PDL :: Volume #5

#449: Reunion

Reunion once again, they surrounded in arena for a long time, 30 years of tender feeling is the same like the rill, sheet flood in the moral nature of everyone. 再度的重逢,两人在擂台上环抱了许久,其中30年的温情如小溪一样,漫流在每个人的心底。 Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin in side, silent is looking at them, no one has spoken. 秦石沁雪心在旁边,沉默的望着两人,谁也没有说话。 Mysterious Palace stares at that to keep aloof, has not had the palace host of any mood fluctuation, reveals this kind of appearance unexpectedly, has sucked the tongue. 玄殿诸位盯着那高高在上,从不曾有过什么情绪波动的殿主,竟露出这样一副模样,不禁咂了咂舌。 You know that ceratop does die for you intentionally? This matter, should have both of us to know that is right.” For a long time, Hua Ling shoves open Yu Luocha suddenly, fills with inquiry one that worries about. “你是怎么知道角龙故意为你而死得?这事情,应该只有我们二人知道才对啊。”许久,花零突然推开玉罗刹,满怀担忧的询问一声。 Yu Luocha min the cherry lips, the matter that the desolated jungle has, 11 and Hua Ling [say / way] said that but intentionally vaguely falls her and Qin Shi meets awkwardly, slightly strange looked at Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin. 玉罗刹抿着樱唇,将荒芜丛林发生的事,11的和花零道说,只是其中故意隐晦掉她和秦石尴尬的相遇,略显怪异的瞄了瞄秦石沁雪心 Understood all sorts that in the desolated jungle has, including the quiet clan final war, the emergence of snake ceratop soul, with the words that snake ceratop spoke, making the Hua Ling look low-spirited, helpless shaking the head: He he, has not reached an agreement, no one must tell you, that brat broke a contract.” 了解到荒芜丛林中发生的种种,其中包括幽族最后的大战,蛇角龙灵魂的出现,和蛇角龙说的话,令花零的神色不禁黯然,无奈的摇摇头:“呵呵,不是说好了,谁都不要告诉你的吗,那臭小子可是违约了啊。” Elder sister, does not blame Second Brother “姐,不怪二哥” My that will blame him, if not for he, where I currently do have the opportunity to see my treasure younger sister? Do not blame us to hide the truth from you are being.” Hua Ling responded to one with a smile. “我那会怪他,若不是他的话,我现在哪里有机会看见我的宝贝妹妹?你不要怪我们瞒着你才是。”花零笑着回应一声。 Does not blame.” “不怪了。” Yu Luocha sees Hua Ling once again, made the ice-cold thorough melting of her innermost feelings, was looking at Yu Luocha in side, recalled that most started that including the speech is an appearance of character character, in the Qin Shi heart flows the warm feeling. 玉罗刹再度见到花零,令她内心的冰冷彻底融化,在旁边望着玉罗刹,回想起最开始那连说话都是一字一字的模样,秦石心中不由流淌出暖意。 „The time of more than half a year, the demons tied from the heart finally go out.” Thinks of this, Qin Shi turning round looks toward Qin Xuexin, wants to say secretly: Does not know when the heart of snow heart ties can open.” “大半年的时间,罗刹终于从心结中走出了啊。”想到这,秦石不由的回身朝沁雪心望去,暗自想道:“不知道,雪心的心结什么时候才能打开。” Although the road is very long-term, but Qin Shi actually believes that on this day will not be certainly far. 虽说路很长远,但秦石却坚信,这一天一定不会远了。 Understood that the whole story of matter, the Hua Ling restraining mood, the faint supineness begins to Qin Shi opens the mouth saying: Before, was I misunderstands you.” 了解事情的原委,花零收敛情绪,淡漠的仰起头冲秦石开口道:“之前,是我误会你了。” Scoffs, early listened to me saying that ended? I said that your this woman, later can use a brain? Do not think that everyone owes you money to be the same, is good?” Curling the lip of have no alternative, the Qin Shi response said. “嗤,早听我说,是不是都完了?我说你这女人,以后能不能用点脑子?不要觉得谁都欠你钱一样,行不行?”无可奈何的撇了撇嘴,秦石回应道。 Hua Ling has gawked staring, is Mysterious Palace palace main she, Chang Rili others are loud speak with her do not dare, does not think actually right in the face to be taught by such young fellow today, unavoidably thought that is mad and smiles. 花零愣了愣,身为玄殿殿主的她,常日里别人就是连大声和她说话都不敢,不想今日却被这么个毛头小子劈头盖脸的教训一番,不免觉得又气又笑。 She to has not been angry, but smiled faintly: You have forgotten, your Elder Sister Yu still in my hand, you such spoke with me, you did not fear that you couldn't see her again?” 她到没有生气,只是浅笑道:“难道你忘记了,你的玉姐还在我手上呢,你这么和我说话,你就不怕你再也见不到她了?” My line, calculates that you suppress.” “我行,算你狠。” The Qin Shi root is itchy, comforts itself at heart diligently: Fine-looking man does not fight with the female, the fine-looking man does not fight with the female.” Then suddenly thinks that an issue, turns round to say to Yu Luocha: Was right, the demons, do you leave the inn? Feng Hen and Qiao'er they?” 秦石牙根痒痒,心里努力的安抚自己:“好男不跟女斗,好男不跟女斗。”然后突然想到一个问题,回身冲玉罗刹道:“对了,罗刹,你是怎么离开客栈得?封痕和巧儿他们呢?” „Did you feel all right to say?” Remembers the Qin Shi actions, Yu Luocha closes tightly the silver tooth, at once said ill-humoredly: Was Feng Hen helps me break knot of inn, Xuan Feng's elevation was too high, the day moon/month, Qiao'er and owlet porch came up somewhat strenuously, above I saw have an accident, first ran, Feng Hen was accompanying them below, should soon be able to arrive.” “你好意思说?”一想起秦石的所作所为,玉罗刹就咬紧银牙,旋即没好气道:“是封痕帮我破开了客栈的结界,玄峰的海拔太高,天月、巧儿和枭轩上来有些吃力,我看到上面出事,就先跑上来了,封痕在下面陪着他们呢,应该用不了多久就能到了。” Qin Shi becomes aware suddenly, is away from him to leave the inn, passed eight days of time, if said that Feng Henjiang ties breaks, pours is also excusable, after all Feng Hen now is also Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, in addition obstructs the day the remnant spirit, even if ordinary Heaven Realm, will feel thornily. 秦石恍悟,距离他离开客栈,已经过去了八天时间,若是说封痕将结界破开,倒也是情有可原,毕竟封痕如今也是玄灵境后期,加上遮天的残灵,就算是普通天境,都会感觉到棘手。 Father! Demons elder sister!” “爹爹!罗刹姐!” Xiaomi Cai crossed the cyclopian riprap under the arena, using energy runs to go forward, at once the vision and Qin Xuexin looks at each other one, curled the lip snort said: Big iceberg!” 小米彩在擂台下翻过乱石堆,费劲的跑上前,旋即目光不由和沁雪心对视一眼,撇了撇嘴哼道:“还有大冰山!” Um?” The Qin Shi brow wrinkles indifferently, stares at tight Xiaomi Cai suddenly: What did you light snow heart call a moment ago? Big iceberg?” “嗯?”秦石眉头漠然皱紧,猛然盯紧小米彩:“你刚才光雪心叫什么?大冰山?” „!” “啊!” Xiaomi Cai frightens the breaking by biting tongue, Yu Luocha accommodates tenderly in side cold, wicked staring Xiaomi Cai, at this time wanted to conceal again, definitely could not conceal. 小米彩吓得咬破舌头,玉罗刹的娇容在旁边不由一寒,恶狠狠的瞪了眼小米彩,这时候再想要隐瞒,是肯定隐瞒不下去了。 In have no alternative, Yu Luocha has to tell the facts, matter that the night of moon/month circle has, 1510 telling Qin Shi. 无可奈何中,玉罗刹只好实话实说,将月圆之夜发生的事,1510的告诉秦石 Heard that Qin Xuexin goes to the time vortex, the Chest of Qin Shi suddenly one tightly, turns round wicked staring Xiaomi Cai, Yu Luocha: Big didn't such matter, why tell me? The snow heart came, why didn't you say?” 听说沁雪心前往时间漩涡,秦石的心口猛然一紧,回身恶狠狠的瞪了眼小米彩,玉罗刹:“这么大的事,为什么不告诉我?雪心来了,你们为什么不说?” Is I, I do not make them tell you.” Qin Xuexin is lowering the broad and handsome forehead, is the child of wrong thing likely: I feared that feared you are worried pursues.” “是我,我不让他们告诉你。”沁雪心低着螓首,像是做错事的孩子:“我怕,怕你担心的追来。” In many anger, under remorse of Qin Xuexin, only then suppresses, Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, grasps Qin Xuexin finally, blamed: Later, cannot have again the next time, no matter what happened, you cannot hide the truth from me, do we face to be good together?” 在多的怒火,在沁雪心的自责下只有扑灭,秦石无奈的摇摇头,最终抱住沁雪心,责怪道:“以后,不许再有下一次,不管发生什么事,你都不能瞒着我,我们一起面对好不好?” Feels the pleasant warmth of chest, the Qin Xuexin 3000 deep blue long hair is rippling the radian, lips and teeth nan between gently said together: Um.” 感受着胸膛的温软,沁雪心3000的碧蓝长发荡漾出一道弧度,唇齿间的轻轻喃道:“嗯。” Looks at their love appearance, Yu Luocha is being overshadowed, casts aside goes not to speak excessively, this was held by Hua Ling, to Qin Shi huh: Hey, some side people, is the limelight good?” 望着两人恩爱的模样,玉罗刹不禁黯然失色,撇过头去没有说话,这一幕被花零抓住,冲秦石哼哧一声:“喂,旁边还有人呢,注意点行不行?” The accusation to Hua Ling, Qin Shi actually thinks little. 花零的指责,秦石却不以为意。 But at this time, the Taoist trinity elder jumped onto arena: Palace host, you looked that this honor big game turns into this, what to do now should?” 而这时,三清长老跃上擂台:“殿主,你看这荣誉大赛变成这样,现在该怎么办?” What does not have what to do, this matter do you also process not well? One will make the human disperse, then cleans up the scene, this champion was Shi Qin, tomorrow I will announce in the main shrine that making the participating player rest first.” Hua Ling faces the Taoist trinity, very natural said one, as if had such big matter, does not have with her relations. “没什么怎么办,这点事情你们还处理不好?一会让人都散了吧,然后把现场清理一下,这次冠军是石秦,明日我会在主殿宣布,让来参赛的选手先去休息吧。”花零面对三清,很自然的说一句,仿佛发生了这么大的事,和她一点关系都没有。 Taoist trinity hear that, the expression is somewhat strange, but under have no alternative has to nod, Hua Ling working style always so, if the sentence is coarse, Mysterious Palace does have her to be actually same, therefore the matter is the following elder is handling, just her strength is placed in this, no one dares to have the objection. 三清闻言,表情有些古怪,但无可奈何下只好点了点头,花零做事风格一向如此,如果说句难听的话,玄殿有没有她其实都一样,所以事情都是下面的长老在打理,只不过她的实力摆在这呢,谁也不敢有异议。 Hears this result, the face of Yu Qing is ugly, looked at one in nearby stone Qin secret passage: Sent the female to surpass the plan blue, now Hua Ling adores to stone Qin, the light was these two then foot shakes the empire, weighs the imperial prince to ascend the throne the grand ceremony, no matter how cannot have the accident, it seems like and other Xue Young Master woke up, must need further consideration is good.” 听到这个结果,玉清的面庞难看下来,瞄一眼在旁边的石秦暗道:“一个蓝发女已经超出了计划,现在花零又倾心向石秦,光是这两人便足矣撼动帝国,方衡皇子登基大典将至,不管如何都不能出现意外,看来等薛公子醒来,必须要从长计议才行。” The crowd disperses, Qin Shi impatient said to Hua Ling: Now, can you lead me to see my Elder Sister Yu?” 人群散下去,秦石迫不及待的冲花零道:“现在,你能带我去见我的玉姐了吧?” Comes with me.” Hua Ling beckons to all people, then accompanies side Yu Luocha, leaps toward the Mysterious Palace central waterside pavilion pavilion. “跟我来。”花零冲诸人招了招手,然后陪伴在玉罗刹身旁,朝着玄殿中央的水榭楼阁跃去。 Qin Shi, Qin Xuexin, Xiaomi Cai and Xiao Qing several people, follow this to arrive at the waterside pavilion pavilion, just entered the waterside pavilion pavilion, the white clothing such as the beautiful figure of snow threw toward Qin Shi together, looks carefully, is not just Shu Zhongyu. 秦石沁雪心小米彩小青几人,跟随这来到水榭楼阁,刚进入水榭楼阁,一道白衣如雪的倩影就朝秦石扑了上来,仔细一瞧,不正是书中玉吗。 She grasps the Qin Shi nape of the neck, happy expression it goes without saying reveals, the beautiful pupil is somewhat light flood red: „Did you come?” 她抱住秦石的脖颈,喜色不言而喻的流露出来,美眸有些淡淡泛红:“你来了?” Um, I came.” “嗯,我来了。” The brief several characters, contained. 简短的几个字,却包含了很多。 Sees Shu Zhongyu once again, the Qin Shi heartfelt feeling is happy, in simple and Shu Zhongyu narrated in half year, after the fact that he experiences, to various person 11 introductions. 再度见到书中玉,秦石由衷的感觉开心,在简单的和书中玉讲述了这半年里,他所经历的事迹后,才向诸人11介绍。 In the process of introduction, Shu Zhongyu stares at the Qin Xuexin brow tip to provoke suddenly, tune strange saying with a smile: Yo, is this beautiful woman the snow is big?” 介绍的过程中,书中玉盯着沁雪心眉梢突然挑动一下,腔调怪异的笑道:“呦,这位美人就是雪大啊?” „Is snow big? Is who?” Qin Xuexin black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed. “雪大?是谁?”沁雪心黛眉微蹙。 In side, these may scare Qin Shi, hurries to put out a hand to cover the mouth of Shu Zhongyu, the snow heavy snow two, is Shu Zhongyu to Qin Xuexin and Lo Hsueh Xian's unique name, matter he does not dare to make Qin Xuexin know that hurries to beckon with the hand to explain: Hey, does not have anything, I with Elder Sister Yu said that said that you is a big beautiful woman, therefore her snow heavy snow big shouting, do not place at heart.” 在旁边,这一下可把秦石吓坏了,赶忙伸手捂住书中玉的嘴,雪大雪二,是书中玉沁雪心、洛雪娴的独特称呼,这其中的事他可不敢让沁雪心知道,赶忙摆手解释道:“嘿嘿,没什么,我原来和玉姐说吗,说你是个大美女,所以她就雪大雪大的喊,你别放在心里。” Then, Qin Shi gets back one's composure to look angrily at Shu Zhongyu, presses the sound intentionally base and low: Hey, I said Elder Sister Yu, my good intention saves you, how do you come up to remove my stage?” 然后,秦石回神怒视书中玉,故意将声音压低道:“喂,我说玉姐,我好心来救你,你怎么上来就拆我台呢?” Others did not forget, said again sooner or later must meet, I thought that this Yu Luocha was also probably interesting to you, it seems like that this more than half a year your boy lucky in love great, says with the elder sister quickly, present to snow how many? How many also misses from your harem 3000 great desires?” Shu Zhongyu spits the tongue, smart-alecky [say / way]. “人家不是忘了吗,再说早晚都要碰见,我看这玉罗刹好像对你也有意思,看来这大半年你小子的艳福不浅吗,快和姐姐说一说,现在到雪几了?距离你后宫3000的伟岸愿望还差多少?”书中玉吐了吐舌头,俏皮道。 The Qin Shi full heavy line, he discovers more than half a year to pass, Shu Zhongyu or the old style, a progress does not have, knows that teased him. 秦石满头黑线,他发现大半年过去,书中玉还是老样子,一点长进都没有,就知道调侃他。 But long separation teasing of more than half a year, when one time hears, in heart actually inexplicable feeling warm, more than half a year does not know that has to be many some times, he wants to suffice to hear the Shu Zhongyu sound, even if scolds him to be also good. 但久别了大半年的调侃,在一次听见时,心中却莫名的感觉到温暖,这大半年不知道有多些次,他想够听听书中玉的声音,哪怕是骂他也好。 Elder Sister Yu, in the half year, I am really good to think you, later we do not separate.” 玉姐,这半年,我真的好想你,以后咱们再也不分开了。” The sudden seriousness, making Shu Zhongyu somewhat wrong, beautiful pupil change several points, the moral nature scolded in a soft voice: This fool at once on face, suppressed calmly white: Snort, is good that you expel me to walk? Later if you dare to drive out me in the critical time again, I made you forever unable to find me!” 突如其来的郑重,让书中玉有些错所不及,美眸不禁的变化几分,心底轻声骂道:“这傻子”旋即在面庞上,强忍镇定的白了一眼:“哼,是你撵我走的好不好?以后你要是再敢在危急时候把我撵走,我就让你永远都找不到我!” „, Later I will not protect you!” “不会了,以后我来保护你!” Shu Zhongyu trembled trembling, moral nature did not have feel of origin to be gratified, in an instant two years elapsed, recalled at the beginning of the meet in the Desolate Town Shanghai also slightly shy youth, really grew up, has not been needing her protection, but can also protect her. 书中玉不禁颤了颤,心底没由来的感到欣慰,一转眼两年的时间逝去,回想起相遇之初是在荒镇上海还略显青涩的少年,真的是长大了啊,已经不在需要她的保护,还可以来保护她了。 Um!” “嗯!” In the softhearted picture, Qin Shi then introduced all people to Shu Zhongyu, when introducing Xiaomi Cai, regarding the change of Xiaomi Cai, Shu Zhongyu was the same with Xu Qiao'er then performance, was quite accidental, gathers round Xiaomi Cai carefully to look at several, satisfied said with a smile: Hey, my vision is really good, this how long does not see, became the beauty of dehydrated cotton rose, is harem army who the time period must also join your Shi’tou father?” 在温情的画面中,秦石接着向书中玉介绍诸人,在介绍到小米彩时,对于小米彩的变化,书中玉许巧儿当时的表现一样,颇为意外,围着小米彩仔细看了好几眼,才满意笑道:“嘿嘿,我的眼光果然不错,这才多久不见啊,就成脱水芙蓉的大美人了,是不是过阵子也要加入你石头爹爹的后宫大军啊?” hear that, Qin Shi had a scare in behind, pulls back Shu Zhongyu: „, I said the eldest sister, do you have not to end?” 闻言,秦石在后面吓了一跳,一把将书中玉拉回来:“靠,我说大姐,你有完没完啊?” How? Didn't I have how are you? Such attractive miss, said again not one's own, I calculate that Qin Xuexin, Lo Hsueh Xian, Xiaomi Cai, Yu Luocha, four people, in addition any Yin Mo, the poem is blue, almost must break two figures.” The Shu Zhongyu [say / way] said embarrasedly. “怎么了啊?我不也没了你好吗?这么漂亮的姑娘,再说又不是亲生得,我算一算啊,沁雪心,洛雪娴,小米彩,玉罗刹,四个人,再加上什么尹沫,诗兰,差不多要破两位数了。”书中玉讪讪道说。 But in side, Qin Shi actually in the pain spot by the inexplicable stamp, made an effort to nip jaw, pinches the fist saying: Poem was blue she not.” 而在旁边,秦石却被莫名的戳中痛点,使劲一咬牙关,捏拳道:“诗兰她不在了。” What?” “什么?” Shu Zhongyu suddenly one startled, at once knew finally the Burning Sky Sect pitiful condition, she suddenly withdrew several steps, in the mind remembers once the girl of that [gold/metal] brown long hair, felt that regretted. 书中玉猛然一惊,旋即得知最后焚天宗的惨状,她才恍然的退后几步,脑海中想起曾经那个金棕色长发的小姑娘,不由感觉到惋惜。 Looks at the Qin Shi pain the appearance, she also again has no interest to tease, but the vision falls on Xiao Qing suddenly, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow thick air/Qi: Well? Shi’tou, you did not think that she is very familiar?” 看着秦石痛苦的模样,她也再无心调侃,而目光突然间落在小青身上,黛眉粗气:“咦?石头,你不觉得她很熟悉吗?” Elder Sister Yu, do you have this feeling?” 玉姐,你也有这种感觉?” Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure, listens to a Shu Zhongyu such saying, hurries to closely examine one, this issue, has puzzled him many days. 秦石回过神,听书中玉这么一说,赶忙追问一句,这一个问题,已经困扰他好些日子了。 Um, making me think where has seen?” Shu Zhongyu cherry lips light nan, the beautiful pupil opens at once suddenly: I thought that did you still remember the mystical place in Desolate Town back side of the mountain?” “嗯,让我想想,是在哪里见过呢?”书中玉樱唇轻喃,旋即美眸猛然间睁开:“我想起来了,你还记不记得荒镇后山的秘境?” Remembers that how?” Qin Shi cannot trace question of brains. “记得啊,怎么了?”秦石摸不到头脑的问句 You think carefully that in the Desolate Town back side of the mountain mystical place, how you to know Demonic Talisman Master, obtains the symbol demon precious book?” “你仔细想一想,在荒镇后山秘境里,你是怎么知道符魔师,怎么得到符魔宝典得?” Um?” “嗯?” Thinks indifferently, lies down the beautiful figure together in ice coffin emerges the mind, at once Qin Shi raises head suddenly, vision tight is staring at Xiao Qing, two beautiful figures in the mind in a flash, are almost overlapped. 漠然间思索一番,一道躺在冰棺中的倩影浮出脑海,旋即秦石猛然仰头,目光绷紧的盯着小青,两道倩影在脑海中一晃,几乎重叠。 Is she?” “是她?”
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