PDL :: Volume #5

#431: Black clothing female

Under bird's eye view thousands of Desolate Beast, many Profound Spirit Realm above existence, the brow tip beat of Qin Shi, just now the trundle throat from the shock, spits saying: How do you achieve?” 俯瞰下方数以千计的荒兽,其中不乏玄灵境以上的存在,秦石的眉梢跳动,方才从震惊中滚动喉咙,吐道:“你是怎么做到得?” Simple, the father you have forgotten, I am Desolate Beast on god list, issues the verbal command by my bloodlines toward all around, did the generations of these three nine classes, hear also not the obedient coming worship?” The Xiaomi Cai proud raising broad and handsome forehead, is treading the lithe dance step at once, under many Desolate Beast groups, is lost from a blood wolf of devils, the blood wolf has Profound Spirit Realm seven levels of cultivation is, actually docile an shape puppy in front of Xiaomi Cai, once for a while swings wags the tail to spread open, making Qin Shi one. “简单啊,难道爹爹你忘了,我可是神榜上的荒兽,以我的血脉朝四周发出号令,这些三道九流之辈,听见了还不乖乖的过来朝拜?”小米彩骄傲的扬起螓首,旋即踏着轻盈的舞步,在诸多的荒兽群中,从一头凶神恶煞的血狼旁落下,血狼拥有玄灵境七级的修为,在小米彩面前却温顺的像一只小狗,时不时的摇摇尾巴,令秦石一愣一愣。 Helpless shaking the head, this belt Xiaomi Cai came out is the belt was right, but stared at these to lose the beastly nature, tearful eyes tearful Desolate Beast, Qin Shi some were not cruel enough to start unexpectedly. 无奈的摇摇头,这一次带小米彩出来算是带对了,只是盯着这些失去了兽性,泪眼汪汪的荒兽,秦石竟然有些不忍心下手。 Kid, do not blame me, must blame only to blame your luck not being good.” Shaking the head of making an effort, Qin Shi has finally chosen two Profound Spirit Realm nine levels of quiet wolves, with Profound Spirit Realm ten levels of goshawks. “小家伙,你们可别怪我,要怪就只能怪你们自己的运气不好啊。”使劲的摇摇头,最终秦石选择了两尊玄灵境九级的幽狼,和一尊玄灵境十级的苍鹰。 Three higher five mark demon symbols succeed in obtaining, when Qin Shi is wanting to receive the hand, suddenly has one in the far end discovery of Desolate Beast, speed extremely slow Desolate Beast is facing forward to move. 三张高等的五纹魔符到手,秦石正欲收手之时,突然在荒兽的最末端发现有一只,速度极为缓慢的荒兽正在朝前挪动。 This Desolate Beast turtle body Long Shou, the back is going against the flowered white hard tortoise shell, on the tortoise shell has ancient times the strange mark of aura to wind, makes the Qin Shi suddenly great happiness, recognized its identity: This is on Ancient Ferocious Beast List, ranks 933 Profound Bone Dragon Turtle?” 荒兽龟身龙首,背部顶着花白色的坚硬龟壳,龟壳上是带有远古气息的古怪纹络,令秦石猛然大喜,一眼就认出它的身份:“这是在远古凶兽榜上,排名933名的玄骨龙龟?” Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, before the rank on Ancient Ferocious Beast List does not depend, but its strength of defense is actually illustrious, even if ranks first 500 Desolate Beast, if not for scarlet blood lizard that type attacks Zhao existence, before him share that also only then admits defeat. 玄骨龙龟,在远古凶兽榜上的排名并不靠前,但它的防御之力却是赫赫有名,就算是排名前500的荒兽,若不是赤血蜥蜴那种攻击昭著的存在,在他面前也只有吃瘪的份。 Rides the winds and sails about in the void, falls to Profound Bone Dragon Turtle side, ancient mark of Qin Shi on along the tortoise shell winds to stroke, is feeling the hard strength said excitedly: Looked that this mark winds, this Profound Bone Dragon Turtle by having over a thousand age, Profound Spirit Realm ten levels of cultivation are, so long as there are him, even if were Heaven Realm can how me greatly!” 凭虚御风,落到玄骨龙龟的旁边,秦石沿着龟壳上古老的纹络拂过,感受着其中坚硬的力量兴奋道:“看这纹络,这玄骨龙龟以有上千年岁,玄灵境十级的修为,只要有了他,就算是天境大能也奈何不了我!” Thinks of this, being ready to fight that Qin Shi cannot bear, Shan Zhi gathers the neckband under nape of the neck, the purple quiet fire caper turns out, becomes the python hexagon locks sleepy Profound Bone Dragon Turtle generally along the way. 一想到这,秦石忍不住的摩拳擦掌,单指汇聚在脖颈下的领口,紫色的幽火跳跃翻出,成蟒蛇一般沿途六角将玄骨龙龟锁困其中。 Six corner sleepy spirit!” “六棱困灵阵!” Drinks one lowly, Qin Shi opens the double palm rapidly, the fallen leaf of ground in the sound that in the quiet fire makes to sough, in the combustion withered and yellow gradually, shatter. 低喝一声,秦石迅速撑开双掌,地面的落叶在幽火中发出飒飒的声响,燃烧中渐渐的枯黄,破碎。 Roar Profound Bone Dragon Turtle roared in the evil lavender quiet fire scared, one retracted the heads and four fingers to the tortoise shell. “吼”玄骨龙龟在邪恶的淡紫色幽火中恐慌咆哮,唰一下将脑袋和四指缩回到龟壳里。 Also wants to put up a last-ditch struggle?” “还想垂死挣扎?” Qin Shi five fingers Qi Chu, the palm such as broad huge mountain peak, pierces in the quiet fire from the place above, clashes on the Profound Bone Dragon Turtle tortoise shell to map suddenly. 秦石五指齐楚,掌心如恢弘的巨大山峰,从上方在幽火中刺穿,猛然冲玄骨龙龟的龟壳上映射下去。 Bang!” “砰!” At a crucial moment, Qin Shi felt in suddenly the palm transmits the piercing ache, making him have to the flurried receiving hand, on the palm was cut by the aquamarine light together, the transpiration of black bloodstain in the quiet fire opened. 就在千钧一发,秦石突然感觉掌心中传来刺骨的疼痛,令他不得不慌乱的收手,掌心上被一道碧绿色的光影划破,黑色的血迹在幽火中蒸腾而开。 Xiaomi Cai terrified one startled: Father, are you how is it?” 小米彩悚然一惊:“爹爹,你怎么样?” Shakes the head to Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi stares at the blood-stained mouth of palm to knit the brows, the place above of blood-stained mouth is seething the aquamarine jack-o '- lantern, is similar to over a hundred savage poisonous snakes interlocks, gnaws to eat his vitality unceasingly. 冲着小米彩摇摇头,秦石盯着掌心的血口皱起眉来,血口的上方翻腾着碧绿色的鬼火,如同上百条凶残的毒蛇交错,不断啃食着他的生机。 Qin Shi can feel that in these over a hundred poisonous snakes, is containing the quite terrifying psychic force, for this reason dreads several points of supine beginning, heavy [say / way]: Does not know that is which friend, the sneak attack is not the gentleman behavior.” 秦石能感觉出来,在这上百条毒蛇中,蕴含着相当恐怖的精神力,为此忌惮几分的仰起头,沉重道:“不知是哪位朋友,偷袭可不是什么君子所为啊。” Bah, what gentleman, elder sister I am a girl, on the contrary is you, is not at while others, to the bone bone both beating and cursing of others family, this is the gentleman behavior?” On the treetop of distant place, the persuasive elusive wonderful sound, sweeps across to open along the branches and leaves of shallot together. “呸,什么君子,姐姐我是小女子,反倒是你,趁着别人不在,就对别人家的骨骨又打又骂,难道这就是君子所为吗?”在远处的树梢上,一道婉转空灵的妙音,沿着青葱的枝叶席卷而开。 Follows the sound, a graceful female flies high to leap, a long skirt of black clothing white clothing flutters against the wind, is inferior to Xiaomi Cai several people like that attractively, but also absolutely is the rare beautiful woman. 伴随声响,一名曼妙的女子凌空跃下,一身青衣素裹的长裙迎风飘荡,不如小米彩几人那般漂亮,但也绝对是罕见的美女。 The corners of the mouth of Qin Shi wriggle several points, high and low sizes up in a present female heart amazed, cultivation of this female Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage is, but this is not the key point, what key is her psychic force, Qin Shi confessed that if not draw support from the god character Secret Art, in the attainments of psychic force not necessarily is her match: Cannot think really that in flaminging the flame empire besides me, really also has five mark above Demonic Talisman Master?” 秦石的嘴角蠕动几分,上下打量一番眼前的女子心中不由惊诧,这女子一身玄灵境中期的修为,但这并不是重点,重点的是她的精神力,秦石自认若是不借助神字诀的话,在精神力的造诣上都未必是她的对手:“真想不到,在炽焰帝国里除了我,竟然还有五纹以上的符魔师?” Falling that the females renounce society and live alone on the tortoise shell of profound bone dragon bone, gently has stroked with the white hands, loves dearly: Bone bone, are you all right? Does he have the wound to you?” 女子遗世独立的落在玄骨龙骨的龟壳上,轻轻的用玉手拂过,心疼道:“骨骨,你没事吧?他有没有伤到你?” Roar “吼” Under comforting of black clothing female, the head of Profound Bone Dragon Turtle finds out, ahem several that puts in great inconvenience from the tortoise shell. 在青衣女子的抚慰下,玄骨龙龟的脑袋从龟壳中探出,委屈的哼唧几声。 Looks that their love has the appearance of in addition, Qin Shi knit the brows: Originally, this is only Profound Bone Dragon Turtle your pet?” 看着两人恩爱有加的模样,秦石皱了皱眉:“原来,这只玄骨龙龟是你的宠物?” „Do you think?” “你以为呢?” Black clothing female ill-humored curling the lip of. 青衣女子没好气的撇了撇嘴。 Helpless shaking the head, if so, that wanted to refine this Profound Bone Dragon Turtle looks like does not only have the opportunity, if insisted to fight with this black clothing female, Qin Shi did not fear her but actually, but thought not to need, three demon symbols that after all before refined, already enough this use, if not for suddenly discovered that this only Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, he already left, moreover he was not Xiaomi Cai, that warlike elements. 无奈的摇摇头,如果是这样的话,那想要炼制这只玄骨龙龟看来是没有机会了,如果硬要和这青衣女子交手,秦石倒不怕她,只是觉得没有必要,毕竟之前炼制的三道魔符,已经足够他此次使用,若不是突然发现这只玄骨龙龟,他早就已经离开了,况且他又不是小米彩,那种好战分子。 Such words, had to offend before much.” Qin Shi has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest to the black clothing female, at once turns round to pat under Xiaomi Cai: Xiaomi Cai, we walk.” “如此的话,之前多有得罪了。”秦石冲青衣女子拱了拱手,旋即回身拍了下小米彩:“小米彩,我们走吧。” Seeing Qin Shi must walk, black clothing female is angry, green long gauze wields on the white hands: Hey, do you want such to walk?” 秦石要走,青衣女子却愤怒而起,一把青色的长纱在玉手上挥出:“喂,你就想这么走了?” Bang!! The chill in the air of eliminating, making Qin Shi knit the brows, the agile shunt body shunted the long gauze. 身后肃清的寒意,令秦石皱了皱眉,矫捷的闪开身将长纱躲开。 Oh I go, my this crabby I was really really you, wants to bully my father? Looked that” Xiaomi Cai rolls up the sleeves, must go forward. “哎呀我去,我这暴脾气我真是真不了你了,想欺负我爹爹是不是?看”小米彩挽起袖子,就要上前。 Puts out a hand to hold on Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi stares her one eyes maliciously: Shut up, before you go out, promised my you to forget?” 伸手拉住小米彩,秦石狠狠的瞪她一眼:“闭嘴,你出门前,怎么答应我的你忘了?” I Xiaomi Cai suffering from injustice toot toot the mouth, covers the mouth to make excuses to say at once: I have made a mistake, don't I make noise am not good?” “我”小米彩委屈的嘟嘟起嘴,旋即捂住嘴巴支支吾吾道:“我错了,我不出声了还不行?” Under Qin Shi, at once disgruntled said to the black clothing female: Miss, do you have matter?” 秦石点下头,旋即不悦的冲青衣女子道:“姑娘,你还有事么?” The green long gauze kept off, women's accident is pressed the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, at once immediately said: Naturally, you have bullied my family bone bone, now I have not known that which its has injured, you cannot walk!” 青色的长纱被挡下,女子意外的蹙起黛眉,旋即马上道:“当然,你欺负了我家骨骨,现在我还不知道它伤没伤到哪,你不能走!” hears that sound, Qin Shi thinks funny: That please ask the miss, when can I walk?” 闻声,秦石不由觉得好笑:“那请问姑娘,我什么时候才能走?” That must look at my family bone bone, when it agreed that when you can walk!” Black clothing female truculent and unreasonable, by overshot Qin Shi to cancel the finger in the tortoise shell: I urged you, first roared my family bone bone happily, otherwise do not want to leave this today!” “那得看我家骨骨,它什么时候同意了,你什么时候才能走!”青衣女子蛮横无理,靠在龟壳上冲着秦石勾了勾手指:“我劝你,先把我家骨骨哄开心了,否则你今天都别想离开这!” Bored!” “无聊!” In the trivial sound, Qin Shi with the nasal huh, is looking at bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections Profound Bone Dragon Turtle gently at once, said to Xiaomi Cai: Xiaomi Cai, making it be obedient.” 在琐碎的声响中,秦石用鼻音轻轻哼哧一声,旋即瞧着狐假虎威的玄骨龙龟,冲小米彩道:“小米彩,让它听话。” Sigh Xiaomi Cai covers the white hands of mouth to take immediately, spout foul air flue of making an effort: Can speak finally and ensure completes the task!” “呼”小米彩捂着嘴巴的玉手马上拿下来,使劲的吐出口浊气道:“总算能说话了,保证完成任务!” The Xiaomi Cai white hands transverse shift, seven color multi-colored sunlight shut off the moonlight, at once likes exploding to the head of Profound Bone Dragon Turtle on shoots under. 小米彩玉手横移,七彩的霞光切断月光,旋即冲着玄骨龙龟的脑袋上就爱爆射而下。 Sees that black clothing female had a scare, turns the green long gauze to keep off the multi-colored sunlight on the desire, but her long gauze collapses at the first blow under the multi-colored sunlight, is only the suddenly time, was penetrated by the multi-colored sunlight directly. 见状,青衣女子吓了一跳,翻起青色的长纱就欲将霞光挡下,但她的长纱在霞光下不堪一击,只是眨眼间的功夫,直接被霞光击穿。 The remaining prestige that the long gauze causes made the black clothing female withdrawing several steps, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight dark snort: Heaven Realm?” 长纱引起的余威令青衣女子不禁退后数步,黛眉蹙紧的暗哼一声:“天境?” Bang! 砰! Does not wait for her to get back one's composure, the multi-colored sunlight falls on the forehead of Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, a series of exploding dodge, making in its longan reveal unprecedented to be scared. 不等她回神,霞光落在玄骨龙龟的脑门上,一连串的爆闪,令它的龙眼中露出前所未有的恐慌。 Induces to the Profound Bone Dragon Turtle difference anxiously, the black clothing female they exclaimed toward Qin Shi: Hey, what did you make to my family bone bone?” 感应到玄骨龙龟的异样,青衣女子焦急的朝秦石两人吼道:“喂,你们对我家骨骨做什么了?” Has not made anything, but called it to be obedient.” “没做什么,只是叫它听话一点。” Qin Shi with a laugh should the sentence, Xiaomi Cai just multi-colored sunlight not injure to arrive at Profound Bone Dragon Turtle, but threatens to it by the pressure of bloodlines, for this reason he pays no attention to the black clothing female, to Profound Bone Dragon Turtle badly bad saying with a smile: „Did you call the bone bone? Can I leave now?” 秦石笑呵呵的应句,小米彩刚刚的霞光并没有伤到玄骨龙龟,只是以血脉的威压对其恐吓一下,为此他不理青衣女子,冲着玄骨龙龟坏坏的笑道:“你叫骨骨是吧?我现在可以离开了吗?” Roar “吼” With Qin Shi black pupil looking at each other, Profound Bone Dragon Turtle frightens to shrink the neck hastily. 秦石黑眸对视,玄骨龙龟吓得连忙缩起脖子。 This movement stirs up Qin Shi to laugh, raised to say to the black clothing female: Evidently, your bone bone is glad we to leave now.” 这一动作惹得秦石大笑,冲青衣女子扬了扬头道:“看样子,你的骨骨现在非常乐意我们离开啊。” Walks, Xiaomi Cai!” “走,小米彩!” In the idle talk, Qin Shi does not bind tightly black robe, treads with Xiaomi Cai is vanishing void in the quiet forest. 不在废话,秦石裹紧黑袍,和小米彩踏着虚空消失在幽林中。 Looks at the back of departure, the black clothing female is flying into a rage, indignant stamps the feet to overtake first several steps to scold: Hey, hey, hey! Do not walk!” 望着离开的背影,青衣女子勃然大怒,气愤的跺脚追上前几步骂道:“喂,喂,喂!你别走!” Roar “吼” Looks at the master indignant appearance, roars that the Profound Bone Dragon Turtle sound pulls down. 看着主人气愤的模样,玄骨龙龟声音压低的咆哮一声。 Shut up! Your good-for-nothing!” Has turned round, black clothing female blamed ill-humoredly, at once stares at the direction that they were vanishing to dig the mouth: Good, do not let me meet you, otherwise I and you have not ended!” “闭嘴!你个窝囊废!”回过身,青衣女子没好气的责怪道,旋即盯着两人消失的方向撅撅起嘴:“好啊,你别让我在碰见你,否则我和你没完!” Forced smile leaves the quiet forest, Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai hurries to Xuan Feng's direction. 苦笑的离开幽林,秦石小米彩朝着玄峰的方向赶去。 When arrives in Xuan Feng, the dim light of night just retreats, wipes to fill including the warm feeling dawn scatters to open, making the quiet earth regain consciousness slowly. 抵达玄峰时,夜色刚好退去,一抹满含暖意的晨曦散落而开,令沉寂的大地缓缓苏醒。 Under Xuan Feng, one ten meters have broad Shimen, the both sides of Shimen, is building two lifelike stone lions, the middle has the stone ladder that stretches as far as eye can see together, to the clouds fog, has reflected emerald green colored Gu Song to give people a wonderland satisfaction. 玄峰下,有一座十米有余的恢弘石门,石门的两侧,打造着两座栩栩如生的石狮子,中间有一道一望无尽的石梯,一直通向云霄雾里,映着翠绿色的古松给人一种人间仙境的惬意。 Stands erect in the quiet forest in distant place, Qin Shi is staring above Shimen sign surface, two forceful large characters attract him: Mysterious Palace. 矗立在远方的幽林中,秦石凝望着石门上方的牌面,两个铿锵有力的大字将他吸引:玄殿 Finally arrived? We walk!” “终于到了么?我们走!” Qin Shi takes away the black robe following cape in the top of the head, the deep inspiration enhanced dust goes. 秦石将黑袍后面的斗篷扣在头顶,深深的吸口气率先扬尘而去。 As a result of the reason of honor big game, under Xuan Feng had been surrounded by several thousand people, has two disciples of wear Mysterious Palace clothing in the center, 11 to come the participating person complete the record. 由于荣誉大赛的缘故,玄峰下方已经被数万人包围,在中央有两名穿着玄殿服饰的弟子,11为来参赛的人做好笔录。 They pat when the team, bit by bit carries on, Xiaomi Cai in side mischievous saying with a smile: Father, it seems like you must change the name.” 两人拍在队伍中,一点一点的进行时,小米彩在旁边调皮的笑道:“爹爹,看来你又要换名字了啊。” Black pupil opening slowly, Qin Shi shakes the head: This time, does not use.” 黑眸缓缓的睁开,秦石摇摇头:“这一次,不用。” Doesn't change the name?” “不换名字?” Um, now my head picture, in the East District full avenue is, what changes into to be useless, since Hua Ling wants to make me come, I why do reveal only part of the truth?” Qin Shi strange toward rising has raised the corners of the mouth. “嗯,现在我的头像,在东方区域满大街都是,换成什么都没有用,既然花零想要引我来,那我又何必藏头露尾呢?”秦石诡异的朝上扬了扬嘴角。 At this time the team has arranged to arrive at them, does the pen that in waving Mysterious Palace disciple of record did not lift, said: Next!” 这时队伍已经排到两人,做笔录的玄殿弟子头都不抬的挥了挥手中的笔,道:“下一个!” Stone Qin!” “石秦!”
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