PDL :: Volume #5

#429: Honor big game

Next day, morning dew prehardening. 翌日,朝露初凝。 Beyond the East District highest heaven, seven form rapid wearing out cloud layers, a youth of outstanding ability wears the black robe, the black robe makes noise in the miserable wind cool and refreshingly. 东方区域的九霄外,七道身影迅速的穿破云层,一名俊逸的少年穿着黑袍,黑袍在凄凉的风中泠泠作响。 The group, without doubt are Qin Shi they. 一行人,无疑是秦石他们。 After the long-time precipitation and reorganization, Qin Shi aims at Mysterious Palace the spear point finally, his present Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage strength, 5% of god character Secret Art just can achieve Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage in addition, moreover there is the demon blood and 7-Step demon ghost day photo, even if ordinary seizes Heaven Realm First Rank, is also not necessarily able to ask for the advantage in his hand. 经过长久的沉淀和整理,秦石终于将矛头指向玄殿,他如今玄灵境中期的实力,加上神字诀的5刚好能达到玄灵境后期,而且还有魔血和七阶的魅鬼天照,就算是普通的夺天境一层,在他手上也未必能够讨到好处。 Elder Sister Yu, I came.” 玉姐,我来了。” In the heart talked over silently, recalled that once always twines his sound by the ear, missing, the step of under foot accelerated. 心中默默念叨,回想起曾经总是在耳旁缠绕他的声音,不由的思念起来,脚下的步伐跟着加速。 In several people, only then Xiao Tianyue is the East District aborigines, Qin Shi and Xu Qiao'er, Xiaomi Cai was needless saying that Yu Luocha has been stranded for 50 years in the desolated jungle, say nothing, Feng Hen is because obstructed the puzzle of day soul, since childhood was far away from the family, but at that time he was young, where now Lian in does not know, to prevent the fairyhood erupted to slaughter innocents, the understanding Eastern profound territory was also very few, the owlet porch was most helpless, by his words, except for the blue lotus city and Xu Qiao'er, totally does not know to entire Scarlet Flame Empire that about his once matter, he did not raise., Only knows that he is not the person in empire. 几人中,只有萧天月是东方区域的土著人,秦石许巧儿,小米彩就不用说了,玉罗刹在荒芜丛林里困了50年,就更不用说了,封痕是由于遮天魂魄的困扰,自幼便远离家族,而那时候他还小,现在连家在何方都不知道,为了防止魔性爆发而滥杀无辜,对东方玄域的了解也是少之又少,枭轩最为无奈,以他自己的话来说,就是除了青莲城和许巧儿,对整个赤炎帝国一概不知,关于他曾经的事,他自己也不提。,只知道他本不是帝国的人。 Therefore, Qin Shi stopped to pat him in Xiao Tianyue side: Day moon/month, knows where Mysterious Palace is at? This depended on you.” 为此无奈下,秦石停顿在萧天月的身旁拍了拍他:“天月,知道玄殿在哪吧?这一路就靠你了。” The guarantee that Xiao Tianyue strikes one's chest said: That also with saying? Does not blow with you, this East District does not have the place that the young master I do not know.” 萧天月拍胸脯的保证道:“那还用说?真不是跟你们吹,这东方区域没有小爷我不知道的地方。” Knows well.” “知道就好。” Under the Qin Shi satisfied point, is thinking does not have in the leucorrhea this lascivious boy. 秦石满意的点下头,想着没白带上这个好色的小子。 Had this opportunity logically, Xiao Tianyue became several people to go to the Mysterious Palace guidepost, has saying that he was fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility, has played tour guide's role fully, led all people has walked randomly all the way East District of most wall, soaked then East District all famous brothels, strolled all well-known Liu Lane, the view then the assorted charming chief among flowers. 有了这个机会,萧天月顺理成章的当上了几人前往玄殿的路标,不得不说他真的是尽职尽责,充分的发挥了导游的作用,一路上率领诸人算是游走了大半壁的东方区域,泡便了东方区域所有出名的青楼,逛遍了所有知名的柳巷,观便了各色迷人的花魁。 After several days dates, seven people tread once again from a broad brothel of second-level city, Xiao Tianyue is holding the wall has licked the licking lips angle, said excitedly: Was too attractive, the 137 th chief among flowers, on this way, my grand blueprint must realize on the several th!” 数日后,七人再度从一座二级城池的恢弘的青楼中踏出,萧天月扶着墙的舔了舔嘴角,兴奋道:“太漂亮了,第137个花魁,在这样下去不出几日,我的宏伟蓝图就要实现了啊!” Stands erect in the brothel entrance, Qin Shi felt that the five main internal organs (entrails) must explode with rage, after deep inspiration, has not gone to pay attention to Xiao Tianyue, arrives at Feng Hen the side directly. 矗立在青楼门口,秦石感觉五脏六腑都要被气炸了,深深的吸口气后没去理会萧天月,直接走到封痕的身旁。 Looks at each other one with Qin Shi, Feng Hendao: Elder Brother Shi, how?” 秦石对视一眼,封痕道:“石哥,怎么了?” Old rule.” “老规矩。” Qin Shi is pinching the fist, many character does not want to say that obtained his instruction Feng Henru to receive the imperial decree to be the same, immediately heard the sound that Xiao Tianyue whinned. 秦石捏着拳,多一个字都不想说,得到他的指令封痕如接过圣旨一样,马上就听见萧天月哀嚎的动静。 Now, you can tell me, was away from Mysterious Palace far also some?” “现在,你能告诉我,距离玄殿还有多远了吗?” Qin Shi smilingly arrives at side Xiao Tianyue, this first did not say that has consumed tens of thousands over spirit stones, was only the time delays half a month to have, was worried he who Shu Zhongyu safety, has not begun to extinguish Xiao Tianyue personally, is he biggest was benevolent. 秦石笑眯眯的走到萧天月身旁,这一路先不说耗费了几万出头的灵石,光是时间就耽搁了半月有余,本就担心书中玉安危的他,没有亲自动手灭了萧天月,已经是他最大的仁慈了。 Haunching body that Xiao Tianyue eats the pain, innocent droops a face saying: This matter can blame me, I do not rise above self, inquires the Mysterious Palace position? You think that daily accompanies that group of chiefs among flowers not to injure the body? If not for I am young and vigorous, already could not endure, you did not say that makes up to me.” 萧天月吃痛的撑起身子,无辜的耷拉个脸道:“这事能怪我吗,我不也是舍己为人,去打听玄殿的位置吗?你们以为天天陪那帮花魁不伤身子啊?若不是我年轻力壮,早就吃不消了,你们也不说给我补补。” I, sentimental your root do not know where Mysterious Palace is at?” “我呸,感情你牙根就不知道玄殿在哪?” The raising fist that people hears that sound, simultaneously the violent walks, especially Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha several people, making their three pretty such as the colored female initially enter the love affair place, many are somewhat embarrassed, especially meets the drunkard who several do not enlarge ones vision, said something to smooth things over also made many Wulong. 众人闻声,同时暴走的扬起拳头,特别是小米彩玉罗刹几人,让她们三个貌美如花的女子初入风月场所,多少有些难为情,特别是碰见几个不开眼的酒鬼,上来搭讪的时候还闹出不少的乌龙。 Xiao Tianyue hurries to cover to be quiet, at once under several people of burning vision, the unavoidable grasping head says with a smile silly: Probably, probably, possibly, was listens to my father saying that was the present records was not quite clear, hey should not be far, was not far!” 萧天月赶忙捂住嘴,旋即在几人火辣辣的目光下,不得已的抓了抓脑袋傻笑道:“好像,大约,可能,是听我父亲说过,就是现在记不太清楚了,嘿嘿应该不远了,不远了!” „” “” Diligently maintains calm, remembers coming Xiao Tianyue before the appearance that vows solemnly, Qin Shi shifts the train of thought to his father Xiaoshan on, these girls in blue lotus building give Xiaoshan, really reasonable? 努力的保持冷静,一想起在来之前萧天月信誓旦旦的模样,秦石不由的将思绪转移到他父亲萧山身上,青莲楼的那些姑娘们交给萧山,真的靠谱么? In the anger, the brow of Qin Shi wrinkles suddenly, at once holds on several people, sets out to enter into toward nearby lane entrance, after several people of mouths cover, the side opens the body along the wall toward the brothel entrance to search, four put on the form of empty boasting, swaggering steps to come. 在愤怒中,秦石的眉头突然皱起,旋即一把拉住几人,起身朝旁边的巷口迈入,将几人的嘴巴捂住后,侧开身沿着墙壁朝青楼门口探去,四名穿着浮夸的身影,从中大摇大摆的迈出身来。 „Did you hear? Mysterious Palace these time has made any glorious big game, this honor big game is not only in the palace the disciple, so long as is the East District person registers can participate completely, it is said links four everyone / influential family and person of black dragon sect catches up toward this now.” “你们听说了没?玄殿这一次弄了一个什么荣耀大赛,这荣誉大赛不光是殿内弟子,只要是东方区域的人报名全部可以参加,据说连四大家和青龙宗的人现在都朝这赶呢。” Can not hear.” “能没听说吗。” A skinny youth raised hand to pat, showed off to several people said: This matter, in East District, only the remaining fools does not know that now, does not mention this matter, our Sanjiaomao times, that skill that also has not won the championship, said that don't, newly arrived that little girl sincerity was good a moment ago, tonight and I made, did not know on the bed, was can also such graceful bearing.” 一个干瘦的青年扬手拍了一把,冲几个人显摆道:“这事啊,现在在东方区域,只剩下傻子们不知道了,不提这事,就咱们这三脚猫功夫,也没夺冠的那本事,说说别得吧,刚才新来的那个妞真心不错,今晚和我约好了,不知道在床上,是不是也能这么风韵。” Four people Ha Ha spoke freely that walks along the drill tile having an audience with the emperor distant place of brothel entrance. 四人哈哈畅谈,就沿着青楼门口的钻瓦地上朝远处走去。 Looks at four people of backs, Xiao Tianyue is breaking away suddenly the hand of Qin Shi, after jumping out the lane entrance, droops a face is sorrowful: Yeah, what a pity was a pity that tonight does not know which good cabbage is, must by the pig arching.” 望着四人的背影,萧天月猛然挣开秦石的手,窜出巷口后耷拉个脸的哀愁道:“哎,可惜啊可惜,今晚不知道又是哪家的好白菜,要被猪给拱了。” Regarding Xiao Tianyue, in several people forms an invisible tacit understanding, that neglects. This person, is the step on nose to fill the face, is more earnest with him, he more talked irresponsibly, endless. 对于萧天月,几人中形成一种无形的默契,那就是忽略。这种人,就属于蹬鼻子塞脸,越和他较真,他越信口开河,没完没了。 The owlet porch has patted under Feng Hen suddenly: Feng does Hen, what honor big game you know this?” 枭轩突然拍了下封痕:“封痕,你知道这个什么荣誉大赛吗?” Does not know.” “不知道。” I do not know.” Under owlet porch point looking pensive, is crooked the head to say at once: „Were his words, scolding us?” “我也不知道。”枭轩若有所思的点下头,旋即歪着脑袋道:“那他刚才的话,是不是在骂咱俩呢?” Not only scolds you, we calculated.” Qin Shi is listening to their dialog, thinks funny, at once the stern several points badly badly said: You said that we happen to do not know now the Mysterious Palace position, how we should do?” “不光是骂你俩,连带我们都算进去了。”秦石听着两人的对话,不由觉得好笑,旋即正色几分坏坏道:“那你们说,我们现在正好不知道玄殿的方位,我们应该怎么做呢?” Should “应该” „!!!” The discussion that this several people of full Han teased, in not far away lane entrance transmitted the sound that shrieked and howled wildly suddenly, making several people of curious looking into the distance go. “啊!!!”这面几人正满含调侃的议论,不远处的巷口中突然间就传来鬼哭狼嚎的动静,令几人好奇的眺望而去。 Just raised head, seven color multi-colored sunlight then glittered to ascend to heaven from the lane entrance, at once Xiaomi Cai they, altogether four people, holding them to find out the head from the lane entrance: Father, handled!” 刚仰头,七彩的霞光便从巷口中闪烁升天,旋即小米彩一手两人,总共四人,托着他们就从巷口中探出脑袋:“爹爹,搞定了!” „” “” Several people look at each other mutually, simultaneously raises up the thumb toward Xiaomi Cai: Enough quick, suffices to decide, is ruthless enough!” 几人互相对视,同时朝小米彩竖起大拇指:“够快,够决,够狠!” The Xiaomi Cai unruly individuality, Qin Shi thought that nobody has been possible to work as, but this time, has done a correct matter actually, directs the province including him directed. 小米彩桀骜不驯的个性,秦石觉得已经无人可当了,但这一次,倒是做了件正确的事,连他指挥都省的指挥了。 Qin Shi several people hurry to follow the lane entrance, stops up several Young Master elder brother of empty boastings in inside. 秦石几人赶忙跟上巷口,将几个浮夸的公子哥堵在里面。 Several people are rolling up the body by the wall, on the face azure purple, has not been short of by the maltreatment of Xiaomi Cai evidently, trembling said timidly: Several chivalrous people, is your this must do?” 几人蜷缩着身子靠在墙上,脸上一块青一块紫,看样子是没少受小米彩的虐待,哆哆嗦嗦的胆怯道:“几位大侠,你们这是要干嘛啊?” Do not be anxious, asked that you select the matter.” Qin Shi smiles the squatting lower part of the body: What honor big game that you said a moment ago, what's the matter?” “别紧张,就问你点事。”秦石笑着蹲下身:“你们刚才说的什么荣誉大赛,是怎么回事?” Honor big game?” “荣誉大赛?” A skinny Young Master eye revolution, receives to say immediately: Small is not very clear, but hears is the Mysterious Palace palace host, probably was directing stone Qin that recent reputation rose up to come out intentionally, the big game that set up, the prize was one does not know that Pin Jie martial arts, was called probably 干瘦公子眼睛一转,马上接过来道:“小的也不是很清楚,但听闻是玄殿殿主,好像在故意引那个最近名声鹊起的石秦出来,才设立的这场大赛,奖品是一本不知品阶的武学,好像叫做” Blazing Book?” 焚书?” The skinny man claps, the nod said: Right, is Blazing Book!” 干瘦男子一拍手,点头道:“对,就是焚书!” The face is cloudy gradually, the Qin Shi mood starts to be restless, ice however spiritual power under black robe by easily accomplished the wall of four sides will certainly break. 脸庞逐渐阴沉,秦石的心情开始不安起来,黑袍下的凌然灵力以摧枯拉朽之势将四面的墙壁震碎。 Dares to treat as the reward with my Elder Sister Yu unexpectedly!” The remaining prestige under anger, staring of Qin Shi ruthless offense to skinny man: „Does this honor big game, when start?” “竟然敢拿我的玉姐当做奖励!”愤怒下的余威,秦石狠戾的瞪向干瘦男子:“这个荣誉大赛,什么时候开始?” Frightens the skinny man to tremble, hurries saying: „Have seven in the future, been able to start to register in Mysterious Palace now?” 吓得干瘦男子一哆嗦,赶忙道:“七日后,现在在玄殿已经可以开始报名了?” Told me, where was Mysterious Palace at?” “告诉我,玄殿在哪?” Mysterious Palace?” The skinny man has gawked staring: On Xuan Feng outside city.” 玄殿?”干瘦的男子愣了愣:“就在城外的玄峰上啊。” Has been responded, the Qin Shi words were not many said that raised the black robe to depart toward the lane entrance outside, Yu Luocha hurried to pursue going forward with Xiaomi Cai several people. 得到回应,秦石话不多说,扬起黑袍朝巷口外离去,玉罗刹小米彩几人赶忙追了上前。 Waits for various people to go out of the lane entrance, Xiao Tianyue does not pay attention to turning round quietly while Qin Shi, has wielded the fist toward the skinny man: „A matter, is you tonight, cannot touch that female who you said that knew?” 等诸人走出巷口,萧天月趁秦石不注意悄悄的回过身,朝干瘦的男子挥了挥拳头:“还有一件事,就是你今天晚上,不许去碰你说的那女子,知道了没?” What?” Regarding this unreasonable request, skinny male full Tou question mark, but hastily complies under Xiao Tianyue combining threats with inducements finally: Good, good, good, I guaranteed in the evening does not bump her.” “什么?”对于这个无理的要求,干瘦男子满头的问号,但最后在萧天月的威逼利诱下还是连忙答应:“好,好,好,我晚上保证不碰她。” When several people leave the lane entrance thoroughly, four talented people tumble toward going far away to run away, at the same time runs away the skinny man to stop the body suddenly, knits the brows to look toward the rear area. 等到几人彻底离开巷口,四人才连滚带爬的朝远去逃遁,一边逃遁干瘦的男子突然停下身,皱着眉朝后方望去。 Hey, what thinks? Doesn't hurry to run?” “喂,想什么呢?不赶紧跑?” You think carefully, that the person who called Shi Qin what wear was?” “你们仔细想想,那个叫石秦的人是什么穿着?” „A black robe black robe?” Another three people suddenly one startled, at once trembling is pointing at the distant place: You meant that a moment ago that person was, was Shi Qin?” “一身黑袍啊黑袍?”另外三人猛然一惊,旋即颤巍巍的指着远处:“你的意思是说,刚才那人就是,就是石秦?” Mistakenly, otherwise he so will be how excited, cannot think really a person with outstanding ability, unexpectedly so young looks like, East District must cloud over.” “错不了,否则他怎么会这么激动,真想不到一届英才,竟然如此年轻看来,东方区域要变天了。” Four people do not dare to believe stares the big eye, at once combing under abundance the chest, rejoiced secretly. 四人不敢置信的瞪大眼睛,旋即纷纷的梳理下胸口,暗自庆幸。 This time Qin Shi is utterly confused, goes out of the lane choma arm by the wall surface, wholeheartedly is only thinking a bit faster goes to Mysterious Palace, making Elder Sister Yu be separated from the abyss of suffering place. 此时的秦石心乱如麻,走出巷口环臂的靠在墙面上,一心只想着快点去玄殿,令玉姐从水深火热的地方脱离。 But he also knows that Mysterious Palace is the non- institute, cannot arbitrary come hardly, otherwise not to mention with the day with uneven Hua Ling, only counts by ten seizes the Heaven Realm elder, can make him back and forth step onto on the road to Hades several times. 但他也知道,玄殿乃是非之所,不能蛮横硬来,否则暂且不说与天同齐的花零,光是数以十记的夺天境长老,就能让他在黄泉路上来回走上几次。 Therefore wants to rescue Elder Sister Yu, must take by strategy is good, for this reason Qin Shi train of thought rotation: Perhaps, this time honor big game, is an opportunity.” 所以想要救出玉姐,必须要智取才行,为此秦石思绪转动:“或许,这一次的荣誉大赛,是个机会。” Hua Ling, don't you want to make me come? I have been suitable for your intent!” 花零,你不是想要引我来吗?那我就顺了你的意!”
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