PDL :: Volume #5

#443: This life demon beast

Over ten thousand people of sobbing sound echoes, staring on helplessly is staring in the arena, carrying white hands that the only stretch of complete virgin land, Xiao Qing renounces society and lives alone, the Profound Bone Dragon Turtle shape before her body is the protecting shield, is protecting her firmly. 上万人的哽咽声回响,干瞪眼的盯着擂台上,唯一一片完好的处女地,小青遗世独立的背着玉手,在她身前玄骨龙龟像皆是的护盾,牢牢守护着她。 Kept off?” “挡下了?” Mysterious Palace many disciples have sucked the tongue: Just did the attack of that degree, unexpectedly link a scrape not to stay behind on this tortoise shell? Is this what kind defensive power?” 玄殿的不少弟子咂了咂舌:“刚刚那种程度的攻击,竟然在这龟壳上连一点擦痕都没有留下?这是何等的防御力?” In trembling relaxed, Qin Shi forced smile: „Is Demonic Talisman Master, willing to play the heartbeat?” Just was worried to go bad him. 在震颤中松了口气,秦石苦笑:“难道符魔师,都愿意玩心跳吗?”刚刚可是把他担心坏了。 This is impossible, I do not believe!” “这不可能,我不信!” Floating that Li Muye pants in airborne, is staring at undamaged Xiao Qing and Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, reveals the fierce color, at once raises single-handed, star meteor condensation: Scarlet drift of stars flame!” 李木叶气喘吁吁的浮于空中,盯着完好无损小青玄骨龙龟,露出狰狞之色,旋即单手扬起,星陨凝聚:“赤星流焰!” The scarlet drift of stars flame again, how many minutes contrast ratio obviously was just weak on, but the previous time, cannot break the defense of Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, let alone this time? 再一次的赤星流焰,照比刚刚明显弱上几分,而上一次,都未能破了玄骨龙龟的防御,更何况这一次呢? Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Offensive continuously toward the Xiao Qing gathering, but in the Profound Bone Dragon Turtle front, all is the floating clouds. 连绵不断的攻势朝小青汇聚,但在玄骨龙龟的面前,一切皆为浮云。 In a collision, Xiao Qing appears some are impatient, has patted the white hands supine sun: Evidently, you also on this skill, that changed the elder sister I to attack.” 在一番碰撞中,小青显得有些不耐烦,拍了拍玉手仰天道:“看样子,你也就这点本事了,那就换姐姐我来攻击吧。” Has this tortoise to help you, I cannot break your defense, but you think that depending on your strength, can injure to me?” Li Muye stops attacking, the satire of snorting contemptuously said. “就算有这王八帮你,我破不了你的防御,但你以为凭你的实力,能够伤到我吗?”李木叶停止攻击,嗤之以鼻的讽刺道。 Tortoise?” “王八?” Two characters fall, Xiao Qing accommodates tenderly under low and deep, at once cold snort said: Dares saying that the ossiculum is the tortoise, I make you take a look at his fierce!” 两字落下,小青的娇容唰下低沉,旋即略带寒冷的哼道:“敢说小骨是王八,我就让你瞧瞧他的厉害!” Spoke, she goes forward indifferently one step, makes up the white hands on the Profound Bone Dragon Turtle tortoise shell, wipes the aquamarine strength such as the ingenious elf to circle to refer, at once Profound Bone Dragon Turtle unexpectedly jumping baseless, one sneaks into to Xiao Qing forehead, leaves behind together the mark in her forehead center. 说完话,她漠然上前一步,将玉手搭放在玄骨龙龟的龟壳上,一抹碧绿色的力量如巧妙的精灵绕指而起,旋即玄骨龙龟竟凭空的跃起,咻一下就窜入到小青的眉心处,在她的眉心中央留下一道印记。 The mark formation, the Xiao Qing personal appearance transforms suddenly, the white hands, the elbow, the back, the knee, was all covered by the hard carapace, in spiritual power wild climbing up, leaps to the Profound Spirit Realm peak degree at one fell swoop. 印记形成,小青的身形骤然转变,玉手,手肘,脊背,膝盖,皆是被坚硬的龟甲覆盖,灵力狂野的攀爬中,一举跃到玄灵境巅峰的程度。 Sees this, Mysterious Palace many elders sets out in great surprise, Qin Shi also knit the brows under: „Is this demon symbol fusion? It is not right, that Profound Bone Dragon Turtle aura also, what's all this about?” 望见这幕,玄殿的诸多长老大惊起身,秦石在下方也是皱了皱眉:“这是魔符融合?不对,那玄骨龙龟的气息还在,这是怎么回事?” Is the life demon beast!” “是本命魔兽!” Qiu Diao throat dry squeezes out several characters. 邱雕喉咙干燥的挤出几个字来。 This life demon beast?” The surging emotions that Qin Shi trembles with fear turn well up. “本命魔兽?”秦石惊颤的心潮翻涌。 Concentrates the look in side, Qiu Diao explains: Um, this life demon beast, will grow along with the master, can such as the demon symbol be the same when needed and master fuses, in both fuse, not only will not be receiving the time limit of demon symbol, can achieve 100% tacit understanding.” 在旁边凝起神色,邱雕解释道:“嗯,本命魔兽,会随着主人成长,并且在需要时,能够如魔符一样和主人融合,在两者融合中,不仅不会在受到魔符的时间限制,更是能够达到100的默契度。” Originally is this?” “原来是这样?” Pours the suction port cold air/Qi, this life demon beast word, Qin Shi has heard in Desolate Town early, but the life demon beast achieves the ability that five mark Demonic Talisman Master can have, but takes a broad view at empire five mark Demonic Talisman Master almost to vanish, making him never have personally to see, but he after achieving five grains is busy with the trivial matters, then does not have delve into. 倒吸口冷气,本命魔兽这个词,秦石早前在荒镇就听说过,只是本命魔兽乃是达到五纹符魔师才能够拥有的能力,而放眼帝国五纹符魔师几乎绝迹,令他从来没亲眼见过,而他在达到五纹后又忙于琐事,便迟迟没有钻研过。 Has not thought that this life demon beast also does have this grade of advantage? It seems like has the opportunity words, I must look for appropriate life demon beast to be good, this did not need the greater part of the night to run to grasp Desolate Beast.” Light nan that ba the mouth, Qin Shi cannot bear. “没想到,这本命魔兽还有这等好处?看来有机会的话,我也要找个合适的本命魔兽才行,这样就不用大半夜跑出去抓荒兽了。”吧唧吧唧嘴,秦石忍不住的轻喃一声。 hears that sound, Qiu Diao is rapid [say / way]: Big brother may not.” 闻声,邱雕却急促道:“大哥不可。” Why?” “为何?” This life demon beast, is our Desolate Beast and Demonic Talisman Master, exists by a special contract, once signs this contract, only if side death, otherwise can never violate, this matter is the important matter, cannot be careless.” Qiu Diao rapid [say / way]. “本命魔兽,是我们荒兽符魔师,以一种特殊的契约存在,一旦签订这个契约的话,除非有一方死亡,否则永远不可以违背,这种事是大事,不可草率。”邱雕急促道。 Qin Shi clearly becomes aware suddenly: If so, truly must cautiously choose is good, said that must look for the potential stock.” 秦石恍然明悟:“如果是这样的话,确实要慎重选择才行,怎么说也要找个潜力股。” Does not know that which from flees, Xiaomi Cai stirs up the big eye saying: Father, or do I make your life demon beast? I am Divine List Ferocious Beast, big potential stock.” 不知从哪窜上来,小米彩煽动着大眼睛道:“爹爹,要不我做你的本命魔兽吧?我可是神榜凶兽,大大的潜力股。” Listens to the strange voice, Qin Shi to have a scare, flushed Xiaomi Cai to shake the head not to say hastily, he really does not dare to imagine, if with the Xiaomi Cai fusion, were towing seven color snake tails, was what picture. 听着怪异的口音,秦石吓了一跳,连忙冲小米彩摇头说不,他真是不敢想象,若是和小米彩融合,拖着一条七彩的蛇尾,是一副什么样的景象。 That picture, was really the beautiful making person does not dare to look straight ahead. 那画面,真是美的令人不敢直视了。 Bang! 轰! Under Xiao Qing and Profound Bone Dragon Turtle thorough fusion, strength rises suddenly, even if jumps, shortly will arrive before Li Muye body, the hard tortoise shell multiplies on the finger joint, cut-throat is a fist. 小青玄骨龙龟彻底融合,实力暴涨下纵然跃起,在顷刻间抵达到李木叶的身前,坚硬的龟壳滋生在手指关节上,凶狠的就是一拳。 Bang! 砰! Flurried, Li Muye raises hand to keep off, unfortunately this strikes, strength exceptionally huge, has refused to compromise the moment in the confrontation, making him connect shell flying upside down over a hundred meters far. 慌乱下,李木叶举手去挡,不幸的是这一击,力量异常的庞大,在交锋中僵持了片刻,令他直接入炮弹般倒飞出上百米远。 Does not wait for Li Muye to crawl to set out, Xiao Qing approaches once again, under her devastation, Li Muye was defeated heartily quickly, shouts toward the referee that calls out: I admit defeat, I admit defeat!” 不等李木叶爬起身,小青再度逼近,在她尽情的蹂躏下,李木叶很快就败下阵来,嚎叫的朝裁判喊道:“我认输,我认输!” When the referee announced the Xiao Qing victory, Xiao Qing stopped the restoration black clothing of body, looked angrily at Li Muye one eyes: Looked after you, dares saying that the ossiculum is the tortoise!” 待裁判宣布小青胜利,小青才停下身的恢复青衣,怒视李木叶一眼:“看你以后还敢不敢说小骨是王八!” Seventh ended, remaining last, can come out eight. 第七场结束,剩下最后一场,就能够决出八强。 Last, Lin Xiao to fighting the Taishi ting flower. 最后一场,林晓对战太史葶花。 This showdown, should be strength most balanced, they fight enough over a thousand moves, a gloomy spiritual power demolition, the Taishi ting flower wins finally by a narrow margin, making Mysterious Palace many disciples pinch the fist unwillingly. 这一场对决,应该算是实力最均衡的一场,两人交手足足上千招,一阵天昏地暗的灵力爆破,最终太史葶花以微弱的优势取胜,令玄殿的诸多弟子不甘捏拳。 The entire process, the Nangong ice acclaimed in side: Cannot think that this tiger woman did not call already, amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, really had this strength.” 整个过程,南宫冰在旁边不禁赞叹一番:“想不到,这虎娘们不鸣则已,一鸣惊人啊,竟然有这种实力。” Under point of Qin Shi approval, the Taishi ting colored strength is truly good, what a red whip plays is wonderful, moreover cultivates is also stable for on. 秦石认可的点下头,太史葶花的实力确实不错,一手红鞭耍的是妙不可言,而且修为上也非常稳固。 Thus, eight have decided that separately is: Xue Bin, Xiaomi Cai, Yan Feng, Qiu Diao, Li Yu, Qin Shi, Xiao Qing, the Taishi ting flower, in eight people is almost a former staff, only then Taishi ting flower successful counterattack. 这样,八强定了下来,分别是:薛斌,小米彩,闫峰,邱雕,李煜,秦石,小青,太史葶花,八人中几乎是一段的原班人马,只有太史葶花成功逆袭。 Eight in the future, are four. 八强往后,便是四强。 In four strong competitions, decided with the pattern of ballot that a Mysterious Palace elder writes the number on the paper admits in a wooden box case, extracts for eight people. 在四强的争夺中,是以抽签的模式决定,一名玄殿长老将场次写在纸条上放进一处木匣子里,供八人抽取。 In eight people draws lots according to the order. 八人中按照顺序进行抽签。 Xiaomi Cai opened the paper to look at one, jumped clip clop jumping to Qin Shi side question: Father, how many are you? I am second, looked that we do have to bump into?” 小米彩翻开纸条看了一眼,蹦蹦哒哒的跳到秦石身旁问句:“爹爹,你是几场?我是第二场,看咱俩有没有碰上?” Just heard the 22 nd character, allowed to be embarrassed tenderly immediately in nearby Taishi ting flower, has not waited for Qin Shi to say the sentence: Did not need to look, I was second!” 刚听见第22字,在旁边的太史葶花娇容顿时难堪下来,没等秦石开口说句:“不用看了,我是第二场!” hear that, Qin Shi stares, at once the helpless forced smile, has not thought has evaded the first run, finally bumped into, should this be the life? 闻言,秦石不由一愣,旋即无奈的苦笑,没想到躲过了首轮,最后还是碰上了啊,这应该就是命吧? Waits for eight people to look at paper, the Mysterious Palace elder has greeted several humanity: First is, who?” 等八人都看过纸条,玄殿长老招呼过几人道:“第一场,是谁?” I!” “我!” Hears the instruction, Xiao Qing and Li Yu simultaneously steps goes forward. 听到指令,小青和李煜同时迈上前。 Under the Mysterious Palace elder selects, said once again: Second?” 玄殿长老点下头,再度道:“第二场呢?” Xiaomi Cai and Taishi ting flower has complied with one. 小米彩和太史葶花应了一声。 Third.” “第三场。” Xue Binwo the paper is going forward, nearby Qiu Diao is at once cloudy, makes hears that sound that Qin Shi knits the brows: „Are you third?” 薛斌握着纸条上前,旋即旁边的邱雕不禁阴沉下来,令秦石皱眉的闻声:“你是第三场?” Um.” Helpless complies with one, Qiu Diaochong Mysterious Palace elder waved. “嗯。”无奈的答应一声,邱雕冲玄殿长老挥了挥手。 The Qin Shi look slightly changes, although Qiu Diao has the Heaven Realm strength, but according to the Xue Bin first performance, he almost can conclude that Qiu Diao is not Xue Bin match. 秦石神色稍变,邱雕虽说有天境实力,但根据薛斌第一场的表现来看,他几乎敢断定,邱雕绝不是薛斌的对手。 That said that I with this brat?” Has not waited for the Mysterious Palace elder start to talk, Yan Feng to reveal happy intent suddenly, at once appearance fierce clashes Qin Shi cold Dao: He he, is really the day helps me, I also worried that you can insist this, this time did not need to be worried.” “那这么说,我和这臭小子了?”没等玄殿长老开口,闫峰突然露出喜意,旋即面目狰狞的冲秦石冷道:“呵呵,真是天助我也,我还担心你能不能坚持过这场,这一次不用担心了。” Boy, we waits and sees.” “小子,咱们走着瞧。” Relax, I said that lets thing that you repay, will not make you be short equally.” Since Yan Feng has injured the Nangong ice, Qin Shi again does not have to him politely, in the words has been full of the cold. “放心,我说让你偿还的东西,一样也不会让你少了。”自从闫峰伤了南宫冰,秦石对他就再也没有客气过,话语中充满了阴寒。 After the definite number, immediately starts the showdown, Xiao Qing and Li Yu stands the arena, among quick and violent hits bustling, has saying that Li Yu's strength sincerity is tyrannical, has been half step Heaven Realm degree, Xiao Qing under the help of psychic force and Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, still forced having no way out. 在确定场次后,马上就开始对决,小青和李煜站上擂台,迅猛间打得热火朝天,不得不说李煜的实力真心强横,已经达到半步天境的程度,小青在精神力和玄骨龙龟的帮助下,仍是被逼迫的走投无路。 In Jiang Hong, melts several flood dragons surely, maneating throwing strikes Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, by the defense of Profound Bone Dragon Turtle under extending unceasing offensive, starts the pain that sends out to whin. 千万江洪中,化出数道蛟龙,凶悍的扑击上玄骨龙龟,以玄骨龙龟的防御在延绵不断的攻势下,都开始发出哀嚎的痛苦。 Is the girl, the pinching tightly pink / white fist that Xiao Qing does not endure, finally nips stepping of silver tooth to go forward, wields the black clothing saying: Does not hit, does not hit, is really annoying, hurt my family ossiculum lane.” 身为女孩子,小青不忍的捏紧粉拳,最终咬了咬银牙的迈上前,挥了挥青衣道:“不打了,不打了,真烦人,把我家小骨都弄疼了。” Hears the sound of blame, Li Yu to be able help laughing, pours also has the gentleman style, has not been making the pursuit, has waited for the referee to announce the result. 听着责怪的声音,李煜哑然失笑,倒也颇有君子风范,没有在做追击,一直等着裁判宣布结果。 First ended, second command Qin Shi heaved a deep sigh. 第一场结束,第二场令秦石长叹一声。 Xiaomi Cai and Taishi ting flower, Qin Shi does not need to want also to know that by the Xiaomi Cai strength, can the second kill Taishi ting to spend several samsara absolutely, what makes him have a headache, the Taishi ting flower is stubborn, after several times fight, has been scarred, is actually not willing to admit defeat. 小米彩和太史葶花,秦石不用想也知道,以小米彩的实力,绝对能够秒杀太史葶花几个轮回,但让他头疼的是,太史葶花非常倔强,几次交手后已是伤痕累累,却就是不肯认输。 Looks at the bright red blood-stained mouth, the Nangong ice does not endure saying: This tiger woman, in why?” 看着鲜红的血口,南宫冰不忍道:“这虎娘们,到底在干吗啊?” hear that stares, Qin Shi from the pupil heart of Nangong ice, felt shaking the head that vague love, laughs in spite of trying not, this but actually also good, after the short understanding, Taishi ting flower miss, except for some female men, the manner is actually good. 闻言一愣,秦石从南宫冰的眸心中,感觉到一丝隐晦的爱意,不由失笑的摇摇头,这样倒也好,经过短暂的了解,太史葶花这姑娘,除了有些女汉子,为人倒是非常不错。 Roars deftly deftly, black ink star disaster!” “麻利麻利哄,墨星天灾!” Strikes black ink star disaster, has routed the Taishi ting colored defense line thoroughly, made the red whip buckle in latter hand, puff a blood blowout withdrawal arena. 一击墨星天灾,彻底击溃了太史葶花的防线,令后者手中的红鞭折损,噗一口鲜血喷出的退出擂台。 When the referee announced the result, Xiaomi Cai and Taishi ting flower drew back, looks at the Taishi ting flower severe wound appearance, Qin Shi cannot bear the blame staring Xiaomi Cai: You start, doesn't know lightly?” 裁判宣布结果,小米彩和太史葶花退回来时,看着太史葶花重伤的模样,秦石忍不住责怪的瞪眼小米彩:“你下手,就不知道轻一点?” Father you cannot blame me, I called her to admit defeat, she did not listen!” Xiaomi Cai innocent toot toot fragrant cheek. “爹爹你不能怪我啊,我叫她认输认输,她就是不听!”小米彩无辜的嘟嘟起香腮。 The Nangong ice meets the corridor: Truly cannot blame Xiaomi Cai, is this tiger woman brings upon oneself, a day is all right shows off power blindly, this vice minister memory?” 南宫冰接过道:“确实不能怪小米彩,是这虎娘们自找得,一天没事瞎逞强,这一次长记性了吧?” Whom did you say?!” Taishi ting flower charmingly angry roar. “你说谁呢?咳咳!”太史葶花娇嗔的吼声。 Is staring at their appearance, the Qin Shi helpless shaking down head, following third, Qiu Diao confronts Xue Bin, making him gradually dignified, before Qiu Diao comes to power, steps urges the sentence to nearby: „If inferior to admit defeat, do not show off power, you are not his match.” 盯着两人的模样,秦石无奈的摇下头,接下来的第三场,邱雕对阵薛斌,让他渐渐凝重起来,在邱雕上台之前,迈到跟前叮嘱句:“若是不及就认输,别逞强,你不是他的对手。” Big brother felt relieved that I know.” “大哥放心,我知道。” Responded to one, Qiu Diaocai held up the head to come to power. 回应一声,邱雕才昂首上台。
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