PDL :: Volume #5

#451: Likes me loving

Xiao Tianyue again, elaborated to people a literary reference, that is most difficult to enjoy the beautiful woman graciousness, stirs up the audience to laugh. 萧天月再一次,向众人阐述了一个典故,那就是最难消受美人恩,不由惹得全场哄笑。 But after Xiao Tianyue breakthrough, the people encircles on a liquor table, atmosphere bewildered is strange, Qin Shi sits in Qin Xuexin with the Yu Luocha middle, Blazing Book buckles in his waist, suddenly made him enjoy, had the feeling of red light district, but this feeling made his head big, he can the clear feeling, the side look like Chen Nianlao vinegar is knocked down was the same. 而在萧天月突破后,众人围在一张酒桌上,气氛莫名其妙的怪异起来,秦石坐在沁雪心玉罗刹的中间,焚书扣在他的腰间,一时间让他享受了一场,坐拥温柔乡的感觉,而这种感觉却令他不禁的头大,他能清晰的感觉到,身边就像是陈年老醋被打翻在地一样。 Hey, small Shi’tou, looked like you had for these days troublesome.” Shu Zhongyu read through the god to he badly bad saying with a smile. “嘿嘿,小石头,这几天看来你有麻烦了啊。”书中玉通过神念冲他坏坏的笑道。 But Qin Shi responded: Elder Sister Yu, can you not laugh at me?” 秦石无奈回应:“玉姐,你能不能不笑话我了?” Said that whose sign you do prepare to turn tonight? The elder sister can let the place to you.” Shu Zhongyu may, no matter that many, the words are very undisguised. “说,你今晚准备翻谁的牌啊?姐姐可以给你让地方。”书中玉可不管那么多,话语十分露骨。 „Can I turn your sign?” “我能翻你的牌吗?” „Are you silly? Can the empress who I must be your 3000 beautiful women, how such easily be overturned by you? Also, nearby two beauties you did not elect, you elected me to make anything, I was earnest, strove for in a (spear|gun) the target, made successor anything's coming out.” “你傻啊?我可是要做你3000佳丽的皇后,怎么能这么被你轻易翻掉呢?再说,旁边两个大美人你不选,你选我做什么,我是认真的啊,争取一枪中靶,弄个继承人什么的出来。” „” “” dumbfounded, Qin Shi does not want in responding to Shu Zhongyu, making him feel what rejoices, Hua Ling and Yu Luocha long separation 30 years, they have unable to say words that after the banquet, then and various humanity leave, returns to the Hua Ling boudoir. 一阵无语,秦石不想在回应书中玉,让他感觉到庆幸的是,花零玉罗刹久别30年,两人有着说不完的话,酒宴之后便和诸人道别,回到花零的闺房中去。 Shouted, walked one is, can select finally with ease.” Qin Shi deep relaxing. “呼,走一个算一个,总算能轻松点了。”秦石深深的松了口气。 However the waist transmits the slight stabbing pain immediately, Qin Xuexin digs the small mouth, under the ice-cold appearance, reveals the different kind graceful bearing: Wants me also to walk? Such you are more relaxed.” 然而腰间马上就传来轻微的刺痛,沁雪心撅撅着小嘴,在冰冷的容颜下,露出别样的风韵:“要不要我也走啊?那样你更轻松。” Wipes the chill in the air to climb up from the waist, Qin Shi hurries to shake the head: Joke, the joke, do not take seriously, do not take seriously.” 一抹寒意从腰间攀爬,秦石赶忙摇摇头:“玩笑话,玩笑话,别当真,别当真。” Under a rich taste of vinegar, the banquet ended. 在一股浓郁的醋味下,酒宴结束。 Xu Qiao'er and several girls proposed that said that must go to the hot spring of Mysterious Palace back side of the mountain, Xiao Qing and Xiaomi Cai they are open, immediately complies on the nod, Shu Zhongyu also moves fast to express the support. 许巧儿和几名女孩提议,说要去玄殿后山的温泉,小青小米彩两人性情开朗,马上就点头答应,书中玉也飘忽出来表示赞同。 Then, several people simultaneously throw toward Qin Xuexin vision. 而后,几人同时将目光朝沁雪心抛去。 „Does snow heart elder sister, you go together?” Treats Qin Xuexin, Xu Qiao'er is very polite, the former is the intravenous drip that Qin Shi makes, she watches. “雪心姐,你一起去吧?”对待沁雪心,许巧儿还是非常客气,前者为秦石做的点滴,她都看在眼里。 Qin Xuexin hear that, immediately like is the hedgehog, shaking the head that will protect, small sound track: You go, I.” 沁雪心闻言,马上像是刺猬一样,将自己保护起来的摇摇头,小声道:“你们去吧,我不去了。” Goes.” But unexpectedly, Qin Shi grasps her in behind suddenly, low voice [say / way] by her ear: Said that you must marry me, does not maintain the relations with my family member, later was careful that they do not agree with you.” “去吧。”而不料,秦石突然在后面抱住她,在她耳旁小声的道:“怎么说,你也要嫁给我,不和我家人搞好关系,以后小心他们不同意你哦。” Who can marry you? First handled your Yu Luocha is saying.” Qin Xuexin stared Qin Shi one ill-humoredly, wicked [say / way]. “谁要嫁给你?先把你的玉罗刹搞定在说吧。”沁雪心没好气瞪了秦石一眼,恶狠狠道。 Qin Shi expressed reluctantly, was good said on mouth that accepted all people the request in Qin Xuexin finally, although throughout was maintaining the ice-cold facial features, but Qin Shi knows that this was only the beginning that she and all people was acquainted, later will be certainly getting more and more harmonious. 秦石表示无奈,好在嘴上这么说,在最后沁雪心还是答应了诸人的要求,尽管始终保持着冰冷的面容,但秦石知道,这只是她和诸人相识的开端,以后一定会越来越融洽。 Night, all people went to the back side of the mountain, Qin Shi has alone lain down on the bed of side building, was resting the head on the arm looked at out of the window, moral nature unprecedented is relaxing. 夜晚,诸人去了后山,秦石独自躺在厢房的床榻上,枕着手臂的望着窗外,心底前所未有的放松。 Has rescued Elder Sister Yu, is returns to North District to look to burn the tian gou to do accounts!” Qin Shi is staring at the northern nighttime sky stars, wipes the ruthless offense to flash past in the black pupil. “救出了玉姐,接下来就是回北方区域找焚天狗算账的时候了!”秦石凝望着北方的夜空繁星,一抹狠戾在黑眸中一闪而过。 Parents, child must come back, can you fortunately?” “爹娘,孩儿就要回来了,你们可还好吗?” Long implored one, but at this time outside the door, heard the lithe sound of footsteps suddenly, this sound of footsteps has not made Qin Shi have the least bit the vigilance, because this sound of footsteps he was really too familiar, innumerable reappeared in the dream, already deep brand mark in his soul. 长吁一声,而这时房门外,突然传来轻盈的脚步声,这脚步声并未让秦石产生半点的警惕,因为这脚步声他实在是太熟悉了,无数次在梦中浮现,已经深深的烙印在他的灵魂里。 He looked at one toward the entrance position, looks at the door not to lock, for this reason a thoughts revolution, stands up from failure to lie disguising on bed sleeps soundly. 他朝门口的位置瞄了一眼,一瞧房门并没有锁紧,为此心思一转,翻身趴在床上的假装熟睡。 Squeek ~! 吱~! Quick, 3000 sends blue flows like a waterfall , the Qin Xuexin shoving open door quietly, she sees Qin Shi to lie on the bed at once reveals wipes the gentle dimple, sits near the bed lightly. 很快,3000的蓝发如瀑布般流淌而下,沁雪心悄悄的推开房门,旋即她见秦石趴在床上露出一抹温柔的笑靥,轻坐在床榻边上。 She Qin Shi turning inside out gently, making Qin Shi lie down on her leg, the white hands are stroking some resolute face Ai Rou, small sound track: Shi’tou, you know that can see you again, was really good.” 她将秦石轻轻的翻过来,让秦石躺在她的腿上,玉手抚摸着刚毅的面庞有些哀柔,小声道:“石头,你知道吗,能够再见到你,真的是太好了。” Spoke, under her searching gently the cherry lips, welcomed toward the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi, but when also the distance, she suddenly anchored, accommodated the somewhat small shyness tenderly, somewhat small worry: Kisses his secretly, should he not discover?.” 说完话,她轻轻的探下樱唇,朝秦石的嘴角迎去,而就在还有一段距离时,她突然间停住,娇容上有些小小的羞涩,有些小小的担忧:“偷偷亲他一下,他应该不会发现吧?就一下。” What to do if were discovered? Was my girl, too driving? Does he will think that I amn't the good miss? Kisses does not kiss?” “如果被发现了怎么办?我一个女孩子,是不是太主动了?他会不会觉得我不是好姑娘?亲还是不亲呢?” Digs the small mouth, Qin Xuexin is feeling the warm current that the Qin Shi tip of the nose is putting out, facial expression slightly somewhat absent-minded, is very awkward. 撅撅着小嘴,沁雪心感受着秦石鼻尖吐出的暖流,神情略微的有些恍惚,十分为难。 Although she has cultivation of To rebuke Heaven and Earth is, but the life rough unfortunate bitter experience, making her actually be similar to the white paper in the sentiment, was used to camouflage like the hedgehog, only then after knowing Qin Shi, had these many complex mood. 尽管她有着叱咤风云的修为,但一生坎坷不幸的遭遇,让她在感情上却如同白纸,习惯了将自己像刺猬一样伪装,只有在认识秦石后,才有了这么多复杂的情绪。 When she is indecisive, the Qin Shi brow tip has selected suddenly, then begins suddenly supinely, kisses on her cherry lips. 而在她犹豫不决时,秦石的眉梢突然挑了一下,然后猛然间仰起头,亲吻在她的樱唇上。 „!” “呀!” Qin Xuexin had a scare, hastily sets out withdraws several steps, flurried covering cherry lips: „Haven't you rested?” 沁雪心被吓了一跳,连忙起身的退后几步,慌乱的捂住樱唇:“你没睡?” Feels the fragrance that in the lips and teeth leaves behind, has licked with the tongue that Qin Shi enjoys, at once says with a smile: Rested, but you said right, this matter wanted the man on own initiative, therefore I did not wake up, after all was not each time, can have the beautiful woman fragrant kiss as the reward of getting out of bed.” 感受唇齿间留下的芳香,秦石享受的用舌头舔了一下,旋即笑道:“睡了啊,但是你说的没错,这种事还是要男人主动一点好,所以我不就醒来了么,毕竟不是每一次,都能够有美人香吻作为起床的奖励。” You talked nonsense!” “你胡说!” This outmoded excuse, feared that is only then the wizard meeting believes! 这种老掉牙的借口,怕是只有鬼才会信! Qin Xuexin toot toot the fragrant cheek, is disgruntled: Just that was my initially kisses, how can you such not romantic winning?” 沁雪心嘟嘟起香腮,不悦道:“刚刚那可是我的初吻,你怎么能这么不浪漫的夺走?” Gawks, Qin Shi thinks that the girl will often care about these, for this reason suddenly stands up, very affectionate and kisses Qin Xuexin, these time kisses, in lips and teeth tangled up. 不由一楞,秦石才想到,女孩子往往会在乎这些,为此突然站起身,很深情的又亲吻住沁雪心,这一次是真的亲吻,在唇齿间缠绵。 Tangled up, when Qin Xuexin Xiuhong the elegant surface, the shy response Qin Shi, until they leave once more, Qin Shi smiles: Before that time does not calculate, but trains, these time initially kisses.” 缠绵中,沁雪心秀红着俏面,青涩的回应着秦石,直到两人再次离开时,秦石才轻轻一笑:“之前那次不算,只是演练一下,这一次才是初吻。” Was mad has smiled, the Qin Xuexin supercilious look said: Where has the logic of kissing must train.” 不由被气笑了,沁雪心白眼道:“哪有接吻还要演练的逻辑。” Has, just not? Or are we training?” Qin Shi has not given full expression badly badly said with a smile. “有啊,刚刚不就是么?要不咱们在演练一下?”秦石意犹未尽的坏坏笑道。 Has gotten back one's composure, Qin Xuexin knew the Qin Shi [say / way], white: Does not deliberately create trouble with you, I ask you to have the matter.” 回过神,沁雪心才知道上了秦石的道道,白了一眼:“不和你胡闹,我来找你有事。” What matter?” Qin Shi stares. “什么事?”秦石一愣。 Qin Xuexin has not spoken, spreads out the white hands, a shining bead reveals: This, before is me, decides the demon bead with the person emperor who you said. So long as you swallow down it, then consolidates in the dantian, it then can strip from your blood the fairyhood, making your blood restore the red, and night of moon/month circle fairyhood will not be affected again.” 沁雪心没说话,将玉手摊开,一颗金灿灿的珠子露出:“这个,就是我之前和你说的人皇定魔珠。你只要把它吞下去,然后巩固在丹田,它便能将魔性从你的血液中剥离,令你的血液恢复成红色,并且月圆之夜也不会再受到魔性的影响。” Oh? knitting the brows of Qin Shi accident, at once question: That i.e., later can't I promote the strength in the use demon blood?” 哦?秦石意外的皱起眉,旋即问句:“那就是说,以后我也不能在动用魔血来提升实力了?” Should be.” Qin Xuexin said. “应该是。”沁雪心道。 Qin Shi reveals the color of feeling embarrassed, since for a long time, the demon blood has brought many benefits to him, if cannot use the demon blood, his battle efficiency, at least will drop a scale. 秦石露出为难之色,这么长时间以来,魔血给他带来了许多的甜头,如果不能使用魔血的话,那他的战斗力,至少会下降一个档次。 But one will remember the night of month before last circle, his fairyhood sent greatly, has injured the innumerable innocent crowds, wiped to rebuke oneself then to well up: I try hard to practice, to protect person, if person cannot protect, instead has also injured them, I want the strength to be useful, to put the cart before the horse?” 可一会想起之前月圆之夜,他魔性大发,伤了无数无辜的人群,一抹自责便涌上心头:“我努力修炼,就是为了保护身边的人,如果连身边的人都不能保护,反而还伤了他们,那我要实力还有什么用,岂不是本末倒置?” Thinks of this, he sets firm resolve, received the person emperor to decide demon Zhu from the hand of Qin Xuexin: I recruit him, helping me defend the pass.” 想到这,他下定决心,从沁雪心的手中接过人皇定魔珠:“我去吸收他,帮我守关。” Um.” “嗯。” Qin Xuexin complies with one, supposes the blue cold ice to tie in room, defending silently by Qin Shi, is very peaceful, is very obedient. 沁雪心答应一声,在房间中设下碧蓝色的寒冰结界,默默的守在秦石旁边,很安静,很乖顺。 To the night, Qin Shi suddenly opens eyes, he can feel, after the person emperor decides the demon bead enters the body, within the body all blood ebullition, then like unravelling, fairyhood will pull out leaves, suppresses in dantian most deep place, after the fairyhood strips completely, the human the emperor decides the demon bead to defend in the dantian sky, making the fairyhood unable to release again. 一直到深夜,秦石才猛然睁眼,他能感觉得到,在人皇定魔珠入体以后,体内所有的血液沸腾,然后像抽丝剥茧一样,将其中的魔性抽离,压制在丹田的最深处,而在魔性全部剥离后,人皇定魔珠就守在丹田的上空,令魔性再也无法释放而出。 „Did you awake?” “你醒了?” Asking that Qin Xuexin cares about: How is it? Was the fairyhood suppressed?” 沁雪心关心的问道:“怎么样?魔性被压制住了吗?” Qin Shi has not responded with a smile, but squeezes out spiritual power single-handed, cuts on the hand back together, wisp of bright red blood reveals from the wound slowly, making Qin Xuexin reveal the delightful happy expression: Restored really?” 秦石笑着没有回应,而是单手拧出灵力,在手背上划破一道,一缕鲜红色的血液从伤口中缓缓露出,令沁雪心露出甜美的喜色:“真的恢复了?” Um, this time, many thanks you.” Qin Shi also happy grasps Qin Xuexin. “嗯,这一次,多谢你了。”秦石也开心的抱住沁雪心 Do not say with me thanks, I do not want to listen.” Shaking the head that Qin Xuexin makes an effort, she does not think Qin Shi and she divides is too clear: „If I, you such won't do?” “不要和我说谢,我不想听。”沁雪心使劲的摇头,她不想秦石和她分的太清楚:“如果是我,你也会这么做不是吗?” Stares, Qin Shi complies with the sound with a smile, if changes into is really Qin Xuexin, he same can not hesitate payout of life for Qin Xuexin. 不由一愣,秦石笑着答应声,如果真的换成是沁雪心,他一样可以为了沁雪心不惜生命的付出。 Sees Qin Xuexin once again, is such as the illusion is really ordinary to Qin Shi: Can meet you, is really good.” 再度见到沁雪心,对秦石来讲真的是如梦幻一般:“能遇见你,真好。” I am also.” “我也是。” Makes me hug you.” “让我抱抱你。” Qin Xuexin gentle complies with one, they peaceful lying down on the bed, is looking at the stars of out of the window, is maintaining very tacit silence. 沁雪心温柔的答应一声,两人就安静的躺在床榻上,望着窗外的繁星,保持着很默契的沉默。 In the silence, Qin Shi casts aside suddenly excessively, has kissed Qin Xuexin forehead: Snow heart, the matter, I want to say with you.” 在沉默中,秦石突然撇过头,吻了沁雪心额头一下:“雪心,有一件事,我想和你说。” About your Elder Sister Yu, with Yu Luocha?” Qin Xuexin has not looked back, she early has to expect that Qin Shi will be initiative and she said. “是关于你的玉姐,和玉罗刹吧?”沁雪心没有回首,她早有预料秦石会主动和她说。 Qin Shi surprised, under point of forced smile: You know, for me, you are the most important person, therefore I thought that I must strive for your opinion they 秦石惊讶一下,苦笑的点下头:“你知道,对我来讲,你是最重要的人,所以我觉得我还是要争取你的意见她们” Does not wait for the voice to fall, Qin Xuexin has stood up from failure to stare at Qin Shi to say earnestly: Shi’tou, I asked you, you see one, loved person of the overflowing sentiment?” 不等话音落下,沁雪心翻过身盯着秦石认真道:“石头,我问你,你是见一个,爱一个的滥情之人吗?” Snow heart, I sorry.” “雪心,我对不起。” Some Qin Shi bursting out laughing, were mistaken that Qin Xuexin is blaming him, silently lowered the head. 秦石有些哑然,误以为沁雪心是在责怪他,默默的低下头去。 But at this time, Qin Xuexin actually affirmed saying: Why can sorry? I know that you are not, you are not the person of overflowing sentiment, first said your Elder Sister Yu, before the unfeeling cliff, you were shouting her name that the stupor did not listen, was she very certainly important to you? If calculates that she should in front of me, but that Yu Luocha, I personally have also seen, she can not hesitate the protection of life you, if you will not be moved like this, you were also not Shi’tou that I liked, you said right?” 而这时,沁雪心却肯定道:“为什么要对不起?我知道,你不是,你不是滥情的人,先说你的玉姐,之前在绝情崖时,你连昏迷都不听的喊着她的名字,她一定对你很重要吧?如果算下来,她应该在我前面,而那个玉罗刹,我也是亲眼见过,她可以不惜生命的保护你,如果这样你都不会动情,你也就不是我喜欢的石头了,你说对么?” I “我” Does not give the Qin Shi speech the opportunity, Qin Xuexin opens the mouth once again: I now, only want to know that you will like forever me is right?” 不给秦石说话的机会,沁雪心再度开口:“我现在,只想知道,你会永远喜欢我对么?” Was startled being startled, Qin Shi nodded decidedly: Meeting.” 怔了怔,秦石决然点头:“会。” Um, that has sufficed, actually I know that I cannot accompany you in your side, now some people can accompany you, I should be happy, I at heart have a ridge, do not blame me, which woman in this world does not have, is willing to share the lover with others, I am also no exception, no matter how others see me, I in your Qin Shi front, am only a concubine.” The Qin Xuexin sound Ai Rou letting person loves dearly. “嗯,那就够了,其实我知道,我不能在你身边陪着你,如今有人能陪着你,我应该感到高兴,我只是心里有个坎,你不要怪我,这世上没有哪个女人,愿意和别人分享爱人,我也不会例外,不管别人怎么看我,我在你秦石的面前,就只是个小女人。”沁雪心声音哀柔的让人心疼。 Digests, the Qin Shi suddenly great happiness: That said that you did agree?” 不由消化一下,秦石猛然大喜:“那这么说,你是同意了?” Um, likes me loving, leans all my, you like them, I will also like their but you being probable to remember you just with the words that I spoke, if one day, you did not love me, I will kill you, then committed suicide.” When Qin Xuexin spoke this saying, is very earnest. “嗯,爱我所爱,倾我所有,你喜欢她们,我也会喜欢她们但你要记住你刚刚和我说的话,如果有一天,你不爱我了,我会杀了你,然后自杀。”沁雪心说这话时,很认真。 !! !!
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