PDL :: Volume #5

#453: Cash agreement

Qin Shi, the date and time of static joy after is minority, confesses with tiger white, during falls into to be busy once again, the practice, may not idle. 秦石來讲,静怡的时日终归是少数,和虎皓交代一番,再度陷入忙碌之中,修炼一路,不可懈怠。 Qin Shi sharply has not been leaving Mysterious Palace, beforehand two breakthrough completely with the aid of the external force, causing his foundation not to be steady, in addition spiritual power at the honor big game is exhausted, and received the heavy injury, needs to convalesce. 秦石并未急着离开玄殿,之前的两次突破全部是借助外力,导致他的根基不稳,加上在荣誉大赛上灵力匮竭,并且受了不轻的伤势,需要静养。 But Mysterious Palace, obviously is the convalescing excellent place, moreover Hua Ling was sorry for the beforehand misunderstanding, pledged that in Mysterious Palace all resources to the Qin Shi use, had this good deed, even if has not injured, Qin Shi will not walk. 玄殿,显然是静养的绝佳之处,况且花零对之前的误会表示歉意,承诺玄殿中所有的资源任由秦石使用,有了这种好事,就算是沒有伤,秦石也不会走啊。 After all, has the small advantage not to occupy bastard. 毕竟,有便宜不占王八蛋吗。 The next day dusk, Qin Shi sits cross-legged to operate several in side building, finally somewhat exhausted standing up, under the extension of making an effort the physique, pushes the door to take toward the side building outside, is feeling the freshness of greenery shade of forest, has licked the split corners of the mouth, the mood is comfortable. 翌日的黄昏,秦石在厢房中盘膝运作几圈,终于有些疲惫的站起身,使劲的伸展下筋骨,推门朝厢房外迈出,感受着绿树林荫的清新,舔了舔干裂的嘴角,心情舒爽。 Has not walked along the flagging far, transmits the elusive sound that is merry in a Third Rank high pavilion building, two are supporting the parapet graceful form, attracts the Qin Shi attention. 沿着石板路沒走多远,在一处三层高的亭楼上传來有说有笑的空灵声响,两名撑着栏杆的曼妙身影,吸引去秦石的注意力。 Snow heart? Qiao'er?” “雪心?巧儿?” The vision casts aside, light nan that Qin Shi begins supinely. 目光一撇,秦石仰起头的轻喃一声。 „Did you go out?” Qin Xuexin 3000 sent to grip blue, became letting fall of Mawei in the front, bending down of smiled to Qin Shi embarrasedly. “你出关了?”沁雪心将3000蓝发扎了起來,成马尾的垂落在胸前,俯下身的冲着秦石讪讪一笑。 Is such a simple movement, the black pupil of Qin Shi along with it losing, partly makes a sound has not responded. 就是这么个简单的动作,秦石的黑眸不由随之迷失,半响的沒有作出回应。 Whoops, do not look under, met the drool to flow, hurried.” Xu Qiao'er covers mouth to ridicule one. “哎呦,别在底下看了,一会哈喇子都流出來了,赶紧上來吧。”许巧儿捂着嘴嘲笑一声。 Qin Shi shakes the head hastily, criticizes own strength in meditation to be insufficient, at once the single foot treads in the ground lightly one step, leaps to Third Rank of pavilion building directly, blows to the Xu Qiao'er very skillful bridge of the nose, ridicules saying: „Did dead girl, what above talk nonsense?” 秦石连忙摇头,暗骂自己的定力不够,旋即单脚在地面上轻踏一步,直接飞跃到亭楼的三层,冲着许巧儿挺巧的鼻梁刮一下,笑骂道:“死丫头,在上面瞎说什么呢?” Who talked nonsense, you took a look at your collar.” Xu Qiao'er white. “谁瞎说,你自己瞧瞧你的衣领。”许巧儿白了一眼。 Stares, when Qin Shi lowers the head searches, on the collar of black robe, unexpectedly really has moistened some thick liquid, hurried to stare Xu Qiao'er one awkwardly, has traced several above with the hand. 不由一愣,秦石低头探去时,在黑袍的衣领上,竟真的沾了些粘稠液体,赶忙尴尬的瞪了许巧儿一眼,用手在上面摸了几把。 Looks at the Qin Shi startled appearance, Qin Xuexin is smiling. 望着秦石惊慌的模样,沁雪心不由莞尔。 Realized that this, Qin Shi has the accident slightly, must know that original Qin Xuexin, little is in front of bystander to reveal the dimple, it seems like these, the work of Xu Qiao'er has not wasted on. 察觉到这一幕,秦石稍有意外,要知道原來的沁雪心,很少当着外人的面露出笑靥,看來这几日,许巧儿的工作沒有白费啊。 „Did you, what chat before?” “你们俩,之前聊什么呢?” Has not chatted anything, i.e. some of your childhood dirty business, with your female friend anything.” Xu Qiao'er is crooked the head to say with a smile. “沒聊什么啊,就是说些你小时候的糗事,和你的那些红颜知己什么的呗。”许巧儿歪着脑袋笑道。 Really, I know that from your this girl mouth, definitely cannot put out any good thing, looked how I teach you.” Face one black, Qin Shi asks to grasp Xu Qiao'er. “果然,我就知道,从你这丫头嘴里,肯定吐不出什么好东西來,看我怎么教训你。”面庞一黑,秦石伸手就要去抓许巧儿 One side of the Xu Qiao'er tender body, hides Qin Xuexin all of a sudden, the laughter said: You come, has skill you to come.” 许巧儿娇躯一侧,一下子躲到沁雪心的身后,嬉笑道:“你來啊,有本事你來啊。” Since Qin Xuexin appears, Xu Qiao'er was held the Qin Shi soft rib, in have no alternative, Qin Shi said indignantly: Dead girl, you are waiting, turned head I to give the owlet the porch to turn your childhood ins and outs, looked that he also does dare to want you 自从沁雪心出现,许巧儿算是抓住了秦石的软肋,无可奈何之中,秦石气愤道:“死丫头,你等着,回头我把你小时候的老底都给枭轩翻出來,看他还敢不敢要你” Let go, Xu Qiao'er whole face indifferent [say / way]: You said that I do not care, on the contrary is you, thinks well how to coax the snow heart elder sister.” 摊了摊手,许巧儿满脸无所谓的道:“你去说呗,我才不在乎,反倒是你啊,好好想一想,怎么把雪心姐哄好吧。” Here, she has pushed under Qin Xuexin, then arrived at the stairway around Qin Shi: Hey, I look for Elder Sister Yu, did not disturb you, the snow heart elder sister records, do not forgive him easily.” 说到这,她推了下沁雪心,然后绕着秦石走到楼梯口:“嘿嘿,我去找玉姐,不打扰你们了,雪心姐记着啊,别轻易的原谅他。” Dead girl “死丫头” Staring Xu Qiao'er maliciously, heaving a deep sigh of Qin Shi have no alternative, when turning round, the Qin Xuexin single-handed brace on the parapet, in the beautiful pupil several points of lax, reflects Yun Aitan of distant place to go. 狠狠的瞪了眼许巧儿,秦石无可奈何的长叹一声,然而回身时,沁雪心单手撑在栏杆上,美眸中稍带几分涣散,映着远处的云霭探去。 Grasps the head, before Qin Shi awkward gathering up: What's wrong, was angry really?” 抓了抓脑袋,秦石尴尬的凑上前:“怎么,真生气了?” Does not have, you said with me, will I be angry? I am thinking, the time passes quite quick, one year ago time, you are Spirit Seal Realm, where can like the present, one step leap to this Third Rank high pavilion.” Qin Xuexin has turned round, smiles embarrasedly. “沒啊,你都和我说了,我怎么会生气呢?我只是在想,时间过的好快,一年前的时候,你才是封灵境,哪里能像现在这样,一步就跃到这三层高的楼阁。”沁雪心回过身,讪讪一笑。 Absent-minded, the fragment under unfeeling cliff, reappears once again, suddenly, the Qin Shi inspiration dodges, reveals to wipe the excited smiling face: Snow heart, comes 一阵恍惚,绝情崖下的片段,再度浮现而出,突然,秦石灵机一闪,露出一抹兴奋的笑容道:“雪心,來” Does not wait for Qin Xuexin to respond, Qin Shi holds on her white hands, dashing goes against hurriedly to the Mysterious Palace rear cliff. 不等沁雪心回应,秦石一把拉住她的玉手,急匆匆的飞奔到玄殿后方的崖顶上。 Stands in the cliff top, cold wind blows by fits and starts, Qin Xuexin said puzzled: What do you bring to be me to this suddenly?” 站在崖顶,一阵一阵冷风拂面,沁雪心不解道:“你突然把我带到这做什么?” Leads you to fly.” Qin Shi said with a smile. “带你飞啊。”秦石笑道。 The mind trembles, Qin Xuexin guessed correctly immediately Qin Shi must make anything, remembers them the agreement on unfeeling cliff, that immature youth threatened, next time traded the picture that he carried her to fly, shivered saying: Originally, do you still remember?” 心神微颤,沁雪心马上就猜到秦石要做什么,想起两人在绝情崖上的约定,那稚嫩的少年扬言说,下一次换他來载着她飞行的画面,颤抖道:“原來,你还记得?” How to forget? Enclasps me “怎么会忘呢?抱紧我” Qin Shi smiles to Qin Xuexin, stretching out the arms that back passes away. 秦石沁雪心一笑,背过身的张开双臂。 Qin Xuexin min under the corners of the mouth, surrounded the bear waist of Qin Shi from behind, at once Qin Shi light nan: Hugged steadily.” At once, two feet make an effort, leaps toward the azure clouds of distant place. 沁雪心抿了下嘴角,从后面环抱住秦石的熊腰,旋即秦石轻喃一声:“抱稳了啊。”旋即,两脚用力,朝着远处的青霄跃去。 Is treading void, shuttles back and forth in the bone-chilling cold cold wind, their hearts contain the warm feeling completely, one year ago agreement in this moment, obtained the cash finally. 踏着虚空,穿梭在凛冽的寒风中,两人的心却是满含暖意,一年前的约定在这一刻,终于得到了兑现。 But in having a good swim, the beautiful pupil of Qin Xuexin inexplicable underlining tears, felt worry that warming up of chest, Qin Shi hurries said: How? In good condition what to cry?” 而在畅游中,沁雪心的美眸中莫名的突显泪花,感觉到胸膛的温热,秦石慌忙的担忧道:“怎么了?好端端的哭什么?” I the Qin Xuexin side is excessive, shyly small sound track: I feared that our agreements realize, later you will forget me.” “我”沁雪心侧过头,扭捏的小声道:“我怕,我们的约定实现,以后你就会忘记我。” How can, even if one day, I have forgotten me, will not forget you.” Qin Shi has rubbed Qin Xuexin sends blue, says with a smile: Is inferior to this, we are agreeing, the next same place looks at the sea, I have not looked, is good?” “怎么会呢,就算有一天,我忘了我自己,都不会忘记你。”秦石揉了揉沁雪心的蓝发,笑道:“不如这样,我们在约定,下一次一起去看海,我还沒有看过呢,好不好?” Really?” “真得?” Naturally, my Qin Shi, always kept promises.” Qin Shi earnest complying said that this made Qin Xuexin broken sob the smile. “当然,我秦石,向來是说一不二。”秦石认真的答应道,这才令沁雪心破泣微笑。 But at this time, the Qin Xuexin look changed, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed fixed one's gaze on to look toward the distant place. 而这时,沁雪心神色一变,黛眉微蹙的朝远处凝眸望去。 Realized that the change of Qin Xuexin, Qin Shi worries saying: How?” 察觉到沁雪心的变化,秦石担忧道:“怎么了?” In that some people discussed you.” Qin Xuexin holds up the white hands, has referred to the direction of Mysterious Palace elder pavilion. “在那,有人议论你。”沁雪心举起玉手,朝着玄殿长老阁的方向指了指。 Um? Elder pavilion?” Qin Shi astonished, psychic force searches at once toward all around, frowned: Um? How hadn't I realized?” “嗯?长老阁?”秦石惊异一下,旋即精神力朝四周探去,皱起眉头:“嗯?我怎么沒有察觉?” Has knot, you come along with me.” “有结界,你随我來。” Qin Xuexin said the sentence low voice, at once turns the hand to hold on Qin Shi, falls outside the wall of elder pavilion, wields the sleeve skirt, wipes the cold air current to ripple to open, makes at the same time the invisible knot exposition in their fields of vision. 沁雪心小声的说句,旋即翻手拉住秦石,落在长老阁的墙壁外,一挥袖裙,一抹寒冷的气流荡漾而开,令一面无形的结界暴露在两人的视野中。 Tied just reappeared, Qin Xuexin skilled artist void selection and broadcast several, in tying on broke a People small hole. 结界刚浮现,沁雪心的妙手虚空点播几下,在结界上破开一个一人大小的窟窿。 The hole just reappeared, the Qin Shi psychic force fills the air to enter, side two familiar sound horses upwell hear, knit the brows: Is he? He how also in Mysterious Palace?” 窟窿刚浮现,秦石的精神力弥漫而入,两道熟悉的声音马上涌入耳旁,不由皱了皱眉:“是他?他怎么还在玄殿?” In elder pavilion. 长老阁内。 Two forms sit facing each other with rapt attention, one old one few. 两道身影凝神对坐,一老一少。 The old men, without doubt are Yu Qing of head of Mysterious Palace Taoist trinity, young is Xue Bin. 老者,无疑是玄殿三清之首的玉清,年少的则是薛斌。 Xue Bin Young Master, we now what to do?” “薛斌公子,我们现在怎么办?” What to do can? Originally, I want through this honor big game, deters East District other influences, then tries to overthrow Mysterious Palace the position of overlord, now is booing, not only cannot succeed, pours [say / way] that others' stepping-stone Xue Bin has clenched jaws. “能怎么办?本來,我想要通过这次荣誉大赛,來威慑东方区域的其他势力,然后试图推翻玄殿的霸主之位,现在倒好,非但沒能成功,倒成了别人的垫脚石”薛斌咬牙切齿的道。 A presbyopia revolution of Yu Qing pollution, small sound track: Young Master, one does not do, were two continuous, inferior to us that Shi Qinsha?” 玉清浑浊的老眼一转,小声道:“公子,一不做,二不休,不如我们把那石秦杀了?” Has killed him? Did you also feel all right to say? If not for before , you let slip, now he already died, which will have today, currently his side not only has Hua Ling, Qin Xuexin of that blue hair, was said that killed can kill?” Xue Bin pounds on table indignantly, scolds to say. “杀了他?你还好意思说?若不是之前你失手,现在他早就死了,哪还会有今天,现在他身边不光有花零,还有那个蓝头发的沁雪心,是说杀就能杀的吗?”薛斌气愤的拍下桌子,呵斥道。 hear that, Yu Qing frightened hits to tremble, lowering the head of does not dare to say again. 闻言,玉清吓得打了个哆嗦,低下头的不敢再多说。 Under have no alternative, on Xue Bin turned table teacup, holds appreciatively long sighed in the hand: Ok, tomorrow I act, looks Shi Qin to chat, looked to be able through him, gathered the East District influence, moreover I thought that he and Hua Ling were good, had better be able convince Hua Ling directly, avoid this actually troubled.” 无可奈何下,薛斌将桌子上的茶杯翻了一圈,把玩在手中长叹道:“算了,明日我出面,去找石秦谈谈,看能不能通过他,把东方区域的势力集合起來,而且我看他和花零不错,最好能直接说服花零,这样倒是省得麻烦。” He, if doesn't comply?” Yu Qing biliary duct. “他若不答应呢?”玉清胆道。 Does not comply with Xue Bin voice to be heavy, in the sound is bringing several points of callous: That implements the second plan “不答应”薛斌的声音沉重下來,声音中带着几分冷酷:“那就实施第二计划” „The second plan?” The senile body vibrates several points, Yu Qing fixes one's gaze on saying: „, Is “第二计划?”老态的身躯抖动几分,玉清凝眸道:“难道,是” Breathes out “嘘” Suddenly, Xue Bin raises hand, sets out to cover the mouth of Yu Qing, then vision ruthless offense looks toward out of the door: What person? Came, why outside stealthy?” 突然,薛斌扬手,起身捂住玉清的嘴巴,然后将目光狠戾的朝门外望去:“什么人?來都來了,何必在外面鬼鬼祟祟的呢?” Um?” Yu Qing wrinkled under eyebrow puzzled. “嗯?”玉清不解的皱了下眉。 Waits a bit one, throughout does not see the person's shadow heavily, Xue Bin narrows the eye, the raising hand gate pulse outside the elder pavilion is puncturing one broadly such as the raging fire of wild animal. 稍等一阵,始终不见人影,薛斌沉重的眯起眼,扬手间冲着长老阁外刺出一股恢弘如野兽的烈火。 Bang The raging fire has not arrived in the entrance, the cold air current from gathers in all directions, directly its freeze, at once Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin circles the entrance: He he, Xue brother, was this? Sends such big anger?” 烈火尚未抵达门口,寒冷的气流从四面八方汇聚,直接将其冻结,旋即秦石沁雪心绕到门口:“呵呵,薛兄,这是怎么了?发这么大的火气?” Is you?” “是你们?” Sees them, Xue Bin face sinks, especially on Qin Xuexin, reveals wipes obvious dreading. 望见两人,薛斌的面庞一沉,特别是在沁雪心身上,露出一抹显而易见的忌惮。 Yes, in far away hears Xue brother to have the matter to look for me, my this did not catch up.” Let go, Qin Shi said: Before that the matter, we should calculate first.” “是啊,在老远就听闻薛兄有事找我,我这不就赶过來了吗。”摊了摊手,秦石道:“只是在那之前,有一件事,我们应该先算一算。” What matter?” Xue Bin puzzled [say / way]. “什么事?”薛斌不解道。 Assassinates my matter, before I also think that the Yu Qing elders are because the same side was killed, wants to ask me to murder those who have cheated them, now looks like, is for different reasons?” The cold brightness dodges to plunder under the pupil heart, Qin Shi fierce [say / way]. “刺杀我的事啊,之前我还以为玉清长老是因为同门被杀,才想要找我寻仇,现在看來,是另有原因啊?”寒光在眸心下闪掠而过,秦石厉声道。 Yu Qing and Xue Bin's pupil color simultaneously changes, but does not wait for them to get back one's composure, together slick iceberg, directly their Feng Kun, Qin Xuexin cold [say / way]: Shi’tou, had they assassinated you before?” 玉清和薛斌的眸色同时一变,而不等两人回神,一道八面玲珑的冰山,直接将两人封困,沁雪心寒冷道:“石头,之前他们刺杀过你?” Um.” Under Qin Shi said. “嗯。”秦石点下头道。 I have killed them.” Qin Shi is inviting the wrath of the emperor of Qin Xuexin, without the slightest show of feeling said one pale, at once the five fingers of white hands spread out, to their iceberg grasping under slowly. “那我杀了他们。”秦石沁雪心的逆鳞,毫无表情的淡说一句,旋即玉手的五指摊开,冲着两人的冰山缓缓的握下。 The joint place of white hands, draws in a point every time, the icebergs of eight sides on a condensability point, Qin Shi stay in side, he dares definitely saying that so long as the hand of Qin Xuexin grips tightly, the Xue Bin two people will be killed immediately. 玉手的关节处,每收拢一分,八方的冰山就凝缩一分,秦石呆在旁边,他敢肯定的说,只要沁雪心的手攥紧,薛斌两人马上就会丧命。 Before Qin Xuexin, to fighting Hua Ling the method, Xue Bin listened to Yu Qing to say 12, for this reason under cold oppression, hurrying hurried [say / way]: Stone Qin, had any words, we said well that do not begin first.” 沁雪心之前对战花零的手段,薛斌听玉清说过12,为此在寒冷的压迫下,赶忙慌道:“石秦,有什么话,咱们好好说,你们先别动手。” Qin Shi has not prepared to make them die, but wants to deter, looks at their frightened facial expressions, fully realizes the opportunity to be mature, lifts the hand to block the Qin Xuexin [say / way]: Good, we said that you nearly harmed the matter that I was killed before.” 秦石并沒准备让两人死,只是想要威慑一下,看着两人恐惧的神情,深知时机成熟,抬起手拦下沁雪心的道:“好啊,那咱们就说说,你们之前险些害我丧命的事吧。” That matter that matter is I am not truly right, at that time was also the sentiment must already, for a while was muddled, this, I can make up for you.” The iceberg stops drawing, on the Xue Bin pale face the spout foul air, said. “那事那事确实是我不对,当时也是情非得已,一时糊涂,这样,我可以弥补你。”冰山停止收拢,薛斌苍白的面庞上吐出口浊气,道。 „Does Oh? make up for me?” 哦?弥补我?” hear that, Xue Bin looks possible, immediately pursues said: Um, you said that what you want, I can give you, in this world does not have forever personal enemy, perhaps only then forever benefit, we can also cooperate, is right?” 闻言,薛斌一看有戏,马上追说道:“嗯,你说你要什么,我都可以给你,这世上沒有永远的仇人,只有永远的利益,说不定我们还能合作呢,对不对?” Reasonable.” Looking pensive has selected, Qin Shi raises hand saying: Good, 50 million Upper Tier spirit stones, assassinated my matter before, what I treat as not to occur, how is it?” “有道理。”若有所思的点了下头,秦石扬手道:“好啊,50000000上品灵石,之前刺杀我的事情,我就当做什么也沒发生过,怎么样?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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