PDL :: Volume #5

#455: Palace error

The dense chill in the air wells up in the back, a Qin Shi brow wrinkle, does not have him of demon blood, even if the god character Secret Art revolves the acme, but cultivation of Profound Spirit Realm peak is, in this case, with moving compared with Second Rank Lei Jieyin Xue Bin, in the speed, in the strength, has together the insurmountable gap, faces forward to take hastily two steps, reluctantly shunts the sharp referring to peak. 森然的寒意在背后涌上,秦石眉头一皱,沒有魔血的他,即便神字诀运转到极致,不过才玄灵境巅峰的修为,在这种情况下,和触碰到第二层雷劫印的薛斌相比,无论是速度上,力量上,都有一道不可逾越的鸿沟,连忙朝前迈出两步,才勉强躲开锋利的指峰。 Strikes to fail, excellent opportunity, which Xue Bin is not willing to give up, the single foot tramples in void one after another like the watermark ripples, at once accelerates suddenly, two fingers of mountains and rivers, able to move unhindered rip open the air in elder pavilion likely together, duo duo compels toward Qin Shi. 一击落空,大好的机会,薛斌哪不肯罢休,单脚在虚空中践踏起一圈一圈如水纹般的涟漪,旋即猛然加速,两指像一道山河,将长老阁内的空气纵横撕开,朝着秦石咄咄相逼。 The fingertip cuts the black robe, approaches the latter chest of Qin Shi unceasingly, Xue Bin reveals self-satisfied sneering: Scoffs, does not have the external force, it seems like you are also mediocre 指尖划破黑袍,不断逼近秦石的后胸,薛斌露出得意的冷笑:“嗤,沒有外力,看來你也不过如此” …… But at this time, Qin Shi stopped running away suddenly, turning over that faced forward to fall, the palm changed, cold Li sword Qi punctured together from the chest, formed the wan character the black glow, welcomed Xue Bin forehead to fall. 而这时,秦石突然停止逃遁,朝前倾倒的翻过身,掌心一变,一道冷厉的剑气从胸膛刺出,形成卍字的黑芒,迎着薛斌的眉心落下。 Bang Xue Bin has not expected, Qin Shi counter- will attack it suddenly, among quick and violent will refer to the front transferring the direction, moves with the wan character sword glow of coming directly, in confrontation sword glow such as pebbles breakage. 薛斌沒有料到,秦石会突然间反起攻之,迅猛间将指锋调转方向,和迎面而來的卍字剑芒正面触碰,交锋中剑芒如卵石破裂。 Scoffs, collapses at the first blow “嗤,不堪一击” Ridicule that shuts out, fierceness that Xue Bin facial features change, when he just wanted to go forward, the look actually changes, reveals several points of panic-stricken. 嫌弃的嘲笑一声,薛斌面容变的狰狞,而在他刚欲上前时,神色却不由一变,露出几分惊骇。 The wan character sword glow of breakage has not dissipated in the air, instead is explodes projects the massive corrosion aura, such as the rogue beast of prey is common, wild plunging Xue Bin, along his finger winding on. 破裂的卍字剑芒在空气中并未消散,反是爆射出大量的腐蚀气息,如凶恶的猛兽一般,狂野的扑向薛斌,沿着他的手指缠绕而上。 „The strength of corrosion? This is the three big magical instruments of national capital: Netherworld Sword?” The pupil heart shivers, Xue Bin confused staring to Qin Shi. “腐蚀之力?这是国都的三大神器:幽冥剑?”眸心颤动,薛斌错乱的瞪向秦石 Can judge the quality of goods “识货” Relaxing of supports Netherworld Sword, in the Qin Shi heart secretly was actually rejoicing that before the honor big game, he considered Xue Bin is the country teacher's son, may recognize the nether world, slowly has not used. 松了口气的撑着幽冥剑,秦石心中却暗自庆幸,之前在荣誉大赛上,他就考虑到薛斌身为国师之子,可能会认出幽冥,才迟迟的沒有动用。 But now, does not need to care about too, in his opinion, today Xue Bin actually must die. 而如今,倒是无须顾及太多,在他看來,今日薛斌必须死。 Before dying, but must confess several matters. 在死之前,还要交代出几件事情。 Netherworld Sword reappears suddenly, Xue Bin does not dare to go forward rashly, look interlocking in amazement, dodges the chill in the air: Snort, Netherworld Sword is no doubt tyrannical, but I remember that nether world half-way spirits, should also in the emperors? You thought that depending on half spirit Netherworld Sword, can defeat me?” 幽冥剑突然浮现,薛斌不敢在贸然上前,神色中的骇然交错,一闪寒意:“哼,幽冥剑固然强横,但是我记得,幽冥的半道器灵,应该还在皇都吧?你觉得,凭一半器灵的幽冥剑,就能够战胜我吗?” You try, wasn't good?” “你试试,不就好了?” The arm that the Qin Shi vibration vibration is sore, in the jet black pupil dodges to plunder together the unusual evil spirit. 秦石抖动抖动酸痛的手臂,漆黑的眸子中闪掠一道异样的凶煞。 Narrows the eyes the eye, Xue Bin moves from the both sides, his vision stares at the Qin Shi black robe throughout, in the heart is being the calculating: Empire seeks for nether world dozens years, if I can bring back the nether world, such cannot draw in East District, feared that is can also arrive the merit.” 眯眯起眼,薛斌从两侧挪动一下,他目光始终盯着秦石的黑袍,心中打着小算盘:“帝国寻找幽冥数十年,若是我能将幽冥取回,那样就算沒能收拢东方区域,怕是也能够将功抵过。” Thinks of this, he toward defending by Yu Qing moves the Qin Xuexin of vision, that blue long hair like a waterfall, throughout is the ridge in his heart. 想到这,他将目光朝守在玉清旁边的沁雪心挪去,那一席如瀑布般的碧蓝色长发,始终是他心中的坎。 It seems like, if wants the means to capture alive Shi Qin, threatens this to send the female to be good blue.” “看來,要想办法活捉石秦,來威胁这个蓝发女子才行。” A look revolution, had idea, Xue Bin gathered two in the chest, gradually was earnest: Stone Qin, your truly a little skill, but after is only Profound Spirit Realm, you are not my match 神色一转,有了想法,薛斌将两手汇聚在胸膛,渐渐的认真起來:“石秦,你确实有点本事,但终归只是玄灵境,你不是我的对手” Seizes heavenly palace Que Ji “夺天宫阙祭” Unexpectedly, palm Cheng seal, on Xue Bin chest, a little glory unceasingly interweaves, forms a bright palace, the palace makes the palm of the hand size, takes advantage of opportunity float arrives in the midair, the implication fearful strength, made the spirit stones wall of elder pavilion, unceasing rocked, by the suction, was gathered toward the palace in likely fearfully. 蓦地,掌心成印,薛斌的胸膛上,有一点光辉不断交织,形成一座剔透的宫殿,宫殿约巴掌大小,顺势悬浮到半空之中,其中蕴含的可怕力量,令长老阁的灵石墙壁,不断的晃动起來,像是受到了可怕的吸力,朝宫殿中汇聚。 Looking with rapt attention to that palace, the Qin Shi Chest felt that inexplicable heaviness, seemed been together same by the hundred zhang (333m) giant stone crush: Very strong strength 凝神的望向那座宫殿,秦石心口感觉到莫名的沉重,仿佛被一块百丈的巨石碾压一样:“好强的力量” Is the strength of palace error Qin Xuexin allows to change colors tenderly, reveals several points of flurried shouting: Shi’tou, shunts quickly “是宫阙之力”沁雪心娇容失色,露出几分慌乱的喊道:“石头,快躲开” Hides? Hey, without enough time “躲?嘿嘿,來不及了” Xue Bin two walking tractors palace error, together raging fire of galloping, lifelike explodes to shoot, such as together the fire dragon same winding in his whole body, making his whole body multiply the First Rank high temperature the armor, climbing up of strength several fold several fold. 薛斌两手拖着宫阙,一道奔腾的烈火,栩栩如生的从中爆射而出,如一道火龙一样缠绕在他的全身,让他全身上下滋生出一层高温的铠甲,力量数倍数倍的攀爬。 „Isn't this strength spiritual power?” “这力量不是灵力?” Stares at the armor of raging fire, Qin Shi is dragging the second half step slightly, from the raging fire of that tuck dive, he can the clear feeling, that strength not be common spiritual power, but is one type, cannot say, frequently disclosed Venerable the prestige fearfully the strange strength. 盯着烈火的铠甲,秦石稍微拖后半步,从那翻腾的烈火中,他能清晰的感觉到,那力量并不是寻常灵力,而是一种,说不上,时时刻刻都透露出可怕尊威的怪异力量。 The armor facilitates, Xue Bin rampant laughing wildly: Stone Qin, you do not think that between Heaven Realm and Profound Spirit Realm, is only the simple spiritual power disparity? That may really be too naive, I make you take a look now, between Heaven Realm and Profound Spirit Realm, most essential difference 铠甲促成,薛斌猖獗的狂笑:“石秦,你不会以为天境玄灵境之间,就只是简单的灵力差距吧?那可真是太天真了,我现在就让你瞧瞧,天境玄灵境之间,最本质的区别” …… Unexpectedly, Xue Bin speed violent increases dozens times, a suddenly time, he unexpectedly and between Qin Shi a about hundred meters distance will pass through, emerges out of thin air before the body of Qin Shi. 蓦地,薛斌的速度暴增数十倍,一个眨眼间的功夫,他竟将和秦石之间近百米的距离穿过,凭空出现在秦石的身前。 The palm changes, a fist bombardment on the chest of Qin Shi. 掌心一变,一拳轰击在秦石的胸膛上。 Bang 轰隆 Just received has struck, Qin Shi has not waited to get back one's composure, fluttered directly over a hundred meters far, Bang pounded on the signboard in elder pavilion palace, signboard by around the middle buckle. 刚受了一击,秦石沒等回神,直接翻飞出上百米远,砰一声砸在长老阁殿内的牌匾上,牌匾被拦腰折损。 The next instant, has not waited for Qin Shi to set out, Xue Bin actually leapt to his, fills including the flame palm evil spirit together falls. 下一霎,沒等秦石起身,薛斌却已经飞跃到他的身后,一道满含火焰的掌心凶煞而落。 With rapt attention, Qin Shi quick of eye and hand turning over, is reluctant shunts this palm, does not allow his many to ponder that the next palm falls quickly, is away from him less than the square inch. 凝神中,秦石眼疾手快的翻个身,算是勉强的躲开这一掌,可不容他多加思考,下一掌以迅雷不及掩耳之势落下,距离他不足方寸。 Puff a blood, Qin Shi was struck to fly on the left wall once again, is built the firm wall that by spirit stones, stiffly gets down hollowly a gulf. 噗一口鲜血,秦石再度被击飞到左侧的墙壁上,由灵石打造的坚固墙壁,硬生生的凹陷下去一个深坑。 Falls on the ground, the Qin Shi strenuous brace sets out, is nipping jaw stares at Xue Bin, the mind is intense: This strange strength, actually what's the matter?” 摔在地上,秦石吃力的撑起身,咬着牙关的凝视薛斌,心神紧张:“这诡异的力量,究竟是怎么回事?” Qin Xuexin in side, the white hands pinch tightly is looking at Qin Shi, several times want to go forward, may just take each time one step, Qin Shi decidedly stares with black pupil inevitably to her, making her feel helpless. 沁雪心在旁边,玉手掐紧的望着秦石,几次想要上前,可每次刚迈出一步,秦石必然用决然的黑眸瞪向她,让她感到无奈。 She understands Qin Shi, the latter has special is his stubbornness, in this case, she cannot certainly get rid, otherwise Qin Shi can definitely be angry with her. 她了解秦石,后者有专属于他的那份倔强,这种情况下,她一定不能出手,否则秦石肯定会和她生气。 Demon ghost day photo “魅鬼天照” Desperate, Qin Shi does not dare to be negligent, has the hand stamped certificate rapidly, one black date jumped to shoot, the tip candlelight in elder pavilion, was swallowed immediately dark. 情急下,秦石不敢大意,迅速将手印结起,一道黑日从中迸射而出,长老阁内的点滴烛光,马上被黑暗吞噬。 Thousands of jet black rays, such as one after another sharp sword, evil spirit strikes to Xue Binpu. 千万道的漆黑光线,如一道一道利剑,凶煞的冲薛斌扑击上去。 Scoffs, overestimate one's capabilities unexpectedly, under the black sharp sword, Xue Binjing does not hide does not dodge, but the black glow just wanted to approach his body, unexpectedly directly on raging fire ignition by armor, dissipation. “嗤,不自量力”不料,在黑色利剑下,薛斌竟不躲不闪,而黑芒刚欲接近他的身躯,竟直接被铠甲上的烈火点燃,消散。 ineffective?” 无效?” This, made the defense line vacillation of Qin Shi moral nature thoroughly, the demon ghost day photo was 7-Step martial arts, Lian isn't Xue Bin's slightest able to injure unexpectedly? 这一幕,彻底令秦石心底的防线动摇,魅鬼天照身为七阶武学,竟然连薛斌的分毫都无法伤到? How can like this? 怎么会这样? Qin Shi too cannot understand, Xue Bin has this fearful move, why doesn't use at the honor big game? 秦石不太能懂,薛斌有这种可怕的招数,为何在荣誉大赛上不用? That i.e., what malpractice this move definitely has, cannot use at will, but actually is this malpractice what? 那就是说,这招数肯定有什么弊端,不能够随意的使用,可是这个弊端究竟是什么呢? The strength of demon ghost day photo, in Xue Bin evil spirit smiles evilly, completely was melted completely, approaches toward Qin Shi gradually: Jie Jie, surprised? Do not be surprised, so long as you are also in the virtual environment, what uses is ordinary spiritual power, you forever are unable to injure to me 魅鬼天照的力量,在薛斌凶煞的邪笑下,全然被消融殆尽,一步一步朝秦石逼近:“桀桀,惊讶吗?别惊讶,你只要还处于灵境,用的是普通灵力,你就永远也无法伤到我” spiritual power?” 灵力?” Indifferently, Xue Bin a few words, remind Qin Shi suddenly. 漠然,薛斌的一句话,突然间点醒秦石 Universality of contradictions, Qin Shi under Xue Bin's approaching, lowers the head to look at five fingers nan to say gently: Originally, is ordinary spiritual power is not good?” 茅塞顿开,秦石在薛斌的逼近下,低头望着五指轻轻喃道:“原來,是普通的灵力不行?” I do not use spiritual power, crushes you “那我就不用灵力,击碎你” Unexpectedly, Qin Shi Yang Mu, the body dodges toward the flank at once suddenly, unexpectedly initiative welcomed Xue Bin to attack. 蓦地,秦石仰目,旋即身躯突然朝侧方一闪,竟主动的迎着薛斌冲击上去。 This, not only Xue Bin is puzzled, Qin Xuexin of distant place is anxious: Shi’tou 这一幕,不光薛斌不解,就连远处的沁雪心都紧张起來:“石头 Attacks on own initiative? Scoffs, was this prepares to want unhealthy person broken to fall?” Looks at approaching Qin Shi, Xue Bin is not hiding the raising corners of the mouth that does not dodge, sneers to say. “主动出击?嗤,这是准备要破罐子破摔了吗?”望着逼近的秦石,薛斌不躲不闪的扬起嘴角,冷笑道。 „Does unhealthy person broken fall? He he, non- also close to a Xue Bin five meters distance, the flame mapping of front surface on the face of Qin Shi, unexpectedly disclosed that wipes the scary strangeness, the five fingers spreads out in the front suddenly, six quiet fire beats: Big Buddhist relics decide “破罐子破摔?呵呵,非也”临近薛斌五米距离,迎面的火光映射在秦石的面庞上,竟透露出一抹骇人的诡异,五指突然间在胸前摊开,六道幽火跳动而出:“大舍利决” Buzz Six quiet fires float in elder pavilion, suddenly made all over the body bright, at once air that all around the garret changed is swallowed by it, such as the hurricane compressed generally unceasingly, finally gathered six dazzling golden light Buddhist relics. 六道幽火悬浮在长老阁内,一刹那间令阁楼变的通体明亮,旋即周遭的空气被其吞噬,如飓风一般不断压缩,最终汇聚成六道刺目的金光舍利。 „Is this spiritual martial arts?” “这是精神武学?” Under the sweep of [gold/metal], before Xue Bin was startled to allow to replace free and easy, reveals several points of terrified fear, hastily after flies to escape to open. 在金芒的笼罩下,薛斌之前的洒脱被惊容代替,露出几分悚然的恐惧,连忙朝后飞遁而开。 Before at the honor big game, he knows that some Qin Shi psychic forces, actually do not know the Qin Shi psychic force cultivated for unexpectedly such high, has not thought he will have spiritual martial arts. 之前在荣誉大赛上,他只是知道秦石有些精神力,却不知秦石的精神力修为竟如此之高,更是沒想过他还会有精神武学 Really Xue Bin withdraws, had concluded in the heart of Qin Shi thinks, controls six Buddhist relics rapidly, becomes six directions speeds away, covers Xue Bin at one fell swoop broken “果然”薛斌退后,更加断定了秦石的心中所想,迅速操控六道舍利,成六个方向疾驰而出,一举将薛斌笼罩“破” Bang Bang, six [gold/metal] burrs shoot , in the demon ghost day according to the raging fire armor that below did not damage, was passed through six holes directly. 巨响一声,六道金芒刺射而下,之前在魅鬼天照下毫无损伤的烈火铠甲,直接被贯穿出六个窟窿。 Raging fire armor damage, Xue Bin fierce trembles several points, like was unravelled, puts out several blood again and again. 烈火铠甲损坏,薛斌狂烈的哆嗦几分,像是被抽丝剥茧一样,连连吐出几口鲜血。 Seventh, golden light Buddhist relics “第七道,金光舍利” The attack is effective, Qin Shi Shan Zhang finds out, on the palm reappears contrast ratio beforehand six also to want the dazzling Buddhist relics once again, hits Xue Bin chest fully. 攻击有效,秦石单掌探出,掌心上再度浮现出一枚照比之前六枚还要刺目的舍利,全力击中薛斌的胸膛。 Bang 轰隆 Has not waited for the response, Xue Bin five senses twitch, like shell flying upside down, dislodges a hole the wall of elder pavilion suddenly. 沒等反应,薛斌五官抽搐,猛然间如炮弹般倒飞出去,生生将长老阁的墙壁撞出一个窟窿。 Xue Bin Young Master “薛斌公子 Yu Qing in the rear area calls out one, the senile body raises wants to rush goes, does not think that he just took one step, front space empty shakes several points, at the same time the icebergs of eight sides emerge, Qin Xuexin cold Dao: Shi’tou said that does not hope some people disturb him, therefore you should better because of this are treating honestly, otherwise I will kill you.” 玉清在后方嚎叫一声,老态的身躯扬起就欲冲上前去,不想他刚迈出一步,面前的空间虚晃几分,一面八方的冰山浮出,沁雪心冷道:“石头说,不希望有人打扰他,所以你最好在这老实待着,否则我会杀了你。” During the spoken language transmissions, the temperature in air drops rapidly, condenses several pure white snowflakes, under intimidation of Qin Xuexin, Yu Qing has sucked the tongue, does not dare to take a walk actually. 言语传递间,空气中的温度急速下降,凝聚出几片洁白的雪花,在沁雪心的威逼下,玉清咂了咂舌,硬是沒敢走动一下。 Bang Flutters from the elder pavilion, Xue Bin face pale does not have the least bit scarlet, gets angry to stare to Qin Shi: You already planned, can crush my palace error with the psychic force?” 从长老阁中翻飞出去,薛斌面庞苍白的沒有半点血色,红着眼瞪向秦石:“你早就计划好,要用精神力击碎我的宫阙?” He he, this wants many thanks you but actually, was you reminds me unable to use ordinary spiritual power.” Chuckle that Qin Shi aggravates the situation. “呵呵,这倒要多谢你,是你提醒了我不能用普通灵力啊。”秦石火上浇油的轻笑一声。 You Xue Bin clench teeth to get angry: Good, good, good, was I looks down on you, this time I acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, but should not be favorite, this Scarlet Flame Empire is the side will weigh emperor's son's landscape sooner or later, when at that time Lin Yu was you, becomes stray cur “你”薛斌咬着牙怒道:“好,好,好,是我小瞧你了,这一次我认栽,但你也别得意,这赤炎帝国早晚是方衡皇子的江山,等到那时候无论是麟宇还是你,都会成为丧家之犬” Qin Shi thinks little said with a laugh: These, the work you were not worried, now I must ask that your is, the second plan that before you said that was what?” 秦石不以为意的笑呵呵道:“那些,就不劳你担心了,现在我要问你的是,之前你们说的第二计划,是什么?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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