PDL :: Volume #5

#446: Dawn

Raging fire burns the steel to refer to!” “烈火焚钢指!” On evil spirit fingertip, if there is a sharp sword of destroying the hardest defenses, cuts off the space of both banks directly, the Xue Bin two fingers under the sword Qi gathering, achieve nearly ten thousand meters mountain peak, to the Qin Shi crush under. 凶煞的指尖上,如有一把无坚不摧的利剑,将两岸的空间直接斩断,薛斌的两指在剑气汇聚下,足足达到近乎万米的山峰,冲着秦石碾压而下。 Refers to the front blocking the sky, makes dim that entire Mysterious Palace changes. 指锋遮天蔽日,令整座玄殿变的昏暗。 Scared , the Mysterious Palace disciple sets out, the powerful degree that this strikes, has surpassed their cognition and imagination. 恐慌下,玄殿的弟子不由起身,这一击的强悍程度,已经超过了他们的认知和想象。 Was corroded dark, Qin Shi frowned unavoidably: Three big martial arts of empire, has he practiced two unexpectedly?” 被黑暗侵蚀,秦石不免皱起眉头:“帝国的三大武学,他竟然修炼了两个?” The raging fire burns the steel to refer, before listened to the Nangong ice to raise, Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal three big martial arts that was listed second, look phenomenon that a finger of seam caused, at least was also 7-Step Middle-Grade martial arts, in which lethality it goes without saying. 烈火焚钢指,之前听南宫冰提过,排名第二的帝都三大武学,看着指缝所引起的异象,至少也是七阶中乘武学,其中的杀伤力不言而喻 In the distant place, referred to the peak just reappearing Yu Kong, Yu Qing then revealed the wild with joy color: This strikes, this boy definitely cannot keep off, Xue Young Master must win!” 在远处,指峰刚浮现于空,玉清便露出狂喜之色:“这一击,这小子肯定挡不下,薛公子要赢了!” Looks helplessly is referring to the peak falling, the crowd nervous turning very quiet breath, the Nangong ice worries for Qin Shi: Stone Brother Qin!” 眼睁睁望着指峰落下,人群紧张兮兮的屏住呼吸,南宫冰不由替秦石捏了把冷汗:“石秦兄弟!” But Qin Shi in the arena, as if has not heard to shout, throughout low-spirited standing in same place, the motionless appearance is similar to inflexible general, making many people be surprised the different way: „Isn't he many? Was scared?” 秦石在擂台上,仿佛没有听到呼喊,始终黯然的站在原地,一动不动的模样如同僵固一般,让不少人诧异道:“他怎么还不多?难道是被吓傻了?” Controls ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) in cloud layer to refer to the peak, Xue Bin facial expression is even more dense, shows the joyfully satisfied smiling face: Stone Brother Qin, it seems like that this, was I must win.” 操控着云层中的万丈指峰,薛斌的神情越发森然,露出得意洋洋的笑容道:“石秦兄弟,看来这一场,是我要赢了啊。” But under referring to peak unlimited forcing, until a distance square inch position, Qin Shi suddenly shoulders the helpless smiling face: He he, was looked down on.” 而就在指峰无限度的逼迫下,直到距离方寸的位置,秦石蓦然间挑起无奈的笑容:“呵呵,被人小瞧了啊。” During the speeches, he raises head suddenly, flashes through a ruthless offense under his black pupil, this ruthless offense exceptionally clear, the command presents all people to look clearly. 说话间,他猛然仰头,在他的黑眸下闪过一丝狠戾,这一丝狠戾异常的清晰,令在场所有的人都看得清楚。 With Qin Shi looking at each other, clearly is infinite self-confidence that in that ruthless offense disclosed that Xue Bin Chest trembled: His what is this? Does he have the card in a hand? Is impossible, even if there is a card in a hand, the raging fire burns the steel to refer, but 7-Step martial arts of genuine goods at reasonable prices, only if he can also have 7-Step martial arts, otherwise cannot resist absolutely!” 秦石对视,那一丝狠戾中透露的分明是无限的自信,薛斌心口一颤:“他这是什么意思?难道,他还有底牌?不可能,就算有底牌,烈火焚钢指可是货真价实的七阶武学,除非他也能有七阶武学,否则绝对抵挡不下!” Thinks of this, his relaxing, 7-Step is martial arts rare? Takes a broad view at the number of Scarlet Flame Empire five fingers, can it be that who said that has? 想到这,他不禁的松了口气,七阶武学是何等难得?放眼赤炎帝国不过五指之数,岂是谁说有就有得? But absolutely what makes him unable to think, this very few 7-Step martial arts, Qin Shi has. 但让他万万想不到的是,这少之又少的七阶武学,秦石偏偏就有。 7-Step martial arts, may not only you have!” 七阶武学,可不光你有!” Under the smiling face of ruthless offense, Qin Shi raises both hands suddenly, congeals seal in the chest, in the hand imprint gathers more than ten million black strange spirit snakes, the spirit snake twines in interlocking mutually. 狠戾的笑容下,秦石突然举起双手,在胸膛凝结成印,手印中汇聚起上千万道黑色的诡异灵蛇,灵蛇在交错之间相互缠绕。 The spirit snake that twines, forms a wormhole probably, unceasing nibbles spiritual power of Qin Shi within the body, finally blends becomes. 缠绕起的灵蛇,好像形成一个虫洞,不断的蚕食起秦石体内的灵力,最终交融间成一点。 A point concentrates extremely, the Qin Shi black pupil dodges. 一点极度浓缩,秦石黑眸一闪。 Demon ghost day photo!” “魅鬼天照!” Bang! Hand imprint below earth avalanche opens, that ray, changed into the gigantic black date to explode to shoot from the hand imprint suddenly, in instant, the vault of heaven that the hand imprint just blew out seemed passed through is the same, the remaining scarlet dates thoroughly dark were only swallowed. 轰!手印下方的大地崩塌而开,那一点光芒,猛然间化为硕大的黑日从手印中爆射而出,在手印刚刚爆出的刹那,天穹仿佛被贯穿一样,仅剩下的赤日彻底被黑暗吞噬。 Bang! 砰! The earth was curled up the hundred zhang (333m) the high hurricane, under two martial arts are in sharp opposition, the light is the complementary waves then breaks knot that Hua Ling formerly set up, after making the Mysterious Palace disciple again and again but actually, many strength bad people, direct spitting blood stupor. 大地被卷起百丈之高的飓风,两道武学针锋相对下,光是余波便破开花零先前设立的结界,令玄殿弟子连连倒后,不少实力不济的人,直接吐血昏迷。 Xue Binding the black date was trembling: „Was this appeared in 7-Step martial arts of non- gate auction room a short time ago? How in your hand?” 薛斌盯着黑日不禁哆嗦一下:“这是前不久出现在无门拍卖行的七阶武学?怎么会在你手上?” He he, Xue brother, it seems like your news insufficient miraculous glow, Mysterious Palace for this martial arts, has chased down me enough over half a month.” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth select, the smiling face of revealing the ridicule toward on. “呵呵,薛兄,看来你的消息不够灵光啊,玄殿可是为了这武学,追杀了我足足大半个月呢。”秦石嘴角朝上一挑,露出讥讽的笑容。 One black date, referred to the seam. 一处黑日,一座指缝。 Standing up that Mysterious Palace all elders cannot repress, stares at two big unrivalled martial arts to reveal to envy and be startled to accommodate. 玄殿所有的长老都按耐不住的站起身,盯着两大旷世武学露出羡慕和惊容。 7-Step martial arts, they have not practiced. 七阶武学,就连他们都不曾修炼过。 But in envying, is actually worried that several Mysterious Palace elder low and deep under eyes: Stops them quickly, if these two moves fall, Mysterious Palace did not have.” 但在羡慕中,却不由担心起来,几名玄殿长老低沉下眼:“快阻拦他们,这两招若是落下,玄殿就没了。” Right, these two big martial arts, can destroy ten thousand meters Mysterious Palace absolutely, no matter what no one has thought that the matter will develop the situation that this being hard ends, this really is also only fighting between two younger generations? 没错,这两大武学,绝对能够毁灭万米的玄殿,任谁都没有想到,事情会发展到这种难以收场的地步,这真的还只是两名晚辈间的交手吗? Yu Qing, Changqing, Tai Qing and Sanqing elder, desire with rapt attention must get rid. 玉清、长清、太清、三清长老,率先凝神的欲要出手。 But at this time, sat quietly such as mountain Hua Ling to set out throughout suddenly, a scarlet red storehouse clothing blocked three people, said coldly: „Do you want to do?” 而这时,始终稳坐如山的花零突然起身,一身赤红色的藏服挡住三人,冷言道:“你们要干嘛?” Blocks them “拦住他们啊” I said that making you begin?” Hua Ling has not listened to their explanations, in the sound the pale woods are slightly cold and ice-cold, angrily rebuke. “我说,让你们动手了么?”花零没有听他们的解释,声音中略淡森寒和冰冷,怒斥一声。 Three people look at each other one, has fought a shiver. 三人对视一眼,不禁打了个寒战。 Looks in side that do not let the bystander say, our Mysterious Palace does not observe the custom.” The Hua Ling restraining aura, sees only her white hands to flutter at once, in moment that the white hands raise, covers ties in the central silver light once again gets better -illuminated incomparable, unexpectedly actually the wild tendency blockades of two big martial arts in arena. “在旁边看着,别让外人说,我们玄殿不遵守规矩。”花零收敛气息,旋即只见她玉手轻扬,在玉手扬起的片刻,笼罩在中央的银光结界再度变得通亮无比,竟硬是将两大武学的狂野势头封锁在擂台以内。 Patching ties, Hua Ling sits returns to the chair, stares at Qin Shi under black robe to narrow the eye saying: Makes me take a look, for your important person, actually you can achieve any situation!” 修补结界,花零又坐回到椅子上,盯着黑袍下的秦石眯眼道:“就让我瞧瞧,为了你重要的人,你究竟能够做到什么地步!” In nearby several elders, has sucked the tongue, originally Hua Ling is fierce, two loudly made them feel that terrifying vast martial arts, like this was lived by her relaxed surrendering. 在一旁的数名长老,不禁咂了咂舌,原来还是花零厉害,两大令他们都感觉到恐怖的浩瀚武学,就这样被她轻松的降服住。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Black date under absorbing Qin Shi spiritual power, splutters several thousand like the sharp sword light, the light attacks unceasingly to referring to the peak, but refers to the peak being unwilling to fall behind similarly, slowly toward under crush. 黑日在吸收秦石灵力下,溅射出数万道如利剑般的光影,光影不断冲击向指峰,而指峰同样不甘落后,缓缓的朝下方碾压。 Bang! 砰! The entire arena, caves in several hundred meters depth. 整座擂台,生生塌陷数百米深。 Each time fulmination, is affecting the crowd heartstrings, the look of Nangong ice is terrified, at once remembers once in the desolated jungle final, shaking the head that the showdown of Qin Shi and blue vulture, just now smiles bitterly: „The Nangong ice the Nangong ice, do you worry blindly? Did you forget? That person called Shi Qin.” 每一次的爆鸣,都牵动着人群心弦,南宫冰的神色悚然,旋即想起曾经在荒芜丛林最后,秦石和青雕的对决,方才苦笑的摇摇头:“南宫冰啊南宫冰,你跟着瞎操什么心?难道你忘了吗?那个人可是叫石秦啊。” The black glow explodes shoots, refers to the peak crush. 黑芒爆射,指峰碾压。 In referring to the peak hangs the position in midair, slowness that finally the load bearing myriad attacks, the speed started changes, but black date under lasting revolving, has hollowed out Qin Shi within the body all spiritual power, was even more light. 就在指峰悬在半空中的位置,终于承载不了万千的攻击,速度开始变的迟钝,而黑日在持久的旋转下,也挖空了秦石体内所有的灵力,越发淡薄。 Bang! 轰! After end confrontation, two big martial arts are also defeated and dispersed, the complementary waves that causes made Hua Ling knot rock, in entire knot except for the dust sand, was the dust sand. 末日般的交锋后,两大武学同时溃散,所引起的余波令花零的结界都为之晃动,整个结界中除了尘沙,就是尘沙。 Rumble! Good fearful strength “咕噜!好可怕的力量” Who won? Was stone Qin or Xue Bin?” “谁赢了?是石秦还是薛斌?” all people feels the throat dry heat, looking at steadily stares at the tight arena, one second does not want to miss. 诸人感觉喉咙干热,目不转睛的盯紧擂台,连一秒都不想错过。 The Nangong ice, Xiaomi Cai and Taishi ting flower, Xiao Qing and Qiu Diao, all are face Zhang Hong, closes tightly the waiting of jaw the result. 南宫冰、小米彩、太史葶花、小青和邱雕、皆是面庞张红,咬紧牙关的等待着结果。 Time slow passing, one minute one second is experiencing one day like a year probably, finally after the hemiprism fragrance, the dust in sky disperses gradually, under knot in confusion, gigantic gulfs, but looks to the picture in gulf, the crowd knit the brows. 时间缓慢的流逝,一分一秒好像都在度日如年,终于在半柱香后,天空中的尘埃渐渐散开,在狼藉的结界下,有一个硕大的深坑,而望向深坑中的画面,人群不禁皱了皱眉。 Under gulf, two form distressed pouring in crushed stone. 在深坑下,两道身影狼狈的倒在碎石上。 Tied?” “打平了?” Many people reveal the color of accident, but returns to normal at once immediately, in just that situation, this result was also natural. 不少人露出意外之色,但旋即马上平复下来,在刚刚那种情况下,这个结果也算是理所应当。 Looks quickly, some people must stand.” “快瞧,有人要站起来了。” Was Shi Qin, stone Qin stands!” Suddenly some people roared, the crowd looks following the direction that he referred, was binding the form of black robe, was spelling to crawl from the ground that tried. “是石秦,石秦站起来了!”突然有人吼叫一声,人群顺着他所指的方向望去,一名裹着黑袍的身影,正拼尽全力的从地上爬起来。 Xue Bin also got up! Had not finished, had not finished!” “薛斌也起来了!没结束,没结束!” Qin Shi just stood up, his black robe is still waving, Xue Bin in he opposite not far position, has stood slowly. 秦石刚站起身,他的黑袍还在舞动,薛斌在他对面不远的位置,也跟着缓缓的站了起来。 This, in the crowd seethes with excitement once more, but two in arena, actually is exhausted, Qin Shi said with a smile to Xue Bin: Xue Young Master, how is it? I said that I said I can also bet a gambling, hasn't bet wrong?” 这一下,人群中再次沸腾起来,而在擂台中的两人,却皆是精疲力尽,秦石冲着薛斌不禁笑道:“薛公子,怎么样?我说,我说我还能赌一赌,是不是没有赌错?” You Xue Bin puff, by his calm personality, the whole body of air/Qi trembles at this moment: „Do you want to fight with me? I give you 20 million spirit stones, you admit defeat!” “你”薛斌喘着粗气,以他沉稳的性情,这一刻都气的全身哆嗦:“你非要和我争吗?我给你20000000灵石,你认输!” Qin Shi smiles shaking the head that did not speak. 秦石笑而不语的摇摇头。 Pinches tightly the fist, Xue Bin strenuous exclaiming: 30 million!” 捏紧拳,薛斌吃力的吼道:“30000000!” Qin Shi did not say a word is staring at Xue Bin. 秦石仍是毫不做声的盯着薛斌。 50 million! This is the limit that I can leave, so long as you present admit defeat, I give you immediately 50 million, had this 50 million, you want anything to buy, is not good!” “50000000!这已经是我能出的极限了,你只要现在认输,我马上就给你50000000,有了这50000000,你想要什么都能买到,难道不好吗!” Is looking at Xue Bin, 50 million are truly attractive, but is actually not necessarily able to move Qin Shi, before Hua Ling and Xue Bin have spoken the similar words, even in condition attractive, including the Scarlet Flame Empire throne, he has not complied, let alone is this trivial 50 million? 望着薛斌,50000000确实非常诱人,但却未必能够打动秦石,之前花零和薛斌说过同样的话,甚至条件上更加的诱人,连赤炎帝国的王位,他都不曾答应,更何况是这区区50000000呢? What can buy?” Qin Shi spreads out the hand back, the shaking down head of chuckle: No, one thing, is many spirit stones cannot buy.” “什么都能买到么?”秦石摊开手背,轻笑的摇下头:“不,有一种东西,是多少灵石都买不到得。” Is anything, I give you!” Xue Bin rapid [say / way]. “是什么,我给你!”薛斌急促道。 „A sentiment, you could not give, you could not give!” The black pupil just like, the Qin Shi cold [say / way] said: Xue brother, makes final mediation!” “一份情,你给不了,你也给不起!”黑眸俨然而起,秦石寒冷道说:“薛兄,做最后的了断吧!” The fist psst makes noise, Xue Bin not willingly low exclaimed: Stone Qin! You think that you can win me really? Do not forget that our spiritual power was in debt now! Most is also even!” 拳头吱吱作响,薛斌不甘心的低吼道:“石秦!你以为,你真的能赢我?你别忘记了,现在我们的灵力都已经亏空!最多也就是平手!” hear that, Qin Shi cannot set at laughter otherwise: Truly, our spiritual power were in debt, but when I have said that can I win you with spiritual power?” 闻言,秦石不可置否的笑声:“确实,我们的灵力都已亏空,但是我何时说过,我要用灵力胜你?” Strange raising corners of the mouth, what Xue Bin does not know, Qin Shi also has his final card in a hand not to turn, wipes the light quiet fire from the palm combustion. 诡异的扬起嘴角,薛斌并不知道的是,秦石还有他最后的底牌没有翻起,一抹淡淡的幽火自掌心燃烧。 Psychic force?” “精神力?” Xue Bin stares at tight Qin Shi foolishly. 薛斌痴傻的盯紧秦石 Responded!” Qin Shi smiles under the point, before arriving at Xue Bin body gradually, the slow holding up hand, approaches to Xue Bin's chest: It seems like this, the final winner is I!” “答对了!”秦石笑着点下头,一步一步走到薛斌的身前,缓慢的举起手,冲着薛斌的胸膛逼近:“看来这一场,最后的赢家是我!” Bang! 砰! Bang, Xue Bin reveals the unprecedented pain, already body in an extremely difficult situation finally could not support, holds the Qin Shi collar, opened mouth actually again not to put out half character, pouring that puff passes on the ground. 巨响一声,薛斌露出前所未有的痛苦,早已狼狈不堪的身躯终于支撑不住,一把抓住秦石的衣领,张了张嘴却再也没有吐出半个字来,噗通的倒在地上。 Finally, won?” “终于,赢了么?” Quiet fire dispersing between palms, a wisp broken warm positive by dust sand, maps on the Qin Shi resolute face, lets smiling face that he reveals an extrication. 掌心间的幽火散开,一缕残破的暖阳透过尘沙,映射在秦石刚毅的面庞上,让他不由露出一丝解脱的笑容。 „Did Elder Sister Yu, see? I won!” 玉姐,看见了吗?我赢了!” Smiling like child makes noise, Qin Shi holds the hand of his collar to break off finally slowly Xue Bin, making on the black robe be ripped open very big opening. 像一个孩子一样的笑出声,秦石最后将薛斌抓住他衣领的手缓缓掰开,令黑袍上被撕开很大的口子。 ! 咣啷! But at this time, one string of bright jade nature bracelets fell on the cyclopian riprap, making Qin Shi has gawked staring, bented picks up the bracelet, this bracelet a short time ago in the night of moon/month circle, Yu Luocha filled to his bracelet. 而这时,一串剔透的玉质手链摔在乱石堆上,令秦石不禁的愣了愣,猫下腰将手链拾起,这手链正是前不久在月圆之夜,玉罗刹塞给他的手链。 Bang! 轰隆隆! When he just stood up, only feels beyond the highest heavens as if to be ripped open by the great hibernation of insects, wipes the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering vast spirit pressure such as the mountain but actually such as Jiang Hong Ban torrential crash, making him reveal unprecedented color with amazement. 而在他刚站起身时,只感九霄云外仿佛被巨蛰撕开,一抹惊天动地的浩瀚灵压如山倒如江洪般的滔滔坠落,令他露出前所未有的骇然之色。
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