PDL :: Volume #5

#447: Said goodbye the snow heart

A scarlet curls up in the sandstorm, with waving of scarlet, the unusual conditions spirit pressure seems to be same including the vault of heaven avalanche, billowing crashes toward the earth , the quarry stone under gulf, the load bearing does not live in the spirit pressure, but the scrap, changes into myriad powder with a crash. 一席红衣在风沙中卷起,伴随着红衣的舞动,浑然天成的灵压仿佛连天穹都崩塌一样,滚滚的朝着大地坠落而下,在深坑下的乱石,承载不住灵压而砰然炸碎,化为万千的粉末。 Sudden different lifts, making Qin Shi raise head unexpectedly, actually sees Hua Ling callous allows among quick and violent to approach toward him tenderly, the skilled artist turns over, the strength that made him unable to hope to attain is the same to the volcanic eruption in the chest, shook him departs near kilometer far. 突如其来的异举,令秦石蓦地仰头,却见花零冷酷的娇容迅猛间朝他逼近,妙手翻转,一股令他无法企及的力量在胸口向火山爆发一样,将他生生的震飞出近千米远。 The sudden accident lets the crowd in an uproar, many Mysterious Palace elders knit the brows, stare at the tender body that Hua Ling is trembling lightly, for 30 years they have not seen Hua Ling to have the so serious mood to fluctuate. 突然出现的意外让人群哗然而起,不少玄殿的长老皱了皱眉,盯着花零轻颤的娇躯,30年来他们从未曾见过花零有过如此严重的情绪波动。 This boy, actually has made what, unexpectedly palace main enraging this?” “这小子,究竟做了什么,竟把殿主给激怒成这样?” Yu Qing cannot trace brains, but this result made him be overjoyed actually: Has killed him, has killed him, so long as he died, the position of champion will also fall to Xue Young Master on.” 玉清也是摸不到头脑,但这个结果倒是令他喜出望外:“杀了他,杀了他,只要他死了,冠军之位还会落到薛公子手上。” Father?” “爹爹?” Xiaomi Cai bites the silver tooth to come up on strategic place. 小米彩咬起银牙就要冲上去。 The Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower and Qiu Diao and Xiao Qing spell holds on her who tries. 南宫冰、太史葶花、邱雕与小青四人拼尽全力的拉住她。 You let loose me, this damn woman, dares not to mean what he says unexpectedly, I must spell with her!” Xiaomi Cai brandishes seven pink clouds light unceasingly, calls out wants to work loose several people. “你们放开我,这该死的女人,竟然敢说话不算话,我要和她拼了!”小米彩不断挥舞出七彩霞光,嚎叫的想要挣脱几人。 Several people resist strenuously, Xiao Qing indignant roared: You were insane, is sick? What can you make? You thought that you can hit Hua Ling? You come up to bring death!” 几人吃力的抵抗,小青气愤的咆哮道:“你疯了,有病啊?你能做什么?你觉得你能打过花零吗?你上去就是送死!” Xiaomi Cai trembles lightly, was shocked in same place by the Xiao Qing words, recalled before , scene under Xuan Feng, is suddenly low-spirited is in-situ. 小米彩轻颤一下,被小青的话惊呆在原地,回想起之前在玄峰下的情景,一时间黯然在原地。 Yes, what does she come up to make? In the hand of Hua Ling, her half puts in an appearance unable to walk. 是啊,她上去能做什么?在花零的手里,她连半个照面都走不出来。 In Hua Ling such as under the spirit prestige of date soaring to the heavens, pierced azure clouds probably is the same, gigantic Mysterious Palace was covered by the haze, tick-tock the rain water scattered to open. 花零如日冲天的灵威下,好像将青霄捅破一样,硕大的玄殿被阴霾笼罩,滴滴答答的雨水散落而开。 Over ten thousand people stand erect in the rain, turning very quiet breath that the atmosphere does not dare to put on. 上万人矗立在雨中,大气不敢穿的屏住呼吸。 Puff!” “噗!” In the ruins ten thousand meters away, turning over of Qin Shi pain, a resentment read the grave black blood blowout corners of the mouth, he can feel, was Hua Ling just struck, making the five main internal organs (entrails) of his within the body completely shatter, nine spirit vein broke all, because if not for practiced Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique former Third Rank, caused his fleshly body far supernormal person, feared that was already walked at this time on the road of underground spring. 在万米外的废墟中,秦石痛苦的翻过身,一口怨念深重的黑血喷出嘴角,他能感觉到,就是刚刚花零的一击,让他体内的五脏六腑全部破碎,九道灵脉尽数断裂,若不是因为修炼星陨霸体决的前三层,使他的肉身远超常人,怕是此时早已走在黄泉的路上了。 The painful brace sets out, he looks angrily at Hua Ling: Hua Ling, you are not and I reach an agreement, so long as I win the champion, you do give back to me Elder Sister Yu? You now what is this?” 痛苦的撑起身,他怒视花零:“花零,你不是和我说好,只要我取得冠军,你就把玉姐还给我吗?你现在这是什么意思?” I changed the mind!” The cold and gloomy sound puts out from the Hua Ling lip angle, her vision is staring at the jade nature bracelet of Qin Shi palm throughout: Said, nine revolutions of exquisite chains how in your hand?” “我改变主意了!”森冷的声音从花零唇角吐出,她目光始终盯着秦石掌心的玉质手链:“说,九转玲珑链怎么会在你手上?” Nine revolutions of exquisite chains?” Under the Qin Shi pupil moral nature, this is suddenly enlighted, [say / way] that at once has not concealed: Is Yu Luocha gives me, she said “九转玲珑链?”秦石眸心底下,这才恍然大悟,旋即没有隐瞒的道:“是玉罗刹给我得,她说” Nonsense!” “胡说!” Does not give the opportunity that Qin Shi spoke, Hua Ling anger greatly Sheng, 3000 white hair shoot up to the sky: I have agreement with the demons, so long as has not died, nine revolutions of exquisite chains will then not leave the body, how will she give you?” 不给秦石说完话的机会,花零怒火大盛,3000白发冲天而起:“我与罗刹有过约定,只要没有死,九转玲珑链便不会离身,她怎么会交给你?” hear that, Qin Shi clenched teeth, he does not know that between Yu Luocha and Hua Ling have this agreement, but the recollection initial scene, the Yu Luocha life truly was threatened. 闻言,秦石咬了咬牙,他并不知道玉罗刹花零间还有这种约定,而回想当初的情景,玉罗刹的生命确实受到了威胁。 I have not talked nonsense!” “我没有胡说!” No matter you do have the nonsense, since you took nine revolutions of exquisite chains, i.e. the demons have had an accident, I send you to the underground spring to see her!” Hua Ling consciousnes as if collapses, had recognized the demons died, no matter Qin Shi said anything, she cannot listen, drew out the hand to kill. “不管你有没有胡说,你既然拿了九转玲珑链,就是说罗刹已经出事了,那我就送你去黄泉见她!”花零神智仿佛崩溃,认定了罗刹已死,而不管秦石说什么,她都听不下去,起手就杀了上来。 This insane young married woman, real his mother is mindless, lets the human speak, scratched! If I such died, I undeserved?” Under the Hua Ling pressure, the Qin Shi whole body is stiff, one step cannot move, do not say that shunted the attack that this came. “这疯婆娘,真他妈不讲理,让不让人说话啊,擦!我要是就这么死了,我是有多冤枉啊?”在花零的威压下,秦石全身僵硬,一步都动不了,更不要说去躲开这迎面而来的攻击了。 Early knows this, he will not keep the inn Yu Luocha, now may be good, the opportunity that wants to explain does not have, moreover this time he can feel that Hua Ling to his attack and when Xuan Feng next, clearly has this essential difference, previous time to frighten him, but this time wants his life. 早知这样,他死活都不会把玉罗刹留在客栈,现在可好,想要解释的机会都没有,而且这一次他能够感觉到,花零对他的攻击和在玄峰下时,分明有这本质上的区别,上一次只是为了吓唬他,而这一次确是真的想要他的命。 Stares broad skilled artist who dry looks at to approach, Qin Shi means does not have, this thinks that immediately can see Elder Sister Yu, does not want to turn into this scene unexpectedly. 干瞪着眼看着逼近的恢弘妙手,秦石却一点办法都没有,本以为马上就能够看见玉姐,不想竟会变成这副光景。 Hua Ling is too strong, in her front share that only then waits for death. 花零实在太强,在她的面前就只有等死的份。 Dead woman, I makes trouble will not let off you!” “死女人,我做鬼都不会放过你!” The white hands even more approach, Qin Shi thinks that he was dying, being unwilling obloquies one, but at this time fell the rain water when his face suddenly becomes severely cold, looked back again the rain water has become the snowflake, snow white scattered from the highest heaven. 玉手越发逼近,秦石以为他就要死了,心有不甘的大骂一声,而这时落在他面庞上的雨水突然变得严寒,再回首时雨水已成雪花,皑皑的自九霄散落。 In six months the floating snow, made crowd puzzled knitting the brows, in the drizzle of azure clouds haze, rippled suddenly several points of attractive ripples, at once in the space just like twists together the broken mouth, in the broken mouth punctured an iceberg loudly, protected Qin Shi. 六月飘雪,令人群不解的皱了皱眉,在青霄阴霾的雨雾中,突然荡漾起几分诱人的涟漪,旋即空间中俨然扭曲出一道碎口,碎口中轰然刺出一座冰山,将秦石护在其中。 The iceberg blocks the Hua Ling skilled artist, making withdrawing several steps of Hua Ling in going through unexpectedly, making in her beautiful pupil reveal one with amazement: Who is?” 冰山挡住花零的妙手,令花零在辗转中竟不由退后数步,让她的美眸中都不由露出一丝骇然:“是谁?” Feels the woods that iceberg transmission is coming to be cold, the heartstrings of Qin Shi most deep place as if were moved, admires to look at the nihility in opening to shiver: Was she comes?” 感受着冰山传递而来的森寒,秦石最深处的心弦仿佛被拨动开,仰慕望去裂口中的虚无不禁颤动:“是她来了?” In the opening, a blue beautiful figure, is binding the handsome long skirt, the gentle sound between cherry lips, leads some spatial spiritual Qi rests, resounds through looks at the summit of Xuan Feng the eye opens in this. 裂口中,一名碧蓝色的倩影,裹着翩翩长裙,樱唇间的轻柔之音,带动起些许的空灵气息,响彻在这望眼而开的玄峰之巅。 He, if injured, Mysterious Palace did not have.” “他若伤了,玄殿也就没了。” The beautiful figure is treading the graceful step, 3000 blue black hair let fall the shoulder, Jingya is gentle, occasionally has the cool breeze to roll up and push along to help up, the waterfall that then such as drops ripples, stagnates for it including the everywhere snow white white snow. 倩影踏着曼妙的步伐,3000碧蓝色的青丝垂落肩头,静雅而温婉,偶有清风卷动扶起,便如飞泻的瀑布般荡漾开来,连漫天的皑皑白雪都为其凝滞。 Throat trundle slightly, Qin Shi is admiring the space of distortion, that familiar blue color, that familiar unique body is fragrant, with that familiar sound, familiar all, as if the mark of brand mark in soul, he even dares saying that if one day, perhaps he forgets himself, will not actually forget that in concerned azure clouds, made him in the beautiful figure that in the innumerable days and nights missed. 喉咙微微的滚动,秦石仰慕着扭曲的空间,那熟悉的碧蓝色,那熟悉的特有体香,和那熟悉的声音,熟悉的一切,仿佛烙印在灵魂上的印记,他甚至敢说倘若有一天,他或许忘记自己,却不会忘记有关青霄上,令他在无数个日夜中思念的倩影。 Snow heart “雪心” The good half sound, to lower in light nan to dust in the lips and teeth of Qin Shi to resound together, probably for fear that in loud, will wash out this not real dream. 好半响,一道低到尘埃中的轻喃在秦石的唇齿间响起,好像生怕在大声一点,就会冲散这场不真实的梦。 The beautiful figure reappears, under the Hua Ling for this reason faint pupil heart, the raising accident, is scarlet flame first person of she, under the sweep of cold, felt that from this deep blue beautiful figure some dreaded. 倩影浮现而出,花零为此淡漠的眸心下,都不由升起变故,身为赤炎第一人的她,在寒冷的笼罩下,从这个碧蓝倩影上感觉到些许忌惮。 But over ten thousand people, the heart sinks to the valley directly. 而上万人中,心直接沉入谷底。 In their opinion, the beautiful figure wear is not magnificent and expensive, actually one type unusual refined, the beauty of renouncing society and living alone, that beautiful is beautiful to the bone, is beautiful to making the world perishes for this reason, does not need any rouge cosmetic, these things only will instead blaspheme her. 在他们看来,倩影的穿着并不华贵,却有一种超凡脱俗,遗世独立的美,那种美是美到骨子里的,是美到令天地为此沉沦,不需要任何的胭脂水粉,这些东西反而只会亵渎了她。 Accommodates in her tenderness, the look appears some callous, not having the mood of least bit to fluctuate, in that noble appearance, as if day after day under becomes in her field of vision gloomy, but the gloomy vision moves to a frail form under suddenly, the form is binding the mapping pupil heart of black robe, as if has illuminated her world, made in her world all cold ice-out, revealed one to wipe to swing the dimple of person. 在她的娇容上,神色显得有些冷酷,没有半点的情绪波动,那高贵的模样中,仿佛连天下在她的视野中都变得暗淡,而暗淡中的目光突然挪动到一名单薄的身影下,身影裹着黑袍的映入眸心,仿佛照亮了她的全世界,令她世界中所有的寒冰融化,露出一抹荡人的笑靥。 The lotus steps are lithe, Qin Xuexin like discarding the world, falls on the Qin Shi side, the fair white hands have stroked the face of Qin Shi gently, has brushed off brushing off his dust, only should appear in ordinary family my good wife's appearance, flowing nan said: Shi’tou.” 莲步轻盈,沁雪心像丢掉世界一样,落在秦石的身旁,白皙的玉手轻轻拂过秦石的面庞,将他身上的尘土掸了掸,一副只应出现在寻常百姓家贤妻身上的模样,潸然喃道:“石头。” In those days , the black pupil of Qin Shi that widow who does not remarry, became under the blue full blazing, wiped the tears that could not say to well up the eye socket. 往日里,秦石那古井无波的黑眸,在碧蓝色充盈下而变得炽热,一抹说不出来的热泪涌上眼眶。 Shouted one again!” “再喊一声!” Trundle throat of sobbing, Qin Shi shivers to say. 哽咽的滚动喉咙,秦石颤抖道。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” Shouted one again!” “再喊一声!” Shi’tou! Shi’tou! Shi’tou!” Qin Xuexin does not have being weary of least bit, was responding one after another, making her beautiful pupil also mild. 石头石头石头!”沁雪心没有半点的厌倦,一声一声的回应着,让她的美眸也不禁温润。 Really is you?” Side listens to the whereabouts to hear the wonderful sound, the Qin Shi pinching tightly fist diligently, the palm is cut by the sharp nail slightly, the light aching feeling seemed responding to him, told him this is not the dream is the same. “真的是你?”听着落入耳旁的妙音,秦石努力的捏紧拳头,掌心被略微锋利的指甲划破,淡淡的疼痛感仿佛在回应着他,告诉他这不是梦一样。 That the lovesickness, made him for a very long time in the beautiful figure that innumerable night tossed and turned, in once appeared in his world, making him feel that these year of all haze, all pain became the value, he held up the both arms suddenly, shivering hugs Qin Xuexin in the bosom. 那久久相思,令他在无数个夜里辗转反侧的倩影,在一度出现在他的世界中,让他感觉这些年所有的阴霾,所有的痛苦都变得值了,突然间他举起双臂,颤抖的一把将沁雪心抱在怀中。 His anything had not said that because he knows that his anything was needless saying that all in silence complete revealed. 他什么都没说,因为他知道他什么都不用说,一切的一切就在沉默中全部的流露出来。 Under the far arena, over ten thousand people are staring at this sensational picture, the throat is dry and hot, the appearance of Qin Xuexin made Xiaomi Cai spit a foul air, loosened the pink / white fist: Big iceberg came, it seems like that the father will not have the matter.” 在远旁的擂台下,上万人盯着这一副煽情的画面,不禁喉咙燥热,沁雪心的出现让小米彩吐了口浊气,松开粉拳:“大冰山来了,看来爹爹不会有事了。” Nangong iced several people to stare staring: Cannot think that side Shi Qinxiong, really had such pretty girl!” 南宫冰几人跟着瞪了瞪眼:“想不到,石秦兄身边,竟然有这么漂亮的女孩!” Warm bosom of coming, making the Qin Xuexin tender body obviously shiver slightly, at once accommodates in her ice-cold tenderness, reappeared to wipe Ai Rou, closed beautiful pupil gently, by in that was not very strong chest, was feeling Qin Shi each heartbeat, was only her warm current with each. 突然而来的温暖怀抱,令沁雪心的娇躯稍显颤动,旋即在她冰冷的娇容上,跟着浮现出一抹哀柔,轻轻的闭合美眸,靠在那不是很健硕的胸膛,感受着秦石的每一下心跳,和每一份只属于她的暖流。 Qin Xuexin knows, since the unfeeling cliff leaves, Qin Shi, really faced were too many, from just Spirit Seal Realm, continually left a small unfeeling cliff, but must hug her youth, goes through many places now in flaminging the flame empire biggest influence, can a person, but shone the brilliance greatly, this walked this youth to suffer too many hardships, but she actually cannot render some assistance in the back, her some rebuked oneself, some take pity on, same also some gratified. 沁雪心知道,自从绝情崖一别,秦石独自一人,真的是面对了太多,从一个只不过封灵境,连离开一座小小的绝情崖,还要抱着她的少年,辗转成如今在炽焰帝国最大的势力中,能一人而大放光彩,这一路走来这少年真是吃了太多的苦头,而她却没能在背后给予些许的帮助,让她有些自责,有些怜惜,同样还有些欣慰。 She knows that passed through these many, present Qin Shi, was not once that depended on the doggedly sincere, the immature youth of being swayed by personal feelings, but was the genuine powerhouse. 她知道,经过了这么多,现在的秦石,再也不是曾经那个靠一腔热血,意气用事的稚嫩少年,而是真正的强者。 Can cash the agreement with her, hand in hand the powerhouse of azure clouds. 能够和她兑现约定,携手青霄的强者。 Shi’tou, in this year, can't I side you, you blame me?” Qin Xuexin disturbed has raised broad and handsome forehead, in the Qin Shi front, she will reveal such clever appearance. 石头,这一年,我不在你身边,你会不会怪我?”沁雪心忐忑的扬了扬螓首,就在秦石的面前,她才会露出这样乖巧的模样。 Qin Shi fakes the blame the [say / way]: Will blame, blaming you to make me fall in love with you, moreover loves is so deep, actually cannot see you, can only continuously the lovesickness.” 秦石假作责怪的道:“会怪啊,怪你让我爱上你,而且爱的那么深,却又不能看见你,只能一直相思。” He said that while can look at Qin Xuexin to close tightly the cherry lips, remorse reconciled the white hands in the chest, the appearance of girl each family made him suddenly gentle has smiled, hung her tall and graceful bridge of the nose saying: But can make me hug you now like this, does not blame, making me hug how are you? In this year, I thought you.” 他一边说,一边能看着沁雪心咬紧樱唇,自责的将玉手撮合在胸口,小女子家家的模样让他突然温柔的笑了,挂了挂她挺秀的鼻梁道:“但现在能这样让我抱着你,就都不怪了,让我多抱抱你好吗?这一年,我真的想你了。” Um, I also think that you at once delightful laughter response, why is not Qin Xuexin so? “嗯,我也想你”旋即甜美的笑声回应,沁雪心又何不是如此呢? But at this time, the distant place after all some trivial matters, cannot make them continue to review happily, Hua Ling ice-cold [say / way]: Who no matter you are, today he must die!” 而在这时,远方终归有些琐事,不能让他们继续重温美好,花零冰冷道:“不管你是谁,今天他必须死!” Is sideways, the beautiful pupil of Qin Xuexin is separated from Qin Shi, in an instant then freezes severely cold, at once curls up luxuriant keeping off before the Qin Shi body: Shi’tou, the following matter, gives the snow heart.” 侧身中,沁雪心的美眸脱离秦石,刹那间便冻结起严寒,旋即卷起秀发的挡在秦石身前:“石头,接下来的事,就交给雪心吧。”
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