PDL :: Volume #5

#456: Helps the human help

Xue Bin pinches tightly the fist: I think that I will tell you?” 薛斌捏紧拳:“我以为,我会告诉你吗?” Qin Shi early has smiling of expectation, at once holds up Netherworld Sword, one jabs into Xue Bin hand back saying: Did not fear that you did not say, since you know the nether world, should be clear its ability?” 秦石早有预料的笑了笑,旋即将幽冥剑举起,一把刺进薛斌的手背道:“不怕不你说,既然你认识幽冥,就应该清楚它的能力吧?” Here, Qin Shi, looked at one from Xue Bin's hand back desirably, the black air/Qi of strength of corrosion started along Xue Bin's hand back corrosion, corruption that the quick entire arm changed, moreover in unceasing spread toward the whole body, smiled: According to this speed, you should also a half minute of consideration time.” 说到这,秦石刻意顿了顿,从薛斌的手背上瞄一眼,腐蚀之力的黑气已经开始沿着薛斌的手背侵蚀,很快整条手臂就变的腐烂,而且还在不断的朝全身蔓延,笑了笑:“照这个速度,你应该还有半分钟的考虑时间。” You Xue Bin have given a tongue-lashing the tooth flurriedly, at once the vision suddenly changes, changed a statement: I said that I said that you nether world take down first, otherwise has not waited for me saying that I died.” “你”薛斌慌乱的呲了呲牙,旋即目光突然一变,改口道:“我说,我说,你先把幽冥取下否则沒等我说完,我就已经死了。” About thinks, in the Qin Shi heart the secret passage: Now, his severe wound in body, pours did not fear that he uses any trick.” Therefore, makes an effort single-handed, draws out from Xue Bin's hand back Netherworld Sword: Said 左右思索一下,秦石心中暗道:“如今,他重伤在身,倒也不怕他耍什么花招。”为此,单手用力,将幽冥剑从薛斌的手背上拔出:“说吧” Idiot, you were swindled nether world just to be separated, Xue Bin face transforms suddenly, another complete arm in a ground fully racket, the consecutively two leaps escapes toward the distant place: Stone Qin, the matter of today, Xue I have taken down, some day, decides will make your hundred times present also “白痴,你上当了”幽冥刚刚脱离,薛斌的面庞骤然转变,另一只完好的手臂在地上全力一拍,连续两个飞跃就朝远处遁开:“石秦,今日之事,薛某我记下了,有朝一日,定会让你百倍奉还” „To run?” “想跑?” The black pupil concentrates, the face of Qin Shi is cold. 黑眸一凝,秦石的面庞寒冷下來。 Eyah “咿呀” When he just wanted to get rid, hears in the elder pavilion suddenly, lets his brokenhearted charm in anger, at once turns round to look suddenly, sees only Qin Xuexin to fall down, the position of left chest was shaken two wounds. 而在他刚欲出手之时,忽闻长老阁内,一声让他心碎的娇嗔,旋即猛然回身望去,只见沁雪心瘫倒在地,左胸口的位置被震出两道伤口。 Snow heart?” The moral nature sinks, Qin Shi clenched teeth, does not get the following to give up pursuing Xue Bin, in the hurrying jump main hall helps up Qin Xuexin: „Are you how is it?” “雪心?”心底一沉,秦石咬了咬牙,不得以下放弃去追逐薛斌,慌忙的跃进大殿中扶起沁雪心:“你怎么样?” I am all right, stops him Qin Xuexin to nip the white teeth to tremble quickly to say gently. “我沒事,快阻拦他”沁雪心咬着皓齿轻轻颤道。 Um?” Does slightly absent-minded, the Qin Shi Yang Muchong Yu Qing searches, sees only the flesh of latter whole body to become flushed, the blood flows to fall from the seventh night of the seventh lunar month slowly. “嗯?”稍作恍惚,秦石仰目冲玉清探去,只见后者全身的肌肤涨红,鲜血从七巧之中缓缓流淌而落。 This appearance, can he from exploding the spirit crystal?” “这模样,难道他要自爆灵晶?” Sees the difference of Yu Qing, Qin Shi to knit the brows unconsciously, from exploding the spirit crystal he in glancing through the books has looked, with exploding the miracle cure is somewhat similar, the equally good results from different methods, the spiritual power detonation of user lifetime, the lethality that it has meet the several fold to increase, but the user will therefore also be killed, the soul will be obliterated. 看见玉清的异样,秦石不觉皱眉,自爆灵晶他曾经在翻阅书籍中看过,和爆灵丹有几分相似,异曲同工,是将使用者毕生的灵力引爆,其产生的杀伤力会数倍攀升,而使用者也会因此丧命,就连灵魂都会被生生磨灭。 Damn, this senior buddhist monk, to help Xue Bin runs away, unexpectedly choice such violent way?” Qin Shi clenched teeth, did not shout darkly wonderfully. “该死,这老秃驴,为了助薛斌逃走,竟然选择这样极端的方式?”秦石咬了咬牙,暗呼不妙。 Yu Qing has three days of boundaries, its spiritual power vigorous, if like this allows him to detonate, Qin Xuexin and Hua Ling are hard to resist, at that time feared that is entire Mysterious Palace, will become the flat land by foreign. 玉清有三天之境,其灵力的浑厚若是就这样容他引爆,就连沁雪心花零都难以抵挡,那时候怕是整座玄殿,都会被夷成平地。 Old fogy, you such does, you may not live “老家伙,你这么做,你可也活不了” Lives? Jie Jie, dares such to do, I have not thought must live, to old man me, 30 years ago I died, why do you know?” Yu Qing stretches out the arms, feeling relaxed smiles one evilly. “活?桀桀,敢这么做,我就沒想过要活,对老头子我來说,30年前我就死了,你知道为什么吗?”玉清张开双臂,释然的邪笑一声。 Qin Shi is burning with impatience, but under has to tow Yu Qing to ask: Why?” 秦石心急如焚,无奈下只好拖着玉清问道:“为什么?” I entered Mysterious Palace since childhood, for hundred years render meritorious service innumerably to Mysterious Palace, finally 30 years ago, I must boil have raised one's head, immediately must mount the position of palace host, were respected by ten thousand people, finally, at that time, Hua Ling actually suddenly has braved finally, cuts to kill the taking office palace host, wins the position of Mysterious Palace palace host, making my life my painstaking care have all efforts wasted, you said that what I did live with dying had to distinguish?” The face that Yu Qing becomes flushed appears somewhat fierce, roared to the Qin Shi low roar: You know that I do put pride in pocket these 30 years for what? I told you, I to retaliate, retaliated Hua Ling, retaliated Mysterious Palace, I must realize finally, you said that I should be happy? Ha Ha, ha “我自幼进入玄殿,百年來对玄殿立功无数,终于在30年前,我就要熬出头了,马上就要登上殿主之位,受万人敬仰,结果,结果在那时候,花零却突然冒了出來,把上任殿主斩杀,夺走玄殿殿主之位,令我一生我心血付之东流,你说我活着跟死了有什么区别?”玉清涨红的面庞显得有些狰狞,冲着秦石低吼咆哮道:“你知道,我忍辱这30年是为了什么吗?我告诉你,我就是为了报复,报复花零,报复玄殿,我终于就要实现了,你说我是不是应该开心?哈哈,哈哈哈” Since the anger, wild spiritual power gushes out from the Yu Qing dantian, rolls up and pushes along several hundred high winds and clouds, the entire photograph insane was the same. 在怒火下,狂野的灵力从玉清丹田中涌出,卷动起数百张高的风云,整个人像疯了一样。 hear that, Qin Shi anxious grasps Qin Xuexin, before instance of Yu Qing when detonating spirit crystal, the spirit crystal disruption had the exceptionally terrifying oppression, Qin Xuexin was caught off guard, at this time the bloodlines disorder, is unable to transfer spiritual power, otherwise was also but actually insufficient so passively. 闻言,秦石紧张的抱住沁雪心,之前玉清在引爆灵晶时的瞬间,灵晶碎裂产生了异常恐怖的压迫,沁雪心措手不及,此时血脉紊乱,无法调动灵力,否则倒也不至于这般被动。 Enclasps me “抱紧我” Does not dare to make the stay, Qin Shi tries to bring Qin Xuexin to escape. 不敢在多做逗留,秦石试图带沁雪心远遁。 Bang 轰隆 Did not think this time, Yu Qing fierce raised two, spiritual power of billowing evil spirit such as the malicious ghost offered a sacrifice , an only Qin Shi person, is unable to resist, directly by severe wound in place. 不想这时,玉清狰狞的将两手举起,滚滚凶煞的灵力如恶鬼祭出,单凭秦石一人,根本无从抵挡,直接被重伤在地。 „To run? It is not easy, dies together “想跑?沒那么容易,一起死吧” Blocks Qin Shi, links up spiritual power that Yu Qing laughs wildly to hundred meets in the hole, the five senses started to twist, the body rising suddenly several fold, the distance explodes, only bad slightest. 拦下秦石,玉清狂笑的将灵力贯通到百会穴中,五官已经开始扭曲,身躯暴涨数倍,距离爆炸,只差分毫。 Bang Falls down, Qin Shi has not expected, finally can be so the result unexpectedly, suddenly hugs Qin Xuexin somewhat to rebuke oneself saying: Snow heart, do you fear?” 倒在地上,秦石万万沒料到,最后竟会是这般结果,一时间搂着沁雪心有些自责道:“雪心,你怕吗?” Did not fear, so long as can with you in the same place, even if went to the hell, that is also my heaven Qin Xuexin walks arm in arm in the bosom of Qin Shi, not having the least bit to fear, exceptionally steadfast. “不怕,只要能和你在一起,哪怕是去了地府,那也是我的天堂”沁雪心依偎在秦石的怀中,沒有半点恐惧,异常的踏实。 Chest one warm, in the face of the have no alternative life and death, Qin Shi reveals unexpectedly wipes satisfied: Good, we together, go to the hell to rush to rush 心口一暖,在无可奈何的生死面前,秦石竟露出一抹惬意:“那好,我们就一同,去地府闯上一闯” Bang When they complete goes to the heart, a scarlet suddenly from out of the blue enters, keeps off before two people scolds saying: He he, is really a cruel fate affectionate couple of pair of Xian Sha other people, but wants to commit suicide together in the name of love, leave elsewhere to me, left dirty my Mysterious Palace 而在两人做好赴死之心时,一席红衣突然破空而入,挡在两人身前呵斥道:“呵呵,真是一对羡煞旁人的苦命鸳鸯,但是想要殉情,给我滚别处去,别脏了我的玄殿 Hua Ling?” 花零?” They get back one's composure stare. 两人回神一愣。 Pays no attention to them, Hua Ling is low and deep the beautiful pupil to sweep to Yu Qing: He he, cannot think that my big elder, really does have Qiu meaning so to me?” 不理两人,花零低沉着美眸扫向玉清:“呵呵,想不到我的大长老,竟然对我有这般仇意啊?” Hua Ling, I must kill you 花零,我要杀了你” Sees clearly Hua Ling accommodates tenderly, Yu Qing is demented, operates the double arm rest suddenly, the strength of unusual conditions, unceasing welling up vault of heaven. 看清花零的娇容,玉清癫狂一样,猛然将双臂撑开,其中浑然天成之力,不断的涌上苍穹。 Blocks him quickly, he must from exploding the Qin Shi black pupil has congealed. “快拦住他,他要自爆了”秦石黑眸一凝。 Did not need you to say “不用你说” Hua Ling angrily rebukes, at once the single-handed request in the front, gathers the scary aura, the aura becomes eight sides covers Yu Qing: Weak incidental expenses shield 花零怒斥一声,旋即单手托在胸前,汇聚起骇人的气息,气息成八方将玉清笼罩:“凋零花盾” Just like, around Yu Qing multiplies the purple flowers, flowers rapid spread to open in the elder pavilion, occupied each inch of earth. 俨然,玉清四周滋生出紫色的花朵,花朵迅速的在长老阁中蔓延而开,占据了大地的每一寸。 Does slightly with rapt attention, Qin Shi felt that from these purple quiet flowers the fearful strength, has not waited for him to respond at once, the body of Yu Qing cannot withstand under the pressure finally, has a bang with a crash. 稍作凝神,秦石从这些紫色幽花中感觉到可怕的力量,旋即沒等他反应过來,玉清的身躯终于在压力下承受不住,发出一声砰然的巨响。 Bang 轰隆 Follows the bang to raise, the entire elder pavilion trembles several points, the remaining prestige crushes the wall like the severe gale, the pavilion collapses. 伴随巨响升起,整座长老阁都跟着颤上几分,余威如厉风般将墙壁粉碎,楼阁坍塌。 The wild shake, continued the time of half tea gradually to diverge. 狂野的震荡,足足持续了半盏茶的时间才渐渐散去。 When the earth stops shivering, Qin Shi rubbed the eyes, searches toward the position of distant place Yu Qing explosion, there is a gigantic gulf. 待大地停止颤动,秦石才揉了揉眼睛,朝远处玉清爆炸的位置探去,有一个硕大的深坑。 Kept off?” Has licked the licking lips angle, looking that Qin Shi does not dare to believe to Hua Ling: It seems like, I looked down on uneven Heaven Realm.” “被挡下了?”舔了舔嘴角,秦石不敢置信的望向花零:“看來,我还是小瞧齐天境了啊。” He thinks, that degree, even if Qin Xuexin and Hua Ling is also very opposeless. 他本以为,那种程度,就算是沁雪心花零也很难抵抗。 Father “爹爹” The phenomenon of elder pavilion alarmed entire Mysterious Palace, Xiaomi Cai all people has come, at once sees Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin injury, rapid [say / way]: What's the matter?” 长老阁的异象惊动了整座玄殿,小米彩诸人闻风而來,旋即看见秦石沁雪心的伤势,不由急促道:“怎么回事?” Shook the head, in the Qin Shi mind floats off suddenly together the form, making his jet black pupil flash through the woods to be cold, at once helps up the Qin Xuexin tender body to push to Xu Qiao'er: Qiao'er, helping me look after snow heart 摇了摇头,秦石脑海中突然浮起一道身影,令他漆黑的眸子闪过森寒,旋即扶起沁雪心的娇躯推向许巧儿:“巧儿,帮我照顾好雪心” Why do you want to go?” Several people of puzzled question. “你要干嘛去?”几人不解的问句 Pursues human not to go to explain, Qin Shi shoves open nearby quarry stone, pursues to the direction that beforehand Xue Binyuan escapes. “追人”沒去多做解释,秦石推开旁边的乱石,冲着之前薛斌远遁的方向就追赶上去。 The matter of empire relates to the Lin Yu safety, he cannot certainly let Xue Binpao. 帝国之事关系到麟宇的安危,他一定不能让薛斌跑了。 Is treading continuously void, pursues Xuan Feng. 连续踏着虚空,一路追下玄峰。 But in the Xuan Feng next several thousand meters scopes, actually throughout could not find Xue Bin trail, made Qin Shi frowning of: He carries the severe wound, should run is not right, how to have?” 而在玄峰下数万米的范围中,却始终找不到薛斌的踪迹,令秦石不由的皱起眉头:“他身负重伤,应该跑不远才对,怎么会沒有呢?” Not willingly, he faces forward and pursues several kilometers, but in is going to give up, in the psychic force that finds out transmits the weak sound suddenly, making his look one happy: Found?” 不甘心下,他朝前又追出数千米,而就在将要放弃时,探出的精神力中突然传递回微弱的声响,令他神色一喜:“找到了?” Searches following the sound direction, in being away from three kilometers position actually stops the footsteps, does the picture that because the psychic force transmits, besides Xue Bin, have three big energies unexpectedly? 顺着声音的方向探去,在距离三千米的位置却不由停止脚步,因为精神力传递回來的画面,除了薛斌以外,竟还有三名大能? Moreover the body that leads from these three people, Qin Shi feels one, even also wants tyrannical several points of fearful spiritual power compared with Yu Qing: Very strong.” 而且从这三人中领头的身上,秦石感觉到一股,甚至比玉清还要强横几分的可怕灵力:“好强。” Who?” “谁?” The distant place transmits the terrifying suddenly roar. 远处突然间传递回恐怖的吼声。 Damn, was discovered?” “该死,被发现了?” hear that, Qin Shi sinks at heart, suddenly the under foot makes an effort escapes toward mountain peak on. 闻言,秦石心里一沉,脚下猛然间用力的朝山峰上远遁。 …… Has not run far, three put on the light of red armor, among quick and violent blocks the Qin Shi way. 沒跑多远,三道穿着赤色铠甲的光影,迅猛间挡住秦石的去路。 Red armor rice?” “赤甲?” Sizes up about three people, recalled before , mark several people with the words that he spoke, in the heart gomuti sugarpalm, did not criticize wonderfully: Is the empire three senior generals?” 在三人身上左右打量一下,回想起之前封痕几人和他说的话,心中桄榔一声,暗骂不妙:“是帝国三大将?” Is you?” When three senior generals, Zhao Yuanhe in, is seeing the Qin Shi facial features, dodges the cut-throat stern countenance: Drinks, sought you to be so long painstakingly, cannot think that ran up to Mysterious Palace to come unexpectedly?” “是你?”三大将中,赵元赫正在其中,看见秦石的面容时,一闪凶狠的厉色:“喝,苦寻了你这么久,想不到竟然跑到玄殿來了?” Looks at each other with Zhao Yuanhe, Qin Shi has not made the sound, in the heart is actually clearly becomes aware: „When it seems like, previous time is fascinated, with is he who I fight?” 和赵元赫对视,秦石沒做声响,心中却是明悟:“看來,上一次入魔时,和我交手的就是他吧?” Zhao Yuanhe does, you know him?” “赵元赫,你认识他?” He was a short time ago, in murderer who East District slaughters dozens villages, the previous halfway killed Cheng Yaojin to save him, before this time I must capture alive he cannot Zhao Yuanhe remember, by Qin Xuexin am injured, scolding of clenching jaws. “他就是前不久,在东方区域屠杀数十座村子的凶手,上一次半路杀出个程咬金救了他,这一次我非要活捉他不可”赵元赫一想起之前被沁雪心所伤,咬牙切齿的骂道。 In nearby other two, curling the lip of lead said: I urged you, do not cause complications in Mysterious Palace, now Xue Young Master severe wound, leading him to leave is the important matter, coped with this boy, later had is opportunity 在旁边的另外两人,领头的撇撇嘴道:“我劝你,不要在玄殿节外生枝,现在薛公子重伤,带他离开才是大事,对付这小子,以后有都是机会” Does not use, now has killed him to me “不用,现在就给我杀了他” But at this time, Xue Binwu chest, staggering steps goes forward, can look from the look, his unusual pain: Stone Qin, this time, I thought how you are wild 而这时,薛斌捂着胸口,踉跄的迈上前,从神色上可以看出來,他异常的痛苦:“石秦,这一次,我看你还怎么猖狂” hears that sound, the military officer of lead knit the brows, at once becomes aware suddenly suddenly, staring of ruthless offense to Qin Shi: Stone Qin? Fog shade murderer? He he, is really the interesting boy, it seems like I want to help you, could not add on you, since Xue Young Master spoke, you died.” 闻声,领头的将领皱了皱眉,旋即猛然恍悟,狠戾的瞪向秦石:“石秦?雾影凶手?呵呵,真是有趣的小子,看來我想要帮你,都帮不上你了啊,既然薛公子说话了,那你就死吧。” In spoken language superficial, has not had the least bit to fluctuate. 言语中轻描淡写,不曾有半点波动。 But in instant, Qin Shi that the sound just fell actually felt that his air all around seemed found time to be the same, continual distortion several, such as thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain pressure, on crush following forehead under. 而在声音刚刚落下的刹那,秦石却感觉到他周遭的空气仿佛被抽空一样,连续的扭曲几下,一股如千丈大山的压力,顺着额头上碾压而下。 Bang But a strength has not fallen, continuously is two, Zhao Yuanhe and another three senior generals, simultaneously strength billowing offers a sacrifice to Qin Shi. 而一股力量尚未落下,连续又是两股,赵元赫和另外一名三大将,同时将力量滚滚的冲秦石祭出。 Black pupil one cold, spirit vein and dantian in within the body spirit crystal, wants to be shelled by the heavy item suddenly, just like splits dozens blood-stained mouths, the contrast ratio Yu Qing night assault that time, the injury was serious before. 黑眸一寒,体内的灵脉、丹田的灵晶,戛然间想被重物轰击,俨然间裂开数十道血口,照比之前玉清夜袭那一次,伤势还要惨重。 Heart like deathly stillness, this, if dies in this, that Qin Shi rather a moment ago was killed by Yu Qing, at least said that is also of pleasant to hear, if this pursued others instead to be killed, that was the greatest shame. 心如死寂,这要是死在这,那秦石宁愿刚才被玉清炸死,起码说出去也算是好听啊,这要是追人家反被杀了,那才是莫大的耻辱。 Hua Ling, the good person achieves the bottom, delivers Buddha to deliver to the west, this you save others do you come out actually?” But, he can only pray that this Hua Ling can appear again, now Qin Xuexin has the wound in the body, can rescue his also on remaining Hua Ling. 花零,好人做到底,送佛送到西啊,该你救人的时候你倒是出來啊?”无奈下,他只能祈祷,这一次花零能再次出现,如今沁雪心有伤在身,能够救他的也就剩下花零了。 Bang Three spiritual power that bang, the front surface approaches, were shaken loudly disperses to open, a scarlet falls gently before the Qin Shi body, the accent said with a smile: Yo, you are not temperament very gruff? Originally will also ask others for help?” 巨响一声,迎面逼近的三股灵力,轰然间被震散而开,一席红衣飘落在秦石身前,调笑道:“呦,你不是脾气挺倔的嘛?原來也会求人啊?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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