PDL :: Volume #5

#439: Accident breakthrough

I and he are unknown, what gratitude and grudges is more impossible to be possible saying that why can he draw out and strike me intentionally to kill?” In the Qin Shi forehead locks the Sichuan character, how wants not to think clearly. “我和他素不相识,更不可能有什么恩怨可言,那他为何要故意将我引出并击杀呢?”秦石眉宇中锁成川字,怎么想都想不明白。 Starts, he thinks is Hua Ling, but comes to see should now not, otherwise she why is getting rid to rescue itself, isn't this self-contradictory? 开始,他以为是花零,但现在来看应该不会,否则她又何必在出手救下自己,这不是自相矛盾吗? Issue, if not for Hua Ling, what reason but can also be? 问题,若不是花零,还能是什么原因? „, Is because before , have I killed Li Bufan with another two Mysterious Palace elders? Does he ask me to murder those who have cheated them?” Qin Shi ba the mouth , can also be able to convince on this view now. “难道,是因为之前我杀了李不凡和另外两名玄殿的长老?他来找我寻仇?”秦石吧唧吧唧嘴,现在也就这一种说法还能够说得通了。 Also no wonder others, antagonize people like me all over the sky , the person but who also dares to blatantly seek publicity whom really did not have, it seems like recently be careful in Mysterious Palace to wonderfully, otherwise which day to the Yama palace, Yama asked that does not know rode anything to go!” “也怪不得别人,像我这样树敌满天下,还敢招摇过市的人也真是没谁了,看来这些日子在玄殿还是小心为妙,否则哪天到了阎罗殿,阎王爷问起来,都不知道乘坐什么去得!” Heaved a deep sigh, Qin Shi was not intertwining, in regarded the injury in within the body slightly obviously bitterly and astringently, Yu Qing was three days of boundaries, the strength exceptionally tyrannical, moreover was different from the former Hua Ling under Xuan Feng, he moved truly has killed to read, every gesture and motions wanted the Qin Shi life, for this reason made Qin Shi this time five internal organs Ju Lie, the six internal organs high-rising get up, the dantian spirit crystal, has been short of the glory in the past, was overshadowed. 长叹一声,秦石不在纠结,内视体内的伤势稍显苦涩,玉清乃三天之境,力量异常的强横,而且不同于之前在玄峰下的花零,他是真正的动了杀念,一招一式都想要秦石的命,为此令秦石此时的五脏俱裂,六腑兀起,就连丹田的灵晶,都少了往日里的光辉,黯然失色。 Before is still thinking that these seven days make anything, now do not need to be worried actually, hope that can catch up with the big game to be good.” Under being scarred, Qin Shi comforts itself vigorously, at once the timely rain rain and dew does not decide in the revolution of delaying. “之前还在想这七天做点什么,现在倒是不用担心了,希望能够赶上大赛才好。”在伤痕累累下,秦石极力的安抚自己,旋即不在耽搁的运转起甘霖雨露决。 law revolves definitely, the wound of bloodlines endophragm restores, a wisp of wisp of emerald green colored vitality such as the spirit snake is the same, You Ji in whole body more than ten million meridians, such as the spring rain moistens. 法决运转,血脉内壁的伤口率先恢复,一缕一缕翠绿色的生机如灵蛇一样,游继在全身上千万条的经络中,如春雨滋润。 All rivers run into sea, is filled with wisdom. 海纳百川,醍醐灌顶。 Dantian, Sea of Consciousness, two big life gates, under a limpid baptism, reluctant restoration revolution, only spirit crystal on lotus flower stage that in nine spirit vein bloom, before was broken a rough fissure by Yu Qing, for a very long time can not repair. 丹田,识海,两大命门,在一番清澈的洗礼下,勉强的恢复运转,唯独灵晶在九条灵脉绽放的莲花台上,之前被玉清震碎得一条粗犷裂痕,久久不得修复。 Good stubborn illness.” “好一处顽疾。” Mou Zu the vigor, such as Jiang Hong's spirit tide collected to the opening. 牟足了劲,如江洪的灵潮汇向裂口。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Unexpectedly at this time, a clear cracking from the chest cavity reverberation, making the Qin Shi facial expression concentrate slightly chaotically, suddenly one startled: „Is this breakthrough sign?” 不料这时,一声清脆的破裂声自胸腔回荡,令秦石的神情稍微凝乱,猛然一惊:“这是突破的迹象?” Just thought of this, happy expression it goes without saying fainted in the Qin Shi face: Really is the day helps me, Yu Qing cannot expect absolutely, as soon as he strikes, not only cannot kill me, instead also outsmarted oneself , helping me to turn on the Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage shackles?” 刚想到这,喜色不言而喻的在秦石脸庞晕开:“真是天助我也,玉清万万也料不到,他一击非但没能杀了我,反而还弄巧成拙,助我打开了玄灵境后期的桎梏吧?” This penetrates the good news that comes, making the beforehand all haze vanish into thin air, but Qin Shi not blind made breakthrough, but lowered the head to ponder a meeting, wants to capture this shackles depending on his present spiritual power to be unlikely obviously, then must draw support from the external force. 这突入而来的喜讯,令之前所有的阴霾都烟消云散,但秦石并未盲目的去做突破,而是低下头沉思一会,凭他现在的灵力想要攻下这个桎梏显然是不太可能,那么就必须要借助外力。 The sleeve robe in a flash, bright red compounded drug falls on the palm, rising miracle cure that beforehand Hua Ling leaves behind. 袖袍一晃,一枚剔透的赤色丹药落在掌心,正是之前花零留下的升灵丹。 Really is on skillful adds skillfully, it seems like I think that breakthrough is not good.” “真是巧上加巧,看来我想不突破都不行了啊。” Qin Shi felt that night resembles heaven to help his breakthrough intentionally, but this process a little endures hardships, lowered the head is looking at the palm rises miracle cure light nan one: Can breakthrough, all visit you.” 秦石感觉,这一夜就好像老天故意在助他突破,只不过这个过程有点遭罪而已,低下头望着掌心的升灵丹轻喃一声:“能不能突破,就全看你了啊。” Rumble!” “咕噜!” Swallows a liter miracle cure, Qin Shi on the place knee that palm spreads out, calm sitting sits in the spirit stones lotus flower, is feeling the property that faints in within the body. 吞下升灵丹,秦石将掌心摊开的放在膝盖上,沉稳的坐在灵石莲花坐上,感受着在体内晕开的药性。 Bang! 轰! This liter miracle cure, the fearfulness of contrast ratio Qin Shi imagination, just sank to the abdominal cavity, then the melting is dozens red spiritual power pythons, not having the methodicalness may the word pours into toward nine spirit vein. 这升灵丹,照比秦石想象的可怕,刚刚沉入腹腔,便融化为数十条赤色的灵力巨蟒,毫无章法可言的朝九条灵脉灌入。 Walks randomly, making the flesh of Qin Shi change into the light red, criticizes one that the brow wrinkled: Drinks, good fierce property!” 游走中,令秦石的肌肤化为淡红色,眉头不由皱紧的暗骂一声:“喝,好凶猛的药性!” Rises the miracle cure, is directs for the medicine by dozens taste five Pin Lingcao, in addition three extremely rare six Pin Lingcao refines, the difficulty is far from the average man may think, even if six peak Alchemist, has not grasped to build up, but drug efficacy non- Hua Ling said general, anything moistens the bloodlines, consolidated dantian, but is Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, broken when spirit ascends to heaven the treasure of using. 升灵丹,乃是由数十味五品灵草为药引,加上三种极为罕见的六品灵草所炼制,其中难度远非常人可想,就算是六品巅峰炼药师,都没有把握能够炼成,而药效更非花零所说一般,什么滋润血脉,巩固丹田,而是玄灵境后期,破灵升天时才会用到的宝贝。 Just, these Qin Shi do not know. 只不过,这些秦石不知道罢了。 Naturally, if was known by the bystander, is used for breakthrough Heaven Realm, rises the miracle cure by six that the common people snatch insanely, was brought breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage by Qin Shi unexpectedly, perhaps will be irritated while still alive? 当然,如果被外人得知,一枚用来突破天境,被世人疯抢的六品升灵丹,竟被秦石拿来突破玄灵境后期,恐怕会被活活气死吧? Is really not to know how to use things sparingly. 实属暴殄天物 The stubborn uninhibited property, looks like on the prairie of length and breadth, the wild horses of several thousand galloping, are trampling Qin Shi each inch sense organ, making his ache hard to endure. 桀骜不羁的药性,就像是广袤的草原上,数万只奔腾的野马,践踏着秦石的每一寸感官,令他疼痛难忍。 Is good because, these years disciplining, making his will already indestructible, really what this pain could not be regarded to him, a more painful profound spirit Holy Bible he can insist, moreover these? 好在,这些年的磨练,让他的毅力早已坚不可摧,这点痛苦对他来讲真算不得什么,更痛苦的玄灵圣经他都能够坚持下来,况且这些? The long-time precipitation, many properties gather finally to the abdominal cavity dantian, launches on the lotus flower flower petal that to flow into the spirit crystal from nine spirit vein, unceasing impact on shackles final position. 长久的沉淀,诸多药性终于汇聚向腹腔丹田,从九条灵脉展开的莲花花瓣上流淌入灵晶之中,不断的冲击向桎梏最后的位置。 With it simultaneously. 与其同时。 In elder pavilion of Mysterious Palace by North Point, Yu Qing pain covers the chest to make great strides forward the main hall, partly kneels on the ground makes an effort to cough several extravasated blood, just now feels better. 玄殿靠北角的长老阁,玉清痛苦的捂着胸口迈进大殿,半跪在地上使劲干咳出几口淤血,方才好受一些。 In the main hall, a frail form sits, if Qin Shi will decide in this however will recognize him to come, not just will be country teacher's son's Xue Bin. 大殿上,一名单薄的身影坐在其中,若是秦石在此定然会认出他来,不正是国师之子的薛斌吗。 The Xue Bin clean big hand in a disorderly way is rapping the tabletop, sees Yu Qing distressed entry to be cloudy, cold pupil one presently: Was defeated?” 薛斌干净的大手有规律的敲击着桌面,见玉清狼狈的进入不禁阴沉下来,寒眸一现:“失败了?” Um, finally Hua Ling gets rid suddenly, that boy rescuing.” “嗯,最后花零突然出手,把那小子给救走了。” Hua Ling?” Xue Bin knit the brows: Did not say that Hua Ling hates him to hate to the marrow of the bones, how to get rid to save him suddenly?” 花零?”薛斌皱了皱眉道:“不是说,花零恨他恨之入骨,怎么会突然间出手救他?” Yu Qing shakes the head: Does not know that the Hua Ling temperament, who can say, these 30 years she thinks that the wind is the rain, because if not for she gets rid, boy on already underground spring!” 玉清摇摇头:“不知道,花零的脾气,谁能说得准,这30年她想风就是雨,若不是因为她出手,那小子早就上黄泉了!” Lowered the head alone ponders a meeting, Xue Bin eyes keep spinning, purse the lips saying: Has this lesson, if this Shi Qinzai had an accident, Hua Ling definitely will suspect that your body, it seems like wanted to solve him before the game first is impossible, has to wait till at the big game I to begin personally.” 低下头独自沉思一会,薛斌的眼睛不停打转,抿嘴道:“有这次的教训,如果这石秦再出事,花零肯定会怀疑到你的身上,看来想要在赛前先解决他是不可能了,只好等到大赛上我亲自动手了。” Young Master, my some do not understand.” Yu Qing has congealed with rapt attention, asked: Seven people, if said that Xiaomi Cai, or Yan Feng, Qiu Diao, the people of these three Heaven Realm made you dread, I poured can also understand, but why did you so regard as important to this stone Qin? He Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage.” 公子,我有些不懂。”玉清凝了凝神,问道:“一段的七个人,若是说那个小米彩,或是闫峰,邱雕,这三名天境之人令你忌惮,我倒也能理解,但为何你偏偏对这个石秦这般看重?他不过才玄灵境中期啊。” Your Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage time, can in measuring the tope achieves one?” “你玄灵境中期的时候,能在测灵塔上达到一段吗?” Asked back that Yu Qing being startled is in-situ. 一句反问,玉清不禁的怔愣在原地。 Engages in introspection, when his Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, but also cannot achieve the Qin Shi position. 扪心自问,他玄灵境中期时,还真达不到秦石的位置。 Other six people said booing that is only he, gives my feeling not to be different, why does not know, on his body, can always make me feel one not good premonition.” Xue Bin nail rap on tabletop, in nonchalant spiritual power reveals, the wooden table pierces a hole on. “其他六人倒好说,唯独他,给我的感觉不一样,不知道为什么,在他的身上,总能让我感觉到一种不好的预感。”薛斌指甲敲击在桌面上,在不经意的灵力流露中,将木桌上刺穿一个窟窿。 Yu Qing reveals the color of accident, he really cannot think through, even if Qin Shi achieves one, most is also Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage jumping the beams clown, why will make to be country teacher's son's Xue Bin so dreaded. 玉清露出意外之色,他实在想不通,就算秦石达到一段,最多也就是一个玄灵境中期的跳梁小丑,为何会令身为国师之子的薛斌这般忌惮。 Ok, no matter, these time gives up any idea to block me, now the first emperor has harnessed west the crane, although Queen Xiao Chong news blackout, but most can also maintain half a month time, Hua Ling this person of accident is too big, therefore cannot take advantage of her, I must in half a month, the strength control of East District in the hand, in order to avoid East District presents the riot.” “算了,不管是谁,这一次都休想拦我,如今先帝已驾鹤西去,尽管肖宠皇后将消息封锁,但最多还能维持半个月的时间,花零这人变故太大,所以不能依仗着她,我必须在半个月内,将东方区域的实力掌控在手,以免东方区域出现暴乱。” Xue Bin said the sentence low and deep, at once stern many [say / way]: Was right, now other three wide ranges, grasp how?” 薛斌低沉的说句,旋即正色不少的道:“对了,其余三大区域,现在掌握的怎么样了?” hear that, Yu Qing dignified many [say / way]: „The southwest two wide ranges nearly have been controlling, the news that so long as first emperor gone travels, that two big will influence jump the support side to weigh the imperial prince immediately, North District is a little troublesome.” 闻言,玉清凝重不少道:“西南两大区域已经近在掌控,只要先帝已去的消息传开,那面的两大势力马上会跳出来支持方衡皇子,北方区域有一点麻烦。” How?” “怎么了?” Is the previous time, that Qin sect who called Qin Shi to create, in unusual quick and violent that North District rose, Burning Sky Sect soon could not suppress recently.” Yu Qing awkward answered. “就是上一次,那个叫秦石创造的秦宗,最近在北方区域崛起的异常迅猛,焚天宗已经快要压制不住了。”玉清为难的解释道。 Finds out the situation, Xue Bin indifferent nod: All right, first handles the East District matter, North District is in four wide ranges the most barren region, does not need to place at heart, momentarily can draw.” 了解情况,薛斌漠然的点点头:“没事,先把东方区域的事情处理好,北方区域是四大区域中最为贫瘠的区域,不需要放在心里,随时都可以收拢。” Moreover, must pay attention to the expression outside surely, cannot expose your status.” Xue Bin flicks the sleeve sets out, clashes Yu Qing to urge one once again. “另外,在外定要注意言词,不可暴露了你的身份。”薛斌拂袖起身,再度冲玉清叮嘱一句。 Yes!” “是!” Yu Qing respect complies with one. 玉清尊敬的答应一声。 All confession are appropriate, the Xue Bin facial features of outstanding ability become fierce, raises wipes the strange evil to smile, at once keeps silent changes into a remnant shade, dissipates from the main hall. 一切交代妥当,薛斌俊逸的面容变得狰狞,升起一抹诡异的邪笑,旋即不言不语的化为道道残影,自大殿消散。 Nighttime sky. 夜空兮兮。 A being doomed sleepless night. 一场注定的不眠之夜。 In place that the Mysterious Palace disciple studies, in a side building stone chamber. 玄殿弟子修习的地方,一处厢房内部的石室里。 Binds the youth of black robe to sit cross-legged in the lotus flower place that the rock builds, the five fingers spread out, pinch the mysterious hand imprint to make up on the knee. 一名裹着黑袍的少年盘膝在岩石打造的莲花座上,五指摊开,捏成玄奥的手印搭放在膝盖上。 Under black robe often moves fast the powdery miraculous glow, youth chest orderly fluctuating, made to sneak into within the body following the oral cavity that the miraculous glow was and out, appeared quite mysterious. 黑袍下不时的飘忽出粉末状的灵光,少年胸口有规律的起伏,令灵光忽隐忽现的顺着口腔窜入体内,显得颇为神奇。 Bang! 轰! Indifferently, black robe calm from dance, since rolls up and pushes along the howling sound that makes noise cool and refreshingly, the flesh of Qin Shi whole body passes slightly red, suddenly opens the profound black pupil, such as the black leopard of fixed game bone-chilling cold punctures. 漠然中,黑袍无风自舞,卷动起泠泠作响的呼啸声,秦石全身的肌肤略微透红,蓦然间睁开深邃的黑眸,如锁定猎物的黑豹般凛冽刺出。 Next instant, stone chamber fierce trembled trembling, primitive spiritual power of suppression, must the big dragon of flying toward puncture likely in all directions. 下一霎,石室狂烈的颤了颤,一股压制不住的原始灵力,像是要飞度的巨龙般朝四面八方刺开。 Stands up from the lotus flower place, the Qin Shi whole person disclosed the extraordinary makings: Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, can breakthrough before the big game, this be possible to really be the huge good news.” 从莲花座上站起身,秦石整个人透露出非凡的气质:“玄灵境后期,能在大赛前突破,这可真是天大的喜讯啊。” Now bumps into seizes the Heaven Realm First Rank big energy ordinary, he also has the confidence with its war, wiped not to say self-confidence that such as the spray flood bloomed. 现在就算碰到普通夺天境一层的大能,他也有信心与其一战,一抹说不上的自信如浪花泛开。 Bang! 砰! At this time, the stone chamber evagination however heard the fierce collision sound, made knitting the brows of Qin Shi vigilance, at once then Shu launches revealed the forced smile. 在这时,石室外突然传来剧烈的碰撞声,令秦石警觉的皱了皱眉,旋即便舒展开的不由露出苦笑。 You who? You, you how in this?” “你谁啊?还有你,你怎么在这呢?” Hurries to give me to make way, which does my father he injure to? You do not make way, I told you me to begin!” “赶紧给我让开,我爹爹他伤到哪啦?你们再不让开,我告诉你们我动手了啊!” Does not leave Shimen, the sound that Naha said that who Qin Shi knows the future, the enhanced dust shoved open the door of stone chamber to tread, Xiao Qing awoke, with Qiu Diaoshou in the entrance of stone chamber, with Xiaomi Cai at daggers drawn. 不出石门,那霸道的声音,秦石就知道来者何人,扬尘推开石室的房门踏出,小青已经醒了,和邱雕守在石室的门口,和小米彩剑拔弩张。 Father!” “爹爹!” Sees Qin Shi, Xiaomi Cai one happily, at once cannot attend to their falling down Qin Shi bosom: „Were you injured? Is you who who does tell me, I butchered his bastard!” 看见秦石,小米彩一喜,旋即顾不上两人的扑倒秦石怀里:“你怎么受伤了?是谁干的你告诉我,我宰了他个王八蛋!” Has stroked the seven colors of the spectrum black hair of Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi helpless saying with a smile: All right, you? Had to find appropriate martial arts in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion?” 拂过小米彩的七色青丝,秦石无奈的笑道:“没事,你呢?在藏经阁有找到合适的武学吗?” After is the small girl of having little experience of the world, raises martial arts, after Xiaomi Cai forgets the brain the Qin Shi injury, is pleased with oneself saying: Did not tell you, waited to start you knew!” 毕竟是个涉世未深的小丫头,一提武学,小米彩就把秦石的伤势忘到脑后,沾沾自喜道:“不告诉你,等开赛的时候你就知道了!” Smiles superficially, looks at the appearance that smiles to blossom, Qin Shi knows that Xiaomi Cai definitely had found liking martial arts, later also chatted with Xiaomi Cai several, the latter gawked in the spoken language: Father, you 浅淡一笑,看着笑开花的模样,秦石就知道小米彩肯定是找到了喜欢的武学,之后又和小米彩闲扯几句,在言语中后者不由一愣:“爹爹,你” How?” “怎么了?” Cannot say, but I always felt, where before you resemble, different?” Xiaomi Cai bites the silver tooth to ask one. “说不上,但我总感觉,你好像哪里和之前不同了呢?”小米彩咬着银牙请问一句。 Qin Shi smiles not to speak, has not made the response. 秦石笑而不语,没做回应。 In them interrupted, Xiao Qing shy going forward said: Before, thank you.” 在两人间断中,小青羞涩的上前道:“之前,谢谢你。” Has gawked staring, Qin Shi knows what she said is black-clothed person, actually this matter and Xiao Qing have not much to do with, otherwise she is a victim, the black-clothed person point itself to direct Qin Shi leaves the hole, the person who therefore should apologize truly is he is right. 不由愣了愣,秦石知道她说的是黑衣人,其实这事和小青没有太大关系,反之她还是受害者,黑衣人的目地本身就是为了引秦石出洞,所以真正应该道歉的人是他才对。 But concerned about the face of man, hits that naturally cannot acknowledge Ha Ha saying: Polite anything, we were not the friend.” 但碍于男人的面子,自然不会承认的打了个哈哈道:“客气什么,咱们不都是朋友了吗。”
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