PDL :: Volume #5

#454: King Xianyou

50 million?” “50000000?” hear that, Yu Qing shows the rogue look in eight icebergs, gets angry: Drinks, the kid, really dares to open the mouth, you know that 50 million Upper Tier spirit stones, what significance are representing? Feared that is building of entire Mysterious Palace, is inferior to this digit.” 闻言,玉清在八面冰山中露出凶恶的神色,怒道:“喝,小家伙,真是敢开口啊,你知道50000000上品灵石,代表着什么意义吗?怕是整座玄殿的打造,都不及这个数字。” Pays no attention to Yu Qing, Qin Shi looks like, although the Yu Qing three days of boundaries, may be a goon, had the person of right to speak truly is Xue Bin, this point their dialog can listen from before. 不理玉清,秦石看來,尽管玉清有三天之境,可不过是一个打手,真正有话语权的人是薛斌,这一点从之前两人的对话就能听出來。 50 million buy your lives, if I you, I think very worthwhile, after all the wealth did not have been able to gain again, but the life of person, right?” Qin Shi not to accept as correct smiles one to Xue Bindan: I know that this digit to you, is not awkward.” “50000000买你们俩的命,我要是你的话,我就觉得挺合算,毕竟钱财沒了可以再赚,而人的命吗,就一条,对吧?”秦石不以为然的冲薛斌淡笑一声:“我知道这个数字对你來说,不算为难。” Qin Shi clear remembering, before the honor big game, the number that Xue Bin finally said that was 50 million Upper Tier spirit stones, that time is because was worried about Elder Sister Yu, definitely cannot comply, but said does not move, obviously was impossible, now Elder Sister Yu has rescued, had the opportunity to blackmail, will not be definitely softhearted. 秦石清晰的记得,之前在荣誉大赛上,薛斌最后说的数目,就是50000000上品灵石,那时是因为担心玉姐,肯定不能够答应,但说不动心,显然是不可能,现在玉姐救了出來,有机会敲诈一番,肯定不会心慈手软。 Clenched teeth, Xue Bin pale lowering the head of: Stone brother, your this is hits a person when he is down, you may probably be well clear, something are taking, not only hot, will also draw on the calamity of taking a life for oneself.” 咬了咬牙,薛斌苍白的低下头:“石兄,你这可是落井下石啊,你可要好好想清楚,有些东西拿着不仅烫手,还会为自己招來杀生之祸。” That not firm Xue brother was worried, I thought what you should be worried is one, if 50 million spirit stones do not take, you currently will have the calamity of taking a life.” The Qin Shi sarcastic comments, raise three hands to point out: Xue brother, you have three seconds.” “那就不牢薛兄担心了,我觉得你应该担心的是自己,如果50000000灵石不拿出來,你现在就会有杀生之祸。”秦石冷言冷语,举起三根手指道:“薛兄,你还有三秒。” Three “三” Drinks one lightly, receives one finger. 轻喝一声,收起一指。 Two “二” Under the serious sound, Xue Bin gripped the tight fist anxiously, on the forehead flows the bean big beads of sweat, the beads of sweat just dropped in the ground disperses, is frozen the ice flower by the cold air that the iceberg filled. 沉重的声音下,薛斌紧张的攥紧拳头,额头上流淌出豆大的汗珠,汗珠刚滴落在地面上散开,就被冰山所弥漫出的寒气冻结成冰花。 One he he, it seems like Xue brother thought that his life and is unworthy 50 million spirit stones.” Last finger draws in the fist, the shaking down head that Qin Shi regrets, said to Qin Xuexin: Snow heart, begins.” “一呵呵,看來薛兄是觉得,自己的命并不值50000000灵石啊。”最后一指收拢成拳,秦石惋惜的摇下头,冲沁雪心道:“雪心,动手吧。” The broad and handsome forehead, Qin Xuexin does not make the response lightly, skilled artist void selection and broadcast several, in the broad elder pavilion hike up the snow white white snow, the red sandalwood wooden table, the gold dragon chair, the blue and white porcelain, all clads in silvery white. 螓首轻点,沁雪心不做回应,妙手虚空点播几下,恢弘的长老阁内飘起皑皑白雪,紫檀木桌,金龙座椅,青花瓷器,皆是银装素裹。 , On two tables of icebergs breaks to pieces the chap, such as Longji extends, however breaks the ground pump that the spirit crystal builds, making the two blood tumble, hurries Xue Binxun to raise hand, rapid [say / way]: No, I promise you 咔嚓一声,两桌冰山上碎开龟裂,如龙脊般延绵而下,将灵晶打造的地面泵然震碎,使得其中两人血液翻滚,慌忙中薛斌寻去扬手,急促道:“别,我答应你” Now, wants 60 million “现在,要60000000” You “你” „After three seconds, 70 million the Qin Shi corners of the mouth dodge to plunder together unusual ice-cold, holds up three fingers. “三秒后,70000000”秦石嘴角闪掠出一道异样的冰冷,跟着举起三根手指。 Line 60 million, I promised you to have the previous lesson, Xue Bin fully realized that Qin Shi was not jokes with him again, the nod complied hastily. “行60000000,我答应你”有了上次的教训,薛斌深知秦石不是再和他开玩笑,连忙点头答应。 Early can this, save 10 million?” complexion changes, Qin Shi has smiled immediately, as if all have not occurred have been same, stepped goes forward to receive a black card from Xue Bin's hand, psychic force toward spied on, rows of code good Upper Tier spirit stones, made him feel that had a dizzy spell. “早这样,是不是能省下10000000?”面色一变,秦石马上笑了出來,仿佛一切都沒有发生过一样,迈上前从薛斌的手上接过一张黑卡,精神力朝其中窥探一番,一排排码好的上品灵石,不禁让他感觉到头晕目眩。 Drinks, is really 60 million?” Although does not have what concept to spirit stones, may witness that piles up to have hundred zhang (333m) high spirit stones, the suction port cold air/Qi that but actually Qin Shi cannot bear, acclaimed: Empire is filthy rich, a country teacher's son, has the so huge wealth.” “喝,真是60000000?”尽管是对灵石沒有什么概念,可目睹堆积起來足足有百丈高的灵石,秦石还是忍不住的倒吸口冷气,赞叹一番:“帝国就是财大气粗啊,一个国师之子,就有这般庞大的财富。” Snow heart, has put them first.” Receives the black card, under Qin Shi hints Qin Xuexin, at once arrives around Xue Bin saying: Was good, before saying you, must look for the matter that I discussed that naturally, the premise was you also has enough chip.” “雪心,先放了他俩。”将黑卡收起,秦石示意下沁雪心,旋即走到薛斌跟前道:“行了,说说你之前要找我谈的事吧,当然,前提是你还有足够的筹码。” Is separated from the iceberg, Xue Bin breathes heavily the previous several thick air/Qi, from the face of becoming flushed obviously, this time he is exceptionally angry, after all 60 million spirit stones such as Yu Qing said that the foot built Mysterious Palace again, that and other wealth were the empires, will feel the meat pain. 从冰山中脱离,薛斌喘上几口粗气,从涨红的面庞上可见,此时的他异常愤怒,毕竟60000000的灵石如玉清所言,足矣再打造一座玄殿,那等财富就算是帝国,也会感觉到肉痛吧。 These 60 million spirit stones are not the Xue Bin personal properties, but is the empire to him for drawing in the big or medium influence, controls the East District government money, now he has not known how should go back to report on accomplishments. 况且这60000000灵石并非薛斌个人财产,而是帝国给他用于收拢大小势力,掌控东方区域的公款,现在他还不知道该如何回去交差。 May things have gotten to this point, Xue Bincheng palace be extremely deep, has not manifested suddenly in front of Qin Shi, endures to get angry the quirk: Chip you do not need to be worried, so long as you can accomplish the matter that I said that your reward will not be less than these 60 million spirit stones absolutely.” 可事已至此,薛斌城府极深,在秦石面前并未发作,忍着怒火道:“筹码你不用担心,只要你能办到我说的事,你的报酬绝对不会少于这60000000灵石。” Good, you said that looks.” “那好,你说说看。” The Qin Shi look makes the condensation slightly, hints Xue Bin to continue. 秦石的神色稍作凝聚,示意薛斌继续。 The Xue Bin moist under corners of the mouth, the eye pupil rotates at once, said: Reality is open about the facts you, in a short time ago, king Xianyou, feared that this matter will spread over entire Scarlet Flame Empire on the 3rd.” 薛斌湿润下嘴角,旋即眼眸转动一圈,道:“实不瞒你,在前不久,帝王仙游,怕是不出三日,这件事就会传遍整座赤炎帝国。” „Did the Oh? king pass away?” Qin Shi is very accidental. 哦?帝王驾崩?”秦石十分意外。 Xue Bin nodded: Um, such issue came, the country cannot one day not have Monarch, must select the new king to manage the general situation, but now inward is divided into two big cliques, a big clique is the side weighs the imperial prince, a big clique is the only son of large male deer imperial concubine: Lin Yu, will hold the new king to ascend the throne the grand ceremony three months later, because two sides fight unceasingly, the overlords of empire decision by four wide ranges, is conducted to vote to elect, now the southwest two wide ranges with the emperor's relatives, already, in the side weighs during emperor's son's control, so long as you can help me convince Hua Ling, when the new king ascends the throne, making her stand to support Fang Heng, at that time you wanted anything to reward for services rendered, all said.” 薛斌点了点头:“嗯,这样问題就來了,国不可一日无君,必须要选出新王主持大局,而如今朝内分为两大派系,一大派系是方衡皇子,一大派系是麟妃的独子:麟宇,在三个月后会举行新王登基大典,由于两方争锋不断,帝国决定由四大区域的霸主,和皇亲国戚进行投票选举,现在西南两大区域,已经在方衡皇子的掌控之中,只要你能帮我说服花零,在新王登基之时,让她站出來支持方衡,那时候你想要什么酬劳,一切好说。” Oh? Qin Shi knit the brows, asked one: If I have not remembered incorrectly, Lin Yu is the present crown prince? The late kings passed away, should the crown prince superior is right.” 哦?秦石皱了皱眉,笑问一声:“如果我沒记错,麟宇才是如今的太子吧?先王驾崩,理应太子上位才对啊。” Lin Yu? Scoffs, useless person from area north of the Great Wall barbaric family, why he to sit my Scarlet Flame Empire throne?” Xue Bin gets angry contemptuously said. 麟宇?嗤,一个來自塞外野蛮家族的废物,他凭什么坐上我赤炎帝国的皇位?”薛斌嗤之以鼻的怒道。 The face of Qin Shi is instantaneously cloudy, said with a smile craftily: You your just words, spoke a time again.” 秦石的面庞瞬间阴沉下來,诡笑道:“你把你刚刚的话,再说一次。” Um?” Xue Bin stares: What words?” “嗯?”薛斌不由一愣:“什么话?” That about Lin Yu.” “就是关于麟宇的那段。” I said that he useless person from area north of the Great Wall family “我说,他是來自塞外家族的废物 Has not waited for the voice to fall to the ground, the solid fist wind, brandishes together directly on Xue Bin's face, repels dozens meters far him, Bang breaks the red sandalwood wooden table. 沒等话音落地,一道结实的拳风,正面挥舞在薛斌的脸上,将他击退出数十米远,砰一声将紫檀木桌震碎。 The brace sets out, Xue Bindai looking angrily at Qin Shi: Stone Qin, were you insane? What meaning do you begin suddenly are?” 撑起身,薛斌呆愣的怒视秦石:“石秦,你疯了?你突然动手是什么意思?” He he, wants to know?” Qin Shi is pinching the fist, endures patiently for a long time anger, finally erupts in the moral nature, the unusual conditions spirit pressure such as incessant Jiang Hong, wields toward Xue Bin: You remember to me, useless person in your mouth, is brothers who his mother was short of me to cross the life “呵呵,想知道是么?”秦石捏着拳头,忍耐许久的怒火,终于在心底爆发,浑然天成的灵压如滔滔不绝的江洪,朝着薛斌就挥动出去:“你给我记住,你口中的废物,是他妈本少我过命的兄弟” What?” “什么?” Xue Bindeng staring, under pupil dodged with amazement, did not allow him to recover, even if Qin Shi set out leapt to him, in the Qin Shi fist wind, was gathering the light purple quiet fire, aggressive has pounded. 薛斌瞪了瞪眼,眸底下一闪骇然,不容他回过神來,秦石纵然起身的就跃到他跟前,在秦石的拳风上,汇聚着淡淡的紫色幽火,生猛的砸了下去。 Xue Bin responded extremely quickly, pushed on the wooden table of disruption single-handed, You Long the ghost step revolved in the under foot, body, shunted the front surface a fist, but the second fist when turning round approached his close place, making his look one cold, if at this time he did not counter-attack, share that only then came under attack, for this reason not in retention offered a sacrifice to the Heaven Realm spirit pressure, the direct impact ascended to heaven wielded the fist. 薛斌反应极快,单手在碎裂的木桌上一推,游龙鬼步在脚下运转,身子一番,躲开迎面的一拳,而在回身时第二拳已经逼近他咫尺之处,令他神色一寒,这时候他若再不回击,那就只有挨打的份,为此不在保留的将天境灵压祭出,直冲升天的挥起拳头。 Bang Two fists move cause the hurricane, the strength of far ultra Qin Shi several fold Heaven Realm, making the Qin Shi footsteps limp, steaming leapt withdrew dozens steps, reluctantly calmed down. 两拳触碰间引起飓风,天境之力远超秦石数倍,令秦石脚步蹒跚,腾腾腾的退后数十步,才勉强稳下。 Compels to draw back Qin Shi, Xue Binxian stares, at once clearly becomes aware smiles: „Didn't stone Qin, how use fully? Said your promotion cultivates for the move, couldn't use?” 逼退秦石,薛斌先是一愣,旋即明悟一笑:“石秦,怎么不使用全力呢?还是说你那提升修为的招数,已经使用不了了?” Flung the palm, Qin Shi looked toward the tigers mouth place, flowed out wipes the bright red bloodstain, Xue Bin said right, took the person emperor to decide the demon bead, present he was unable the revolution demon blood. 甩了甩手掌,秦石朝虎口处瞄去,流出一抹鲜红的血迹,薛斌说的沒错,服用人皇定魔珠,如今的他已经无法运转魔血。 Shi’tou Qin Xuexin worries drinks one tenderly, the elegant face under was made up for by the cold ice, looks angrily at Xue Bin: You dare to injure him, courts death 石头沁雪心担忧的娇喝一声,俏脸唰下被寒冰弥补,怒视薛斌:“你敢伤他,找死” The white hands raise, Xue Bin temperature all around drops rapidly, the pressure that is unable to resist made him withdraw hastily, closed tightly jaw: Damn, has forgotten the matter of this women's.” 玉手一扬,薛斌周遭的温度急速下降,一股无法抗拒的压力令他连忙退后,不由咬紧牙关:“该死,忘了这女子的事了。” Under Xue Bin worries, Qin Shi raises the black robe suddenly, keeps off said before the Qin Xuexin body: Do not get rid, I come.” 而在薛斌担忧下,秦石突然扬起黑袍,挡在沁雪心身前道:“你别出手,我自己來。” But Qin Xuexin bites the silver tooth lightly. “可是”沁雪心轻咬银牙。 You understand me, something, needing me face, you help me think that senior buddhist monk broke Qin Xuexin on line, Qin Shi refers to the jade scavenging. “你了解我,有些事情,必须要我自己面对,你帮我看着那个老秃驴就行”打断沁雪心,秦石指了指玉清道。 The cherry lips open and close, looking that Qin Xuexin is worried about to Qin Shi, but on latter face resolutely and decidedly, making her accommodate the turbulence tenderly, remembers in the blood lake under unfeeling cliff, Qin Shi does not hesitate keeping off of life before her body, is kicking up a racket anything for the dignity of man, chuckle: One year has not seen, you really have not changed, always likes such showing off power 樱唇开合,沁雪心担心的望向秦石,而后者面庞上的刚毅和决然,让她娇容动荡,想起在绝情崖下的血湖中,秦石不惜生命的挡在她身前,然后吵吵着什么为了男人的尊严,轻笑一声:“一年沒见,你真是沒变,总是爱这么逞强” Has not changed , is not only this, to your sentiment.” Under smiling of Qin Xuexin, Qin Shi can always put down in the heart all impetuousness. “沒变的不光是这个,还有对你的情。”在沁雪心的莞尔下,秦石总是能够放下心中所有的浮躁。 Wipes to climb up the nape of the neck crimson, Qin Xuexin said shyly: When, mood said these, meets you , if there is danger, I will get rid to save you.” 一抹绯红攀爬上脖颈,沁雪心羞涩道:“什么时候了,还有心情说这些,一会你若是有危险,我会出手救你。” Um.” Smiles under the point, Qin Shi said: But I think that should not have this opportunity.” “嗯。”笑着点下头,秦石道:“但是我想,应该不会有这个机会。” These time fights for the brothers, he will certainly not defeat. 这一次是为了兄弟而战,他一定不会败。 Qin Xuexin calls a halt, the look that Xue Bin dreads disperses indifferently, reveals wipes the wild with joy, ruthless offense shouted to clear the way lowly: „Didn't stone Qin, make her get rid? You have the strength of spirit actually, but you do not think that depending on you such strength, can independently exceed me now?” 沁雪心停手,薛斌忌惮的神色漠然散开,露出一抹狂喜,狠戾的低喝道:“石秦,不让她出手?你倒是有骨气,只是你不会以为,凭你现在这样的实力,能够独自胜过我吧?” Previous time, you also said that may finally actually be ugly.” Qin Shi confident curling the lip, opens the mouth to say. “上一次,你也是这么说,可结果却是不扬。”秦石坦然的撇了撇嘴,开口道。 Snort, the previous time is the previous time, this time I make you know that you disparity Xue Bin with me are angry, You Long the ghost step makes him such as the demon shade common, the body in a flash, one step leaps before the body of Qin Shi, holds the wind to howl brings two to wipe the pale quiet color star tail, such as two pythons same puncture toward the chest of Qin Shi. “哼,上一次是上一次,这一次我就让你知道,你和我之间的差距”薛斌大怒,游龙鬼步使他如魅影一般,身躯一晃,一步跃到秦石的身前,掌风呼啸间带着两抹淡幽色的星尾,如两条巨蟒一样朝秦石的胸口刺下。 Bang The black pupil turns toward on, Qin Shi after moves half step, at once is sideways to welcome single-handed, grasps void, holds python together, golden miraculous glow such as two big dragons, tuck dive swallows it, at once shells to Xue Bin's chest. 黑眸朝上一翻,秦石朝后挪动半步,旋即侧身中单手迎上,虚空一握,抓住一道巨蟒,金色的灵光如两条巨龙,翻腾的将其吞噬,旋即冲着薛斌的胸膛轰击上去。 The big dragon forces, Xue Bin holds in one breath, two feet step on the stone column of doorframe continuously two steps, float in three meters high airborne, leaps to the Qin Shi back, two fingers like shell condensation, to the Qin Shi back of the body on pen straight thrust under. 巨龙逼迫,薛斌憋住一口气,两脚在门框的石柱上连续踏上两步,悬浮在三米高的空中,一跃到秦石的背后,两根手指如炮弹般凝聚,冲着秦石的后心就笔直刺下。 This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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