once that crude youth.” 听着条条有理的分析,书中玉诧异的看眼秦石,突然笑道:“呵呵,看來我们的石头,真是成长不少啊,再也不是曾经的那个鲁莽的少年了。” Original Qin Shi, because the younger sister is robbed, knew perfectly well that is the snare actually does not hesitate to be involved, was almost killed did not say that got into a deadlock Qin sect and Burning Sky Sect relations thoroughly, was really crude, but now looks like, not only the strength strove greatly, in the disposition was calmly was also calmer. 原來的秦石,因为妹妹被劫,明知是圈套却不惜置身其中,差一点丧命不说,更是将秦宗和焚天宗的关系彻底闹僵,实属鲁莽,而现在看來,不仅实力大为精进,性格上也是冷静沉稳了很多。 One year, once shy transformed, that youth has grown up, became powerhouse who the foot overawes a side. 一年时间,曾经的青涩已是蜕变,那个少年真的长大了,成为了足矣威震一方的强者。 But this time, Burning Sky Sect will soon welcome, belongs to the retaliation of powerhouse. 而这一次,焚天宗即将迎來得,就是属于强者的报复。 Before, has been lucky Elder Sister Yu.” “以前,多亏了玉姐。” Qin Shi reveals light smiling, recalled that once, truly has done many crude matters, but Shu Zhongyu not only has not stopped him, accompanies him to batter, accompanies him to be crazy. 秦石露出淡淡的笑,回想曾经的自己,确实是做过不少鲁莽的事,而书中玉非但沒有制止他,更是陪着他横冲直撞,陪着他疯狂。 If no Shu Zhongyu, feared that was he had already gotten down several hells, now looks that the side fulfilled duty Shu Zhongyu that to oneself fulfilled responsibility, has been full of the gratitude. 若是沒有书中玉,怕是他早已下了几次地狱,现在看着身旁对自己尽职尽责的书中玉,充满了感激。 Scoffs, is little artificial, young is not crazy, what young but also called? Also had not eaten can owing, have present you?” Shu Zhongyu pats on the shoulder of Qin Shi, at once recalls that first time with the awkward predicament that Qin Shi meets, appearance of falling that her does not hang in brook, sighs with emotion with a smile: Time flies, in a flash, nearly three years.” “嗤,少矫情,年少不狂,还叫什么年少?再说沒有原來吃过的亏,能有现在的你么?”书中玉秦石的肩膀上拍下,旋即不由回想起,第一次和秦石相见的尴尬窘境,她一身不挂的摔在溪流里的模样,笑着感慨道:“时间真快啊,一晃,快三年了。” Three years?” “三年?” The look in a flash, the Qin Shi vision has lax slightly: Yes, three years.” 神色一晃,秦石目光稍有涣散:“是啊,三年了。” Calculates carefully that Qin Shi and Shu Zhongyu, knew the quick three years, several days later, are his 20 th birthday, three years ago, if not for meet Shu Zhongyu, feared that are present he, will also go down in the world the beggar in street. 仔细算一算,秦石书中玉,已经认识快三年时间,再过几日,就是他20岁的生辰,三年前,若不是碰见书中玉,怕是现在的他,还只是落魄街头的乞丐。 But the colossus that now, can actually the bird's eye view entire empire, once not be possible to touch, poured did not have that fearfulness. 而如今,却已是能够俯瞰整座帝国,曾经不可触及的庞然大物,倒也沒了那份可怕。 The jet black vision has selected selecting, searches toward the remote north by the window, in that direction ten thousand li (0.5km) remote place, is barren North District, but has Sect in the region, is called: Burning Sky Sect 漆黑的目光挑了挑,透过窗子朝遥远的北方探去,在那个方向万里之遥的地方,是贫瘠的北方区域,而在区域中有着一个宗门,叫做:焚天宗 Burning Sky Sect, shortly afterward, we can meet again, the avenger returns, can you be ready?” 焚天宗,再过不久,我们就能见面了,复仇者归來,你可做好了准备?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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