PDL :: Volume #5

#420: Repair nether world

Buzz!” “嗡!” Dies out joyful response. 寂灭欣喜的回应一声。 Has been affirmed, Qin Shi is excited: Cannot think that looked for the method of such long repair nether world, unexpectedly under this Spirit Origin Blood Pond? Really you wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come not to be all time-consuming.” 得到肯定,秦石兴奋起来:“想不到寻找了这么久修复幽冥的方法,竟然在这灵源血池之下?真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫啊。” When excited, Qin Shi is not delaying, the nether world of low-spirited non- light in the space ring will take out, grasps his hesitant in the hand, to dying out saying: How should I do?” 兴奋之余,秦石不在耽误,一把将在空间戒指中黯然无光的幽冥取出,握在手上他犹豫一下,冲寂灭道:“我该怎么做?” Buzz!” “嗡!” Dies out shaky, flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes has delimited several afterglows on the ensiform tombstone, then carves together the unusual conditions gap from the place above. 寂灭颤悠一下,龙飞凤舞的在剑形墓碑上划过几道残光,接着从上方雕刻出一道浑然天成的缺口。 The appearance and size of that gap, tally with the nether world completely. 那缺口的模样和大小,和幽冥完全相符。 Buzz!” Carves the gap, dies out to respond to one. “嗡!”雕刻出缺口,寂灭回应一声。 „Are you make me put nether world?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, at once obtains the affirmation of dying out, half believing, half doubting hands over to go forward the nether world. “你是让我把幽冥放进去?”秦石愣了愣,旋即得到寂灭的肯定,才将信将疑的将幽冥递上前。 The strange fluctuation that the integration gap that the nether world tallies completely, in the beforehand tombstone sends out at once greatly is suddenly abundant, the billowing broken day projects. 幽冥完全吻合的融入缺口,旋即之前墓碑中散发出的诡异波动突然间大盛而起,滚滚的破天射出。 The fluctuation of doping soul gathers before the tombstone, but agglutination a formation translucent mysterious spirit sword gradually. 掺杂灵魂的波动汇聚在墓碑之前,粘合而起渐渐的形成一把半透明的玄奥灵剑。 Good mysterious sword!” “好神奇的剑!” Is staring at the spirit sword, observes and emulates, Qin Shi then to discover that carefully the appearance of this spirit sword, is similar to the appearance of ensiform tombstone, disclosed the Venerable prestige that is afraid, induces below dying out to reveals the color of submitting. 盯着灵剑,仔细观摩一番,秦石便发现这灵剑的模样,和剑形墓碑的模样十分相仿,其中透露出不寒而栗的尊威,就连在下方的寂灭感应到都露出臣服之色。 Including is dying out of empire three big magical instruments, will actually feel the terrifying in its front? Dies out but peak emperor soul, is actually the main body of that this spirit sword existence of what kind terrifying?” Stern, Qin Shi withdraws several steps. “连身为帝国三大神器的寂灭,在其面前竟然都会感觉到恐怖?寂灭可是巅峰的帝魂器,那这灵剑的本体究竟是何等恐怖的存在?”正色起来,秦石退后几步。 He just withdrew, spirit sword even more well-illuminated, at once suddenly plunges on the tombstone the nether world in gap, the billowing soul fluctuation harasses bloody water all around, covers above the nether world. 他刚退后,灵剑越发通亮,旋即蓦然间扑向墓碑上缺口中的幽冥,滚滚的灵魂波动扰乱周遭的血水,覆盖在幽冥之上。 The entire process has continued for a long time, half after probably double-hour, gradually subsides, when the miraculous glow clears the Qin Shi forehead great happiness, the low-spirited for a long time nether world emerges from the gap, the place above reveals a vitality unexpectedly. 整个过程持续了许久,大概半个时辰后才渐渐平息,在灵光散尽时秦石的眉心大喜,黯然许久的幽冥从缺口中脱颖而出,上方竟露出一丝生机。 Repaired?” “修复了?” The Qin Shi great happiness, grasps nether world. 秦石大喜,一把握住幽冥。 Buzz!” Nether world trembling response, the independent beat, Bang! one works loose at once from the hand of Qin Shi, twines with nearby dying out. “嗡!”幽冥颤巍巍的回应一声,旋即自主的跳动而起,一下就从秦石的手中挣脱出去,跟旁边的寂灭缠绕起来。 Is looking at joyous both, the Qin Shi Chest is mad and smiles, for a long time ill-humored scolded: Drinks, good, just regained consciousness is thinking picks up the little girl, doesn't pay attention to my this master?” 望着欢悦的两者,秦石心口是又气又笑,许久才没好气的骂道:“喝,好么,刚苏醒就想着泡妞,是一点都不把我这主人放在眼里啊?” Both as if understand the Qin Shi words, awkward collision several. 两者仿佛听懂秦石的话,尴尬的碰撞几声。 Helpless shaking the head, no matter how the nether world can repair, to Qin Shi is the huge good news. 无奈的摇了摇头,不管如何幽冥能修复,对秦石来讲可谓是天大的喜讯。 Walks, to pass on to this good news to the demons.” Breaks both's tangled up, some Qin Shi not being able to repress, even if sets out. “走吧,把这好消息转告给罗刹。”打断两者的缠绵,秦石有些按耐不住的纵然起身。 ! 咣啷! On this time, in the gap of ensiform tombstone transmitted a resounding suddenly, making Qin Shi, turned round to look to see only in front of tombstone, had together the low-spirited necklace, necklace fell is two sword edge overlapping symbols that on the tombstone carved surely. 就这时,剑形墓碑的缺口中突然传来一声脆响,令秦石不由的顿了顿,回身望去只见在墓碑的前面,有一块黯然的项链,项链的项坠是千万墓碑上雕刻的两把剑刃交叉的标志。 What thing is this?” Stares at the necklace silent meeting, Qin Shi is dropping the body to come it to pick up, about watches, actually other discoveries and decoration necklaces do not have what difference, knit the brows: Is ordinary necklace? Scoffs, suffices, said is also the mausoleum of any sword Saint, so was unexpectedly stingy!” “这是什么东西?”盯着项链沉默一会,秦石落下身来将其拾起,左右观看一番,却发现和其余的装饰项链没有什么区别,不由皱了皱眉:“难道就是普通的项链?嗤,真够可以,好说也是什么剑圣的陵墓,竟然这么抠门!” But, Qin Shi holds in necklace the bosom: Ok, do not want in vain, perhaps when can use, if really in incorrect words when the gift gave the snow heart or the demons was good, perhaps can also receive in exchange for a beautiful woman surrendering.” 无奈下,秦石还是将项链揣进怀中:“算了,不要白不要,说不定什么时候能用上,若实在不行的话就当礼物送给雪心或罗刹好了,说不定还能换取一个美人投怀送抱。” Bah! For these days and day moon/month that brat in the same place, wo cuo that oneself unknowingly changed gets up.” Shaking the head of making an effort, he really has not dared now easily and Yu Luocha has anything to relate, after all he and Qin Xuexin have the agreement, moreover this is also his knot. “呸!这几天和天月那臭小子在一起,自己不知不觉都跟着变的龌蹉起来了。”使劲的摇摇头,他现在还真不敢轻易和玉罗刹发生什么关系,毕竟他和沁雪心有过约定,而且这也是他心里的结。 But personality originally slightly uninhibited he, psychosexuality in mind, is unavoidable. 但性情本就略显不羁的他,在脑海中意淫一下,还是在所难免。 Was fantasizing the red light districts of two peerless beautiful women, Qin Shi has not gone in the speech enhanced dust, removes toward the blood pond above. 幻想着两个绝世美女的温柔乡,秦石没在说话的扬尘而去,朝血池上方移去。 Above close blood pond, the spiritual power rich bloody water became could not withstand before this moment thin, making him select has been a fussy eater the angle: Evidently, should almost breakthrough?” 接近血池上方,之前灵力浓郁的血水此时此刻已经变得稀薄不堪,令他挑了挑嘴角:“看样子,应该差不多都突破了吧?” Thinks of this, he steps out. 想到这,他加快脚步。 Just when leapt to the water surface, four exceedingly high and miraculous glow destroyed Huanglong, washed out the above blood to say at one fell swoop that making azure clouds reappear. 刚跃到水面时,四道通天而起的灵光直捣黄龙,一举冲散上空的血云,令青霄再现。 In this moment, the bloody water desalination in blood pond, starts from Yu Luocha, is Feng Hen, Xu Qiao'er, since several people of bodies send out the light ray. 在这一刻,血池中的血水淡化,从玉罗刹开始,然后是封痕,许巧儿,几人的身上散发起淡淡光芒。 Yu Luocha aspires to seize Profound Spirit Realm successfully, Feng Hengeng is achieves Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, Xu Qiao'er also breakthrough to Spirit King Realm Middle Stage, three people leap the bleeding pond abreast in row. 玉罗刹成功问鼎玄灵境,封痕更是达到玄灵境后期,许巧儿突破王灵境中期,三人并排的跃出血池。 The owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue runs to go forward, owlet porch in high spirit holds the white hands of Xu Qiao'er: Qiao'er, your breakthrough?” 枭轩和萧天月跑上前,枭轩兴高采烈的抓住许巧儿的玉手:“巧儿,你突破了?” Um.” Xu Qiao'er delightful smiling. “嗯。”许巧儿甜美的笑笑。 Good!” Grasps Xu Qiao'er, the owlet porch is happy for her. “太好了!”抱住许巧儿,枭轩为她感到高兴。 Xiao Tianyue curled the lip in side, looks at several people of light to envy saying: Early knows that this blood pond is so fierce, initially said that anything must strive.” 萧天月在旁边撇了撇嘴,望着几人身上的光影不由嫉妒道:“早知道这血池这么厉害,当初说什么也要争取一下。” You feel all right, your being willing lets? Not because lascivious? Remember, in color prefix a blade!” Several people ill-humored white his eyes. “你好意思,你是心甘情愿让出来的吗?不还是因为好色?记住,色字头上一把刀!”几人没好气的白了他一眼。 Scoffs, is a blade, I am also glad to be hacked to death, the elder brother has the ideal to have the aspiration, has the person of grand blueprint, can it be that can other ordinary people understand?” Xiao Tianyue not willingly groaning said. “嗤,就是一把刀,我也乐意被砍死,哥是有理想有抱负,有宏伟蓝图的人,岂是尔等凡夫俗子能理解得?”萧天月不甘心的哼哼道。 The owlet porch shrugs: Who must understand you, I had Qiao'er to suffice.” 枭轩耸了耸肩:“谁要理解你,我有巧儿就够了。” In several people quarrelled, Qin Shi to the bleeding pond, bound the black robe to fall by several people, looked at several people of appearances happily to say with a smile: Succeeded?” 在几人争吵中,秦石出血池,裹着黑袍落在几人身旁,望着几人的模样欣慰笑道:“都成功了?” Um, remaining Xiaomi Cai.” “嗯,就剩下小米彩了。” Three people responded to one, at once Qin Shi has not made noise again, but moved the vision once again to the blood pond, under the blood pond was filling seven pink clouds light, locked the eyebrow saying: „Didn't small girl have?” 三人回应一声,旋即秦石没再出声,而是将目光再度挪向血池,血池下弥漫着七彩霞光,锁眉道:“小丫头还没好吗?” Does not know that she in the breakthrough anything boundary, met the bottleneck probably.” Yu Luocha pulls Qin Shi, [say / way] that similarly worries about. “不知道她在突破什么境界,好像遇到瓶颈了。”玉罗刹挽住秦石,同样担忧的道。 Qin Shi has not been making noise, is staring at the pink clouds of Xiaomi Cai all around twinkle, that strange spiritual power fluctuation he does not look clearly. 秦石没在出声,盯着小米彩周遭闪烁的彩霞,那其中诡异的灵力波动就连他都看不明白。 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, on the vault of heaven is suddenly dim, thunder clouds one after another rolling gather, cover in the sky of blood pond. 就在这时,天穹上突然昏暗起来,一团一团的雷云滚滚聚集,遮挡在血池的上空。 The condensation of thunder clouds made the crowd be startled. 雷云的凝聚令人群一惊。 Is Lei Jie?” “是雷劫?” The look concentrates, Qin Shi reveals a seriousness. 神色微凝,秦石露出一丝郑重。 Unexpectedly is Heaven Realm? Does this small girl want breakthrough Heaven Realm?” “竟然是天境?这小丫头要突破天境?” Day, is actually she who?” “天,她究竟是什么人?” This is picture that no matter what no one has thought, Heaven Realm can aspires to seize greatly existence of peak in the entire Scarlet Flame Empire that. 这一幕是任谁都没有想到的画面,一个天境大能在整座赤炎帝国那都是问鼎巅峰的存在。 „Before Xiaomi Cai, is Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage?” The opening cherry lips of Yu Luocha accident. 小米彩之前是玄灵境后期?”玉罗刹意外的张开樱唇。 Qin Shi wrinkled the wrinkle, at once reveals the color of forced smile, Xiaomi Cai always does not mention to him any with cultivation for the related matter, which therefore before his knows that small girl, is any boundary: It seems like this small girl, has concealed many matters to me.” 秦石皱了皱,旋即露出苦笑之色,小米彩对他从来都不提及任何与修为有关的事,所以他哪知道那小丫头之前是什么境界:“看来这小丫头,对我隐瞒了不少的事啊。” Ka! 咔! Thunder light of galloping rolling falls from the sky, in crashing made the bloody water tuck dive in blood pond, the mountains and rivers were turbulent. 奔腾的雷光滚滚陨落,在坠落中令血池中的血水翻腾,山河动荡。 The pupil eye draws , the thunder disaster falls instant, wipes unprecedented to well up the Qin Shi heart panic-stricken: „Is this Lei Jie the strength? Even if the ordinary Heaven Realm big energy, is not necessarily able to release?” 眸眼收拢,雷劫落下的刹那,一抹前所未有的惊恐涌上秦石的心头:“这就是雷劫的力量?就算是普通的天境大能,都未必能够释放出来吧?” Dark snort, he understands finally why the innumerable Profound Spirit Realm peak person rather halts, does not move Lei Jie, this Lei Jie terrifying degree, even if the world can chop into pieces? 暗哼一声,他终于明白为何无数玄灵境巅峰的人宁可止步不前,也坚决不去触碰雷劫,这雷劫的恐怖程度,就算是天地都能够劈碎吧? Be careful!” Flurried, he opens the barrier, crowd that protecting as far as possible surrounds. “小心!”慌乱下,他撑开屏障,尽可能的护住围观的人群。 Hides under the barrier, Yu Luocha and Xu Qiao'er worry is looking under blood pond Xiaomi Cai: Elder brother, Shi’tou, Xiaomi Cai won't she have the matter?” 躲在屏障下,玉罗刹许巧儿担忧的望着血池下方的小米彩:“哥,石头,小米彩她不会有事吧?” Should, not believe her.” Shaking the head that Qin Shi feels helpless, how this situation his ability again is unusual , can only stare dry: Now can only depend on her.” “应该不会,相信她。”秦石不知所措的摇摇头,这种情况就算他能力再怎样超凡,也只能干瞪着眼:“现在只能靠她自己了。” Bang! 轰隆! Bang center the Xiaomi Cai tender body, that flash her human form clears, has hundred zhang (333m) python circling, seven color snake skin fall off, go through the brand-new bright scale. 砰一声正中小米彩的娇躯,那一瞬间她人形散尽,一条足足有百丈的巨蟒盘旋其中,七彩的蛇皮脱落,辗转成崭新明亮的鳞片。 Billowing thunderous has continued half sound, just now subsiding gradually. 滚滚的雷鸣持续了半响,方才渐渐的平息。 When the thunder disaster subsides, blood pond was exploded the ruins, together seven color gorgeous light even if leaps, clever falling side Qin Shi. 待雷劫平息,血池被炸成废墟,一道七彩绚丽的光影从中纵然跃出,灵巧的落在秦石身旁。 Xiaomi Cai!” Yu Luocha several people simultaneously one happy. 小米彩!”玉罗刹几人同时一喜。 Xiaomi Cai is the original appearance, moves the colored gauze skirt to say with a smile satisfactory: Does, so is excited, turned into Xiao Tianyue?” 小米彩还是原来的样子,甩动着彩色纱裙美美笑道:“干嘛啊,一个一个这么激动,难道都变成萧天月了?” This saying, several people have gawked staring, the revealing happy expression at once tasting. 这话一出,几人不由愣了愣,旋即才回过味来的露出笑意。 Droops a face in nearby Xiao Tianyue, said indignantly: I? I? Isn't good like my where? My such practical person, but also ambitious!” 在旁边的萧天月耷拉个脸,愤愤道:“我怎么了?我怎么了?像我哪里不好啊?我这么务实一人,还有理想!” Dead girl, you come!” “死丫头,你过来!” Several people chatted, Qin Shi puts on a serious face throughout, grasped to exclaim from the crowd Xiaomi Cai: „Were you Profound Spirit Realm peak did not tell me before? Do you know, such breakthrough dangerous?” 几人说笑中,秦石始终板着脸,一把将小米彩从人群中抓出来吼道:“你之前是玄灵境巅峰怎么不告诉我?你知不知道,这么突破有多危险?” I Xiaomi Cai roared sobbed, lowering the head of put in great inconvenience said: I do not conceal father intentionally, I know that father's personality stronger, if knows that my cultivation to be higher than you, the psychology definitely does not meet comfortably, therefore I want to wait for the father to surpass me, then told the father.” “我”小米彩被吼的哽咽一下,委屈的低下头道:“我不是故意隐瞒爹爹得,我知道爹爹的性情要强,如果知道我的修为比你高,心理肯定会不舒服,所以我就想等爹爹超过我,然后再告诉爹爹。” Moreover, I do not want to compare father, I want to hide in the father embraces to make the father protect me, I feared that the father knows my cultivation to not protect me.” “而且,我不想比爹爹强,我就想躲在爹爹的怀抱里让爹爹守护我,我怕爹爹知道我的修为就不守护我了。” Several words, Qin Shi anger under Chest warm, black pupil swings however dissipates, for a long time gently has stroked on her colored sending silk: Silly thing, what no matter you are cultivate are, before me is my daughter, whom don't I protect you to protect?” 几段话,秦石的心口不由一暖,黑眸下的怒火荡然消散,许久才在她彩色的发丝上轻轻拂过:“傻丫头,不管你是什么修为,在我面前都是我的女儿,我不守护你守护谁呢?” „Isn't the father, you angry?” “那爹爹,你不生气了?” Xiaomi Cai is clever in front of Qin Shi, lowers the head the timid [say / way]. 小米彩秦石面前非常乖巧,低着头怯怯道。 „To be angry, you said that is good for me, if I in the vitality, your demons elder sister and Qiao'er elder sister, haven't gotten angry with me?” Shaking the head of Qin Shi sigh, hangs up to the bridge of the nose of Xiaomi Cai at once: But remembers, this one time, is only not to a precedent!” “本来想生气,你都说是为了我好,如果我在生气的话,你罗刹姐和巧儿姐,还不和我翻脸?”秦石叹息的摇摇头,旋即冲着小米彩的鼻梁挂上一下:“但记住,仅此一次,下不为例!” Um!” “嗯!” Xiaomi Cai happy complies with one, one group of people have smiled. 小米彩开心的答应一声,一群人又笑了起来。 In the smiling face, Qin Shi felt that does not suit, looks all around in nearby crowd, knit the brows question: „Does Shangguan Family advocate them?” 在笑容中,秦石感觉不太对劲,在旁边的人群中环顾一圈,不由皱了皱眉问句:“上官家主他们呢?” Little friend, I in this!” “小友,咳咳,我在这!” In, the worn out sound resounds under the blood pond in consternation together suddenly, at once several people lower the head to look suddenly, shows the awkward look one after another. 在愕然中,一道有气无力的声音突然在血池下响起,旋即几人猛然低头望去,接连露出尴尬的神色。 As a result of just Lei Jie the reason, the Shangguan Ba five people moved aside, just like at this time five statues are common, inserting escarpment in confusion in firmly, a dirty appearance, hair one after another straight stood like to be struck by lightning. 由于刚刚雷劫的缘故,上官霸五人躲闪不及,此时正如五尊雕像一般,牢牢的嵌入狼藉的崖壁中,一身灰头土脸的模样,头发一根一根笔直的立起像是被雷劈了一样。 No, was struck by lightning. 不,就是被雷劈了。
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