PDL :: Volume #5

#428: Next station

Told me, where was.” “告诉我,在哪。” The Qin Xuexin sound such as the thousand years cold ice, ice-cold to will soon enter the summer in this night, made several artificial it some feelings the wool bone not dense. 沁雪心的声音如千年寒冰,冰冷到在这即将入夏的夜晚,都令几人为其不有的感觉到毛骨森然。 In ice-cold, firmness, Yu Luocha silent but for a long time sighed: Told you to be able, but I must with you together.” 在冰冷中,有一份坚决,玉罗刹沉默了许久无奈叹道:“告诉你可以,但我要跟你一起。” Does not use, you help me look after Shi’tou on the line.” “不用,你们帮我照顾好石头就行。” From beginning to end, Qin Xuexin shows by the ice throughout coldly, has not had more than half point to be amiable, for this reason stirs up Xiaomi Cai in nearby discontented [say / way]: Hey, what is called the gang, did not need you saying that we will also look after good of good father, to whom in this demonstration of authority? My demons elder sister does not fear you!” 从始至终,沁雪心始终以冰寒示人,不曾有过半点随和,为此惹得小米彩在旁边不满道:“喂,什么叫做帮,不用你说我们也会照顾好爹爹的好不好,给谁在这下马威呢?我罗刹姐可不怕你!” Xiaomi Cai!” 小米彩!” Scolding that Yu Luocha rebukes, hurries to the Qin Xuexin crop failure sound track at once: Snow heart miss felt relieved that Shi’tou has us to look, definitely is all right.” 玉罗刹嗔怪的呵斥,旋即赶忙冲沁雪心歉声道:“雪心姑娘放心,石头有我们照顾,肯定没事。” Regarding disrespecting of Xiaomi Cai, Qin Xuexin completely has not cared, duplicates once again one time: Told me, where the time vortex was.” 对于小米彩的不敬,沁雪心全然没放在心上,再度重复一次:“告诉我,时间漩涡在哪。” 3000 miles away East.” “在3000里外的东方。” 3000 miles away?” Qin Xuexin takes down silently, at once hesitates, turns round cold Dao: He wakes up, do not tell him me to come.” “3000里外么?”沁雪心默默记下,旋即跟着犹豫一番,回身冷道:“他醒来,不要告诉他我来过。” Xiaomi Cai received in the side great happiness: Good, the demons elder sister, promises him quickly, good opportunity, father , if not know that you have the opportunity.” 小米彩在旁边大喜接过:“好啊,罗刹姐,快答应他,好机会啊,爹爹要是不知道,你就还有机会。” Do not talk nonsense!” “别瞎说!” Yu Luocha staring Xiaomi Cai of maliciously, tightens puzzled said to Qin Xuexin: Why? You have done these many for him, doesn't seek the repayment?” 玉罗刹狠狠的瞪了眼小米彩,旋紧不解的冲沁雪心道:“为什么?你为他做了这么多,难道就不图回报吗?” You? Does not hesitate to disregard the life and death for him, what do you have the chart to repay?” “你呢?不惜为他置之生死于不顾,你有图过什么回报吗?” I the Yu Luocha cherry lips opened, bursting out laughing. “我”玉罗刹樱唇张了张,不由哑然。 Looks at the Yu Luocha flustered look, under the point that Qin Xuexin already expected said: No, right? I do not think him to be worried, by his temper, if knows that I went to the time vortex, can definitely not give a thought to the injury pursues, that is I do not want to see.” 看着玉罗刹慌张的神色,沁雪心早已预料的点下头道:“没有,对吧?我不想他担心,以他的性子,若是知道我去了时间漩涡,肯定会不顾伤势的追来,那是我不想看见得。” The miserable night wind blows, curls up blue luxuriant, waves just like the mighty waves sea level, to human psychological warm broad. 凄凉的夜风拂面,卷起碧蓝色的秀发,舞动中宛如波澜的海面,给人一种心理暖暖的宽阔。 Ice-cold to not any spoken language of mood fluctuation, made Yu Luocha and Xu Qiao'er heartstrings ripples, Yu Luocha thought to understand Qin Shi, actually as everyone knows some people understood compared with her. 一段冰冷到没有任何情绪波动的言语,却令玉罗刹许巧儿心弦荡漾,玉罗刹自以为了解秦石,却殊不知有人比她更加的了解。 But what she does not know, Qin Xuexin and Qin Shi since acquaintance, both in together time, but is the half a month under mountain valley. 而她更不知道的是,沁雪心秦石从相识至今,两者在一起的时间,不过是崖谷下的半月。 Good, I will not tell him.” “好吧,我不会告诉他。” The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead, in mood fluctuation affected the bloodlines lightly suddenly, the woods cold methamphetamine hydrochloride clears at this time, wiped the raging fire to launch a psychological attack. 玉罗刹螓首轻点,情绪波动中突然牵动血脉,森寒的冰毒在这时散尽,一抹烈火攻心。 Puff!” “噗!” In pain, a poisonous blood blowout, Xu Qiao'er several people in side startled, hurries to go forward to support her: Demons elder sister, are you how is it?” 痛苦中,一口毒血喷出,许巧儿几人在旁边不由惊慌,赶忙上前扶住她:“罗刹姐,你怎么样?” „Is this Heartless Yin Yang Talisman?” “这是绝情阴阳符?” The Qin Xuexin complexion fusion, once fully suffered her who poisons, then recognizes the Yu Luocha symptom, for this reason quick and violent goes forward holds the white arms of Yu Luocha: „Have you planted Heartless Yin Yang Talisman?” 沁雪心面色聚变,曾饱受毒害的她,一眼便认出玉罗刹的症状,为此迅猛上前的抓住玉罗刹的皓腕:“你种了绝情阴阳符?” In the Yu Luocha pain stares dull, at once remembers Qin Shi to know this Heartless Yin Yang Talisman, let alone does this completely contain mysterious Qin Xuexin? 玉罗刹痛苦中跟着呆愣,旋即想起秦石都知道这绝情阴阳符,更何况这满含神秘的沁雪心呢? Therefore, she acknowledged: Um.” 为此,她承认道:“嗯。” Qin Xuexin has not responded, a biting cold cold current pours into Yu Luocha within the body, is pressed the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow: Toxin by merit heart? This you take away.” 沁雪心没回应,一股彻骨的寒流灌入玉罗刹的体内,不由蹙起黛眉:“毒以功心?这个你拿去。” This is “这是” Puzzled supine beginning, a quiet color spirit grass forces in her palm. 不解的仰起头,一株幽色的灵草塞进她的掌中。 Yu Luocha everywhere startled accommodates, has not actually waited for her to get back one's composure, Qin Xuexin already went far away, arrives at the Qin Shi side to sit down silently. 玉罗刹满目惊容,却没等她回过神,沁雪心已然远去,走到秦石的身旁默默坐下。 Xiaomi Cai before side curious rushing: Demons elder sister, what is this?” 小米彩在旁边好奇的冲上前:“罗刹姐,这是什么?” Heartless Yin Yang Talisman antidote, Cut Emotion Behead Soul Flower.” Person who shaking the head of Yu Luocha forced smile, she has not expected has rescued finally her, can be Qin Xuexin unexpectedly. 绝情阴阳符的解药,断情斩魂花。”玉罗刹苦笑的摇摇头,她万万没料到最后救了她的人,竟会是沁雪心 By Qin Shi, Qin Xuexin gentle is touching his face, on the static counterfeit under the moonlight, her beautiful pupil congeals, suddenly does not wink stares at tight Qin Shi each edges and corners, as if must in be at heart same his brand mark. 秦石旁边,沁雪心温柔的抚摸着他的面庞,就静静的影射在月光下,她的美眸凝结,一下不眨的盯紧秦石的每个棱角,仿佛要将他烙印在心里一样。 Fool, one year, has annoyed such sentimental debt, you may probably be good earlier, quite makes me blame you, knows?” “傻子,才一年,就惹了这么多情债,你可要早点好起来,好让我责怪你啊,知道么?” Does not need to say a word, Qin Xuexin from the scabs of Qin Shi whole body, can guess correctly with the demon bloody stool in within the body that in this year he little has not certainly endured hardship, but reason that he such spelling not awfully, mostly will be her reason. 无需言语,沁雪心秦石满身的伤疤,和体内的魔血便能猜到,这一年他一定没少吃苦,而他之所以会这么不要命的拼,多半是她的原因。 In imperceptibly, the blood robe person is not her personal enemy, similarly also became Qin Shi and her sentiment personal enemy, therefore she does not know that Qin Shi to their hatred, are not less than her. 在无形中,血袍人已经不是她自己的仇人,同样也成为了秦石和她感情的仇人,所以她并不知道,秦石对他们的憎恨,丝毫不比她少。 Stroking bit by bit, double pupil of Qin Xuexin pale red, recalled that the spoken language of old naughty child, Chest feeling unavoidably loves dearly, tears like this bloom, drop in the chest of Qin Shi. 一点一点的抚摸,沁雪心的双眸淡红,回想起老顽童的言语,心口不免的感觉到心疼,一滴泪花就这样绽放,滴落在秦石的胸膛。 Is holding the tears, bites cherry lips, Qin Xuexin is talking over gently: What no matter you turn into, perhaps here, in society has anything to be bigger than the day, but does not have anything to be bigger than you certainly.” 噙着泪花,咬着樱唇,沁雪心轻轻念叨道:“不管你变成什么样,于我这里,世间或许有什么能大过天,但绝没有什么能大过你。” Is waiting for me, my this asks the person emperor to decide the demon bead to save you.” “等着我,我这就去找人皇定魔珠救你。” , She stands up decidedly, is dragging such as the long skirt of watermark, visual already slightly flood fish-belly white East, dissipates to go in a flash. 决然中,她站起身,拖着如水纹的长裙,目视已经微微泛起鱼肚白的东方,转瞬间消散而去。 Stars new moon night, piece by piece blue snow. 繁星朔夜,片片青雪。 Qin Xuexin departs, Yu Luocha under breaking off a love affair Yin-Yang symbol clothing, after half double-hour, her the face restores gradually ruddily, has puzzled she entire 50 years of violent poisonousness, finally has been suppressed. 沁雪心离去,玉罗刹将断情阴阳符服下,半个时辰后她的面庞渐渐恢复红润,困扰了她整整50年的剧毒,终于得到抑制。 This time, wants dead, could not die.” Begins supinely, Yu Luocha smiles bitterly indifferently unavoidably, at once the vision looks toward nearby Qin Shi, in the heart somewhat loses. “这一次,是真的想死,都死不了了。”仰起头,玉罗刹漠然中不免苦笑,旋即目光朝旁边的秦石望去,心中有些失落。 Compared with Qin Xuexin, she is really not anything. 沁雪心相比,她真的不算什么。 Demons elder sister, are you how is it?” “罗刹姐,你怎么样?” Xu Qiao'er several people throw to go forward, Yu Luocha restores from absent-minded, at once says with a smile warm: All right.” 许巧儿几人扑上前,玉罗刹才从失神中恢复,旋即温笑道:“没事。” „!” “咳咳!” On this time, several coughed to break several people of mood. 就这时,几声干咳打破几人的情绪。 Turns round to look, the first wisp of dawn disperses along the East, falls on fully is ruins in confusion, the night of moon/month circle elapses finally, the fairyhood of Qin Shi within the body was suppressed, indifferently slowly opens the black pupil. 回身望去,第一缕晨曦沿着东方散下,落在满是狼藉的废墟中,月圆之夜终于逝去,秦石体内的魔性被压制下来,漠然中缓缓的睁开黑眸。 This?” “这是哪?” Has stood up from failure, Qin Shi feels the whole body to be sore, probably fought one to be the same with the human, the arm leg must disperse a character, then had a drowsy look was looking all around one toward the surroundings total wreck ruins, had a scare: Drinks, when caught being used to it of sleepwalk?” 翻过身,秦石感觉全身酸痛,好像跟人打了一架一样,胳膊腿都要散架字了,接着睡眼惺忪的在朝周围破烂不堪的废墟环顾一眼,吓了一跳:“喝,什么时候染上梦游的习惯了?” Shi’tou!” 石头!” Elder brother, father!” Consciousness of Qin Shi, making several people immediately excited, Xiaomi Cai and Xu Qiao'er two girl families, put the Qin Shi bosom excitedly has cried. “哥,爹爹!”秦石的苏醒,令几人马上兴奋起来,小米彩许巧儿两个女孩子家,扑在秦石的怀里激动的都哭了出来。 Qin Shi has flung the arm, seeing several people to gawk: What you do in good condition cry? Also you in this? Like me, sleepwalked?” 秦石甩了甩胳膊,看见几人一楞:“好端端的你们哭什么?再说你们怎么也在这?难道跟我一样,都梦游了?” Qin Shi regains consciousness, the heart of Yu Luocha was moved like the string, hesitant, goes forward saying: Yesterday's matter, don't you remember?” 秦石苏醒,玉罗刹的心如琴弦般被拨动,犹豫一番,才上前道:“昨天的事,你都不记得了?” Yesterday?” “昨天?” Qin Shi supports the head to plunder in the memory, at once remembers anything suddenly, one has grasped Yu Luocha, about examination, relaxed hugs her in the bosom. 秦石撑着脑袋在记忆中搜刮,旋即猛然间想起什么,一把抓过玉罗刹,左右的查看一番,才松了口气的将她抱在怀中。 „Are you all right? Good!” “你没事?太好了!” Looks two who is supporting, by falling back on that Xiaomi Cai and Xu Qiao'er elapse very much. 望着相拥的两人,小米彩许巧儿很逝去的退到旁边。 Looks at each other one, has smiled secretly. 对视一眼,偷偷的笑了起来。 Shi’tou in warm chest, Yu Luocha awkward light recited. 石头”在温暖的胸膛,玉罗刹尴尬的轻吟道。 Realized one are rude, Qin Shi helps up Yu Luocha, the depth sounding to knit the brows immediately: Your did Heartless Yin Yang Talisman untie? What's the matter?” 意识到自己失态,秦石马上扶起玉罗刹,深度探测不由皱眉:“你的绝情阴阳符解开了?怎么回事?” „?” “啊?” Yu Luocha startled Rong Jiaobian, the cherry lips creeping motion does not know how should explain, at once the train of thought seethes rapidly for a long time, thinks that one is not the means of means that hurried [say / way]: You have forgotten, is you, is black Baleful Qi of your within the body, like helping Feng Hen, helped me toxic dispelling.” 玉罗刹惊容娇变,樱唇蠕动不知该如何解释,旋即思绪迅速翻腾了许久,才想到一个不是办法的办法,慌道:“你忘了,是你啊,是你体内的黑色煞气,就像帮封痕一样,帮我把毒性祛除了。” Evil Spirit ?” Hears this answer, Qin Shi quite accidental knitting the brows, but if said that is Evil Spirit , that arrives has this possibility. 邪魔?”听到这个答案,秦石颇为意外的皱了皱眉,但如果说是邪魔的话,那到真有这个可能。 Therefore, he has not closely examined. 为此,他并没有追问。 Was good, everyone / influential family is all right well, do we go to Mysterious Palace quickly? Heard that the Mysterious Palace palace main is also a big beautiful woman, I somewhat was impatient.” Under the intense indignation, Xiao Tianyue hurries to go forward to mediate. “好了,大家没事就好,咱们快去玄殿吧?听说玄殿殿主也是个大美女,我都有些迫不及待了。”在紧张的气愤下,萧天月赶忙上前圆场。 Xiaomi Cai raises the white hands to pat to behind: I, how you were in front of that iceberg to say a moment ago, did not say that I am under this day the most attractive person, this will handle various dialect pronunciations?” 小米彩扬起玉手冲后面拍一下:“我呸,你刚才当着那冰山面怎么说得,不是说我才是这天底下最漂亮的人吗,这一会就变口了?” Iceberg? What iceberg?” Qin Shi knit the brows, question. “冰山?什么冰山?”秦石皱了皱眉,问句 „?” Crowd one startled, covers the mouth of Xiaomi Cai hastily, Xiao Tianyue says with a smile silly: Hey, hey, where has the iceberg, you misunderstood, I and Xiaomi Cai joked.” “啊?”人群一惊,连忙捂住小米彩的嘴,萧天月跟着傻笑道:“嘿嘿,嘿嘿,哪有冰山,你听错了,我和小米彩闹着玩呢。” Is looking at the strange several people, Qin Shi puzzled stretches a little bit, pours to be also disinclined to ask, because the matter of demon blood made his many somewhat depressing. 望着奇怪的几人,秦石不解的活动活动身子,倒也懒得去多问,由于魔血的事令他多少有些压抑。 After this time, he realized thoroughly the fearfulness of demon blood, sets firm resolve after secretly, on the night of moon/month circle, must close surely oneself, otherwise must lead to the root of trouble sooner or later. 经过这一次,他彻底意识到魔血的可怕,暗自下定决心以后每逢月圆之夜,定要将自己关闭起来,否则早晚要酿成祸端。 At once in all people sets out, his vision looks suddenly toward the East: This flavor, is quite familiar.” 旋即在诸人起身中,他的目光突然朝东方望去:“这味道,好熟悉。” Several people of hears that sound are thrown into a panic immediately, the owlet porch goes forward to pull up Qin Shi saying: Oh, I said Elder Brother Shi, were you hungry? The nose changed keen, walked quickly, we ate the thing.” 几人闻声顿时乱了手脚,枭轩上前拉起秦石道:“哎呀,我说石哥,你饿傻了吧?鼻子都变灵敏了,快走,咱们吃东西去。” Was I am oversuspicious?” “是我多疑了么?” Qin Shi indifferent forced smile: Also right, she now, should in the blue snow sect, how appear in this.” 秦石漠然的苦笑一声:“也对,她现在,应该在青雪宗,怎么会出现在这呢。” It is not thinking that he cast off the hand sleeve to follow. 不在多想,他甩开手袖跟了上去。 When sealing mark side, seals the mark to block him suddenly, hesitant has opened the mouth to say for a long time: Elder Brother Shi, matter, I want to say with you.” 在封痕身旁时,封痕突然间拦住他,犹豫了许久开口道:“石哥,有一件事,我想和你说。” What matter?” “什么事?” Yesterday, you were suddenly abnormal “昨天,你突然变态” Just heard this, Qin Shi has almost not spat blood scolded: I, your his mother is abnormal, your his mother did not have little abnormally, any words!” 刚听到这,秦石差点没吐血的骂道:“我呸,你他妈才变态呢,你他妈原来没少变态,什么话啊!” Volume, that denaturation is also good.” “额,那变性也行。” Changes your younger sister, said the proper business!” “变你妹,说正事!” Was yesterday, you changed that anything time, three senior general Zhao Yuanhe who met the empire, he did not mistake carefully you are I, now estimated that has fed in the empire.” Feng Hen spoke of this, Xiao Tianyue also introduced under Zhao Yuanhe strength, how as to compel to draw back Zhao Yuanhe, said that was the Qin Shi fairyhood sends greatly, the strength suddenly to increase ancient times, did not say a word about Qin Xuexin. “就是昨天,你变那啥的时候,碰见帝国的三大将赵元赫了,他把你不小心误认成是我,现在估计已经传回帝国了。”封痕说到这,萧天月又介绍了下赵元赫的实力,至于怎么逼退赵元赫,就说是秦石魔性大发,实力暴增的远古,关于沁雪心却是只字未提。 Qin Shi clearly becomes aware, at once thinking silently: Zhao Yuanhe, under the hands / subordinates of empress? Mistakes mistakes! How long could not want in any case, was the enemy.” 秦石明悟,旋即默默的思索一番:“赵元赫,皇后的手下么?误认就误认吧!反正要不了多久,也是敌人。” Under the comfort, Feng Hencai relaxed. 在安慰下,封痕才松了口气。 Speeds away, the crowd hurries back to the city of half wall ruins, bird's eye view below in confusion, Qin Shi heaved a deep sigh. 一路疾驰,人群赶回到半壁废墟的城池中,俯瞰着下方的狼藉,秦石长叹一声。 At this moment, by the ear hears several full Han excited discussion sound suddenly, making his knitting the brows , the vision puncture like the sharp sword. 就在这时,耳旁突然间传来几道满含兴奋的议论声,令他不由的皱了皱眉,目光如利剑般刺下。 Courage is not small, dares to sell including my news?” Is staring in the Chinese medicine shop of lane entrance, the Qin Shi fingertip rotation, the star shoots together irritably under. “胆子不小,连我的消息都敢卖?”盯着在巷口的药铺,秦石指尖转动,一道星火爆射而下。 Puff, the Chinese medicine shop fires the ashes, one old one little startled runs from the Chinese medicine shop, at once in the sea of fire four of 100,000 spirit stones the rainstorm like departure that splutter, making the common people on street snatch insanely. 噗一声,药铺就烧成灰烬,一老一少惊慌的从药铺中跑出,旋即火海中100000的灵石如暴雨般四下溅射的飞出,令街道上的百姓疯抢一番。 Sold has sold, considered to sacrifice itself, the benefitting common people were good.” “卖都卖了,当是牺牲自己,造福百姓好了。” The Qin Shi satisfied revealing happy expression, this restrains the black pupil, whatever the black robe rolling rolls up and pushes along in the cold wind, the vision punctures in the Mysterious Palace direction like the sharp sword. 秦石满意的露出笑意,这才收敛黑眸,任由黑袍在冷风中滚滚卷动,目光如利剑般朝玄殿的方向刺去。 We walk! Next station, Mysterious Palace!” “我们走!下一站,玄殿!”
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