PDL :: Volume #5

#427: Old naughty child

The beautiful pupil stares at the dry hand on tight white arms, the Qin Xuexin mind is vigilant, on five slender fingertip freezes the dense cold ice, is sideways to puncture toward nearby space opening. 美眸盯紧皓腕上的枯手,沁雪心心神警惕,五道纤细的指尖上冻结起森然寒冰,侧身朝旁边的空间裂口刺下。 Bang! 砰! In the opening disclosed that vast and fabricated light light, the light such as several thousand poisonous snakes, in the winding the cold ice in Qin Xuexin skilled artist, in the opening broadcasts the hoarse sound at once: Young doll, the human is not big, the temperament is actually not small.” 裂口中透露出浩繁而虚妄的淡淡光影,光影如数万条毒蛇,缠绕上沁雪心妙手中的寒冰,旋即裂口中传来沙哑的声音:“小女娃,人不大,脾气倒是不小。” „Who is?” “是什么人?” I, you called me the old naughty child, this name I very liked, sound to be sunny, was good.” In the space opening responded indifferently, “我啊,你们叫我老顽童吧,这名字我挺喜欢,听起来充满阳光,多好。”空间裂口中漠然回应, In the hoarse sound, said surely the poisonous snake thorough cold ice, a resounding disintegrates it. 在沙哑的声响中,千万道毒蛇深入寒冰,一声脆响将其土崩瓦解。 The cold ice dissipates, the when defense line tremor of Yu Luocha, wants revolution spiritual power again, grabs her dry hand to get hold of suddenly, wipes the strange mist to belay her white arms, at once she only feels the Chest to be sad, the spirit crystal of dantian place got up by the bewildered seal unexpectedly. 寒冰消散,玉罗刹的防线颤动,再欲运转灵力时,抓住她的枯手突然握紧,一抹诡异的雾气套住她的皓腕,旋即她只感心口沉闷,丹田处的灵晶竟然被莫名其妙的封印起来。 Very strong!” “好强!” Wipes scared, fills the air to open in the atrium, the Qin Xuexin present strength is Zhao Yuanhe of three senior generals, in its front does the share that only then flees to the wilderness, but before the old obstinate virginity of this mysterious person, unexpectedly link slightly the strength of resistance? 一抹恐慌,在心房弥漫而开,沁雪心如今的实力就算是身为三大将的赵元赫,在其面前都只有落荒而逃的份,但在这神秘人的老顽童身前,竟连丝毫抵御的力量都没有? The elegant face tightens, Qin Xuexin is anxious: This person is talented, Shi’tou the severe wound has not recovered now, first brings Shi’tou to leave importantly.” 俏脸绷紧,沁雪心紧张起来:“这人实力不俗,石头如今重伤未愈,先带石头离开要紧。” Thinks of this, her link has white delicate arms to hug Qin Shi in the bosom, the lithe tip of the toe sweeps in the ground, causes ripples in the sand dust, flies to escape to open toward the distant place. 想到这,她环起玉臂将秦石抱在怀中,轻盈的脚尖在地面一扫,在沙尘中引起段段涟漪,朝远处飞遁而开。 This doll, hits excellently, does not want to run.” The empty shade in a flash, a skinny form takes from the opening, he everywhere raises gentle Wen Xiao, wears a broken Daoist robe, how many does the crane send the young face is not just time the old man who reappears along with Fufeng? “这女娃,打不过人,就想跑啊。”虚影一晃,一名枯瘦的身影从裂口中迈出,他满目扬起慈祥的温笑,身穿一件残破的道袍,鹤发童颜不正是几次随扶风浮现的老者吗? ! 咻! The empty shade in a flash, the people surprised time does not have continually, the old naughty child disappeared baseless, the next instant Qin Xuexin back space was torn to open, the old naughty child already blocked her way, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 虚影一晃,众人连惊讶的时间都没有,老顽童已凭空消失,下一霎沁雪心背后的空间被撕裂而开,老顽童已然挡住她的去路,负手而立。 The beautiful pupil dodges startled, the Qin Xuexin jade foot stops rapidly: Quite quick, so degree, even if the teachers is not necessarily able to achieve, is that boundary?” 美眸一闪惊慌,沁雪心玉脚急速停下:“好快,这般程度,就算是师尊都未必能够达到,难道是那种境界?” The old naughty child caresses single-handed must, Qin Shi space all around invisible ripples, the billowing frail air wave, extracts from the bosom of Qin Xuexin Qin Shi, falls in his hands. 老顽童单手抚须,秦石周遭的空间无形荡漾,滚滚单薄的气浪,将秦石沁雪心的怀中抽出,落在他的手中。 What do you want to make to him?” “你要对他做什么?” Qin Xuexin gets back one's composure hurriedly, rushing , before without hesitation gathers the cold current, did not consider that she is the match of old naughty child. 沁雪心急忙回神,不假思索的冲上前汇聚寒流,根本不考虑她是不是老顽童的对手。 Bang! 砰! The enhanced dust draws out the hand, the dark golden barrier curls up along the sand together, from eight sides the Qin Xuexin stop outside, the center of old naughty child standing erect barrier curls the lip to say with a smile: Drinks, no rush, I am well-meant, I am rescue this brat on the contrary.” 扬尘起手,一道暗金色的屏障沿着沙地卷起,从八方将沁雪心阻拦在外,老顽童矗立屏障的中央撇嘴笑道:“喝,别急啊,我没有恶意,相反我是来救这臭小子得。” You said that you can rescue Shi’tou?” “你说你能救石头?” Before the people followed at this time, hears word shouting with one voice. 众人这时跟上前,闻言异口同声的喊道。 Qin Xuexin with rapt attention stern, the sarcastic comments said: How can I believe you?” 沁雪心凝神正色,冷言冷语道:“我怎么能相信你?” Drinks, the old man I have far away marched on over a million li (0.5km) road, the kid who finally must suffer your this group of being wet behind the ears questioned that turns head to ask Fufeng that old ghost to do accounts may not.” “喝,老夫我大老远赶了上百万里的路,结果还要遭受你们这帮乳臭未干的小家伙质疑,回头非要找扶风那老鬼算账不可。” Foaming with rage scolding sentence, old naughty child flung dry cough of sleeve saying: Makes you believe easily! The female baby, I asked you, on this little demon, has filled the demon blood?” 吹胡子瞪眼的骂句,老顽童甩了甩袖子的干咳道:“让你相信容易!女娃娃,我问你,这小鬼身上,是不是充满了魔血?” How do you know?” “你怎么知道?” Qin Xuexin even more felt that at present this old man is not simple. 沁雪心越发感觉,眼前这位老者不简单。 I know certainly that I come for this matter, your this doll is really also bold enough, wants to compel outside body the demon blood of this little demon within the body unexpectedly, do you know that his bloodlines already did have the change, where in within the body also having person of blood? If you really demon blood compelling, that present lies down in this was also not the human, but was a dry corpse.” “我当然知道,我就是为了这事而来,你这女娃也真够大胆,竟想将这小鬼体内的魔血逼出体外,你知不知道,他的血脉早已发生改变,体内哪里还有人血可言?你若真将魔血给逼出来,那现在躺在这的也就不是人了,而是一尊干尸。” What did you say?” The Qin Xuexin cold pupil eliminates, is charmingly angry: You meant that present Shi’tou he is not a human, but is the demon?” “你说什么?”沁雪心寒眸肃清,娇嗔道:“你的意思是说,现在的石头他不是人,而是魔?” Does not calculate that the human the body demon blood, should situated in both, by existence that the world spurns, Tun Tian that fellow also really be given up but actually, over ten thousand years ago when slaughters the common people have not seen him to wrinkle frowns, is actually very so benevolent to a kid, does not hesitate the essence and blood that exhausts for hundred years to recuperate, before the monarchy left behind the life standard I have not believed that now looks like actually real.” A face curious is staring at Qin Shi, the old naughty child turns round to stare around several vacant forms, pats the forehead: Yeah, you told that these make anything, you do not understand what is heard in any case, but I advised politely your one, later to this little demon, may not have what good end with him!” “不算吧,人躯魔血,应该是介于两者之间,受天下唾弃的存在,吞天那家伙倒也真是舍得,上万年前屠杀苍生时也没见他皱一皱眉头,对这么个小家伙倒是挺仁慈,不惜耗尽百年来调养的精血,之前君主留下命格时我还不信,现在看来倒是真的啊。”一脸好奇的盯着秦石,老顽童回身盯着旁边几道茫然的身影,一拍脑门:“哎,跟你们说这些做什么,反正你们也听不明白,但我奉劝你们一句,以后离这小鬼远一点,跟着他可没有什么好下场!” Plays old disrespectful saying, the old naughty child pokes head to play the role of the ugly face to several people. 玩老不恭的说道,老顽童探出头冲着几人扮起鬼脸。 ! 咻! Woods cold white hands such as kill with one's own hand to puncture, the volume falls on the old naughty child skinny nape of the neck, Qin Xuexin cold Dao: I, no matter you are, but if you were talking nonsense, went all out, I must draw in you!” 一把森寒的玉手如手刃刺出,卷落在老顽童干瘦的脖颈上,沁雪心冷道:“我不管你是谁,但如果你在胡说,就是拼了命,我也要拉上你!” Is staring at the slender white hands, the old naughty child fakes the appearance that dreads to dig the mouth: Whoops yo, I quite feared that you said me to talk nonsense, I want to listen but actually, did I talk nonsense? This boy now the person demon coenosarc, is in itself the world different races, some day the demon blood exposition, will decide is spurned by the world person, will regard as disaster hardship by the people, when at that time, you are also willing with him? With him by the repel of world person?” 盯着纤细的玉手,老顽童假作畏惧的模样撅撅起嘴:“哎呦呦,我好怕啊,你说我胡说,那我倒想听听,我怎么胡说了?这小子如今人魔共体,本身就是天地异类,有朝一日魔血暴露,定会受天下人唾弃,被众人视为灾厄,等到那时,你们还愿意跟着他?跟着他受天下人的排斥?” A few words, ancient grave morning bell. 一段话,古墓晨钟。 The boundless world, all living things, these are extremely heavy, makes several people feel that the chest is worried, depressing suffocations somewhat. 苍茫天地,芸芸众生,这些都太过沉重,以至于让几人感觉到胸口烦闷,压抑的有些窒息。 I want.” “我愿意。” In constraining, most starts to resound two gently beautiful sounds of nature, Yu Luocha and Qin Xuexin, both simultaneously faces forward to step one step. 在压抑中,最开始响起两道柔美天籁,玉罗刹沁雪心、两者同时朝前踏上一步。 They look at each other one, Qin Xuexin lower the head to look to the Qin Shi face of outstanding ability, may the biting cold ice accommodate coldly, was melted by the gently beautiful love: My book is heaven abandoned baby, I do not care on this day, does not care about this all living things, I only care about him!” 两人对视一眼,沁雪心低头望向秦石俊逸的面庞,寒可彻骨的冰容,被柔美的爱意融化:“我本就是苍天弃儿,我不在乎这天下,不在乎这众生,我只在乎他!” The old men have been startled being startled: Oh? that you?” 老者不由怔了怔:“哦?那你们呢?” Let go, Yu Luocha said with a smile: I have promised him, even if he and world are enemies, I static standing in him behind, will also keep off all from the rear unexpected blow for him.” 摊了摊手,玉罗刹笑道:“我答应过他,所以哪怕他与全世界为敌,我也会静静的站在他身后,替他挡下所有来自后方的冷箭。” hear that, Qin Xuexin has profound meaning looks toward Yu Luocha. 闻言,沁雪心颇有深意的朝玉罗刹望去。 By their infections, Xiaomi Cai several people of getting back one's composure steps goes forward: I must certainly with the father, any person non- person the demon, I manage them, in any case I am not the human am not the demon, I with the father, who dare to stop, I kill who!” 受两人的感染,小米彩几人回神的迈上前:“我肯定要跟着爹爹,什么人不人魔不魔,我管他们呢,反正我也不是人不是魔,我就跟着爹爹,谁敢阻拦,我就杀谁!” Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake ?” 七彩祥云蛇?” Is staring at Xiaomi Cai accidentally, the old man has been startled being startled: He he, is really one group of interesting kids, ok, can have so came to understand that following matter is actually easier to do.” 盯着小米彩,老者不禁意外的怔了怔:“呵呵,真是一群有趣的小家伙,行,能有这般觉悟,下面的事倒是好办多了。” Here, must the old man cough in vain several: I really have the means to save him, even can help him suppress the demon blood, but this means full are the thorn, is anyone of you willing to do for him?” 说到这,白须老者干咳几声:“我确实有办法救他,甚至能够帮他压制魔血,只是这个办法满是荆棘,你们谁愿意替他去做?” I!” “我!” Qin Xuexin and Yu Luocha also go forward. 沁雪心玉罗刹同时上前。 „A person foot.” “一个人足矣。” I come, here, I cultivate to high.” The Qin Xuexin first time, under the driving racket Yu Luocha, then steps the advance party to probably in vain the front of old man. “我来,这里,我修为最高。”沁雪心第一次,主动的拍下玉罗刹,然后迈上前站到白须老者的面前。 „Did you think?” “你想好了?” So long as can save him, the ghostdom hell I am also willing to rush.” The Qin Xuexin ice cold words decide: You said that how I must do.” “只要能救他,冥界地府我也愿意一闯。”沁雪心冰冷言决:“你说吧,我要怎么做。” With Qin Xuexin looking at each other, must old man knit the brows in vain, from the pupil of Qin Xuexin, sees one, making him feel fearful determination, after for a long time, face up laughed: Good, suppresses the demon blood, is actually not difficult, so long as can find the person emperor to decide the demon bead, and makes this kid clothing get down, guards the dantian to be able.” 沁雪心对视,白须老者不禁皱了皱眉,从沁雪心的眸子中,看见一丝,令他都感觉到可怕的决心,许久后才仰面大笑:“好,压制魔血,其实不难,只要能找到人皇定魔珠,并让这小家伙服下去,镇守丹田便可。” „Does person emperor decide the demon bead?” “人皇定魔珠?” Knitting the brows of several person accidents, this thing no one has listened. 几个人意外的皱了皱眉,这东西谁都没有听过。 Qin Xuexin is also same, but she had not inquired that spoke frankly asks: Told me, where in can find the person emperor to decide the demon bead.” 沁雪心也一样,但她没有询问,直言问道:“告诉我,在哪能找到人皇定魔珠。” Person emperor decides the demon bead, in this Scarlet Flame Empire, moreover you should not be strange to this place.” The old man [say / way] said with rapt attention. “人皇定魔珠么,就在这赤炎帝国,而且对这个地方你们应该并不陌生。”老者凝神道说。 Where is at?” Several people press to say. “在哪?”几人促道。 Time vortex.” Curling the lip that must an old man face badly smile in vain, said. “时间漩涡。”白须老者一脸坏笑的撇撇嘴,道。 Hears this noun, simultaneously stared staring in nearby Yu Luocha several people, reveals wipes startled accommodates. 听到这个名词,在旁边的玉罗刹几人同时瞪了瞪眼,露出一抹惊容。 Regarding several people of expressions, must the old man not be accidental in vain, at once strokes crosses the hands behind the back vertical laughs: Should say said that the old man should also walk, remains or does not go, you decide.” 对于几人的表情,白须老者并不意外,旋即抚摸负手而立的大笑一声:“该说的都说了,老夫也该走了,剩下去或是不去,你们自己决定吧。” Spoke, must the old man space of all around ripple in vain, in the new moon night produces the fabricated opening, in his mouth is reverberating the bright crisp laughter, crosses the hands behind the back to enter. 说完话,白须老者周遭的空间荡漾,朔夜中产生虚妄的裂口,他口中回荡着朗爽的笑声,负手而入。 Stares form that will soon be departing, the [say / way] of Qin Xuexin widow who does not remarry: Hopes that you have not deceived me, otherwise is the ends of the earth, all -out effort final one breath, I must find you, then has killed you.” 盯着即将离去的身影,沁雪心古井无波的道:“希望你没有骗我,否则就是天涯海角,拼劲最后一口气,我也要找到你,然后杀了你。” Ha Ha, waited for that time, genuine and fake naturally to know.” The old men blow with a smile, dissipate in such as the opening of wormhole, a broad great wild goose sound like the timely exhortation to virtue and purity, rolling reverberates by the people ear: Babies remember, the human life is irreversible, the sun is absolute, this world earthliness all has the causes and effects, all innate fates, hope that do not regret for today's decision.” “哈哈,等那时,真假自然得知。”老者笑着拂面,消散在如虫洞的裂口,一段恢弘的鸿音如暮鼓晨钟,滚滚回荡在众人耳旁:“小娃娃们记住,人命不可逆,天道不可违,凡尘俗世皆有因果,一切自有定数,希望你们不要为今日的决定而后悔。” Is looking at the old man of dissipation, Qin Xuexin is indifferently heavy. 望着消散的老者,沁雪心漠然沉重。 Regret? Not, certainly not, even if he perishes, I am also willing to accompany him to degenerate.” Tender feelings strokes Qin Shi, heart however has decided. “后悔吗?不会,一定不会,哪怕他沉沦,我也甘愿陪他堕落。”柔情的拂过秦石,心然已决。 In nearby people, in addition cannot get back one's composure in astonished of time vortex, about only Xiaomi Cai looks all around, curiosity greatly Sheng's noisy [say / way]: Demons elder sister, what is the time vortex? Is the sea? I have not seen the sea, amusing?” 在旁边的众人,尚且在时间漩涡的惊愕中没能回神,唯独小米彩左右环顾,好奇心大盛的吵闹道:“罗刹姐,什么是时间漩涡?是大海吗?我还没见过大海呢,好玩吗?” Yu Luocha was rocked several, gets back one's composure suddenly, the pupil color is lax. 玉罗刹被晃动几下,恍然中回神,眸色涣散。 Time vortex, is Scarlet Flame Empire, places of one of the when three big evil spirit, it is said establishes in the empire, then already, is equipped with the strange time to tie, even if Heaven Realm can enter greatly, has not lived has been coming out.” “时间漩涡,乃是赤炎帝国,三大凶煞之地之一,据说是在帝国建立时,便已经在其中,其中设有诡异的时间结界,就算是天境大能进入其中,都不曾活着出来过。” „? Such scary?” “啊?这么吓人?” Xiaomi Cai shrank the neck immediately, plays shaking the head that the heart loses: Originally, the sea is this welldoing, when the desolated jungle, they also deceive me, said that the sea may be beautiful.” 小米彩马上缩了缩脖子,玩心失落的摇摇头:“原来,大海都是这幅德行,那在荒芜丛林的时候,他们还骗我,说大海都可美了。” To naive of Xiaomi Cai, several people do not have the heart to explain. 小米彩的天真,几人没心去解释。 If changes a place, perhaps but actually also easy to do, but this time vortex, is really not the place that the human can go. 若是换个地方,或许倒还好办,但这时间漩涡,真不是人能去的地方。 Told me, time vortex where.” “告诉我,时间漩涡在哪里。” In several people lose, Qin Xuexin casts off the blue long hair, from the sky ripples together the subtle radian, is staring at the people, cold Dao every single word or phrase. 在几人失落中,沁雪心甩开碧蓝色的长发,在空中荡漾起一道微妙的弧度,盯着众人,一字一句的冷道。 Accidental has gawked staring, the Yu Luocha rapid [say / way]: „Do you want to go to there? It is not good, was too dangerous, Shi’tou will not make you go.” 不由意外的愣了愣,玉罗刹急促道:“你要去那里?不行,太危险了,石头不会让你去得。” Told me, where was.” “告诉我,在哪。” Qin Xuexin Liao non- mood repetition. 沁雪心廖无情绪的重复一句。 In renouncing, the vision of people moves to Qin Xuexin, Xu Qiao'er and Xiaomi Cai are moved, weakens several points to the Qin Xuexin repel feeling in the moral nature. 在决绝中,众人的目光挪向沁雪心,就连许巧儿小米彩都为之动容,对沁雪心的排斥感在心底减弱几分。
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