PDL :: Volume #5

#422: To fighting two day boundaries

„At present?” “就在眼前?” Nangong Yueyang several people look at each other with amazement, at once gets back one's composure suddenly: Little friend, can it be that said that breakthrough Heaven Realm person is you?” 南宫岳阳几人骇然的相视一眼,旋即猛然回神:“小友,莫不是说,那突破天境的人就是你?” He he, I do not have that big skill, is my this mischievous daughter.” Qin Shi shakes the head with a smile, escapes to the Xiaomi Cai side. “呵呵,我可没那么大的本事,是我这个顽皮的干女儿。”秦石笑着摇摇头,遁到小米彩的身旁。 Daughter?” “干女儿?” Under winking of Nangong Yueyang meat pain the eye, pours the suction port cold air/Qi. 南宫岳阳肉痛的挤咕下眼睛,不由倒吸口冷气。 The Nangong ice calculates that he knows the Xiaomi Cai status and fact, but hears Xiaomi Cai breakthrough Heaven Realm, in the heart fluctuates unavoidably several points: Worthily is Ancient Ferocious Beast List first hundred Divine List Ferocious Beast.” 南宫冰算好一点,他知道小米彩的身份和事迹,但听闻小米彩突破天境,心中难免起伏几分:“不愧是远古凶兽榜前百的神榜凶兽。” Divine List Ferocious Beast?” The Nangong Yueyang calm mood had not been slung once again: Few Family Head, you said that before this is you, that god list descendant who said?” 神榜凶兽?”南宫岳阳尚未冷静的心情再度被吊起:“少家主,你是说,这位就是你之前说的那位神榜后裔?” Um.” The Nangong ice has not concealed. “嗯。”南宫冰没有隐瞒。 Finds out the situation, does Nangong Yueyang strange looking approach Qin Shi, the Heaven Realm big energy? Divine List Ferocious Beast? Can one of two, all tremor Scarlet Flame Empire? But under glare of the public eye, Qin Shi actually was still completely at ease. 了解情况,南宫岳阳怪异的望向秦石,天境大能?神榜凶兽?两者之一,皆能颤动赤炎帝国了吧?但在众目睽睽下,秦石却仍是坦然自若。 This child so calm imposing manner, with uncommon experience and innate skill, if in the future made a name, initially is inevitably different from Huangpu and it is the enemy, should be the wisest choice.” The corners of the mouth twitch several, Nangong Yueyang discovered that sees at present this youth each time, can always discover a shocking fact on the body. “此子这般沉稳的气势,和不凡的经历与天赋,将来若是成了气候,必然了得,当初没和皇普家一样与其为敌,应该是最明智的选择。”嘴角抽搐几下,南宫岳阳发现每次见到眼前这个少年,总能在身上发现点骇人听闻的事迹。 ! 咻! Void broken wind, the brow of Qin Shi wrinkles unexpectedly, at once rear area looks askance at scoffs saying: Is so quick, pursued?” 一声虚空破风,秦石的眉头蓦地皱起,旋即睨视后方嗤道:“这么快,就追来了么?” Nangong people induce to imposing manner that rolling compels similarly, knits the brows: Is the Mysterious Palace person?” 南宫家众人同样感应到滚滚逼来的气势,皱眉道:“是玄殿的人?” Brother Nangong, it seems like cannot talk about old days with you, Shi also has the important matter in the body, does not know whether to be accommodating, resigns a road to come?” Qin Shi stern turns round to say. “南宫兄弟,看来不能和你们叙旧了,石某还有要事在身,不知能否行个方便,让出条路来?”秦石正色的回身言道。 Nangong Yueyang several people look at each other one, finally falls the vision on the Nangong ice. 南宫岳阳几人对视一眼,最终将目光落在南宫冰身上。 Allows to pass through!” “让路!” The Nangong ice word lifts resolute. 南宫冰言举果决。 hears that sound, the rear several elders tremble: Few Family Head, cannot, this induce from the person affirmation of Mysterious Palace, if we put them to pass through at this time, feared that has no way with the person confession of Mysterious Palace.” 闻声,后方几名长老不由微颤:“少家主,不可啊,这个距离玄殿的人肯定感应到了,如果我们这时候放他们通行,怕是没法和玄殿的人交代。” The words language falls, the face of Nangong ice is cloudy. 一番话语落下,南宫冰的面庞阴沉下来。 Bang!! Raises hand to gather spiritual power, hits hard in own chest suddenly, the Nangong ice alone withdrawing several steps, a blood sprays. 扬手汇聚灵力,猛然在自己的胸膛重击一下,南宫冰独自退后数步,一口鲜血喷洒而出。 Few Family Head!” “少家主!” Brother Nangong!” Crowd accident with rapt attention. “南宫兄弟!”人群意外的凝神。 Stands firm the body, the Nangong ice erases the bloodstain of corners of the mouth to look all around saying: Nangong ice excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will, strength is bad, has defeated!” 稳住身子,南宫冰抹掉嘴角的血迹环顾道:“南宫冰玩物丧志,实力不济,已战败!” This Nangong all people feels embarrassed. “这”南宫家诸人为难起来。 Why is gawking? Allows to pass through!” The Nangong ice has sound of scolding to exclaim. “愣着干吗?让路!”南宫冰带着呵斥的声音吼道。 full Han is helpless, the people resign a road. 满含无奈,众人让出一条路来。 This, knitting the brows of Qin Shi accident, he has not expected the Nangong ice to achieve for him this step, for this reason in the heart flows the warm feeling unavoidably, gathers an energetic magical amulet, to the Nangong ice road: Brother Nangong, the matter of today, Shi have taken down, this magical amulet you are taking together, so long as my Shi Qin did not die, some day, decided news graciousness!” 这一幕,秦石意外的皱了皱眉,他没料到南宫冰会为他做到这一步,为此心中不免流淌暖意,汇聚一道精神灵符,冲南宫冰道:“南宫兄弟,今日之事,石某记下了,这一道灵符你拿着,只要我石秦不死,有朝一日,定报此恩!” Received the magical amulet, Nangong ice surface obviously pale coughed several: Stone brother has spoken discreetly, the life of my Nangong ice is you rescues, this minor matter does not need to care.” 接过灵符,南宫冰面显苍白的干咳几声:“石兄言重了,我南宫冰的命都是你救得,这点小事不必放在心上。” Nods, Qin Shi no longer said that turns round to shout out to Xiaomi Cai several people, makes way the gap that to escape along Nangong. 点点头,秦石不再多说,回身冲小米彩几人呼喝一声,沿着南宫家让开的缺口远遁而出。 Speeds away, void, but. 一路疾驰,虚空而至。 Is far away from Cold City, is a wilderness, everywhere dust sand vacillates in the severe gale, forms the billowing storm. 远离冷城,是一片荒漠,漫天的尘沙在厉风中动摇,形成滚滚的风暴。 Quick, new moon night arrives, seven people nonstop outward escapes, but the rear billowing potential air/Qi actually does not reduce, even is pulling closer several points imperceptibly. 很快,朔夜降临,七人马不停蹄的朝外远遁,但后方的滚滚势气却丝毫不减,甚至在无形中拉近几分。 Qin Shi in the front line knit the brows: Really rigid.” 秦石在最前方皱了皱眉:“真执着。” Shi’tou, what to do? If in this way, us sooner or later will be overtaken by them.” The Yu Luocha jade walking tractor Xu Qiao'er is worrying to say. 石头,怎么办?如果在这样下去,我们迟早会被他们追上。”玉罗刹玉手拖着许巧儿担忧道。 Looks back to look, the Qin Shi face is exceptionally ugly, Xiaomi Cai said but actually fortunately, but Feng Hen and Yu Luocha may not have Heaven Realm to cultivate is . Moreover the body is also carrying on the back one person, in speeding away that like this knows no bounds, sooner or later will break down, especially Yu Luocha, she just entered Profound Spirit Realm soon her, in the elegant surface was the fragrant perspiration was already dripping, the mouth puffed. 回首望去,秦石面庞异常难看,小米彩倒还好说,但封痕和玉罗刹两人可没有天境修为,而且身上还驮着一人,在这样漫无止境的疾驰中,早晚会垮下来,特别是玉罗刹,她刚入玄灵境不久的她,俏面上早已是香汗淋漓,口喘粗气。 She always did not say, but does not think the Qin Shi worry. 她始终不说,只是不想秦石担心。 You walk, I lead away them.” Hesitant, Qin Shi stop lower part of the body said. “你们走,我来引开他们。”犹豫一下,秦石停顿下身道。 „It is not good!” “不行!” Six people with one voice, Xiao Tianyue also restrained at this time stubbornly disobedient: Big brother, this does not crack a joke, the opposite has two Heaven Realm, you remain to breakneck now.” 六人异口同声,萧天月在这时也收敛顽劣:“大哥,这不是开玩笑,对面有两名天境,你现在留下来可是在玩命啊。” Or remains, everyone / influential family shares life and death.” The owlet porch lies behind sealing the mark, appearance that a face is fearless: I do not believe that this crowd of Mysterious Palace person does not fear death, at the worst with their fight in which both sides perish!” “要不就都留下来,大家生死与共。”枭轩趴在封痕背后,一脸天不怕地不怕的模样:“我就不信,这群玄殿的人不怕死,大不了就跟他们鱼死网破!” Any fight in which both sides perish, is not several is small, the elder sister my second kills them!” Xiaomi Cai trifle without respect broad and handsome forehead loftily raises. “什么鱼死网破,不就是几个小喽啰吗,姐姐我自己就秒杀他们!”小米彩玩世不恭的螓首傲然扬起。 Stares at several people of appearances, Qin Shi is not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 盯着几人的模样,秦石哭笑不得。 Do not act unreasonably, I know that you do not fear death, but dies meaningful that must die, now has not spelled hardly, this person how me.” Qin Shi breaks several people, at once said decidedly. “别乱来,我知道你们都不怕死,但死也要死的有意义,现在没不到硬拼的时候,这点人还奈何不了我。”秦石打断几人,旋即决然道。 Just wanted to open the mouth, Qin Shi maliciously stared several people of one: Walks quickly, along the East, in the first city is waiting for me.” 刚欲开口,秦石又狠狠的瞪了几人一眼:“快走,沿着东方,第一座城里等着我。” But, several people have to comply. 无奈下,几人只好答应。 You were careful.” Yu Luocha min the cherry lips, were urging one. “那你自己小心。”玉罗刹抿着樱唇,叮嘱一声。 Was right, this you, you are also careful.” Turns round to hold on the white arms of Yu Luocha, Qin Shi will die out from the waist takes down. “对了,这个还你,你也小心。”回身拉住玉罗刹的皓腕,秦石将寂灭从腰间取下。 Stares is dying out Yu Luocha to shake the head: No, you are taking, has dead out in the side, I can also feel relieved, moreover you do not have the weapon now.” 盯着寂灭玉罗刹摇摇头:“不,你拿着吧,有寂灭在身边,我还能放心一些,况且现在你也没有兵器。” Relax, I currently have a more convenient fellow.” Qin Shi breaks with a smile, at once will die out to buckle in the waist of Yu Luocha, the palm wields, the nether world offers a sacrifice. “放心,我现在有更顺手的家伙。”秦石笑着打断,旋即将寂灭扣在玉罗刹的腰间,掌心一挥,幽冥祭出。 Nether world? Did it restore?” The Yu Luocha beautiful pupil flashes. “幽冥?它恢复了?”玉罗刹美眸闪动。 Um, leaves with them quickly, I and my old companion, for sometime had not cooperated, happen to wears in these old fogies.” Qin Shi restraining happy expression, under earnest racket Yu Luocha: Is waiting for me, I look for you immediately.” “嗯,快跟他们离开,我和我的老伙计,也有段时间没有合作了,正好拿这几个老家伙磨合一下。”秦石收敛笑意,认真的拍下玉罗刹:“等着我,我马上就去找你们。” Sees the nether world, Yu Luocha no longer insisted. 望见幽冥,玉罗刹才不再坚持。 When several people leave, on back that the Qin Shi vision in several people dissipate, increasingly estranged congeals, falls on Netherworld Sword of palm: Two Heaven Realm? The good waiter, to have the confidence?” 待几人离开,秦石的目光在几人消散的背影上,渐行渐远中随之凝结,落在掌心的幽冥剑上:“两名天境么?好伙计,有信心没?” Buzz!” “嗡!” Response that the nether world shivers, in the sound fills including loftily and complaint, it is estimated that was complaining that Qin Shi and dies out to separate him. 幽冥颤抖的回应一声,声音中满含傲然和抱怨,估计是在抱怨秦石将他和寂灭分开。 Was good, do not clash, if the demons have an accident, will die out definitely sadly right? Also separated you also has the advantage, so as to avoid one will hit, you were patronizing flirting with one another, now gives me, earlier tidies up this group of people earnestly, you can also have a reunion earlier.” Under the racket of not knowing whether to laugh or cry the nether world, Qin Shi begins supinely. “行了,别犯色了,如果罗刹出事,寂灭肯定会难过对吧?再说把你俩分开也有好处,免得一会打起来了,你俩在光顾着打情骂俏,现在给我认真一点,早点收拾完这群人,你们也能早点重逢。”哭笑不得的拍下幽冥,秦石仰起头。 ! 咻! The cold severe gale cuts, dozens form steady stopping before the Qin Shi body, what is the head is two old men of bone immortal winds, is profound old and blue old. 寒冷的厉风划破,数十道身影稳健的停在秦石身前,为首的是两名道骨仙风的老者,正是玄老和青老。 Is looking at Qin Shi, always crosses the hands behind the back the chuckle unreliably: „Doesn't kid, how run?” 望着秦石,玄老负手轻笑:“小家伙,怎么不跑了?” Ran tired, was always pursued by you are not being means that solved you to walk first.” Qin Shi lazy extension, quite obviously calm. “跑累了,总是被你们追着也不是个办法,还是先解决你们在走吧。”秦石慵懒的伸展一下,颇显从容。 Profound old stares: Oh? actually a little courage!” 玄老一愣:“哦?倒是有点胆魄!” Profound old man, rubbish anything with him, he a short time ago cut the boy who kills Li Bufan, hurried to solve him, I pursued that group of people who ran!” azure always scolds one, at once turns round to shout toward behind three disciples: You that three, follow me!” “玄老头,跟他废话什么,他就是前不久斩杀李不凡的小子,赶紧解决了他,我去追跑的那群人!”青老呵斥一声,旋即回身朝身后的三名弟子喊道:“你么那三个,跟我走!” Raises hand, always has three people then to want toward Xiaomi Cai and the others to pursue blue to go. 扬手间,青老带着三人便欲朝小米彩等人追击而去。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi speed bone-chilling cold, one keeps off in azure old front: Old fogy, this is not good, since I remained, that divided the victory and defeat to walk.” 秦石速度凛冽,咻一下挡在青老面前:“老家伙,这可不行啊,我既然都留下来了,那就分了胜负在走吧。” Boasts shamelessly!” azure is always angry, at once holds wind to curl up the clouds of vault of heaven, changes into the billowing ominous tiger then to throw toward Qin Shi: That first helps you, these people who later will be running send to accompany you!” “大言不惭!”青老大怒,旋即掌风卷起苍穹的云霄,化为滚滚凶虎便朝秦石扑去:“那就先成全你,待会在将跑的那些人送去陪你!” Bang! 轰隆! The suddenly confrontation, the earth splits two natural moats. 眨眼间的交锋,大地裂开两道天堑。 The pupil heart densely changes, welcomes the ominous tiger overwhelming power that the day falls to be vast, this seems like ordinary strikes, to Qin Shi feeling actually contrast ratio Cheng Xu end the world disaster falls is terrorist, the light is the remaining prestige then makes him send the bobbin to move, the black robe makes noise. 眸心森然一变,迎天而落的凶虎威猛浩大,这看似普通的一击,给秦石的感觉却照比程旭的末世灾降还要恐怖,光是余威便令他发丝卷动,黑袍作响。 Very strong!” “好强!” The Qin Shi demon blood opens greatly, in addition the god character Secret Art will repair to promote to Profound Spirit Realm peak, but this was still struck to depart several hundred meters. 秦石魔血大开,加上神字诀将修为提升到玄灵境巅峰,但就算这样仍然被击飞出数百米。 „Did young fellow, you hide strength?” Accidental , is not only Qin Shi, the blue old split forehead wrinkles, in his plan, just that struck, can the second kill Qin Shi absolutely, but now was not only resisted, moreover unexpectedly including severely wounded degree? “好小子,你隐藏了实力?”意外的不光是秦石,青老干裂的额头皱起,在他的计划中,刚刚那一击,绝对能秒杀秦石,但现在非但被抵挡下来,而且竟连重伤的程度都没有? Draws in the black robe, the Qin Shi low and deep under eyebrow: You thought that I do not have a method, dares to remain?” 收拢黑袍,秦石低沉下眉:“你觉得我没有点手段,敢留下来吗?” Drinks, interesting, I want to take a look but actually, actually you can have any method!” azure never in the idle talk, the form bends the great hibernation of insects that is subdues likely, daybreak under. “喝,有趣,那我倒想瞧瞧,你究竟能有什么手段!”青老不在废话,身影弓起像是折服的巨蛰,破晓而下。 The nether world wields is two sword-light. 幽冥挥起便是两道剑光 On, strikes to keep off under the chest straightly, Qin Shi tigers mouth severe pain, the split skin directly was broken. 笔直而上,一击挡在胸膛下,秦石的虎口不由剧痛一番,干裂的皮肤直接被震碎。 Scoffs, isn't Heaven Realm really good?” Eats the pain withdraws several steps, Qin Shi not with the azure old entanglement, but shoulders the corners of the mouth toward the place above, flings behind black robe he then to go toward below quiet Lin Cuan. “嗤,天境果然还是不行吗?”吃痛的退后几步,秦石不在和青老纠缠,而是朝上方挑起嘴角,一甩身后的黑袍他便朝下方的幽林窜去。 Do not let him run!” “别让他跑了!” Profound always with rapt attention moves in sky over, ten several forms such as the night demon kills the wild forest. 玄老在上空跟着凝神而动,十数道身影如夜魅般杀进荒林。 Pursued? Snort, pursues.” Induces to behind pressure, Qin Shi instead relaxed, his point brings in their attention, making Xiaomi Cai and the others escape smoothly. “追来了么?哼,追吧。”感应到身后的压力,秦石反而松了口气,他的目地就是将他们的注意力都引来,令小米彩等人顺利逃脱。 Broken!” Always floats in the spatial forest unreliably, the presbyopia concentrates. “破!”玄老浮空林中,老眼一凝。 Fills including wild spiritual power exceedingly high on, the pressure that among the square inches releases crushes thousand zhang (3.33 m) Gu Mu stiffly, changes into the incredible desert in a flash. 满含野性的灵力通天而上,方寸间所释放出的威压硬生生将千丈的古木粉碎,一瞬间化为荒诞的沙漠。 However dissipates in ancient wooden, Qin Shi exposes under glare of the public eye once again, blue old and profound old stood abreast in row, is staring at Qin Shi grinning: Boy, this I thought that which you also want toward to run!” 在古木荡然消散时,秦石又一次暴露在众目睽睽之下,青老和玄老并排而立,盯着秦石咧了咧嘴:“小子,这一下我看你还想往哪跑!” Runs? Who said that I can run?” The Qin Shi stop lower part of the body, the black pupil beyond several thousand meters looks askance at to go toward the flank, in psychic force billowing covering, Xiaomi Cai and the others the forms already disappeared not to see, making him raise the corners of the mouth: Ran far? Then now, should be the hunting time!” “跑?谁说我要跑了?”秦石停顿下身,黑眸朝侧方数万米外睨视而去,精神力滚滚的笼罩中,小米彩等人的身影早已消失不见,令他不由扬了扬嘴角:“跑远了吗?那么现在,该是狩猎的时候了!” Um?” Blue old and profound old stares, next instant Qin Shi floats to empty, wrist pulls out to take in the space ring, a magnificent brocade sack falls in the hand: Now makes me take a look, actually that dallied with the poisonous woman to leave me any treasure.” “嗯?”青老和玄老不禁一愣,下一霎秦石浮空而起,手腕在空间戒指中掏取一番,一个华丽的锦囊落在手中:“现在就让我瞧瞧,那玩毒的女人究竟留给我了什么宝贝。”
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