PDL :: Volume #5

#438: Two night assaults

Is he?” “是他?” Stares at black-clothed person, Qin Shi is doing slightly puzzled: How can be he? I and he should not have occurring together is right.” 盯着黑衣人,秦石稍作不解:“怎么会是他?我和他应该没有过交集才对啊。” The night assault, this point Qin Shi is not accidental, after all now places the Mysterious Palace hostile camp, Hua Ling, Beidou, Yan Feng, people, anybody has to the reason that he gets rid, but only front the black-clothed person, making him feel puzzled. 夜袭,这一点秦石并不意外,毕竟现在身处玄殿敌营,花零,北斗,闫峰,一众人,任何人都有对他出手的理由,但唯独面前的这个黑衣人,让他感到不解。 Not only Qin Shi, is not strange to this person of Xiao Qing, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight question: He in your room stealthy what makes?” 不光秦石,对此人小青也并不陌生,黛眉蹙紧的问句:“他在你房间里鬼鬼祟祟的做什么?” You asked me, I asked that who went? Do not make noise in this, I look in the past.” Qin Shi considers, takes out Soul Sealing Tourmaline, hides away the nihility spiritual power, dives toward black-clothed person. “你问我,我问谁去?你在这别出声,我过去瞧一瞧。”秦石斟酌一番,一把将封魂碧玺取出,将灵力隐遁到虚无,朝黑衣人潜去。 Unexpectedly, black-clothed person fainting from fear is extremely high, Qin Shi just the near body hundred meters, he suddenly turned round, the flame yellow sharp claws are similar to the pliers are together same, fierce punctures toward Qin Shi. 不料,黑衣人的惊觉性极高,秦石刚刚近身百米,他猛然回身,一道炎黄色的利爪如同钳子一样,凶猛的朝秦石刺下。 Bang! 砰! Is sideways with rapt attention, Qin Shi rapid launches Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, after unarmed keeps off the next, withdrawing several steps the sharp claws. 凝神侧身,秦石迅速将星陨霸体决展开,徒手将利爪挡下后不禁退后数步。 black-clothed person reprimanded: What person? To sneak attack me?” 黑衣人斥道:“什么人?想偷袭我?” Drinks, can you really be evil person complain first?” Qin Shi lowers the arm, the golden scales on arm is torn to pieces three blood-stained mouths, making him knit the brows. “喝,你可真是恶人先告状啊?”秦石放低臂膀,臂膀上的金色鳞甲被撕破三道血口,令他皱了皱眉。 Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique since achieves Third Rank, defends degree it goes without saying, even if common Heaven Realm, impossible optional broken guards, for this reason lets his vigilance several points: It seems like, looked down on him actually!” 星陨霸体决自从达到三层,防御程度不言而喻,即便是寻常天境,也不可能随意的破防,为此让他警觉几分:“看来,倒是小瞧他了!” Stone big brother Qin?” “石秦大哥?” Sees clearly the Qin Shi facial features, a mood 360 degrees big transformation of black-clothed person, reveals happy expression joyfully. 看清秦石的面容,黑衣人的情绪360度大转变,露出欣然的喜色。 Um?” Qin Shi is startled knitting the brows, black-clothed person looks at his look, clearly treats the look of long separation old friend, but recalls earnestly, Qin Shi can affirm that he and this person, before Mysterious Palace, decides at present however has not seen. “嗯?”秦石怔愣的皱了皱眉,黑衣人看他的眼神,分明是对待久别故友的眼神,但认真回想一番,秦石敢肯定,他和眼前这人,在来玄殿之前,定然是没有见过。 „Do you know me?” “你认识我?” Um, the big brother should not see me, but I worship to the big brother for a long time, if not the big brother, my family already degenerated into the ruins!” black-clothed person excited saying. “嗯,大哥应该没见过我,但我可是对大哥崇拜已久,如果不是大哥的话,我的家族早就沦为废墟了!”黑衣人激动的说道。 The look however, Qin Shi has a head wet from the fog bright. 神色焕然,秦石满头雾水。 I said like this that the big brother is not possibly clear, but I want to take a look at this you to understand.” “我这样说,大哥可能不明白,但我想瞧瞧这个你就会明白了。” The word, even if black-clothed person within the body the sepia light, in coverage of light, on the flesh of black-clothed person multiplies the soft feather at once, a pair about over two meters wings launch in behind. 言罢,黑衣人体内纵然起棕褐色的光影,旋即在光影的覆盖中,黑衣人的肌肤上滋生起松软的羽毛,一对约有两米以上的翅膀在背后展开。 „Aren't you a human?” “你不是人?” Indifferently, Qin Shi talked over gently: Qiu Diao, Qiu Diao, vulture carves the character to elongate, the train of thought opens greatly, he does not endure the startled [say / way]: „Are you quiet clan?” 漠然,秦石轻轻念叨:“邱雕,邱雕,雕”雕字拉长,思绪大开,他不忍惊道:“你是幽族?” „Did big brother think?” “大哥想起来了?” Right, before black-clothed person, measured Qiu Diao who is listed third spirit. 没错,黑衣人正是之前测灵排名第三的邱雕。 The wing wins over, Qiu Diao shows the smiling face of outstanding ability, at once lowered the head to see the three blood-stained mouths on Qin Shi arm to be awkward: Before did not know is the big brother, has affronted you, toward at heart do not enter.” 羽翼收揽,邱雕露出俊逸的笑容,旋即低下头看见秦石臂膀上的三道血口不由尴尬:“之前不知是大哥,冒犯了您,您可别往心里进啊。” „It is not important.” The shaking down head of Qin Shi not to accept as correct, is full of the questionable point at heart question: „Will you come Mysterious Palace? Aren't the people of quiet clan cannot leave the desolated jungle?” “不打紧。”秦石不以为然的摇下头,心里充满疑点的问句:“你怎么会来玄殿?幽族之人不是不能离开荒芜丛林吗?” Yeah, is a long story.” Qiu Diao reveals the helpless forced smile, said: A short time ago, the sunlight head of the clan entered the desolated jungle in the population to hear from the outside, said that the big brother offended Mysterious Palace, for this reason she worries about, for fear that the big brother will have the danger, then did not pay attention while fellow head of the clan, sent out the desolated jungle me, making me assist the big brother.” “哎,说来话长。”邱雕露出无奈的苦笑,道:“前不久,曦儿族长从外界进入荒芜丛林的人口中听闻,说大哥得罪了玄殿,为此她担忧不已,生怕大哥会有危险,便趁着各位族长不注意,把我送出荒芜丛林,让我辅佐大哥。” hears that sound, in Qin Shi heart one warm. 闻声,秦石心中不由一暖。 This small girl.” Is moved, a Qin Shi look revolution, question: Your cultivation is “这小丫头。”感动一番,秦石眼神一转,问句:“那你的修为” Here, he stopped, this inquired rashly obviously was not good, but in his memory, the quiet clan six big head of the clan died along with the blue vulture, should not have existence of Heaven Realm, but this Qiu Diao what's the matter? 说到这,他不由停顿,这样冒然询问显然不好,但在他的记忆中,幽族六大族长都随青雕陨落,应该不会有天境的存在啊,可这邱雕又是怎么回事? Qiu Diao is very intelligent, opens the mouth saying: Is the Holy Ghost flower, the big brother the Holy Ghost flower that brings back to from Tianchi, including my quiet clan two generations of head of the clan Long saying that thousand years spiritual power, helped the sunlight head of the clan to pass twice Lei Jie, makes my quiet clan rapid restoration vitality, now in the clan is counted me, had six Heaven Realm First Rank.” 邱雕很聪慧,开口道:“是圣灵花,大哥从天池带回的圣灵花,其中有我幽族二代族长龙云千年的灵力,不禁助曦儿族长度过两次雷劫,更是令我幽族迅速的恢复元气,如今族中算上我,已经有六名天境一层。” Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, if so, pours truly can convince. 秦石恍然大悟,如果是这样的话,倒确实能说得通。 The Holy Ghost flower has to contend with the attraction, directs the wondrous use of world essence, but the soul that quiet clan two generations of head of the clan Long said shook several thousand years of scene in the Tianchi downstream, the world essence that precipitated, only thinks that the feeling was fearful. 圣灵花有抗衡引力,引天地精气之妙用,而幽族二代族长龙云的亡灵在天池下游晃数千年光景,其中沉淀下来的天地精气,光是想一想,就感觉可怕。 No matter what, seeing the big brother to be safe and sound, my this heart has also put down, what will the big brother have to plan in the future?” Qiu Diaozhui question. “不管怎么说,看见大哥安然无恙,我这心也就算是放下了,大哥往后有什么打算?”邱雕追问句 Qin Shi said: First wins this honor big game.” 秦石道:“先赢下这场荣誉大赛吧。” Um, good, I with all might and main assist certainly the big brother.” Qiu Diao manner is frank, not artificial response, intentional pulling down sound said at once: Was right, after waiting to finish, the big brother do not forget in sunlight head of the clan that helped the little brother much my fine talk several.” “嗯,那好,我一定竭尽全力的辅佐大哥。”邱雕为人爽朗,毫不矫情的回应一声,旋即又故意的压低声音道:“对了,等结束以后,大哥可别忘了在曦儿族长那,多多帮小弟我美言几句啊。” Shot a look at one, in the Qiu Diao bone-chilling cold hawk at present, wipes rich love it goes without saying. 瞥了一眼,在邱雕凛冽的鹰眼下,一抹浓郁的爱意不言而喻 Suddenly, the Qin Shi generous laughter, thought that sunlight are many this year greatly, now this group of young people, are really precocious, precocious. 恍然,秦石慷慨的笑声,心想曦儿今年才多大点啊,现在这帮年轻人,真是早熟啊,早熟。 Back then 想当年 Just about to thinks that Qin Shi was embarrassed has been thinking, back then his probably might as well Qiu Diao, several years old became the expert of shuttle in brothel. 刚要想,秦石就不好意思在想了,想当年他好像还不如邱雕呢,十几岁就成为了穿梭在花街柳巷的老手。 Yeah, regrets past mistakes. 哎,悔不当初啊。 „!!!” “呀!!!” When here for the sentiment for bustling that to like chatting, side the side building corner, transmits a scream suddenly. 这边正为情为爱而畅聊的热火朝天时,厢房侧面的拐角处,突然间传来一声尖叫。 Xiao Qing?” Is patronizing and Qiu Diao talks about old days, Qin Shi early forgets the Xiao Qing matter after the brain, hears the grating squeal to make in his heart one tight, steps two steps void suddenly, leaps rear area. 小青?”光顾着和邱雕叙旧,秦石早把小青的事忘在脑后,听闻刺耳的尖叫声令他心中一紧,猛然踏上两步虚空,跃到后方。 A black clothing, is scattering in the place. 一席青衣,正散落在地。 Xiao Qing from the nape of the neck was stonkered, painful lying down on the ground, anger but to rushing sends the crown, the Qin Shi angry glare outside the stars new moon night toward clouds searches. 小青被人从脖颈击昏,痛苦的躺在地上,怒火不由而至的冲上发冠,秦石怒目的朝云霄外的繁星朔夜探去。 ! 咻! The nighttime sky was punctured by the miserable cold wind together, cool and refreshingly a black clothed makes noise flees toward the distant place. 夜空被一道凄凉的冷风刺破,一身黑衣泠泠作响的朝远处遁逃。 Dense narrows the cold pupil, Qin Shi reprimands: Drinks, this evening may suffice really lively.” 森然的眯起寒眸,秦石斥道:“喝,这一晚上可真够热闹的啊。” Turns round to pat Qiu Diao: Helps me take care of her.” 回身拍下邱雕:“帮我照顾好她。” Spoke, does not wait for Qiu Diao to respond, Qin Shi empty shakes several points like the ghosts and demons, then goes toward the shadow pursuit along the new moon night. 说完话,不等邱雕回应,秦石如鬼魅般虚晃几分,沿着朔夜便朝黑影追击而去。 Tandem, leaps over ten thousand meters. 一前一后,跃出上万米。 In Xuan Feng's halfway up the mountainside, falling that the shadow stop in the quiet forest. 在玄峰的半山腰,黑影才停稳的落在幽林。 Who are you?” Qin Shi pursues tightly, but. “你是谁?”秦石紧追而至。 The black clothed turns round, pushes down to obstruct the surface bamboo hat, reveals a withered shamelessness, making the Qin Shi moral nature sink: „Is the Yu Qing elder, you?” 黑衣回身,推下遮面的斗笠,露出一张干枯的老脸,令秦石心底一沉:“玉清长老,是你?” He he, the kid, is in Mysterious Palace, the enemy is everyone does not know that dares to pursue like this rashly?” Yu Qing crosses the hands behind the back to smile. “呵呵,小家伙,身在玄殿,连敌人是谁都不知,就敢这样冒然追来?”玉清负手而笑。 Qin Shi said with rapt attention: Has injured my friend, no matter who I must pursue!” 秦石凝神道:“伤了我朋友,不管是谁我都要追!” Oh? Yu Qing quite accidental chuckle: Really is the same like the hearsay, a fellow of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, since you pursued, do not go back.” 哦?”玉清颇为意外的轻笑:“果然如传闻一样,一个不知天高地厚的家伙,那既然你都追来了,就别回去了。” hears that sound, a chill in the air faints in atrium, the Qin Shi tiger body lightly trembles. 闻声,一阵寒意在心房晕开,秦石的虎躯不禁轻颤。 He can feel that this Yu Qing elder is not chatting absolutely, but wants to kill him, if the eternal truth Nangong ice said that this Yu Qing elder is three days of boundaries, decides depending on present him however is not the match, for this reason subconscious after moved out of the way half step. 他能感觉到,这玉清长老绝对不是在说笑,而是真的想要杀他,若真如南宫冰所言,这玉清长老已是三天之境,凭现在的他定然不是对手,为此潜意识的朝后挪开半步。 But the issue is, why does he want to kill itself? 但问题是,他为何要杀自己? An idea emits, Qin Shi exclaimed: Is Hua Ling makes you come?” 一个想法冒出,秦石吼道:“是花零让你来得?” He he, these, are not you should ask.” “呵呵,那些,不是你该问得。” The Yu Qing look changes, at once is dry the old hand enhanced dust to search, takes Qin Shi to frame as a center of circle hundred meters space with a crash, making the latter move cannot move is in-situ. 玉清神色微变,旋即枯老的手扬尘探起,以秦石为圆心百米的空间砰然定格,令后者一动不能动的愣在原地。 The moral nature sinks: Very strong!” 心底一沉:“好强!” Yu Qing to Qin Shi one type, the terrifying that cannot be moved, this terrifying only then on the body of Hua Ling, makes him feel to have been. 玉清给秦石一种,不可触碰的恐怖,这种恐怖只有在花零的身上,才让他感觉到过。 Death!” “死吧!” Yu Qing does not make the idle talk, dry hand then void grasps to Qin Shi. 玉清不作废话,枯手冲着秦石便虚空握下。 Puff a black blood, following the oral cavity blowout, the pupil of Qin Shi pain gives a tongue-lashing to crack, on the flesh 80.11 million pores also explode. 噗一口黑血,顺着口腔喷出,秦石痛苦的眸呲欲裂,肌肤上80110000毛孔同时爆裂。 Damn, can die in this?” “该死,要死在这了么?” Knees down, whinning of Qin Shi pain, space all around compresses unceasingly, making the five internal organs of his within the body disrupt all, even including the dantian spirit crystal, under the gigantic pressure, produced together opening with amazement. 跪倒在地,秦石痛苦的哀嚎,周遭的空间不断压缩,令他体内的五脏尽数碎裂,甚至连丹田的灵晶,在硕大的压力下,都产生一道骇然的裂口。 Bang! 轰! At a crucial moment, the silver light cuts to fall from the highest heaven together, at once only listens to galloping to be thunderous, surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5km) earth baseless hollow next several hundred meters depth. 千钧一发,一道银光自九霄斩落,旋即只听奔腾雷鸣,方圆万里的大地凭空凹陷下数百米深。 In instant, will seal up the Qin Shi space that the silver light falls to cut off, makes the Qin Shi retrieval freedom, breathing heavily in gulps two thick air/Qi, Yang Muyang goes. 在银光落下的刹那,将封闭秦石的空间斩断,令秦石重获自由,大口大口的喘上两口粗气,仰目扬去。 A bright red long skirt, clothes sleeve is floating. 一席朱红长裙,衣袂飘飘。 If the 3000 white hair of snow, map under the bright moonlight, making the person heartstrings go through many places. 如雪的3000白发,映射在皎洁的月光下,令人心弦辗转。 Palace host?” “殿主?” Under the silver light, the body of Yu Qing senile trembles several points, frightened it goes without saying in opacitas eye pupil, hurrying bow lower part of the body. 在银光下,玉清老态的身躯哆嗦几分,浑浊眼眸中的恐惧不言而喻,赶忙躬下身去。 Who asked you to get rid to him?” The Hua Ling [say / way] said indifferently. “谁叫你对他出手得?”花零漠然道说。 I “我” Bang! 砰! Does not wait for Yu Qing to open the mouth, strikes to depart on kilometer far it directly, Hua Ling cold Dao: No matter your motive is anything, if has again the next time, death!” 不等玉清开口,直接将其击飞出上千米远,花零冷道:“不管你的动机是什么,如果再有下一次,死!” Yes!” Yu Qing told the blood, crawled to set out to kneel on the ground. “是!”玉清吐口血,爬起身就跪在地上。 Go away!” Hua Ling reprimanded. “滚!”花零斥道。 Obtains the instruction, tumbles, Yu Qing does not return runs away toward the distant place. 得到指令,真的是连滚带爬,玉清头都不回的就朝远方逃遁。 The entire process, Qin Shi is disturbed and vertical in side, looks to the Hua Ling pupil heart place is somewhat strange, strikes to fly three days of boundaries, made the strength of ten thousand li (0.5km) avalanche instantaneously, before the contrast ratio, under Xuan Feng, but also wanted terrifying hundred times of thousand times, before that i.e., under Xuan Feng, Hua Ling hasn't done utmost? 整个过程,秦石在旁边忐忑而立,望向花零的眸心处有些怪异,一击击飞三天之境,瞬间令万里崩塌的力量,照比之前在玄峰之下,还要恐怖百倍千倍,那就是说之前在玄峰下,花零根本就没有竭尽全力? What concept is this? 这是什么概念? Hua Ling has turned round, the footsteps advance to Qin Shi, high and low sweeping measures, this time Qin Shi is in an extremely difficult situation, making her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed. 花零回过身,玉步迈向秦石,上下扫量一番,此时的秦石狼狈不堪,令她的黛眉不禁蹙起。 At once her skilled artist, takes out bright red compounded drug, gives Qin Shi: This rises the miracle cure, has nutritious spirit vein, the consolidated dantian has wonderfully.” 旋即她妙手一番,将一枚剔透的赤色丹药取出,递给秦石:“这是升灵丹,有滋补灵脉,巩固丹田之妙有。” Stares is rising the miracle cure, Qin Shi hesitates. 盯着升灵丹,秦石不由迟疑。 Do not think that I do not want to be said by the bystander, my Hua Ling does not observe the agreement, in seven days can be restored to health as for you, visited you.” Spoke, Hua Ling puts down a liter miracle cure, raises the handsome scarlet clothes against the wind. “别多想,我只是不想被外人说,我花零不遵守约定,至于你七天内能不能康复,就看你自己了。”说完话,花零放下升灵丹,扬起翩翩的赤衣就迎风而起。 Has gotten back one's composure, Hua Ling already vanished does not see, the rising miracle cure that if not for in the hand has clearly, Qin Shi will even suspect that was just the dream. 回过神,花零早已消失不见,若不是手中真切存在的升灵丹,秦石甚至会怀疑,刚刚是不是梦。 Really is a strange woman!” “真是个奇怪的女人!” Covers the chest huh, Qin Shi is dragging along the distressed body to return to the side building. 捂着胸口哼哧一声,秦石拖着狼狈的身躯回到厢房。 In the side building, Qiu Diao is looking after Xiao Qing, after seeing Qin Shi, suddenly one startled, gets angry: Big brother, was who injures you?” 厢房里,邱雕正在照顾小青,看见秦石后猛然一惊,怒道:“大哥,是谁伤了你?” All right.” Shaking the head of weakness, Qin Shi looks at Xiao Qing on bed, under intensive care that Qiu carves, the Xiao Qing vitality restored, so long as is recuperating, should on unobstructive. “没事。”乏力的摇摇头,秦石瞄一眼床榻上的小青,在邱雕的精心照料下,小青的气血已经恢复,只要在休养一阵,应该就无碍了。 In Mysterious Palace each side building, specially will practice the cabinet that provides for the disciple, now the Xiao Qing safe, Qin Shi also felt relieved that greeted to Qiu Diao, sets out to enter the cabinet. 玄殿的每座厢房里,都会有一处专门为弟子修炼所提供的内阁,如今小青无事,秦石也放下心来,冲邱雕打了声招呼,起身进入内阁。 The cabinet, is actually a stone chamber, under one lotus flower that is built by Upper Tier spirit stones sits the stage, Qin Shi sets out to jump onto, sits cross-legged the place. 内阁,其实就是一处石室,有一面由上品灵石打造的莲花坐台,秦石起身跃上,盘膝下座。 Sitting down body, although the body is very painful, he was always actually insisting has not entered the practice, because of the issue, is puzzling him for a very long time, making him be puzzling. 坐下身,尽管身躯痛苦不堪,他却始终坚持着没有进入修炼,因为有一个问题,久久的困扰着他,让他百思不得其解。 That is Yu Qing. 那就是玉清。
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