PDL :: Volume #5

#425: Frozen world

How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” People one startled, Feng Hen looks panic-stricken, this he was too familiar, were once innumerable a night, he was difficult to suffer to pass in this pain: Fascinated? The Elder Brother Shi demon melted, now controls the Elder Brother Shi body at is not he, everyone / influential family makes way quickly!” 众人一惊,封痕面露惊恐,这一幕他太熟悉了,曾经无数个夜晚,他就是在这种痛苦中难捱度过:“入魔?石哥魔化了,现在操控石哥身体的根本不是他自己,大家快让开!” ! 咻! Baleful Qi winding double refers, such as the sharp sword punctures. 煞气缠绕的双指,如利剑刺下。 Makes way, the black eyebrow coloring space between eyebrows of Yu Luocha, wisp of black hair had cut off by Baleful Qi without enough time. 让开,已经来不及了,玉罗刹的黛眉间,一缕青丝被煞气斩断。 Elder brother, stop, that is a sister-in-law!” The Xu Qiao'er pupil reduces, anxious being angry roar. “哥,住手啊,那是嫂子!”许巧儿瞳仁紧缩,惶急的嗔吼。 Xiaomi Cai closes tightly jaw, an arrow step steps the front bumper among them, seven color gorgeous multi-colored sunlight such as beyond the day the rainbow, grafts in the center forms at the same time the barrier. 小米彩咬紧牙关,一个箭步迈上前挡在两人中间,七彩的绚丽霞光如天外彩虹,嫁接在中央形成一面屏障。 Kills!” “杀!” Roars lowly, the Qin Shi fairyhood sends greatly, already lost the human nature and reason, Xiaomi Cai knot exists in name only before him, waves with irresistible force, to grind the powder it. 低吼一声,秦石魔性大发,早已失去人性和理智,小米彩的结界在他面前形同虚设,挥手间势如破竹,生生将其碾碎成粉末。 „!” Xiaomi Cai charmingly angry, the remaining prestige shakes the flying several rice it, painful collision on the wall surface, a bloodstain sprays. “啊!”小米彩娇嗔一声,余威将其震飞数米,痛苦的撞在墙面上,一口血迹喷洒出来。 Heaven Realm First Rank? Good fearful strength!” 天境一层?好可怕的力量!” Xiaomi Cai is pinching the white arms, painful supine beginning, the Qin Shi strength now is Heaven Realm she, felt that cannot move. 小米彩捏着皓腕,痛苦的仰起头,秦石的力量现在就算是天境的她,都感觉到不可触碰。 After a little while, Qin Shi approaches Yu Luocha. 少顷,秦石逼近玉罗刹 Among the square inches, the people are anxious: Elder Brother Shi, the father, does not want!” 方寸间,众人焦躁:“石哥,爹爹,不要啊!” Elder brother, stop, you will regret!” “哥,住手,你会后悔得!” Duo duo compels in Qin Shi, the only Yu Luocha level is static, jade surface Ai Rou looks at Qin Shi, the fingertip is being away from her only remaining close, she opens the fair both arms indifferently, the chest that will fluctuate reveals. 秦石咄咄相逼下,唯独玉罗刹似水平静,玉面哀柔的望着秦石,指尖距离她只剩下咫尺,她漠然中张开白皙的双臂,将起伏的胸口露出。 Has killed me, if you will feel better, you begin.” “杀了我,如果你会好受些,那你就动手吧。” Sister-in-law!” “嫂子!” Demons elder sister!” “罗刹姐!” Life and death, Bang! 生死一线,砰! Brushes, Qin Shi pupil place blood red does slightly stiffly, painful calls out one, the disalignment slightest of fingertip, strikes from the Yu Luocha jade surface touches and goes, makes her such as the black hair long hair of waterfall, even if scatters. 擦身间,秦石瞳仁处的血红稍作僵硬,痛苦的嚎叫一声,生生将指尖的位置偏移分毫,一击从玉罗刹的玉面擦过,令她如瀑布的青丝长发纵然散落。 Narrow squeak!” Several people also relaxed. “好险!”几人同时松了口气。 Damn demon blood, must unable to control!” Under the stimulation of Yu Luocha, the will of surviving wells up Sea of Consciousness, his left hand holds calling out of right hand pain: You make way quickly! To my distant point!” “该死的魔血,要控制不住了!”在玉罗刹的刺激下,残存的意志涌上识海,他左手抓住右手痛苦的嚎叫:“你快让开!都离我远点!” ! 咻! At this time, out of the window transmitted [say / way] to point out frankly the wind to speed away suddenly. 在这时,窗外突然传来道道破风疾驰。 The sound just made a sound, the consciousness of Qin Shi surviving was swallowed instantaneously, the dense vision ruthless offense, stares at out of the window whole body to tremble: Kills!” 声音刚响,秦石残存的意识瞬间被吞噬,森然的目光狠戾而出,盯着窗外全身打颤:“杀!” Bang! 砰! The intense resentment read falls out of the window in inn, next instant Qin Shi in an extremely difficult situation, even if set out, dragging Baleful Qi of black pervert demon such as the star tail to go by far. 强烈的怨念落在客栈的窗外,下一霎秦石狼狈不堪的纵然起身,拖着黑色鬼魅的煞气如星尾般远远而去。 Elder brother!” all people is startled. “哥!”诸人一惊。 Yu Luocha cares chaotically, holds the wall to pursue, the face that unexpectedly becomes flushed draws back rapidly, a dense cold ice covers in within the body: „!” 玉罗刹关心则乱,扶着墙就欲追上去,不料涨红的面庞急速退下,一股森然的寒冰在体内笼罩:“啊!” Sister-in-law!” Xu Qiao'er several people turn round, immediately before gathering up, supports her. “嫂子!”许巧儿几人回身,马上凑上前扶住她。 The Yu Luocha skilled artist turns, grabs several people: Is holding me, pursues him quickly, do not let his person increase kills the evil, his sense of principle is very strong, if knows one have killed that many innocent people, his heart can collapse!” 玉罗刹妙手翻起,抓着几人:“扶着我,快去追他,别让他徒增杀孽,他的原则性很强,如果知道自己杀了那么多无辜的人,他的心会崩溃得!” Several people of Chest fluctuate, Xu Qiao'er is grasping the Yu Luocha skilled artist: But sister-in-law you 几人心口起伏,许巧儿握着玉罗刹的妙手:“可是嫂子你” Quick, I do not want to regret!” “快,我不想后悔!” How to turn into this!” Xiao Tianyue several people are looking at painful Yu Luocha, looks once again heavily to like Qin Shi that the deicide gushes out, the Chest as if there is giant stone crush. “怎么会变成这样!”萧天月几人望着痛苦的玉罗刹,再度望向如杀神般涌出的秦石,心口沉重的仿佛有巨石碾压。 Walks!” Seals the mark to close tightly jaw, sets out to pursue. “走!”封痕咬紧牙关,起身追出。 Night of one moon/month circle, completely broke among several people all calm. 一场月圆之夜,彻底打破了几人之间所有的波澜不惊。 The inn beyond several kilometers, ten several people tread void are leading the way unceasingly. 客栈数千米外,十数人踏着虚空不断前行。 This group of people, all wear the Mysterious Palace clothing, crosses the hands behind the back to stand on the brilliantly illuminated city: „Was front the position that the Chinese medicine shop boss provided? These time said that anything cannot make him run!” 这群人身上,皆是身穿玄殿服饰,在灯火通明的城池上负手而立:“前面就是药铺老板提供的位置了吧?这一次说什么也不能让他跑了!” Hey, the palace host said that no matter with any means that so long as can kill him, does not let on him Mysterious Palace, everyone rewards 500,000 spirit stones, if this good deed came several times to be good!” “嘿嘿,殿主说不管用什么办法,只要能杀了他,不让他上玄殿,就每人奖励500000灵石,这种好事要是多来几次就好了!” You want to result in beautiful, these years since the palace host takes over Mysterious Palace, is whatever the development ignores, this is her first time issues the order, does not know that actually this boy has done the dreadful matter, has enraged the palace host.” “你想得美吧,这些年自从殿主接手玄殿,都是任由发展置之不理,这是她第一次下达命令,也不知道这小子究竟做了何等滔天的事,才激怒了殿主。” Heard that robs martial arts that palace host had a liking.” “听说是抢走了殿主看上的武学。” martial arts? Do you believe? Palace main these years, to cultivation for or Cultivation Technique, totally has not inquired about, although 7-Step martial arts is precious, the palace main actually not necessarily cares, you forgot Queen Xiao Chong to send for conveying a message a short time ago, so long as the palace host is willing to lend a hand to help the side graduated arm to capture the throne, emperor three 7-Step martial arts, the optional book, the result was what kind, that person was not killed by the palace host in the same old way.” 武学?你信么?殿主这些年,无论是对修为或是功法,一概不曾过问,七阶武学虽说珍贵,殿主却未必在乎,你忘了前不久肖宠皇后派人传话,只要殿主肯出手助方衡夺取皇位,皇都三本七阶武学,任选一本,结果怎么样,那人不照样被殿主杀了。” You said that is why?” “那你们说是为什么啊?” Does not know that perhaps is the sentiment war casualty, these year of palaces main strange, regards the life such as worthlessly, does not seem like any emotion, but anyone of you listens to the palace host to propose the love history, said that does not permit this boy, originally is the palace main anything friends from childhood, finally betrayed the palace host.” “不知道,说不定是情殇,这些年殿主性情古怪,视生命如草芥,看似没有任何情感,但你们谁听殿主提过情史,说不准这小子啊,原来是殿主的什么青梅竹马,结果背叛了殿主呢。” Perhaps, yeah you look, was that?” A person has referred to the inn kilometer away. “真说不定,哎你们看,就是那了吧?”一人指了指千米外的客栈。 Um, this boy is really bold, annoys our Mysterious Palace now also to dare outside rocking swaggering, no wonder noble such as palace main such will have a liking for him!” “嗯,这小子真是大胆,惹了咱们玄殿现在还敢在外大摇大摆的晃动,难怪高贵如殿主那样都会看上他!” Chirp chirp how how discussion is unceasing, the person of lead knit the brows indifferently, at once says with a smile: He he, not only it seems like it is rocking swaggering, he also wants to look for our troubles on own initiative!” 叽叽咋咋的议论不断,领头的人漠然间皱了皱眉,旋即笑道:“呵呵,看来不光是大摇大摆的晃动,他还想要主动来找咱们的麻烦呢!” Um?” Several people look at each other one puzzled, at once under suddenly fills the air to smoke Baleful Qi, such as the tide fluctuates covers the kilometer. “嗯?”几人不解的对视一眼,旋即下方蓦然间弥漫起烟熏煞气,如潮汐起伏间覆盖千米。 , Together blood pupil form fiercely on. 咻一声,一道血眸身影狰狞而上。 Stared at Qin Shi, the Mysterious Palace person has been gawking staring: Drinks, does this boy want to do? Realized that we have not run, he thinks that he can depend on a person, fights with our these many people?” 盯着秦石,玄殿的人不由愣了愣:“喝,这小子想干嘛?察觉到我们还不跑,难道他以为他能凭一个人,和我们这么多人交手?” Kills!” “杀!” Fills the air to kill the roar of intent chaotically. 弥漫杀意的吼声浑浑而起。 Several people knit the brows: overestimate one's capabilities, begins!” 几人皱起眉:“不自量力,动手!” Mysterious Palace elder of lead sets out, grasps wearing a sword of waist. 领头的玄殿长老率先起身,一把握住腰间的佩刀。 ! 咻! Bang! Ping! 砰!砰砰砰! Wears a sword has not come out of the sheath, the Mysterious Palace elder indifferently one startled, Qin Shi then in his at present baseless vanishes, when he has gotten back one's composure looks toward the rear area, sees only the Mysterious Palace disciple who follows him to come, the revealing look one after another, puff falling turns with amazement. 佩刀尚未出鞘,玄殿的长老漠然一惊,秦石便在他的眼前凭空消失,等他回过神朝后方望去时,只见跟随他而来的玄殿弟子,一个接着一个的露出骇然神色,噗的摔翻出去。 This the Mysterious Palace elder opened mouth, the instance that the vocal cord just shivered, wipes the unprecedented severe pain to transmit, the nape of the neck does not know when had been cut to open. “这”玄殿长老张了张嘴,声带刚刚颤动的瞬间,一抹前所未有的剧痛传来,脖颈不知在何时已被划破而开。 Puff! 噗! Crashes , the elder is everywhere towering, stares at such as Qin Shi of ghost god to be very painful: What's wrong, how to be possible? So to be how strong?” 坠落而下,那长老满目峥嵘,盯着如煞神的秦石痛苦不堪:“怎么,怎么可能?怎么会这么强?” This group of people, completely in Profound Spirit Realm, he of lead were breakthrough Heaven Realm just, if this grade of strength places barren North District, feared that is full sweeps away all influence, but so, the suddenly time, unexpectedly all defeats on Qin Shi. 这群人,全部在玄灵境,领头的他更是刚刚突破天境,这等实力若是放在贫瘠的北方区域,怕是足矣横扫各方势力,但就算如此,眨眼间的功夫,竟全败在秦石手上。 They cannot think through, Qin Shi so will be why strong, if not for actually the function of demon blood, Qin Shi at is not the Heaven Realm match, must blame only to blame their luck not being good, when is most inappropriate bumps into Qin Shi. 他们想不通,秦石为何会这么强,其实若不是魔血的作用,秦石根本不是天境的对手,要怪只能怪他们的运气不好,在最不合适的时候碰上秦石 Kills!” “杀!” The anger cuts all people, in the Qin Shi blood pupil full Han kills intent, the control that suppresses was still ineffective, waved to turn Yun Fuhai, the earth-shattering. 怒斩诸人,秦石血眸中满含杀意,强忍住的控制仍是无效,挥手间翻云覆海,天崩地裂。 The third-level city, degenerates into the ruins in an instant. 三级城池,刹那间沦为废墟。 Elder brother, stop!” Xu Qiao'er several people pursue. “哥,住手!”许巧儿几人追击而出。 Do not pursue me!” “别追我!” Qin Shi pain after looks at one, folds the strength of demon blood to imagine compared with him wants fearful many, for does not injure Yu Luocha several people, is supporting the consciousness of final surviving, treads the demon shade rapidly to speed away toward the wooded mountain outside. 秦石痛苦的朝后瞄去一眼,折魔血的力量远比他想象中要可怕的多,为了不伤害玉罗刹几人,挺着最后残存的意识,踏着魅影迅速朝山林外疾驰。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Kills to ascend to heaven, in ten thousand li (0.5km) wild forest all lives cannot escape by luck. 一路杀出升天,万里的荒林中一切生灵都未能幸免。 In pain, Qin Shi unceasing calling out. 在痛苦中,秦石不断的嚎叫。 In the fierce tuck dive, on vault of heaven suddenly reappears dozens forms. 在剧烈的翻腾中,天穹上蓦然间浮现数十名身影。 One group of people put on the riches and honor, is the Jinjia silver spear, under the bird's eye view: Snort, hid was so long, finally couldn't bear come?” 一群人穿着富贵,皆是金甲银戈,俯瞰下方:“哼,躲了这么久,终于又忍不住现身了吗?” Is the emperor person of?” “是皇都的人?” The pursuit goes forward, Yu Luocha charmingly angry. 追击上前,玉罗刹娇嗔一声。 Feng Hen becomes aware suddenly suddenly, scolds: Damn, this group of people mistake Elder Brother Shi are I, if by them is known Elder Brother Shi status, that troubled!” 封痕猛然恍悟,骂道:“该死,这群人把石哥误认成是我,如果被他们知道石哥的身份,那就麻烦了!” Kills!” “杀!” Indifferently, Qin Shi begins supinely, is looking at dozens emperor senior generals, rogue Baleful Qi, among the tuck dive changes into ten big dragons by far, swallows suddenly toward several people. 漠然,秦石仰起头,望着数十名皇都大将,凶恶的煞气远远而出,翻腾间化为十条巨龙,猛然朝几人吞噬下去。 Bang! 砰! In one group of people, what lead is a red armor rice military officer, unarmed within holds Baleful Qi the big dragon, Shan Zhanghui leaves shakes Qin Shi suddenly flies hundred meters far: „Hasn't bastard, quickly been without a fight?” 一群人中,领头的是一名赤甲将领,徒手间抓住煞气所化的巨龙,单掌挥出间猛然将秦石震飞上百米远:“畜生,还不赶快束手就擒?” Red armor rice? Empire highest military officer?” “赤甲?帝国最高将领?” Red armor rice? Sister-in-law, what's the matter?” Several people inquired puzzled. “赤甲?嫂子,怎么回事?”几人不解的询问。 In the empire, the military officer is divided into seven levels, separately is scarlet orange yellow malachite green bluish violet, the red is.” Yu Luocha closes tightly the silver tooth, said embarrassedly: Red armor rice general, in the entire emperors also only then three people, the strength is the emperors is next to existence of marshal!” “在帝国,将领共分七级,分别是赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,赤色为最。”玉罗刹咬紧银牙,难堪道:“赤甲将军,在整座皇都也只有三人,实力乃是皇都中仅次于元帅的存在!” Three senior generals?” “三大将?” The people trembled trembling, red armor rice general several people had not listened, but the empire three senior generals, that was likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, any, can steps into the Scarlet Flame Empire first ten big energies. 众人颤了颤,赤甲将军几人未曾听过,但帝国三大将,那可是如雷贯耳,任何一个,能是踏入赤炎帝国前十的大能。 Is one of the three senior generals, Zhao Yuanhe!” Xiao Tianyue adds: I know him, will be the love of Queen Xiao Chong, the hearsay he has achieved Second Rank Heaven Realm peak, will be looking for opportunity third Lei Jie!” “是三大将之一,赵元赫!”萧天月跟着补充道:“我知道他,是肖宠皇后的爱将,传闻他已经达到二层天境巅峰,正在找机会度第三道雷劫!” Second Rank peak?” 二层巅峰?” This strength, rather too exaggerated. 这个实力,未免太夸张了。 Practices a way, will be in the future, the First Rank disparity is huge, the disparity in Heaven Realm First Rank, is not Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage and Late Stage so is simple, is simple First Rank, is dozens times of promotion. 修炼一途,越是往后,一层的差距越是庞大,天境一层中的差距,可不是玄灵境中期后期这么简单,就是简单一层,就是数十倍的提升。 Second Rank Heaven Realm, even if ten First Rank Heaven Realm, has resulted in him who was not necessarily able how. 一名二层天境,就算十名一层天境,都未必能奈何的得了他。 Considered initially, blue vulture in desolated jungle, but spent breakthrough false Second Rank Heaven Realm with the aid of the Holy Ghost, made Qin Shi all people be at a loss, if not for finally nether world **, feared that was they already passed away. 试想当初,在荒芜丛林里的青雕,只不过是借助圣灵花突破的伪二层天境,就令秦石诸人束手无策,最后若不是幽冥**,怕是他们早已命丧黄泉。 But let alone present this Zhao Yuanhe, that was genuine goods at reasonable prices Second Rank Heaven Realm of pass twice Lei Jie. 更何况而如今这赵元赫,那可是货真价实的度过两次雷劫的二层天境啊。 Cannot think, the empire to catch me, linked three senior generals to send unexpectedly.” Feng Hennie has pinched the fist, at once he long implores one, one step faces forward to step. “想不到,帝国为了抓我,竟然连三大将都派出来了。”封痕捏了捏拳,旋即他长吁一声,一步朝前迈去。 „Do you want to do?” “你要干嘛?” I talk clearly, clarifies for Elder Brother Shi!” “我去说清楚,替石哥澄清!” „Were you insane? Such they will kill you!” “你疯了?那样他们会杀了你!” I said that my life is Elder Brother Shi gives, even if dies I also to save him!” “我说了,我的命就是石哥给得,就算是死我也要救他!” At this moment, Yu Luocha holds him suddenly: Do not impulse, Shi’tou does not hope to see your this, he is the person who that type pledges to fight to the death must protect, his entire life he most cares is the prestige and protection, both are his inviting the wrath of the emperor, not Smack! 就在这时,玉罗刹突然抓住他:“别冲动,石头不希望看见你这样,他是那种誓死也要守护的人,他一生最在乎的就是信誉和守护,两者是他的逆鳞,不可碰! Your this, even if has saved him, will make him live to might as well die!” “你这样,就算救了他,也会让他生不如死!” The people are low-spirited, Xu Qiao'er full Han is staring at Yu Luocha moving, several seem like the simple words, is no one can say, only then understood attentively the Qin Shi person, can understand. 众人黯然,许巧儿满含动容的盯着玉罗刹,几段看似简单的话语,可不是谁都能说出来得,只有用心了解秦石的人,才能明白。 Kills!” “杀!” The wild anger, Qin Shi turns sets out to bear a grudge completely the low roar of reading. 狂野的怒火,秦石翻起身满含怨念的低吼。 Stubborn does not work!” “顽固不灵!” Zhao Yuanhe despises to sneer, at once sees only his palm to shiver, the invisible strength goes through the vacillation, Qin Shi space void all around, with a crash the root bone break of whole body. 赵元赫蔑视冷笑,旋即只见他掌心颤动,无形的力量辗转动摇,秦石周遭的空间虚空一下,砰然间全身的根骨断裂。 Death!” “死吧!” The Venerable prestige that Zhao Yuanhe cannot be moved, destroys the day to be secret, blends to rip the day of crack place the bone-chilling cold cold glow, an incisive sword glow pen straight thrust to the chest of Qin Shi. 赵元赫不可触碰的尊威,在举手投足间毁天暗地,融汇撕天裂地的凛冽寒芒,一把尖锐的剑芒笔直刺向秦石的胸膛。 Shi’tou! Elder Brother Shi!” 石头石哥!” The sword glow works off anger heavily, goes to Xiaomi Cai several will of the people to live to fear intent to Yuanwang, this grade of move Xiaomi Cai confessed that cannot resist, let alone is present consciousnes lax Qin Shi. 剑芒杀气沉重,离远望去小米彩几人心生恐意,这等招数就算小米彩都自认抵挡不下,更何况是现在神智涣散的秦石呢。 What to do should?” The people are disorderly. “该怎么办?”众人凌乱。 In a twinkling, when the people are low-spirited, the darkness of new moon night was ripped open by the cold wind, biting cold cold falls from the highest heaven volume, the sword glow of that tremor universe, in the minutes and seconds was frozen by the tens of thousands the year cold ice unexpectedly. 说时迟,那时快,就在众人黯然时,朔夜的黑暗被寒风撕开,彻骨的寒冷自九霄卷落,那颤动乾坤的剑芒,竟然分秒中被冻结成万年寒冰。 Injures him, death!” In the crack spatial slit, the graceful form is dragging the blue long hair together, an indifference of face loftily, the world is tranquil. “伤他者,死!”在裂空的缝隙中,一道曼妙的身影拖着碧蓝色的长发,一脸傲然的冷漠,举手投足间天地宁静。 Space!” “天上!” Underground!” “地下!” Only I!” “唯我!” Frozen!” “冰封!” Frozen profound territory!” “冰封玄域!”
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