PDL :: Volume #5

#452: Black dragon sect present situation

Stars new moon night, beyond remote day. 繁星朔夜,在遥远的天外。 A remote dark rock cave, on the escarpment in rock cave, is carving all kinds of strange designs, combines, is an ancient mark winds likely, but under few mapping of waning moon, the mark winds to glitter suddenly the light halo, disperses toward all around. 一处遥远的幽暗石窟,石窟内的崖壁上,雕刻着各式各样怪异的图案,组合起来,像是一种古老的纹络,而在寥寥残月的映射下,纹络上突然间闪烁起淡淡的光晕,朝四周散开。 In the rock cave center, two forms sit cross-legged to sit, is not strange regarding them, was the old naughty child and Fufeng, Fufeng is still an honored black dragon long gown, induced in the mark to rock cave to wind, lapel stern raising head searched. 在石窟中央,有两道身影盘膝而坐,对于两人都不算陌生,正是老顽童和扶风,扶风仍是一席尊贵的青龙长袍,感应到石窟上的纹络,正襟严峻的仰头探去。 The presbyopia of old naughty child pollution opens indifferently, reveals to play the old disrespectful chuckle: Looks at this appearance, small girl has not disappointed me, the human the emperor decided the demon bead to start to operate in within the body of Qin Shi that boy.” 老顽童浑浊的老眼漠然睁开,露出玩老不恭的轻笑:“瞧这模样,那小丫头没有让我失望,人皇定魔珠应该已经在秦石那小子的体内开始运作了啊。” Under Fufeng point with rapt attention: Um, the body of demon this, the monarchy predicted in the past, even if has formed initially, now waits for the final turning point.” 扶风凝神的点下头:“嗯,这样,君主当年预言的魔子之体,就算是初步形成了,现在就等待最后的契机吧。” The word, their pupil heart deep place, wipes color of it goes without saying anticipation, under the anticipation, taking along wipes the ruthless offense, void in a flash, swings from the rock cave however dissipates. 言罢,两人的眸心深处,一抹期待之色不言而喻,在期待下,捎带一抹狠戾,虚空一晃,从石窟中荡然消散。 Next day, in the morning. 翌日,清晨。 Qin Shi under the stabbing pain of Chaoyang, lazy opens the black pupil, at once felt when the front warming up, lowers the head searches, Qin Xuexin pillow in his chest, very tranquil sleeping soundly. 秦石在朝阳的刺痛下,慵懒的睁开黑眸,旋即在胸前感觉到一股温热,低头探去时,沁雪心正枕在他的胸口,很恬静的熟睡。 Looks at this, Qin Xuexin should very long not rest has trod has thought steadily, can imagine actually, always crosses is chased down by the blood robe person, day that the startled heart and gall trembles, throughout is maintaining vigilant, perhaps only then in the Qin Shi side, can make her feel relieved. 看这样子,沁雪心应该很久没有睡过踏稳觉了,倒是也能够想象,总是过着被血袍人追杀,惊心胆颤的日子,始终保持着警惕,或许就只有在秦石的身旁,才能够让她感觉到安心。 Really is a pitiful fellow.” “真是个可怜的家伙。” Light nan, Qin Shi has not gone to disturb Qin Xuexin, silently is looking in the bosom thin and pale that person, somewhat loves dearly under the admire. 轻喃一声,秦石没有去打搅沁雪心,就默默望着怀中憔悴的伊人,在爱慕下有些心疼。 Sooner or later, I will take off all your camouflages, scatters all your restlessness, then makes you make one, forever like the happy princess.” “早晚有一天,我会摘下你所有的伪装,驱散掉你所有的不安,然后让你做一个,永远像这样幸福的公主。” Pledged in the heart silently that the Qin Shi jet black pupil heart flashes through some decidedly. 在心中默默发誓,秦石漆黑的眸心闪过些许决然。 Rubbed the sleepy eyes, Qin Xuexin regained consciousness in the dream, realized that Qin Shi fiery vision shy, was angry no wonder that: What do you think so me to make?” 揉了揉睡眼,沁雪心在梦中苏醒,察觉到秦石火热的目光稍带羞涩,嗔怪道:“你这么看着我做什么?” He he, thinks of a few words suddenly.” “呵呵,突然间想到一句话。” What words?” “什么话?” In the morning wakes up, you and sunlight , are really good.” Qin Shi surrounds the extremely slender waist of Qin Xuexin, small sound track by her ear. “早上醒来,你和阳光都在,真好。”秦石环抱住沁雪心的水蛇腰,在她的耳旁小声道。 The air current of warming up makes Qin Xuexin tremble lightly, delightful response: I am also.” 温热的气流让沁雪心轻颤一下,甜美回应:“我也是。” The honor big game causes a stir in the magnificent feat of trim region after all, some flow formally is unavoidable, for this reason Hua Ling noontime must announce the champion in the main hall, they have not done to delay, jump down the bed to start to wash. 荣誉大赛毕竟是轰动整片区域的壮举,一些形式上的流程还是难免,为此花零午时要在大殿上宣布冠军得主,两人并没有多做耽搁,跳下床榻开始洗漱。 In the entire process, Qin Shi has a satisfied feeling bewilderedly, is that type of bridge, the running water, others, the quiet and simple happiness, the moral nature also finally understand that so-called hoping must a will of the people, the elderly does not leave is any meaning. 在整个过程中,秦石莫名其妙有一种惬意的感觉,就是那种小桥,流水,人家,静谧而简单的幸福,心底也终于明白,那所谓的愿得一人心,白首不相离是什么意思。 He thinks that he can result in Qin Xuexin wholeheartedly, such elderly that is willing spends one's last years. 他想,他能得沁雪心一心,就心甘情愿的这样白首终老。 After half double-hour, they leave the side building. 半个时辰后,两人离开厢房。 Has not waited to step onto far, by the ear transmits yelling that shrieks and howls wildly suddenly, making them knit the brows, looks at each other one, pursues the sound direction to leap, but when to nearby discovered that who does not know is, has bundled, then hangs upside down on a several hundred meters high pinnacle that Xiao Tianyue ties hands. 可没等走上多远,耳旁突然传来鬼哭狼嚎的叫喊,让两人不由皱了皱眉,对视一眼,追着声音的方向跃去,而到了跟前时才发现,不知道是谁,把萧天月五花大绑的捆了起来,然后倒挂在一处数百米高的石峰上面。 Qin Shi amazed question: I said the day moon/month, do you on this, what distinguished merit ingenious method practice are?” 秦石惊诧的问句:“我说天月,你在这上面,练得是什么奇功妙法啊?” Elder Brother Shi? Really is you? The liberators, some people came finally, you quickly put me, I was hung in this damned place entire one, now the bloodlines direct impact hundred collect, in the top of the head is the small star.” Xiao Tianyue sees Qin Shi, with seeing the biological father is the same. 石哥?真的是你?救星啊,总算有人来了,你赶快把我放下去,我都被挂在这鬼地方整整一宿了,现在血脉直冲百汇,头顶上全是小星星。”萧天月看见秦石,跟看见亲爹一样。 „?” The Qin Shi corner of the eye twitches. “一宿?”秦石眼角抽搐。 The owlet porch happen to passed by, inserts the pocket to arrive at side Qin Shi, said with a smile: Elder Brother Shi, leave alone he, making him hang up again for several days, happen to just breakthrough to Spirit King Realm Late Stage, making him consolidate the foundation to be also good.” 枭轩正好路过,插着兜走到秦石身旁,笑道:“石哥,别管他,让他再挂上几天吧,正好刚突破王灵境后期,让他巩固巩固根基也好。” He how?” “他怎么了?” Also was not last night, went to the hot spring of back side of the mountain to peep Qiao'er they to take a bath, finally by Xiaomi Cai holding, has hung to him to above.” The owlet porch suppresses the happy expression explanation sentence. “还不是昨晚,去后山的温泉偷看巧儿她们洗澡,结果被小米彩给抓住了,就给他挂到上面了。”枭轩强忍笑意的解释句。 Qin Shi laughs in spite of trying not, this looks like Xiao Tianyue achievement actually, at once raises head saying: He he, in this case, you are treating above, can perhaps direct breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm, turn head I to be also good with your father Xiaoshan to confess.” 秦石不由失笑,这倒是像萧天月的作为,旋即仰头道:“呵呵,这样的话,你还是在上面待着吧,说不定能直接突破玄灵境呢,回头我也好跟你爹萧山交代。” No, no!” “别,别啊!” Whatever Xiao Tianyue shrieks and howls wildly, Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin does not return gets out of the way toward the distant place, but under he has to look angrily at the owlet porch: Owlet porch your Sir, you have the skill not to let me get down, otherwise father , if not kill you, I and you am surnamed!” 任由萧天月鬼哭狼嚎,秦石沁雪心头都不回的就朝远处走开,无奈下他只好怒视枭轩:“枭轩你大爷,你有本事别让我下去,否则老子若不弄死你,我和你姓!” Owlet porch silent meeting looking pensive, said: Um, is reasonable, looked you are very pitiful, I also deliberately considered that puts you, finally do you get down also want to kill me? That considers as finished, after all the life is valuable, I should treasure am right.” 枭轩若有所思的沉默一会,道:“嗯,有道理,本来看你挺可怜,我还寻思把你放下来呢,结果你下来还想要弄死我?那算了,毕竟生命可贵,我应该爱惜才对。” hear that, Xiao Tianyue changed a statement immediately: Porch elder brother, no, I anything had not said a moment ago, so long as you put me, I ensure does not kill you.” 闻言,萧天月马上改口:“轩哥,别啊,我刚才什么也没说,你只要把我放下去,我保证不弄死你。” „It is not good, if you do not kill me, can be surnamed with me? Generation that I cannot be unfair to my owlet, ok.” Owlet porch badly bad saying with a smile, sets out they to pursue toward Qin Shi. “不行啊,你要是不弄死我,岂不是要跟我姓?我不能对不起我枭家的列祖列宗啊,算了吧还是。”枭轩坏坏的笑道,起身就朝秦石两人追去。 Finally, stays behind Xiao Tianyue who compels painstakingly, is shouted that daily does not work, shouts surface-to-surface should not, finally not only nobody saves him, instead Hua Ling quarrelling, has wielded the white hands to him, supposes to tie void at the same time, gives to seal up his mouth directly, making him also shout again does not make noise. 最后,留下苦逼的萧天月,是喊天天不灵,喊地地不应,最后非但没有人来救他,反而把花零给吵了过来,冲着他挥了挥玉手,虚空设下一面结界,直接把他的嘴给封住,让他再也喊不出声来。 Noontime, main shrine. 午时,主殿。 Hua Ling starts the verbal command, convenes to come the Mysterious Palace elders and players, announced the champion of honor big game to the outside, and gave Qin Shi the Blazing Book very serious promulgation. 花零发动号令,将玄殿的长老和参赛选手们召集而来,对外宣布出荣誉大赛的冠军得主,并且将焚书很郑重的颁布给秦石 The entire process, has a tacit understanding, actually when yesterday, Qin Shi defeated Xue Bin, this news has spread over entire East District, now the stone Qin two characters were the reputation rise up, are known to everybody, are known to everybody. 整个过程,心照不宣,其实早在昨日,秦石战胜薛斌之时,这个消息就传遍了整个东方区域,如今石秦两字可谓是名声鹊起,无人不知,无人不晓。 Before also some people refused to accept, said that Qin Shi closes right up against the luck, but through this time, nobody like this said again that who after is not closes right up against the luck, can mix Qin Shi this situation. 之前还有人不服,说秦石是靠着运气,而通过这一次,再也没有人这样说,毕竟不是谁靠着运气,都能够混到秦石这种地步。 The luck factor, definitely has, but more is actually excellent innate skill, with the courage and wisdom of letting the human admiring, after all who can in the less than 20-year-old situation, be saved from death from the Mysterious Palace several over a hundred years of old monster hands successfully, and instead kills it? And anyone, after dares to kill the Mysterious Palace elder, doesn't the line change the name on Mysterious Palace that swaggering sits does not change surname? 运气的因素,肯定是有,而更多的却是过人的天赋,和让人敬佩的胆识,毕竟有谁能在不足20岁的情况下,成功从玄殿数名上百年的老妖怪手中死里逃生,并且反而杀之?而又有谁,敢杀了玄殿的长老后,行不更名坐不改姓的大摇大摆的上玄殿 Fears is, on this day under also had Qin Shi. 怕是,这天底下也就只有秦石了。 Stone brother, we first walked, some time remember that come to Nangong home to be a guest.” The result announced that the Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower went forward, in abundance and Qin Shi has greeted, the preparation must return to the respective family. “石兄,那我们就先走了,有时间记得来南宫家做客。”结果宣布完,南宫冰和太史葶花率先上前,纷纷和秦石打过招呼,准备要回到各自的家族。 Before they leave, Qin Shi has hugged the Nangong ice shoulder, arrives in nearby corner to press the sound intentionally base and low: Brothers advised politely one, sometimes man must, be able to grasp on own initiative happily in the hand.” 在两人离别前,秦石搂过南宫冰的肩膀,走到旁边的角落里故意将声音压低道:“兄弟奉劝一句,男人有时候就要主动一点,才能够把幸福抓在手上。” hear that, the Nangong ice said puzzled: „Did stone brother, what you say?” 闻言,南宫冰不解道:“石兄,你说什么呢?” Qin Shi black stay moment of pupil from the Taishi ting colored tender body: He he, what I said that aren't you clear? Do not support by hard and stubborn effort, has appropriate opportunity, with her said that when otherwise just misses, has you to regret.” 秦石将黑眸从太史葶花的娇躯上逗留片刻:“呵呵,我说什么,难道你心里还不清楚吗?别硬撑,有合适的机会,就和她说吧,否则等到失之交臂,有你后悔的时候。” Felt that Qin Shi vision, the Nangong ice look changes, the forced smile said: Yeah, I also think that insane young married woman, you also knows, she does not listen to the human to speak, if she can have snow heart miss half, I was content.” 感觉到秦石的目光,南宫冰神色一变,苦笑道:“哎,我也想啊,那疯婆娘,你也知道,她根本不听人说话,她要是能有雪心姑娘一半,我就知足了。” Woman, multipurpose point thoughts are good.” Recalled that just knew Qin Xuexin appearance, they do not cope under the unfeeling cliff mutually, at that time even Qin Xuexin also cold Ruhan iced has said to him: You, if with, me has killed you.’ The words, suddenly on the calm face, reveal the faint smile of immensely pleased with oneself, at once raises the hand, on Nangong ice shoulder heavy has patted several: Come on, I favor you!” “女人吗,多用点心思就好。”回想起刚认识沁雪心的模样,两人在绝情崖下相互不对付,甚至那时沁雪心还冷如寒冰的冲他说过:‘你若跟来,我杀了你。’的话,一时间在波澜不惊的面庞上,露出洋洋得意的浅笑,旋即扬起手,在南宫冰的肩膀上沉重的拍了几下:“加油,我看好你!” In they talked, Taishi ting spendthrift female man the incisiveness of personality display, impatient stepped goes forward to exclaim: Hey, I said you, in this whisper what? The Nangong ice, can't you walk? Didn't walk me to walk?” 在两人交谈中,太史葶花将女汉子的性情发挥的淋漓尽致,不耐烦的迈上前吼道:“喂,我说你们俩,在这嘀咕嘀咕什么呢?南宫冰,你走不走?不走我自己走了?” Has pinched the fist, the Nangong ice with encouragement of Qin Shi, his indecisive look, the actually resolute several points, at once and Qin Shi looks at each other one, under earnest point. 捏了捏拳,南宫冰在秦石的鼓励下,他犹豫不决的神色,倒是刚毅几分,旋即和秦石对视一眼,认真的点下头。 Walks quickly, remembers that must attack on own initiative.” Beckoned with the hand to them, alone remaining Qin Shi, in distant place look toward several females. “快走吧,记得要主动出击啊。”冲着两人摆了摆手,独自剩下的秦石,朝着在远处的几名女子瞄去。 Since there is a yesterday's conversation, Qin Xuexin treats Yu Luocha and Shu Zhongyu, obviously not like yesterday ice-cold, and initiative and they show good will. 自从有了昨日的交谈,沁雪心对待玉罗刹书中玉,明显不像昨日那样冰冷,并且主动和她们示好。 Feels embarrassed this girl.” “真是为难这丫头了。” Looks in the crowd, Qin Xuexin of well-intentioned advice table, slightly does not have shy and several people talked, in the heart of Qin Shi felt gratified, he knows that change of Qin Xuexin, because of his reason, for this reason that love of moral nature, changed was richer. 看着在人群中,不善言表的沁雪心,略有青涩的和几人交谈,秦石的心中不免感到欣慰,他知道沁雪心的改变,都是因为他的缘故,为此心底的那份爱意,变的更加浓郁。 Qin Shi at this moment, heartfelt feeling happy, moreover he believes that no matter will fill what kind of thorn on their future paths, this happiness will continue unceasingly. 此时此刻的秦石,由衷的感觉到幸福,而且他相信不管在两人未来的道路上会充满怎样的荆棘,这种幸福都会不断的延续下去。 Several girls, in always have the topic that cannot talk about together, clothes, jewelry, various Eight Diagrams, but regarding these, Qin Xuexin instead appeared pale, after all in she once lived, little touched these trivial matters, unavoidably made Qin Shi feel to worry that was good is exquisite because of the Xu Qiao'er thoughts, realizes this point, drew Qin Xuexin to sit down on stone bench in courtyard. 几个女孩子,在一起总有聊不完的话题,衣服,首饰,各种八卦,而对于这些,沁雪心反而显得苍白了些,毕竟在她曾经的生活中,很少触及这些琐事,不免让秦石感到担忧,好在许巧儿心思细腻,察觉到这一点,拉着沁雪心在院落中的石凳上坐下。 In their dialogs, Qin Xuexin reveals smiles sweetly, but Qin Shi of distant place is from the heart realized that this, does not need to know the topic is definitely related with him, but said with a smile: He he, it is estimated that Qiao'er that girl, was saying my childhood dirty business.” 在两人的对话中,沁雪心露出发自内心的甜笑,而远处的秦石察觉到这一幕,不用想都知道话题肯定与他有关,无奈笑道:“呵呵,估计巧儿那丫头,又在说我小时候的糗事了啊。” Is looking at the satisfied picture, the idleness that Qin Shi falls actually rarely, takes the main shrine, after strolling arriving Mysterious Palace the peak, looked for the place spacious lawn to lie down, in the mouth held in the mouth a subtilis, was raising the corners of the mouth, looked to the clouds of distant place. 望着惬意的画面,秦石倒是难得落的清闲,独自一人迈出主殿,漫步的走到玄殿后峰,找了处空旷的草地躺下,口中叼起一枝枯草,扬着嘴角,望向远处的云霄。 After the moment, when the side transmits several steady footsteps, Qin Shi puts out the green grass in mouth, turns round looks a simple and honest face to heave in sight, making him stare slightly. 片刻后,身旁传来几道稳健的脚步,秦石将口中的青草吐出,回身望去时一张憨厚的面庞映入眼帘,让他稍微一愣。 Tiger white of future black dragon sect, he facing Qin Shi exceptionally respectful, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Sect Master.” 来者正是青龙宗的虎皓,他面对秦石异常的恭敬,抱拳道:“宗主。” He he, did you know?” Qin Shi hears that sound slightly obviously astonished, before he confessed Cen Chi specially, should not be the black dragon sect Sect Master news emits him, for this reason he always thinks that this tiger white does not know his status, but now looks like, Cen spreads to trust him very much: Said with me that black dragon sect now how?” “呵呵,原来你都知道啊?”秦石闻声稍显惊愕,之前他特意交代岑驰,不要将他是青龙宗宗主的消息散放出去,为此他始终以为这个虎皓并不知道他的身份,而如今看来,岑驰应该很信任他:“和我说说,青龙宗现在怎么样了?” „The diehards and malignant tumor that black dragon sect, Cen spreading elder the future rising sun will have left behind excise completely, and spirit stones and treasure that closing right up against beforehand Sect Master leaves behind, the influence gradually increases day by day, even has dominated above four everyone / influential family, is next to Mysterious Palace.” Tiger white opens the mouth to explain that stops, said once again: This time Cen spreading long old-fashioned person I come Mysterious Palace, is makes me inquire that Sect Master, what then does have to plan?” “青龙宗内部,岑驰长老已经将之前程旭留下的死党和毒瘤全部摘除,并且靠着之前宗主留下的灵石和珍宝,势力日益渐增,甚至已经凌驾于四大家之上,仅次于玄殿。”虎皓开口解释,停顿一下,再度道:“这一次岑驰长老派我来玄殿,就是让我来询问一下宗主,接下来有什么计划?” Is very good!” Under the Qin Shi satisfied point, he knows that has prepared such long plan, was the time must surface, pinched in void single-handed, mixed with the token of psychic force to condense in the palm together: Gives Cen Chi this, he naturally knows how should do.” “很好!”秦石满意的点下头,他知道准备了这么久的计划,是时候要浮出水面了,单手在虚空中一捏,一道夹杂着精神力的令牌在掌中凝聚:“把这个交给岑驰,他自然知道该怎么做。” Yes!” “是!” Tiger white respectful complies with one, does not go in the stay enhanced dust. 虎皓恭敬的答应一声,不在逗留的扬尘而去。 Looks at the back of departure, Qin Shi has not been lying down again, under the jet black pupil heart, flashes through together the limpid fine glow: Again shortly afterward, was my Qin sect, when East District rose.” 望着离去的背影,秦石并没有再躺下,漆黑的眸心下,闪过一道清澈的精芒:“再过不久,就是我秦宗在东方区域崛起的时候。” ----- ----- The school has daytime cut power, at noon renewed delayed, slightly shallowly felt was sorry, evening's fixed time will not delay. 学校白天停电了,中午更新耽误了,小浅感到十分抱歉,晚上的定时不会耽误。 !! !!
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