PDL :: Volume #5

#434: Initially enters the profound palace

On Royal Court Xuan Feng enters into, was equipped with all the way ties, for this reason is unable the flying apsaras to escape, can only on foot on, what is most feeling sad is this Xuan Feng's altitude, Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai already in ten thousand meters above sea level position, began supinely actually still could not see the end, felt cloud layer all around to cover up, the anger did not select the self-ignition: „, This *** also has the head? 10,000 meters!” 朝玄峰上迈入,一路上被设有结界,为此无法飞天遁地,只能够徒步而上,最让人心酸的是这玄峰的高度,秦石小米彩已经在海拔万米的位置,仰起头却仍是一望不见尽头,感受着周遭的云层遮掩,怒火不点自燃:“靠,这***还有没有头啊?10000米了都!” Sits on stone bench, Qin Shi puffs. 坐在石凳上,秦石喘着粗气。 Xiaomi Cai is exceptionally peaceful, since steps Xuan Feng to get up, words have not said that Qin Shi some that makes are not quite actually comfortable, before happening to obtain somebody's favor, care about one: What's wrong, hasn't recovered consciousness?” 小米彩异常安静,自从迈上玄峰起,就一句都话没说过,弄的秦石倒是有些不太自在,靠上前关心一句:“怎么,还没缓过来呢?” „It is not.” Xiaomi Cai toot toot the mouth was saying. “不是。”小米彩嘟嘟着嘴道。 How was that?” “那是怎么了?” I must stiffen!” Suddenly raises the color skirt, the Xiaomi Cai especially earnest style of speaking said. “我要变强!”突然扬起彩裙,小米彩格外认真的谈吐道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi knit the brows: Why said suddenly?” 闻声,秦石皱了皱眉:“为什么突然这么说?” These enemies who before, the father met, in my opinion was vulnerable, I always do not spare a glance, has not thought the father will have the danger, will leave me, but was just, in front of Hua Ling, I was specially no use, the first feeling father must go to me, I was quite afraid, fear the father not, therefore I must stiffen, only then stiffened, can protect the father!” Was saying was saying, Xiaomi Cai has cried, crying makes the human love dearly specially: Mother, me cannot lose the father!” “之前,爹爹碰见的那些敌人,在我看来都是脆弱不堪,我总是不屑一顾,从来没想过爹爹会有危险,甚至会离开我,但就是刚刚,在花零面前,我特别无助,第一次感觉爹爹要离我而去,我好害怕,怕爹爹不在了,所以我要变强,只有变强,才能够保护爹爹!”说着说着,小米彩就哭了,哭的特别让人心疼:“妈妈不在了,我不能在失去爹爹!” Qin Shi stares, he has not thought that this only arrives in the small girl heart of his chest, actually has these many unknown thoughts. 秦石不由一愣,他没想到这个只到他胸口的小丫头心中,竟然有着这么多不为人知的心思。 The recollection initially, in burning day mystical place Xiaomi Cai mother's skeleton, this small girl had not forgotten that seems like the mindless appearance, but she arms her sharp thorn. 回想当初,在焚天秘境中小米彩母亲的骸骨,原来这小丫头从来都没有忘记,看似没心没肺的模样,只是她武装自己的尖刺罢了。 Really is a silly thing!” “真是个傻丫头!” Blows on the bridge of the nose of Xiaomi Cai, the Qin Shi warm Judo: Was good, let alone the nonsense, practices a way, cannot finish in a hast, said again father's life is hale and hearty, even if Yama does not want, how to go to you?” 小米彩的鼻梁上刮一下,秦石温柔道:“好了,别说傻话,修炼一途,不可急于求成,再说爹爹的命硬朗着,就算是阎王爷都不要,怎么会离你而去呢?” Really?” Xiaomi Cai naive supine beginning. “真得?”小米彩天真的仰起头。 Walks quickly, you did not say that you did think Elder Sister Yu?” The Qin Shi nod complies to say. “快走吧,你不是说你想玉姐了么?”秦石点头答应道。 Um!” “嗯!” Makes the rest slightly, they climb up along stone bench once again on. 稍作休息,两人再度沿着石凳攀爬而上。 20,000 meters, 30,000 meters. 20000米,30000米。 In 50,000 meters position, arrived at the end finally, if not for own crawls, Qin Shi is really unbelievable, in the world will have such high mountain peak unexpectedly. 在50000米的位置,终于到了尽头,若不是亲身的爬上来,秦石真的难以相信,世上竟会有这么高的山峰 Obloquying that the station at the altitude of 50000 meter s, the Qin Shi bird's eye view, actually twitches: Did not reach an agreement will have worked as the ice extremely, glance audiences Shan Little? This *** as far as the eye can see, which also had the mountain, full all was the floating clouds!” 站在50000米的高空,秦石俯瞰而下,却不由抽搐的大骂:“不是说好了会当凌绝顶,一览众山小吗?这***放眼望去,哪还有山了,满满的全是浮云啊!” Long implored one, Qin Shi to shake the head saying: It seems like, the ancient also has losing footing time, said that the person of this saying definitely has not climbed up such high mountain!” 长吁一声,秦石摇头道:“看来,古人也有失足的时候啊,说这话的人肯定没爬上过这么高的山!” It is not intertwining, they step toward Mysterious Palace. 不在纠结,两人朝玄殿迈去。 Just arrived at Xuan Feng Peak, they are shocked by the pretty picture at present are in-situ. 刚到玄峰顶端,两人被眼前靓丽的景象震撼在原地。 Mysterious Palace, the broad atmosphere, hundred zhang (333m) city wall, bejeweled jade palace, the place of water and sky docking, fills the light that swung the person heartstrings, innumerably construction that is built by Upper Tier spirit stones, may be called peerless, especially in the central position, a castle in the air, the float four jiao, 3000 waterfalls that rolling falls, water splash bright filling the air that splutters in air, reveals to wipe to swing the person feelings the fragrance. 玄殿,恢弘大气,百丈城墙,琼楼玉宇,水天相接之处,充满了荡人心弦的光影,无数由上品灵石打造的建筑,堪称绝伦,特别是在中央的位置,一座空中楼阁,悬浮的四角,是滚滚而落的3000瀑布,溅射起的水花剔透的弥漫在空气中,流露出一抹荡人心肠的芳香。 Rumble!” “咕噜!” Qin Shi confessed that after leaving Desolate Town, he is also counted has seen the world, but the position near in the under foot of Mysterious Palace, was still acclaiming. 秦石自认,离开荒镇以后,他也算上是见过世面,但位临在玄殿的脚下,仍然是不禁的赞叹。 This serves as contrast the palace in fog, simply is the wonderland. 这一座衬托在云雾中的宫殿,简直就是人间仙境啊。 „Were you Shi Qin?” “你就是石秦?” By the ear transmits the sound, Qin Shi just now from shocking wakes up, a disciple of wear Mysterious Palace clothing falls against the wind, looks at him to show the strange look. 耳旁传来声响,秦石方才从震撼中醒来,一名穿着玄殿服饰的弟子迎风落下,望着他露出怪异的神色。 Qin Shi nods: Um.” 秦石点点头:“嗯。” Ok, comes with me.” The Mysterious Palace disciple called Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai, entered Mysterious Palace. “行,跟我来吧。”玄殿弟子叫上秦石小米彩,进入玄殿 On the road, Qin Shi finds through exchange that for the Mysterious Palace disciple who he leads the way named: Bai Xing, is a disciple in cella, the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage strength, will attend this time honor big game. 在路上,秦石通过交流了解到,为他引路的玄殿弟子名为:白星,是一个内殿的弟子,玄灵境中期的实力,也会出席这一次的荣誉大赛。 Brother Bai Xing, this time your does Mysterious Palace, how many people altogether send out to attend the honor big game?” Qin Shi curious question. “白星兄弟,这一次你们玄殿,一共派出多少人参加荣誉大赛啊?”秦石好奇的问句 Bai Xing thinks deeply about a meeting: 30 people.” 白星思索一会:“30人吧。” 30 people?” To this digit, Qin Shi slightly obviously accidental. “才30人?”对这个数字,秦石略显意外。 He he, 30 people have sufficed, you think that this honor big game, is the registration can participate really?” Bai Xing said with a smile. “呵呵,30人就够了,你以为这荣誉大赛,真的是报名就能参加啊?”白星笑道。 Not?” “不是么?” Naturally is not, this, the person of registration reached as high as hundreds of thousands of short on the 7 th, if competed, does not know that must project on lord knows.” Bai Xing shakes the head, then said: I now, am lead you to go to screen before the game, only then the talented person of screening has been is qualified for attending the honor big game.” “当然不是,这短短七日,报名的人就高达数十万,那要是真的打擂台,不知要打到猴年马月呢。”白星摇摇头,接着道:“我现在,就是带你们去赛前筛选,只有过了筛选的人才算是真的有资格参加荣誉大赛。” Is this?” Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted. “是这样?”秦石恍然大悟。 Quick, three people arrive at east Mysterious Palace, here broad squares, in square dense and numerous gatherings over ten thousand people, in the crowd center, reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333m) iron tower, the iron tower often emanation twinkle, each twinkle will then have spiritual power to explode to shoot, falls on the different positions, goes up and down abruptly. 很快,三人来到玄殿东侧,在这里有一座恢弘的广场,广场上密密麻麻的汇聚了上万人,在人群中央,有一座高达百丈的铁塔,铁塔不时的发出闪烁,每一次闪烁便会有灵力爆射而出,落在不同的位置,忽高忽低。 That is the Mysterious Palace unique measuring tope, so long as is launching the attack to it, it will act according to your strength to make the judgment, did you look toward the iron tower central position, see that red line? That is the participating standard, if cannot achieve, will directly be eliminated, naturally I think that you can cut to kill this palace elder, should not need to be worried about this issue.” Bai Xing aims at the central iron tower to say. “那是玄殿特有的测灵塔,只要对着它发起攻击,它就会根据你的力量做出判断,你朝铁塔中央的位置看,看见那条红线了吗?那就是参赛的标准,若是达不到的话,就会被直接淘汰,当然我想你能斩杀本殿长老,应该不用担心这个问题。”白星指向中央的铁塔道。 Qin Shi awkward smiling, in the center of iron tower, really has together very conspicuous red line, what lets his accident is, above red line, three different color lines. 秦石尴尬的笑笑,在铁塔的中央,确实有一道非常惹眼的红线,但让他意外的是,在红线上方,还有三条不同颜色的线条。 What meaning are that three lines?” “那三条线是什么意思?” Is the grade, the preliminary contest altogether is divided into four grades, this can divide the strong and weak directly, omits showdown that does not need, if can achieve one that most goes against, can cross the preliminary contest directly, attended the finals.” Bai Xingchong Qin Shi explanation sentence. “是段位,初赛总共分为四个段位,这样可以直接划分出强弱,省去一些没必要的对决,如果能够达到最顶上的一段,就可以直接越过初赛,参加决赛。”白星冲秦石解释句。 Qin Shi nod of suddenly, this truly can save much troublesome. 秦石恍然的点了点头,这样确实能省下不少麻烦。 Walks, we also pass.” Bai Xingchong Qin Shi beckons, sets out to step toward the square center. “走吧,我们也过去。”白星冲秦石招了招手,起身朝广场中央迈去。 Three people enter the square, immediately causes the vision and clamoring that varies. 三人进入广场,马上就引起各异的目光和喧哗。 „Was this boy, Shi Qin? He he, is really interesting, does not know that actually the Hua Ling palace main how wants to result, makes him participate unexpectedly!” “这小子,就是石秦?呵呵,真是有趣,也不知花零殿主究竟怎么想得,竟然让他来参赛!” Silly, making him participate is not good to understand? Nothing but wants to make the following disciple defeat him personally, like this makes his reputation sweep the floor, may compared with killing him must also hold together.” “傻,让他来参赛还不好理解?无非就是想让下面的弟子亲手打败他,这样让他的名声扫地,可比杀了他还要接气。” Also right, a Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage fellow, can have the big skill!” “也对,一个玄灵境中期的家伙,能有多大的本事!” In the discussion, Qin Shi is indifferent to personal gains and losses. 在议论中,秦石宠辱不惊。 Stone Brother Qin!” “石秦兄弟!” Together familiar falls hears, making Qin Shi stare staring, turned round to look to see only Nangong to ice three steps and two steps stepping goes forward, stands by him. 一道熟悉的落入耳中,令秦石不由愣了愣,回身望去只见南宫冰三步并两步的迈上前,站到他旁边。 High and low sizes up, the Nangong ice since the desolated jungle leaves, now is Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage: Nangong brother? Did you also participate?” 上下打量一番,南宫冰自从荒芜丛林离开,如今已是玄灵境后期:“南宫兄?你也来参赛了?” Not is only he, I!” “不光是他,还有我!” The graceful form heaves in sight together, is embroidering two character large characters of being unforgettably engraved on one's mind on the honored long skirt: Taishi, is not just too the Taishi ting flower of historian? 一道曼妙的身影映入眼帘,在尊贵的长裙上绣着铭心的两字大字:太史,不正是太史家的太史葶花? Taishi ting flower white hands obstruct the surface, said with a smile to the Qin Shi charming tenderness: Stone Young Master, won't you such quickly forget the girl?” 太史葶花玉手遮面,冲秦石妩媚的娇笑道:“石公子,你不会这么快就忘记小女子了吧?” ting hoyden pretty like immortal, how I can forget.” In this place, can meet several old friends, making Qin Shi was happy. “葶花姑娘貌美如仙,我怎么能忘了呢。”在这种地方,能够碰见几个故人,令秦石不由的开心起来。 The Taishi ting colored strength was, Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage peak, even has been able to see Lei Jiechu revealed that made Qin Shi acclaim secretly: background of this everyone / influential family clan, is out of the ordinary.” 太史葶花的实力更是了得,玄灵境后期巅峰,甚至已经能看见雷劫初显,不由的让秦石暗自赞叹:“这大家族的底蕴,就是非比寻常啊。” Nangong ice intent outlet: „Did you know?” 南宫冰意外道:“你们认识?” Naturally, how? Your Nangong ice knew on Xu, can't my Taishi ting flower understanding? I and stone Young Master relates to be good! Is, stone Young Master?” Taishi ting flower the appearance or the stature exceptionally are attractive, in addition she such as the wonderful sound of sounds of nature, making nearby many young and vigorous male beastly nature big, breathed heavily the thick air/Qi. “当然,怎么着?就许你南宫冰认识,不许我太史葶花认识啊?我和石公子关系好着呢!是不是啊,石公子?”太史葶花无论是长相还是身材都异常诱人,加上她如天籁的妙音,令旁边不少血气方刚的男子兽性大起,喘上粗气。 Is feeling side the burning vision, the Qin Shi nod forced smile, it seems like in imperceptibly, once again became is the target of public criticism. 感受着旁边火辣辣的目光,秦石点头苦笑,看来在无形中,又一次成为众矢之的了啊。 Other person of indignant Qin Shi can also understand but actually that the issue turns round to look to Xiaomi Cai, this small girl unexpectedly also being red in the face is staring at him, that bright and intelligent eye stares to a big way must eat him to be the same probably while still alive. 其余人愤愤不平秦石倒也能理解,问题是一回身望向小米彩,这小丫头竟也是面红耳赤的盯着他,那一双水汪汪的眼睛瞪大到好像要活活吃掉他一样。 Small girl, you how?” “小丫头,你怎么了?” I must tell the demons elder sister, you do not observe the traditional woman ethics outside!” Xiaomi Cai purses the lips to say. “我要告诉罗刹姐,你在外面不守妇道!”小米彩撅嘴道。 „” The Qin Shi full heavy line, stares saying: Dead girl, what you talked nonsense, you know that what was called the traditional woman ethics?” “”秦石满头黑线,瞪眼道:“死丫头,你胡说什么呢,你知道什么叫做妇道吗?” Knows that the demons elder sister told me, entices others outside, is called does not observe the traditional woman ethics!” Xiaomi Cai very earnest reply. “知道啊,罗刹姐和我说过,就是在外面勾引别人,就叫做不守妇道!”小米彩很认真的回答一句。 The Qin Shi Chest is depressed, this small girl listens inattentively, under the strange vision of other people, he is also disinclined to argue with it, turns round to look all around toward all around, at this time the person of Huangpu rushed to the scene, was one less than 30 youth, same body Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage strength. 秦石心口发堵,这小丫头真是听三不听四,在旁人的怪异目光下,他也懒得去与其争辩,回身朝四周环顾一圈,这时皇普家的人赶到现场,是一名不足30的青年,同一身玄灵境后期的实力。 Is the Huangpu person of extraordinary ability!” “是皇普俊彦!” hears that sound, Qin Shi takes down secretly, at once about looks all around, has not actually seen the Shangguan Family form, said curiously: This time, hasn't Shangguan Family sent for?” 闻声,秦石暗自记下,旋即左右环顾,却迟迟未见上官家的身影,好奇道:“这一次,上官家没有派人来吗?” Um, this honor big condition is severe, cannot surpass the person registration over 30 years old, Shangguan Family now the interior was void, in the younger generation the strength is the weak pity, Shangguan Leng that only participates in hopefully, you know finally.” Nangong ice helpless looks toward Qin Shi. “嗯,这荣誉大的条件严苛,不许超过30岁以上的人报名,上官家现在本就内部空虚,晚辈中实力更是弱的可怜,唯一有希望参加的上官冷,结果你知道得。”南宫冰无奈的朝秦石望去。 The Shangguan Family matter in East District is not the secret, but those who make Qin Shi helpless is, does not know that is the person who which does not enlarge ones vision, hearsay Shangguan Leng dies in his hand, was Feng Hensha Shangguan Leng was obviously good? 上官家的事在东方区域都不是秘密,而让秦石无奈的是,不知是哪个不开眼的人,传闻上官冷是死在他的手上,明明是封痕杀了上官冷好不好? Protested. 一阵喊冤。 The Taishi ting flower breaks them: Black dragon sect also came with Li Yu of Li family.” 太史葶花打断两人:“青龙宗和李氏家族的李煜也来了。” Oh? 哦? Li Yu when Mysterious City, Qin Shi slightly has hearing, but actually does not have the too big interest, but to the person of black dragon sect, actually quite cares. 李煜在玄城时,秦石略有耳闻,倒没有太大的兴趣,但对青龙宗的人,却是颇为在意。 Turns round to look, what the black dragon sect leaves is a simple and honest man, the build puts on weight slightly, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage , compared with three everyone / influential family and Li Family, appears somewhat bad. 回身望去,青龙宗派出的是一名憨厚的男子,体型略微发胖,一身玄灵境中期,和三大家李家相比起来,显得有些不济。 Is tiger white, heard he enters shortly after the black dragon sect, directly was mentioned the position of chief disciple.” The Nangong ice said the sentence in side. “是虎皓,听说他才进青龙宗不久,就直接被提到首席弟子的位置了。”南宫冰在旁边说句。 Qin Shi nods secretly, knows that this person definitely is Cen Chi trusted friend, for this reason prepares to find an opportunity, inquires, matter about black dragon sect. 秦石暗自点头,知道这人肯定是岑驰的心腹,为此准备找个机会,去询问一下,关于青龙宗的事。 When several people chatted, the measuring tope in distant place exploded to shoot the billowing none remaining suddenly, such as the flame direct impact clouds of rising sun, line breakthrough of most peak. 在几人聊天时,远处的测灵塔突然间爆射起滚滚精光,一道如旭日的火焰直冲云霄,将最顶端的线条突破 Looks quickly, is one!” “快瞧,是一段!” ---- ---- PS: Pushes an profound imaginary good book: Dragon mark war-god PS:推一本玄幻好书:【龙纹战神】
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