PDL :: Volume #5

#440: The finals start

A night elapses, says goodbye to three people. 一夜逝去,告别三人。 Is purely the accident this breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, made the wearing between organism and spiritual power of Qin Shi presents the deviation, for this reason before the game in six day, he always closed up in the stone chamber, as far as possible adapted to this body, with firm foundation. 这一次突破玄灵境后期纯属意外,令秦石的肌体与灵力间的磨合出现偏差,为此在赛前的六日里,他始终闭关在石室中,尽可能的去适应这副身躯,和稳固根基。 The 7 th day dawn scatters, making Mysterious Palace at an elevation of 50000 meters thorough. 第七日的晨曦散落,令海拔50000米的玄殿通彻明亮。 Bang! 砰! The black pupil of Qin Shi opens unexpectedly, a wisp wild and does not lose the direct impact of calm spirit pressure under the black robe to ascend to heaven. 秦石的黑眸蓦地睁开,一缕狂野而不失沉稳的灵压在黑袍下直冲升天。 After 7 th finally smooths all edges and corners.” Flicks the sleeve sets out, Qin Shi shoulders the corners of the mouth: This time, no one want to stop me to rescue Elder Sister Yu!” “历经七日的终于将所有的棱角抚平。”拂袖起身,秦石挑起嘴角:“这一次,谁都别想阻拦我救出玉姐!” Scattering of dawn, symbolizes finals soon to start. 晨曦的散落,象征着决赛即将开始。 Eight people have been summoned, simultaneously takes the side building, two Mysterious Palace elders tread to empty to fall, crosses the hands behind the back to say with a smile to eight people: He he, these on the 7 th, everybody in the Mysterious Palace rest can be good?” 一段的八人得到号召,同时迈出厢房,两名玄殿长老踏空而落,冲着八人负手笑道:“呵呵,这七日,各位在玄殿休息的可好啊?” Nature, had martial arts of Mysterious Palace Buddhist scriptures pavilion, this stratagem which ensures success were also many several points.” Several people responded, such flattery let Yan Feng was once again complacent originally, before leaving, not forget to several people to boast. “自然,有了玄殿藏经阁的武学,这一次胜算又多了几分。”几人纷纷回应,这样的奉承不由让闫峰再度自满自来,临行前不忘冲几人吹嘘一番。 Immediately plays in the finals, the people have not been doing to delay, under two elders' leadership, arrives at the Mysterious Palace concourse, this square exceptionally broad, over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the center has a radius kilometer arena, in the arena upper air is a multicolored silk banner, waves four conspicuous large characters against the wind appear and disappear from time to time: Honor big game. 马上就是决赛,众人并未在多做耽搁,在两名长老的带领下,来到玄殿的中央广场,这个广场异常的宽阔,足足有上万丈,中央有一座半径千米的擂台,擂台高空上是一面锦旗,迎风舞动中四个惹眼的大字时隐时现:荣誉大赛。 After the 7 th selection, the player who below two determined the final outcome eight people of being promoted, success superior that the Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower, the Huangpu person of extraordinary ability, as well as tiger white of black dragon sect, four people did not doubt, remaining four people, was the younger generations under all overlord influence, strength all in Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage above. 经过七日的选拔,二段以下决胜出八人晋级的选手,南宫冰、太史葶花,皇普俊彦,以及青龙宗的虎皓,四人都毫无置疑的成功上位,剩下的四人,也都是各方霸主势力下的晚辈,实力皆在玄灵境中期以上。 In addition one eight people altogether are 16 people, in the future 16 people will carry on one-to-one competing in this gigantic arena, comes out the champion. 加上一段的八人总共是16人,往后16人将在这硕大的擂台上进行一对一的打擂,决出冠军。 He he, is really lively.” “呵呵,真是热闹啊。” 16 people step the arena, in all around of arena, early was covered by the Mysterious Palace surely famous disciple, the visible end of as far as the eye can see sea of people, clamored, the leader, screamed that had everything expected to find. 16人迈上擂台,在擂台的四周,早被玄殿千万名弟子覆盖,放眼望去人山人海的看不见尽头,喧哗,掌门,尖叫,应有尽有。 Felt the ebullition great wild goose sound, Qin Shi has been sucking the tongue, even if were he under this scene, blood fluidized bed combustion cannot help but. 感受着沸腾的鸿音,秦石不禁咂了咂舌,即便是他在这种场面下,血液都不由自主的沸腾燃烧。 „!! Brother Yan Feng refuels! Brother Yan Feng was most graceful!” “哦!!闫峰师兄加油!闫峰师兄最帅了!” Defeated that stone Qin, revenged to the elders!” “打败那个石秦,给长老们报仇!” Lin understands the fellow apprentice also to refuel, is Mysterious Palace brings honor!” One crowd of Mysterious Palace brain remnant girl student, like going crazy, unceasing scream. “林晓师兄也加油,为玄殿争光!”一群玄殿的脑残女弟子,像发疯一样,不断的尖叫。 Indulges in self- being infatuated with, by Yan Feng ruthless offense arriving Qin Shi: Brat, this fighting, how I want to take a look at your also seize every opportunity but actually.” 沉溺在自我的陶醉中,闫峰狠戾的走到秦石旁边:“臭小子,这一次实打实的交手,我倒想瞧瞧你还怎么投机取巧。” Did not say certainly, the God is always good to me!” Qin Shi not to accept as correct deals with one. “说不准,老天爷向来对我不错!”秦石不以为然的应付一声。 Good, you had better be able insist several rounds, insisted that with I fight, I naturally make you understand in the front of strength, by the luck of your nonsense useless!” Yan Feng scolds fierce, the talent and Qin Shi stagger. “好,那你最好能多坚持几轮,坚持到和我交手的时候,我自然让你明白在实力的面前,靠你那狗屁的运气没有用!”闫峰厉声呵斥,才和秦石错开。 Yan Feng leaves, the Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower happen to walks to go forward, Taishi ting in interlocking gray, said to Qin Shi: How this Yan Feng always opposes with you, endless was annoying.” 闫峰离开,南宫冰和太史葶花正好走上前,在交错间太史葶花白了一眼,冲秦石道:“这闫峰怎么总是和你作对,没完没了的烦死人了。” Jumps the beams clown, how along with him saying that why cares?” Qin Shi not to accept as correct, the corners of the mouth are hanging the faint smile throughout. “一个跳梁小丑,随他怎么去说呗,何必放在心上呢?”秦石不以为然,嘴角始终挂着浅笑。 In side, the Nangong ice has treated the several years in the desolated jungle after all, experiences the life and death to slaughter there truly, the thoughts contrast ratio the human wants to be maturer in the same year, the good words persuaded: Stone Qin brother, I knows that your card in a hand are many, no matter what, this Yan Feng is also Heaven Realm, but you Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, has differed three boundaries, if bumps into you to probably add carefully is.” 在旁边,南宫冰毕竟在荒芜丛林待过数年,在那里真正的经历过生死厮杀,心思照比同年人要成熟很多,好言相劝道:“石秦兄,我知道你底牌多,但不管怎么样,这个闫峰也是天境,而你才玄灵境中期,相差了三个境界,若是碰上的话你可要多加小心才是。” If before placing several day, Heaven Realm truly makes Qin Shi have, but breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, ordinary Heaven Realm First Rank, is not worth him placing in the eye, but the Nangong ice after is the good intention, the matter about breakthrough he does not want to expose too early, for this reason the calm nod: Relax, I know in heart.” 若是放在几日以前,天境确实让秦石感到头疼,但突破玄灵境后期,普通的天境一层,根本不值得他放在眼中,但南宫冰毕竟是好意,关于突破的事情他也不想暴露太早,为此从容的点头:“放心,我心里有数。” Has been responded, the Nangong ice relaxed. 得到回应,南宫冰才松了口气。 Whoosh! 唰! On this time, Qin Shi face calm coagulates suddenly, transforms to wipe to be vigilant and dignified, the black pupil penetrates from the shoulder of Nangong ice, the rear area is standing Xue Bin. 就这时,秦石面庞的从容突然凝固,转化成一抹警惕和凝重,黑眸从南宫冰的肩膀上透过,后方站着的正是薛斌。 On the scene, if said that makes Qin Shi dread, Xue Bin is only one. 在场,若是说真的让秦石忌惮,薛斌是唯一一个。 Bang! 轰! Under two items of confrontation, such as the rainbow bang raises around the arena, at once the silver light of eight sides puncture arrogantly, forms the firm fortress. 在两目交锋下,一声如虹的巨响在擂台四周升起,旋即八方的银光自大地刺出,形成坚固的堡垒。 Is scarlet scarlet error, the waterfall that 3000 white hair such as drop, curls the volume empty from a long-range point of view, presence of Hua Ling pushes to peak the atmosphere, similarly has also opened big game. 同是一席赤红衣阙,3000白发如飞泻的瀑布,卷卷从长空落下,花零的出场将气氛推向巅峰,同样也拉开了大赛的帷幕。 The fortress is stable, Hua Ling falls golden seat that in prepares before her specially, was still the faint expression said slowly: I announced that the honor big game final finals, formally start now, carries on the sub-field showdown according to the position!” 堡垒稳固,花零落在为她专门准备的金色坐席前,仍是淡漠的表情缓缓道:“我宣布,荣誉大赛最终的决赛,现在正式开始,按照名次进行分场对决!” „!!!” “哦!!!” Seethes with excitement loudly, all people wait. 轰然沸腾,所有人拭目以待。 Several elders start to arrange the competition schedule, the first round showdown way is very simple, is in one eight people the result best person, to eight people that in the war is promoted result best person. 数名长老开始安排赛程,第一轮的对决方式很简单,就是一段八人中成绩最好的人,对战晋级的八人中成绩最好的人。 Therefore, the first competition, then enters the stage by Xue Bin, second round is Xiaomi Cai, postpones Qin Shi in turn in sixth, can relax one actually first. 为此,第一场比赛,便由薛斌出场,第二轮是小米彩,依次顺延秦石在第六场,倒是能先放松一段。 After a series of tedious procedures, the first showdown starts immediately, Xue Bin was still the clothes exquisite silk, gentle crossing the hands behind the back in the arena stood. 一连串繁琐的程序过后,第一场对决马上开启,薛斌仍是衣冠锦绣,在擂台上文质彬彬的负手而立。 With the person of his showdown, is the Huangpu person of extraordinary ability. 和他对决的人,是皇普俊彦。 Sees this, the Nangong ice under arena claps to laugh: These may be interesting, intentionally had put luckily initially a water, mixed the third position, otherwise you said my firepower full, if this Huangpu person of extraordinary ability first snatches, did that just go on stage to bump into Xue Bin?” 看见这一幕,在擂台下的南宫冰不禁拍手大笑:“这一下可有意思了,幸好当初故意放了点水,混了个第三的位置,否则你说我火力全开,要是把这皇普俊彦的第一抢下,那岂不是刚上场就要碰上薛斌了?” hear that, Qin Shi actually knits the brows: „Is the Nangong brother, promoted the field you are third?” 闻言,秦石却不由皱眉:“南宫兄,晋级场你是第三?” Yes, how?” “是啊,怎么了?” Sinks at heart, the Qin Shi train of thought rotates: As the matter stands, is the match of Nangong ice Yan Feng?” Thinks of this, he looks suddenly toward side, unknowingly realized that Yan Feng toward this looks similarly, in vision evil spirit look it goes without saying. 心里一沉,秦石的思绪不由转动:“这样一来,南宫冰的对手就是闫峰?”想到这,他猛然朝旁边望去,不经意间察觉到闫峰同样朝他这面望来,目光中凶煞的神色不言而喻 Went bad.” “坏了。” Criticizes at heart, Qin Shi looks to the Nangong ice face starts to speak but hesitates, he knows that Nangong ices Chang Rili seems like amiable steady, but is big Young Master of Nangong, bottom line that that arrogance of moral nature, may not move. 心里暗骂,秦石望向南宫冰的面庞欲言又止,他知道南宫冰常日里看似随和稳重,但身为南宫家的大公子,心底的那一份傲气,是不可触碰的底线。 The Nangong ice sees the Qin Shi thoughts, makes up the hand on the shoulder of Qin Shi says with a smile: Do not be worried that I know in heart, even if cannot fight Yan Feng, I will not make him win too with ease, consider for you consume the enemy strength.” 南宫冰看出秦石的心思,把手搭放在秦石的肩膀上笑道:“别担心,我心里有数,就算是斗不过闫峰,我也不会让他赢得太轻松,就当是为你们消耗敌方战力了。” Hears this saying, Qin Shi relaxes much, the Nangong ice can want to be naturally best like this, for this reason his silent meeting, palm, together five mark demon Fu Di to the Nangong ice: „The Nangong brother, this gives you.” 听到这话,秦石放松不少,南宫冰能这样想自然最好,为此他沉默一会,掌心一番,一道五纹魔符递向南宫冰:“南宫兄,这个给你。” Five mark demon symbols?” “五纹魔符?” Taishi ting flower min cherry lips, the moral nature changed, this thing this famous family descendant, has not seen: No wonder, the family makes me maintain relations with him vigorously 太史葶花抿了抿樱唇,心底不禁变动一番,这种东西就连她这种名门后代,都不曾见过:“怪不得,家族让我极力和他搞好关系” It seems like these months, Shi Qinxiong the psychic force strove much.” The Nangong ice early knows Qin Shi is Demonic Talisman Master, but sees in five mark demon Fu Xin to acclaim one, pours is impolite with Qin Shi: That many thanks Brother Shi Qin.” “看来这几个月,石秦兄的精神力又精进不少啊。”南宫冰早知秦石符魔师,但看见五纹魔符心中还是不禁赞叹一份,倒也没和秦石客气:“那就多谢石秦兄弟了。” Where words.” Qin Shi shakes the head with a smile, ices him to be full of the favorable impression to Nangong, especially when previous time flees Cold City, the Nangong ice does not hesitate for his severe wound matter. “哪里话。”秦石笑着摇头,对南宫冰他充满好感,特别是上次逃离冷城时,南宫冰不惜为他重伤的事。 Although Qin Shi is not the mahatma person of helping the distressed, but treats the friend is always the water drop benevolence, the bubbling spring reported. 秦石虽说不是什么救苦救难的大圣人,但对待朋友向来都是滴水恩情,涌泉相报。 Bang! 砰! Below several people just about to raise head to look toward arena, actually does not want at the above bang, to break silence suddenly, at once sees only on knot arena kilometer away, the distressed body photographic printing above, the whole body blood, the faint does not awake together. 下方几人刚要仰头朝擂台望去,却不想在上方一声巨响,突然间打破沉寂,旋即只见在擂台千米外的结界上,一道狼狈的身影印在上面,满身的鲜血,昏厥不醒。 Qin Shi one startled: Huangpu person of extraordinary ability?” 秦石一惊:“皇普俊彦?” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The crowd stared staring, when vision restraining, sees only in the Huangpu people of extraordinary ability to the direction, Xue Bin always crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is hanging the superficial smiling face, looks all around saying: „Should referee, announce the completion of?” 人群瞪了瞪眼,将目光收敛时,只见在皇普俊彦正对的方向,薛斌始终负手而立,挂着浅淡的笑容,环顾道:“裁判,是不是该宣布结束了?” The referee is a Mysterious Palace elder, stunned the silliness by the arena has gawked the half of the day, returns to the shintoism: First, Xue Binsheng!” 裁判是玄殿的一名长老,在擂台旁边愕然的傻愣了半天,才回神道:“第一场,薛斌胜!” Rumble “咕噜” Sound of throat trundle resounds through under the arena, the crowd reveals the puzzled color. 喉咙滚动的声音在擂台下响彻,人群纷纷露出不解之色。 Just, what just had?” “刚刚,刚刚发生了什么?” Does not know that is the black glow one idle, the person of Huangpu has defeated, who this person is, very strong!” “不知道,就是黑芒一闲,皇普家的人就败了,这人是谁,好强!” That affirmation, he is the empire country Master son!” “那肯定啊,他可是帝国国师的儿子!” In the discussion, the Qin Shi look is gradually pale, the Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower is in ignorantly cannot get back one's composure, this sudden shock, is really makes people be hard to accept. 在议论中,秦石的神色渐渐铁青,南宫冰和太史葶花都处于浑噩中没能回神,这一突如其来的震惊,实在是让人难以接受。 It seems like, he wants to create demonstration of authority to us.” “看来,他是想给我们造成一个下马威啊。” Qiu Diao in the, curling the lip of dissatisfied, on the scene sees clearly the person who just Xue Bin acted not to be many, Qiu Diao is counted one absolutely, cannot run in the quick speed his bone-chilling cold eagle-eyed. 邱雕在边上,不满意的撇了撇嘴,在场看清刚刚薛斌动作的人不多,邱雕绝对算上一个,在快的速度都跑不出他凛冽的鹰眼。 The first showdown, the vigorous and resolute conclusion, was conducted for this reason immediately second, second was Xiaomi Cai enters the stage, was eager to try in side long time ago. 第一场对决,雷厉风行的结束,为此马上就进行到第二场,第二场是小米彩出场,早早就在旁边跃跃欲试。 The Qin Shi book thinks, if the Nangong ice takes third, then second definitely is the Taishi ting flower is not, unexpectedly when turns round Taishi ting flower Zhengan standing however under stage, the meaning that a point must go on stage does not have, to make his puzzled question: I said that you have not come up, isn't will want to admit defeat directly?” 秦石本以为,若是南宫冰拿下第三,那么第二肯定是太史葶花莫属,不料回身时太史葶花正安然的站在台下,一点要上场的意思都没有,令他不解的问句:“我说,你还不上去,不会是想要直接认输吧?” hear that, the Nangong ice actually throws to smile to make noise in side: Stone Qin brother, you do not think that this tiger woman is second?” 闻言,南宫冰在旁边却扑哧笑出声来:“石秦兄,你不会以为这虎娘们是第二吧?” Not?” “不是吗?” Naturally is not, she at the preliminary contest, took eighth started To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster, finally competed for the quarter-final time, just went on stage to be killed to the second by a peon, now thinks that picture, I could not have borne smile Ha Ha Nangong ice bursting out laughing [say / way] to say. “当然不是,她在初赛上,拿了第八就开始幸灾乐祸,结果争夺八强赛的时候,刚上场就被一个无名小卒给秒杀了,现在想想那画面,我还忍不住笑呢哈哈”南宫冰捧腹道说。 Shut up!” Taishi ting flower shy being angry said: What do you understand? The elder sister my called quick-wittedly, the night view celestial phenomenon counted on the fingers that guessed correctly this showdown way, therefore intentionally mixed eighth, you understood anything.” “闭嘴!”太史葶花羞涩的嗔道:“你懂什么?姐姐我那叫机智,夜观天象掐指一算,就猜到这个对决方式,所以才故意混个第八,你懂什么啊。” Yes, yes, you are quite quick-witted!” “是,是,你好机智!” Is listening to their dialog, the Qin Shi full heavy line, finally helpless shaking the head, this but actually also good, being insufficient makes him feel embarrassed. 听着两人的对话,秦石不禁满头黑线,最终无奈的摇摇头,这样倒也好,不至于让他为难。 In the Xiaomi Cai dictionary, never understands anything to be called to bear patiently, what fights with her is one is called the man of Chujiang sail, the Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage strength, the contrast ratio Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower also differs not far, the issue is his luck is really poor, bumps into Xiaomi Cai that who is not good to bump into. 小米彩的字典里,从来不懂什么叫做隐忍,和她交手的是一名叫做楚江帆的男子,玄灵境后期的实力,照比南宫冰和太史葶花也相差不远,问题是他的运气实在不怎么好,碰到谁不好偏偏碰上的小米彩 Finally is, he has not gotten rid, only listens to Xiaomi Cai of distant place to roar tenderly: Roars deftly deftly, black ink star disaster!” 结果就是,他尚未出手,就只听远处的小米彩娇吼一声:“麻利麻利哄,墨星天灾!” Just like, azure clouds cover jet to be void, more than ten million stars flick, at once falls like the volume that the meteor shower blots out the sky, kills the Chujiang sail second directly. 俨然,青霄笼罩起墨黑虚空,上千万的繁星一闪一闪,旋即如流星雨般铺天盖地的卷落,直接将楚江帆秒杀。 Short instant, the Mysterious Palace disciple outside arena calls out in alarm terrified: Is black ink star disaster? This is not in the Third Rank Buddhist scriptures pavilion, most tyrannical martial arts?” 短暂的刹那,擂台外的玄殿弟子悚然惊呼:“是墨星天灾?这不是三层藏经阁中,最为强横的武学吗?” Really? Hears this martial arts, needs the huge spiritual power background support, after many Heaven Realm elders practice, has eaten on this shrivelled, she not only practices successfully, can handling skillfully unexpectedly unexpectedly so?” “真是?听说这武学,需要庞大的灵力底蕴支撑,就连许多的天境长老修炼后,都在此上吃了瘪,她非但修炼成功,竟然竟然能这般的运用自如?” The screams continuously, Qin Shi is also feels the throat to give off heat, coughs several, this should be Xiaomi Cai in martial arts that the Buddhist scriptures pavilion found, but he only wants to know now that the beforehand anything deft roars deftly is any meaning. 惊呼声源源不断,秦石也是感觉喉咙发热,不禁干咳几声,这应该就是小米彩在藏经阁找到的武学了,但他现在只想知道,之前的什么麻利麻利哄是什么意思。 Who can tell him, what mnemonics is this? 谁能告诉他,这是哪门子的口诀? ----- ----- Recommends a female frequency league tournament book to everyone / influential family, at present one group of seas choose first, the style is smooth, small shallow by oneself firm, everyone / influential family has free time to read: «presents the child time: Resists to marry trillion husband» 大家推荐一本女频联赛书,目前一组海选第一,文笔流畅,小浅亲身坚定,大家有空可以去读读:《奉子时代:拒嫁亿万老公》 Offers the link: http://mm.520xs.com/book/1036569.html 奉上链接:http://mm.520xs.com/book/1036569.html Synopsis: 简介: Seven years ago, is to save father, she he who gave up most loving, actually does not know that this was only a rich and powerful family back plot \; 七年前,为救老爸,她放弃了最爱的他,却不知这只是一场豪门背后的阴谋\; Seven years later, is to save son, she only wants to cheat his 1/100010000, isn't good? Hum good intention 七年后,为救儿子,她只想骗走他的1,都不行么?呜呜好心塞 Qin Yan: The Su medicine, you think that my Qin Yan was the person who you want to annoy can annoy? 秦衍:苏药,你以为我秦衍是你想惹就能惹的人? The key she also annoys time and time again! Does not pay attention to the chief Sir completely! Asked him to swallow this foul odor? 关键她还惹完一次又一次!完全不把首席大人放在眼里!叫他怎能咽下这口恶气? His deep affection kindness, favors alone loves specially, makes her lead the son, scared shitless running away arrives at the ends of the earth. 他的浓情厚意、独宠专爱,却让她带着儿子,屁滚尿流的逃到天涯海角。 The thousand li(500 km) seeks the father, the small steamed stuffed bun spoke: The father, goes to say to return to the nest mother quickly! 千里寻爹,小包子发话:爹地,快去把妈咪叨回窝!
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