PDL :: Volume #5

#424: Friendship

Round galactic disk full moon, is hanging in spatial. 一轮银盘满月,悬挂于空。 The black pupil bone-chilling cold within draws, Qin Shi with rapt attention: Damn, I have forgotten unexpectedly, today is the night of moon/month circle?” 黑眸凛冽间收拢,秦石凝神而起:“该死,我竟然忘了,今日是月圆之夜?” Father, you? Hurries to find the way to save the demons elder sister, delays I to fear that again she will unable to endure.” Grabbing Qin Shi that Xiaomi Cai sobs. “爹爹,你怎么了?赶紧想办法救罗刹姐啊,再耽搁下去我怕她会挺不住。”小米彩抽泣的抓着秦石 The train of thought rotation, among Qin Shi quick and violent turns round to sweep in the storekeeper child rear medicine box case of the vision, all cure burn and in the frostbite spirit grass glance bosom, puts down several spirit stones at once. 思绪转动,秦石迅猛间回身将目光在掌柜子后方的药匣子上一扫而过,将所有治愈烧伤和冻伤的灵草一览怀中,旋即放下数枚灵石 Walks! Leads me to look for the demons!” “走!带我找罗刹!” Sets out to hold Xiaomi Cai, the Qin Shi three people even if then goes. 起身抓住小米彩,秦石三人便纵然而去。 Bang! 砰! Just came, a hempen garments xiaosheng burst, just in time and Qin Shi three people have hit a bosom, at once retrocedes several to fall gradually to pour scolds in raising head of place: „The mixing ball that whoops, which comes, dares to work as urging to go faster of this Sir 刚出身,一名麻衣小生破门而入,正巧和秦石三人撞了个正怀,旋即后退几步跌倒在地的仰头骂道:“哎呦,哪来的混球,敢当本大爷的去去” Here, the xiaosheng stared at the Qin Shi vision to be inexplicable, the last road character has not spat actually. 说到这,小生盯着秦石的目光莫名悚然,最后一个路字硬是没吐出来。 Xiaomi Cai domineering steps goes forward, seven color gorgeous multi-colored sunlight soar to the heavens on, chops toward the hempen garments xiaosheng forehead: Made impertinent remarks, I have killed you!” 小米彩跋扈的迈上前,七彩绚丽的霞光冲天而上,就朝麻衣小生眉心劈下:“出言不逊,我杀了你!” Stop!” Raised hand to block Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi stared her one eyes, in the heart slightly obviously helpless, he did not have the means to Xiaomi Cai, said that deeply has not given up, suddenly but actually made him clearly become aware parents' that mood suddenly. “住手!”扬手拦下小米彩,秦石瞪了她一眼,心中略显无奈,他对小米彩是真没办法,说深了还舍不得,一时间倒让他突然明悟为人父母的那份心情。 „The temperament of this small girl, like the unruly wild horse, turns head to wait the demons to restore simply, no matter said that anything must make her teach the truth of Xiaomi Cai people skills well, otherwise this way is not the means that sooner or later must make the trouble to come.” “这小丫头的脾气,简直就像桀骜不驯的野马,回头待罗刹恢复,不管说什么都要让她好好教教小米彩为人处事的道理,否则这样下去可不是办法,早晚要惹出事端来。” Suppresses the impetuousness in heart, Qin Shi is helping up the hempen garments xiaosheng: Brother, are you all right?” 强忍着心中的浮躁,秦石扶起麻衣小生:“兄弟,你没事吧?” Does not have, all right!” “没,没事!” The hempen garments xiaosheng crawls to set out, has not come to a stop puff passes and falls on the ground, between two legs under is damp, a fishy smell taste made three people stare. 麻衣小生爬起身,尚未站稳噗通又摔在地上,两腿之间唰下就阴湿起来,一股腥臊味令三人一愣。 Hey, I said you, this big Sir, how hasn't the life been able to take care of oneself? Stank to high heaven, makes way quickly!” Xiaomi Cai covers the nose to curl the lip, one step leaps the Chinese medicine shop. “喂,我说你,这大么大人,怎么还生活不能自理啊?臭死了,快让开!”小米彩捂着鼻子撇了撇嘴,一步跃出药铺。 Qin Shi is also accidental shaking the head, is smiling bitterly and Feng Hen sets out to depart. 秦石也是意外的摇摇头,苦笑着和封痕起身离去。 Three people escape, Chinese medicine shop in confusion such as was hit general by the robber, brace that the storekeeper child calf trembles in counter, the recollection the Qin Shi graces fearful strength, was just wet between two legs. 三人远遁,狼藉的药铺如被强盗洗劫一般,掌柜子小腿哆嗦的撑在柜台,回想刚刚秦石举手投足间的可怕力量,跟着两腿之间就湿了。 If were seen by Qin Shi, it is estimated that unavoidably suddenly Han. 若是被秦石看见,估计难免暴汗一场。 Bang!! Has not gotten back one's composure, climbing up counter that a form staggers along, hempen garments xiaosheng trembling rubs gu in the bosom, a kraft paper was patted by him on the table: Master, just three people, how in this? You quickly look at this!” 尚未回神,一个身影跌跌撞撞的爬上柜台,麻衣小生颤巍巍的在怀中蹭咕一下,一张牛皮纸被他拍在桌子上:“师父,刚刚三人,怎么会在这?你赶快看这个!” Um?” Stares at the kraft paper, the storekeeper child partly is making a sound whisper that has gotten back one's composure: Mysterious Palace warrant for arrest? What do you take this to make?” “嗯?”盯着牛皮纸,掌柜子半响才回过神的嘀咕一声:“玄殿的通缉令?你拿着这个做什么?” „It is not, you look at this person!” Hempen garments xiaosheng rapid taishou has referred. “不是,你看这人!”麻衣小生急促的抬手指了指。 The storekeeper child tilts the head, the vision moves toward on, at once two legs one soft, sits on the ground ordinary, warrant for arrest above is drawing the head picture, was not just just in Qin Shi of his Chinese medicine shop? 掌柜子歪着头,目光朝上挪动,旋即两腿一软,普通坐在地上,通缉令上面画着的头像,不正是刚刚在他药铺的秦石 He, was he Shi Qin?” “他,他是石秦?” Looks at each other one, they shouted to make noise panic-stricken, at once immediately covers the mouth. 对视一眼,两人惊恐的喊出声来,旋即马上捂住嘴巴。 „When definitely mistakenly, a moment ago passing through the gate has scared me, the master you have a look carefully, 100,000, so long as provides the message, 100,000 spirit stones may lead, to have these 100,000 spirit stones, our Chinese medicine shops can open the entire empire chain-like!” Excited [say / way] that the hempen garments xiaosheng is hard to suppress. “肯定错不了,刚才进门时把我吓坏了,师父你仔细看看,100000啊,只要提供消息,就有100000灵石可领,有了这100000灵石,咱们的药铺都能开全帝国连锁了!”麻衣小生难以压制的兴奋道。 The storekeeper child is indecisive, finally nodded, then closes the Chinese medicine shop, draws the hempen garments xiaosheng to depart from the backyard. 掌柜子犹豫不决,最终还是点了点头,接着将药铺关门,拉着麻衣小生从后院中离去。 The matter of Chinese medicine shop, Qin Shi does not know that he is now burning with impatience, does not know that Yu Luocha, only has wanted how a bit faster to fly her side, is accompanying her, takes care of her. 药铺的事,秦石并不知道,他现在心急如焚,不知道玉罗刹怎么样了,只想快点飞到她的身旁,陪着她,照顾她。 Demons, are waiting for me!” “罗刹,等着我!” Steps out, three people arrive at a city central inn quickly, the inn scale is not big, only then two story-high, as a result of the Yu Luocha injury reason, entire Second Rank by Xiaomi Cai wrapping. 加快脚步,三人很快来到城中央的一间客栈,客栈规模不大,只有两层高,由于玉罗刹的伤势缘故,整个二层都被小米彩给包下来了。 This saved many troubles actually, the Qin Shi rapid leap went upstairs. 这样倒是省了不少麻烦,秦石迅速飞跃上楼。 Bang! 砰! Bursts, in the room Xu Qiao'er kneels by the bed, in the hand grasps the handkerchief is being Yu Luocha cleans the fragrant perspiration, the owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue is knitting the brows in side prayed silently that turns round to see Qin Shi to be simultaneously joyful. 破门而入,房间中许巧儿跪在床榻旁,手中握着手帕为玉罗刹擦拭香汗,枭轩和萧天月正在旁边皱着眉默默祈祷,回身望见秦石同时欣喜起来。 Xu Qiao'er stands up: Elder brother, you came back finally, sister-in-law she 许巧儿站起身:“哥,你总算回来了,嫂子她” I knew.” Qin Shi anxious interruption Xu Qiao'er, three and two steps leaps before the Yu Luocha body, the Yu Luocha whole body becomes flushed, the damp bed sheet of sweating profusely, such as the raging fire commits suicide by fire, is miserable beyond description. “我都知道了。”秦石焦躁的打断许巧儿,三步并两步的跃到玉罗刹身前,玉罗刹全身涨红,大汗淋漓的阴湿床单,如烈火焚身,苦不堪言。 „The present is the burning?” Thinks of this, Qin Shi sets out to behind several humanity: You exit first, here gives me.” “现在是火毒?”想到这,秦石起身冲身后几人道:“你们先出去,这里交给我。” But “可” Hurry up!” Qin Shi reprimanded fierce, at once raises hand to shake several people draws back, the have no alternative next several people can only draw back to ask next, lay in door waiting silently. “快点!”秦石厉声斥道,旋即扬手间将几人震退,无可奈何下几人只能退而求其次,趴在房门口默默的等候。 Takes up the handkerchief on table, under Qin Shi drawing back gently the gauze skirt on Yu Luocha fragrant shoulder, for sweat cleaning that she will drop rolling, question: Before gave your jade bottle? Where is at?” 将桌子上的手帕拿起,秦石轻轻的退下玉罗刹香肩上的纱裙,替她将滚滚滴落的汗水擦拭,问句:“之前给你的玉瓶呢?在哪?” Did not have.” The brace of Yu Luocha pain sets out, shakes the head to say. “已经没了。”玉罗刹痛苦的撑起身,摇头道。 Didn't have?” “没了?” Qin Shi shakes at heart, does not have the purple Ling blood, that may trouble. 秦石心里一震,没有紫玲莎的血,那可真就麻烦了。 I help you suppress the toxin, can alleviate!” “我帮你镇压毒素,能缓解一下!” Cannot find way out, Qin Shi transports spiritual power in two palms, walks randomly along the root bone of Yu Luocha, the pruritus between flesh being on intimate terms made Yu Luocha blush. 一筹莫展中,秦石灵力运起在两掌之中,沿着玉罗刹的根骨游走而起,肌肤相亲间的瘙痒令玉罗刹不由羞红。 Bang!! Yu Luocha stands up from failure to grab the hand of Qin Shi: Shi’tou, is useless, do not waste the strength, the Hua Ling elder sisters how this Heartless Yin Yang Talisman, let alone was you.” 玉罗刹翻身抓住秦石的手:“石头,没用得,别浪费力气了,就连花零姐都奈何不了这绝情阴阳符,更何况是你呢。” Pinched the fist, how could Qin Shi not to know, Heartless Yin Yang Talisman only then Cut Emotion Behead Soul Flower can explain, but had surely in far from the unfeeling valley at this time, even if were he full speed speeds away, little said that also wanted half a month. 捏了捏拳,秦石又何曾不知,绝情阴阳符只有断情斩魂花能够破解,但此时距离绝情谷有千万里之远,就算是他全速疾驰,少说也要半月。 Initially he actually took off three Cut Emotion Behead Soul Flower, just to provide against contingencies, in Qin Xuexin just before leaving, he gave Qin Xuexin completely, if can expect to have today, will then leave behind one, now, all late. 当初他倒是多摘下三株断情斩魂花,只不过为了以防万一,在沁雪心临走时,他全部都交给沁雪心了,若是能料到有今日,便会留下一株,现在来看,一切都晚了。 I do not believe that I can certainly save you.” “我不信,我一定能救你。” In pain, Qin Shi not willingly all herbal medicines that seeks for in the Chinese medicine shop will turn out, the golden raging fire its builds up, then helps Yu Luocha clean. 痛苦中,秦石不甘心的将在药铺中寻找的所有草药翻出,金色的烈火将其炼化,然后帮玉罗刹擦拭。 But finally exhausts various methods, still did not have the least bit to affect, but the person increases the Yu Luocha pain, but she supports does not say, does not exercise forbearance Qin Shi to worry. 但最终用尽各种方法,仍然没有半点作用,不过徒增玉罗刹的痛苦,只是她强挺不言,不忍让秦石担忧。 „!” Recited one tenderly, the raging fire of Yu Luocha face pushed down rapidly, when the transformation came the biting cold cold: Quite cold! Grasps me!” “啊!”娇吟一声,玉罗刹面庞的烈火迅速推下,转变而来的时彻骨的寒:“好冷!抱住我!” Good!” “好!” Qin Shi enclasps Yu Luocha, they walk arm in arm mutually. 秦石抱紧玉罗刹,两人相互依偎。 Is staring at the Yu Luocha pale face, the Qin Shi heart like the mess, just likes the blade twists: What to do I should, how be able to relieve your pain!” 盯着玉罗刹苍白的面庞,秦石心如乱麻,犹如刀绞:“我该怎么办,怎么样才能缓解你的疼痛!” You are accompanying me, is good.” Yu Luocha shakes the head, pants for breath is pulling out one string of Yuzhu bracelets in bosom, forces in the Qin Shi bosom middle course: Shi’tou, if I could not endure that night, you bring this string of bracelets to go to Mysterious Palace, the Hua Ling elder sister see to recognize, she will then not be feeling when the time comes embarrassed you “你陪着我,就好。”玉罗刹摇摇头,喘息着在怀中掏出一串玉珠手链,塞进秦石的怀中道:“石头,如果我熬不过这一夜,你带着这串手链去玄殿,花零姐看见就会认出来,到时候她便不会在为难你” Let alone the nonsense, you can certainly very pass!” Grips the hand of Yu Luocha, Qin Shi is miserable beyond description: You have forgotten, I must accompany you to pass in the future 30 years and 300 years, you cannot drop out me!” “别说傻话,你一定能挺过去!”握住玉罗刹的手,秦石苦不堪言:“你忘了,我还要陪你度过往后的30年、300年呢,你不能抛下我!” Shi’tou, you did not say actually I also know, you most important position is not I.” The Yu Luocha pale cherry lips open and close gently: Such good, I know that , may like you more people accompanying you compared with me in the future, even if dies, I also felt relieved.” 石头,其实你不说我也知道,你心里最重要的位置不是我。”玉罗刹苍白的樱唇轻轻开合:“这样挺好,我知道还有一个,有可能比我爱你更多的人在将来会陪着你,就算是死,我也放心了。” Qin Shi trembles at heart, this is the Yu Luocha first time, the true feelings before him reveals, what lets his accident is, he has never mentioned Qin Xuexin with Yu Luocha, she knows that in own heart read? 秦石心里咣啷一颤,这是玉罗刹第一次,在他面前真情流露,但让他意外的是,他从未和玉罗刹提起过沁雪心,她怎么会知道自己的心中所念? How will you know her?” “你怎么会知道她?” I remember that the Second Brother told me, in Perhaps Love a person, even if not need to say a word, can feel the heart of opposite party, at that time I have not believed that but since meets your me to be clear, falls in love with a person , a heart of person will jump for two people, along with his joy and happiness, along with his sadness and sad.” The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead is light, tender feelings is looking at the house beam alone twittering: Resembles the present, looks at your pain, my heart can hurt to be the same, sees you to look at the West to be in a daze innumerable scared witless, I know that in that direction, made certainly your deeply love, makes person who you worried.” “我记得,曾经二哥和我说过,如果爱上一个人,就算不用言语,也能感受到对方的心,那时候我还不相信,但自从遇见你我才明白,真的爱上一个人,一个人的心会为了两个人而跳,会随他的喜悦而开心,随他的悲伤而难过。”玉罗刹螓首轻仰,柔情的望着房梁独自呢喃:“就好像现在,看着你的痛苦,我的心会疼一样,无数次见你魂不守舍的望着西方发呆,我就知道在那个方向,一定有一个令你深爱,令你牵挂的人。” I opening mouth of Qin Shi bursting out laughing. “我”秦石哑然的张了张嘴。 You did not explain that actually right, that is your genuine home to return.” Yu Luocha in muttering, drop of tears have delimited the cheeks, falls in dry in corners of the mouth to make her pain sob saying: Actually, I do not want to say that I know this will make you feel embarrassed, but I feared that I did not say, again did not have the opportunity saying that my body I know that can boil the past 50 years, I was content very much, this time, is the limit.” “你不解释,其实没错,那才是你真正的归宿。”玉罗刹在喃喃中,一滴泪水划过脸颊,滑落在嘴角间的干涩令她痛苦泣道:“其实,我不想说,我知道这会令你为难,但我怕我再不说,就再也没机会说了,我的身体我自己知道,能熬过去50年,我已经很知足了,这一次,已经是极限了。” The Yu Luocha trembling fluttering white hands, have stroked on the cheeks of Qin Shi: I only want to make you know that can meet you in the life end, is really good!” 玉罗刹颤巍巍的轻扬玉手,在秦石的脸颊上拂过:“我只想让你知道,能在生命的尽头遇见你,真好!” Demons “罗刹” Qin Shi opened mouth, suddenly unexpectedly does not know that should say anything are good, in practice he perhaps is the talent in others eyes, but in acting bashful of sentiment, he is the same like the idiot throughout. 秦石张了张嘴,一时间竟不知该说些什么是好,在修炼中他或许是别人眼中的天才,但在感情的拿捏中,他却始终如白痴一样。 Even he thinks at this time, if can make Xiao Tianyue take possession should good, such can definitely find out the means to comfort Yu Luocha. 甚至他这时候想,如果能让萧天月附体该有多好,那样肯定能想出办法来安抚玉罗刹 Really the hope, having the opportunity can see the girl who that makes you worry day and night, has a look at her is any appearance.” Yu Luocha broken sobs to smile, she smiles is very pale. “真希望,有机会能看见那个让你日夜牵挂的女孩,看看她是什么样子。”玉罗刹破泣为笑,她笑的很苍白。 Certainly has the opportunity, certainly will have the opportunity!” “一定有机会,一定会有机会!” Qin Shi is holding Yu Luocha, said anxiously: You let alone, you will certainly have been all right.” 秦石扶着玉罗刹,紧张道:“你别说了,你一定会没事得。” „!” “啊!” The cold ice elapses, one group of raging fire ignite in Yu Luocha within the body suddenly. 寒冰逝去,一团烈火突然在玉罗刹的体内燃起。 Demons!” Qin Shi sets out startled, supports the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha: „Are you how is it?” “罗刹!”秦石惊慌起身,一把扶住玉罗刹的香肩:“你怎么样?” Puff!” “噗!” Blazing burning launches a psychological attack, the supporting bed that Yu Luocha cannot support, the sang mouth constrains for a long time blood face up to spout. 一股炽热的火毒攻心,玉罗刹支撑不住的扶住床榻,颡口压抑许久的鲜血仰面喷出。 Suddenly, on the face transmits warming up, the Qin Shi whole body stiffly trembles, shivering strokes on the face, the viscous bloodstain flows to fall. 蓦然间,面庞上传来温热,秦石全身僵硬的哆嗦一下,颤抖的在面庞上抚摸一把,粘稠的血迹流淌而落。 Blood?” “血?” The pupil draws in rapidly, black pupil of Qin Shi instantaneously absent-minded, as if turns into another person to be the same, fierce after turns over, knocks behind furniture. 瞳仁急速收拢,秦石的黑眸瞬间失神,仿佛变成另一个人一样,猛的朝后翻转,咣啷撞翻身后的桌椅。 Shi’tou, you how?” Withstands the pain of burning down, Yu Luocha is worrying to say. 石头,你怎么了?”承受着焚烧之苦,玉罗刹担忧道。 Is staring at the Yu Luocha bloodstain, wiped reading of terrifying to want in the heart to remember, remembers Evil Spirit once to he has spoken the words: Night of not obvious person blood moon/month circle, otherwise the fairyhood sends greatly. 盯着玉罗刹的血迹,一抹恐怖的念想在心中想起,想起邪魔曾对他说过的话:月圆之夜不可见人血,否则魔性大发。 But when realizes, already late, Qin Shi by in corner, two firmly holds the black hair, made the evil resentment that his whole body moved restlessly read one after another, the direct impact ascended to heaven. 但意识到时,已经晚了,秦石靠在角落里,两手牢牢的抓住黑发,一股一股令他全身躁动的邪恶怨念,直冲升天。 Volume!!!” “额啊啊!!!” Tries to suppress, but demon blood picture uncontrolled flood wild animal, unceasing tuck dive in bloodlines, in an instant his black pupil blood red, full Hansha read. 试图压制,可魔血像不受控制的洪水野兽,在血脉中不断的翻腾,刹那间他的黑眸血红,满含杀念。 Kills! Kill! Kills!” “杀!杀!杀!” , The inn avalanche of half wall, the evil thought of Qin Shi whole body changes into the billowing big dragon with a crash suddenly, gathers the surrounding area hundred meters, the kilometer, even ten thousand meters. 砰然一声,半壁的客栈戛然崩塌,秦石全身的邪念化为滚滚巨龙,汇聚方圆百米,千米,甚至万米。 Shi’tou!” Yu Luocha strenuous crawls to get out of bed, grasps Qin Shi: You? You? Like this!” 石头!”玉罗刹吃力的爬下床,一把抱住秦石:“你怎么了?你怎么了?不要这样!” Elder brother!” Xu Qiao'er several people of hearing a rumor clashes, is looking at such as insanely such as demon Qin Shi in great surprise: How can like this?” “哥!”许巧儿几人闻风的冲进来,望着如疯如魔的秦石大惊:“怎么会这样?” Kills!” “杀!” A dense resentment read, suddenly flashed through in Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, his whole body human nature may not say, remaining, only then slaughtered, under the vision fell on nearby Yu Luocha, two fingers punctured with raw hate like the sharp sword. 一个森然的怨念,蓦然间在秦石识海闪过,他全身没有一点人性可言,剩下的只有杀戮,唰下目光落在旁边的玉罗刹身上,两指如利剑般凶狠刺下。
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