PDL :: Volume #5

#448: Colored zero defeated

Hears the Qin Xuexin words, Qin Shi stares slightly, he does not know that Qin Xuexin in this year, actually has reached what kind of altitude, but only from just conveniently struck, shakes the appearance that Hua Ling draws back, should not weakly in Hua Ling. 听闻沁雪心的话,秦石略微一愣,他不知道沁雪心在这一年,究竟达到了怎样的高度,但光从刚刚随手一击,就将花零震退的模样来看,应该不会弱于花零 Is more careful.” “小心一些。” Therefore he does not have actually as always insists the stubbornness and dignity of that so-called son, light nan that but worries about. 为此他倒是没有一如既往的坚持那所谓的男儿的倔强和尊严,只是担忧的轻喃一声。 Um, waits for me.” Light point broad and handsome forehead, Qin Xuexin restraining tender feelings, ice-cold vision thorn to Hua Ling, woods cold [say / way]: Just, was you injures him?” “嗯,等我。”轻点螓首,沁雪心收敛柔情,冰冷的目光刺向花零,森寒道:“刚刚,是你伤了他?” Also is what kind of?” “是又怎样?” That dies.” The Qin Xuexin beautiful pupil changes, skilled artist turns into the dark blue, the above unceasing transpiration leaves the biting cold cold current, making the airborne moisture content congeal, at once cuts to clash Hua Ling to puncture void. “那就死吧。”沁雪心美眸一变,妙手变成深蓝色,上面不断的蒸腾出彻骨寒流,令空中的水分都不由凝结,旋即划破虚空就冲花零刺下。 The ice cone reflects the dazzling ray, making the eyelid of Hua Ling beat, wrote off intent to rise: Snort, that must take a look, did you have this skill.” 冰锥折射出刺目的光芒,令花零的眼皮不禁跳动一下,一抹杀意跟着崛起:“哼,那就要瞧瞧,你有没有这个本事了。” Bang! 砰! The battle that instantly engages, can see from their appearances that no one has used fully, but is under this exploratory attack and defense, regarding below crowd, vibrates existence of heartstrings. 刹时展开的交锋,从两人的容颜上能够看出,谁都没有动用全力,而就是这种试探性的攻防下,对于下方的人群来讲,已经是震动心弦的存在。 After over a hundred moves, two boundless spirit pressures, as if pull down to be the same from the sky the cloud layer, all people the chest of oppression is depressed, cannot ventilate, includes the Taoist trinity elder, in the pupils with amazement. 上百招过后,两股磅礴的灵压,仿佛将云层从天空拉下来一样,压迫的诸人胸口发闷,透不过气,这其中包括三清长老,眸子间不由骇然。 Tai Qing with rapt attention: „Is this female, actually who? Can fight unexpectedly hundred moves with the palace host, but perfection? You told me, this real?” 太清凝神:“这女子,究竟是谁?竟能和殿主交手百招而不败?你们告诉我,这到底是不是真的啊?” Takes a broad view at the scarlet flame, nobody can keep off the palace to advocate hundred moves, this female definitely is not the Scarlet Flame Empire person.” Read wants to raise, all people moved the vision to Qin Shi: Cannot think that has this tyrannical helper side this boy unexpectedly, no wonder he dares all alone, on my Mysterious Palace.” “放眼赤炎,无人能挡下殿主百招,这女子肯定不是赤炎帝国的人。”一个念想升起,诸人将目光挪向秦石:“想不到,在这小子身边竟有这种强横的帮手,怪不得他敢孤身一人,上我玄殿。” But under staring of various person, Qin Shi is covering the chest in the crushed stone, the vision looks broken the blue beautiful figure throughout to the sky, helpless muttered: He he, this thinks to achieve Profound Spirit Realm, can leave on her near some, has not thought of among us the distance, is unattainable.” 而在诸人的凝望下,秦石靠在碎石上捂着胸口,目光始终望向天空中残破的碧蓝色倩影,无奈的喃喃道:“呵呵,本以为达到玄灵境,就能够离她近上一些,没想到我们之间的距离,还是那么遥不可及啊。” Wipes bitterly and astringently, climbs up on, but is an instant, was scattered by the resoluteness, Qin Shi ignites the confidence once again said decidedly: Snow heart, one day, I will catch up, no matter then you must face the day to be also good, facing the place, or these blood robe people, I must stand in your front, helping you all shoulder.” 一抹苦涩,攀爬而上,但就是一霎,便被刚毅所驱散,秦石再度燃起信心的决然道:“雪心,总有一天,我会赶上来,然后不管你要面对天也好,面对地也罢,或是那些血袍人,我都要站在你的面前,帮你把所有都扛起来。” However at that time, you wanted the relieved putting down burden, the little darling to be my Qin Shi woman!” “而那时,你只要安安心心的放下负担,乖乖做我秦石的女人!” Selected has been a fussy eater the angle, Qin Shi lowers the head looked at to spreading out the palm, placed the tip of the nose to smell smelling the fingertip, at once laughs in spite of trying not to: Moreover, this one year does not see, the snow heart becomes so attractive, if, did not fear that well diligently has not waited for the blood robe person to get rid, I by love rival everywhere submerging, married the goddess, has the risk.” 挑了挑嘴角,秦石低头望向摊开的手掌,将指尖放在鼻尖嗅了嗅,旋即不由失笑:“况且,这才一年不见,雪心就变得这般漂亮,若是不好好努力的话,怕是没等血袍人出手,我就被遍地的情敌给淹没了,娶女神,有风险啊。” Bang! 轰! A wisp of ice cold arousing heart, two beautiful figure unceasing being in sharp opposition, all kinds of martial arts analgesia each other, but one in view of below, their Qi Shenbao draws back. 一缕冰寒撩人心扉,两道倩影不断的针锋相对,各式各样的武学镇痛彼此,而一番针对下,两人齐身爆退。 Four days of boundaries? Uneven Heaven Realm First Rank?” “四天之境?齐天境一层?” Hua Ling stands firm the tender body, arrogant such as she concentrates the look, under the short probe, her eyes then sees the Qin Xuexin strength, with her same is Fourth Rank uneven Heaven Realm . Moreover the spirit presses as if also to win her point. 花零稳住娇躯,高傲如她都不由凝起神色,在短暂的试探下,她一眼便看出沁雪心的实力,和她一样是四层天境,而且灵压上似乎还要胜她一分。 To the question of Hua Ling, Qin Xuexin does not make the response, the violent sets out once again to plunder, dense snowflakes fall gently, suddenly gigantic Mysterious Palace clads in silvery white. 花零的质疑,沁雪心不做回应,暴起身就再度掠夺而出,一片一片森然的雪花飘落,眨眼间硕大的玄殿银装素裹。 Bang! 砰! In the Qin Xuexin cold ice under-bracing is about hundred moves, quick Hua Ling falls into to struggle hard, in struggling hard, Qin Xuexin raises the skilled artist, void incisive pointed weapons air freezing, a sword punctures the fragrant shoulder of Hua Ling. 沁雪心的寒冰下支撑不过百招,很快花零就陷入苦战,在苦战中,沁雪心扬起妙手,虚空中将空气冻结成一把尖锐的兵刃,一剑刺破花零的香肩。 Snort, Hua Ling Hua Ling, you have not thought that you will have today?” Sees on the Hua Ling fragrant shoulder red, made some Qin Shi unavoidably To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster, at once about considers, thought somewhat improper. “哼,花零花零,你万万没想到你也会有今天吧?”望见花零香肩上的一点红,令秦石不免有些幸灾乐祸,旋即左右思量一下,又觉得有些不妥。 Although Hua Ling nearly harmed him to be killed, but after all also stemming from the worry of Yu Luocha, therefore crime not until death, moreover in those days in listened Yu Luocha mentioned Hua Ling, is the full happy expression, if Qin Xuexin has killed her, turned head he not to have the means and Yu Luocha confession. 花零虽说险些害他丧命,但毕竟也是出于对玉罗刹的担心,所以罪不至死,而且往日里听玉罗刹提起花零时,也是满满的喜色,若是沁雪心真把她杀了,回头他也没办法和玉罗刹交代。 Yeah, ok, this few Sir has massive, no matter what, makes her suffer some hardships first, otherwise crime Bai Shou? Also, did not let her peaceful meeting, it is estimated that she will not listen to me to speak earnestly.” Thinks that Qin Shi decides in finally, gets rid to stop Qin Xuexin. “哎,算了,本少大人有大量,但不管怎么样,先让她吃些苦头吧,否则刚才的罪岂不是白受了?再说,不让她安静一会,估计她也不会认真的听我说话。”想了想,秦石决定在最后,出手阻拦住沁雪心 Bang! 轰隆! The bright red bloodstain just flowed out, Qin Xuexin opens single-handed, holds the fragrant shoulder of Hua Ling, but moves gently, the empty space produces for several points to rock, consecutively two strike the chest of cold palm serious Hua Ling, holds on flesh that the wind passes through, one piece by piece passes the cold ice to condense, then when the third palm falls, only listens to with a crash one, such as the broken line kite that Hua Ling cannot support, was shaken departs in several kilometers far cyclopian riprap. 鲜红的血迹刚刚流出,沁雪心单手翻开,抓住花零的香肩,只是轻轻撩动,虚空间产生几分晃动,连续两击寒掌郑重花零的胸口,掌风贯穿的肌肤上,一片片的透着寒冰凝聚而起,然后第三掌落下时,只听砰然一声,花零支撑不住的如断线纸鸢,被震飞出数千米远的乱石堆里。 Dust who splutters made Qin Shi look one revolution, said secretly: Similar, in this way, her, if died, but troubled.” 溅射起的尘沙令秦石神色一转,暗自道:“差不多了吧,在这样下去,她若是真死了,可就麻烦了。” Thinks of this, he wants to go forward to block Qin Xuexin, actually does not think that the matter is always unexpected. 想到这,他欲要上前拦下沁雪心,却不想事情总是出乎预料。 Chest of Hua Ling in the cyclopian riprap fluctuates, puff a blood spouts, bites the silver tooth to get angry: Snort, thinks really my Hua Ling is good to bully is?” 花零在乱石堆中胸口起伏,噗一口鲜血喷出,咬着银牙怒道:“哼,真以为我花零好欺负是不是?” Roars, Hua Ling opens two arms suddenly, wipes the fearful aura along her within the body anger to eight sides, implements. 怒吼一声,花零突然将两臂张开,一抹可怕的气息沿着她体内怒冲八方,贯彻而起。 Induces to the change of Hua Ling, many Mysterious Palace elders tighten the body suddenly: Is that move?” 感应到花零的变化,诸多玄殿长老骤然绷紧身躯:“是那一招?” „It is not good, does the palace mainly use that move? Does she want to destroy Mysterious Palace? She has forgotten, 30 year ago when the taking office palace host fights, after this move made Mysterious Palace fall into poverty-stricken?” “不好,殿主要使用那一招?难道她想毁了玄殿吗?她忘记了,30年前和上任殿主交手时,用出这招后令玄殿陷入的窘迫吗?” The strange aura such as a spirit snake, from the under foot winding on, gathers in the Hua Ling 3000 snows finally sends, such as flowers of a growth in quiet forest. 诡异的气息如一条灵蛇,从脚下缠绕而上,最终汇聚在花零的3000雪发上,如一株生长在幽林中的花朵。 Hundred flowers, on the wane!” “百花,凋零!” The sound of light nan falls, the flowers of Hua Ling top of the head explode suddenly, are defeated and dispersed several thousand withered leaves, but the withered leaf made Mysterious Palace in ten thousand meters life Tu Tan, the flowers and plants dried up, the snowflake that day after day airborne scattered, hit to fade in the flash, started on the wane. 轻喃的声音落下,花零头顶的花朵突然爆裂,溃散成数千道的枯叶,而枯叶令玄殿万米以内生灵涂炭,花草枯竭,就连天空中散落的雪花,在一瞬间都打蔫起来,开始凋零。 Spreads scared suddenly, the Mysterious Palace elder like is sees in the world the most terrorist matter, one after another roared: Really is that move!” 恐慌猛然蔓延,玄殿的长老像是看见世上最恐怖的事情一样,一个接一个的咆哮起来:“果然是那一招!” Quick, made the disciple disperse quickly, otherwise we must die in this!” Flurried , the crowd insane was the same, unceasing four flee in all directions, but all, the fearful space looked without enough time unceasingly all around delays to open, the ten thousand meters under Mysterious Palace degenerate into the incredible ruins. “快,快令弟子散开,否则咱们都要死在这!”慌乱下,人群疯了一样,不断的四下流窜,但一切都已经来不及了,可怕的空间不断找周遭延展而开,玄殿下的万米沦为荒诞废墟。 But Qin Shi below gulf, somewhat worried: Snow heart!” 秦石在下方的深坑中,不禁有些担忧:“雪心!” Crosses the hands behind the back Yu Kong, renounces society and lives alone. 负手于空,遗世独立。 Qin Xuexin is looking at Hua Ling in change, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, at once she not anxious, but turns round to throw together the warm smiling face to Qin Shi: Shi’tou, do you believe me?” 沁雪心望着变化中的花零,黛眉微蹙,旋即她并未惶急,而是回身冲秦石抛去一道暖暖的笑容:“石头,你信我么?” The Chest of Qin Shi stares, under point that the pinching tightly fist maliciously, makes an effort finally: Letter!” 秦石的心口一愣,狠狠的捏紧拳头,最终使劲的点下头:“信!” He knows that Qin Xuexin is the same with him, cares each other has surpassed itself, therefore wants him also in this, Qin Xuexin will not show off power. 他知道沁雪心和他一样,在乎彼此已经超过自己,所以只要他还在这,沁雪心就不会逞强。 Then on I!” “那就等我吧!” Obtains the affirmation of Qin Shi, Qin Xuexin smiles delightfully, at once has gotten back one's composure to congeal the god to come, the tall and graceful outstanding nose deeply inspires, has lifted the top of the head the skilled artist. 得到秦石的肯定,沁雪心甜美一笑,旋即回过神凝起神来,挺秀的翘鼻深吸口气,将妙手举过头顶。 Space!” “天上!” Underground!” “地下!” Only I!” “唯我!” Frozen!” “冰封!” Frozen profound territory!” “冰封玄域!” Elusive sound light nan, in the Qin Xuexin slender five fingers, raises suddenly the cold air current, the air current the air between ice-cold command world for this reason congeals. 空灵的声音轻喃,沁雪心纤细的五指间,突然间升起寒冷的气流,气流之冰冷令天地间的空气都为此凝结。 Air current that the snowflake of fluttering, flows, the withered leaf on the wane, flash all frame in same place, making ten thousand meters space static. 飘动的雪花,流淌的气流,凋零的枯叶,一瞬间一切都定格在原地,令万米的空间静止。 Bang! 轰! Makes an effort slightly, Hua Ling puff, a bright red bloodstain blowout, all her around all the strengths of being assigned away from the capital stagnate in within the body, makes to stare at the palm that she does not dare to believe: What's wrong, how can like this?” 稍微用力,花零噗一声,一口鲜红的血迹喷出,她周遭所有外放的力量凝滞在体内,令她不敢置信的盯着掌心:“怎么,怎么会这样?” Many people have gotten back one's composure scared is staring under the field, trembles saying: „Were hundred flowers broken on the wane? The palace host, did the palace host defeat?” 不少人回过神恐慌的盯着场下,颤道:“百花凋零被断了?殿主,殿主败了?” Qin Xuexin is dragging the long skirt, such as the refined fairy maiden falls before the Hua Ling body, was still the indifferent look: What you also had to say?” 沁雪心拖着长裙,如脱俗的仙子落在花零身前,仍是漠然的神色:“你还有什么要说的么?” No, you have killed me.” “没有,你杀了我吧。” Hua Ling sits down exhausted on the ground, suddenly reveals the forced smile of extrication. 花零瘫坐在地上,突然露出解脱的苦笑。 Helps you.” “成全你。” The broad and handsome forehead, Qin Xuexin has not received the hand because of the Hua Ling pain lightly, in her opinion Hua Ling injured Qin Shi, that must die the human, skilled artist void holding up , an incisive ice sword offered a sacrifice to baseless by the vault of heaven, punctured to Hua Ling. 螓首轻点,沁雪心并未因花零的痛苦而收手,在她看来花零伤了秦石,那就是必死之人,妙手虚空的举起,一把尖锐的冰剑由苍穹上凭空祭出,冲花零刺下。 Snow heart, do not kill her!” Qin Shi is dragging the body of weakness, one step jumps onto gulf blocking Qin Xuexin, is staring at going down in the world Hua Ling, but shakes the head: Now, can you listen to me to speak attentively?” “雪心,别杀她!”秦石拖着乏力的身躯,一步跃上深坑的拦住沁雪心,盯着落魄的花零无奈摇头:“现在,你能用心听我说完话了吗?” Had nothing saying that defeated has defeated, you made her kill me, the demons also died in any case, my final pillar also avalanche, happen to can go to the underground spring to accompany her.” Hua Ling weak pouring on the ground, self-ridicules to say. “没什么可说得,败了就是败了,你让她杀了我吧,反正罗刹也死了,我最后的支柱也崩塌了,正好可以去黄泉陪她了。”花零瘫软的倒在地上,自嘲道。 I was really take.” Qin Shi long implored one, at once holds up the nine revolutions of exquisite chains in hand, [say / way] every single word or phrase said: You listen, you are willing to go to underground spring nobody to block you, but you may let alone you probably accompany Yu Luocha, you do not want to live, she must live well!” “我真是服了。”秦石长吁一声,旋即举起手中的九转玲珑链,一字一句的道说:“你听好,你愿意去黄泉没人拦你,但你可别说你要去陪玉罗刹,你不想活了,她还要好好的活着呢!” The Hua Ling black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is suddenly pressed: What did you say?” 花零黛眉猛然蹙起:“你说什么?” Did not respond to Hua Ling, Qin Shi said once again: „, If wants dead, saw that she is dying, so as to avoid annoys troublesome to me.” 不回应花零,秦石再度道:“还有,要想死的话,也等见到她在死,免得给我惹麻烦。” „Hasn't her she died really?” “她她真的没死?” The brace that Hua Ling suppresses the ache sets out, at once low-spirited, self-ridicules saying: He he, even if hasn't died can be what kind of? Did she certainly have a mortal hatred of me?” 花零强忍疼痛的撑起身,旋即又不禁黯然,自嘲道:“呵呵,就算没死又能怎么样?她一定恨死我了吧?” Felt that the change of Hua Ling, Qin Shi knit the brows: You have not asked her, you know that she did have a mortal hatred of you? I said you, always does custom use own idea to decide others?” 感觉到花零的变化,秦石皱起眉道:“你没有问她,你怎么知道她恨死你了?我说你这人,难道总是习惯用自己的想法来决定别人吗?” He he, if she forgave me, why didn't come Mysterious Palace to look for me? Isn't this best evidence? I have to ask can either?” “呵呵,若是她原谅我了,为何不来玄殿找我?这不就是最好的证据?我还有问的必要么?” Why?” But at this time, faint beautiful figure opened the crowd together, dragging the long hair of 3000 waterfalls to stroll to go forward, her vision Ai Rou, was staring at Hua Ling some flood red slightly. “为什么没有?”而这时,一道淡漠的倩影翻开人群,拖着3000瀑布的长发漫步上前,她的目光哀柔,盯着花零有些微微泛红。 Turns round to look, Qin Shi and Hua Ling tremble several: Demons?” 回身望去,秦石花零不禁哆嗦几下:“罗刹?” Maliciously white Qin Shi, Yu Luocha paid no attention to nearby his arriving Hua Ling, the squatting lower part of the body opens the both arms, grasps the Hua Ling small sound track: Why? Why didn't tell me? Why wants you to withstand? Didn't the Second Brother , the elder sister want the demons?” 狠狠的白了秦石一眼,玉罗刹不理他的走到花零跟前,蹲下身将双臂打开,抱住花零小声道:“为什么?为什么不告诉我?为什么要你自己承受?二哥已经不在了,难道姐姐也不要罗刹了吗?” The Hua Ling tender body trembled trembling, where also has the least bit palace main appearance? The reversed image is the small rabbit of being panic-stricken, pale red beautiful pupil is staring at Yu Luocha: What did your you just call me?” 花零的娇躯颤了颤,哪里还有半点殿主的模样?倒像是惊慌失措的小兔,淡红着美眸的盯着玉罗刹:“你你刚刚叫我什么?” Elder sister!” “姐姐!” Response once more, Hua Ling whole body weak sitting on the ground: He he, has not thought that this whole life can also hear you to shout my elder sister you didn't blame me?” 再次的回应,花零全身瘫软的坐在地上:“呵呵,没想到,这辈子还能听见你喊我姐姐你不怪我了?” Yu Luocha has cried, crying likely tears person: How to blame? I have not blamed you, but hates me, because of me, has harmed the Second Brother elder sister, did not want to leave me, ok?” 玉罗刹哭了,哭的像个泪人:“怎么会怪呢?我从来没怪过你,只是恨我自己,是因为我,才害了二哥姐姐,不要在离开我了,行么?”
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