PDL :: Volume #5

#457: Does not understand her vision

Hua Ling?” 花零?” Rubbing the eyes of does not dare to believe that Qin Shi amazed [say / way]: Was given to shout really by me?” 不敢置信的揉了揉眼睛,秦石惊诧道:“真被我给喊出來了?” Do not think the fine deeds, if not for demons feared that you have the danger, wants me to follow you, I being disinclined manage you am die live.” Hua Ling white, at once turns round to sweep three senior generals to empire, under the beautiful pupil dodges to plunder some woods to be cold: He he, Ye Hao, Sun Yan, Zhao Yuanhe, said that do the empire three senior generals late at night visit Mysterious Palace, what behavior?” “别想美事,若不是罗刹怕你有危险,非要我跟上你,我才懒得管你是死是活。”花零白了一眼,旋即回身扫向帝国的三员大将,美眸下闪掠出些许的森寒:“呵呵,叶浩,孙岩,赵元赫,说说吧,帝国三大将深夜造访玄殿,所为何事啊?” Facing Hua Ling, three people of looks are hard are maintaining tranquil, military officer named Ye Hao of lead, said respectfully: He he, is the Hua Ling palace host, the matter truly is a little, is your behind little brother.” 面对花零,三人的神色难以在保持平静,领头的将领名为叶浩,恭敬道:“呵呵,原來是花零殿主,事确实是有一点,就是你身后的这位小兄弟。” For him?” Hua Ling concentrates with rapt attention, does not ask cold Dao of reason at once: You can walk, my Mysterious Palace does not welcome you.” “为了他?”花零凝了凝神,旋即不问原因的冷道:“那你们可以走了,我玄殿不欢迎你们。” Hua Ling, you leave excessively.” Zhao Yuanhe stepping that cannot bear before behind, said: This brat sins innumerably, a short time ago slaughtered the fog shade murderers in East District dozens villages is he, the empire has issued the dead command, he must die.” 花零,你别过分。”赵元赫在后面忍不住的踏上前,道:“这臭小子造孽无数,前不久屠杀东方区域数十村落的雾影凶手就是他,帝国已经下达死令,他必须死。” Black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, Hua Ling strange looking to Qin Shi: He said that you were the little while ago fog shade murderer, you?” 黛眉微蹙,花零怪异的望向秦石:“他说你是前不久的雾影凶手,你是吗?” hear that, Qin Shi is anxious, to be honest he also is really not, but was misunderstood by Zhao Yuanhe, but if wants to relieve the misunderstanding, must come out to be good Feng Hengong, but he will definitely not do this, for this reason clenched teeth, the nod said: Right, is I.” 闻言,秦石不由紧张起來,说实话他还真不是,只是被赵元赫误会了而已,可若是想要解除误会,必须将封痕供出來才行,而他肯定不会这样做,为此咬了咬牙,点头道:“沒错,是我。” Heard? He acknowledged Zhao Yuanhe expressed the feelings laughed wildly one, at once clashes the Hua Ling ice-cold [say / way]: Therefore you like this shield him now, whether I can believe that you are an accomplice?” “听见了吧?他自己都承认了”赵元赫直抒胸臆的狂笑一声,旋即冲花零冰冷道:“所以你现在这样袒护他,那我能否认为,你就是帮凶?” Pinches tightly the fist, Qin Shi deeply worried looking to Hua Ling, now Zhao Yuanhe exerts pressure with the empire, and he also acknowledged he is the fog shade murderer, therefore is very difficult to guarantee that Hua Ling will also be protecting him, but if at this time Hua Ling handed over him, that greeted his has the dead end. 捏紧拳头,秦石焦灼的望向花零,现在赵元赫用帝国施压,并且他还承认了自己就是雾影凶手,所以很难保证花零还会护着他,而这时花零如果将他交出去,那迎接他的就只有死路一条。 But facing Zhao Yuanhe roar, the Hua Ling completely at ease uphold white hands has pinched pinching in the neckband, the [say / way] of being without turning a hair: Does not need to believe that I am an accomplice, how can you I?” 而面对赵元赫的吼声,花零坦然自若的抬起玉手在领口捏了捏,面不改色的道:“不用认为,我就是帮凶,你们能奈我如何吧?” You “你” Zhao Yuanhe has sucked tongue, just wanted to open the mouth actually actually not to know that should say anything. 赵元赫咂了咂舌,刚欲开口却硬是不知该说些什么。 Stands in behind, Qin Shi also gawks, he has not thought that Hua Ling so will shield him unexpectedly, Chest transmits several points of warm feeling. 站在后面,秦石也是一楞,他沒想到花零竟会这般袒护他,心口不由的传來几分暖意。 In deadlock, Ye Hao in side eye one revolution: Hua Ling, the empire and Mysterious Palace are always on good terms, do you why for him, oppose with the entire empire?” 僵局中,叶浩在旁边眼睛一转:“花零,帝国与玄殿向來交好,你何必为了他一人,和整个帝国作对呢?” Is on good terms? I and you do not have what friendship probably, isn't you have been flattering me?” Spreading out hand that a Hua Ling face teased. “交好?我和你们好像们沒有什么交情,不一直是你们在巴结我么?”花零一脸戏谑的摊开手。 This saying absolutely is slapping the face of scarlet fruits, but those who make Qin Shi accidental is, this thinks that Ye Hao will erupt in the anger, but looked that his appearance does not have this plan, depressing [say / way] that but bears patiently: Ok, is the empire flatters you, but you consider, several thousand innocent people died a tragic death for him, don't you have least bit the pity of?” 这话绝对是赤果果的打脸,而让秦石意外的是,本以为叶浩会在愤怒中爆发,但看他的样子并沒有这个打算,而是隐忍的压抑道:“行,算是帝国巴结你,但你考虑一下,数万无辜的人为他惨死,难道你就沒有半点的怜悯之心吗?” Dies the innocent person on my Hua Ling, feared that already was over 100,000, you thought that I will care about pity type of thing?” “死在我花零手上的无辜之人,怕是早已超过100000,你觉得我会在乎怜悯之心这种东西吗?” You “你” Does not wait for the voice to fall, in the Hua Ling jade surface raises wipes to be sick, the subtilis of white hands in spreads out to ground shivers slightly, the instantaneous rough spiritual power direct impact ascends to heaven: Was good, within one minute, I can put you to leave Mysterious Palace, otherwise, do not walk.” 不等话音落下,花零的玉面上升起一抹厌烦,摊开的玉手冲着地面上的枯草微微颤动,瞬间粗犷的灵力直冲升天:“行了,一分钟之内,我可以放你们离开玄殿,否则的话,就别走了。” Leaps steaming, three people simultaneously withdrawing several steps. 腾腾腾,三人同时退后数步。 Hua Ling, can you oppose with the empire? You may probably consider clearly, even if you have uneven Heaven Realm , compared with the entire empire, you do not have the least bit stratagem which ensures success to stand firm the body, Ye Haoci the tooth said. 花零,你这是要和帝国作对到底了啊?你可要考虑清楚,就算你有齐天境,和整个帝国比起來,你也沒有半点胜算”稳住身子,叶浩呲牙道。 A half minute Hua Ling light [say / way]. “半分钟”花零淡淡道。 The look changes, Ye Hao pinches the gigantic fist, finally to the point that under Hua Ling makes an effort: Ok, ok, ok, Hua Ling, calculates you to suppress, this matter empire took down for you.” 神色一变,叶浩捏起硕大的拳头,最后冲着花零使劲的点下头:“行,行,行,花零,算你狠,这事帝国替你记下了。” Spoke, turns round to Sun Yan, Zhao Yuanhe to wave, Ye Hao sets out to leap to side Xue Bin in distant place, holds Xue Bin to shout: We walk 说完话,回身冲孙岩,赵元赫挥了挥手,叶浩起身跃到在远处的薛斌身旁,抱起薛斌喊道:“我们走” Looks at four people to leave, Qin Shi is anxious, he also has the words not to ask Xue Bin, shouts hastily: Cannot make Xue Bin walk 望着四人离开,秦石不由惶急,他还有话沒问薛斌,连忙喊道:“不能让薛斌走” Do not pursue “别追” The Hua Ling demeanor suddenly changes pale, holds on Qin Shi. 花零声色突然变淡,一把拉住秦石 Um?” When the hoarse sound makes Qin Shi knit the brows, turns round looks to see only the face of Hua Ling to be pale, wan, said hastily: „Were you injured?” “嗯?”沙哑的声音让秦石皱了皱眉,回身望去时只见花零的面庞苍白,了无血色,连忙道:“你受伤了?” All right, returned to the palace to say again.” “沒事,回殿内再说。” Hua Ling strenuous beckoning with the hand, picks up scarlet to escape to go toward Xuan Feng above. 花零吃力的摆了摆手,托起红衣朝玄峰上方远遁而去。 „When originally, stopped Yu Qing before from exploding, isn't she matter does not have?” Looks at the Hua Ling thin and pale back, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, wipes to warm in the chest ripples to open: He he, received such heavy wound, she can also go all out saves me, poured is also shows extreme tolerance.” “原來,之前阻拦玉清自爆时,她并不是什么事也沒有啊?”看着花零憔悴的背影,秦石才恍然大悟,一抹温暖在胸口荡漾而开:“呵呵,受了这么重的伤,她还能够拼命的救我,倒也算是仁至义尽了啊。” No longer idle talk pursues. 不再废话的追赶上去。 Hua Ling has the wound, Qin Shi similarly so, for this reason Xuan Feng at an elevation of 50000 meters, appears somewhat strenuous to them, was bored to death Qin Shi shyly min the split corners of the mouth, said to Hua Ling: A moment ago, many thanks you.” 花零有伤,秦石同样如此,为此海拔50000米的玄峰,对两人來讲显得有些吃力,百无聊赖中秦石扭捏的抿了抿干裂的嘴角,冲花零道:“刚才,多谢你了。” Although I too cannot understand the demons the vision, but since she likes you, I will definitely not make you have an accident, otherwise she will be sad.” Hua Ling shook the head, light snort. “虽然我不太能理解罗刹的眼光,但既然她喜欢上你,那我肯定不会让你出事,否则她会难过。”花零摇了摇头,轻哼一声。 hear that, Qin Shi first time thought that the Hua Ling person is also good, but in the short silence, suddenly the feeling does not suit, blinked to call the plank road: Yeah is not right, what was called unable to understand her vision? Can have a liking for were few, that is her vision is good 闻言,秦石头次觉得,花零的人也不错,而就在短暂的沉默中,突然间感觉不太对劲,眨了眨眼叫板道:“哎不对,什么叫做理解不了她的眼光?能看上本少,那是她眼光好” Bang Suddenly, Hua Ling stopped the body, the Qin Shi words had not said hit directly on her, staggering withdrew several steps in the stone steps, rubbed the head saying: Hey, how did you stop suddenly?” 突然,花零停下身子,秦石话沒说完的直接撞在她身上,踉跄的在石阶上退后几步,揉了揉脑袋道:“喂,你怎么突然停下來了?” Turns round indifferently, the Hua Ling ice-cold beautiful pupil stared at Shi Qin for a long time, spat saying: Listens, no matter I you with that Qin Xuexin, or your Elder Sister Yu are anything relate, but you, if, dares to injure the demons on the 1st, I will certainly kill you.” 漠然回身,花零冰冷的美眸凝视石秦许久,吐言道:“听好,我不管你和那个沁雪心,或是你的玉姐是什么关系,但你若是有一日,敢伤了罗刹,我一定会杀了你。” Trembled with fear by the cold sound, the Qin Shi suction port cold air/Qi, in this moment, he can the clear feeling, disclose but actually from Hua Ling the murderous intention, she is not cracking a joke absolutely. 被寒冷的声音惊颤,秦石倒吸口冷气,就在这一刻,他能清晰的感觉到,从花零身上透露出的杀机,她绝对不是在开玩笑。 Drinks, this time may be good, I heartless anyone, is dies in any case, is my Elder Sister Yu is good, never compels me.” “喝,这一次可好了,我负心了谁,横竖都是死啊,还是我的玉姐好,从來不逼我。” Shaking the head of forced smile, the Qin Shi look strengthens, does not have the slightest to run away with Hua Ling looking at each other in: If, I injured the demons on the 1st, the work you did not begin, I mediated voluntarily, but I believe that certainly on the day of will not have.” 苦笑的摇摇头,秦石的神色坚定起來,和花零对视中沒有分毫逃遁:“若有一日,我伤了罗刹,不劳你动手,我自行了断,但是我相信,一定不会有那一日。” Should better so.” “最好如此。” Temperate many, Hua Ling was not saying. 温和不少,花零不在多说。 They hurry back to Mysterious Palace, Hua Ling return to the central waterside pavilion pavilion directly, announced to the outside closes up, obviously her injury was heavy. 两人赶回玄殿,花零直接回到中央的水榭楼阁上,对外宣布闭关,可见她的伤势不轻。 Although Qin Shi also has the wound in body, but the heart worries, for this reason bypasses several, arrives at the Qin Xuexin boudoir, pushes the door to be stylish, Xu Qiao'er, Xiaomi Cai, Yu Luocha and Shu Zhongyu four people present completely. 秦石虽然也有伤在身,但心有牵挂,为此绕过几圈,來到沁雪心的闺房,推门而入时,许巧儿,小米彩,玉罗刹书中玉四人全部在场。 „Did you come back?” Four people simultaneously question. “你回來了?”四人同时问句 Responded to one with a smile, Qin Shi steps goes forward, looks on the bed the thin and pale beautiful figure, remorse in heart more is welling up is fiercer, half squatting lower part of the body gripped the white arms of Qin Xuexin: Sorry, is I cannot protect you.” 笑着回应一声,秦石迈上前,望着床榻上憔悴的倩影,心中的自责越涌越烈,半蹲下身的握住沁雪心的皓腕:“对不起,是我沒能保护好你。” The brow tip of willow tree leaf-shape beats several points, Qin Xuexin opens the beautiful pupil, the white hands gently tucks in the Qin Shi black robe, said shamelessly: I am all right, do you pursue to that Xue Bin?” 柳叶状的眉梢跳动几分,沁雪心睁开美眸,玉手轻轻的撩起秦石的黑袍,强颜道:“我沒事,你追到那个薛斌沒?” Speaking of this matter, Qin Shi helpless shaking the head. 提起这事,秦石无奈的摇摇头。 Looks the appearance that Qin Shi loses, Qin Xuexin feels the heart pain, indifferent casts aside the eye to go, the back to Qin Shi, nobody is seeing in her beautiful pupil, has fallen clear teardrops. 看着秦石失落的模样,沁雪心跟着感到心痛,漠然的撇过眼去,背对着秦石下,沒有人看见她的美眸中,滑落过的晶莹泪珠。 Concerned about the injury in the body, sees Qin Xuexin to be safe and sound, Qin Shi has not made but actually the stay, confesses several to Xu Qiao'er, sets out to leave. 碍于伤势在身,见沁雪心安然无恙,秦石倒也沒有多做逗留,冲许巧儿交代几句,就起身离开。 Shu Zhongyu returns to Blazing Book floating, falls on the waist of Qin Shi. 书中玉飘回到焚书中,落在秦石的腰间。 Just returned to the side building, to put out several blood that Qin Shi could not bear hastily, Shu Zhongyu that frightened fluttered hastily, the skilled artist wielded, surveys under the startled [say / way]: Good heavy how injures you to receive such serious injury?” 刚回到厢房,秦石连忙忍不住的吐出几口鲜血,吓的书中玉连忙飘出,妙手一挥,探测一番下不由惊道:“好重的伤你怎么会受到这么严重的伤势?” Heaved a deep sigh, Qin Shi pursuing Xue Bin matter, poured out one by one to Shu Zhongyu, then under the strenuousness, he flipped the space ring, took out one to contain completely fragrant, six petal Youlan color enchanting tobacco mosaics, in the poly spirit flower that the desolated jungle obtained: Elder Sister Yu, this gives you.” 长叹一声,秦石把追逐薛斌的事,逐一倾诉给书中玉,然后在吃力下,他翻了翻空间戒指,取出一株满含芳香,六瓣幽兰色的妖娆青花,正是在荒芜丛林得到的聚灵花:“玉姐,这个给你。” Stares at the gathering spirit flower, the Shu Zhongyu tender body is trembling lightly: Good rich soul aura, this flower, where do you pick?” 盯着聚灵花,书中玉娇躯轻颤:“好浓郁的灵魂气息,这花,你在什么地方摘到得?” When the recollection selects Holy Ghost flower poverty-stricken, Qin Shi felt that the whole body is scalding hot, like by raging fire burning down, painful shaking the head was said hastily: Do not ask that this you took away the first absorption, after my injury restored, I went to look for many cure souls to you again the herbal medicine.” 回想摘取圣灵花时的窘迫,秦石就感觉到全身灼热,像被烈火焚烧一样,连忙痛苦的摇头道:“别问了,这个你先拿去吸收,等我伤势恢复以后,我再去给你找更多的治愈灵魂的草药。” When spoke this saying, Qin Shi instigated several on Shu Zhongyu, the spirit body of Shu Zhongyu was very light, gets sick annoys the human to be grieved dispiritedly: More than half a year does not see, looks at your body to be weak, now I had the strength, crossed me to go to the fine wine volcano a while, helping you ask the god to be pregnant the hagberry.” 说这话时,秦石书中玉身上挑拨几下,书中玉的灵体很淡薄,病怏怏的惹人心痛:“大半年不见,瞧你身子虚弱得,现在我有实力了,过一阵子我就去琼浆火山,帮你找神孕树果。” Chest one warm, Shu Zhongyu bites the silver tooth lightly: Shi’tou 心口一暖,书中玉轻咬银牙:“石头 Do not be artificial, like you, did not tease is familiar with actually, said again I have promised you, I will certainly cure your wound, believed me “别矫情啊,不像你了,调侃调侃倒是习惯,再说我答应过你,我一定会治好你的伤,相信我” Um Shu Zhongyu makes an effort , is holding the tears said with a smile lightly: „Does that want the elder sister to reward your fragrant kiss one?” “嗯”书中玉使劲点下头,然后噙着泪花的轻笑道:“那,是不是要姐姐奖励你香吻一枚?” Good.” Qin Shi leans the face to collect to Shu Zhongyu. “好啊。”秦石侧过脸就凑向书中玉 White, Shu Zhongyu said: Beautiful stench, making your snow see greatly, should be rivals for sexual favor, hurries therapy, I defend the pass for you.” 白了一眼,书中玉道:“臭美,让你的雪大看见,又该争风吃醋了,赶紧疗伤吧,我为你守关。” Should with one, Qin Shi not say with a smile again, but the vision stops over several points on the elegant face of Shu Zhongyu, he believes that Shu Zhongyu decides to him however feels emotion, but why does not know, each time earnest mentioned this matter, Shu Zhongyu deliberately will always avoid, did not go to face. 笑着应和一声,秦石沒再多说,只是目光在书中玉的俏脸上逗留几分,他相信,书中玉对他定然有情,只是不知为何,每一次认真的说起这事,书中玉总是会刻意回避,不去面对。 Regarding this point, Qin Shi starts also to feel agitated, now actually is also confident by right, he knows that Shu Zhongyu definitely has the difficulties of not being able saying that actually no matter this difficulties are anything, he is willing to give the Shu Zhongyu time, persuasion Shu Zhongyu slowly. 对于这一点,秦石开始还感觉到烦躁,现在却也是坦然以对,他知道书中玉肯定有说不出的苦衷,而不管这个苦衷究竟是什么,他都愿意给书中玉时间,慢慢的感化书中玉 Sooner or later, I will cure your wound, making you be my Qin Shi woman steadfastly, I camouflage next this day all wind and frost for you.” “早晚有一天,我会治愈你的伤,让你踏实的做我秦石的女人,我为你们遮蔽下这天地中所有的风霜。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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