PDL :: Volume #5

#433: Empire throne

The vermilion storehouse clothing waves in dust sand, wipes the slightly miserable cold wind to blow to fall the cape on her fragrant shoulder, such as the appearance of flowered beautiful Family swings the person heartstrings, wisp of fragrant snow sends to fill the air to open, the snow sends to flutter, the hundred flowers are on the wane. 朱红色的藏服在尘沙中舞动,一抹略显凄凉的冷风将她香肩上的斗篷吹落,如花美眷的容颜荡人心弦,一缕芳香的雪发弥漫而开,雪发飘过,百花凋零。 She is only standing silently, cannot say honored then broadly ascends to heaven, the appearance that the beautiful woman causes the downfall of the nation, making those present lower the head, did not endure to look straight ahead. 她只是默默的站立,一股说不上的尊贵便恢弘升天,倾城倾国的容貌,令在场的人不禁低下头去,不忍直视。 Is the Hua Ling palace host!” “是花零殿主!” Really is she? So is unexpectedly attractive?” “真的是她?竟这么漂亮?” Cannot think that she will arrive , this boy has nine lives, feared that was do not want to go on living.” Terrified discussion sound resounds in the crowd. “想不到,她会亲临而下,这一下就算这小子有九条命,怕是也别想活下去了。”悚然的议论声在人群中响起。 Under the black clothing female trembles tenderly, the white hands comforts nearby flowers and plants, but moves gently, the withered branches and leaves are then defeated and dispersed the sand, made her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight secret passage: Hundred flowers remnant Hua Ling, really lives up to reputation!” 青衣女子娇颤一下,玉手抚慰下旁边的花草,只是轻轻触碰,干枯的枝叶便溃散成沙,令她黛眉蹙紧的暗道:“百花残・花零,果然名不虚传!” Under the oppression of primordial chaos, Xiaomi Cai reveals rare dreading, moves the small sound track of second half step: Father, this person is very strong.” 在鸿蒙的压迫下,就连小米彩都露出罕见的忌惮,挪后半步的小声道:“爹爹,这人很强。” Looks at each other with the scarlet female, Qin Shi reveals the forced smile, the Mysterious Palace palace advocates Hua Ling, can the Scarlet Flame Empire fully deserving, without any reservations first person, not be strong? 和红衣女子对视,秦石露出苦笑,玄殿的殿主花零,赤炎帝国当之无愧的第一人,能不强吗? Originally, you are Hua Ling, no wonder initially I asked that who you are, your agree did not tell me!” The sucking in mouth cold air/Qi diligently, Qin Shi lowers the sound to say. “原来,你就是花零,难怪当初我问你是谁,你不肯告诉我!”努力的倒抽口冷气,秦石压低声音道。 I have said that when you arrived at Mysterious Palace, naturally knows that who I am.” Hua Ling said a word in a soft voice: Now, don't you know?” “我说过,等你到了玄殿,自然就会知道我是谁。”花零轻声言语:“现在,你不是知道了么?” Said that you pour also observe the agreement, that I came now, Elder Sister Yu?” Facing Hua Ling, Qin Shi does not dare hurriedly, the lowering status as far as possible to say. “这么说,你倒也算是遵守约定,那现在我来了,玉姐呢?”面对花零,秦石不敢造次,尽可能的放低身份道。 In the inquiry, Hua Ling said with a smile indifferently: Does not need to give me to pin such big hat, what agrees me not to care, I am very curious, is actually what courage, lets Mysterious Palace that you come, you do not know that regarding me, kills you, is similar to is run over and dies an ant to be the same, don't you fear death?” 在询问中,花零漠然笑道:“不用给我扣这么大的帽子,什么约定不约定我不在乎,我只是很好奇,究竟是什么勇气,让你来的玄殿,难道你不知道,对于我来说,杀死你,就如同碾死一只蚂蚁一样,你不怕死么?” In severe sandstorm, Qin Shi gradually calms down, lets go saying: Death? Naturally feared, but I feared a person is living, such lives to might as well die.” 在一番严酷的风沙中,秦石渐渐的冷静下来,摊手道:“死?当然怕,但我更怕一个人的活着,那样生不如死。” Nearby person had a scare, looks to looking at the monster is the same to the Qin Shi vision. 旁边的人吓了一跳,望向秦石的目光向看怪物一样。 „Was this boy insane? Was the brain clamped by the gate? Dares such and Hua Ling speech?” “这小子疯了?还是脑子被门夹了?敢这么和花零说话?” „To die does not need such to worry? If this Hua Ling begins, we must be affected.” “想死也不用这么着急吧?这要是花零动手,咱们都要受到波及。” Black clothing female, frowning secret passage: Really is a fellow not awfully? The real men have not been at a disadvantage from the outset, isn't this is bringing death intentionally?” 就连青衣女子,都不禁的蹙眉暗道:“真是个不要命的家伙?好汉还不吃眼前亏呢,这不是在故意送死么?” The Hua Ling charming beautiful pupil causes fluttering flags, at once the crowd has not gotten back one's composure, reappearing that she vanishes baseless before the Qin Shi body, the slender white hands slightly rotate, Qin Shi space all around seemed found time to be the same, a severe pain rolling transmits in Qin Shi within the body, blood ebullition. 花零迷人的美眸引起一番旖旎,旋即人群尚未回神,她凭空消失的浮现在秦石身前,纤细的玉手只是微微转动,秦石周遭的空间仿佛被抽空一样,一股剧痛在秦石体内滚滚传来,血液沸腾。 Drinks!” “喝!” In an instant, Qin Shi does not have the strength of resistance knees down, the restraining napes of the neck of two pain, the resolute face becomes flushed to faint. 刹那间,秦石毫无抵抗之力的跪倒在地,两手痛苦的勒住脖颈,刚毅的面庞涨红到晕厥。 Father!” “爹爹!” Before Xiaomi Cai anxious stepping, such as the rainbow multi-colored sunlight just curled up under the skirt, the strength that made her shiver shakes from the highest heaven unexpectedly falls, Bang shook her departs over a hundred meters far. 小米彩焦急的踏上前,如彩虹般的霞光刚在裙下卷起,蓦地间一股令她颤抖的力量从九霄震落,砰一声将她震飞出上百米远。 Hua Ling indifferent is staring at Qin Shi: Now, I, so long as waves, your life did not have, I give you last opportunity, so long as you are willing to leave Mysterious Palace, gives up your Elder Sister Yu, I not only forgive your life, you before with my Mysterious Palace all gratitude and grudges, can write off, even you want anything, I can give you! Wraps this Scarlet Flame Empire throne 花零漠视的盯着秦石:“现在,我只要挥挥手,你的命就没了,我给你最后一次机会,只要你肯离开玄殿,放弃你的玉姐,我不仅饶你一命,你之前和我玄殿的所有恩怨,也都可以一笔勾销,甚至你想要什么,我都可以给你!包裹这赤炎帝国的王位” Rumble!” “咕噜!” The wonderful sound drops, the people felt that throat was been same by the raging fire ignition, the heart fierce beat must leap the soul probably, first did not say Hua Ling can take the Scarlet Flame Empire throne to Qin Shi, only climbs up Hua Ling this tall Zhi, is the matter that many people have a dream do not dare to imagine, but now, so long as Qin Shi is willing to nod gently, then can stand some people, the altitude of diligently for a lifetime not being able to suffice. 妙音回落,众人感觉喉咙被烈火点燃一样,心脏剧烈的跳动好像要跃出灵魂,先不说花零能不能真的给秦石拿下赤炎帝国的王位,光是攀上花零这朵高枝,就是多少人连做梦都不敢想象的事,而现在,只要秦石肯轻轻点头,便能够站到一些人,努力一辈子都够不到的高度。 I, only want Elder Sister Yu!” “我,只想要玉姐!” Qin Shi in the vision of people, actually resolute shaking the head decidedly. 秦石在众人的眼光中,却刚毅决然的摇头。 Hears the Qin Shi sound, people to feel that was insane. 听着秦石的声音,众人感觉要疯了。 Bang! 砰! The black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkles, the Hua Ling white hands make an effort, suddenly the Qin Shi volume to hundred meters high airborne: Does not know so-called, I asked again your one time, do you comply not to comply? So long as you promise me, you have any personal enemy, person who I send out Mysterious Palace to help you eliminate now, wrap these just to ridicule your, so long as you nod, I make them disappear immediately thoroughly!” 黛眉皱起,花零玉手用力,猛然间将秦石卷到百米高的空中:“不知所谓,我再问你一次,你答应还是不答应?只要你答应我,你有什么仇人,我现在就派出玄殿帮你清除,包裹这些刚刚嘲笑过你的人,只要你点头,我马上就让他们彻底消失!” What?” “什么?” The people had a scare, the withdrawing several steps of subconscious. 众人吓了一跳,潜意识的退后数步。 Concentrate! 凝! In front of Hua Ling, they are base and low like ants, Hua Ling is only the skilled artist grips the fist, the spaces of thousands of rice were sealed up directly dull, made various people motionless in same place, can only with the vision of hope look to Qin Shi. 花零面前,他们如蝼蚁般卑微,花零只是妙手攥拳,千万米的空间直接被封闭,令诸人一动不动的呆愣在原地,只能用祈求的目光望向秦石 Ha Ha, ha!” “哈哈,哈哈哈!” Float in midair, Qin Shi laughs suddenly. 悬浮在半空中,秦石突然大笑。 What do you smile?” The Hua Ling palm catches up, Qin Shi was shaken once again departs dozens meters far. “你笑什么?”花零掌心发力,秦石再度被震飞出数十米远。 Crawls to set out, Qin Shi erases the black bloodstain of corners of the mouth: Your condition, is truly attractive, but me, let alone is the lives of Scarlet Flame Empire and these people, is the world common people, is inferior to my Elder Sister Yu to be important!” 爬起身,秦石抹掉嘴角的黑色血迹:“你的条件,确实很诱人,但是于我而言,别说是赤炎帝国和这些人的命,就是天下苍生,都不及我的玉姐重要!” Must kill then kills, you do not kill me today, I want on the Mysterious Palace life-saving!” Qin Shi sound full Han is stimulated, responds in the ears of all people. “要杀便杀,你今日不杀我,我就要上玄殿救人!”秦石的声音满含亢奋,回应在所有人的耳中。 The crowd has eaten relaxing of reassuring medicine likely, the black clothing female by corner strange looking to Qin Shi, reveals to wipe the chuckle suddenly: He he, cannot think of this boy, but also very heavy friendship?” 人群像是吃了定心丸的松了口气,青衣女子透过角落怪异的望向秦石,突然间露出抹轻笑:“呵呵,想不到这小子,还挺重情义的吗?” I have killed you!” “那我就杀了你!” Hua Ling pupil restraining, sharp nail punctures, the colored white silver spear flutters, the light is the air wave that forms then rips open dozens deeply not to see the bottom the earth the gully. 花零瞳仁收敛,锋利的指甲刺出,花白色的银戈翻飞,光是所形成的气浪便将大地撕开数十道深不见底的沟壑。 ! 咻! Speeds away, punctures to the Qin Shi forehead. 疾驰中,冲着秦石的眉心刺下。 The fist pinches tightly, Qin Shi smiles bitterly: Was dying?” 拳头捏紧,秦石不由苦笑:“要死了么?” Before on Mysterious Palace, he then expects this, but has not thought is so quick, for this reason stares at the silver light brow of approaching not to wrinkle, wipes view death as a return home self-ridiculed decidedly: Was a pity that cannot rescue Elder Sister Yu.” 在上玄殿前,他便料到这一幕,只是没想到来的这么快,为此盯着逼近的银光眉头都不曾皱下,一抹视死如归的决然自嘲:“只是可惜,没能救出玉姐。” Father!” “爹爹!” In painful struggling, the Xiaomi Cai pupil gives a tongue-lashing to crack. 痛苦的挣扎中,小米彩眸呲欲裂。 Bang! 轰! Bang, Qin Shi felt that behind transmits the terrifying the cold current, 巨响一声,秦石感觉背后传来恐怖的寒流, The silver light is stopping from the position between his forehead square inches suddenly, the light is the remaining prestige that produces then makes behind earth disruption, forms everywhere the quarry stone. 银光在距离他眉心方寸间的位置突然停下,光是所产生的余威便令身后的大地碎裂,形成漫天的乱石。 Soul-stirring, people puffing in gulps, this scene for a lifetime does not have the opportunity to have a liking for one time. 惊心动魄中,众人大口大口的喘着粗气,这种场面可是一辈子都没机会看上一次的啊。 The nail that punctures takes back, pinches tightly the cutting palm of fist, the Hua Ling unwilling [say / way]: Why, why didn't you ask me? So long as you asked me to let off you, so long as you are willing to leave Mysterious Palace, I can let off you, why!” 刺出的指甲收回,捏紧成拳头的划破掌心,花零不甘道:“为什么,为什么你不求我?只要你求我放过你,只要你肯离开玄殿,我就能放过你,为什么!” Angry roaring sound, blows off the Qin Shi sending tree top. 愤怒的咆哮声,吹散秦石的发梢。 Qin Shi begins supinely, to be honest just that flash, he felt that he died really one time, telling foul air flue that long implored: Rather dies, does not live on dishonorably!” 秦石仰起头,说实话刚刚那一瞬间,他感觉自己真的死了一次,长吁的吐口浊气道:“宁可一死,绝不苟活!” Good, good not to live on dishonorably!” “好,好一句绝不苟活!” Hua Ling suddenly has smiled, at once she turns round to receive the sleeve robe, takes away the back cape in the head, in the enhanced dust treads void Xuan Feng toward distant place to escape. 花零蓦然间笑了,旋即她回身间收起袖袍,将背后的斗篷扣在头上,扬尘中踏起虚空朝远处的玄峰遁开。 Under beyond the highest heavens, shines together the great wild goose sound. 在九霄云外,辉映下一道鸿音。 Opportunity I give you, participates honor big game, can save her, looks at your skill!” “机会我给你,去参加荣誉大赛,能不能救走她,看你自己的本事吧!” Under the wonderful sound, Qin Shi trembled trembling, at once soaring to the heavens of great happiness holds the fist in the other hand: Many thanks Hua Ling palace host!” 在妙音下,秦石颤了颤,旋即大喜的冲天抱拳:“多谢花零殿主!” The short process, making nearby people feeling absolutely terrified, even there are does not do a bit less the participating person, frightens turns around to run, gave up including the registration. 短暂的过程,让旁边的众人感觉毛骨悚然,甚至有不少来参赛的人,吓得转身就跑,连报名都放弃了。 To be honest, is not afraid that is false, the Qin Shi present calf also cramps, making making an effort of his have no alternative knock several: This life and death one, real his mother is not joked, the calf the calf, your a little prospect, others walked away!” 说实话,不害怕那是假得,秦石现在的小腿还抽筋呢,让他无可奈何的使劲敲了几下:“这生死一线,真他妈不是闹着玩的啊,小腿啊小腿,你有点出息,人家都走远了!” Restoration diligently is tranquil, Qin Shi helps up Xiaomi Cai: All right?” 努力的恢复平静,秦石小米彩扶起:“没事吧?” All right.” Xiaomi Cai shakes the head, the whole person actually had the change, does not have Chang Rili the happy talks and laughters, on the elegant face only then dignified and loses. “没事。”小米彩摇摇头,整个人却发生了变化,没有常日里的欢声笑语,俏脸上只有凝重和失落。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, at but once actually does not have said again that he knows this time, attacks to Xiaomi Cai is not small, this but actually also good, at least can make her understand, outside the human has the human, one should always strive for better. 秦石愣了愣,旋即倒也没再多说,他知道这一次,对小米彩来讲打击不小,这样倒也好,至少能让她明白,人外有人,天外有天。 Walks, registers.” “走,去报名吧。” In the idle talk, Qin Shi does not arrive at the sides of two Mysterious Palace disciples. 不在废话,秦石走到两名玄殿弟子的身旁。 They have gawked the half of the day, turns head to look toward the Beidou elder: Elder, this 两人愣了半天,回头朝北斗长老望去:“长老,这” This what this, palace hosts spoke, don't you want to live?” Beidou scolds fierce, obviously fills to dread to Hua Ling that at once looks at Qin Shi one, the enhanced dust went. “这什么这,殿主都发话了,难道你们不想活了吗?”北斗厉声呵斥,显然对花零充满忌惮,旋即瞄了秦石一眼,扬尘而去。 Beidou leaves, remaining two disciple where also dare not to revere, according to procedure completes the participating record for Qin Shi, the entire process has been full of the respect, making Qin Shi enjoy, the treatment of everyone / influential family clan. 北斗离开,剩下的两名弟子哪里还敢不尊,按照程序的替秦石做好参赛记录,整个过程充满了尊重,让秦石不由的享受了一番,大家族的待遇。 Is completing the record, Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai goes toward Mysterious Palace, the news that before Hua Ling acted has caused a stir in entire Mysterious Palace obviously, made all the way many Mysterious Palace disciples, saw Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai allows to pass through. 在做好记录,秦石小米彩玄殿前去,之前花零出面的消息显然已经轰动整座玄殿,令一路上不少的玄殿弟子,看见秦石小米彩都纷纷让路。 By oppressive one time, cannot think also has this advantage?” Qin Shi laughs in spite of trying not, at once blatantly seeks publicity and Xiaomi Cai makes great strides forward toward the place above. “被虐一次,想不到还有这种好处?”秦石不由失笑,旋即招摇过市的和小米彩就朝上方迈进。 In reaching to the sky Xuan Feng upper extreme. 在高耸入云的玄峰上端。 The strategy that several million Upper Tier spirit stones build, above the strategy, there is a waterside pavilion pavilion, such as the forehead of summit of Yun Tian, float Yu Kong. 一座数百万上品灵石打造的阵法,在阵法上方,有一座水榭楼阁,如云天之巅的天庭,悬浮于空。 Bang! 砰! In the pavilion, Hua Ling depending on empty enters into, draws back to cover the appearance the cape, making the snow white long hair swing however to inundate, accommodates tenderly angrily wields the white hands, on the wall surface of distant place with a crash the scrap. 楼阁中,花零凭虚迈入,退下遮挡容颜的斗篷,让雪白的长发荡然漫出,娇容上略带愤怒的挥出玉手,远处的墙面上砰然炸碎。 When the jade surface disruption, the familiar sound resounds together: „Was this? Is mad such big?” 在玉面碎裂时,一道熟悉的声音响起:“这是怎么了?生这么大的气?” You have won, he came!” Closing tightly silver tooth that Hua Ling shivers: Honor big game, I summoned that cannot destroy the Mysterious Palace honor, if he can win the big game, you can walk.” “你赢了,他来了!”花零颤抖的咬紧银牙:“荣誉大赛,我已经号召出去,不能毁了玄殿的荣誉,如果他能赢了大赛,你就可以走了。” Really is rare, originally will the Hua Ling palace main also care about the vision of bystander?” The spirit body of Shu Zhongyu sits on the chair hundred meters away, the laughter said: Relax, no matter you set up many thorns, he will not be defeated by you!” “真是罕见,原来花零殿主也会在乎外人的眼光?”书中玉的灵体坐在百米外的座椅上,嬉笑道:“放心吧,不管你设立多少荆棘,他都不会被你打垮!” Hope.” “希望吧。” The Hua Ling Ai Rou laughter, carries the white hands to stand in the waterside pavilion in pavilion at once, whatever the cloud woolpack Shu's cool breeze blows, nobody realizes that in the place of her eyeground most deep place, does not abandon, has together take pity on: Demons, their sentiments, how looks like us, 30 years elapse in an instant, are you also living?” 花零哀柔的笑声,旋即背过玉手站在楼阁的水榭上,任由云卷云舒的清风拂面,没有人察觉到,在她眼底最深处的地方,有一道不舍,有一道怜惜:“罗刹,他们的感情,是多么的像我们啊,一转眼30年逝去,你还活着么?” „If living, you are strange the elder sister?” “如果活着,你还怪姐姐么?”
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