PDL :: Volume #5

#430: Pit father

Had the idea, Qin Shi had decided that started from this honor big game, is away from the honor big game still seven day time, for this reason he prepared through these on the 7 th, as far as possible was promoting the strength, with the aim of having any accident, was insufficient to be at a loss. 有了想法,秦石决定从这个荣誉大赛上下手,距离荣誉大赛尚有七日时间,为此他准备通过这七日,尽可能的在提升一下实力,以便出了什么意外,也不至于束手无策。 One line of seven people, like this keep this second-level city, because this city establishes in the Mysterious Palace under foot, for this reason establishes a reputation is: Mysterious City. 一行七人,就这样留在这座二级城池,由于这个城池建立在玄殿脚下,为此立名为:玄城 Mysterious City subordinates Mysterious Palace, is under Mysterious Palace one of the five big cities, is controlled by a Li family, the Li family generation consecrates Mysterious Palace, the ancestors of family were left protecting buddhist law of Mysterious Palace once, throughout enjoys very lofty instruction from superior, but succeeds to the throne from Hua Ling, Mysterious Palace internal brings in new blood in large numbers, trend gradually is desolate, but camel of skinny is big, the present Li family is not inferior in front of four everyone / influential family, in which senior head of the clan Li Jiancheng, is a Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage big energy, in the younger generation is each generation produces talented people, big Young Master Li Yu, Wang Jing of ten annual repairs, 15 years old. Broken Wang Ningxuan, is 21 years old, then the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo, had Profound Spirit Realm peak now cultivates fearfully is, and will enter the stage this time glorious big game. 玄城直属玄殿,属于玄殿下方的五大城之一,其中由一个李氏家族掌控,李氏家族世代供奉玄殿,家族的老祖宗更是曾经玄殿的左护法,始终享有非常崇高的口谕,只是自花零继位,玄殿内部大批换血,才渐渐的走向落寞,但正所谓瘦死的骆驼比马大,如今的李氏家族就算是在四大家面前也毫不逊色,其中的老族长李建成,是一名玄灵境后期的大能,晚辈中更是人才辈出,其中大公子李煜,十岁修的王境,15岁。破王凝玄,如今21岁,便已青出于蓝而胜于蓝,拥有玄灵境巅峰的可怕修为,并且也会出场此次的荣耀大赛。 In Mysterious City by the southeast corner position, the simple inn, Qin Shi opened seven room in two buildings, the preparation temporarily has stopped over here, practices a way not to have a This saying, five day flew to go one after another, to greet the honor big game, Qin Shi closed up indifferently, with concentration practice. 玄城靠东南角的位置,有一间朴素的客栈,秦石在二楼开了七间房,准备在这里暂时落脚,修炼一途无甲子一说,接连五日飞逝而去,为迎接荣誉大赛,秦石漠然闭关,潜心修炼。 Since previous time in Spirit Origin Blood Pond breakthrough, leaps from a bottleneck to another level, body many will produce some ill, for this reason he has not been finishing in a hast through these five day time, strives breakthrough, but existing martial arts as well as spiritual power will repair to strive for perfection, finally when the 5 th day dusk decline, his bone-chilling cold pupil heart will open indifferently, the profound cold glow will rip open the chaos darkness, the invisible air/Qi field will rock in the whole body along the way, makes the window curtains in guest room, the bed, the furniture, as well as the tea in teacup will shiver. 自从上次在灵源血池突破,从一个瓶颈跃到另一个层面,身躯多少会产生些许不适,为此通过这五日时间他并没有在急于求成,力争突破,而是将现有的武学以及灵力修为精益求精,终于在第五日的黄昏没落时,他凛冽的眸心漠然睁开,深邃的寒芒撕开混沌的黑暗,无形的气场沿途在周身晃动,令客房中的窗帘,床榻,桌椅,以及茶杯中的茶水不禁颤动。 This, spiritual power was consolidates thoroughly in Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, adds on the promotion of god character Secret Art and demon blood by my present strength, took a broad view under Heaven Realm to be difficult to seek the rival, but this honor big game built up East District all people with outstanding ability, unavoidably will present Heaven Realm expert, such words troubled.” Selects from the bed, Qin Shi works in teacup min on wooden table, at once split throat cloudy Run, looks distressed one by one raps thump the sound with the teacup on the wooden table. “这一下,灵力算是彻底稳固在玄灵境中期了,以我现在的实力加上神字诀和魔血的提拔,放眼天境下应该难寻敌手,但这次荣誉大赛集结了东方区域所有的英才,难免会出现天境高手,那样的话就麻烦了。”从床榻上挑下,秦石抓起木桌上的茶杯抿上一口,将干裂的喉咙阴润,旋即愁眉苦脸的用茶杯一下一下在木桌上敲击出咚咚的声响。 It seems like, before the participation, I must prepare one to be good.” In orderly knocking, in Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness the miraculous glow dodges, puts down the teacup to walk toward the inn outside. “看来,在参赛前,我还要准备一手才行啊。”在一番有规律的敲击声中,秦石识海中灵光一闪,放下茶杯朝客栈外走去。 Meets Yu Luocha to send cakes and pastries for him just in time, making both hit to fill in the entrance position. 正巧碰见玉罗刹为他送来糕点,令两者在门口的位置撞了个满怀。 All right?” “没事吧?” Searches lives in the water snake waist of Yu Luocha hand-held, Qin Shi concern question. 探手扶住玉罗刹的水蛇蛮腰,秦石关怀的问句 The icy coldness of waist made the Yu Luocha tender body tremble, shoving open Qin Shi that made an effort hastily: Does not have, all right, this gives you, I returned to the room first.” 腰间的冰凉令玉罗刹娇躯微颤,连忙用力的推开秦石:“没,没事,这个给你,我先回房了。” Em?” “恩?” Qin Shi knit the brows, since the previous time his demon blood erupts, he discovered Yu Luocha like changing a person, inexplicable production several points of strangeness with him, with several partitive membranes. 秦石皱了皱眉,自从上次他魔血爆发,他发现玉罗刹就像变了一个人一样,和他之间莫名的产生几分陌生,和几分隔膜。 Damn, before also well, what's all this about?” Qin Shi said in the low voice whisper at heart that is staring at the Yu Luocha frail back, disappearance of being panic-stricken in the stairway, making him fill with puzzled: Because of the reason of demon blood? Should not, if because the demon blood made her feel that fear or repel, her greatly separable I went, but so did not make the child appearance of wrong thing to be right, but if were not the demon blood, that what's the matter?” “见鬼,之前还都好好得,这是怎么回事?”秦石在心里小声的嘀咕道,盯着玉罗刹单薄的背影,惊慌失措的消失在楼梯口,令他满怀不解:“难道是因为魔血的缘故?不应该啊,如果是因为魔血令她感觉到害怕或者排斥,她大可离我而去,而不是这般做错事的孩子模样才对,但如果不是魔血,那是怎么回事?” Under is puzzling, Qin Shi makes an effort shakes the head to sigh: „The female will of the people, the seabed needle, really lives up to reputation, now is not in the sentiment intertwines, no matter what first rescued Elder Sister Yu to say again.” 百思不得其解下,秦石使劲的摇摇头叹道:“女人心,海底针,果然名不虚传,罢了罢了,现在不是在感情上纠结的时候,不管怎样先救出玉姐再说吧。” Before leaving, Qin Shi also has a matter to do, reviews in nearby six guest rooms 11 has swept: This line of crises on top of crisis, I, in addition is hard to protect oneself, if takes you, in the event of any crisis, has no time to take care of you radically, therefore, do not blame me.” 离开前,秦石还有件事情要做,回眸在旁边的六间客房11扫过:“此行危机重重,我一人尚且难以自保,若是带上你们的话,一旦出现什么危机,根本无暇照顾你们,所以,别怪我了。” Regarding this Qin Shi already set firm resolve, arrives at Xu Qiao'er and owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue door mouth, at once gathers billowing pollution spiritual power single-handed, the golden light covers heaven and earth, deadlocks three people of rooms. 对此秦石早已下定决心,率先走到许巧儿和枭轩、萧天月的房门口,旋即单手汇聚起滚滚的浑浊灵力,金色的光影遮天盖地,将三人的房间锁死。 Six corner sleepy spirit!” “六棱困灵阵!” Later is Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai, with Feng Hen, these three people of strengths is uncommon, the ordinary spiritual power barrier definitely cannot surround three people, for this reason the especially earnest sacrifice spiritual power, in the reinforcement unusual conditions the psychic force in spiritual power, the reliable golden light is forming six chains imperceptibly, becomes the appearance mapping of hexagonal star in four corners of guest room with the ground and ceiling, this made him feel relieved. 之后是玉罗刹,小米彩,和封痕,这三人的实力不凡,普通的灵力屏障肯定困不住三人,为此格外认真的祭出灵力,在灵力中加固上浑然天成的精神力,牢固的金光在无形中形成六道锁链,成六角星的模样映射在客房的四角和地面与棚顶,这才令他放下心来。 All are ready, he by in the staircases in two buildings, the palm is rapping the wall surface gently, heaved a deep sigh: Hope, you can understand me, some matters need me alone go to face.” 一切准备就绪,他靠在二楼的楼梯上,手掌轻轻的敲击着墙面,不由长叹一声:“希望,你们能理解我吧,有一些事情必须要我独自去面对。” Bang! clatter! 嗒! Qin Shi alone is sighing with emotion, on the shoulder climbs up on slender white hands suddenly, made his mind flurried turning head. 秦石正在独自感慨,肩膀上突然攀爬上一只纤细的玉手,令他心神慌乱的回过头。 Seven color multi-colored sunlight ripple spookily, the elegant face of Xiaomi Cai is laughing foolishly to him mischievously. 七彩的霞光幽幽荡漾,小米彩的俏脸正顽皮的冲他傻笑。 Shouted, Xiaomi Cai? You scared to death me.” Qin Shi has patted the chest, follows close on the heart to mention the throat all of a sudden, turns round to look toward the Xiaomi Cai guest room, turns head to look at Xiaomi Cai: „It is not right, you how in this?” “呼,小米彩?你吓死我了。”秦石拍了拍胸口,紧跟着心一下子提到嗓子眼,回身朝小米彩的客房瞧一瞧,又回头望了望小米彩:“不对啊,你怎么在这?” Hey, I have not asked the father, stealthy does in this, is prepares itself to go to Mysterious Palace? Then keeps us?” Xiaomi Cai carries the white hands, dancing lightly and gracefully gathers round Qin Shi to saunter: Yeah, was not I says you, you said that on cultivation of your Profound Spirit Realm was, wanted to surround this young lady? Isn't your this deceives oneself and others? I looked that you take me, I can also help you, otherwise I , if not happy, now they puts the demons elder sister, then all told them the matter, you said that what consequence can be?” “嘿嘿,我还没问爹爹呢,鬼鬼祟祟的在这干嘛呢,是不是准备自己去玄殿啊?然后把我们都留下来?”小米彩背着玉手,翩翩起舞的围着秦石转悠一圈:“哎,真不是我说你,你说就你玄灵境的修为,也想要困住本小姐?你这不是自欺欺人吗?我看啊,你还是带上我,我还能帮帮你,否则我要是不高兴的话,现在就把罗刹姐她们放出来,然后把事情全告诉她们,你说会是什么后果呢?” One after another words, hearing Qin Shi one, make an effort to erase the cold sweat of forehead, is looking at the Xiaomi Cai naive ignorant appearance, was mad suddenly smiles. 一句一句话,听得秦石一愣一愣,使劲抹掉额头的冷汗,望着小米彩天真懵懂的模样,突然间被气笑了。 When father by daughter threatening, this saying, if passes on, that may really become the laughingstock. 一个当爹的被女儿给威胁了,这话要是传出去,那可真成笑柄了。 Hey, what do you smile? I have not joked with you, if you do not take me, I they put now the demons elder sister!” Xiaomi Cai pinches the waist, white hands is cutting the space to cause seven color ripples piece by piece, wants to shell to Yu Luocha several people of rooms. “喂,你笑什么?我没和你开玩笑,你若是真不带上我,我现在就把罗刹姐她们放出来!”小米彩掐着蛮腰,玉手划开空间引起片片的七彩涟漪,冲着玉罗刹几人的房间就欲要轰击。 Don't!” “别别别!” This movement made Qin Shi complexion quick and violent raise a panic, if they are known by Yu Luocha, that may really trouble, it is estimated that in the future in two day, he linked the most basic physiological drive, by Xiao Tianyue several people firmly with tight, wants to find the opportunity to surround several people again, was the wishful thinking. 这一动作令秦石面色迅猛升起一丝恐慌,若是真被玉罗刹她们知道,那可就真麻烦了,估计往后的两天里,他连最基本的生理需求,都会被萧天月几人牢牢跟紧,再想找机会困住几人,更是痴心妄想。 Holds on Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi stares at Xiaomi Cai silent meeting alone, Xiaomi Cai is seizing Heaven Realm First Rank, and has Divine List Ferocious Beast powerful fleshly body, takes a broad view at East District also aspires to seize Pyramid top existence, leading her perhaps really to be able to help also perhaps, for this reason under the reluctant point saying: Do not make noise, do I let you with my line?” 一把拉住小米彩,秦石盯着小米彩独自的沉默一会,小米彩天境一层,并且拥有神榜凶兽的强悍肉身,放眼东方区域也是问鼎金字塔顶尖的存在,带着她说不定真能帮上忙也没准,为此才勉强点下头道:“别出声,我让你跟着我行吧?” This also almost.” Xiaomi Cai reveals the naive dimple, draws in the pink clouds of palm, stands on tiptoes to start in Qin Shi cheeks light kiss: Hey, you feel relieved father, leading my you definitely not to regret that will have me in whom, if dares to bully you, looked that I the inconsistency that they will hit, the buttocks do not blossom!” “这还差不多。”小米彩露出天真的笑靥,将掌心的彩霞收拢,踮起脚在秦石的脸颊轻吻一下:“嘿嘿,你放心吧爹爹,带着我你肯定不会后悔,有我在谁要是敢欺负你,看我不把它们打的七零八落,屁股开花!” Long implored one, the appearance that Xiaomi Cai danced with joy made Qin Shi feel urgently blushes with shame, thought that has not waited for others to be scattered about, it is estimated that he is blossomed by the buttocks that this little ancestor suffered. 长吁一声,小米彩手舞足蹈的样子令秦石倍感汗颜,心想没等别人七零八落,估计他就已经被这小祖宗折磨的屁股开花了吧。 You with my line, but you remember, this you must listen to me to direct all the way, otherwise I return to the desolated jungle you.” Loosens Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi frightens said. “你跟着我行,但是你记住,这一路上你必须听我指挥,否则的话我就把你送回荒芜丛林去。”松开小米彩,秦石吓唬道。 Curling the lip of Xiaomi Cai absent-minded, whispered low voice: „, Delivers me to return to the desolated jungle? The father has that skill to deliver me to go back!” 小米彩心不在焉的撇撇嘴,小声嘀咕道:“切,送我回荒芜丛林?爹爹有那个本事吗就要送我回去!” What did you say?” Qin Shi stared one. “你说什么?”秦石瞪了一眼。 Under flinging that two pupil acquaintances, Xiaomi Cai startles head, seven colored long hair from the sky ripples the attractive radian: Does not have, does not have, does not have, I said that I guaranteed is obedient!” 两眸相识,小米彩激灵的甩下脑袋,七彩色的齐腰长发在空中荡漾起诱人的弧度:“没,没,没,我说我保证听话!” This also almost, walks!” Qin Shi looks back toward another five people of room in finally has swept one: Hope, all can be smooth, wait to rescue Elder Sister Yu, we go home.” “这还差不多,走吧!”秦石最后回首朝另外五人的房中扫过一眼:“希望,一切都能顺利,等救出玉姐,我们就回家。” A black color light, treads is leaving the inn void. 一黑一彩的光影,踏着虚空离开客栈。 After half double-hour, Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai leave Mysterious City, falls outside Mysterious City, in a dark jungle, in this jungle the gloom is serious, once for a while transmitting birds sound, appears very strange under the thin moonlight. 半个时辰后,秦石小米彩离开玄城,落在玄城外,一处幽暗的密林中,这个密林中阴气沉重,时不时的传来鸟兽鸣叫,在稀薄的月光下显得十分诡异。 Has fled the crowded branch, Qin Shi the psychic force unceasing toward all around expands, one kilometer, two kilometers, three kilometers, five kilometers, 10,000 meters, when 10,000 meters limit, he knit the brows: No?” 窜过密集的枝条,秦石将精神力不断的朝周遭扩开,一千米,两千米,三千米,五千米,10000米,在10000米极限的时候,他不由皱了皱眉:“没有么?” Father, what do you look for?” “爹爹,你找什么呢?” Curious falling by Qin Shi, Xiaomi Cai digs the cherry lips to work on the color skirt, discontented [say / way]: Was not said that Mysterious Palace, rushed to this damned place to do, this place dirtied, do not sell me?” 好奇的落在秦石旁边,小米彩撅撅着樱唇抓起彩裙,不满道:“不是说去玄殿吗,跑到这鬼地方来干嘛,这地方埋汰死了,你不会要把我卖了吧?” The restraining energy, Qin Shi sizes up on the body of Xiaomi Cai, ill-humored curling the lip: On your this temperament, I dares to sell also nobody to dare to buy!” 收敛精力,秦石小米彩的身上打量一番,没好气的撇撇嘴:“就你这脾气,我敢卖也没人敢买啊!” You talked nonsense! You go back to ask that Xiao Tianyue, he guaranteed loses everything also will buy me!” Xiaomi Cai not willingly is supine broad and handsome forehead, contradicts to say. “你胡说!你回去问问萧天月,他保证砸锅卖铁的也会买我!”小米彩不甘心的仰起螓首,顶撞道。 hear that, Qin Shi is at a loss for words, if Xiao Tianyue, he also really dares to buy helpless shaking the head, he not in laughter said sternly: Was good, do not disturb me, before on Mysterious Palace I must refine several demon symbols first, otherwise met Heaven Realm expert to trouble.” 闻言,秦石不由语塞,如果说是萧天月,他还真就敢买无奈的摇摇头,他不在嬉笑的正色道:“好了,别打扰我,在上玄殿之前我要先炼制几张魔符,否则碰见天境高手就麻烦了。” Spoke, he disperses once again the psychic force, nosing surrounding area ten thousand meters each inch slightest sign of trouble, what making him be annoyed, over ten thousand meters quiet forest, achieves Profound Spirit Realm Desolate Beast not to have unexpectedly, only then some Heaven Rank, Earth Rank Desolate Beast, these could not satisfy present him. 说完话,他将精神力再度散出,查探方圆万米的每一寸风吹草动,让他懊恼的是,上万米的幽林中,竟一只达到玄灵境荒兽也没有,只有一些天阶,地阶荒兽,这些已经满足不了现在的他了。 Stares the appearance that Qin Shi is looking distressed, Xiaomi Cai says with a smile brightly: Looks for Desolate Beast? That has not said that the father you visits me!” 盯着秦石愁眉苦脸的模样,小米彩灿烂笑道:“找荒兽?那还不好说,爹爹你看我得!” Um?” “嗯?” Black pupil opening slowly, Qin Shi puzzled looks toward Xiaomi Cai. 黑眸缓缓的睁开,秦石不解的朝小米彩望去。 The latter has not managed him, the lithe step flutters in the wind, is treading the green Liu Ye rising typhoon on, after running out of the quiet forest, maps in the broken moonlight, seven pink clouds light that wipes the disorder toward sweep across to open in all directions. 后者不曾理他,轻盈的步伐在风中飘动,踏着绿色的柳叶扶摇而上,冲出幽林后映射在残破的月光中,一抹紊乱的七彩霞光朝四面八方席卷而开。 The pink clouds clear, Xiaomi Cai steady falling by Qin Shi, satisfied patted has clapped saying: Was good, just wait.” 彩霞散尽,小米彩稳健的落在秦石旁边,满意的拍了拍手道:“好了,等着吧。” „?” “等?” Qin Shi split corners of the mouth min min, just about to asks when the earth transmits fierce shivering suddenly, reverberation in all directions in quiet forest, making him stare in great surprise. 秦石干裂的嘴角抿一抿,刚要开口询问时大地突然传来剧烈的颤抖,在幽林的四面八方回荡而起,令他瞪眼大惊。 Sees only takes Xiaomi Cai as the center of circle, thousands of Desolate Beast like the mighty force, tread the billowing dust sand to gather under their old trees, simultaneously roars greatly, the crawling lower part of the body. 只见以小米彩为圆心,数以千计的荒兽如千军万马,踏着滚滚尘沙汇聚在两人所处的古树下,同时巨吼一声,匍匐下身。 Rumble, this choking mouth spit maliciously, the Qin Shi Chest was caused the mighty waves sea level by hurricane likely, for a very long time is implacable. “咕噜,这”狠狠的噎口吐沫,秦石心口像被一阵飓风引起波澜的海面,久久难以平息。 Was good, the father elects.” “好了,爹爹选吧。”
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