PDL :: Volume #5

#436: Let you leave

Stone Qin! Next!” “石秦一段!下一个!” The Mysterious Palace elder responded to Yan Feng's question in disguised form, making the latter not willingly has pinched the tight fist. 玄殿长老变相的回应了闫峰的质疑,令后者不甘心的捏了紧拳头。 In side, Qin Shi looks at the appearance that Yan Feng is red in the face, wants to add to lubricate a vinegar again: Hey, Yan Feng elder brother, many thanks your auspicious words, your Mysterious Palace measuring tope is very it seems like really kind to me.” 在旁边,秦石看着闫峰面红耳赤的模样,不由想再添点油加点醋:“嘿嘿,闫峰兄,多谢你的吉言,看来你们玄殿的测灵塔对我很够意思吗。” Boy, should not be favorite!” Yan Feng angrily rebukes, falls back on to measure under of tope. “小子,你别得意!”闫峰怒斥一声,退到测灵塔的下方。 Measures continues spirit, the Huangpu person of extraordinary ability of Huangpu, obtained two peak good achievements similarly, tiger white of black dragon sect has been inferior to slightly, reluctantly breakthrough two. 测灵继续,皇普家的皇普俊彦,同样取得了二段巅峰的好成绩,青龙宗的虎皓略微不及,勉强突破二段。 Approaches the dusk, finally has been one's turn Yan Feng. 接近黄昏,终于轮到了闫峰。 He has an imposing appearance steps goes forward, under causes the innumerable starry eyed young girl's scream immediately: Quick, quick, must arrive at Yan Feng, was too charming, walks so is charming!” 他器宇轩昂的迈上前,下方马上引起无数花痴少女的尖叫:“快,快,要到闫峰了,太帅气了,走路都这么迷人!” Does not know that what progress he can make, should be able to exceed that stone Qin?” “不知道他能取得什么样的成绩,应该能超过那个石秦吧?” That also used saying that definitely was ends oppressively, no matter Shi Qin used any means to make spiritual power continue finally to promote, but Yan Feng but Heaven Realm of genuine goods at reasonable prices, they radically not in a level.” “那还用说,肯定是完虐啊,不管石秦最后用了什么办法让灵力又继续增进,但闫峰可是货真价实的天境,两人根本就不在一个水平上。” Is feeling echoing of ten thousand audiences, Yan Feng corners of the mouth satire shoulders toward Qin Shi: Boy, favored, how I surpass you.” 感受着万众的呼应,闫峰嘴角讽刺的朝秦石挑起:“小子,看好了,我是怎么超过你得。” Qin Shi smiles letting go of did not speak, expressed senselessly. 秦石笑而不语的摊了摊手,表示无谓。 Congealing doctylitis broken!” “凝指炎破!” Two fingers raise suddenly, the blazing flame is similar to the big dragon that the valley regains consciousness, circles the boundless dragon body, roared to ascend to heaven. 两指骤然扬起,炽热的火焰如同谷底苏醒的巨龙,盘旋起磅礴的龙躯,咆哮升天。 Bang! 轰! Resembles two fingers of fire dragon in moving the working point instant, on the hundred zhang (333m) measuring tope shivers several points, making below drill tile be broken the powder. 酷似火龙的两指在触碰到受力点的刹那,上百丈的测灵塔为之颤动几分,令下方的钻瓦生生被震碎成粉末。 ! 咻! The time that the broken rumor direct impact clouds that such as the hawk cried, the people got back one's composure, directly crossed a standard line, making below all people shock to clamor. 一道如莺啼的破风声直冲云霄,连众人回神的功夫都不到,就直接越过一段的标准线,令下方的诸人震惊喧哗。 The Nangong ice knit the brows: Heaven Realm and Profound Spirit Realm, really have qualitative leap.” 南宫冰皱了皱眉:“天境玄灵境,果然有质的飞跃啊。” Does not know that he can achieve any position.” The Taishi ting flower broad and handsome forehead light point forced smile said. “不知道他能达到什么位置。”太史葶花螓首轻点的苦笑道。 Has surpassed, surpassed!” “超过了,超过了!” Under clamored suddenly, sees only the big dragon that climbed up to fishtail on, has surpassed the position that beforehand Qin Shi achieved, and still slowly was rising. 下方突然喧哗而起,只见攀爬的巨龙摆尾而上,已经超过之前秦石达到的位置,并且还在缓慢上升。 One meter, two meters, three meters, five meters. 一米,两米,三米,五米。 Exceeds the Qin Shi five meters, fire dragon gradually reaches a deadlock. 足足超过秦石五米,火龙才渐渐搁浅。 Bang! 轰! The clamoring sound and applause of people like thunder reverberating in one's ears, enjoy to support, looking that Yan Feng despises to Qin Shi: Scoffed, sees? Without the truly learned and genuinely talented, the person who only depends on the luck, can never amount to something, share that was stepped on by others!” 众人的喧哗声和掌声如雷贯耳,享受在拥护中,闫峰蔑视的瞄向秦石:“嗤,看见了吗?没有真才实学,光靠运气的人,永远上不了台面,只有被别人踩的份!” Qin Shi smiles not to speak, progress that in his opinion Yan Feng makes, is not only not worth him dreading that instead disappoints him somewhat, this thinks that Heaven Realm can achieve is higher, it seems like it was he has overestimated this Yan Feng, now this five meters position, if he just forcefully did not receive the hand, the foot surmounted with ease. 秦石笑而不语,在他看来闫峰取得的成绩,非但不值得他忌惮,反而让他有些失望,本以为天境可以达到更高,看来是他自己高估了这个闫峰,如今这个五米的位置,若是他刚刚不强行收手,足矣轻松超越。 But he has not explained anything, first did not say Yan Feng's strength how, is only this not calm mood, does not match to be his match. 但他并未去解释什么,先不说闫峰的实力如何,光是这份不沉稳的心境,就不配做他的对手。 In behind, retrieves the opportunity in gathering place to be many, Qin Shi for a while, does not laugh last eagerly smiles, is the winner. 在后面,找回场子的机会多着呢,秦石并不急于一时,正所谓笑到最后才是笑,才是赢家么。 Naturally, is not everyone thinks like him. 当然,不是每个人都像他这样想。 Bang! 砰! Yan Feng from being pleased with oneself wakes up, in the rear measuring tope transmits the broad vibration suddenly, the under two Mysterious Palace elders for this reason panic-strickenly with rapt attention, are serious. 闫峰尚未从沾沾自喜中醒来,后方的测灵塔上突然传来恢弘的震动,就连下方的两名玄殿长老为此都不由惊骇凝神,郑重起来。 Under fierce shivering, the crowd in square raises head frightened: Looks quickly, surpassed Lin to understand, exceeded stone Qin, but also was continuing still to continue!” 剧烈的颤抖下,广场上的人群惊悚仰头:“快瞧,一段,超过林晓了,超过石秦了,还在继续还在继续!” „, Brother Lian Yanfeng will not surpass!” “不会吧,连闫峰师兄都超过了!” Ten meters, surpass Brother Yan Feng ten meters, will the day, how have such strong person?” “十米,足足超过闫峰师兄十米,天啊,怎么会有这么强的人?” Wild spiritual power increases step by step, after seven color glories are similar to the rain Hongqiao, riotous eye-catching. 狂野的灵力步步攀升,七彩的光辉如同雨后虹桥,缤纷夺目。 all people terrified getting back one's composure, toward measuring under of tope looks, puts on the ignorant girl of color skirt, happen to receives the revealing dimple that reaches behind the back, the delicate and pretty appearance smiles, falls all living things. 诸人悚然的回过神,朝测灵塔的下方望去,一名穿着彩裙的懵懂女孩,正好收回手的露出笑靥,俊美的容貌只是轻轻一笑,倾倒众生。 The Xiaomi Cai appearance, takes a broad view at Scarlet Flame Empire, feared that is nobody can, the flash does not know that the male throats of many young and vigorous move restlessly, are willing to submit. 小米彩的容颜,放眼赤炎帝国,怕是都无人能及,一瞬间不知多少血气方刚的男子喉咙躁动,甘愿臣服。 How in the good beautiful world to have such pretty girl.” “好美世上怎么会有这么漂亮的女孩。” Who this girl is, has not heard.” “这女孩是谁,没听说过啊。” In the shock, Yan Feng trembles several points, stares at the Xiaomi Cai vision slightly to be strange, at once after tracing the bridge of the nose, aims at Qin Shi unexpectedly: Finds? Others this is the real skill!” 在震惊中,就连闫峰都不禁哆嗦几分,盯着小米彩的目光略显怪异,旋即摸了摸鼻梁后竟然指向秦石:“瞧见没有?人家这才是真本事!” Qin Shi stared staring dull, were this goods insane? 秦石呆愣的瞪了瞪眼,这货疯了吧? Yan Feng pays no attention to Qin Shi, rapid stepping to Xiaomi Cai side, before he had not seen Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai in the same place, for this reason fakes the gentleman saying: „Below Mysterious Palace Yan Feng, may I ask the miss your fine reputation, for these days lived in Mysterious Palace, had any matter miss to tell me freely, I ensure helps appropriateness that the miss managed!” 闫峰不理秦石,急促的迈到小米彩身旁,之前他并没有看见秦石小米彩在一起,为此假作绅士道:“在下玄殿闫峰,敢问姑娘你的芳名,这几天住在玄殿,有什么事姑娘尽管吩咐我,我保证帮姑娘办的妥妥当当!” Real?” Xiaomi Cai shot a look at one. “真的吗?”小米彩瞥了一眼。 Naturally, I am the Mysterious Palace big fellow apprentice, took a broad view at Mysterious Palace nothing is I did not complete!” Makes contact with the words, Yan Feng boasts to say immediately incessantly. “当然,我可是玄殿大师兄,放眼玄殿没有什么事是我办不妥得!”搭上话,闫峰马上滔滔不绝的自夸道。 Xiaomi Cai narrows the eyes the eye, badly said with a smile: I think that making you leave!” 小米彩眯眯起眼,坏笑道:“我想,让你滚!” Um?” Yan Feng said at a loss: What?” “嗯?”闫峰茫然道:“什么?” She said that making you leave!” Qin Shi spreads out the hand to say with a smile, at this time he definitely cannot hide in behind, for this reason moves forward. “她说,让你滚啊!”秦石摊开手笑道,这时他肯定不能在躲在后面,为此迎上前去。 Yan Feng flies into a rage, turns round to stare at Qin Shi thoughts one revolution: Snort, was worrying that does not have place to show the skill, this boy comes up to bring death, I well display before the beautiful woman!” At once he collects Long Claw single-handed, tears to the Qin Shi forehead: Courts death!” 闫峰勃然大怒,回身盯着秦石心思不由一转:“哼,正愁没地方施展身手,这小子就偏偏上来送死,那我就在美女面前好好表现一番!”旋即他单手汇龙爪,冲着秦石的额头就撕扯下去:“找死!” On the dragon claw ignites the agitated flame, approaches Qin Shi infinitely. 龙爪上燃起汹汹火焰,无限逼近秦石 Qin Shi does not hide standing that does not dodge in same place, the faint smile crosses the hands behind the back. 秦石不躲不闪的站在原地,浅笑负手。 He in why? Insane?” “他在干吗?疯了吗?” „, Does he want to keep off Yan Feng to strike directly?” “难道,他想正面挡下闫峰一击?” Below person has gotten back one's composure, looks was measuring that the scene in tope knits the brows. 下方的人回过神,望着测灵塔的场面不禁皱眉。 Bang! 砰! Seven pink clouds only ascend to heaven, gathers the gigantic luan phoenix, to Yan Feng's dragon claw on holding in the mouth , the earthworm of dragon claw under luan phoenix under on such as chicken mouth, is vulnerable. 七彩霞光升天而起,汇聚成硕大的鸾凤,冲着闫峰的龙爪就叼下,在鸾凤下的龙爪就如鸡嘴下的蚯蚓,脆弱不堪。 Bang! 轰隆! Has gotten back one's composure, Yan Feng was shaken departs several meters far, stares the big eye to stare at Xiaomi Cai: Miss, you 回过神,闫峰被震飞出十几米远,瞪大眼睛盯着小米彩:“姑娘,你” „Your you, what your you, dare to bully my father, I thought that you really haven't died? I did not make you leave a moment ago, you also in this? Haven't you heard? I said you, what prestige, wasn't the matter can complete? Don't you leave want me to help you leave?” Before Xiaomi Cai stands the Qin Shi body, pinches the water snake barbarian waist huh to say to Yan Feng. “你你你,你什么你啊,敢欺负我爹爹,我看你真是没死过吧?我刚才不是让你滚了吗,你怎么还在这呢?你没听见啊?我说你这人,什么信誉啊,不是什么事都能办妥吗?你不滚要不要我帮你滚啊?”小米彩站到秦石身前,掐着水蛇般的蛮腰冲闫峰哼哧道。 The stretch after stretch of wonderful sounds fall, crowd hears one. 一段一段的妙音落下,人群听得一愣一愣。 Just, what did she shout? Father?” “刚刚,她喊什么?是不是爹爹?” Probably, probably is “好像,好像是” Day, was this peerless beautiful woman, Shi Qin the daughter? Is impossible? By this Shi Qin appearance, what angel that must look, can give birth to this and other peony?” “天,这绝世美女,是石秦的女儿?不可能吧?以这石秦的模样,那得找个什么样的天仙,才能生出这等的国色天香?” Issue, which angel will have a liking for him? Did I look am the gene mutation?” “问题,哪个天仙会看上他啊?我看是基因突变了吧?” hears that sound, the heavy line of Qin Shi forehead raising big length, I depend, this saying what meaning, this young and old, this young and old, Qin Xuexin, Yu Luocha, which isn't the angel rank? 闻声,秦石额头不由升起大篇幅的黑线,我靠,这话什么意思,本少长得怎么了,本少长得怎么了,沁雪心,玉罗刹,哪个不是天仙级别啊? Ok, disagreed these unable to eat the grape saying that the person of racemic acid haggled over! Later looks for husband for daughter, definitely cannot look from this group of people, too did not understand that the respect for elders cared for the young. 算了,不和这些吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的人计较!以后招女婿,肯定不能从这群人里找,太不懂得尊老爱幼了。 Bah bah! 呸呸呸! Helpless shaking the head, Qin Shi looks toward Yan Feng, the latter is also at the delay the condition, two lax atheistic with hitting were cleverly same. 无奈的摇摇头,秦石朝闫峰望去,后者还处于呆滞的状态,两眼涣散无神跟撞鬼了一样。 Laughs: He he, Brother Yan Feng, many thanks you just to my daughter's commendation, she and you compared, truly was the real skill.” 不由发笑:“呵呵,闫峰兄弟,多谢你刚刚对我闺女的称赞,她和你相比起来,确实是真本事。” You “你” Yan Feng admits defeat stared staring. 闫峰吃瘪的瞪了瞪眼。 Looks the face that he becomes flushed, the Nangong ice cannot bear laugh, he sees with the person who Qin Shi opposes, finally has the good end has not seen several actually. 看着他涨红的脸,南宫冰忍不住发笑,和秦石作对的人他见多了,最后有好下场的倒是没见过几个。 Shock of Xiaomi Cai subsides gradually, in the future process, will present two to aspire to seize a player once again, including one, will be Li Yu of Mysterious City Li family, in altitude also at the Qin Shi above several points. 小米彩的震撼渐渐平息,往后的过程中,再度出现两名问鼎一段的选手,其中有一名,是玄城李氏家族的李煜,高度上还在秦石上方几分。 Another, is an obscure loose family disciple, named: Qiu Diao, what is accidental is his cultivation to reach as high as Heaven Realm, obtained has only missed Yan Feng square inch excellent result. 另一个,是一名默默无闻的散家弟子,名为:邱雕,令人意外的是他的修为高达天境,取得了只差闫峰方寸的优异成绩。 Such one calculates that is two Heaven Realm.” Qin Shi takes down silently, is good because, if according to measuring the degree of tope, these two should enter shortly after Heaven Realm, making him feel relieved many [say / way]: Such words, driven by demon symbol, want to defeat them not to be actually difficult.” “这样一算,就是两名天境啊。”秦石默默记下,好在如果按照测灵塔的程度来看,这两人应该才入天境不久,令他放心不少道:“如此的话,在魔符的驱使下,想要战胜他们倒是不难。” Dusk fall, calculates that a next today is the 7 th date, hundreds of thousands of crowds measured that spirit eventually finished, finally remains, only then 10,000 over, seven people, according to the rank , in descending order , are: Xiaomi Cai, Yan Feng, Qiu Diao, Li Yu, Qin Shi, black clothing female, Lin Xiao. 暮色降临,算一下今天已经是第七日,数十万的人群测灵终于结束,最终剩下来的只有10000出头,其中一段只有七人,按照排名来看,依次是:小米彩,闫峰,邱雕,李煜,秦石,青衣女子,林晓。 Remaining second, approximately 500 people, three approximately 3000 people, have approximately 8000 people of qualifications reluctantly. 剩下第二段,约500人,三段约3000人,勉强拥有资格的约8000人。 In the future, was on the several th latter three competing, the Qin Shi seven people can rest first temporarily, Mysterious Palace also arranged the dwelling for them. 往后几日,是后三段的打擂,秦石七人可以先暂时休息,玄殿也为他们安排好了住处。 Population has decided that the disciple who cannot obtain the qualifying rests for night in Mysterious Palace, tomorrow morning some people will arrange to descend the mountain!” Saying with a smile that the Mysterious Palace elder opens the mouth indifferently. “人数已定,没能取得参赛资格的弟子在玄殿休息一夜,明早会有人安排诸位下山!”玄殿长老漠然开口的笑道。 „The remaining people, come with me.” “剩下的人,跟我来吧。” And other!” “等一下!” At this moment, an overwhelming power great wild goose sound rolling falls, in Mysterious Palace distant place summit of Yun Tian, their form shakes the rope to fall. 就在这时,一名威猛鸿音滚滚而落,在玄殿远处的云天之巅,两人身影抖索而落。 In front, is an old man, the old man wears the Mysterious Palace clothing, crosses the hands behind the back to stand fully Venerable the prestige, from one side looks, Qin Shi from his body, felt that one type, is similar to dreading of Hua Ling, making the human not be possible to move. 在前面,是一名老者,老者穿着玄殿的服饰,负手而立满是尊威,从侧面望去,秦石从他的身上,感觉到一种,类似于花零的忌惮,让人不可触碰。 Mysterious Palace they exceptionally revere the boundary to this old man, holds the fist in the other hand saying: „The Yu Qing elder, don't your honorable self, what know behavior personally?” 玄殿两人对这名老者异常尊境,抱拳道:“玉清长老,您亲自大驾,不知所为何事?” „The head of Taoist trinity? Arrived unexpectedly?” The Nangong ice pours the suction port cold air/Qi in side. “三清之首?竟然亲临了?”南宫冰在旁边不由倒吸口冷气。 Taoist trinity? Is what meaning?” “三清?是什么意思?” In Mysterious Palace, under Hua Ling is the Taoist trinity, separately is Yu Qing, last Qing, Tai Qing, three people of strengths all in Heaven Realm Second Rank above, the hearsay were the Yu Qing elders of head, was passed three Lei Jie, aspired to seize to seize Heaven Realm peak.” The Nangong ice answered low voice. “在玄殿,花零之下便是三清,分别是玉清,上清,太清,三人实力皆是在天境二层以上,传闻为首的玉清长老,更是已经度过三道雷劫,问鼎夺天境巅峰了。”南宫冰小声解释道。 Qin Shi shocking sucked tongue, Third Rank Heaven Realm took a broad view at Scarlet Flame Empire, was first ten existences? 秦石震惊的咂了咂舌,三层天境放眼赤炎帝国,也是前十的存在吧? Yu Qing beckons with the hand with a smile, the body moves toward side slightly , to promote clothes exquisite silk in behind the youth, said: Fills in a good luck to the big game, this is the empire Xue Guoshi eldest son, Xue Bin.” 玉清含笑摆手,身子朝旁边轻微挪动,在后面推出一名衣冠锦绣的青年,道:“给大赛填点彩头,这位是帝国薛国师的长子,薛斌。” Empire?” “帝国?” The crowd shows the look, the Qin Shi vision goes toward Xue Bintan with amazement, the latter profound black pupil made his look dignified, the mind flashed through one to read thinks that was this person is not simple. 人群露出骇然神色,秦石目光朝薛斌探去,后者深邃的黑眸令他不禁神色凝重,脑海闪过一个念想,就是这个人不简单。 Xue Bin, measures spirit.” Yu Qing lets go to say. “薛斌,去测灵吧。”玉清摊手道。 Xue Bin nods to comply, arriving of striding bravely forward measures under the tope, at once had not looked how he makes an effort, the rock magma that a black fire such as seethes with excitement, one flees the vault of heaven. 薛斌点头答应,昂首阔步的走到测灵塔下,旋即并未看他如何用力,一道黑火如沸腾的岩浆,咻一下窜上苍穹。 Bang! 轰! Bang, surely vision with amazement, even if interlocks. 巨响一声,千万骇然的目光纵然交错。 The black fire crosses Xiaomi Cai instantaneously, the direct impact tower top. 黑火瞬间越过小米彩,直冲塔顶。
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