PDL :: Volume #5

#432: The palace host arrives

Next!” “下一个!” Mysterious Palace disciple numb records the next two large characters when the paper carelessly, but in last will soon fall, the finger of this disciple shivers, because makes an effort oversized, the pen tip breaks off two sections, stares the big eye begins supinely: And other meetings, you said that what you did call?” 玄殿弟子麻木的在纸张上草草记录下两个大字,可就在最后一笔即将落下时,这名弟子的手指不由颤抖,由于用力过大,笔尖咔嚓一声折断成两截,瞪大眼睛的仰起头:“等会,你说你叫什么?” Faint smile that Qin Shi thinks little of: Stone Qin!” 秦石不以为意的浅笑:“石秦!” This, has poured into vigorous spiritual power, made it the surrounding area kilometer for a very long time not loose the reverberation under Xuan Feng, fell into everyone ear on the scene. 这一声,其中灌入了浑厚的灵力,令其在玄峰下方圆千米久久不散的回荡,落入在场的每个人耳中。 Stone Qin? He was a short time ago, that stone Qin that the reputation rises up?”, Reveals the panic-stricken vision in the crowd that Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai behind line up indifferently, influences subtly also withdraws, resigns a vacuum their positions. “石秦?他就是前不久,名声鹊起的那个石秦?”漠然间,在秦石小米彩身后排队的人群露出惊恐的目光,潜移默化间同时退后,将两人所处的位置让出一段真空。 Is impossible? The homicide the Mysterious Palace several elders, have dared how also to attend the honor big game, he does not know that this honor big game to direct him takes the hook opens?” “不可能吧?他杀了玄殿数名长老,怎么还敢来参加荣誉大赛,难道他不知道,这荣誉大赛就是为了引他上勾才开设的吗?” Who knows that thinks seize every opportunity has killed several Mysterious Palace elders, can not pay attention to Mysterious Palace, fellow of thinking oneself infallible.” “谁知道,以为投机取巧杀了几个玄殿的长老,就能够不把玄殿放在眼里了,自以为是的家伙。” „Was he seize every opportunity has killed the Mysterious Palace elder?” “他是投机取巧才杀了玄殿的长老?” „Do you think? You have not seen, he Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, not have the young master my cultivation to high, initially killed Li Bufan Li Elder time, heard that is also because Li Elder is having the dispute with boss Yuan Bo of non- gate auction room, he sneak attacks from the back, Li Zhanglai will be caught off guard, was given to kill by him!” “你以为呢?你没看见,他才玄灵境中期,都没有小爷我的修为高,当初杀死李不凡李长老的时候,听说也是因为李长老在和无门拍卖行的老板袁博发生争执,他从背后偷袭,李张来才会措手不及,被他给杀了!” Is this? Really is a mean villain!” “是这样?真是个卑鄙的小人!” In the bustling discussion sounds, in a corner has together the beautiful pupil such as the fiery sharp sword thorn to Qin Shi, green long skirt partner wind waves, reveals wipes astonishedly. 在热火朝天的议论声中,一个角落里有一道美眸如火热的利剑般刺向秦石,一席青色的长裙伴风舞动,露出一抹惊异。 Looks carefully, was the master of this beautiful pupil, not just last night and Qin Shi has the reason of seeking a meeting black clothing female? She toot toot the cherry lips huh was saying: Originally was he Shi Qin? Snort, who no matter you are, dares to play jokes upon the elder sister I, sooner or later, the elder sister I will want you to be attractive!” 仔细一瞧,这美眸的主人,不正是昨晚和秦石有过谋面之缘的青衣女子?她嘟嘟着樱唇哼哧道:“原来他就是石秦?哼,不管你是谁,敢戏耍姐姐我,早晚有一天,姐姐我要你好看!” Four everyone / influential family, the black dragon sect and Mysterious City Li family, these well-known big influences, were already welcomed the cabinet by Mysterious Palace, does not need to line up here. 大家,青龙宗、玄城李氏家族,这些闻名遐迩的大势力,早已被玄殿迎进内阁,无需在这里排队。 Therefore in the Qin Shi following team, many are the small family disciple who some have not seen the world, the understanding Qin Shi is also the hearsay, in the discussion sound full Han despises and flatters, other families disciple who including wants to climb up Mysterious Palace tall Zhi, full Han contemptuous supine beginning, arrives at the Qin Shi side: Boy, were you Shi Qin?” 为此在秦石后面的队伍中,多数是一些没见过世面的小家族弟子,对秦石的了解也是道听途说,议论声中满含鄙夷和奉承,其中有一个想要攀上玄殿高枝的外族弟子,满含轻蔑的仰起头,走到秦石的身旁:“小子,你就是石秦?” Looks askance to look askance at the disciple who this does not enlarge ones vision, cultivation of his Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage is, in addition the is less than 30, took a broad view in East District to be also considered as on is an outstanding person. 侧目睨视一眼这个不开眼的弟子,他一身玄灵境中期的修为,年纪尚且不足30,放眼东方区域中也算得上是佼佼者了。 But in the Qin Shi eye, wants now is not Heaven Realm, is not enough to make him dread that said with a smile lightly: He he, do you have the matter?” 但在秦石眼中,现在只要不是天境,都不足以令他忌惮,轻笑道:“呵呵,你有事么?” Has the matter? Scoffs, is really equally extremely arrogant like the hearsay, today does not need Mysterious Palace to get rid, young master my Zhao Gao enforced justice on behalf of Heaven, has put to death your this bastard!” Zhao Gao whole face is ugly and ferocious-looking, devils raises three raging fire to Qin Shi. “有事么?嗤,果然如传闻一样狂妄,今天不用玄殿出手,小爷我赵高就替天行道,诛杀了你这个畜生!”赵高满脸横肉,凶神恶煞的冲秦石就扬起三道烈火。 Over some people, cheers immediately in nearby disciple, many people wave the flag and shout for this Zhao Gao, about the Mysterious Palace two disciples looks at each other one, has not made noise. 有人出头,在旁边的弟子马上欢呼起来,不少人为这个赵高摇旗呐喊,玄殿的两名弟子左右对视一眼,也没有出声。 Is listening to nearby loud noise, the black clothing female in corner snorts contemptuously curling the lip of: Scoffs, one group of idiots!” 听着旁边的喧闹声,在角落中的青衣女子嗤之以鼻的撇了撇嘴:“嗤,一群白痴!” Bang! 砰! Three such as the flame ascension of great antiquity beast of prey at the same time, seven pink clouds light surge, the crowd has not seen clearly the condition, the Zhao Gao two legs one softly, was struck to depart several meters far directly. 三道如洪荒猛兽的火焰升腾的同时,七彩霞光激荡而起,人群尚未看清楚状况,赵高两腿一软,直接被击飞出十几米远。 Strikes?” “一击?” In side, the people tremble terrified. 在旁边,众人悚然的哆嗦起来。 Qin Shi crosses the hands behind the back to stand, hangs the faint smile of satisfied to stand, this time he has not stopped Xiaomi Cai, he knows that sometimes blind bearing patiently has not used, only then makes the opposite party understand that the disparity between both, can avoid some unnecessary trouble. 秦石负手而立,挂着满意的浅笑站在旁边,这一次他没有阻拦小米彩,他知道有些时候盲目的隐忍是没有用得,只有让对方明白两者之间的差距,才能避免一些不必要的麻烦。 Very strong, is this female Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage? Is she big?” “好强,这女子难道是玄灵境后期?她才多大啊?” No wonder this Shi Qingan unscrupulous comes Mysterious Palace, originally the side has such formidable helper!” Person with no mind of his own of one crowd of having no mind of one's own, chanting in a low voice of treachery said immediately. “难怪这石秦敢肆无忌惮的来玄殿,原来身边有这么强大的帮手!”一群随风倒的墙头草,马上倒戈的低吟道。 Dares to get rid to my father, courts death!” “敢对我爹爹出手,找死!” Xiaomi Cai kills intent to rise from all directions, among white hands enhanced dust picks up seven color halos, to Zhao Gao's forehead seal under. 小米彩杀意四起,玉手扬尘间托起一把七彩光晕,冲着赵高的额头印下。 Taught on the line.” The effect it is expected that has achieved, Qin Shi holds on the white arms of Xiaomi Cai, the Xiaomi Cai temperament he understood, if not get rid to stop, this Zhao Gao must die without doubt. “教训一下就行了。”预期的效果已经达到,秦石拉住小米彩的皓腕,小米彩的脾气他了解,若是再不出手阻拦,这赵高必死无疑。 Qin Shi knows that now cannot make the human life, otherwise really has troubled, for this reason the black pupil has swept in the audience of complete silence, enhances the voice intentionally snort said: Now also who wants my life, may go forward greatly.” 秦石知道,现在不能闹出人命,否则的话就真麻烦了,为此黑眸在鸦雀无声的全场扫过,故意提高嗓音的哼道:“现在还有谁想要我的命,大可上前。” The people look at each other one timidly, in this group of people Zhao Gao's strength was the peak boundary, he was struck to defeat, who also dares to look for Qin Shi to be troublesome? 众人胆怯的对视一眼,这群人里赵高的实力就算是巅峰境界了,他都被一击战败,谁还敢去找秦石麻烦? That estimate does not look for trouble, but was looks for trouble. 那估计就是不去找麻烦,而是去找不自在了。 Sways back and forth, Zhao Gao crawls to set out angrily: Bastard, has the skill you to come out with me to hit, always hides behind a woman, thanks to you is also a man!” 打个滚,赵高愤怒的爬起身:“畜生,有本事你出来和我打,总躲在一个女人后面,亏你也算是个男人!” hears that sound, the people low voice public opinion, is waiting for the response of Qin Shi. 闻声,众人小声舆论,等待着秦石的回应。 overestimate one's capabilities thing!” The black clothing female helps up the long skirt, beautiful pupil moves toward Qin Shi, perhaps in taking advantage of others opinion Qin Shi is Xiaomi Cai, but she actually clearly understands that compares Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi truly eats the human not to spit existence of bone. 不自量力的东西!”青衣女子扶起长裙,美眸朝着秦石挪动,或许在别人看来秦石的依仗是小米彩,但她却清楚的明白,相比起小米彩,秦石才是真正吃人不吐骨头的存在。 Also dares to say the boastful talk, courts death!” Xiaomi Cai indignant stamping the feet wants to go forward. “还敢口出狂言,找死!”小米彩气愤的跺脚就欲上前。 Qin Shi is sideways to block Xiaomi Cai, looking that at once despises to Zhao Gao: It seems like does not begin personally, some people are not willing to lose heart.” 秦石侧身挡住小米彩,旋即鄙夷的望向赵高:“看来不亲自动手,有些人是不肯死心啊。” ! 咻! Time that black robe empty shade tremor several points, the people have not gotten back one's composure, Zhao Gao draws in the pupil suddenly, in the throat the sweet jet blood, then falls departs dozens meters far. 黑袍虚影的颤动几分,众人尚未回神的功夫,赵高猛然间收拢瞳仁,喉咙中甘甜的喷出口鲜血,接着就摔飞出数十米远。 Bang! 轰隆! The fierce impact noise breaks the deathly stillness, one group of other families disciples tremble terrified several points: Just, just what's the matter?” 剧烈的撞击声打破死寂,一群外族弟子悚然的哆嗦几分:“刚刚,刚刚怎么回事?” You look at his hand, is he!” “你们看他的手,是他!” Directional Qin Shi that a disciple calls out, various talented people have then gotten back one's composure, on the sleeve robe of Qin Shi left hand, was wiped the bright red bloodstain to be incarnadine. 一个弟子嚎叫的指向秦石,接着诸人才回过神,秦石左手的袖袍上,被一抹鲜红的血迹染红。 Good, good quick speed, did not say that he only does meet seize every opportunity?” “好,好快的速度,不是说他只会投机取巧吗?” Idiot, throws any machine to take any skillful! You give me seize every opportunity, strikes to defeat Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage to take a look, the hearsay is false!” “白痴,投什么机取什么巧!你给我投机取巧,一击战败一个玄灵境中期瞧瞧,传闻是假得!” Under Xuan Feng falls into the short panic, two Mysterious Palace disciples stare at the Qin Shi vision to be dignified, suddenly does not know that should not know what to do. 玄峰下陷入短暂的恐慌,两名玄殿弟子盯着秦石的目光凝重起来,一时间不知该如何是好。 Black clothing female, hides the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow in the gloomy quiet forest to be pressed, just Qin Shi speed very quick and violent, making her bite curling the lip of silver tooth to say lightly: Snort, is really an extremely arrogant fellow!” 就连青衣女子,藏匿在阴暗的幽林中都不禁黛眉蹙起,刚刚秦石的速度十分迅猛,令她轻咬银牙的撇嘴道:“哼,真是个狂妄的家伙!” Strikes to fly Zhao Gao, Qin Shi satisfied begins supinely: My life in this, you , to take, I momentarily await respectfully, but I urged you should better to think over my strength, otherwise he was your learning from another's mistakes!” 击飞赵高,秦石满意的仰起头:“我的命就在这,你们若是想取,我随时恭候,但我劝你们最好掂量好自己的实力,否则他就是你们的前车之鉴!” Broad great wild goose sound expansive sky. 恢弘的鸿音长空兮兮。 The audience deathly stillness, the complete silence, indulges in shock that in Qin Shi causes. 全场死寂,鸦雀无声,沉溺在秦石所引起的震撼中。 Bang! 轰! In the vault of heaven, the wind gets up suddenly in the clouds. 苍穹上,突然风起云中。 The pressure that comes in waves together has the dust sand pillar of earth, making the bird below quiet forest make the beast to be loose, the crowd raises head. 一道滚滚而来的威压将大地的尘沙卷起,令下方幽林里的鸟作兽散,人群不由跟着仰头。 Qin Shi under the sweep of pressure knit the brows, wipes to dread to raise: Heaven Realm?” 在威压的笼罩下秦石皱了皱眉,一抹忌惮升起:“天境?” The Mysterious Palace two disciples turn round to look, an old man of bone immortal wind crosses the hands behind the back depending on empty, steady falling in Xuan Feng below Shimen, made their pupil heart great happiness: Beidou elder!” 玄殿两名弟子回身望去,一名道骨仙风的老者负手凭虚,稳健的落在玄峰下方的石门上,令两人眸心大喜:“北斗长老!” The elder enhanced dust of named Beidou waves, ice-cold bird's eye view Qin Shi: Kid, were you Shi Qin?” 名为北斗的长老扬尘挥手,冰冷的俯瞰秦石:“小家伙,你就是石秦?” Line does not change the name, sits does not change surname!” Qin Shi strength sinking dantian, opens the barrier in all around, after the pressure keeps off next, responds to one. “行不更名,坐不改姓!”秦石力沉丹田,在四周撑开屏障,将威压挡下后回应一声。 When spoke this saying, he actually afraid, this he does not know that changed many names, this really no wonder he, the shock of Qin Shi two characters in North District, has also spread over the entire empire, who knows that now the stone Qin two characters, are also terrible in East District. 说这话时,他却不由心虚,这一路他都不知道改了多少次名,这也真怪不得他,秦石两字在北方区域的震惊,已经传遍整座帝国,谁知道现在石秦俩字,在东方区域也是谈虎色变。 Now, north Qin Shi, Eastern Shi Qin, was well-known, does not know, when was known by all people, Qin Shi was also Shi Qin time, can be what kind of scene. 现在,北方秦石,东方石秦,已经家喻户晓,就是不知等到被诸人得知,秦石亦是石秦的时候,会是一副怎样的情景。 He he, such being the case, your life, the old man takes!” Beidou anger sound scolds, the billowing hurricane raises from eight sides, an invisible mountain to the Qin Shi chest seal under. “呵呵,既然如此,那你的命,就又老夫来取吧!”北斗怒声呵斥,滚滚的飓风从八方升起,一座无形的大山冲着秦石的胸膛印下。 Old fogy, I accompanies you!” “老家伙,我来陪你!” With it simultaneously, Xiaomi Cai raises hand. 与其同时,小米彩扬手而起。 Qin Shi is quick of eye and hand, holds Xiaomi Cai, this strength of Beidou is the position before seizing Heaven Realm First Rank peak, when Zhao Yuanhe who is not counted is fascinated meets, this Beidou is these year of Qin Shi meets the strength strongest person, Xiaomi Cai is not his match. 秦石眼疾手快,一把抓住小米彩,这北斗的实力已是位临夺天境一层巅峰,若不算上入魔时碰见的赵元赫,这北斗是这些年秦石碰见实力最强的人,小米彩远不是他的对手。 Keeps off before the Xiaomi Cai body, Qin Shi criticizes with rapt attention: Really is frustrated, gets rid casually is Heaven Realm, this Mysterious Palace looks like compared with me imagines must be as deep as a well!” 挡在小米彩身前,秦石凝神暗骂:“真是出师不利,随便出手就是天境,这玄殿看来比我想象中的还要高深莫测啊!” In the desperation, can not following Qin Shi lower roars: Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique!” 在情急中,不得以下秦石低吼一声:“星陨霸体决!” Bang! 砰! The broad mountain suppresses directly, Qin Shi felt that the blood tuck dive in within the body, leaps however the withdrawing several steps. 恢弘的大山正面压制,秦石感觉体内的血液翻腾,腾然间退后数步。 Before rushing that worries about, Xiaomi Cai exclaimed tenderly: Father!” 担忧的冲上前,小米彩娇吼道:“爹爹!” Breaks Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi covers chest to look to Beidou, the contemptuous two characters carve the ridicule on face: He he, a Heaven Realm elder, gets rid to my small Profound Spirit Realm, is this Mysterious Palace attitude?” 打断小米彩,秦石捂着胸口望向北斗,轻蔑两字刻在脸上的嘲弄道:“呵呵,一名天境长老,对我一个小小玄灵境出手,这就是玄殿的作风?” Few idle talk, to your this person, do not need to be polite!” Beidou cold Li scolds one, the body howls approaches toward Qin Shi. “少废话,对你这种人,不需要客气!”北斗冷厉的呵斥一声,身躯呼啸间就朝秦石逼近。 Stares at Beidou, Qin Shi was knowing that this war, it seems like thinks that does not hit is not good, but being unwilling scolded: Snort, solemn Mysterious Palace, this prestige, but also comes out to make any nonsense honor big game!” 盯着北斗,秦石自知这一战,看来想不打是不行了,只是心有不甘的骂道:“哼,堂堂玄殿,就这点信誉,还出来弄什么狗屁荣誉大赛!” The god character Secret Art, the demon blood opens, a vigorous strength shoots up to the sky, jumps to Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage directly, making the people in field knit the brows, Beidou was also quite the surprise, but gathering was filled with fury, counted the hundred zhang (333m) mountain peak in the palm change. 神字诀,魔血开启,一股浑厚的力量冲天而起,直接跃升到玄灵境后期,令场上的众人不由皱了皱眉,北斗也是颇为诧异,但紧接着汇聚的则是满腔怒火,数百丈的山峰在掌心变迁而起。 Bang! 砰! Did not think this time, in beyond the highest heavens, able to move unhindered in the silver light barrier in world, two who soon will move stops at the same time. 不想这时,在九霄云外,一面纵横于天地间的银光屏障,生生将即将触碰的两人阻拦。 Two seize the day the offensive, such as likes a stone dropped into the sea under the silver light barrier unexpectedly, vanishes baseless. 两道夺天的攻势,在银光屏障下竟如石沉大海,凭空消失。 Bang, Qin Shi was shaken withdraws from several hundred meters far, is staring at such as in the barrier heart of natural moat panic-stricken: Good fearful strength 砰一声,秦石被震退出数百米远,盯着如天堑的屏障心中惊恐而起:“好可怕的力量” This barrier, to the human one type, the fear that cannot be moved. 这屏障,给人一种,不可触碰的恐惧。 Beidou shakes similarly departs dozens meters, begins to look supinely to the end of silver light barrier, panic that the shameless rise first bid person is hard to put behind suddenly. 北斗同样震飞出数十米,仰起头望向银光屏障的尽头,突然间老脸上升起叫人难以忘却的恐慌。 In beyond the highest heavens of barrier end, puts on the female of bright red storehouse clothing to fall slowly, the Mysterious Palace two disciples add on Beidou, sees kneeling lower part of the body that the female simultaneously trembles, sinking sound low roar: Welcomed the palace host!” 在屏障尽头的九霄云外,一名穿着鲜红藏服的女子缓缓而落,玄殿两名弟子加上北斗,望见女子同时哆嗦的跪下身,沉声低吼:“恭迎殿主!” The scarlet female drops the body, as if jumps out the bustling place to be faint, ease has swept Qin Shi: Cannot think that you dare to come.” 红衣女子落下身,仿佛跳出红尘般淡漠,悠然的扫过秦石:“想不到,你真的敢来。” Is you?” “是你?”
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