PDL :: Volume #5

#442: Xiaoqing gets rid

Yan Feng and Qin Shi look at each other, suddenly trembles, under that profound black pupil, making him as if see a savage and fierce beast of prey, staring that been dormant tightens him, wants to toward him throw, rips the smashing him. 闫峰和秦石对视,一时间不由一颤,在那深邃的黑眸下,让他仿佛看见一只凶残而狰狞的猛兽,正蛰伏的盯紧他,欲要朝他扑来,将他撕成粉碎。 Biting lip of making an effort, he suppresses the fear of innermost feelings to reprimand: Drinks, depends on you? You first insisted that said with my showdown again.” 使劲的咬下嘴唇,他强忍着内心的恐惧斥道:“喝,就凭你?你还是先坚持到和我对决再说吧。” You could rest assured that certain meeting.” “你放心,一定会。” Qin Shi sarcastic comments the helping up Nangong ice that huh, is not saying at once much, spends several people to draw back the arena with Taishi ting. 秦石冷言冷语的哼哧一声,旋即不在多说的扶起南宫冰,和太史葶花几人退下擂台。 Waits for the crowd to disperse, the referee just now slow foreign of god had announced: Second, Yan Feng wins!” 等人群散开,裁判方才缓过神的对外宣布:“第二场,闫峰胜!” Fourth is Qiu Diao to fighting tiger white, their strengths are exceptionally disparate, Qin Shi before the field steps to Qiu Diao side, lowers the sound saying: If, one do not let this tiger white defeat miserable of too as far as possible.” 第四场是邱雕对战虎皓,两人的战力异常悬殊,在场上之前秦石迈到邱雕身旁,压低声音道:“如果可以,一会尽量别让这个虎皓败的太惨。” „Does big brother you know him?” “大哥你认识他?” „It is not the understanding, had explained with you again.” “算不上认识,过一阵再和你解释。” Qin Shi ambiguous response, Qiu Diaodao has not gone to closely examine, under the earnest point said: Big brother felt relieved that your confession I guaranteed ready ready completes.” 秦石含糊的回应一声,邱雕倒也没去追问,认真的点下头道:“大哥放心吧,您的交代我保证妥妥完成。” The referee announced that fourth start, after they come to power, Qiu Diao has let tiger white over a hundred moves specially, finally faked has put outwardly strong but inwardly weak martial arts strenuously, defeated tiger white. 裁判宣布第四场开始,两人上台以后,邱雕特意让了虎皓上百招,最后才假作吃力的放了一个外强中干的武学,将虎皓战败。 A series of feigning movements, under Qin Shi satisfied point. 一连串的假动作,秦石满意的点下头。 Fifth is Li Yu, with a peon, Li Yu this person is always arrogant and impetuous, comes to power to look at own match, snorting contemptuously hum, romp home. 第五场是李煜,和一个无名小卒,李煜这人向来骄躁,上台看着自己的对手,嗤之以鼻的哼声,就轻易取胜。 The consecutively five showdowns ended, finally arrived sixth, this Qin Shi came to power. 连续五场对决结束,终于到了第六场,该秦石上台了。 You said that Shi Qinzhen did have biography strange of that?” “你说,那石秦真有传的那么邪乎?” Strength definitely has, but said that he can strike to kill our elders depending on the truly learned and genuinely talented, I cannot believe that measured spirit time, he had been pressed five meters altitude by Brother Yan Feng.” “实力肯定是有,但说他能够凭真才实学击杀咱们长老,我还是不敢相信,测灵的时候,他可是被闫峰师兄压了五米的高度呢。” Um, I do not believe that others, the light is profound old and blue is not to mention old they, the strength above Brother Yan Feng, these definitely has any trick.” “嗯,我也不信,别人暂且不说,光是玄老和青老两人,实力均在闫峰师兄之上,这其中肯定有什么猫腻。” Lets him do what he pleases, is the mule is horse, immediately did not know.” This showdown, is that the person on the scene most anticipates, many Mysterious Palace disciples want to take a look, this can kill stone Qin of their elder, is actually what existence. “管他呢,是骡子是马,马上不就知道了。”这一场对决,算是在场人最期待的一场,诸多玄殿的弟子都想要瞧瞧,这个能够杀死他们长老的石秦,究竟是个什么样的存在。 Under being a focus of public attention, Qin Shi binds the black robe to step the arena, he can feel that several bone-chilling cold vision, including Hua Ling, has Yu Qing, one person, is Xue Bin. 在万众瞩目下,秦石裹着黑袍迈上擂台,他能够感觉到几道凛冽的目光,其中有花零,有玉清,还有一人,就是薛斌。 Is low and deep the presbyopia of pollution, Yu Qing snort was saying with the nasal: I want to take a look but actually, actually this boy has any specialness, can make Xue Young Master so dread.” 低沉着浑浊的老眼,玉清用鼻音哼道:“我倒想瞧瞧,这小子究竟有什么特殊,能让薛公子这般忌惮。” Xue Bin is hanging the faint smile light [say / way] under the stage: Finally arrived, do not disappoint me.” 薛斌在台下挂着浅笑轻道:“终于到了么,可别让我失望啊。” The restraining train of thought that Qin Shi raises eyes toward throat, with the person of his showdown, is a named Zhuge Ming's thin Xiao Qing year, evidently just shortly after breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage. 收敛思绪,秦石举目朝前探去,和他对决的人,是一名名为诸葛明的瘦小青年,看样子刚突破玄灵境后期不久。 The Zhuge Ming unusual politeness, just came to power to clash Qin Shi to arch cuping one hand in the other across the chest: Please advise.” 诸葛明非常礼貌,刚上台就冲秦石拱了拱手:“请多指教。” Others are polite, Qin Shi naturally cannot indifferent relative, similarly has held holding the fist in the other hand said with a smile: Please advise.” 人家客气,秦石自然不会冷眼相对,同样抱了抱拳的微笑道:“请多指教。” I offended first.” “那我先得罪了。” Then, the sixth showdown, under one respects one another as one would a guest opens, Zhuge Ming's getting rid, the tip of the toe treads gently void, in the five fingers explodes projects the billowing cold current, punctures toward the Qin Shi forehead. 就这样,第六场对决,在一番相敬如宾下拉开帷幕,诸葛明的率先出手,脚尖轻轻一踏虚空,五指间爆射出滚滚寒流,朝秦石的额头刺下。 Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique!” Qin Shi receives body one step, at once on the flesh of left hand arm multiplies the shining scales, strikes to keep off Zhuge Ming's offensive, benting of at once takes advantage of somebody's authority, makes an effort to wield a fist toward the place above. 星陨霸体决!”秦石收身一步,旋即左手臂的肌肤上滋生出金灿灿的鳞甲,一击将诸葛明的攻势挡下,旋即借势的猫下腰,朝上方用力挥出一拳。 Bang! 砰! Two fists bump into, produce some ripples, acts very quick and violent above Zhuge Ming, after two feet hit tangled up circled, like the dragon, clashes Qin Shi to puncture once again. 两拳相撞,产生些许的涟漪,在上空的诸葛明动作非常迅猛,两脚打了个盘旋后缠绵如龙,再度冲秦石刺下。 In fighting, Qin Shi suppresses spiritual power throughout in Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, has not had slight being assigned away from the capital, with Zhuge Ming's showdown, is seems like again and again bad withdrawing, only then occasionally will respond to several moves, and move of responding to is also not his present card in a hand, but was already Burning Mist Curse that has not asked about for a long time, green pines illusory image foot these already past the season martial arts. 在交手中,秦石始终将灵力压制在玄灵境中期,不曾有过丝毫的外放,和诸葛明的对决中,更是看似连连不济的退后,只有偶尔才会回应几招,并且回应的招数也都不是他现在的底牌,而是已经许久不曾问津的焚岚咒,苍松幻影脚这些已经过季的武学 Therefore, the disciple who in an confrontation, the command surrounds is disappointed. 为此,一番交锋中,令围观的弟子不禁失望。 „Was this that hearsay strange stone Qin? Scoffs, what plays should, some 3-Step 4-Step do martial arts, feel all right unexpectedly puts outward? Insufficiently disgraced.” “这就是那个传闻邪乎的石秦?嗤,什么玩应啊,一些三阶四阶武学,竟然也好意思往外放?不够丢人的呢。” Should not, not say that he has won 7-Step martial arts of non- gate auction room?” “不应该啊,不是说他夺走了无门拍卖行的七阶武学吗?” You are silly, martial arts of that degree, even if gives for nothing him, he must have that skill to practice, that is 7-Step martial arts, even if the Heaven Realm big energy, is not necessarily able to practice successfully, let alone is he?” “你傻啊,那种程度的武学,就算白给他,他也要有那本事修炼啊,那可是七阶武学,就算是天境的大能,都未必能修炼成功吧,更何况是他呢?” Had this opportunity, naturally must have Yan Feng's taunting, taunted: I also deliberately considered that big skill, originally is the silver (spear|gun) candle head, looked that this appearance can win these two saying that added that can ask me to revenge?” 有了这种机会,自然少不了闫峰的挖苦,嘲讽道:“我还寻思有多大的本事呢,原来就是个银枪蜡烛头,看这模样能不能赢下这一场都两说,还说要找我报仇?” When the disciple sighed the sound was disappointed, Yu Qing and Xue Bin knit the brows, Hua Ling so, in their opinion Qin Shi by far should not be similarly this strength is right. 在弟子叹声失望时,玉清和薛斌不禁皱眉,花零也同样如此,在他们看来秦石远远不该是这个实力才对。 „, Really was I overestimates him? Does he have Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage really?” Curling the lip that with rapt attention Xue Bin is hard to accept. “难道,真是我高估他了?他真的就只有玄灵境中期?”薛斌难以接受的凝神撇嘴。 Under the stage, the Qin Shi psychic force throughout becomes netted dispersing, listening to below sobbing sound corners of the mouth strangely to raise, secret passage: It seems like, was similar.” 在台下,秦石的精神力始终成网状散开,听着下方的唏嘘声嘴角不由诡异扬起,暗道:“看来,差不多了。” Bang! 砰! Zhuge Ming knocks out the fist once more quick of eye and hand, Qin Shi seizes the opportunity, the five fingers staggered meets the approaching enemy, in back to the audience vision position sudden control toward below, is wiping the invisible psychic force to shake, made Zhuge Ming's body deadlock moment. 诸葛明再次出拳,秦石眼疾手快的抓住机会,五指交错的迎击上去,在背对着观众视觉的位置突然手心朝下,一抹无形的精神力震出,令诸葛明的身躯僵持片刻。 The moment regarding Qin Shi, was enough. 片刻对于秦石来讲,就足够了。 Looks back to make a fist, dark golden miraculous glow blasts out, strikes to the mapping in Zhuge Ming's chest, making the latter trembled, withdrawing several steps that leapt steaming. 回首握拳,暗金色的灵光炸开,一击冲映射在诸葛明的胸膛,令后者不禁的哆嗦一下,腾腾腾的退后数步。 Receiving lets.” “承让。” Held holding the fist in the other hand, Qin Shi said with a smile to Zhuge Ming. 抱了抱拳,秦石冲诸葛明笑道。 Zhuge Ming's look transformation, strange stares at Qin Shi for a long time, is closing tightly jaw to say: I admit defeat.” 不由间,诸葛明的眼神转变,怪异的盯着秦石许久,才咬紧牙关应道:“我认输。” Sixth, eventually ended when over a hundred moves of confrontation, the referee just judged Qin Shi wins, under actually hears the full ridicule sound. 第六场,在上百招的交锋下终于结束,裁判刚刚宣判秦石胜时,下方却传来满满的讥讽声。 Won really vexed, won has been able to be what kind, Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage towed this him, no matter next he bumped into anyone, definitely defeated.” “赢得真窝囊,赢了能怎么样,一个玄灵境后期就把他拖成这样,下一场不管他碰到谁,肯定都是败。” Regarding this sound, Qin Shi does not care at all actually, under completely at ease falling back on arena, indifferent by crosses the hands behind the back the waiting on the wall surface. 对于这种声音,秦石倒是满不在乎,坦然自若的退到擂台下方,漠然的靠在墙面上负手等待。 But what the people do not know, Zhuge Ming after turning around to leave office, hides in a corner rapidly, has spat dozens blood continuously, just now shows the frightened look, only then he knows that was a Qin Shi just fist, making the rib of his chest break all. 而众人不知的是,诸葛明在转身下台后,迅速躲在一个角落里,连续吐了数十口的鲜血,方才露出恐惧的神色,只有他自己知道,就是秦石刚刚的一拳,令他胸膛的肋骨尽数断裂。 Seventh, what presence is Xiao Qing, with similarly is a disciple of small family Xiao Qing fights, but the strength has Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, but what various people are puzzled, the Xiao Qing strength has Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage. 第七场,出场的是小青,和小青交手的同样是一名小家族的弟子,但实力却有玄灵境后期,而诸人不解的是,小青的实力只有玄灵境中期 An association has the Qin Shi beforehand tactical situation, many audiences do not favor Xiao Qing. 一联想起秦石之前的战况,诸多观众都不太看好小青 Does not know really that this person, how can be promoted one?” “真不知道,她这种人,怎么能够晋级一段呢?” In the crowd puzzled shaking the head, the Xiao Qing match steps to come to power, this personal name is: Li Muye, is like a monkey long somewhat dreadfully. 人群中不解的摇摇头,小青的对手迈上台去,这人名为:李木叶,尖嘴猴腮长得有些猥琐。 Li Muye is staring at Xiao Qing, very said with a smile: Girl, you admits defeat, otherwise, met me to want the heavy hand to destroy to spend!” 李木叶盯着小青,贼笑道:“小姑娘,你认输吧,否则的话,一会我可就要辣手摧花了!” Toot toot the fragrant cheek, Xiao Qing is angry saying: You? Also the heavy hand destroys the tweed, a meeting elder sister I burn the flower to destroy the hand, do not cry.” 嘟嘟着香腮,小青嗔道:“就你?还辣手摧花呢,一会姐姐我辣花摧手,你可别哭鼻子。” „The Oh? good spicy flower to destroy the hand, that do not blame me not to understand have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex!” A Li Muye shifty eyes revolution, does not flush away in facing forward of idle talk. 哦?好一个辣花摧手,那就别怪我不懂得怜香惜玉了!”李木叶贼眼一转,不在废话的朝前冲去。 Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, strength vigorous like Hong, together startled day scarlet fire turns in Li Muye palm, billowing evil spirit approaches toward Xiao Qing. 玄灵境后期,力量浑厚如洪,一道惊天赤火的在李木叶掌心翻起,滚滚凶煞的朝小青逼近。 Snort, carves insect small technique.” “哼,雕虫小技。” Xiao Qing crosses the hands behind the back the black clothing, wipes the aquamarine strange strength along two flood, in each strength disclosed that abundant vitality, the command strikes the bench drill tile in the slits, grows unexpectedly a green grass. 小青负手青衣,一抹碧绿色的诡异力量沿着两手泛起,每一道力量中都透露出盎然的生机,令擂台钻瓦的缝隙间,竟生长出一株一株的青草。 Under the stage, the black pupil of Qin Shi is low and deep: Really is spiritual martial arts.” 在台下,秦石的黑眸低沉下来:“果然是精神武学。” Quick, the arena was then covered entirely by the abundant green, often several fragrant quiet flowers bloom, what making the human suck the tongue was the flower petal is unexpectedly incisive like the knife point, exploded to shoot to Li Muye. 很快,擂台便被盎然的绿色布满,不时有几朵芬芳的幽花绽放,令人咂舌的是花瓣竟如刀锋般尖锐,冲李木叶爆射而起。 This, making the Mysterious Palace elder simultaneously serious: „Is this psychic force five mark Demonic Talisman Master? Then said that the beforehand five mark demon symbols, are this small girl refine?” 这一幕,令玄殿的诸位长老同时郑重起来:“这股精神力是五纹符魔师?那么说,之前的五纹魔符,就是这小丫头所炼制?” That said that she is the Yu Family person? No wonder her Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, can achieve survey tower one.” “那这么说,她是郁家的人?难怪她玄灵境中期,就能够达到测量塔一段。” All elders, including Yu Qing, were mistaken completely the demon symbol of beforehand Nangong ice use is Xiao Qing refines, reveals to dread the color to Xiao Qing. 所有长老,包括玉清在内,全部误以为之前南宫冰使用的魔符是小青所炼制,对小青纷纷露出忌惮之色。 In myriad radiant sharp knife blade flower petals, Li Muye scared jumps onto toward the vault of heaven, sucks the low roar of tongue: Drinks, good strange move!” 在万千璀璨的利刃花瓣中,李木叶恐慌的朝天穹跃上,不禁咂舌的低吼声:“喝,好诡异的招数!” Scoffs, don't you want the heavy hand to destroy the flower? You come, these insufficient, I am delivering you some!” The Xiao Qing cherry lips roll, the skilled artist turns over a black clothing, under the hand sleeve of black clothing multiplies monster Mei ten thousand, such as rainstorm thorn to Li Muye. “嗤,你不是要辣手摧花吗?你来啊,这些不够,我在送你一些!”小青樱唇滚动,妙手翻转一席青衣,青衣的手袖下滋生出妖玫万朵,如暴雨般刺向李木叶。 Pupil heart one cold, Li Muye startled arrives at two in the chest, launches the hundred zhang (333m) to have walls with flues for heating at the same time, distressed resists monster Mei, at once gets angry: Small girl, you leaves excessively!” 眸心一寒,李木叶惊慌的将两手抵于胸膛,展开一面百丈有余的火墙,才狼狈的将妖玫抵挡,旋即怒道:“小丫头,你别过分!” Scarlet drift of stars flame!” “赤星流焰!” Explodes drinks one, the brown miraculous glow condensation, explode to shoot the flame in the miraculous glow suddenly, such as a star meteor gathering point, finally enough reaches as high as about thousand zhang (3.33 m), to Xiao Qing loudly under. 爆喝一声,一颗一颗土黄色的灵光凝聚,在灵光中突然间爆射起火苗,如星陨般汇聚一点,最终足足高达近千丈,冲着小青轰然而下。 Obstructs the world in the star meteor, the person trundle throat that surrounds, swallowed saliva to be tight, Qin Shi knit the brows, powerful degree that this struck, even if just Yan Feng's dark green flame purgatory compared, was almost the same. 在星陨遮天下,围观的人不禁滚动喉咙,咽了一口唾液不由紧张起来,就连秦石都皱了皱眉,这一击的强悍程度,就算与刚刚闫峰的苍炎炼狱比起来,也是相差无几。 But when all people is worried, Xiao Qing actually completely at ease embarrasedly smiles, at once some blushing under flame allows to change tenderly, exclaimed lowly: Ossiculum, comes out!” 但在诸人担心不已时,小青却坦然自若的讪讪一笑,旋即在火光下有些发红的娇容一变,低吼道:“小骨,出来!” Buzz! 嗡! Spatial warping several points before Xiao Qing body, gigantic Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, the hard tortoise shell very gets up baseless, keeps off under the gigantic star meteor. 小青身前的空间扭曲几分,一尊硕大的玄骨龙龟凭空而出,坚硬的龟壳挺起,挡在硕大的星陨下。 , The star meteor hit produces the vast remaining prestige on the tortoise shell with a crash, the remaining prestige causes the dreadful flame, swallows the arena. 砰然一声,星陨撞击在龟壳上产生浩瀚的余威,余威引起滔天的火焰,生生将擂台吞噬。 When the flame clears, all people is startled. 而在火焰散尽时,诸人不禁一怔。 Thousand zhang (3.33 m) arena at this time full is the sores, the avalanche under shock of star meteor, several natural moats extends the proliferation like the spider web all, but under this distressed scene, has a stretch of complete virgin land, Xiao Qing safely not sickness standing erect in. 千丈的擂台此时满是疮痍,在星陨的震撼下尽数崩塌,几道天堑如蛛网般延绵扩散,而就在这种狼狈的情景下,却有一片完好的处女地,小青安然不恙的矗立其中。 ------- ------- 2014 will soon say goodbye, one year elapses in a flash, in this year, small shallow to thank everybody support to evil Monarch, prepares to be a time evil Monarch to accompany the activity that the gentlemen carry over to the next year. 2014即将告别,一年一晃逝去,在这一年中,小浅为了感谢各位对邪君的支持,准备做一次邪君伴诸君跨年的活动。 The activities regulation is simple, everything has evil Monarch to manage the above bean noodles reader, please rapid additional small shallow QQ : 83868880, then enclosed own bean noodles screenshot and address, small shallow then for deliver to be printed with the self-made T-shirt that evil Monarch indicates, and receives the reader of T-shirt to wear the T-shirt to explode the photo, the quota only limits 50. 活动规则非常简单,凡事拥有邪君执事以上的粉丝读者,请迅速加小浅QQ:83868880,然后附上自己的粉丝截图和住址,小浅便会为诸位送上印有邪君标示的自制T恤,并且收到T恤的读者要穿上T恤爆照,名额仅限50名。 Achieves reader who manages please as soon as possible, the reader who has not achieved grasps, now evil Monarch subscribes to want 30 Yuan, a 30 Yuan subscription can achieve the deacon, slightly shallowly is waiting for arrival. 达到执事的读者请尽快,没有达到的读者抓紧吧,现在邪君订阅只要30元,一个30元的订阅就能够达到执事,小浅等着诸位的到来。 Moreover, because the website cancelled top to pick, the words that fellow readers saw, invited the commentary area to comment, the WAP reader was also, made small know in heart shallowly, thanks politely everybody. 另外,由于网站取消了顶采,各位读者看见的话,请来评论区评论一下,WAP的读者也是,让小浅心里有个数,拜谢各位了。 Evil Monarch accompanies you to carry over to the next year, together hand in hand 2015. 邪君伴你跨年,一同携手2015。 Shallow family armed forces military might! 浅家军威武!
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