PDL :: Volume #5

#426: Leaves the dust to be certainly colorful

Earth frozen, the new moon night clads in silvery white. 大地冰封,朔夜银装素裹。 The coldness that suddenly is surging, as if made the time frame the stagnation, the pure white hexagonal snowflake waved piece by piece against the wind, dyed the place of falling without doubt is not the deep blue blockade, straightly toward the broad sharp sword that Qin Shi punctured, was stopping in the midair, the First Rank clear ice layer, was expanded by a point. 在一刹那间涌起的寒冷,仿佛令时间都定格停滞,片片洁白的六角雪花迎风舞动,染落之处无疑不是碧蓝封锁,笔直朝秦石刺下的恢弘利剑,生生在止于半空,一层晶莹冰层,由一点扩开。 Who?” “谁?” The dense cold strength, making Zhao Yuanhe knit the brows suddenly. 森然的寒力,令赵元赫猛然皱眉。 „Is Brother Shi all right? Good!” 石头哥没事?太好了!” Xu Qiao'er several people put out the foul air, at once raises head to look, the instance that but was just raising head, the facial expressions of several people refuse to compromise the coagulation. 许巧儿几人跟着吐出浊气,旋即仰头望去,但就在刚刚仰头的瞬间,几个人的神情僵持凝固。 Quite beautiful “好美” Along new moon night the opening of ripping open, independent loses the world refined graceful physique, under the starry night serves as contrast the slightly frail light, just like auspicious snow first clear warm positive, falling all living things who the heartstrings ripple. 沿着朔夜的撕开的裂口中,独立一名遗世脱俗的曼妙身姿,星夜下衬托出略显单薄的光影,宛如瑞雪初晴的暖阳,心弦荡漾的倾倒众生。 That exclusive Yu's blue color luxuriant, in the exaggeration of cold wind, forms the completely relaxed radian, she is treading the graceful jade foot, strolls in the star light nighttime sky. 那一头专属于某人的碧蓝色秀发,在寒风的渲染中,形成令人心旷神怡的弧度,她踏着优雅的玉脚,漫步在点点星光的夜空中。 Static waiting and seeing, glance. 静静的观望,惊鸿一瞥。 If not for personally sees, cannot believe in this in society, will have unexpectedly so has the dust certainly colorful female?” Perishes in pretty, each movement, each look, resembles to bloom the ice lotus in abundant vitality, wipes has stroked fragrantly, full traces of spring. “若不是亲眼所见,真不敢相信这世间上,竟会有如此出尘绝艳之女子?”在貌美中沉沦,每一个动作,每一个神色,似绽放在盎然生机里的冰莲,一抹芬芳拂过,满满的春意。 Before her, Yu Luocha, Xu Qiao'er and Xiaomi Cai, this takes a broad view at the world is three people of beautiful woman must grumble was inferior. 在她面前,就连玉罗刹许巧儿小米彩,这放眼天下皆是倾城的三人都要自叹不如。 Who this female is, is she rescues Brother Shi?” The heart worries, Xu Qiao'er breaks silent. “这女子是谁,她是来救石头哥得?”心有牵挂,许巧儿率先的打破寂静。 The people are acquainted, reveals the vacant color. 众人相识一眼,露出茫然之色。 I think that she should be Qin Xuexin?” Beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha, easy falling in the Qin Xuexin tender shade: No wonder, Shi’tou like this will worry her.” “我想,她应该就是沁雪心吧?”玉罗刹的美眸,优柔的落在沁雪心的娇影上:“难怪,石头会这样牵挂她。” The original dead end, was broken by the appearance of Qin Xuexin. 本来的死局,被沁雪心的出现打破。 The Zhao Yuanhe dry lip cracks as a result of freezing, is staring at the Qin Xuexin terrified secret passage: Very strong big oppression strength, who is this female? My solemn Second Rank will Heaven Realm before her, feel unexpectedly frightened?” 赵元赫干燥的嘴唇冻裂,盯着沁雪心悚然暗道:“好强大的压迫力,这女子是什么人?我堂堂二层天境在她面前,竟会感觉到恐惧?” Realizes this, he does not dare in having the slightest disrespects: Does not know why the miss loses one's temper, where offended below?” 意识到这,他不敢在有分毫不敬:“不知姑娘为何动怒,是在下哪里得罪了么?” You have not offended me, but you injured him, damn.” “你没得罪我,但你伤了他,就该死。” Ice-cold as always, the Qin Xuexin romantic beautiful pupil sways from side to side to Qin Shi, Qin Shi was all round very painful in the Baleful Qi package, already the unconscious faint in the past. 一如既往的冰冷,沁雪心香艳的美眸扭动向秦石,秦石在团团煞气的包裹中痛苦不堪,早已神志不清的昏厥过去。 The Qin Shi appearance, made Qin Xuexin loftily cold Nu, did not give the opportunity that Zhao Yuanhe opened the mouth, said surely the cold current continuous sacrifice, will shortly cover the audience. 秦石的模样,令沁雪心傲然冷怒,不给赵元赫开口的机会,千万道寒流源源不断的祭出,顷刻间笼罩全场。 Bang! 砰! Follows many military officers who Zhao Yuanhe comes, the opportunity of continually getting back one's composure does not have, facilitates the ice sculpture directly, breaks and dies. 跟随赵元赫而来的诸多将领,连回神的机会都没有,直接促成冰雕,破碎而死。 Damn, good ruthless methamphetamine hydrochloride, this was really troublesome!” Flurried, Zhao Yuanhe backs up the kilometer, reluctant evades to shunt the cold current: Miss, you thought that was a person condemned to death and empire is the enemy, may not have the least bit advantage to you!” “该死,好狠的冰毒,这一下真是麻烦了!”慌乱中,赵元赫倒退千米,勉强的避躲开寒流:“姑娘,你想好了,为一个死囚和帝国为敌,对你可没有半点好处!” Advantage?” “好处?” Qin Xuexin shakes the head indifferently: With him in the same place, ascends the sky to I biggest kindness, if he died, this Scarlet Flame Empire does not need to exist!” 沁雪心漠然摇头:“和他在一起,就是上天给我最大的恩惠,若是他死了,这赤炎帝国也就没必要存在了!” You Zhao Yuanhe is at a loss for words, this thinks that moves to fool Qin Xuexin the empire, actually does not think that Qin Xuexin does not pay attention to the empire. “你”赵元赫语塞,本以为将帝国搬出来能唬住沁雪心,却不想沁雪心根本不把帝国放在眼里。 Ok, calculates you to suppress, this matter we have not ended, you are waiting for the retaliation of empire!” But, Zhao Yuanhe does not dare to make the stay, sets out rapidly then escapes to fly toward the distant place. “行,算你狠,这事咱们没完,你就等着帝国的报复吧!”无奈下,赵元赫不敢在多做逗留,起身便急促的朝远方遁飞。 Qin Xuexin pupil heart one cold: Injured him, you could not be inescapable.” 沁雪心眸心一寒:“伤了他,你跑不了。” The empty shade cold glow such as thousands of wisps of blue butterflies, overflow to open along Zhao Yuanhe. 虚影的寒芒如千万缕的蓝色蝴蝶,沿着赵元赫四溢而开。 „To kill me? [gold/metal] Linbao shoots!” “想杀我?金鳞爆射!” Zhao Yuanhe looks back panic-stricken, at once raises the finger, the fingertip forms the billowing none remaining, the direction that but he aims at is actually not Qin Xuexin, but is under faint Qin Shi. 赵元赫回首惊恐,旋即扬起手指,指尖形成滚滚精光,但他瞄准的方向却不是沁雪心,而是下方昏厥的秦石 Shi’tou!” 石头!” Under, the people lose presence of mind, Yu Luocha without hesitation throws, the white arms open keeps off the chest before the Qin Shi body. 在下方,众人失措,玉罗刹不假思索的扑上去,皓腕张开的将胸膛挡在秦石身前。 The Qin Xuexin broad and handsome forehead is low, sees Yu Luocha not to hesitate the life protection Qin Shi, changes countenance, at once the palm change, pursues from protect them to Zhao Yuanhe cold current in all directions. 沁雪心螓首低下,望见玉罗刹不惜性命的保护秦石,不由动容,旋即掌心变化,追击向赵元赫的寒流从四面八方护住两人。 Bang! 砰! The none remaining kept off, Zhao Yuanhe seizes the chance to escape to disappear. 精光被挡下,赵元赫趁机远遁消失。 Looks out one, Qin Xuexin in has not pursued, but falls before below barrier. 遥望一眼,沁雪心没在去追,而是落在下方的屏障前。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” A rich jealousy, becomes first few words between Qin Xuexin and Yu Luocha. 一股浓郁的醋意,成为沁雪心玉罗刹之间的第一句话。 Trembles with fear, in the Yu Luocha beautiful pupil has the love looked at Qin Shi, the silver tooth has closed tightly full Han not to abandon, but said finally decidedly: I am his friend.” 不由惊颤,玉罗刹美眸中带有浓浓爱意的望了一眼秦石,银牙咬紧中满含不舍,但最终却决然道:“我是他的朋友。” Friend?” “朋友?” Qin Xuexin has of profound meaning to gather the cherry lips, again has not actually gone to ask that the white hands stroke on the cheeks of Qin Shi, for a very long time not the loose cold ice swings however to melt, reveals to wipe to love dearly: „Does fool, how own injure this? You do not know that I will be worried?” 沁雪心颇有深意的张合樱唇,却并未再去多问,玉手抚摸在秦石的脸颊上,久久不散的寒冰荡然消融,露出一抹心疼道:“傻子,怎么把自己伤成这样?你不知道我会担心吗?” Elder brother! Elder Brother Shi!” “哥!石哥!” Xu Qiao'er several people run to go forward. 许巧儿几人奔跑上前。 Turns round easy, leaves the Qin Shi instantaneous cold ice to surge in the beautiful pupil, raises hand to congeal to make an iceberg in the face of several people, blocks several people of way cold Dao: Do not come.” 优柔回身,在美眸离开秦石的瞬间寒冰不由涌起,扬手间在几人面前凝造出一座冰山,挡住几人的去路冷道:“你们别过来。” Why.” Several people of unwilling shouting. “凭什么。”几人不甘的喊道。 Xiaomi Cai makes widely known domineeringly, is pinching the waist discontented [say / way]: Who did I say you? Do not think that you attractively fierce, if I want to change, definitely changes is more attractive than you 小米彩张扬跋扈,掐着蛮腰不满道:“我说你谁啊?别以为你长得漂亮就厉害,我要是想要变的话,肯定变的比你漂亮” Speaking of finally, the Xiaomi Cai words did not have the energy, said that the honest remark makes her turn Qin Xuexin now is more attractive, she does not know that what should turn into, on the body of Qin Xuexin, could not find a slight defect, in did this world have compared with a Qin Xuexin prettier woman really? 说到最后,小米彩的话却没了底气,说实在话现在让她变成比沁雪心漂亮,她都不知道该变成什么样,在沁雪心的身上,找不到一点瑕疵,这世上真的有比沁雪心更漂亮的女人吗? „Can I save him, you can?” Qin Xuexin said indifferent. “我能救他,你们能么?”沁雪心漠视道。 Several people have gawked staring, all of a sudden have nothing to say. 几人愣了愣,一下子无话可说 Gives her, she will not harm Shi’tou!” Yu Luocha holds on the hand of Xu Qiao'er and Xiaomi Cai, nodded to nearby several people. “交给她吧,她不会害石头!”玉罗刹拉住许巧儿小米彩的手,冲旁边的几人点了点头。 Carried off by Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai has not forgotten white one: Broken iceberg that any thing, thinking oneself infallible!” 玉罗刹拉走,小米彩还不忘白一眼:“什么东西啊,就一座自以为是的破冰山!” Looks at the people to draw back far, the beautiful pupil of Qin Xuexin loses low and deep, turns round static sitting side Qin Shi, the grievance said: Fool, I such does, won't you blame me? My body is the unlucky person, your friend approaches me, will only harm them, sorry 望着众人退远,沁雪心的美眸失落低沉,回身静静的坐在秦石身旁,委屈道:“傻子,我这么做,你不会怪我吧?我身是不祥之人,你的朋友接近我,只会害了他们,对不起” Heaved a deep sigh, Qin Xuexin raised the white hands to slip off the Qin Shi tattered black robe, was looking at the strong solid chest, wiped to climb up the nape of the neck crimson, shaking the head that then she made an effort, the ice-cold white hands walked randomly on the body of Qin Shi, therapy for him. 长叹一声,沁雪心扬起玉手褪下秦石破烂的黑袍,望着健硕结实的胸膛,一抹绯红攀爬上脖颈,接着她使劲的摇摇头,冰冷的玉手游走在秦石的身上,为他疗伤。 Drinks!” spiritual power enters the body, the Qin Shi pain chants in a low voice. “喝!”灵力入体,秦石痛苦的低吟一声。 Endures, was immediately good.” “忍一下,马上就好了。” Breaking by biting lip that loves dearly, if this were seen by all people of blue snow sect, feared that will be insane? 心疼的咬破嘴唇,若是这一幕被青雪宗的诸人望见,怕是都会疯掉吧? The thousand years ice Qin Xuexin coldly, will have unexpectedly also girl's appearance so, 3000 blue black hair wave on the fragrant shoulder, falling of circling in the Qin Shi chest. 千年寒冰沁雪心,竟也会有这般小女子的模样,3000碧蓝色的青丝舞动在香肩上,盘旋的落在秦石胸膛。 In the distant place, Xiaomi Cai stands on tiptoes foot to look into the distance, once for a while also pats Yu Luocha: „Does demons elder sister, you such feel relieved her? You did not fear that she while the father severe wound, does take father's advantage?” 在远处,小米彩踮着脚眺望,时不时的还拍下玉罗刹:“罗刹姐,你就这么放心她?难道你不怕她趁着爹爹重伤,占爹爹的便宜啊?” hears that sound smiles bitterly, this which, Yu Luocha mused, if did not say profits, is since so long is she is also carrying Qin Xuexin, takes the Qin Shi advantage. 闻声不由苦笑,这都哪和哪啊,玉罗刹暗想,如果非说占便宜,这么久以来也是她在背着沁雪心,占秦石的便宜吧。 What words did this call? A moment ago the beautiful woman of that angel rank, if said that must occupy me to be cheap, I cuped one hand in the other across the chest to offer did not say that little lived for several years to want!” Does not need to turn head to know, the person who opening the mouth definitely is Xiao Tianyue: Does not know that Elder Brother Shi such good luck, under were this day beautiful women blind? The beautiful women do like Elder Brother Shi that personal status? Turns head my to study with him.” “这叫什么话?就刚才那种天仙级别的美女,若是说要占我便宜,我拱手奉上不说,少活几年都愿意!”不用回头都知道,开口的人肯定是萧天月:“也不知道石哥怎么这么好运,难道这天底下的美女都瞎了?还是说美女都爱好石哥那品位?回头我的跟他学习学习。” You said that who is blind?” “你说谁瞎呢?” These words have caused the public indignation. 这一句话引起了公愤。 Xiaomi Cai lowers the tender body, badly smiles has raised the pink / white fist to Xiao Tianyue, the colored multi-colored sunlight curls up immediately: „Does day moon/month elder brother, you dare to speak one words again?” 小米彩放低娇躯,坏笑的冲着萧天月扬了扬粉拳,彩色的霞光顿时卷起:“天月哥哥,你敢把刚才的话再说一遍吗?” What volume did I say a moment ago? Right, what tomorrow morning our does midnight snack eat?” Xiao Tianyue withdraws subtly one step, under turned hostile. “额我刚才说什么了?啊对,明早咱们的夜宵吃点什么?”萧天月潜移默化的退后一步,唰下就变了脸。 I asked you, who in this world was the prettiest woman?” “那我问你,这世上最漂亮的女人是谁啊?” The white hands of Xiaomi Cai climb up Xiao Tianyue back, immediately made Xiao Tianyue feel that the back billowing cool breeze, whiz one turned around to say with a smile: That also used saying that naturally was our Xiaomi Cai.” 小米彩的玉手攀上萧天月的背后,顿时令萧天月感觉背后滚滚凉风,嗖一下转身笑道:“那还用说,当然是我们小米彩了。” I, said that this saying you did not fear was struck by lightning!” Xiaomi Cai ill-humored scolded one, then dug the mouth to sigh: I know that iceberg is more attractive than me!” “我呸,说这话你不怕遭雷劈啊!”小米彩没好气的骂一句,接着撅起嘴叹道:“我自己都知道那冰山比我漂亮!” „Under” Xiao Tianyue winks the pupil eye, the bursting out laughing cannot all of a sudden. “”萧天月挤咕下眸眼,一下子哑然不会。 Knows that Qin Shi will not have the matter, several people relax, Xu Qiao'er arrives at the Yu Luocha side, pulls her white arms to say in a low voice: Sister-in-law demons elder sister, you and I speaks the truth, you and my brother outcome what's the matter?” 知道秦石不会有事,几人都放松下来,许巧儿走到玉罗刹的身边,挽着她的皓腕低声道:“嫂罗刹姐,你和我说实话,你和我哥究竟是怎么回事?” Lowering the head of I Yu Luocha sobbed, resembled the recollection of water tender feelings desolated jungle all sorts, long sighed: Actually, in Shi’tou that person who at heart, most worries, throughout is not I.” “我”玉罗刹哽咽的低下头,似水柔情的回想起荒芜丛林的种种,长叹道:“其实,在石头的心里,最牵挂的那个人,始终都不是我。” Is she?” “是她?” Um.” Yu Luocha should say. “嗯。”玉罗刹应道。 Once again Xu Qiao'er does not dare to believe looks into the vision to Qin Xuexin, reveals to be awkward and helpless. 许巧儿再度不敢置信的将目光眺望向沁雪心,露出为难和无奈。 Recently, she and Yu Luocha contacted, always the feelings of some first impressions are most lasting, already regarded Yu Luocha are their sister-in-law, now tells her these radically is the rumor, unavoidably somewhat lost. 这些日子,她和玉罗刹接触,总有种先入为主的感觉,早已把玉罗刹当成是自己的嫂子,现在却告诉她这些根本就是空穴来风,难免有些失落。 Demons elder sister “罗刹姐” All right, even if could not be your sister-in-law, I cannot be your older sister.” [Say / Way] that the Yu Luocha shameless laughter, her full Han worries about at once: I hope now, he can smooth safe passed this disaster.” “没事,就算做不了你嫂子,我不也能做你姐姐啊。”玉罗刹强颜的笑声,旋即她满含担忧的道:“我现在就希望,他能够顺利平安的度过这一劫。” All right, believes the elder brother, he in Qin Family is, where regardless of will always present the miracle.” Xu Qiao'er opened mouth, suddenly actually does not know how should comfort Yu Luocha. “没事,相信哥,他原来在秦家的时候就是,无论在哪里身上总是会出现奇迹。”许巧儿张了张嘴,一时间却不知该怎样安慰玉罗刹 Puff! 噗! In they talked, on the front iceberg was been suddenly incarnadine by the blood. 在两人谈话间,前方的冰山上突然被鲜血染红。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” They look at each other one, startled runs to go forward: Elder brother, Shi’tou!” 两人对视一眼,惊慌的跑上前:“哥,石头!” Nearby arrives, the Qin Xuexin single-handed brace on the ground, on the pale elegant face does not have the least bit scarlet, a face does not dare to believe is staring at Qin Shi: Lofty demon blood?” 走到跟前,沁雪心单手撑在地上,苍白的俏脸上没有半点血色,一脸不敢置信的盯着秦石:“崇高魔血?” Is impossible, before will the bright red blood, how now suddenly turn into this obviously?” Anxious, Qin Xuexin beautiful face changing colors. “不可能,之前明明还是鲜红的血,现在怎么会突然变成这样?”惶急中,沁雪心花容失色。 My brother how?” “我哥怎么了?” Hey, the big iceberg, you spoke!” Several people of anxious questionings. “喂,大冰山,你说话啊!”几人焦急的追问。 Qin Xuexin did not say for a very long time, the white hands moistened the pitch-black bloodstain that the Qin Shi wound place was wandering about destitute, perhaps others were not clear, but she actually knows that black blood symbol fairyhood, this was the fascinated indication. 沁雪心久久不言,玉手沾着秦石伤口处流落出的乌黑血迹,或许别人不清楚,但她却知道,黑血象征魔性,这是入魔的征兆。 I do not believe that Shi’tou you bear, I help you compel immediately the demon blood!” “我不信,石头你忍住,我马上帮你把魔血逼出来!” The billowing cold current, holds nothing back to pour into Qin Shi within the body, walks randomly in his bloodlines meridians, tries to strip from the body of Qin Shi the demon blood. 滚滚的寒流,毫不保留的灌入秦石体内,游走在他的血脉经络上,试图将魔血从秦石的身上剥离。 Bang!! On this time, space fabricated rocks several points, the opening rips open by the Qin Xuexin luster of the skin together, a dry hand of fold finds out, holds Qin Xuexin. 就这时,空间虚妄的晃动几分,一道裂口在沁雪心的玉体旁撕开,一只褶皱的枯手探出,抓住沁雪心 Small girl, you such does, is to kill him.” “小丫头,你这么做,是想要害死他啊。”
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