PDL :: Volume #5

#435: Measures the spirit

Looks quickly, is one!” “快瞧,是一段!” Measured that the tope sudden phenomenon, arouses the interest of people. 测灵塔突然的异象,引起众人的关注。 „Is this strength, half Heaven Realm?” Nangong ice but actually suction port cold air/Qi. “这力量,是半步天境?”南宫冰倒吸口冷气。 Under Qin Shi, turns round toward white star question: Brother Bai Xing, is this your Mysterious Palace person?” 秦石点下头,回身朝白星问句:“白星兄弟,这是你们玄殿的人吧?” Um, is our two fellow apprentices: Lin Xiao.” Bai Xing responded. “嗯,是我们二师兄:林晓。”白星回应道。 hears that sound, how many people slightly astonished, half is Heaven Realm in Mysterious Palace unexpectedly two fellow apprentices? 闻声,几人略微惊异,半步天境玄殿中竟然才是二师兄? Your big fellow apprentice?” Qin Shi curious question. “那你们大师兄呢?”秦石好奇的问句 Is I!” “就是我!” Has not waited for the white star start to talk, a slightly frail man surfaces from the crowd, this male Zichang exceptionally delicately and prettily, the feather fan in hand stirs up in the front gently. 没等白星开口,一名略显单薄的男子从人群中脱颖而出,这男子长得异常俊美,手中的羽扇在胸前轻轻煽动。 Is the Mysterious Palace big fellow apprentice: Yan Feng!” “是玄殿大师兄:闫峰!” „, He quite leads! Confused the deceased person!” “哇,他好帅啊!迷死人了!” Yes, the bearing is uncommon, simply is the flowered beautiful male, moreover cultivates to so be high, if can marry him to be good, even if makes me little live for several years I also to want!” “是啊,器宇不凡,简直就是花美男啊,而且修为还那么高,如果能嫁给他就好了,哪怕是让我少活几年我也愿意!” Do not have a dream, like this bearing uncommon person, does not know that many aristocrat renowned young women are waiting, where wheel obtains us.” The men just reappeared, one group of females make noise in the side starry eyed scream. “别做梦了,像他这种器宇不凡的人,不知多少贵族名媛等着呢,哪里轮得到咱们啊。”男子刚刚浮现,一群女子在旁边花痴的尖叫出声。 To the female, the male compatriots are fill with the frustration the low: „Does Yan Feng also attend the honor big game? That also has compared with necessity?” 相对于女子,男性同胞们则是满怀挫败感的低迷:“闫峰也参加荣誉大赛?那还有比的必要吗?” Hears his strength, even if Mysterious Palace many elders must grumble were inferior that it seems like that this time, the position of this champion, the right and wrong he was not.” “听说他的实力,就算是玄殿的不少长老都要自叹不如,看来这一次,这冠军之位,是非他莫属了啊。” Heaven Realm?” 天境么?” Several wisps of psychic forces all around take back in Yan Feng, Qin Shi alone light nan, although early some expectations, but meets Heaven Realm truly, in the heart unavoidably shocks: Worthily is Scarlet Flame Empire first, Burning Sky Sect in comparison, difference was too far.” 几缕精神力在闫峰周遭收回,秦石独自轻喃一声,尽管早有预料,但真正碰见天境,心中还是不免震撼:“不愧是赤炎帝国的第一,焚天宗与其相比,差的太远了啊。” Under Bai Xing respectful hugging fist: Big fellow apprentice!” 白星恭敬的抱下拳:“大师兄!” Um.” Under point that Yan Feng wen smiles, at once the vision moves to Qin Shi: „Have you a short time ago, killed stone Qin of this palace three elders?” “嗯。”闫峰温笑的点下头,旋即目光挪向秦石:“你就是前不久,杀了本殿三名长老的石秦?” Wipes the invisible pressure to cover toward Qin Shi on Yan Feng, making the latter return to the detective to go: He he, demonstration of authority?” Raises hand to open the invisible barrier to respond: Lucky.” 一抹无形的压力在闫峰身上朝秦石笼罩,令后者回神探去:“呵呵,下马威么?”扬手撑开无形的屏障回应道:“侥幸而已。” I know that depends on you, if not for the luck is good, how possibly near the body of my palace elder? But no matter what, since the matter occurred, I only hope that you can insist several rounds, when with me to war, making me revenge for the elders personally is good!” “我知道,就凭你,若不是运气好,怎么可能近的了我殿长老的身?但不管怎么说,既然事情已经发生,我只希望你能多坚持几轮,等到和我对战的时候,让我亲手替长老们报仇才好!” I will give you as far as possible this opportunity!” Qin Shi not inferior non- throat said. “我会尽量给你这个机会得!”秦石不卑不吭的笑说。 Good, I am waiting for you!” “好,那我就等着你!” Yan Feng in the idle talk, does not stagger with people. 闫峰不在废话,和众人错开。 Bang! 砰! Measured that the tope glitters once again, fills the miraculous glow that goes against to increase together suddenly, exceeds line half meter high of most peak. 测灵塔再度闪烁,一道灌顶的灵光骤然攀升,足足超过最顶端的线条半米之高。 Nangong ice turning round startled [say / way]: Is one one! Well? Has Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage?” 南宫冰回身惊道:“又是一个一段!咦?只有玄灵境中期?” Psychic force?” Royal Court measured that the tope looks, Qin Shi does slightly with rapt attention, the vision moves toward, is a black clothing, made his intent outlet: Is she?” “精神力?”朝测灵塔望去,秦石稍作凝神,目光朝下方挪动,是一席青衣,令他意外道:“是她?” „Did stone Brother Qin, you know her?” Nangong ices question. “石秦兄弟,你认识她?”南宫冰问句 Um, has seen one time.” Qin Shi responded to one, took a broad view to look to the black clothing female, has gotten back one's composure the Chaonan Gong ice road: Was right, does the Nangong brother, in East District, have the family that majors in the psychic force?” “嗯,见过一次。”秦石回应一声,放眼望向青衣女子,回过神朝南宫冰道:“对了,南宫兄,在东方区域,有主修精神力的家族吗?” Family that majors in the psychic force?” The Nangong ice thinks: Does not have the impression.” “主修精神力的家族?”南宫冰思索一番:“没有印象啊。” That felt strange.” “那就奇怪了。” Qin Shi puzzled lowering the head, before and black clothing female encountered in the forests, the latter was exceptionally adept to the utilization of psychic force, especially most started to spiritual martial arts that he attacked, if did not have the inheritance of Pang everyone / influential family clan, the idle cloud wild crane was very difficult to achieve that type to cultivate is. 秦石不解的低下头,之前和青衣女子在林间交锋,后者对精神力的运用异常娴熟,特别是最开始对他攻击的精神武学,若是没有庞大家族的传承,闲云野鹤很难达到那种修为。 Naturally, often remembers these, his always subconscious neglects oneself. 当然,每每想起这些,他总是潜意识的把自己忽略。 Taishi ting flower in side edge joint corridor: „The family that majors in the psychic force, I have listened actually.” 太史葶花在旁边接过道:“主修精神力的家族,我倒是听过。” „Is Oh? what kind of family?” 哦?是个怎样的家族?” Does not know that I also listened to the elders to mention in the family, is a very ancient very ancient family, it is said is full hundred years ago with existence that Mysterious Palace meets as an equal, but declined now, very long not their trails.” The Taishi ting flower shakes the head to say. “不知道,我也只是曾经在家族中听长辈们提起过,是一个很古老很古老的家族,据说在百年前是足矣与玄殿分庭抗礼的存在,只是如今已经没落,很久没有过他们的踪迹了。”太史葶花摇头道。 Qin Shi sighed painstakingly, the Taishi ting colored news was very few, even the given name of this family did not know, made him is still ambiguous could not trace the brains. 秦石苦叹,太史葶花的消息少之又少,甚至连这个家族的名讳都不得知,令他仍是模棱两可的摸不到头脑。 Stone Qin brother, how?” Nangong ice road. “石秦兄,怎么了?”南宫冰道。 Qin Shi shakes the head: Does not have.” At once being lost in thought silently: „Can she, be the person of that ancient family?” 秦石摇摇头:“没。”旋即默默的陷入沉思:“她,会是那个古老家族的人么?” In one curious, looks up to measuring the black clothing female in tope, previous time meets is the jet black starry night, but now under the warm positive mapping, Qin Shi allows the inexplicable feeling to wipe in the tenderness of black clothing female unexpectedly familiar, this familiar real existence, where probably long ago has seen, how actually wants unable to think. 在一番好奇中,仰望向测灵塔的青衣女子,上一次见面是漆黑的星夜,而如今在暖阳的映射下,秦石竟在青衣女子的娇容上莫名的感觉到一抹熟悉,这种熟悉真真实实的存在,好像在很久以前的什么地方见过,却又怎么想也想不起来。 Where can be?” “会是什么地方呢?” With rapt attention, since leaves Desolate Town, cultivation of Qin Shi is quick and violent jumps, in addition the progression of psychic force and Sea of Consciousness, said that his memory photographic memory does not exaggerate, but the black clothing female takes to his familiar, actually full is fuzzy and dim. 不由的凝神,自从离开荒镇,秦石的修为迅猛跃升,加上精神力和识海的增进,说他的记忆力过目不忘都毫不夸张,但青衣女子带给他的这种熟悉,却满是模糊和朦胧。 Before leaving Desolate Town?” In not making sense of having a head wet from the fog, Qin Shi does not implore one in the length of thinking: Ok, the present urgent matter rescues Elder Sister Yu!” “难道是在离开荒镇之前?”在满头雾水的无厘头中,秦石不在去想的长吁一声:“算了,现在的当务之急是救出玉姐!” Works through this black clothing female measuring, Qin Shi understood that this measured the tope can also analyze to the psychic force, this to him, has not the small superiority actually. 通过这青衣女则的测灵,秦石了解到这测灵塔对精神力也能够进行分析,这样的话对他来讲,倒是有着不小的优势。 When to the high noon, the massive crowd sharp declines, quick arrived at Qin Shi several people to measure spirit time, what first going forward was the Nangong ice. 时至正午,大量的人群锐减,很快就到了秦石几人测灵的时候,第一个上前的是南宫冰。 Nangong brother, come on.” Qin Shi pats his shoulder with a smile. “南宫兄,加油啊。”秦石笑着拍下他的肩膀。 Ha Ha, cannot take one, two rub!” Under point that the Nangong ice laughs, steps to measuring under tope the floor. “哈哈,拿不下一段,二段还是搓搓有余!”南宫冰笑哈哈的点下头,迈到测灵塔下方的台面上。 After is four family members, arouses the interests of many person. 毕竟是四家人,引起不少人的关注。 Falls Lei Qiang!” “落雷枪!” Congealment hand imprint, to holding up day, the Nangong ice two palms open and close pull open hundred zhang (333m) Lei Mao, straight to measuring under tope the working point pours into fully. 凝结手印,正对擎天,南宫冰两掌开合中拉开一把百丈雷矛,笔直的冲测灵塔下方的受力点全力灌入。 Bang! 砰! Bang, measured that the tope glitters Lei Guang of galloping, the hot water direct impact that billowing spiritual power such as seethes with excitement ascends to heaven, at one fell swoop then breakthrough the red line of symbolic qualifying, is three, two, are approaching in a position finally infinitely stops. 巨响一声,测灵塔闪烁起奔腾的雷光,滚滚灵力如沸腾的热水直冲升天,一举便突破了象征参赛资格的红线,然后是三段,二段,最终在无限接近于一段的位置停下。 Disappointed shaking the head, the Nangong ice draws back saying: This, is not really good to take.” 失望的摇摇头,南宫冰退回来道:“这一段,果然不好拿啊。” Looks at this young lady!” “瞧本小姐得!” Next, is the Taishi ting flower. 下一个,是太史葶花。 The blazing hot lotus is in full bloom, measured that the tope once again was then activated. 炽烈的火莲怒放,测灵塔便再度被激活。 Qualifying, three, two! 参赛资格,三段,二段! But just surpassed the Nangong ice in two position, the miraculous glow stops suddenly, is away from one, is in the difference the square inch. 但在二段刚刚超过南宫冰的位置,灵光猛然停下,距离一段,还是差上方寸。 Hey, your not also this welldoing?” “嘿嘿,你不也这德行?” Always compared with you!” The Taishi ting flower droops a face stares a Nangong ice. “总比你强!”太史葶花耷拉个脸的瞪一眼南宫冰。 Third is Bai Xing, two positions of cropping up stop, serious in speech and manner arrives at the Qin Shi body bypath: Stone Qin, to you.” 第三个是白星,二段冒头的位置停下,不苟言笑的走到秦石身旁道:“石秦,到你了。” Good.” “好。” Complied with one, Qin Shi just to step goes forward, all around over ten thousand burning vision billowing thorns to his black robe, many several familiar forms. 答应一声,秦石刚迈上前,周遭上万道火辣辣的目光滚滚刺向他的黑袍,其中不乏几名熟悉的身影。 Works regarding measuring of Qin Shi, people are very curious. 对于秦石的测灵,众人都十分好奇。 You said that he can achieve several?” “你们说,他能达到几段?” Does not know, if the light looks at the strength, two should, not look at three everyone / influential family people at the most also two, he cannot surpass Mysterious Palace these monstruous talent.” “不知道,若光看实力的话,二段应该顶天了吧,没看三大家的人也才二段么,他总不能超过玄殿那些妖孽吧。” Also right, did not understand really that he does participate to bring contempt upon oneself?” “也对,真不理解,他来参赛就是为了自取其辱吗?” Yeah, some people, think oneself infallible, is always willing turns into the equal sign own dog deng transporting and own strength, as everyone knows has become others' laughingstock.” “哎,有些人啊,就是自以为是,总愿意把自己的狗屎运和自己的实力化成等号,殊不知成了别人的笑柄。” Heard discussion all around, black clothing female, the Nangong ice and Taishi ting spent several people, snorting contemptuously snort, they were profound awareness, ten thousand cannot conclude Qin Shi by the surface condition, otherwise must suffer a loss, the method of this fellow, high. 听闻周遭的议论,青衣女子,南宫冰与太史葶花几人,嗤之以鼻的哼了哼,他们可是深刻的知道,万不能以表面情况来断定秦石,否则是要吃大亏的啊,这家伙的手段,高着呢。 Qin Shi comes to power, when with Yan Feng cuo body, the latter waves the feather fan, contemptuous ridicule: He he, I want to look but actually that this your luck can continue to go against heaven's will, making this measure the tope also beginning point anything issue!” 秦石上台,和闫峰错身时,后者舞动羽扇,轻蔑的嘲弄道:“呵呵,我倒想看一看,这一次你的运气能不能继续逆天,让这测灵塔也出现点什么问题!” Is really uncertain!” “真不一定!” The faint smile responded, before Qin Shi stood to measure the tope. 浅笑回应,秦石站到测灵塔前。 He has not opened like other people greatly gathers greatly, but gently finds out from the sleeve the five fingers, first is gathering eye-catching golden light spiritual power, at once ripples of several points of invisible purple halo in [gold/metal] opens. 他并未像其余人那样大开大合,只是轻轻的将五指从袖筒探出,先是汇聚夺目的金光灵力,旋即几分无形的紫色光晕在金芒中涟漪而开。 The purple halo has only continued very short moment, making the people not realize that then vaguely went in the tuck dive golden light. 紫色光晕只持续了很短暂的片刻,令众人尚未察觉便在翻腾的金光中隐晦而去。 Bang! 砰! Holds the fortune-telling by the parts of Chinese characters in measuring the working point of tope, the audience is silent, concentrates an item of far view. 掌心印在测灵塔的受力点上,全场寂静,凝目远观。 Bang! 轰! Bang, ascends to heaven like the shell golden light direct impact, suddenly crosses below red line, speeding away that at once the speed has not slowed down, three, two, when just breakthrough two, actually not the people marvelous sudden idle time. 巨响一声,一道如炮弹般的金光直冲升天,在眨眼间就越过最下方的红线,旋即速度不曾减缓的疾驰,三段,二段,就在刚突破二段时,却莫民奇妙的突然停歇。 The people stared staring, said disappointedly: Scoffs, said that he is not good.” 众人瞪了瞪眼,失望道:“嗤,就说他不行吗。” Was good, others are not Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage! Ha Ha!” “不错了,人家不是才玄灵境中期吗!哈哈!” Nangong ices several to know very well the Qin Shi person, puzzled mumbled: Reluctantly two? Shouldn't, Brother Shi Qin be up to mischief?” 南宫冰几名熟知秦石人,跟着不解的嘟囔道:“勉强二段?不应该啊,石秦兄弟在搞什么鬼?” Grinning with ear to ear that taunt sound Sheng, Yan Feng smiles greatly. 嘲讽声大盛,闫峰笑的合不拢嘴。 Actually nobody realized that the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi, raise wipe the strange radian. 却没人察觉,秦石的嘴角在无意间,扬起一抹诡异的弧度。 Bang! 砰! Just like, an explosive, in measuring sky over tope the golden light bursts suddenly, like is the butterfly of broken cocoon, breeds together the purple photosphere. 俨然,一声爆响,在测灵塔上空的金光突然破裂,像是破茧的蝴蝶一样,从中孕育出一道紫色光球。 Bang! 轰! The purple photosphere just the birth left, is difficult to distinguish speed quick and violent that to climb up by the naked eye, then breaks one of the most peak in an instant, and is rising. 紫色光球刚刚诞出,以肉眼难辨的速度迅猛攀爬,一转眼便破开最顶端的一段,而且还在上升。 One?” “一,一段了?” How possible? Just didn't stop?” “怎么可能?刚刚不是停止了吗?” Can't? Looks quickly, has exceeded Mysterious Palace two fellow apprentice Lin to understand! Moreover is rising!” “不会吧?快瞧,已经超越玄殿二师兄林晓了!而且还在上升!” Suddenly explodes the purple photosphere that shoots, slapped audience all person burningly, Yan Feng before because of laughing the mouth that but was almost dislocated, was hard to close for a very long time. 突然爆射的紫色光球,火辣辣的打了全场所有人一个巴掌,闫峰之前因为大笑而差点脱臼的嘴巴,久久难以闭合。 Under measuring tope, Mysterious Palace elder who two sit in repose with eyes closed throughout, when the purple light group reaches some altitude, raising brow tip, strange looked at one. 在测灵塔下方,两名始终闭目养神的玄殿长老,在紫色光团达到某个高度的时候,都不禁的扬起眉梢,怪异的看了一眼。 The Nangong ice and Taishi ting spent several people to suck the tongue, smiled bitterly. 南宫冰和太史葶花几人咂了咂舌,苦笑一声。 Likes showing off really!” Black clothing female ill-humored toot toot the mouth said. “真爱显摆!”青衣女子没好气的嘟嘟嘴道。 Similar.” “差不多了吧。” Looks has been casting off Lin Xiao and a black clothing female about five meters position, Qin Shi heaving a deep sigh, quick and violent receives the strength. 望着已经甩开林晓和青衣女子近五米的位置,秦石不由的长叹一声,迅猛收力。 In the palm leaves the working point instant, the purple light group frames motionless. 在掌心离开受力点的刹那,紫色光团定格不动。 Rumble!” “咕噜!” Under completely is the dry saliva trundle sound, if the people looked that the monster same is staring at Qin Shi, this position has been the degree that they do not dare to imagine. 下方尽是干涩的唾液滚动声,众人如看怪物一样盯着秦石,这位置已经达到他们不敢想象的程度了。 More importantly, they actually as everyone knows, this is the achievement of Qin Shi desirably restraining, otherwise Qin Shi confessed that is rising ten meters not to be a problem. 重要的是,他们却殊不知,这还是秦石刻意收敛的成果,否则秦石自认在上升十米不成问题。 But he has not done this, after all now places the enemy big camp, must keep some methods of maintaining life to oneself, him, so long as can achieve one, enters the step to be good smoothly. 但他并没有这样做,毕竟现在身处敌军大营,总要给自己留些保命的手段,于他来讲只要能达到一段,顺利进阶好。 This, this measured that the tope did have problems really?” Yan Feng has gotten back one's composure, angrily before uneven rushing, shouts toward two elders: Elder, cannot calculate that this boy causes to cheat!” “这,这测灵塔真出问题了?”闫峰回过神,愤然不平的冲上前,朝两名长老喊道:“长老,不能算,这小子使诈!” Looks askance at Yan Feng one eyes, Bi Mu who once again two elder sounds did not speak. 睨视闫峰一眼,两名长老却不声不语的再度闭目。 Stone Qin, next!” “石秦一段,下一个!”
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