PDL :: Volume #5

#445: Last war

Fourth had ended, was symbolizing the conclusions of eight strong showdowns, but the referee, or the player under field, the Mysterious Palace disciple and elder, long-time stalemate with amazement was actually hard to extricate oneself. 第四场结束了,象征着八强对决的结束,但无论是裁判,或是场下的参赛选手,玄殿的弟子和长老,却长久的陷入骇然中难以自拔。 The intense dropping variance, made to support Yan Feng's girl student at the scene stupor much, any person who on the scene saw this, forever is unable to forget that the Qin Shi fierce appearance, looked like has an incisive burin finally, carved the indestructible brand mark in their moral nature. 前后强烈的落差,令不少支持闫峰的女弟子当场昏迷,凡是在场看见这一幕的人,将永远都无法忘记,秦石最后狰狞的模样,就像是有一把尖锐的刻刀,在他们心底刻下坚不可摧的烙印。 Let them several years of even dozens years later, mentioned the stone Qin two characters to be still terrible. 让他们在几年甚至几十年后,提起石秦两字仍是谈虎色变。 From this war, stone Qin Chedi has caused a stir in East District, nobody dares to despise him again, nobody dares saying that again he is seize every opportunity, or by luck person. 自这一战,石秦彻底轰动了东方区域,再也没人敢轻视他,再也没人敢说他是投机取巧,或者靠运气的人。 Xue Binhei pupil becomes pollution, shows the ruthless offense: It seems like, he me had a premonition is stronger , the one had only known words should violate the danger to remove him!” 薛斌黑眸变得浑浊,透出狠戾:“看来,他比我预感中的还要强,早知如此的话就该犯险除掉他!” But in the distant place, Yu Qing also finally understands why Xue Bin will dread to this common stone Qin Zheban, changes is anxious. 而在远处,玉清也终于明白,为何薛斌会对这个不起眼的石秦这般忌惮,不由变的紧张起来。 Eight ended, is semifinal. 八强结束,便是半决赛。 Semifinal, four people: Li Yu, Xue Bin, Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai. 半决赛,四人:李煜、薛斌、秦石小米彩 Similarly is the way of ballot, making Qin Shi feel what is helpless, he bumps into with Xiaomi Cai unexpectedly, but reviews thinks that this also has the advantage but actually, otherwise Xiaomi Cai, if bumped into Li Yu to say but actually fortunately, once met Xue Bin, by the Xiaomi Cai stubborn uninhibited disposition, decided however must with Xue Binpin life and death, finally unavoidably will receive anything to injure, this was not he wants to see. 同样是抽签的方式,让秦石感到无奈的是,他竟和小米彩碰上,但反观一想,这样倒也有好处,否则小米彩若是碰上李煜倒还好说,一旦碰见薛斌的话,以小米彩倔强不羁的性格,定然要和薛斌拼个你死我活,最后难免会受到什么伤害,这不是他想要看见得。 Him, he does not think that criminal danger, peacefully stands in his, making him withstand all pain and dangers. 于他来讲,他不想身边的人犯险,就安静站在他的身后,让他来承受所有的痛苦和危难。 Four strong showdowns. 四强对决。 The first Li Yu to fighting Xue Bin, one does not have fighting of suspense, when Xue Bin from starting with Qiu Diao fights to be the same, throughout draws support from You Long the ghost step to move aside dexterously, but in most essential strikes, gives Li Yu the lethality injury. 第一场李煜对战薛斌,一场没有悬念的交手,薛斌从开始就和邱雕交手时一样,始终借助游龙鬼步轻巧躲闪,只是在最关键的一击,给予李煜致命性的伤害。 This made Qin Shi knitting the brows: This Xue Bin disposition is calm, two get down has almost not exposed any card in a hand, at the final finals, is one struggles hard evidently unavoidably.” 这令秦石不禁的皱起眉来:“这薛斌心性沉稳,两场下来几乎没有暴露任何底牌,看样子最后的决赛上,难免是一场苦战啊。” Li Yu defeats, second Qin Shi to fighting Xiaomi Cai, the right that Xiaomi Cai very direct admitting defeat, will play in the finals hands over on Qin Shi. 李煜战败,第二场秦石对战小米彩,小米彩很直接的就认输,将决赛的权利交到秦石手上。 Finals. 决赛。 Xue Bin, Shi Qin, their given names, were to resound through Mysterious Palace at this time, when they just stepped the arena, outside disciple all turns very quiet, does not dare to make the sound. 薛斌,石秦,两人的名号,此时可谓是响彻玄殿,在两人刚迈上擂台时,场外的弟子皆是屏住呼吸,不敢作声。 The Mysterious Palace elders, to the direction that they cannot bear, discussed: You said that this who will win?” 玄殿的长老们,对两人都忍不住的指点起来,议论道:“你们说,这一场谁会赢?” These two kids, the plans and city palace unusual depth, thoughts calm making one feels fearfully, is far from same year the person can look disdainfully, therefore has not said.” “这两个小家伙,无论是心机和城府都异常的深,心思沉稳的令人感觉可怕,远非同年人可以睥睨,所以还真不好说。” I thought that Xue Young Master can win, after all he comes . Moreover the strength is also placed in this, if I have not guessed that wrong, he should achieve First Rank Heaven Realm peak, is away from the Second Rank Heaven Realm difference not to be far.” “我觉得,薛公子能赢,毕竟他出身好,而且实力也摆在这呢,如果我没猜错的话,他应该已经达到一层天境巅峰,距离二层天境也差上不远。” I look not necessarily, before Yan Feng was also Heaven Realm, but you also saw, he in this Shi Qin hand, has not passed through including one move, this boy gave the feeling of person to be too mystical.” “我看未必,之前闫峰也是天境,但你们也都看见了,他在这石秦手上,连一招都没有走过,这小子给人的感觉太神秘了。” Asks the palace host, the palace advocated you saying that this who can win?” Has not obtained the answer in the discussion, all people searches toward Hua Ling the vision. “问问殿主,殿主你说,这一场谁能赢?”在议论中没有得到答案,诸人将目光朝花零探去。 Stone Qin.” “石秦。” In the Hua Ling faint vision the widow who does not remarry, put out two characters to make the people suck the tongue directly, they really did not think clearly, Hua Ling so will regard why as important actually, but when wants to inquire again, under has resounded the referee scat singing, the finals starts. 花零淡漠的目光中古井无波,直接吐出两字让众人咂了咂舌,他们实在想不清楚,花零为何会如此看重其实,而再想询问时,下方已经响起裁判的哨声,决赛开始。 In the arena, Qin Shi is binding black robe, opposes to stand with Xue Bin, they no one has opened the mouth rashly, but stares for a long time each other, wants from each other body, discovers the slightest the clues. 擂台上,秦石裹着黑袍,和薛斌对立而站,两人谁都没有贸然开口,而是长久的凝视彼此,想要从彼此的身上,找出分毫的蛛丝马迹。 Stone Qin brother, for a long time, well has not passed with your ditch, currently with great difficulty has the opportunity to live alone, was inferior that we do chat first what kind of?” The break deadlock of Xue Bin very atmosphere. “石秦兄,这么长时间,也没和你好好的沟通过,现在好不容易有机会独处,不如我们先聊聊怎样?”薛斌很大气的打破僵局。 Qin Shi quite interested response: Good, what does Xue brother want to chat?” 秦石颇有兴趣的回应:“好啊,薛兄想聊些什么?” So long as hits it off well with one another, what chatted not to be good?” The Xue Bin frank laughter, has then patted under forehead question: Was right, throughout does not know that Brother Shi Qin did come where?” “只要投缘,聊什么不行?”薛斌爽朗的笑声,然后拍了下脑门问句:“对了,始终不知道,石秦兄弟出身何处?” Common people family background, where can place on a par with the people of Xue brother family background rich and powerful family, does not raise, does not raise.” Qin Shi has made a primal chaos gently, shoves open Xue Bin's issue. “草民出身,哪能和薛兄这种出身豪门的人相提并论,不提也罢,不提也罢。”秦石柔和的打了个太极,将薛斌的问题推开。 Does slightly with rapt attention, Xue Bin ringing said with a smile: Since Shi brother is not willing saying that I was not many asked that this competition to my exceptionally important, Shi brother might as well you opened a price, gave me to be good the position of champion?” 稍做凝神,薛斌朗朗笑道:“既然石兄不愿意说,那我也就不多问了,这一场比赛对我异常重要,石兄不妨你开个价,把冠军之位让给我可好?” „Do you want to buy me to admit defeat?” “你想买我认输?” Qin Shi feels the surprise slightly, at once the black pupil is low and deep. 秦石稍感诧异,旋即黑眸低沉下来。 Um, 10 million spirit stones, I remember right words, in 7-Step martial arts of non- gate auction room, had sold probably also this price, so long as Shi the brother you admits defeat, I look for people to deliver to your mansion spirit stones immediately.” Looks at Qin Shi to be silent, Xue Bin pursued immediately says one: Naturally, I do not have the least bit shame meaning, the champion team of this honor big game I am important, I hope that really Shi the brother can help me.” “嗯,10000000灵石吧,我记得没错的话,之前在无门拍卖行的七阶武学,好像也才卖了这个价,只要石兄你认输,我马上就找人把灵石送到你的府邸。”看秦石沉默,薛斌马上追说一声:“当然,我没有半点羞辱的意思,这荣誉大赛的冠军队我非常重要,我是真的希望石兄能够成全我。” Is staring at Xue Bin, his face is sincere, truly likely was is not telling the lie, one played in the finals 10 million spirit stones, this price was also moving enough, if traded to do in the past, Qin Shi definitely did not meet as a result of complying, but this time, was actually not good. 盯着薛斌,他的面庞非常真挚,确实不像是在说假话,一场决赛10000000灵石,这个价也足够动人,如果换做以往的话,秦石肯定会毫不由于的答应,但这一次,却是不行。 Therefore he shakes the head: „It is not good, these time for me, especially important, I must win the champion.” 为此他摇摇头:“不行,这一次对我来讲,也尤为的重要,我必须要赢下冠军。” The pupil bottom flashes through a disgruntledness, Xue Bin suppresses to say with a smile: Gentleman helps somebody in doing good, does not help somebody in doing evil, Shi is brother this why? We fought, you are also not necessarily able to win me, when that time words, were 10 million, you could not attain.” 眸底闪过一丝不悦,薛斌强忍笑道:“君子成人之美,不成人之恶,石兄这又是何必呢?咱们交起手来,你也未必能赢我,等到那时候的话,就是10000000,你也拿不到了。” That at least I can also bet a gambling.” Qin Shi thinks little lets go to say with a smile. “那至少我还能赌一赌。”秦石不以为意的摊手笑道。 Xue Bin stares, the Qin Shi words renounce, making him have to give up, heave a deep sigh: Such words, that begins.” 薛斌不禁一愣,秦石的话非常决绝,让他不得不放弃,长叹一声:“如此的话,那就动手吧。” The one who sets out is Xue Bin, he treads is making one ponder over the unclear step, rapid approaches to the chest of Qin Shi, in the five fingers launches to the Qin Shi chest seal under. 率先起身的是薛斌,他踏着令人琢磨不清的步伐,迅速就逼近到秦石的胸口,五指间展开冲秦石的胸膛印下。 Bang! 砰! Two sides fight, under the field tightens the look immediately. 两方交手,场下马上绷紧神色。 Was welcoming the attack, Qin Shi offered a sacrifice to Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, in as far as possible situation of defense, once for a while after moved, occasionally will return strikes, then withdrew once again. 迎着攻击,秦石祭出星陨霸体决,在尽量防守的情况下,时不时的朝后挪动,偶尔会还上一击,然后再度退后。 Just started, their confrontation were intense, seem like in the gentle fist palms, the contact actually inevitably caused the world to alarm each time, on the earth the gully split one after another, the wild quarry stone spluttered eight sides. 刚开始,两人的交锋就非常激烈,看似平缓的拳掌间,每次接触却必然引起天地惊动,大地上一道一道沟壑裂开,狂野的乱石从中溅射八方。 In the fierce bang hits, Qin Shi heel after moves out of the way half step, palm control golden light spirit glow quick and violent like cheetah toward Xue Bin chest seal, but Xue Bin is taking advantage of You Long the ghost step, very ingenious partly squatting lower part of the body, in the tiny gap, several wisps sends the silk to kill with one's own hand to cut off, takes advantage of somebody's authority and concentrates two fingers, toward the Qin Shi forehead straight prompt piercing under. 在剧烈的轰撞间,秦石脚跟朝后挪开半步,掌心操控金光灵芒迅猛如猎豹般的朝薛斌胸膛印下,而薛斌依仗着游龙鬼步,很巧妙的半蹲下身,在细小的间隔中,几缕发丝被手刃斩断,借势又凝起两指,朝秦石的眉心笔直点刺下。 Black pupil ruthless offense, Qin Shi is sideways slightly, at once among quick and violent keeps off the left arm in the front, the right hand finds out the sleeve robe, wraps to the Xue Bin's two fingers, just like the earth broken opens several thousand gullies, Bang they spread out once again. 黑眸狠戾,秦石略微侧身,旋即迅猛间将左臂挡在面前,右手则是探出袖袍,冲着薛斌的两指包裹上去,俨然间大地碎开数万的沟壑,砰一声两人再度拉开距离。 The entire process, under the vision of crowd completely is the off and on remnant shade, this degree of confrontation, even if they never has also seen. 整个过程,在人群的目光下全部是断断续续的残影,这种程度的交锋,即便是他们也从未见过。 Stands firm the body, Xue Bin sneers saying: Getting down that stone brother, we cover up like this may not have the meaning, might as well act seriously?” 稳住身,薛斌冷笑道:“石兄,咱们这样遮遮掩掩的下去可没有意思,不如动真格的吧?” He he, is having this intent.” Qin Shi smiled faintly is replying one, so long as shortly under winning played in the finals, can see the long separation Elder Sister Yu, therefore he does not want in delaying, gathers in the palms single-handed, roared lowly: God character Secret Art!” “呵呵,正有此意。”秦石浅笑着回复一声,眼看着只要赢下决赛,就能够看见久别的玉姐,所以他也不想在耽搁下去,单手在掌间汇聚,低吼一声:“神字诀!” Demon blood opening!” “魔血开启!” The billowing black blood gathers along nine spirit vein to the dantian, at once the Qin Shi strength increases wildly, Yun Ai who on the vault of heaven presents indistinctly, making the crowd under field suck the tongue: What move is this? Is his strength increased unexpectedly?” 滚滚黑血沿着九条灵脉聚向丹田,旋即秦石的实力狂野攀升,天穹上隐约出现的云霭,令场下的人群不禁咂舌:“这是什么招数?他的实力竟然在提升?” „Is here spirit false Heaven Realm?” “这里灵是伪天境?” Many Mysterious Palace elders set out to pinch the fist, they can limpid induces on Qin Shi, is not inferior to the spirit prestige fluctuation of Heaven Realm, this time Qin Shi is away from Heaven Realm, only misses at together the thunder disaster. 不少玄殿长老起身捏拳,他们能够清澈的在秦石身上感应到,一股丝毫不亚于天境的灵威波动,此时的秦石距离天境,只差在一道雷劫上。 But they as everyone knows, this did not finish. 但他们殊不知,这并不是结束。 The boundary promotes to the optimum condition, the Qin Shi five fingers to find out from the sleeve, in the palm grasped is puncturing the dark [gold/metal] lovelace symbols of five grains together, the demon symbol was just letting go is then lit by spiritual power, changes into a gigantic eagle, the eagle launched the golden wing to hover Yu Kong, the incisive long snout often spread roaring that buzz called, resounded through in the mountain peak peak at an elevation of 50000 meters. 境界提升到最佳状态,秦石五指从袖筒中探出,掌心中握着一道刺着五纹的暗金色魔符,魔符刚刚脱手便被灵力点燃,化为一只硕大雄鹰,雄鹰展开金色的翅膀翱翔于空,尖锐的长喙不时传出嗡鸣的吼叫,响彻在海拔50000米的山峰顶端。 Five mark demon symbols?” “五纹魔符?” Yu Qing could not stand firm the body, anxious facing forward steps one step: Damn, does he have five mark demon symbols? Is that small girl gives?” 玉清已经稳不住身,惶急的朝前迈上一步:“该死,他怎么也有五纹魔符?难道又是那小丫头给得?” Bang! 轰! The eagle pours into the Qin Shi forehead, making the blue vein of his whole body jump, the rough wing brandished in the back unceasingly, causes together the dreadful hurricane. 雄鹰灌入秦石的眉心,令他全身的青筋蹦起,粗犷的羽翼不断在背后挥舞,引起一道滔天飓风。 This time, his strength, has risen together simultaneously with Heaven Realm thoroughly, below person with silly was the same, in their opinion Qin Shi probably is hundred valuable bags, equally same card in a hand unceasing sacrifice. 这一次,他的实力,已经彻底与天境并起,下方的人跟傻了一样,在他们看来秦石就好像是百宝袋,一样一样底牌不断的祭出。 Feels the fabric of whole body to be soft, Qin Shi uses staring of eagle-eyed ruthless offense to Xue Bin: Xue brother, should now to you.” 感受着全身的绒软,秦石用鹰眼狠戾的瞪向薛斌:“薛兄,现在该到你了。” The moral nature is angry, Xue Binben thinks before , fights with Yan Feng, is the Qin Shi best condition, has not actually expected him also to have such many methods unexpectedly. 心底愤怒起来,薛斌本以为之前和闫峰交手,已经是秦石最佳的状态,却没料到他竟还有如此之多的手段。 But he is also the rich and powerful family family background, but stops slightly, then Huifudao: He he, Shi the brother is really hideaway depth of enough, since you have given me a big present, I from, when must report back is good.” 但他也算是豪门出身,只是稍微停顿,便恢复道:“呵呵,石兄真是隐藏的够深啊,你既然送了我一份大礼,那我自当要回报才行。” Bang! 轰! Nine spirit vein are in full bloom, the strength of Xue Bin Within the body is the same like the bubbling spring, quick and violent turns over toward on, in the successive transformation the direct impact ascends to heaven. 九条灵脉怒放,薛斌体内的实力如涌泉一样,迅猛的朝上翻转,连续转变中直冲升天。 Limpid Lei Jieyin, opens from Xue Bin's forehead twinkle together, around this Lei Jieyin is rolling up and pushing along naked eye obvious Ben Lei, evidently from the date and time of extradition heavenly thunder is not many. 一道清澈的雷劫印,从薛斌的眉心处闪烁而开,这雷劫印四周卷动着肉眼可见的奔雷,看样子距离引渡天雷的时日已是不多。 Second Rank Lei Jieyin? Has he been this degree?” Qin Shi accident the suction port cold air/Qi of but actually, intense martial arts helps one another in addition, Xue Bin endures to compare Second Rank Heaven Realm now. 二层雷劫印?他已经达到这种程度了?”秦石意外的倒吸口冷气,加上强烈的武学相助,薛斌现在堪比二层天境 They all are the strength greatly open, no longer rising together simultaneously of idle talk gets rid, side Qin Shi has demon symbol wing, Fang Xue Bin has You Long the ghost step, their speeds have achieved the acme, made the crowd naked eye the unceasing confrontation that was difficult changes. 两人皆是实力大开,不再废话的并起出手,一方秦石有魔符化出的羽翼,一方薛斌有游龙鬼步,两人的速度已经达到极致,令人群肉眼难变的不断交锋。 Bang! 砰! The crowd does not see clearly, only then the innumerable light tear the arena. 人群根本看不清楚,只有无数的光影将擂台撕裂。 The suddenly time, is over a hundred moves passes through, space unceasing rippling, several broad martial arts destroy Huang Long once for a while, made the clouds disintegration. 眨眼间的功夫,就是上百招走过,空间不断的荡漾,时不时几道恢弘的武学直捣黄龙,令云霄崩碎。 Spreads out, before rushing once again, lifts the fist bombardment. 拉开距离,再度冲上前举拳轰击。 Bang! 轰! Two fist winds, live far apart, from among breaks out the arena thoroughly, deeply does not see the bottom together the natural moat cracks in the earth, splits a about hundred meters width. 两道拳风,天各一方,将擂台从正中间彻底劈开,一道深不见底的天堑地裂,足足裂开近百米的宽度。 Breathing heavily in gulps the thick air/Qi, Xue Bin enhanced dust on, the angry glare is staring at Qin Shi: Stone brother, the good skill, you to receive my this strike to try!” 大口大口的喘上粗气,薛斌扬尘而上,怒目盯着秦石:“石兄,好本事,那你接下我这一击试一试!” Under the anger, Xue Bin raises the left hand, the index finger aims at the vault of heaven, at once sees only the wild with rage clouds becomes the tornado is ordinary, refers to the direction gathering toward him. 在愤怒下,薛斌举起左手,食指对准苍穹,旋即只见狂怒的云霄成龙卷风一般,朝着他所指方向聚集。 The fog ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), Xue Bincai lowered the head will refer to the peak aiming at the Qin Shi forehead. 云雾万丈,薛斌才低下头的将指峰对准秦石眉心。 Raging fire burns the steel to refer to!” “烈火焚钢指!”
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