PDL :: Volume #5

#437: Xue Bin

Exceeded first directly?” “直接超过第一了?” Said vision gathering surely with amazement, does not dare to believe has shaken the body. 千万道骇然的目光汇聚,不敢置信的抖了抖身子。 Black hot glow finally above Xiaomi Cai, about 20 meters position stagnation. 黑色的火芒最终在小米彩上方,近20米的位置停滞。 Defends the two elders in tower, the congealing eyebrow looks askance: „Did this strength, move second Lei Jie?” 守塔的两名长老,凝眉侧目:“这力量,已经触碰到第二道雷劫了吗?” Ha Ha, worthily is Xue Guoshi descendant, good good.” Yu Qing satisfied has patted Xue Bin, said: You remain, with them, refuels together well, do not give your father to lose face!” “哈哈,不愧是薛国师的后代,不错不错。”玉清满意的拍了拍薛斌,道:“你就留下来,和他们一起吧,好好加油,别给你父亲丢人!” Records the Yu Qing elders to teach sincerely.” “谨记玉清长老教诲。” Xue Bin non- throat not inferior, throughout is hanging the contented faint smile, making Qin Shi of distant place knit the brows. 薛斌不吭不卑,始终挂着怡然自得的浅笑,令远处的秦石皱了皱眉。 It seems like, had the powerful enemy to appear.” “看来,有劲敌出现了啊。” The Qin Shi rare forced smile, after Xue Bin breaks the record of Xiaomi Cai, like this before seven people turn into eight people, two elders were eight people have prepared the guest room, Qin Shi have greeted to the Nangong ice and Taishi ting flower, then followed two elders to escape to go toward the place of water and sky docking. 秦石罕见的苦笑,薛斌刷新小米彩的记录后,这样之前的七人变成八人,两名长老为八人准备了客房,秦石冲南宫冰和太史葶花打过招呼,便伴随两名长老朝水天相接之处远遁而去。 The Mysterious Palace broad degree, far from the common city may compare, for this reason is the flying apsaras escapes, went to the process of guest room also to exhaust half double-hour. 玄殿的恢弘程度,远非寻常城池可比,为此就算是飞天遁地,前往客房的过程中也足足耗尽了半个时辰。 On the road, Xiaomi Cai gathers side Qin Shi: Father, measured before spirit time, how haven't you used fully?” 路上,小米彩凑到秦石身旁:“爹爹,之前测灵的时候,你怎么没有用全力呢?” „Does a reputation, why struggle?” Qin Shi has stroked on the Xiaomi Cai sending tree top gently. “一个名头而已,何必去争?”秦石小米彩的发梢上轻轻拂过。 Xiaomi Cai actually like this does not believe that shakes the head saying: Father, you, if ejects fully, should be able to surpass that Xue Bin?” 小米彩却不这样认为,摇头道:“那爹爹,你若全力击出,应该能超过那个薛斌吧?” Speaking of Xue Bin, the Qin Shi stern several points, calculate in the mind at once suddenly, finally helpless denied: „It is not good, if not use the demon symbol, I am not his match.” 提起薛斌,秦石正色几分,旋即在脑海中骤然计算,最终无奈的否认道:“不行,若是不用魔符,我不是他的对手。” That i.e., if has used the demon symbol, the father can hit him?” “那就是说,如果用了魔符,爹爹就能打过他了?” Is uncertain, he is very strong.” Qin Shi shakes the head, the vision looks askance at to Xue Bin, reveals wipes dignified and dreaded that this dreaded , is not only because Xue Bin's cultivation is, what are more is in the personality. “不一定,他很强。”秦石摇摇头,目光睨视向薛斌,露出一抹凝重和忌惮,这忌惮不光是因为薛斌的修为,更多的是在性情上。 This Xue Bin, does not jump the beams like Yan Feng clown, only from just words and deeds, can look that the city palace of this person is extremely deep. 这薛斌,不像闫峰那样跳梁小丑,光从刚刚的言行举止上,就能看出来此人的城府极深。 Moreover, perhaps the picture people have not paid attention, Qin Shi actually seal firmly carves when the moral nature, that just measured the spirit, Xue Bin calm expression, if no an accident, he should also hold the strength. 而且,有一个画面或许众人都没留意,秦石却牢牢的印刻在心底,那就是刚刚测灵时,薛斌从容的表情,如果没出意外的话,他应该还保有实力。 It seems like, was a little troublesome.” “看来,有点麻烦了啊。” After half double-hour, all people arrives at Mysterious Palace by the cliff mouth of south angle, here is the place that the Mysterious Palace disciple usually studies, the side building that is built by Upper Tier spirit stones launches from two wings one after another. 半个时辰后,诸人来到玄殿靠南角的崖口,这里是玄殿弟子平时修习的地方,一排一排由上品灵石打造的厢房从两翼展开。 Feels is mixing spiritual power of bath, Qin Shi acclaims: Big writing skill, in this place practice, even if the sleep, so long as also pants for breath, can absorb spiritual power on own initiative, no wonder cultivation of Mysterious Palace disciple is, the person of contrast ratio same age is higher than that many, later has the opportunity, returns to Qin Family to the family in also make one.” 感受着混浴的灵力,秦石不由赞叹:“好大的手笔,在这种地方修炼,哪怕是睡眠,只要还喘息,就能够自觉的吸收灵力,怪不得玄殿弟子的修为,照比同年龄的人高出那么多,以后有机会的话,回秦家一定要给家里也弄上一个。” Was good, these, you rested in this on , former Third Rank of Mysterious Palace Buddhist scriptures pavilion will open to you, the idle time you can go to there to take a look, any book and ensure was the outside regards as existence of treasure.” The Mysterious Palace elder wielded the sleeve to say one to eight humanity, set out to depart. “好了,这几日,你们就在此休息吧,玄殿藏经阁的前三层会对你们开放,闲余时间你们可以去那里瞧瞧,任何一本,保证都是外界视为珍宝的存在。”玄殿长老挥袖冲八人道说一声,起身离去。 hears that sound, many people happy goes toward the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, the Mysterious Palace Buddhist scriptures pavilion, that is many person long-awaited places, Xiaomi Cai bites the silver tooth also somewhat to move lightly, since has changed into the human form, she has not practiced any martial arts, for this reason pitiful looking to Qin Shi. 闻声,不少人都开心的朝藏经阁前去,玄殿藏经阁,那是多少人梦寐以求的地方,小米彩轻咬着银牙也有些动心,自从化为人形以来,她都没修炼过什么武学,为此可怜巴巴的望向秦石 Father, I also wants to take a look!” “爹爹,我也想去瞧瞧!” Has turned round, the Qin Shi train of thought rotates a point, making Xiaomi Cai take a look also good, martial arts can play very major role in the actual combat, therefore complies saying: Ok, goes, but remembers, cannot stir up trouble.” 回过身,秦石思绪转动一分,让小米彩去瞧瞧也行,一本武学在实战中能起到很大的作用,因此答应道:“行,去吧,但记住,不能惹事。” Really? Was the father best?” Xiaomi Cai excited stood on tiptoes to start, has kissed Qin Shi one, turned into the handsome color butterfly Buddhist scriptures pavilion to leap. “真得?爹爹最好了?”小米彩激动的踮起脚,亲了秦石一口,就化成翩翩的彩蝶藏经阁跃去。 Under strokes the hickey of cheeks, shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, perhaps Mysterious Palace Buddhist scriptures pavilion regarding others precious incomparable, but regarding having: The god character Secret Art, the demon ghost day photo, Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, the timely rain rain and dew decides, big Buddhist relics Qin Shi definitely, does not have what attraction actually, in these five big martial arts any type, is existence that is worth the common people snatching insanely, the technique industry studies, the truth of biting off more than one can chew he understands. 抚摸下脸颊的唇印,秦石苦笑的摇摇头,或许玄殿的藏经阁对于别人来讲珍贵无比,但对于拥有:神字诀,魅鬼天照,星陨霸体决,甘霖雨露决,大舍利决的秦石来讲,倒是没有什么诱惑力,这五大武学中任何一种,都是值得世人疯抢的存在,术业有专攻,贪多嚼不烂的道理他还是明白得。 Now, his powerful enemy is Xue Bin, he comes princes' family, practice martial arts nature have nothing to say, therefore wants to win on martial arts, obviously is invalid. 现在,他的强敌是薛斌,他出身帝王将相之家,修炼的武学自然无话可说,所以想在武学上取胜,显然是行不通。 It seems like these seven days, are very essential.” “看来这七天,很关键啊。” Heaved a deep sigh, crowd bang dispersed to open, Qin Shi felt suddenly behind had a not too friendly vision, turned around to see only the black clothing female stood in same place wicked to stare at him. 长叹一声,人群轰散而开,秦石突然感觉背后有一股不太友善的目光,转身只见青衣女子正站在原地恶狠狠的盯着他。 He he, how haven't you gone to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion?” Curious going forward question. “呵呵,你怎么没去藏经阁?”不由好奇的上前问句 Scoffs, martial arts of that Buddhist scriptures pavilion? The elder sister I cannot have a liking for!” Black clothing female arrogant curling the lip, holds the Qin Shi hand sleeve at once, said: Snort, Shi Qin is right? Previous time made you run, these time was caught by me, how did you prepare to make up for me?” “嗤,就那藏经阁的武学?姐姐我才看不上呢!”青衣女子高傲的撇撇嘴,旋即一把抓住秦石的手袖,道:“哼,石秦对吧?上一次让你跑了,这一次被我抓到,你准备怎么弥补我?” My previous time has to run?” Qin Shi innocent [say / way]. “我上次有跑么?”秦石无辜道。 You said again do not have, does not know that young succuba has used any spell to my family bone bone, my family bone bone that makes has not dared to come out now!” Black clothing female indignant [say / way]. “你再说没有,不知道那个小魔女对我家骨骨用了什么魔咒,弄的我家骨骨现在还不敢出来呢!”青衣女子气愤道。 Stares at the black clothing female adorable appearance, Qin Shi is revealing the dimple, cracks a joke, but Xiaomi Cai Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake of god list, in which bloodlines pressure, does not have seven days of half a month time, feared that was that anything bone bone is the slow god. 盯着青衣女子可爱的模样,秦石露出笑靥,开玩笑,小米彩可是神榜的七彩祥云蛇,其中的血脉威压,没个七天半个月的时间,怕是那什么骨骨是缓不过神了。 Hey, what do you smile?” “喂,你笑什么?” Does not smile, does not smile, you said how you do want to make me make up for you?” Qin Shi is suppressing happy expression earnest [say / way], to at present this black clothing female, he is some curiosity. “不笑,不笑,那你说,你想让我怎么弥补你?”秦石强忍着笑意的认真道,对眼前这个青衣女子,他还是有些好奇心。 Especially that bewildered has familiar, actually where seen? 特别是那种莫名其妙的熟悉,究竟是在哪里见过呢? Um I think.” “嗯我想想啊。” The black clothing female considers, a bright idea suddenly occurs: This, accompanies me to eat meal, heard that Mysterious Palace cafeteria, inside had to be possible many good food!” 青衣女子斟酌一番,灵机一动:“这样,陪我去吃饭吧,听说玄殿的食堂,里面有可多的美食了!” Cannot think that unexpectedly is a glutton.” “想不到,竟是个吃货。” „Do you comply?” The black clothing female toot toot the mouth anger said. “你答不答应?”青衣女子嘟嘟起嘴怒道。 Thinks that some oneself days have not eaten food, since the practice year to year Bi Gu, occasionally has gone natural, pours is also good. 想一想,自己也有些日子没有进食了,自从修炼以来常年辟谷,偶尔去潇洒一下,倒也是不错。 Therefore the Qin Shi nod said: Ok, walks.” 为此秦石点头道:“行,走吧。” Has been affirmed, the black clothing female satisfied letting loose Qin Shi, they overstep along the Mysterious Palace clouds. 得到肯定,青衣女子才满意的放开秦石,两人沿着玄殿的云霄踏过。 On the road, Qin Shi always cannot bear casts aside to look at the black clothing female, makes being angry that the latter allows to blush tenderly slightly no wonder that: Hey, like this stares at girl to look that doesn't have polite you to know very much?” 路上,秦石总是忍不住的撇过去看青衣女子,令后者娇容略微红晕的嗔怪道:“喂,这样盯着女孩子看很没礼貌的你知不知道?” Sorry.” Qin Shi hurries to get back one's composure, suddenly had question of idea: Was right, had not asked that what you called, should you introduce oneself?” “抱歉。”秦石赶忙回神,突然有了想法的问句:“对了,都没问你叫什么,你是不是应该自我介绍一下?” „, I do not have you to be so famous, just publicity that comes Mysterious Palace to make.” The black clothing female light point broad and handsome forehead, thinks at once: You called me Xiao Qing to be good.” “也是啊,我可没你那么出名,刚来玄殿就弄的人尽皆知。”青衣女子轻点螓首,旋即想一想:“你叫我小青就好了。” Small Xiao Qing?” “小小青?” The under foot makes the stop slightly, the Qin Shi full heavy line. 脚下稍作停顿,秦石满头黑线。 This thinks that can deceive the family background of this small girl, who thinks that she like making primal chaos, gave Qin Shi to push with ease. 本以为,能骗出这个小丫头的出身,谁想她就像打太极一样,轻轻松松又给秦石推了回来。 But, Qin Shi many did not ask but actually that stared at the familiar face lightly to tremble saying: Xiao Qing, which had we in seen?” 无奈下,秦石倒也不好多问,盯着了熟悉的面庞不由轻颤道:“小青,咱们原来是不是在哪见过?” Um?” “嗯?” Xiao Qing is red in the face suddenly, beautiful pupil bashful looking angrily at Qin Shi. 小青突然面红耳赤,美眸含羞的怒视秦石 Curled the lip, Qin Shi said: What do you mean?” 撇了撇嘴,秦石道:“你这是什么意思?” You and girl said something to smooth things over, used such outmoded way?” “你和女孩搭讪,难道都用这么老掉牙的方式吗?” Suddenly, Qin Shi is at a loss for words. 一时间,秦石语塞。 Good, this which, the sentiment was mistaken to harass, the silent that in the bursting out laughing feels helpless, otherwise was being regarded the sexual harasser, on real a hundred mouths cannot explain it away. 好吗,这都哪和哪啊,感情被误认成骚扰了,哑然中不知所措的闭口,否则在被人当成色狼,就真的百口莫辩了。 The silent meeting, they arrive to the Mysterious Palace cafeteria. 沉默一会,两人抵达到玄殿的食堂。 Happen to catches up with the night, in cafeteria sea of people, over ten thousand Mysterious Palace disciples makes noise, stands in out can clear hearing. 正好赶上夜晚,食堂里人山人海,上万的玄殿弟子在其中喧闹,站在门外就能清晰的听见。 They just entered into, brings in the vision of many Mysterious Palace disciple, but many are rushing to Xiao Qing to make an effort, the Xiao Qing appearance did not say devastatingly beautiful, shames the moon and flowers or rubs. 两人刚迈入其中,就引来不少玄殿弟子的目光,但多数是在奔着小青使劲,小青的长相不说倾国倾城,闭月羞花还是搓搓有余。 Yo, cannot think in this participating person, such attractive miss?” “呦,想不到这次参赛的人里,还有这么漂亮的姑娘呢?” Looks at this figure, vera feeling.” “瞧这身段,真性感啊。” 31 groups of 21 groups, the Mysterious Palace disciples discussed keep, once for a while also flushed Xiao Qing to blow a whistling, did not abstain from. 31帮21伙,玄殿弟子们议论不停,时不时的还冲小青吹上一声口哨,毫不忌讳。 Qin Shi is helpless: He he, I should guess correctly that supplies the meal with the beautiful woman, must always have troublesome.” 秦石不由无奈:“呵呵,我就应该猜到,跟着美女供餐,总是少不了麻烦啊。” That is your being honored!” Xiao Qing toot toot the mouth said. “那是你的荣幸!”小青嘟嘟嘴道。 Under being a focus of public attention, before a strong robust man gathers up, nearby Mysterious Palace disciple immediately does not dare hurriedly, to reveal a terrified respect. 在万众瞩目下,一名膀大腰圆的壮汉凑上前,旁边的玄殿弟子马上不敢造次,露出一副悚然的尊敬。 Brother Feng Peng?” “冯鹏师兄?” This time, this boy had to trouble, the chamberpot that Brother Feng Peng had a liking, these years could not have obtained, hope that Brother Feng Peng can under handle gently, do not affect him to participate is.” “这一次,这小子有麻烦了,冯鹏师兄看上的马子,这些年还没有得不到的呢,希望冯鹏师兄能下手轻点,别影响了他参赛才是。” Ha Ha, participates to be what kind of? Over eight people, were brought to rest to the side building, comes this definitely is below two, moreover looks poorly and pedantically their this itchy, definitely is not the person of everyone / influential family clan, it is estimated that also reluctantly broke the qualifying line, that position I can break, let alone Brother Feng Peng, if Brother Feng Peng, can achieve two?” “哈哈,参不参赛能怎么样?一段以上的八个人,都被带到厢房去休息了,来这的肯定是二段以下,而且看他们这穷酸痒,肯定不是什么大家族的人,估计也就是勉强破了参赛资格线,那位置我都能破,更别说冯鹏师兄了,如果是冯鹏师兄的话,怎么也能达到二段吧?” Sure, he a short time ago just breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage.” “肯定啊,他前不久刚突破玄灵境中期。” Is enjoying the surrounding discussion sound, Feng Peng blocks their ways badly to say with a smile: Boy, you should know that I do want to do? Brings such attractive chamberpot to come to cafeteria, you come to share to us intentionally?” 享受着周围的议论声,冯鹏挡住两人的去路坏笑道:“小子,你应该知道我要干嘛吧?带这么漂亮的马子来食堂,你这是故意来给我们分享的吗?” Crooked the wry neck, Qin Shi all around was looking all around, finally falls the vision on the body of robust man: Also good, are too troublesome many, must flaunt that you were prepared?” 歪了歪脖子,秦石在周遭环顾一圈,最终将目光落在壮汉的身上:“也好,麻烦太多,总要有个标榜,你做好这个准备了吗?” Um?” The robust mans have gawked staring, at once holds the knee to laugh: Ha Ha, do you want to punish one as a warning to others with me? Did the brothers, you hear? He wants to punish one as a warning to others with me!” “嗯?”壮汉愣了愣,旋即扶膝大笑:“哈哈,你想拿我杀鸡儆猴?兄弟们,你们听见了吗?他想拿我杀鸡儆猴!” „Doesn't this boy want to live?” “这小子不想活了吧?” Really interesting, he does not know one where? But here is unreliable “真有意思,他是不是不知道自己在什么地方啊?这里可是玄” Bang! 砰! The discussion sound continues in the unceasing process, was broken by a bang of unusual conditions, when raises head again Feng Peng already fell does not know the trace that flies, clapping of Qin Shi satisfied: Good, this time chicken, it seems like also a little component, should be have the dinner quietly.” 议论声延续不断的过程中,被一声浑然天成的巨响打破,再仰头时冯鹏早已摔飞的不知所踪,秦石满意的拍拍手:“不错,这一次的鸡,看来还有点分量,应该能消停吃顿晚饭了。” Rumble people have choked a spit. “咕噜”众人噎了口吐沫。 Pulling of Xiao Qing laughter lives in Qin Shi: What stone Qin did we eat?” 小青嬉笑的挽住秦石:“石秦啊咱们吃什么呢?” The stone Qin two characters, were elongated the sound by Xiao Qing intentionally, at once puts in order the person in cafeteria to set out with a crash, everywhere startled accommodates is staring at Qin Shi: He, was he Shi Qin? Damn, walks quickly!” 石秦俩字,故意被小青拉长了音,旋即整座食堂的人砰然起身,满目惊容的盯着秦石:“他,他是石秦?该死,快走!” After a little while, any just spoke the Mysterious Palace disciple who disrespects, the time speedily vanishes does not see, enabling this to hold the next over ten thousand people of cafeterias, spacious several points. 少顷,凡是刚刚出言不敬的玄殿弟子,一溜烟的功夫就消失不见,让这能容纳下上万人的食堂,不禁空旷几分。 He he, reserved all seats for a performance?” “呵呵,包场了?” Stared staring dry, Qin Shi has been able help laughing, he did not understand why the Mysterious Palace person, heard his name with fantasy to be the same, was really the appearance issue? 干瞪了瞪眼,秦石哑然失笑,他就不理解为何玄殿的人,一听到他的名字都跟活见鬼一样,难道真是长相问题? Ok, pours also ends up to turn out quietly.” “算了,倒也落得清静。” Shakes the head, he and Xiao Qing sits down in side, has saying that this Mysterious Palace meals is truly good, some delicacies of every kind Qin Shi listen not to listen continually. 摇摇头,他和小青在旁边坐下,不得不说这玄殿的伙食确实不错,一些山珍海味秦石连听都不曾听过。 Moreover, here meal unusual wineshop, many by Desolate Beast flesh and blood cooking, not only lubricates tastily, has the promotion cultivates for the wondrous use. 而且,这里的饭菜不同寻常酒家,多数都是以荒兽血肉烹饪,不仅润滑爽口,更有提升修为的妙用。 Fine food, two talented person departures of swaggering. 美餐一顿,两人才大摇大摆的离开。 All the way, Xiao Qing pats lower abdomen satisfied saying: Ate to the full, is really comfortable, the previous time matter, elder sister Sir does not cross the villain, did not haggle over with you generally!” 一路上,小青拍着小腹满意道:“吃饱了,真舒服,上一次的事,姐姐大人不记小人过,不和你一般计较了!” hear that, shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, they had approached the side building at this time, when will soon fall to the ground he knits the brows suddenly, holds in the arms the waist of Xiao Qing, hides away toward the dark corner of distant place. 闻言,秦石苦笑的摇摇头,这时两人已经临近厢房,在即将落地时他突然皱眉,一把搂住小青的腰肢,朝远处的阴暗角落隐遁下去。 Hey!” “喂!” Do not make noise!” Qin Shi scolds fierce, at once vigilant pokes head, sees only in guest room that in Mysterious Palace prepares for him, a black clothed man pushes the door. “别出声!”秦石厉声呵斥,旋即警惕的探出头去,只见在玄殿为他准备的客房中,一名黑衣男子推门而出。 Is he?” “是他?”
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