PDL :: Volume #5

#421: Eight Fang Dixi

Shangguan Ba several people by Qin Shi holds the bleeding pond, whole body sitting in confusion on the ground, puffing at the same time at heart puts in great inconvenience, on this day, whom they in good condition offended, wants to draw support from the Spirit Origin Blood Pond promotion strength unfortunately, the result bumped into five anomalies, spiritual power is robbed by them completely did not say, but also made the heavenly thunder dividing three meat eight elements, now head also blurry. 上官霸几人被秦石出血池,满身狼藉的坐在地上,喘着粗气的同时心里委屈极了,这一天,好端端的他们得罪谁了,本想借助灵源血池提升实力,结果不幸的碰到五个变态,灵力被他们全部抢夺不说,还让天雷给劈的三荤八素,现在脑袋还迷迷糊糊的呢。 Little friend, you may really suffer dead obsolete, early before knowing like this me, should not say that lets three quotas, these five quotas give you, I am not willing to suffer this crime, whoops, my old waist.” Shangguan Ba ignorant crawls to set out, is holding the waist pain hesitates. “小友啊,你们可真是折磨死老朽了,早知道这样我之前都不应该说让出来三个名额,这五个名额都给你,我也不愿去遭受这份罪,哎呦,我的老腰啊。”上官霸浑噩的爬起身,扶着腰间痛苦的沉吟一声。 Qin Shi grasps the head, slightly is awkward. 秦石抓了抓脑袋,略显尴尬。 Some people came!” “有人来了!” Suddenly, he restrains the train of thought that in spiritual Sea of Consciousness absent-minded, glances back to look toward the distant place. 突然间,他收敛思绪,精神识海中恍惚一番,蓦然回首朝远方望去。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Shangguan Ba that just held on to startled immediately, at once nearby person reveals startled accommodates, the vision toward looked in all directions, the bone-chilling cold broken rumor howled to speed away one after another. 刚坐稳的上官霸马上激灵起来,旋即旁边的人露出惊容,目光朝四面八方望去,一道一道凛冽的破风声呼啸疾驰。 Is the Mysterious Palace person!” Who does not know is, suddenly shouted that makes noise. “是玄殿的人!”不知是谁,突然喊出声来。 At once, in the crowd look with amazement interlocks. 旋即,人群中骇然的神色交错。 No matter Mysterious Palace, other three everyone / influential family people also caught up toward this.” “不管是玄殿,其余三大家的人也朝这赶来了。” The broken rumor is even more wild, has the powerhouse to gather toward the mountain peak peak unceasingly. 破风声越发狂野,不断有强者朝山峰顶端汇聚。 In panic-stricken, Qin Shi induces to link him to two to feel suddenly fluctuation that cannot be moved, in the black pupil one is presently dense: Is Heaven Realm?” 在惊恐中,秦石突然感应到两股连他都感觉到不可触碰的波动,黑眸中一现森然:“是天境?” Should come came?” “该来的还是来了吗?” Qin Shi has pinched the fist, when use demon ghost day photo he guessed correctly that the Mysterious Palace person definitely will realize, now adds on Xiaomi Cai breakthrough Heaven Realm, wanted not to cause to alarm was difficult, after all this aspiring to seize peak degree, even if were strongest East District is also extremely rare. 秦石捏了捏拳,早在使用魅鬼天照的时候他就猜到,玄殿的人肯定会察觉到,如今加上小米彩突破天境,想要不引起惊动都难了,毕竟这种问鼎巅峰的程度,就算是最强的东方区域也是极为罕见。 Induces to the billowing spiritual power pressure, the Shangguan Ba look fusion, in the presbyopia strange is staring at Qin Shi: Little friend, I said that this saying is perhaps inappropriate, but my Shangguan Family present appearance you also know that could not withstand to toss about.” 感应到滚滚的灵力威压,上官霸的神色聚变,老眼中怪异的盯着秦石:“小友,我说这话或许不合适,但我上官家现在的模样你也知道,真的经不起折腾了。” With its looking at each other, Qin Shi naturally knows that what Shangguan Ba refers, although can understand under the pupil heart still to dodge disgruntledly, at once cold Dao: „The Shangguan Family host felt relieved that with the Mysterious Palace gratitude and grudges is my private affair, will not implicate Shangguan Family, moreover our cooperation, now the Spirit Origin Blood Pond incident had ended, that again this don't.” 与其对视,秦石自然知道上官霸所指何事,尽管可以理解眸心下仍是一闪不悦,旋即冷道:“上官家主放心,和玄殿的恩怨是我的私事,不会拖累上官家,况且我们只是合作关系,如今灵源血池一事已经结束,那就再此别过吧。” Little friend I am not that meaning “小友我不是那个意思” „The Shangguan Family host is not no need saying that has another chance to meet.” Does not allow the Shangguan Ba voice to fall, Qin Shi raises hand its interruption \; first, he does not want with the person exchange that this type is afraid of getting into trouble timidly \; second, he knows that this matter ink marks can not, on a slow point, be possible to endanger life, must flee from here immediately. 上官家主不必多说,后会有期。”不容上官霸话音落下,秦石扬手将其打断,一是他不想和这种胆小怕事的人交流,二是他知道此事墨迹不得,慢上一分,就有可能危及生命,必须马上逃离这里。 Seeing Qin Shi must walk, Cen Chi goes forward: Sect Master.” 秦石要走,岑驰上前:“宗主。” Looks at Cen to spread Qin Shi hesitant, the single-handed gathering, fills including Fu Wenzi the palm of psychic force together floats off: This you are taking, if meets troublesome, looks for the non- gate auction room in blue lotus city, at the appointed time gives that boss this Fu Wen, he naturally can get rid to help you.” 望着岑驰秦石犹豫一下,单手汇聚,一道满含精神力的符文自掌心浮起:“这个你拿着,若是遇到麻烦的话,就去找青莲城的无门拍卖行,到时将这符文交给那的老板,他自然会出手帮你。” Stared at Fu Wen, Cen spreading shape was receiving the imperial decree to be ordinary, shouting that at once bows the head to hold the fist in the other hand: Sect Master is careful!” 盯着符文,岑驰像接过圣旨一般,旋即俯首抱拳的喊道:“宗主一路小心!” Remembers my beforehand words, waits for my verbal command!” Qin Shi leaves behind the residual sound, no longer the idle talk turns round toward sealing mark several people exclaims: Leaves!” “记住我之前的话,等待我的号令!”秦石留下余音,不再废话回身朝封痕几人吼道:“动身!” Several people simultaneously step go forward, Yu Luocha holds Xu Qiao'er, Feng Henbao owlet porch, what is accidental is Xiaomi Cai, looked at Xiao Tianyue: Looks before the share that you are obedient, comes, the elder sister carries you!” 几人同时迈上前,玉罗刹抱起许巧儿,封痕抱着枭轩,意外的是小米彩,瞄了眼萧天月:“看在你之前那么听话的份,过来吧,姐姐载你!” Hears this saying, Xiao Tianyue likely is the sweet-scented osmanthus package of three months, the full traces of spring in inside, excited under have all shown the bright smiling face, a stance of becoming a fugitive does not have, instead must be on one's honeymoon likely, one goes forward to grasp Xiaomi Cai. 听到这话,萧天月像是三月的桂花包,满满的春意全在里面了,兴奋下露出灿烂的笑容,一点逃亡的架势都没有,反而像是要去度蜜月,咻一下就上前抱住小米彩 Seven people set out, socializes in the midair, Qin Shi covers ten thousand meters the psychic force, at once knitting the brows of: By converging attack?” 七人起身,在半空中周旋一番,秦石将精神力笼罩万米,旋即不由的皱了皱眉:“被夹击了吗?” Eight sides, performing is the enemy raids. 八方所处,尽是敌袭。 Is he?” In the nuisance, the familiar form falls on Sea of Consciousness together, then reveals a happy intent, turns round to roar lowly: We walk!” At once his no longer hesitant request sets out, escapes to go to the southeastern direction. “是他?”在懊恼中,一道熟悉的身影落在识海,接着露出一丝喜意,回身低吼:“我们走!”旋即他不再犹豫的托起身,冲着东南方向远遁而去。 ! 咻! A series of broken winds, the Qin Shi seven people vanish in the fields of vision of various person, stares at the gloomy remnant shade to clear in the wind, the crowd was still was in consternation, was unassuageable. 一连串的破风,秦石七人消失在诸人的视野中,盯着暗淡的残影在风中散尽,人群仍是处于愕然,难以平静。 After they leave shortly after is dull, a series of jet black form masks hold up the day, rolls up and pushes along the billowing hurricane to fall on the cyclopian riprap that mountain peak goes against. 就在他们离开后呆不久,一连串漆黑的身影遮挡擎天,卷动着滚滚的飓风落在山峰顶的乱石堆上。 One group of people come from all directions, different influences. 一群人来自四面八方,不同势力。 „Isn't this our old friends, the Shangguan Family host?” The crowd just consolidated, the sound that ridicules together resounds, breaks the Shangguan Ba train of thought. “这不是我们的老朋友,上官家主吗?”人群刚稳固,一道揶揄的声音响起,打破上官霸的思绪。 Person who opening the mouth is a middle-aged man, luxurious puncturing Jin Long pao, the place above is embroidering several strange flame, stares on him to knit the brows with rapt attention, Shangguan Ba is embarrassed: „Is the Huangpu wind, you?” 开口的人是一名中年男子,一身奢华的刺金龙袍,上方绣着几朵诡异的火焰,盯他身上凝神皱眉,上官霸难堪起来:“皇普风,是你?” Huangpu wind? Family Head of Huangpu?” “皇普风?皇普家的家主?” Knew that this personal name number, those present all in an uproar are startled. 得知此人名号,在场的人皆是哗然一惊。 Whoops, Shangguan Family was defeated this degree, the Shangguan Family hosts cannot forget me, was really indebted the deep affection.” They do not cope obviously, the Huangpu wind false smile satire said. “哎呦,上官家落败到这种程度,上官家主都没能忘了我,真是承蒙厚爱啊。”两人明显不对付,皇普风皮笑肉不笑的讽刺道。 You court death!” “你找死!” Shangguan Ba flies into a rage, since a spirit pressure just from within the body combustion, the Huangpu wind forehead wrinkled, the raising hand of being entirely still, follows to brandish the fierce fierce dragon: „To fight? Good, accompanies!” 上官霸勃然大怒,一股灵压刚自体内燃烧而起,皇普风眉宇皱起,纹丝不动的扬起手,伴随挥舞出狰狞的猛龙:“想交手?好啊,奉陪到底!” Bang! 砰! When two broad offensive of soaring to the heavens, will soon move the graceful beautiful figure takes advantage of opportunity to tear to pieces the strong gale together, keeps off in their center at one fell swoop. 两股冲天的恢弘攻势,即将触碰时一道曼妙倩影顺势撕破烈风,一举挡在两人的中央。 The skilled artist tuck dive, grinds with the big dragon the spirit pressure, the beautiful figure lowered the head to under scolds saying: „The Huangpu wind, you have sufficed, you come this to quarrel with the Shangguan Family host?” 妙手翻腾,将灵压和巨龙碾碎,倩影低下头冲着下方呵斥道:“皇普风,你够了,你来这就是为了和上官家主拌嘴的吗?” Yang Qitou stares at the beautiful figure, the presbyopia of Shangguan Ba pollution is changing: Taishi Ying Ling?” 仰起头盯着倩影,上官霸浑浊的老眼变化一番:“太史婴灵?” Too historian Family Head, Taishi Ying Ling?” “太史家家主,太史婴灵?” Again in an uproar, nearby small family was terrified, frightens to shrink the neck simultaneously. 再一次哗然,旁边的小家族悚然惊恐,吓得同时缩了缩脖子。 Huangpu, too the historian, this is four everyone / influential family of genuine goods at reasonable prices, is far from their these small families can look disdainfully, in others eyes they are the ants of battle efficiency trash. 皇普家,太史家,这可是货真价实的四大家,远非他们这些小家族能够睥睨,在人家眼里他们不过是战斗力渣渣的蝼蚁。 Scoffs, calculates your good luck!” Facing Taishi Ying Ling, the Huangpu wind slightly obviously dreaded that at once waves the fierce dragon that diverges raging fire Nakato to burn, pays no attention to casting aside of Shangguan Ba to go excessively, then on dry Spirit Origin Blood Pond stopped over in side several points, reveals greedy, at once being annoyed [say / way]: Spirit Origin Blood Pond? Looks at this appearance, was diluted? Really damn!” “嗤,算你好运!”面对太史婴灵,皇普风略显忌惮,旋即挥手散去烈火中藤烧的猛龙,不理上官霸的撇过头去,接着在旁边已经干涸的灵源血池上逗留几分,露出一丝贪婪,旋即懊恼道:“灵源血池?看这模样,已经被人稀释了?真是该死!” More and more fearful aura fall, in fighting that the powerhouse converges, two slightly reveal the old man of vicissitudes to emerge, both were treading just the stop lower part of the body void, that calm clouds for its tumbling, the quarry stone on mountain range its affected continuously are shivered several points, the space hear the tear fricative. 越来越多的可怕气息落下,在强者云集的争锋中,有两道略显沧桑的老者脱颖而出,两者踏着虚空刚刚停顿下身,那波澜不惊的云霄为其翻滚而起,山脉上的乱石受其影响都不断的颤抖几分,空间传来撕裂般的摩擦声。 Profound old, blue old!” “玄老,青老!” Sees both, Huangpu wind and Shangguan Ba and Taishi infant spirit three big head of the clan low noble heads, respectful holds the fist flattery to shout to clear the way. 望见两者,就连皇普风和上官霸、太史婴灵三大族长都不由的低下高贵的头颅,恭敬的抱起拳奉承喝道。 Under the bird's eye view, about them looks at each other one: Does not know that just in this fortunately breakthrough Heaven Realm friend, is which?” 俯瞰下方,两人左右对视一眼:“不知刚刚在这此有幸突破天境的朋友,是哪一位?” Sound such as broad singing in praise of the Buddha, expansive sky. 声音如恢弘梵音,长空兮兮。 hears that sound, below influential or small clan also lowers the head, no one has opened the mouth to respond. 闻声,下方的大家小家同时低头,谁也没有开口回应。 Sees the unmanned start to talk, is called the profound Lao Bi closing the eyes pupil, full is the expert of wrinkle spreads out, the gas of empty space disperses the inexhaustible ripples for it, covers the surrounding area ten thousand meters. 见无人开口,被称为玄老闭合眼眸,满是皱纹的老手摊开,虚空间的气体为其散开无穷无尽的涟漪,覆盖方圆万米。 Not in?” An induction, profound old opens eyes indifferently, looks in the direction that Qin Shi several people escape: Such anxiously escaping, it seems like that the palace host is guessing right, is really that boy who kills Li Bufan.” “不在了么?”一番感应,玄老漠然睁眼,朝着秦石几人远遁的方向望去:“这么急着逃跑,看来殿主猜得没错,果然是杀死李不凡的那小子。” Said that this saying, he looks askance at behind the Mysterious Palace disciple lightly snort the start to talk, the vigorous sound overflows to open: Pursues with me, do not let him run, the palace host has the command, does not hesitate any price, must see the human exactly, dies to see the corpse!” 说完这话,他睨视身后玄殿的弟子轻哼开口,浑厚的声音四溢而开:“跟我追,别让他跑了,殿主有令,不惜任何代价,活要见人,死要见尸!” Yes!” “是!” The Mysterious Palace crowd is enormous and powerful, falls accordingly sets out always from out of the blue goes toward the distant place along with profound old and that azure. 玄殿人群浩浩荡荡,应声而落起身随玄老和那名青老朝远方破空而去。 Looks is cutting the army in vault of heaven, the Shangguan Ba obsolete body one stiff: Damn, really to stone Qin Xiaoyou?” 望着划破苍穹的大军,上官霸老朽的身躯一僵:“该死,果然冲着石秦小友所来?” The Mysterious Palace person departs, the Huangpu wind and Taishi Ying Ling as well as many powerhouses look at each other one, shows the helpless look: This thinks that can fortunately a point newborn Heaven Realm big energy, was coming evidently late.” 玄殿人离去,皇普风和太史婴灵以及诸多强者对视一眼,露出无奈的神色:“本以为能有幸目地一眼新生的天境大能,看样子是来晚了啊。” Walks, good that the Mysterious Palace involvement, this matter we let us not meddle.” Taishi Ying Ling graceful tender body enhanced dust, not in stay leaps toward the distant place. “走吧,玄殿介入,这事我们别插手的好。”太史婴灵曼妙的娇躯扬尘而起,不在逗留的朝远方跃开。 The Huangpu wind curled the lip, follows to go. 皇普风撇了撇嘴,追随而去。 In speeding away, Qin Shi seven people of rolling up and pushing along dark green Yun Jichi in airborne, escapes toward the southeastern position. 在疾驰中,秦石七人卷动苍云疾驰在空中,朝着东南方的位置远遁。 After half double-hour, what heaving in sight is ten several Profound Spirit Realm powerhouses, including two slightly familiar forms. 半个时辰过后,映入眼帘的是十数名的玄灵境强者,其中有两名略微熟悉的身影。 Several people realize Qin Shi, immediately keeps off it. 十几人察觉到秦石,马上将其挡下。 Future who?” “来者何人?” He he, didn't Brother Nangong, the Nangong senior, this several day see do not know me?” The Qin Shi stop lower part of the body, raises head to look at the crowd of coming to say with a smile embarrasedly. “呵呵,南宫兄弟,南宫前辈,这才几日不见就不认识我了?”秦石停顿下身,仰头望着迎面而来的人群讪讪笑道。 Stone Qin? Is you?” In the crowd, one old one little finds out the personal appearance, the old man has reason of seeking a meeting Nangong Yueyang in the blue lotus city and Qin Shi, young is the Nangong ice. “石秦?是你?”在人群中,一老一少探出身形,老者正是在青莲城和秦石有过谋面之缘的南宫岳阳,年轻的则是南宫冰。 The Nangong ice contains the happy expression completely, field of vision moves to Qin Shi behind Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai, said excitedly: Cannot think really that leaves desolated, can meet you in this unexpectedly.” 南宫冰满含喜色,视野挪动向秦石身后的玉罗刹小米彩,激动道:“真想不到,荒芜一别,竟能在这碰见你们。” Few Family Head, did you know?” Nangong Yueyang intent outlet. “少家主,您们认识?”南宫岳阳意外道。 Um, before I and you said that I meet the honored person in the desolated jungle, the honored person was Brother Shi Qin and these two girls.” Nangong ice nod response. “嗯,之前我和你们说,我在荒芜丛林中遇见贵人,那贵人便是石秦兄弟和这两位姑娘。”南宫冰点头回应。 Knows this matter, Nangong Yueyang reveals startled accommodates, at once looks to Qin Shi vision friend several points, immediately polite [say / way]: Originally was stone Qin Xiaoyou has rescued few Family Head, apologized in this obsolete.” 得知此事,南宫岳阳露出惊容,旋即望向秦石的目光友好几分,马上客气道:“原来是石秦小友救了少家主,老朽在此谢过。” Beckoning with the hand of regarding this Qin Shi full does not mind: Is nothing to speak, you are so enormous and powerful, can go to where?” 对此秦石满不介意的摆了摆手:“不值一提,你们这么浩浩荡荡,要去何处啊?” Front has Heaven Realm to be able greatly breakthrough, I and others was hurrying to the visit, can the little friend once meet that big energy? If meets, does not know whether to tell us his whereabouts?” Nangong Yueyang hesitant, question frankly. “前方有天境大能突破,我等正赶去拜会,小友可曾遇见那位大能?如果遇见的话,不知可否将他的去向告诉我们?”南宫岳阳犹豫下,直言不讳的问句 Qin Shi several people of hears that sound have gawked staring, at once you take a look at me, I take a look at you, simultaneously shows the strange smiling face: He he, if for this matter, feared that was you do not use.” 秦石几人闻声愣了愣,旋即你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,同时露出诡异的笑容:“呵呵,如果是为了这事,怕是你们不用去了。” Why?” “为何?” Because, she in you at present!” “因为,她就在你们眼前!”
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