PDL :: Volume #5

#444: Dunning 【Small porch in addition】

Third, Xue Bin showdown Qiu Diao. 第三场,薛斌对决邱雕。 Just came to power, the billowing spirit pressure of both unusual conditions, such as the highest heaven waterfall fell in torrents, under the above suppression, in the clouds curled up the phenomenon. 刚一上台,两者浑然天成的滚滚灵压,就如九霄瀑布般倾泻而出,在上方的压制下,云霄中卷起异象。 Facing Xue Bin, Qiu Diao pupil eye coagulation, but Xue Bin is actually just the opposite, has hung the calm faint smile since coming to power, the politeness was saying: Qiu Diaoxiong, the Kungfu does not have the eye, we select till can be good?” 面对薛斌,邱雕眸眼凝紧,而薛斌却恰恰相反,自上台以来就挂着从容的浅笑,礼貌道:“邱雕兄,拳脚无眼,我们点到为止可好?” That is natural.” Qiu Diao stern response. “那是自然。”邱雕正色回应。 Announced in nearby referee starts, the confrontation of two Heaven Realm made under the field seethe with excitement, many Mysterious Palace disciples stared the big eye, hopes that can in the expert showdown, found some experiences. 在一旁的裁判宣布开始,两名天境的交锋让场下沸腾起来,不少玄殿弟子都瞪大眼睛,希望能在高手对决中,找到些许的经验。 Bang! 砰! Qiu Diao sets out, wants to make first move and get control, the main body for golden eagle him, has the absolute superiority in the speed, the incisive eagle claw rips void, duo duo compels. 邱雕率先起身,想要先发制人,本体为金雕的他,在速度上有着绝对的优势,尖锐的鹰爪撕断虚空,咄咄相逼。 What is accidental, under the quick and violent offensive, Xue Bin body light like the swallow, the under foot is actually walking randomly the strange step, to the feeling of person probably is, every time reluctantly evades, but each time moving actually just right. 意外的是,在迅猛的攻势下,薛斌却身轻如燕,脚下游走着诡异的步法,给人的感觉就好像是,每一次都是勉强躲过,而每一次的挪动却又恰到好处。 Good strange movement.” The entire process, Qin Shi stares at tight Xue Bin throughout, but latter's movement, if not for his psychic force is rich, only depends on the naked eye unable to follow unexpectedly? “好诡异的身法。”整个过程,秦石始终盯紧薛斌,而后者的动作,若不是他精神力浓郁,光靠肉眼竟然无法跟上? This situation, is really him shocks. 这种情况,于他来讲实属震撼。 Is You Long the ghost step!” The length of Nangong ice low pupil spits one. “是游龙鬼步!”南宫冰低眸的长吐一声。 Puzzled searches, Qin Shi question: „Is this You Long ghost step, what?” 不解的探去,秦石问句:“这游龙鬼步,是什么?” Is one of the empire three big 7-Step martial arts, empire three big martial arts separately are: The raging fire burns the steel to refer, pinches the universe desolated, with this You Long ghost step, pinches the universe for desolated, it is said pinches the universe desolated, approached in 8-Step martial arts infinitely, has to destroy the day to extinguish the strength of place, in its under is the raging fire burns the steel to refer, but this You Long ghost step ranks third, before although but the position does not depend, but it to strangely be actually famous, well-known.” “是帝国三大七阶武学之一,帝国三大武学分别是:烈火焚钢指,荒芜捏乾坤,和这游龙鬼步,其中荒芜捏乾坤为最,据说荒芜捏乾坤,已经无限接近于八阶武学,拥有毁天灭地之力,在其之下是烈火焚钢指,而这游龙鬼步排名第三,但虽说名次不靠前,但它却以诡异著称,闻名遐迩。” Reason that You Long the ghost step calls the ghost step , because this martial arts is very cunning, every time dodges the attack by the slightest deviation, made, in encountered with the enemy side can leave biggest maneuver room for oneself.” The Nangong ice in shocking explained that then the sinking sound said again: Is only, can practice three big Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal martial arts people, is the emperor's relatives, has not thought that he can also practice.” “游龙鬼步之所以称之为鬼步,是因为这武学十分刁钻,每一次都是以最细微的偏差躲闪攻击,令在与敌方交锋中能够为自己留下最大的回旋余地。”南宫冰在震撼中解释,然后沉声再道:“只是,能够修炼三大帝都武学的人,皆是皇亲国戚,没想到他也能修炼。” Three big Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal martial arts?” “三大帝都武学吗?” Ming became aware, dreading of Qin Shi to Xue Bin rose once again several points, although he localization to Xue Bin was very high, but the appearances of three big empire martial arts made him understand that he has looked down on this country teacher's son: It seems like this time, in the contrast ratio imagination must trouble.” 明悟中,秦石对薛斌的忌惮再度攀升几分,尽管他对薛斌的定位已经很高,但三大帝国武学的出现让他明白,他还是小瞧了这个国师之子:“看来这一次,照比想象中还要麻烦啊。” Bang! 轰隆! A series of confrontation, Qiu Diao earlier period attack is excessively fierce, quick falls into the strength that pants to use up, but shoots down the free time in him, Xue Bin seizes the opportunity suddenly, smiled faintly: Qiu Diaoxiong, must offend.” 一连串的交锋,邱雕前期攻击过猛,很快就陷入气喘吁吁的力竭,而在他一击落空时,薛斌突然间抓住时机,浅笑一声:“邱雕兄,要得罪了啊。” , After Xue Binchao , the body of falling is similar to the bowstring is suddenly ordinary, fills elastically supported not saying that the slender five fingers caressed in Qiu Diao chest, how nobody see clearly him to catch up, but in the short instance, Qiu Diao frail body shade such as the shell was ordinary, Bang flew upside down over a hundred meters far. 唰一声,薛斌朝后倾倒的身躯突然如同弓弦一般,充满弹性的挺起来不说,修长的五指抚在邱雕胸口,无人看清他是如何发力,可就是在短暂的瞬间,邱雕单薄的躯影如炮弹一般,砰一声倒飞出上百米远。 Very strong!” Many disciples reveal the color of startled accommodation. “好强!”诸多弟子露出惊容之色。 Xiaomi Cai that is fearless, concentrates in side the god. 就连天不怕地不怕的小米彩,在旁边都不禁凝起神来。 Yu Qing Station in the elder group, caressing of satisfied must: Cannot think that Xue Young Master You Longgui step, practices so the god boundary unexpectedly, feared that is takes a broad view in the younger generation of empire, only then practiced that move of side to weigh the imperial prince, might win him with Lin Yu, but this anything stone Qin spoke of this, Qin Shi of his presbyopia in toward player skimmed: Snort, absolutely impossible.” 玉清站在长老群中,满意的抚须:“想不到,薛公子的游龙鬼步,竟修炼到如此神境,怕是放眼帝国的晚辈里,也就只有修炼了那一招的方衡皇子,和麟宇有可能赢他,而这什么石秦”说到这,他老眼朝选手中的秦石撇去:“哼,绝无可能。” Under the Xue Bin's intense offensive, third announced ended. 在薛斌的强烈攻势下,第三场宣布结束。 To this result, Qin Shi is not accidental, Xue Bin except for starting to punishing one as a warning to others of Huangpu person of extraordinary ability, later treats everyone to be polite, these also include Qin Shi. 对这个结果,秦石并不意外,薛斌除了开始对皇普俊彦的杀鸡儆猴,之后对待每一个人都非常客气,这其中也包括秦石 The sports event ended, he is holding under Qiu Diaotui, when it delivers to the Qin Shi hand does not forget to hang the apology: Sorry, in the athletic field I do not have the means.” 赛事结束,他扶着邱雕退下,将其送到秦石手中时不忘挂着歉意道:“抱歉啊,赛场上我也没有办法。” Is low and deep the black pupil, Qin Shi with rapt attention for a long time stares at tight Xue Bin, wants to open out his flesh, completely understands his thoughts, but after an attempt, he only then disappointed shaking the head. 低沉着黑眸,秦石凝神许久的盯紧薛斌,想要拨开他的肌肤,看透他的心思,但一番尝试后他只有失望的摇摇头。 Xue Bin thoughts with city palace, deep command Qin Shi feel the terrifying, once as if falls into, forever is unable to extricate oneself same falling to the enemy. 薛斌的心思和城府,深的令秦石感觉到恐怖,仿佛一旦陷入其中,就永远无法自拔一样的沦陷。 But in, his polite response: Xue brother where words, if changes into is I, will certainly do this, only hopes if finally bumps into, Xue brother wants under the hands / subordinates to be forgiving is!” 在无奈下,他客气的回应一声:“薛兄哪里话,如果换成是我的话,也一定会这样做,只希望最后若是碰上的话,薛兄要手下留情才是!” You did not have that opportunity!” “你没有那机会了!” May at this time, the sound that side full Han satirized resound, Yan Feng was wielding feather fan cold Dao: I will make immediately you know that the loser is any taste.” 可在这时,旁边满含讽刺的声音响起,闫峰挥动着羽扇冷道:“马上我就会让你知道,失败者是什么滋味。” Regarding this taunting, various people the immunity, snort have smiled one that Qin Shi thinks little, at once steps toward the arena. 对于这种冷嘲热讽,诸人都已经免疫,秦石不以为意的哼笑一声,旋即朝着擂台上迈去。 Last of eight strong showdowns, is many disciples most anticipates. 八强对决的最后一场,也是诸多弟子最期待得一场。 All people, want to look that Yan Feng how second killed Shi Qin, how shamed this to kill stone Qin of their Mysterious Palace elder, revenged for three elders. 所有人,都想要看闫峰是如何秒杀石秦,如何羞辱这个杀了他们玄殿长老的石秦,替三位长老报仇。 In bustling noises, they simultaneously stand on the arena, the referee had not shouted the slogan that starts, a thick smell of gunpowder has filled the air to open. 在热火朝天的喧闹中,两人同时站到擂台上面,裁判尚未喊出开始的口号,一股浓浓的火药味已经弥漫而开。 You said that this stone Qin can insist several moves in the Yanfeng fellow apprentice hand?” “你们说,这石秦能在岩峰师兄手上坚持几招?” Drank, wants me saying that one move was the heaven enlarges ones vision, like his the time of Sanjiaomao, how can look disdainfully with Brother Yan Feng?” “喝,要我说啊,一招都是老天开眼,像他那三脚猫的功夫,怎么能和闫峰师兄相睥睨?” Also right, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, can infiltrate eight, his luck has gone against heaven's will, this time must defeat without doubt.” “也对,玄灵境中期,能混进八强,他的运气已经是逆天了,这一次必败无疑。” In the discussion sound, the Nangong ice, spends several people to congeal the god to come with Taishi ting, although they know that the Qin Shi method is uncommon, but Qin Shi in cultivation of spiritual power for on, after all only then Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, but Yan Feng is actually Heaven Realm of genuine goods at reasonable prices, Heaven Realm and Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, including the cross Third Rank disparity, did not say that wants to make up can make up. 在议论声中,南宫冰,和太史葶花几人都不禁的凝起神来,他们虽然知道秦石的手段不凡,但秦石灵力的修为上,毕竟只有玄灵境中期,而闫峰却是货真价实的天境,天境玄灵境中期,连跨三层的差距,不是说想弥补就能弥补的啊。 Only Xiaomi Cai, is hanging the stubbornly disobedient laughter, thought: Snort, a meeting father erupts fully, definitely scares to death this useless person!” 唯独小米彩,挂着顽劣的嬉笑,心想:“哼,一会爹爹爆发全力,肯定吓死这个废物!” „The fourth showdown, starts!” “第四场对决,开始!” The referee whistling tone just fell, on Yan Feng's face reveals fiercely: Hey, the boy, these time how you to have the huge luck, do not want to escape from my palm!” 裁判的哨音刚落,闫峰的面庞上露出狰狞:“嘿嘿,小子,这一次奈何你有天大的运气,你也别想逃出我的手掌心!” The time of expecting for a long time arrived finally, Yan Feng naturally cannot let up this opportunity, dragging the remnant shade to clash Qin Shi to extend to approach, the raging fire fist wind ruthless offense implements. 期待已久的时刻终于到了,闫峰自然不会放过这次机会,拖着残影就冲秦石延绵逼近,烈火的拳风狠戾贯彻。 Bang! 砰! Unexpectedly, in Yan Feng just near Qin Shi body instant, wipes the spirit prestige that contrast ratio Yan Feng is not the least bit off to climb up from Qin Shi within the body fiercely, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage peak, Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, the god character Secret Art revolves, Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage peak. 不料,就在闫峰刚近秦石身的刹那,一抹照比闫峰丝毫不差的灵威从秦石的体内剧烈攀爬,玄灵境中期巅峰,玄灵境后期,神字诀运转,玄灵境后期巅峰 Bang! 砰! The bricks disintegration of Qin Shi under foot, five fingers find out from the sleeve of black robe, holds Yan Feng's hot fist, under the eyeground of callous, wipes the purple quiet fire ignition, nibbles the raging fire on Yan Feng fist unexpectedly, makes a false counter-accusation suddenly. 秦石脚下的砖瓦崩碎,五指从黑袍的袖筒中探出,一把抓住闫峰的火拳,冷酷的眼底下,一抹紫色幽火灼烧而起,竟将闫峰拳头上的烈火蚕食,猛然反噬上去。 The crowd when getting back one's composure, Yan Feng had been struck to depart over a hundred meters far. 人群在回过神时,闫峰已被击飞出上百米远。 What's the matter? What had a moment ago?” “怎么回事?刚才发生什么了?” Does not have, has not seen clearly, was Brother Yan Feng hit to fly? Will the boy have such big strength? Cracks a joke? Doesn't he have Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage?” “没,没看清啊,闫峰师兄被打飞了?那小子怎么会有这么大的力量?开玩笑吧?他不是只有玄灵境中期吗?” You are silly, a moment ago that strength, even if Profound Spirit Realm peak is not necessarily have! We were played by him!” “你傻啊,就刚才那力量,就算是玄灵境巅峰都未必能有!我们都被他耍了!” What?” The shock goes far beyond beforehand Xuan Hu, below all people, even if sets out, Hua Ling, Yu Qing, fellow elders, the Nangong ice, the Taishi ting flower, Xue Bin wait / etc., did not have one person to maintain calm. “什么?”震惊远远超过之前的宣呼,在下方所有人纵然起身,花零,玉清,各位长老,南宫冰,太史葶花,薛斌等等,无一人能够保持冷静。 Is staring in the arena, does not lose the heroic spirit insolent Qin Shi, the Hua Ling black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, at once reveals wipes the chuckle: He he, cannot think of this boy, turns misfortune into a blessing unexpectedly, accidental breakthrough?” 盯着擂台上,张狂而不失豪气的秦石,花零黛眉微蹙,旋即不禁露出一抹轻笑:“呵呵,想不到这小子,竟然因祸得福,意外的突破了?” Rumble “咕噜” Yan Feng turned several somersaults in the chaotic quarry stone continuously, eats pain setting out of , he everywhere startled accommodates is staring at Qin Shi, trembling that does not dare to believe said: „Did you, you, you hide the strength intentionally?” 闫峰在混乱的乱石中连续翻了几个跟头,才吃痛的挺起身,他满目惊容的盯着秦石,不敢置信的颤道:“你,你,你故意隐藏了实力?” Qin Shi cannot set at shrugging otherwise. 秦石不可置否的耸了耸肩。 And the terrifying strength, making Yan Feng look scared, moved the body to shiver saying: You, why do you want such to do?” 其中恐怖的力量,令闫峰神色恐慌,不禁挪了挪身躯颤抖道:“你,你为什么要这么做?” He he, my this, won't you be swindled? I have said that you owe, I equally same will certainly look, if you came to power to admit defeat, I and who looked?” “呵呵,我不这样,你怎么会上当呢?我说过,你欠下得,我一定会一样一样找回来,你若是上台就认输了,我和谁去找啊?” The station Yan Feng front, the Qin Shi appearance becomes fierce, making the people under field tremble with fear, they do not dare to imagine, before that was hanging the faint smile throughout, the somewhat uninhibited youth, unexpectedly such as the cut-throat wild animal was slightly same at this time, under each inch vision disclosed wild killing intent. 站到闫峰胸前,秦石容貌变得狰狞,令场下的人不寒而栗,他们不敢想象,之前那始终挂着浅笑,略微有些不羁的少年,此时竟如凶狠的野兽一样,每一寸目光下都透露出野性的杀意。 In Xiaomi Cai of player area, sees the facial features change of Qin Shi cannot help but trembles, the secret passage: This time, the father was angry.” 在选手区的小米彩,看见秦石的面容变化不由自主的哆嗦一下,暗道:“这一次,爹爹是真的生气了。” Yan Feng absolutely terrified has pinched fist, one and Qin Shi spreads out, said fierce: Snort, even if you hide strength, that can be what kind of? Finally also isn't Profound Spirit Realm? You are not my match!” 闫峰毛骨悚然的捏了捏拳,咻一下和秦石拉开距离,厉声道:“哼,就算你隐藏实力,那又能怎么样?最终还不是玄灵境?你不是我的对手!” Spoke, Yan Feng trembling manipulates the hand imprint in front, offers a sacrifice to completely Heaven Realm all spiritual power, under dreadful raging fire burning down, following the scarlet flame malicious ghost who the chest transforms the hundred zhang (333m). 说完话,闫峰颤巍巍的在胸前摆弄手印,将天境所有的灵力全部祭出,滔天的烈火焚烧之下,顺着胸口转化出百丈的赤炎恶鬼。 Dark green flame purgatory!” “苍炎炼狱!” The evil spirit malicious ghost calls out one, fierce throws to strike toward Qin Shi, two hot fists such as the iron lock in purgatory, covers under. 凶煞的恶鬼嚎叫一声,狰狞的就朝秦石扑击上去,两道火拳如炼狱中的铁锁,笼罩而下。 Audience turn very quiet, such as falls into deep sea to be quiet. 全场屏住呼吸,如陷入深海般沉寂。 Dark green flame purgatory, pinches tightly the fist below crowd, when this strikes the dark green flame purgatory, the contrast ratio to fighting the Nangong ice, but also wants the obvious tyrannical several fold. 苍炎炼狱一出,在下方的人群不禁捏紧拳头,这一击苍炎炼狱,照比对战南宫冰时,还要明显的强横数倍。 But under the sweep of this raging flame, Qin Shi is actually treading the calm step, disregards audience the gathering of amazement, compels toward Yan Feng gradually anxiously. 而在这熊熊烈火的笼罩下,秦石却踏着从容的步伐,无视全场的骇然汇聚,一步一步朝闫峰逼急。 „Does he prepare to keep off this to strike?” “他难道准备挡下这一击?” Is staring the big eye, under many person fist heart seeps out the cold sweat, this showdown is it can be said that vigorous and resolute to the present from start, but takes to the shock of person actually such as thousand jin (0.5 kg) great cauldron. 瞪着大眼,不少人拳心下都渗出冷汗,这一场对决从开始到现在可以说是雷厉风行,但带给人的震惊却如千斤巨鼎。 Bang! 轰! The scarlet flame malicious ghost dashes directly on the body of Qin Shi, is similar to the volcano bursts out is the same, making thousand zhang (3.33 m) arena fall into the dreadful disaster, one after another column of flame direct impact beyond the highest heavens. 赤炎恶鬼正面冲撞在秦石的身上,如同火山迸发一样,令千丈的擂台陷入滔天祸害,一道一道火柱直冲九霄云外。 Has hit, Shi Qin?” “击中了,石秦呢?” Died?” “死了吗?” The saliva trundle between throats, the field servant shivers, Xue Bin knit the brows, just that struck, even if he does not have the confidence to keep off directly, Hua Ling sets out in the distant place suddenly, with rapt attention stares at the tight arena. 喉咙间的唾液滚动,场下人颤抖起来,薛斌跟着皱了皱眉,刚刚那一击,就算是他都没有信心能正面挡下,花零在远处猛然起身,凝神的盯紧擂台。 Bang! 嘭! In the sea of fire, rolls up and pushes along suddenly the golden hurricane, the hurricane blows off toward eight sides the flame, at once beforehand Qin Shi indifferent is treading the step, the back full is the raging fire of ascending to heaven, probably stands the devil in purgatory. 在火海中,突然卷动起金色的飓风,飓风将火焰朝八方吹散,旋即之前秦石漠然的踏着步伐,背后满是升天的烈火,就好像是站在炼狱中的魔鬼。 He, did he keep off? Did he keep off the dark green flame purgatory?” All person infatuated being out of sorts. “他,他挡下了?他把苍炎炼狱挡下了?”所有人痴迷的失神。 How possible “怎么可能” Yan Feng does not dare to believe knees down, how cannot believe this. 闫峰不敢置信的跪倒在地,如何都不敢相信这一幕。 Qin Shi disregards the audience with amazement, calm strolling in the raging fire, approaches toward Yan Feng gradually, at once his left hand searches getting rid sleeve, first multiplies the golden scales, at once is the silver-white skeleton cuticle, finally is the quiet purple Xiong Tao raging fire, the strength wind of breeding gets up in the clouds, moves before Yan Feng's body with a crash, fully in a fist strike Yan Feng's currency value. 秦石无视全场的骇然,从容的漫步在烈火中,一步一步朝闫峰逼近,旋即他的左手探出手袖,先是滋生出金色的鳞甲,旋即是银白色的骨骼角质层,最终是幽紫色的熊涛烈火,其中孕育的力量风起云中,砰然间挪动到闫峰的身前,全力一拳击中闫峰的面额。 A fist falls, raises the elbow on the cut-throat wheel, two, three, three elbows strike the bloodlines of Yan Feng Within the body break, after Yu floats off blue , the hand back turn over is spiritual power sword-light, a sword, two swords, three swords, the entire 17 swords, cut 17 blood-stained mouths. 一拳落下,扬起手肘就凶狠的轮下,一下,两下,三下,三次肘击将闫峰体内的血脉震碎,郁青浮起后手背翻转为灵力剑光,一剑,两剑,三剑,整整17剑,划破出17道血口。 Receives it wound with the Nangong ice, same are not many, are equally many, but in the degree, is actually dozens times of several hundred times of overlay. 与南宫冰所受之伤,一样不多,一样不少,但在程度上,却是数十倍数百倍的叠加。 How you provoke me, I can endure you, but, you should not injure my person.” “你怎样招惹我,我都能忍你,但,你不该伤我身边的人。” Completes all, Qin Shi indifferent divergence palm, but Yan Feng actually already remained unconscious, outside person, if looks that the monster same looks at Qin Shi, the Qin Shi back passes away pays no attention to all people, as if anything has not occurred has been same, goes down toward the position of player area. 做好一切,秦石才漠然的散去掌心,而闫峰却早已昏迷不醒,在场外的人如看着妖怪一样看着秦石,秦石背过身不理诸人,仿佛什么也没发生过一样,朝着选手区的位置走下。 ---- ---- Thank the small porch fresh flower 500, specially for this reason in addition, wishing the small porch to be able the studies to have, was admitted to the outstanding result. 感谢小轩鲜花500,特意为此加更,祝愿小轩能够学业有成,中考取得优异的成绩。
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