PDL :: Volume #5

#423: Purple Ling brocade sack

The Qin Shi movement makes unreliably old they to do slightly puzzled, always said blue: Kid, arrived at this share, wants to put up a last-ditch struggle?” 秦石的动作让玄老两人稍作不解,青老道:“小家伙,都到这个份了,难道还想垂死挣扎吗?” Hey, no rush, I look at the equally good thing to you now.” Calm float Yu Kong, Qin Shi stares at the brocade sack corners of the mouth of palm to select lightly, this brocade sack initially purple Ling gave his Assassin's mace, before throughout did not have the opportunity use, now happen to applies. “嘿嘿,别急,我现在就给你瞧一样好东西。”从容的悬浮于空,秦石盯着掌心的锦囊嘴角轻挑,这锦囊正是当初紫玲莎给他的杀手锏,之前始终没机会动用,现在正好派上用场。 Makes me take a look, that dallies with the poisonous woman, can me any thing, not disappoint me.” Qin Shi huh, in palm beats the blazing flame at once, in the tuck dive lights the brocade sack. “让我瞧瞧,那玩毒的女人,能给我什么东西,可别让我失望啊。”秦石哼哧一声,旋即掌心中跳动起炽烈的火焰,翻腾中将锦囊点燃。 This boy, does he want to do?” “这小子,他要干嘛?” Brocade sack dispersing in the raging fire, reveals a blood black pill suddenly, the pill glittering and translucent carving is dodging the dim light, peaceful falling on Qin Shi. 在烈火中锦囊散开,突然露出一颗血黑色的药丸,药丸晶莹剔透的闪着幽光,安静的落在秦石手上。 The pill just left, simultaneously frightens profound old and blue old vigilant withdrawing several steps. 药丸刚出,吓得玄老和青老同时警惕的退后数步。 What situation?” “什么情况?” If by any chance on for a long time, Qin Shi slightly is awkward, lifts about the pill observing and emulating, on the pill does not have the least bit to respond, even links a spiritual power fluctuation not to have, actually and deceives the candy of three -year-old child to differ not many. 但等上许久,秦石略显尴尬,将药丸举起来左右的观摩一番,药丸上却没有半点反应,甚至连一点灵力波动都没有,倒是和糊弄三岁小孩的糖果相差不多。 Refuses to compromise, always laughs loudly blue: Boy, is this your final card in a hand?” 僵持中,青老捧腹大笑:“小子,这就是你最后的底牌?” Purple Ling won't play me intentionally? Gives me such a small pill to do? Also told me to meet the dangerous time to open? Is frightens the human to use? This impure heart wants my life!” But, Qin Shi is irritable, blue old this time is speeds away on, just likes the fist wind of cheetah pounds down to the surface gate maliciously. “紫玲莎不会故意耍我吧?给我这么个小药丸干嘛?还告诉我遇见危险时候打开?难道是吓唬人用得?这不纯心要我的命么!”无奈下,秦石急躁起来,青老这时已是疾驰而上,犹如猎豹的拳风冲着面门狠狠砸下。 In Qin Shi heart one cold: Purple Ling, turns head I to ask you to do accounts again!” 秦石心中一寒:“紫玲莎,回头我再找你算账!” Flurried, his holding up hand without hesitation, to blue always throws the pill in hand, at once sets out then to fly to escape toward the distant place: Old fogy, delivered you, had another chance to meet!” 慌乱中,他不假思索的举起手,一把将手中的药丸冲青老抛去,旋即起身便朝远处飞遁:“老家伙,送你了,后会有期!” Brat, which runs!” “臭小子,哪跑!” Blue the red black pill, always has become straightly angry out of shame raises the dry hand, opacitas spiritual power unceasing injection, Bang pinches the smashing it by far. 红黑色的药丸笔直而过,青老恼羞成怒的扬起枯手,浑浊的灵力远远不断的注入,砰一声将其捏成粉碎。 Bang! 轰! Pill disruption instant, a bang. 药丸碎裂的刹那,一声巨响。 The bang causes the startled day the fluttering flags, the sand dust of earth curls up the watermark shape the ripples, making Qin Shi that front flees rapidly be startled being startled, hesitant turning round looks, the next instant appearance is astonished. 巨响引起惊天的旖旎,大地的沙尘卷起水纹状的涟漪,令前方迅速遁逃的秦石不由怔了怔,犹豫的回身望去,下一霎面目惊愕。 Um?” “嗯?” The rear kilometer, was covered by one group of blood black gas clouds, in the gas cloud is doping the naked eye obvious viscous aura, one sticks on the Mysterious Palace several powerhouses, several people like were gnawed immediately to nip by only the corpse insect surely, severe pain puff passes falls turns in the place. 后方千米,被一团血黑色的毒雾笼罩,毒雾中掺杂着肉眼可见的粘稠气息,唰一下粘在玄殿十几名强者身上,几人马上像是被千万只尸虫啃咬一样,剧痛的噗通摔翻在地。 The pain and struggles, their faces transform fiercely, from snow white becomes the green, the purple, the cheekbone caves , the leather bag of whole body is unexpectedly split, finally turns into several alarmed dry corpses. 痛苦和挣扎中,他们的面庞剧烈转变,从雪白变为青色,紫色,颧骨塌陷,全身的皮囊竟干裂起来,最终变成几尊触目惊心的干尸。 My goodness, was this too terrorist?” Rumble the choking mouth spit, Qin Shi is looking at the disruption red black pill everywhere, immediately takes back in the mouth the words that just spoke, shivers saying: „After this all was a moment ago that pill disrupted, created?” “好家伙,这太恐怖了吧?”咕噜的噎口吐沫,秦石望着碎裂满地的红黑色药丸,马上把刚刚说的话收回口中,颤抖道:“这全是刚才那个药丸碎裂后所造成得?” Thinks of this, some of his fear, look unavoidably at once to everywhere the dry corpse, looks to cover a kilometer gas cloud of again, is angry: „It is not right, this purple Ling does, want my life intentionally? Gives me a such sinister and ruthless thing, then has not told me, was just this little quick-witted, if otherwise has pulverized in the side, now lay down under becomes I!” 一想到这,他不免有些后怕,旋即望向满地干尸,再望去笼罩千米的毒雾,不由大怒:“不对,这紫玲莎,是存心想要我的命吧?给我一个这么阴毒的东西,然后还不告诉我,也就是刚刚本少机智,否则要是在身边弄碎了,现在躺在下面就成我了!” Purple Ling, this few and you have not ended!” “紫玲莎,本少和你没完!” No matter what, this result is really unexpected. 不管怎么说,这结果实在出乎预料。 Less than the time of half tea, Mysterious Palace ten several people except for profound old and blue old, dies a violent death to perish completely, but they are not safe and uneventful, although already turned very quiet, but the toxin follows flesh spread within the body, if not for they have Heaven Realm to cultivate are, at this time already turned into the dry corpse. 不足半盏茶的功夫,玄殿十数人除了玄老和青老,全部都暴毙而亡,而他们两人也不是安然无事,尽管早已屏住呼吸,但毒素还是顺着肌肤蔓延体内,若不是两人拥有天境修为,此时早已变成干尸。 Puff! Does not dare to be negligent, two people run out of the gas cloud immediately. 噗!不敢大意,两人马上冲出毒雾。 „Does brat, dare to use the toxin? I have killed you!” azure is always becoming flushed the face, looks angrily at Qin Shi then to shout abuse. “臭小子,敢用毒?我杀了你!”青老涨红着面庞,怒视秦石便破口大骂。 Qin Shi raises head to see blue old, at once the black pupil changes suddenly, has smiled strangely: Hey, did the old fogy, what you just say? You said that you must kill me, hey, you thought that you poisonously became like this, currently also has that skill?” 秦石仰头望见青老,旋即黑眸突然变化,诡异的笑了起来:“嘿嘿,老家伙,你刚刚说什么?你说你要杀了我啊,嘿嘿,你觉得你都被毒成这样了,现在还有那个本事吗?” You blue always opened mouth, a bursting out laughing does not have the words, Qin Shi said right, this time his toxin enters the body, majority of spiritual power was used to protect the dantian, the strength can achieve Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage is very good. “你”青老张了张嘴,却一下哑然无话,秦石说的没错,此时的他毒素入体,大部分灵力用来护住丹田,实力能达到玄灵境后期就已经很不错了。 Pinched the fist, Qin Shi badly said with a smile: I suggested you, thinks itself first, I said a moment ago, the present is I hunts!” 捏了捏拳,秦石坏笑道:“我建议你啊,还是先想想自己吧,我刚才可是说了哦,现在是我狩猎的时候了!” Suffers to death!” “受死吧!” ! 咻! Broken wind, the Qin Shi black robe rolls up and pushes along, speeds away before the blue old body at one fell swoop, the purple quiet fire of beat quenchings the golden light Buddhist relics, puff rips open six blood-stained mouths in the front of Qinglong. 一声破风,秦石黑袍卷动,一举疾驰到青老身前,跳动的紫色幽火淬炼金光舍利,噗一声在青龙的胸前撕开六道血口。 Treats the enemy, Qin Shi is never softhearted, quick and violent cuts to heat bamboo strips for writing material old, looks askance toward unreliably always sweeps off: Now this you!” 对待敌人,秦石从不心慈手软,迅猛的斩杀青老,侧目朝玄老扫去:“现在该你了!” Bang! 砰! Leaves to look back, cuts to kill at one fell swoop unreliably old. 抽身回首,一举斩杀玄老。 The anger cuts them, Qin Shi has patted clapping: Other did not say that attainments on this purple Ling in using toxin is really lost in thought not measured, later has the opportunity to make several such sugar beans, when the time comes was Mysterious Palace how me?” 怒斩两人,秦石才拍了拍手:“别的不说,这紫玲莎在用毒上的造诣真是出神莫测,以后有机会多弄几颗这样的糖豆,到时候就是玄殿也奈何不了我了吧?” Then he not anxiously departure, but moves in the Mysterious Palace person the vision unceasingly. 接着他并未急着离去,而是将目光在玄殿的人身上不断挪动。 The people killed have killed, if did not get a bargain, that was not the Qin Shi disposition. 人杀都杀了,若不沾点便宜,那可不是秦石的性格。 Whoosh! 唰! Waves, several space rings fall in the hand, the psychic force fluctuates slightly, obliterates the above mark at one fell swoop, at once in regards, reveals the happy expression. 一挥手,十几枚空间戒指落在手中,精神力微微起伏,一举磨灭掉上面的印记,旋即内视一番,不由露出喜色。 Really is rich flows the oil.” Qin Shi laughs, in these several space rings, enough more than ten million spirit stones, regarding him now, absolutely are not a small wealth. “真是富得流油。”秦石开怀一笑,这十几枚空间戒指中,足足有上千万的灵石,对于他现在来讲,绝对是一笔不小的财富。 Yeah, this young master was good, otherwise looked for a barren hill to set up the stronghold, only depended to hit to pound the highway robber, it is estimated that can change, became the wealthy man.” In the heart badly bad thought that at once Qin Shi lowers the head is looking at the tragic death unreliably old, pats the forehead suddenly: Damn, was too a moment ago excited, should ask first their Elder Sister Yu situation is beginning!” “哎,本少爷就是太善良了,否则找个荒山立寨,光靠打砸劫抢,估计就能摇身一变,成富翁了。”心中坏坏的想到,旋即秦石低头望着惨死的玄老,猛然一拍脑门:“该死,刚才太激动了,应该先问问他们玉姐的情况在动手得!” Ok, has opportunity in any case.” “算了,反正还有机会。” Consoles oneself, Qin Shi sets out to fly high, leaps toward the East. 自我安慰一下,秦石起身凌空,朝着东方飞跃。 All the way, his speed is extremely fast, first does not want to make Yu Luocha worry that second was the nether world has suffered him quickly insanely, all the way unceasing sent out gratingly buzz the whining noise, making him sit lies to be hard to take. 一路上,他速度极快,第一是不想让玉罗刹担忧,第二是幽冥已经快把他折磨疯了,一路上不断的发出刺耳的嗡鸣声,令他坐卧难耐。 Was good, should not be noisy, immediately can see your wife, several hundred years of elderly married couples, how also such mounted to stick, are tired of me!” Makes an effort to pat the nether world, Qin Shi fills with reluctantly. “行了,别吵闹了啊,马上就能看见你媳妇了,都几百年的老夫老妻了,怎么还这么黏糊,烦死我了!”使劲拍下幽冥,秦石满怀无奈。 According to with Yu Luocha and the others agreements, after two day dusk, Qin Shi carries the nether world along the way to fall in the East first city, is a third-level city, is similar-sized with Ancient City. 按照和玉罗刹等人的约定,两日后的黄昏,秦石携带幽冥在东方沿途的第一个城池落下,是一个三级城池,和古城大小差不多。 This happen, facilitates Qin Shi to find human, a rich psychic force offers a sacrifice, with rug -type covers the surrounding area ten thousand meters, is inducing in the city lively Market, lonely corner, brothel, former residence garden, as well as each inch corner. 这样正好,方便秦石找人,一番浓郁的精神力祭出,以地毯式的笼罩方圆万米,感应着城池中热闹的坊市,寂寥的角落,花街柳巷,古宅庭院,以及每一寸角落。 Xiaomi Cai several people of strengths are uncommon, particularly Xiaomi Cai just breakthrough arrived at Heaven Realm, although she restrains desirably, but can also hide the truth from some strength bad mortals, is actually completely unmasked in front of Qin Shi, in an instant two spiritual power rich forms emerge Sea of Consciousness, Qin Shi shoulder the corners of the mouth to leap forward on the city. 小米彩几人的实力不凡,尤其是小米彩刚刚突破天境,尽管她刻意收敛,但也就能瞒过一些实力不济的凡人,在秦石面前却暴露无遗,转眼间两股灵力浓郁的身影涌入识海,秦石挑起嘴角就城池内跃入。 In the city, bustling streets of noise, the innumerable wealthy family juniors fool around together in this. 城池中,一条喧嚣的闹市,数不清的富家子弟厮混于此。 Falls in the bustling streets, Qin Shi found the fluctuation of Xiaomi Cai Heaven Realm immediately, the start pursued, has pursued to a pharmacy entrance, making him stare: Chinese medicine shop? They do in good condition come to the Chinese medicine shop to do?” 落在闹市上,秦石马上就找到小米彩天境的波动,起步追了上去,一直追到一座药房门口,令他不由一愣:“药铺?好端端的她们来药铺干嘛?” „Were some people injured?” “难道有人受伤了?” In heart one cold, the Qin Shi black robe made noise in the wind cool and refreshingly, raises legs to tread, just entered then saw Xiaomi Cai and seals the mark they, carelessly was gesticulating anything to the storekeeper child. 心中一寒,秦石的黑袍在风中泠泠作响,抬腿就踏了进去,刚进其中便看见小米彩和封痕两人,正胡乱的冲着掌柜子比划着什么。 In the counter, storekeeper child everywhere innocent letting go said: Young lady, you fold the ghost old man, the situation that you and I said that I have not always experienced, which on goes to make the formula to you?” 在柜台里,掌柜子满目无辜的摊手道:“大小姐,你真是折煞老夫啊,你和我说的这种情况,我平生也没见识过,上哪去给你弄药方啊?” Bang! 砰! Xiaomi Cai is treading the pink clouds, a foot kicks to turn the table: I, no matter, Chinese medicine shop life-saving, perfectly justified, if you cannot put out the formula, this does not need to exist, this young lady has burnt your this broken shop today!” 小米彩踏着彩霞,一脚将桌子踢翻:“我不管,药铺救人,天经地义,你若是拿不出药方,这也就没必要存在了,本小姐今天就烧了你这间破店铺!” „It is not, you were really my this fever, I could not take.” Storekeeper child anxious is about to have cried, he has not ravelled from beginning to end what's the matter, was mass-criticized a pain by Xiaomi Cai directly. “不是,你就是真把我这烧了,我也拿不出来啊。”掌柜子急的都快哭了,他从头到尾都没弄明白怎么回事,直接就被小米彩炮轰一痛。 Does this is?” “干嘛呢这是?” Watches their safe, Qin Shi just now relaxed steps goes forward: How you, other people?” 看两人无事,秦石方才松了口气的迈上前:“怎么就你们两个,其他的人呢?” Father?” Xiaomi Cai lets out a noise shouts. “爹爹?”小米彩破声喊道。 Father?” Storekeeper child like finding liberator, employs professional mourners a face said to Qin Shi: Young Master, you helped me say quickly that otherwise my this tonight must turn into the grey coal.” “爹爹?”掌柜子像找到救星一样,哭丧个脸的冲秦石道:“公子,你快帮我说说,否则的话我这今晚就要变成灰炭了。” Said anything saying that today cannot put out the formula, I your this shop burning!” Xiaomi Cai turned round to stare one wickedly. “说什么说,今天拿不出药方,我就把你这店铺给烧了!”小米彩回身恶狠狠的瞪了一眼。 Sufficed!” Qin Shi scolds saying that the Xiaomi Cai domineering temperament he understood, this matter mostly is her mistake, for this reason compensates to the storekeeper child who smiles said: Boss, the daughter is innocent, toward do not enter at heart, these you took are being to your compensation.” “够了!”秦石呵斥道,小米彩的跋扈脾气他了解,这事多半是她的过错,为此赔笑的冲掌柜子道:“老板,小女不懂事,您别往心里进,这些您拿着算是给您的补偿了。” Spoke, in the Qin Shi palm disperses ten Upper Tier spirit stones. 说完话,秦石掌心中散开十枚上品灵石 The storekeeper child sorrowful brow of stretches immediately, wins over in spirit stones the bosom: Young Master where words, are not in the way, is not in the way.” 掌柜子哀愁的眉头马上舒展,一把将灵石收揽怀中:“公子哪里话,不碍事,不碍事。” Father!” Xiaomi Cai did not say willingly. “爹爹!”小米彩不甘心道。 Turned round to stare her one eyes, Qin Shi had put on a serious face saying: Dead girl, knows that annoys troublesome to me, waits to meet me to tidy up you.” 回身瞪了她一眼,秦石板起脸道:“死丫头,就知道给我惹麻烦,等会我在收拾你。” Feng Hen opens the mouth to say in side: Elder Brother Shi, should not be angry, this matter cannot blame Xiaomi Cai, she is also worried about the demons elder sister, for a while is cherished.” 封痕在旁边开口道:“石哥,你别生气,这事真不能怪小米彩,她也是担心罗刹姐,一时心切。” Demons?” “罗刹?” The pupil draws in rapidly, the medicine box case in Chinese medicine shop receives the spirit prestige change of Qin Shi, fierce shivers several: What did you say? Demons she how?” 瞳仁迅速收拢,在药铺中的药匣子受到秦石的灵威变化,剧烈的颤抖几下:“你说什么?罗刹她怎么了?” Father, you do not come back, does the demons elder sister want an accident you to know? This old man has not given demons elder sister to write the formula, wanted to be anxious I!” Xiaomi Cai stamping the feet that makes an effort in side, puts in great inconvenience cries to make noise. “爹,你再不回来,罗刹姐就要出事了你知不知道?这老头还不给罗刹姐开药方,都要急死我了!”小米彩在旁边使劲的跺脚,委屈的哭出声来。 Felt that is not right, Qin Shi supports the fragrant shoulder of Xiaomi Cai to ask: Your slow point said that actually what's the matter? The demons was she injured?” 感觉到不对,秦石扶住小米彩的香肩问道:“你慢点说,究竟是怎么回事?罗刹她受伤了?” Breathes heavily the thick air/Qi of face powder, Xiaomi Cai was saying anxiously: Cannot select to say slowly that the slow point said without enough time, I do not know what's the matter, starts to be in good condition, but since dusk, demons elder sister whole person on unceasing twitches, the whole body is cold like the ice from time to time, from time to time is blazing like the fire, was flustered us.” 喘着香粉的粗气,小米彩焦急道:“不能慢点说,慢点说就来不及了,我也不知道是怎么回事,开始还好端端得,但自从黄昏开始,罗刹姐整个人就不断的抽搐起来,全身时而寒冷如冰,时而炽热如火,把我们都急坏了。” Is Heartless Yin Yang Talisman?” “是绝情阴阳符?” Suddenly, the Qin Shi forehead fusion, turns round outside the vault of heaven toward Chinese medicine shop to look, the setting sun already fell into the mountain top, one round such as the bright moonlight of galactic disk is hanging in the thin fog, slightly is appear and disappear from time to time strange. 蓦然间,秦石眉心聚变,回身朝药铺外的天穹瞄去,夕阳早已落入山头,一轮如银盘的明月悬挂在稀薄的云雾间,时隐时现,略显诡异。
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