PDL :: Volume #5

#441: Nangong ice to fighting Yan Feng

The second showdown, Xiaomi Cai superiority without a doubt. 第二场对决,小米彩毫无疑问的优胜。 In people confused, but , the third showdown will soon launch, this should from start to the present, only the competition of a little anticipation, Yan Feng showdown Nangong ice. 在众人错乱和无奈下,第三场对决即将展开,这一场应该是从开始到现在,唯一一场有点看点的比赛,闫峰对决南宫冰。 Yan Feng has not come to power, the crazy females under crowd, all were Mou Zu the scream of vigor and cheer: Brother Yan Feng refuels!” 闫峰尚未上台,下方人群中的痴女们,皆是牟足了劲的尖叫和欢呼而起:“闫峰师兄加油!” Brother Yan Feng quite leads!” “闫峰师兄好帅!” Brother Yan Feng must win, Brother Yan Feng must win!” “闫峰师兄必胜,闫峰师兄必胜!” In cheers, Qin Shi face slightly obviously dignified, at once he turns round under the heavy racket the Nangong ice, under compares, the Nangong ice is actually free and easy, responds to a Qin Shi affirmative look, just now welcomed the arena. 在欢呼声中,秦石面庞稍显凝重,旋即他回身沉重的拍下南宫冰,相比较下,南宫冰倒是洒脱,回应秦石一个肯定的神色,方才迎上擂台。 In the arena, Yan Feng was still the handsome wielding feather fan, stared at the Nangong ice contemptuously saying: Boy, I thought that you and stone Qin the relations of were good? Is inferior to this, you to stage under obloquied that now stone Qin three, does my Xu you admit defeat to be good?” 在擂台上,闫峰仍旧是翩翩的挥动羽扇,盯着南宫冰轻蔑道:“小子,我看你和石秦的关系不错嘛?不如这样,你现在冲着台下大骂石秦三句,我就许你认输可好?” hear that, the Nangong ice knit the brows: He he, Yan Feng elder brother chatted, my Nangong ice anything merit, has not been the heavy affectionate righteousness, said uselessly, begins!” 闻言,南宫冰皱了皱眉:“呵呵,闫峰兄说笑了,我南宫冰没什么优点,就是重情重义,多说无益,动手吧!” Drinks, fellow of acting recklessly!” “喝,不知死活的家伙!” Yan Feng's complexion is dense, the feather fan in hand welcomed spatially flings, after tight aimed at the Nangong ice: Good, I first extinguished you, making stone Qin that boy know that offended my Yan Feng to be any fate!” 闫峰的面色森然,手中的羽扇迎空一甩,合紧后指向南宫冰:“好,我就先灭了你,让石秦那小子知道知道,得罪我闫峰会是什么下场!” ! 咻! The confrontation of Yan Feng and Nangong ice fires in the arena. 闫峰与南宫冰的交锋在擂台上打响。 A series of remnant shades tear to pieces void, Yan Feng Heaven Realm strength unusual conditions, enliven to go forward, several cunning attacks, then compel to draw back several steps the Nangong ice continually, making the latter fall into to struggle hard. 一连串的残影撕破虚空,闫峰天境的实力浑然天成,轻身上前中,连番几次刁钻的出击,便将南宫冰逼退数步,令后者陷入苦战。 Just was sideways to avoid a fist, the fiery red big dragon congealed in Yan Feng palm together, under the Chaonan Gong ice surface calling card of blotting out the sky, making the Nangong ice flustered raised hand to resist, the fire dragon cut several blood-stained mouths on his arm. 刚侧身躲避一拳,一道火红的巨龙在闫峰掌心凝结,铺天盖地的朝南宫冰面门刺下,令南宫冰慌张的扬手抵挡,火龙在其臂膀上划破数道血口。 Bang! 砰! Turns over toward the rear area hastily several steps, the Nangong ice kneads together two palms, but once again when stretch, such as spirit snake galloping thunder and lightning thunderclap Bang! multiplying: Falls Lei Qiang!” 连忙朝后方翻转几步,南宫冰将两掌捏合,再度拉伸而起时,如灵蛇般奔腾的雷电霹雳啦的滋生:“落雷抢!” Hundred zhang (333m) thunder spear rising typhoon on, making in the arena glitter the dazzling blue light, under the broad oppression the crowd deathly stillness, simultaneously turned very quiet. 百丈雷矛扶摇而上,令擂台上闪烁起刺目的蓝光,恢弘的压迫下人群死寂,同时屏住呼吸。 Under rolling the rolling mine glow approaches, Yan Feng actually in this time shouldering corners of the mouth: Scoffs, carves insect small technique, solemn four everyone / influential family Nangong does, such select the skill?” 而在滚滚雷芒逼近下,闫峰却在这时不由的挑起嘴角:“嗤,雕虫小技,堂堂四大家的南宫家,难道就这么点本事吗?” I may be disappointed!” “那我可要失望了!” Fierce probe head roar, Yan Feng has suppressed under the mouth bow the waist, two fingers offer a sacrifice to the scarlet red staunch flame, does not draw back welcomes Lei Maoci who counter-attacks to leave: Congealing doctylitis broken!” 狰狞的探头吼声,闫峰憋了口的弓下腰,两指祭出赤红色的刚烈火焰,不退反攻的迎着雷矛刺出:“凝指炎破!” Bang! 嘭! Gigantic Lei Mao, collides with the raging fire fingertip of differing so much as to be beyond comparison, on the time of flash, the thunder spear as if meets the indestructible sheet iron, at once, along the center of thunder spear, breaks indifferently extends such as the fissure of Longji together, tears Lei Mao. 硕大的雷矛,和不成比例的烈火指尖碰撞,就一瞬间的功夫,雷矛仿佛碰见坚不可摧的铁板,旋即咔嚓一声,沿着雷矛的中央,漠然破开一道延绵如龙脊的裂痕,生生将雷矛撕裂。 Bang! 轰隆! Fills the wild complementary waves roughy, in direction brutal swallowing of arena central Chaonan Gong ice, Lei Maogang was torn, counter-attack that a gang of Jiang Hong destroys the hardest defenses on, made the Nangong ice fly upside down directly about hundred meters far, puff a bright red bloodstain blowout, the sand and crushed stone of disruption filled the dreadful malaria. 粗犷而充满野性的余波,在擂台中央朝南宫冰的方向残酷的吞噬,雷矛刚被撕裂,一股江洪无坚不摧的反扑而上,直接令南宫冰倒飞出近百米远,噗一口鲜红的血迹喷出,碎裂的砂石弥漫起滔天的瘴气。 Comes soul-stirringly too quickly, when has gotten back one's composure under the field the talented person bursts with joy impulsively: Very strong attack.” 惊心动魄来得太快,回过神时场下之人才忘乎所以的沸腾起来:“好强的攻击。” That Lei Mao lethality unusual, Brother Yan Feng can actually by 42 pull out thousand jin (0.5 kg) potential to crush a moment ago, feared that was the Nangong ice now already not being able to get up body.” “刚才那雷矛的杀伤力异常的强,闫峰师兄却能以42拔千斤之势击碎,怕是南宫冰现在已经起不来身了。” Um, finished!” “嗯,结束了!” Crowd disappointed looking to the sandstorm, spreads the satire the laughter. 人群失望的望向风沙,不禁扩散出讽刺的笑声。 Under, the Qin Shi big hand binds tightly the black robe only, the corners of the mouth unknowingly shoulder toward on: Finished? He he, but also early.” 唯独在下方,秦石大手将黑袍裹紧,嘴角在不经意间朝上挑起:“结束?呵呵,还早着呢。” Bang! 轰! Suddenly, curls up the scarlet red blood light in the sandstorm, the blood light rolls up and pushes along together the gigantic empty shade, to looking just like a quiet wolf. 突然间,在风沙中卷起一道赤红色的血光,血光卷动起硕大的虚影,离远望去宛如一只幽狼。 Um?” The appearance that Yan Feng makes widely known restrains several points, looks is heavy to the strange quiet wolf Chest: „Is this demon symbol?” “嗯?”闫峰张扬的模样不禁收敛几分,望向诡异的幽狼心口沉重:“这是魔符?” Does not wait for him to turn round, quiet wolf from the sky circles three, the wild strength howls in each inch corner of audience, indistinct sends out to approach in the Heaven Realm strength infinitely, making below crowd panic-stricken, in nearby Hua Ling, with the Mysterious Palace several elders, changed countenance: „Is this strength, Profound Spirit Realm Desolate Beast? Is five mark demon symbols?” 不等他回身,幽狼在空中盘旋三圈,野性的力量呼啸在全场的每寸角落,隐隐约约中散发出无限接近于天境的力量,令下方的人群不禁惊恐,就连在旁边的花零,和玄殿的数名长老,都不由动容:“这力量,是玄灵境荒兽?难道,是五纹魔符?” Five mark demon symbols?” “五纹魔符?” This Scarlet Flame Empire , can some people refine five mark demon symbols unexpectedly? How possible?” “这赤炎帝国,竟还有人能炼制出五纹魔符?怎么可能?” „, Is that group of fellows? Did they rise?” “难道,是那群家伙?他们又崛起了?” What you said is hundred years ago that group of fellows?” “你说的可是百年前的那群家伙?” Otherwise? Takes a broad view at entire Scarlet Flame Empire, person who can refine five mark demon symbols, you told me except for Yu Family, will also have others?” “不然呢?放眼整座赤炎帝国,能够炼制出五纹魔符的人,你告诉我除了郁家,还会有别人吗?” Hissing “嘶” Hears the Yu Family two characters, the Mysterious Palace elder all was independently does not hit to tremble, heard over a hundred old families that has not heard to this Qin Shi continually, made these Mysterious Palace elders on the scene only think that will feel absolutely terrified existence. 听得郁家两字,玄殿长老皆是不自主的打了个寒颤,对这个秦石连听闻都不曾听闻的上百年老家族,却令在场的这些玄殿长老光是想一想,都会感觉到毛骨悚然的存在。 In the elder group, staring that the Yu Qing vision presses hard on to nine days of quiet wolves, in the forehead gathers one group of black air/Qi, the withered palm pinches in the waist psst makes noise. 在长老群中,玉清目光紧逼的盯向九天幽狼,眉宇中汇聚一团黑气,干枯的掌心在腰间捏的吱吱作响。 On player stage, Qin Shi, in addition does not know that he gives Nangong at will the ice an demon symbol, caused Mysterious Palace all people terrified unexpectedly, the vision looked throughout to the Nangong ice, he understood demon symbol that he refined, even if could not defeat Yan Feng, but made the Nangong ice insist hundred moves but the perfection, this confidence he had. 在选手台上,秦石尚且不知,他随意送给南宫冰的一张魔符,竟引起了玄殿诸人的悚然,目光始终望向南宫冰,他了解他所炼制的魔符,就算战胜不了闫峰,但让南宫冰坚持百招而不败,这点信心他还是有得。 Bang! 砰! Circles several sidereal revolutions, the empty shade of quiet wolf is filled with wisdom, jabs into the Nangong ice the forehead, at once makes the latter body rising suddenly several fold, the blue veins of two arms explode shoot, a pair of blood red pupil full Han ruthless offense, looks angrily at Yan Feng. 盘旋几个周天,幽狼的虚影醍醐灌顶,刺进南宫冰的眉宇,旋即令后者身躯猛涨数倍,两臂的青筋爆射,一双血红色的眸子满含狠戾,怒视闫峰。 With its looking at each other, Yan Feng moral nature trembles: Damn, cannot think that you also do hold back one trick?” 与其对视,闫峰心底发颤:“该死,想不到你还留有一手?” Knows that late!” The Nangong ice felt that the whole body is powerful, the heel gently tramples in the ground, plunges Yan Feng, in they encounter trigger the end shake. “才知道么,晚了!”南宫冰感觉全身充满力量,脚跟只是在地面轻轻践踏,咻一声就扑向闫峰,在两人交锋中引起末日般的震荡。 The brown bricks break in the confrontation unceasingly, continuously, fierce combat. 土黄色的砖瓦在交锋中不断震碎,此起彼伏,刀光剑影。 Bang! 轰隆! Under the refinement of demon symbol, the strength of Nangong ice approaches Heaven Realm infinitely, strong fleshly body is ultra Yan Feng, a fist wields to Yan Feng's surface gate, making the latter resist strenuously, withdrawing several steps. 在魔符的提炼下,南宫冰的实力无限逼近天境,健硕的肉身更是远超闫峰,一拳冲着闫峰的面门挥下,令后者吃力抵挡中,跟着不禁退后数步。 Puff! 噗! The huge dropping variance, making Yan Feng thoroughly angry, the pupil gave a tongue-lashing to want the fill blood thread of crack, at once he suddenly after fluttered several steps, two gathered in overlapping, forms a strange hand imprint: Boy, this is you compels me, I deliver you dead.” 前后的巨大落差,令闫峰彻底愤怒,眸呲欲裂的充满血丝,旋即他突然间朝后翻飞数步,两手在交叉中汇聚,形成一道诡异的手印:“小子,这是你逼我得,那我就送你去死。” Dark green flame purgatory!” “苍炎炼狱!” Suddenly, the hand imprint was nibbled by the raging fire, at once in Yan Feng's chest, the unexpectedly living sacrifice the hundred zhang (333m) malicious ghost, the malicious ghost whole body is dragging the viscous rock magma together, drops on the earth instantaneously the bricks corrosion arena, the melting. 蓦然间,手印被烈火蚕食,旋即在闫峰的胸膛,竟活生生的祭出一道百丈恶鬼,恶鬼全身拖着粘稠的岩浆,滴落在大地上瞬间将擂台的砖瓦腐蚀,融化。 Is the dark green flame purgatory?” Underlining of malicious ghost, has inspired the vision of audience, especially the Mysterious Palace disciples and many elders, pinch tightly the fist. “是苍炎炼狱?”恶鬼的突显,引动了全场的目光,特别是玄殿的弟子和诸多长老,不由捏紧拳头。 That is not Mysterious Palace Buddhist scriptures pavilion, Fourth Rank peak martial arts? Cannot think of Brother Yan Feng, linked it to grasp unexpectedly?” “那不是玄殿藏经阁,第四层巅峰武学吗?想不到闫峰师兄,竟然连它都掌握了?” Um, this is 6-Step Top-Grade Top Grade martial arts, takes a broad view in the entire empire, can look disdainfully with it on three 7-Step martial arts of empire!” “嗯,这可是六阶上乘极品武学,放眼整座帝国里,也就帝国的三本七阶武学能够与其睥睨!” Mysterious Palace elder, grumbles shaking the head that is inferior to much: It seems like, gives Yan Feng again several years, can the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo.” 诸位玄殿长老,不少都自叹不如的摇摇头:“看来,再给闫峰几年,就能够青出于蓝而胜于蓝了啊。” Qin Shi dense is staring at the scarlet flame malicious ghost, stern said: This strikes, the Nangong brother cannot keep off!” 秦石森然的盯着赤炎恶鬼,正色言道:“这一击,南宫兄挡不下来!” hears that sound, the Taishi ting flower, stared staring with Qiu Diaozhu person, is inducing the terrifying of scarlet flame malicious ghost, simultaneously worries for the Nangong ice. 闻声,太史葶花,和邱雕诸人不禁瞪了瞪眼,感应着赤炎恶鬼的恐怖,同时为南宫冰捏了把冷汗。 Bang! 轰! The scarlet flame malicious ghost runs out loudly, two arms open enough over a hundred meters, rogue center in the chest of Nangong ice, in an instant is the sounds of several rib breaks. 赤炎恶鬼轰然冲出,两臂张开足足有上百米,凶恶的正中在南宫冰的胸膛,刹那间便是几声肋骨断裂的声响。 Puff a blood, the Nangong ice hits in the silver light barrier kilometer away, if not for the demon symbol significantly promotes his ** perhaps, at this time he already fainted. 噗一口鲜血,南宫冰撞在千米外的银光屏障上,若不是魔符大幅度的提升他的**,恐怕此时他早已昏死。 He he, couldn't insist?” “呵呵,坚持不下去了么?” The Nangong ice partly squats on the ground coughs several, reveals wipes the forced smile. 南宫冰半蹲在地上干咳几声,露出一抹苦笑。 Boy, I kills you!” Unexpectedly at this time, Yan Feng has not relinquished, but steps while winning the pursuit that goes forward, maps single-handed in the back of scarlet flame devil, made the scarlet flame devil indifferent raising fist, covered to the Nangong ice under. “小子,我弄死你!”不料此时,闫峰并未作罢,而是迈上前的趁胜追击,单手映射在赤炎恶魔的背部,令赤炎恶魔漠然的扬拳,冲着南宫冰就笼罩而下。 Under the field person holding breath cold air/Qi, this strikes clearly is wants the Nangong ice the life. 场下之人纷纷倒吸冷气,这一击分明就是想要南宫冰的命。 Nangong ice!” “南宫冰!” all people calls out in alarm one, the Mysterious Palace elder simultaneously sets out to reprimand fierce: Yan Feng assistant!” 诸人惊呼一声,玄殿长老同时起身厉声斥道:“闫峰助手!” The woods cold pupil heart changes, Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe to search one step toward the anteversion, but made him stare on this time, the contrast ratio his quick and violent form sped away together on, unarmed kept off before the Nangong ice body. 森寒的眸心一变,秦石裹紧黑袍朝前倾探一步,而就这时令他不禁一愣,一道照比他更加迅猛的身影疾驰而上,徒手挡在南宫冰的身前。 Bang! 砰! The gigantic scarlet flame great fist, shells in the tiny and clean control, such as hits unexpectedly in the indestructible steel and iron, only listens to the consecutively several disruption, the arm of scarlet flame devil, this blast baseless. 硕大的赤炎巨拳,轰击在渺小而干净的手心上,竟如打在坚不可摧的钢铁上,只听连续几声碎裂,赤炎恶魔的一只手臂,就这样凭空的炸开。 Is he?” Qin Shi takes back the footsteps, knit the brows, is the person of moving forward not just the country teacher's son, Xue Bin? “是他?”秦石收回脚步,不禁皱了皱眉,迎上前去的人不正是国师之子,薛斌么? Xue Bin is always hanging the calm faint smile, when waves again the scarlet flame devil vanishes into thin air, to Yan Feng dao: He he, Brother Yan Feng, Brother Nangong have defeated, does your this why with hardship compel?” 薛斌始终挂着从容的浅笑,再一挥手时赤炎恶魔烟消云散,冲闫峰道:“呵呵,闫峰兄弟,南宫兄弟已经战败,你这又何必苦苦相逼呢?” Snort!” “哼!” Attacks to keep off, the reprimanding sound of Yan Feng ruthless offense, then induces to the look that nearby many elders blamed at once, the Nangong ice after all was the younger generation of head of four everyone / influential family clans, if had an accident in Mysterious Palace, Mysterious Palace was not good to confess that understood this point, has unwilling shaking the head. 攻击被挡下,闫峰狠戾的斥声,旋即便感应到旁边诸多长老责怪的眼神,南宫冰毕竟是四大家族之首的晚辈,若是在玄殿出了事,玄殿也不好交代,了解这一点,只好不甘的摇摇头。 Pays no attention to Yan Feng, Xue Binman puts out a hand to the Nangong ice including the look of being on good terms: He he, Nangong brother, all right?” 不理闫峰,薛斌满含交好的神色冲南宫冰伸出手:“呵呵,南宫兄,没事吧?” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Nangong ice strenuous setting out, cups one hand in the other across the chest to express gratitude to Xue Bin. 南宫冰吃力的起身,冲薛斌拱手道谢。 Xue Bin beckons with the hand saying: „Is trivial matter, not worth mentioning? Already heard the prestige of Nangong below, perhaps, also will go to visit, at that time the Nangong brother do not shut out is good.” 薛斌摆摆手道:“区区小事,何足挂齿呢?在下早就听闻南宫家的威名,说不定以后还会前去拜访,那时南宫兄不要嫌弃才好。” Where words, the front door of Nangong momentarily opens wide for Xue brother.” In one polite, has several points of favorable impression to Xue Bin, the Nangong ice strenuous response said. “哪里话,南宫家的大门随时为薛兄敞开。”在一番客气下,对薛斌不禁产生几分好感,南宫冰吃力的回应道。 Also welcomed in following Qin Shi and Taishi ting flower goes forward, inquiry several of care. 在下面的秦石和太史葶花也迎上前,关心的询问几句。 In the concern, shaking the head of Nangong ice deep sigh, clashes Qin Shi to say at once: Sorry, can only drag this.” 在关怀中,南宫冰长叹的摇摇头,旋即冲秦石道:“抱歉,只能拖成这样了。” All right, remaining gives me, your, I look for you.” Qin Shi comfort made an effort to pat several on Nangong ice shoulder, at once sizes up on the Nangong ice, each wound in the heart, on the face lost the past laughter and uninhibited gradually. “没事,剩下的就交给我吧,你的那一份,我替你找回来。”秦石安慰的在南宫冰肩膀上使劲拍了几下,旋即在南宫冰身上打量一番,将每一处的伤口记在心中,面庞上渐渐失去以往的嬉笑和不羁。 Before, lets Yan Feng's what kind of taunting, Qin Shi to smile, but this time Yan Feng has injured his person, he could not endure absolutely, this was his inviting the wrath of the emperor, stimulated his anger thoroughly. 之前,任闫峰怎样的冷嘲热讽,秦石都能是一笑而过,但这一次闫峰伤了他身边的人,他绝对忍不了,这算是他的逆鳞,彻底激发了他的怒火。 Turning round ice cold is staring at Yan Feng, said: Three Yu is blue, 17 blood-stained mouths, with strike the heavy blows, these you remember, do not forget, I will make you repay slowly.” 回身冰寒的盯着闫峰,一次一句道:“三处郁青,17道血口,和一击重拳,这些你都记住,千万不要忘了,我会让你慢慢偿还得。”
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