PDL :: Volume #5

#419: Profound virtual environment intermediate stage

Qin Shi raises hand to break Cen Chi: Gets an idea then.” 秦石扬手打断岑驰:“意会即可。” Brief four characters, although Qin Shi had not acknowledged that but Cen thinks fondly has been able to determine that in him at present this 20 over youth, then a short time ago passed on wonderfully, greatly noisy North District legendary character. 简短的四个字,虽说秦石没有承认,但岑驰心中已经能确定,在他眼前这个20出头的少年,便是前不久传得神乎其神,大闹北方区域的传奇人物。 Confesses several with Cen Chi, Qin Shi full Han expects and trust on the shoulder that Cen spreads heavy racket, just now turns around to return to the Shangguan Family position. 和岑驰又交代几句,秦石满含期望和信任的在岑驰的肩膀上沉重的拍一下,方才转身回到上官家的位置。 „Does the Shangguan Family host, start?” Qin Shi said. 上官家主,开始吧?”秦石道。 Shangguan Ba has gotten back one's composure from astonished, immediately nods: Good, my this prepares.” 上官霸从惊愕中回过神,马上点头:“好,我这就准备一下。” Complies with one, he turns round to arrange Shangguan Family, hints about thousand disciples to defend in the blood pond surrounding, then he and severe winter steps goes forward, selects three young disciples to arrive by Qin Shi. 答应一声,他回身安排好上官家,示意近千的弟子守在血池外围,然后他和严冬迈上前,又选出三个年轻的弟子走到秦石旁边。 Qin Shi this already decided that Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai, Xu Qiao'er and Feng Hen, step along with him together goes forward, stands by the blood pond. 秦石这面早就决定好,玉罗刹,小米彩,许巧儿和封痕,一同随他迈上前,站在血池旁边。 This movement, making Xiao Tianyue discontented ba the mouth, restored under the Xiaomi Cai thrown kiss finally, no longer complained. 这个动作,令萧天月不满的吧唧吧唧嘴,最后在小米彩的飞吻下才恢复,不再抱怨。 „Does little friend, enter?” “小友,进入吧?” Um.” Qin Shi induces Yunyun spiritual power that in the blood pond is transmitting, greedy attracting permits, then binds tightly jumping of black robe to leap forward. “嗯。”秦石感应着血池内传来的芸芸灵力,贪婪的吸允一下,然后裹紧黑袍的纵身跃入。 Puff! 噗! After him, Shangguan Ba 11 sets out with Xiaomi Cai and the others, under the gigantic blood pond in ten people enter, immediately becomes seethes, spiritual power that rolling flutters like was found the host, insane same toward ten people of body gatherings. 在他之后,上官霸小米彩等人11起身,硕大的血池在十人进入下,马上变得翻腾起来,滚滚飘荡的灵力像是找到寄主一样,疯一样朝十人的身躯汇聚。 The present world dyes the blood red, wild spiritual power extrudes unceasingly, from locks Qin Shi like the winding big dragon one after another in all directions sleepily. 眼前的世界染成血红色,狂野的灵力不断挤压,像一条一条蜿蜒巨龙从四面八方将秦石锁困。 Good pure strength!” “好精纯的力量!” Under the package of spiritual power full, Qin Shi selected unavoidably excitedly has been a fussy eater the angle: This Spirit Origin Blood Pond is really good thing, no wonder will have these many artificially its crazy.” 灵力充盈的包裹下,秦石不免兴奋的挑了挑嘴角:“这灵源血池果然是好东西,难怪会有这么多人为其疯狂。” An induction, Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai several people were made up a minute of bloody water to bind tightly similarly, float, in the center falls into the practice that holds the breath. 一番感应,玉罗刹小米彩几人同样被补分的血水裹紧,悬浮在中央陷入屏息的修炼中。 I should also start.” The restraining train of thought that Qin Shi sitting cross-legged gradually sits, after closed black pupil, completely opens 110,000 pores, fills sneaks into his within the body that wild spiritual power comes in swarms. “我也该开始了。”收敛思绪,秦石渐渐的盘膝而坐,闭合黑眸后将110000毛孔全然张开,充满野性的灵力蜂拥而至的窜入他的体内。 In ten people, Qin Shi in the blood pond center, other nine people occupies all around nine points ingeniously, under the interconnection likely is a circle, is Qin Shi protectors to be the same. 十个人中,秦石在血池中央,其余九人非常巧妙的占据周遭九点,相互连接下像是一个圆圈,在为秦石护法一样。 A greedy absorption, since obtains the Holy Ghost flower, the quenchinging speed of Qin Shi to spiritual power endures compared with several times of average man, even several times, have only used the short half day, the spiritual power purity of Qin Shi within the body then piles up in he each inch flesh and spirit vein, in the dantian already was on the limpid bright, spirit crystal under the shining light, together fissure even more clear, has passed through it from top to bottom. 一番贪婪的吸收,自从得到圣灵花,秦石灵力的淬炼速度堪比常人的几倍,甚至十几倍,只用了短短半日,秦石体内的灵力纯度便堆积在他每一寸的肌肤和灵脉中,丹田内早已是清澈明亮,灵晶上金灿灿的光影下,一道裂痕越发的清晰,已经由上至下将其贯穿。 Almost, this breakthrough.” “差不多,该突破了啊。” The fissure is getting more and more clear, has the shining chains to reappear together in the place of dantian, Qin Shi knows that this is the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage shackles that he searches with hardship. 裂痕越来越清晰,有一道金灿灿的锁链浮现在丹田之处,秦石知道这便是他苦苦寻觅的玄灵境中期的桎梏。 Broken!” “破!” In regards, the Qin Shi bone-chilling cold pupil heart one presently the cold glow, roars lowly, several demolitions open in the mountain ridge proliferation that the dantian central such as extends one after another, the center the unceasing shackles such as the dike of load bearing turbulent current was folded to destroy loudly for a very long time surely, fills turbulent Hongjiang, sweeps across nine spirit vein by the easily accomplished potential. 内视其中,秦石凛冽的眸心一现寒芒,低吼一声,接连几声爆破在丹田中央如延绵的山脊扩散而开,轰然中央久久不断的桎梏如承载千万激流的堤坝被折毁,弥漫出汹涌的洪江,以摧枯拉朽之势席卷九条灵脉 Shackles jackknifing, vast twinkle. 桎梏折裂,浩繁闪烁。 Is precipitating the quiet blood pond center to curl up the dreadful vortex suddenly, in which bloody water tuck dive is billowing, strikes in escarpment general its smashing all around. 在沉淀下来静谧的血池中央突然卷起滔天的漩涡,其中的血水翻腾滚滚,拍击在周遭的崖壁上将其粉碎。 That fearful strength, making the crowd that outside the blood pond surrounded with amazement one startled: This what's the matter? Good fearful fluctuation!” 那可怕的力量,令血池外围观的人群骇然一惊:“这怎么回事?好可怕的波动!” Some people in breakthrough?” “有人在突破?” When the crowd shocks, Shangguan Ba several people in blood pond are to actually reveal the scared color, regarding in their nearby bloody water by the force of traction, was abandoned them fiercely unexpectedly in a flash, toward central gathering. 人群震惊不已时,血池中的上官霸几人却是露出恐慌之色,围绕在他们旁边的血水受到剧烈的牵引力,竟一瞬间抛弃他们,朝着中央汇聚。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! A resounding, the spirit crystal condenses in the turbulence gradually, expands several times of golden spirit crystals to remould together, ice lotus that nine spirit vein such as bloom, spirit crystal picking up slowly. 一声脆响,灵晶在汹涌中渐渐凝聚,一道扩张几倍的金色灵晶重塑而成,九条灵脉如绽放的冰莲,将灵晶缓缓的托起。 The spirit crystal homing, Qin Shi indulges in the vortex center, having not given full expression has pinched the fist, the black pupil opens unexpectedly, the whole body disclosed that the manner extraordinary golden light, satisfied said: Succeeded? Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage!” 灵晶归位,秦石沉溺在漩涡中央,一副意犹未尽的捏了捏拳,黑眸蓦地间睁开,全身透露出气宇非凡的金光,满意道:“成功了?玄灵境中期!” After his breakthrough, all around the unusual blood pond gradually subsides. 在他突破后,周遭异样的血池才渐渐平息。 Finished finally!” “总算结束了!” Compares the relaxedness of Qin Shi, Shangguan Ba and severe winter five people also relaxed, spiritual power in bloody water under the absorption of Qin Shi obviously is all around thin several points, looks at each other to smile bitterly: If in continuing a meeting, perhaps spiritual power in this blood pond soon dried up?” 相比秦石的轻松,上官霸和严冬五人则是同时松了口气,周遭血水中的灵力秦石的吸收下明显稀薄几分,相视苦笑:“如果在持续一会,恐怕这血池里的灵力就快要枯竭了吧?” Bang! 嘭! Did not think this time, the heart that just put down mentioned once again, Shangguan Ba several people of full Hanjing accommodated looked toward the opposite . Moreover the startled great wild goose vortex raised together once again. 不想这时,刚刚放下的心再度提起,上官霸几人满含惊容的朝对面望去,另外一道惊鸿般的漩涡再度升起。 What's the matter? Also some people in breakthrough?” “怎么回事?又有人在突破?” Bloody water not yet stable, abandons several people once again. 血水尚未稳固,再度抛弃几人。 Is the demons?” Qin Shi induces to the vortex suction, looks askance to look toward Yu Luocha, is scattering the light fluorescence side Yu Luocha, such as the long hair of waterfall fluctuates in the bloody water. “是罗刹吗?”秦石感应到漩涡的吸力,侧目朝玉罗刹望去,在玉罗刹身旁散射着淡淡荧光,如瀑布的长发在血水中波动。 With the help of profound miracle cure, she tried to find out quickly the breakthrough shackles, have been making the final impact. 在玄灵丹的帮助下,她很快就摸索到了突破的桎梏,正在做最后的冲击。 Puff! Puff! 噗!噗噗! Also is several dull thumping sounds, the following picture made the audience startled, the Yu Luocha vortex just formed, raised left side of her continuously three light beams, the fearful suction that under the light beam contained plunders the pure resources under blood pond unceasingly. 又是几声闷响,接下来的画面令全场惊慌,玉罗刹的漩涡刚刚形成,在她左侧连续升起三道光柱,光柱下蕴含的可怕吸力不断掠夺血池下的精纯资源。 Stares four eddy currents that simultaneously is reappearing, Qin Shi knit the brows, at once smiles bitterly: He he, is really the accident, cannot think that they suddenly all tried to find out entered the step the shackles?” 盯着同时浮现的四道漩涡,就连秦石都皱了皱眉,旋即不由苦笑:“呵呵,真是意外啊,想不到他们竟然全摸索到了进阶的桎梏?” After Yu Luocha, Feng Hen, Xiaomi Cai and Xu Qiao'er, enter the breakthrough condition one after another, the dazzling ray shoots up to the sky, the Spirit Origin Blood Pond remaining resources flee in four people of middle reaches do not decide. 玉罗刹之后,封痕、小米彩许巧儿,接连进入突破状态,刺目的光芒冲天而起,灵源血池剩下的资源在四人中游窜不决。 The remaining Shangguan Ba several people, stare not to have the slight means dry: „, How can't like this? Wants breakthrough completely?” 剩下的上官霸几人,干瞪着眼却没有丝毫办法:“哦不,怎么会这样?全部都要突破?” „Are this group of people, human?” “这群人,还是人吗?” In the winter has pinched the fist, unwilling [say / way]: Family Head, we what to do? Like this sits waiting for death?” 严冬捏了捏拳,不甘道:“家主,我们怎么办?就这样坐以待毙?” Otherwise? Has the skill you also to go to breakthrough actually!” Shangguan Ba ill-humored scolding, what to do this situation can he? Only if they gets rid to Yu Luocha, but such words he does not doubt, Qin Shi can divide the minute to extinguish their Shangguan Family. “不然呢?有本事你倒是也去突破啊!”上官霸没好气的骂道,这种情况他能怎么办?除非对玉罗刹他们出手,但那样的话他毫不怀疑,秦石会分分钟灭了他们上官家 It seems like this Spirit Origin Blood Pond, is doomed not to have the fate with us, only then the entire journey bought the soy sauce the share.” Feels urgently helpless shaking the head, Shangguan Ba closes one's eyes once again, holds all around only the remaining thin spiritual power fast practice: Can grasp a point is.” “看来这灵源血池,注定跟我们没有缘分啊,只有全程打酱油的份了。”倍感无奈的摇摇头,上官霸再度闭眼,抓住周遭仅剩下稀薄的灵力快速修炼:“能抓一点是一点吧。” Curls up in four spiritual power, Qin Shi sincerity feels happy for them, this resists Mysterious Palace shortly , is also a very big boost, at once he does not have to stop over, but indifferent looks at toward the blood pond deep place the vision. 在四道灵力卷起,秦石真心的为他们感到开心,这样在不久后对抗玄殿,也是一个很大的助力,旋即他没有在逗留,而是漠然的将目光朝血池深处望去。 Just in breakthrough, he felt that from the blood pond deep place vigorous spiritual power, that spiritual power gave his feeling to be uncommon, now achieves Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, this line of points have completed, for this reason the rest of the time he prepared to take a look, happen to waited for Yu Luocha several people of breakthrough. 刚刚在突破中,他从血池深处感觉到一股浑厚的灵力,那灵力给他的感觉非常不凡,如今达到玄灵境中期,此行的目地已经完成,为此剩下的时间他准备下去瞧瞧,正好等待玉罗刹几人突破 ! 咻! Thorough Chi Di, this Spirit Origin Blood Pond has the kilometer, from now on what will heave in sight in the kilometer is stretch of spacious ruins, in the ruins is standing erect over a thousand over ten thousand tombstones, bunch of Death Qi dim tour fleeing in. 深入池底,这灵源血池足足有上千米,在千米过后映入眼帘的是一片空旷的废墟,废墟中矗立着上千上万的墓碑,一团团死气昏暗的游窜其中。 Is looking under surely the wild tomb, the Qin Shi but actually suction port cold air/Qi: „Has here buried over ten thousand people of corpses unexpectedly? No wonder will have the formation of Spirit Origin Blood Pond.” 望着下方千万荒冢,秦石倒吸口冷气:“这里竟埋葬了上万人的尸体?难怪会有灵源血池的形成。” Remembers Yu Luocha saying that Qin Shi suddenly clearly becomes aware. 想起玉罗刹所言,秦石顿然明悟。 Then he has pinched the fist, exploratory falling in the wild tomb center, on tombstone surely, the unification is carving a mark, that mark is overlapping becomes by two sword edge, one is the blood red, one is Zhen blue color, is really mysterious. 接着他捏了捏拳,试探性的落在荒冢中央,在千万的墓碑上,统一刻着一个符号,那符号是由两把剑刃交叉所成,一把为血红色,一把为湛蓝色,甚是玄奥。 About sizes up, Qin Shi induces under these wild tombs to the fearful spiritual power fluctuation, each is above Profound Spirit Realm, even several minimal Heaven Realm exist. 左右打量一番,秦石在这些荒冢下感应到可怕的灵力波动,每一道皆是玄灵境以上,甚至有几道微乎其微的天境存在。 Such many people died a tragic death here, here definitely had had very fearful campaign, but has not recorded in the Scarlet Flame Empire history, formed before the empire?” “如此之多的人惨死在此,在这里曾经肯定是发生过非常可怕的战役,但在赤炎帝国的历史中并没有过记载,难道是在帝国形成之前?” Curious, Qin Shi curled the lip has not gone to think that in any case was several hundred years the several thousand years ago matters, he was also disinclined the control. 好奇中,秦石撇了撇嘴没去多想,反正都是几百年几千年前的事了,他也懒得去管。 He only wants to know now that this place can have any treasure, can make him before going to Mysterious Palace, increases several types of self-defense again the cards in a hand. 他现在只想知道,这地方会不会有什么宝贝,能够让他在前往玄殿前,再增加几样防身的底牌。 But an exploration, he discovered that in this wild tomb, in confusion a piece, the useful thing does not have, dead available spiritual power of already changed into the bloody water, integrates the blood pond, floats in Death Qi all around, although includes fearful spiritual power similarly, but the resentment read is too deep, cannot the manner use. 但一番探索,他发现在这荒冢里,狼藉一片,一点有用的东西也没有,死者可用的灵力早就化为血水,融入血池,漂浮在周遭的死气虽说同样含有可怕的灵力,但怨念太深,根本不能为人所用。 It seems like rejoiced without reason.” “看来是空欢喜了。” Walks randomly, shaking the head that Qin Shi loses. 游走一圈,秦石失落的摇摇头。 Buzz!” “嗡!” But at this time, shivered suddenly in dying out of his waist, cannot help but departed to the sheath, sped away to go to the center of wild tomb. 但这时,在他腰间的寂灭突然颤抖起来,不由自主的离鞘飞出,冲着荒冢的中央疾驰而去。 Dies out?” Qin Shi is startled shout, at once treads the void step to follow. “寂灭?”秦石怔愣的喊声,旋即踏着虚空的步伐跟了上去。 Dies out has led the way rapidly, just now stops until a dark corner, a Bang! thorn falls on the rock of ground. 寂灭一直急速前行,直到一处幽暗的角落方才停下,一声刺落在地面的岩石上。 Falls by dying out, Qin Shi puzzled curling the lip , the supine beginning look changes at once, has a gigantic tombstone in the Nirvana Sword front, the shape of this tombstone is strange, is a about hundred meters great sword. 落在寂灭旁边,秦石不解的撇了撇嘴,旋即仰起头神色随之变化,在寂灭剑的前方有一个硕大的墓碑,这墓碑的形状非常诡异,是一把近百米的巨剑。 Sword Saint: The grave of Qi azure!” “剑圣:奇青之墓!” One line of characters on ensiform tombstone forceful, Qin Shi hangs to search for elegantly in Sea of Consciousness, had not actually found with this Qi blue least bit related news. 一行字在剑形墓碑上铿锵有力的飘逸而下,秦石识海中挂搜一番,却没有找到和这个奇青半点有关的消息。 The intention is puzzled, but he knows that dies out to draw him to come definitely to have other intention, for this reason toward dying out question: You lead me to come to here, what wants to tell me?” 心怀不解,但他知道寂灭拉他过来肯定别有用意,为此朝寂灭问句:“你带我来这里,是想告诉我什么吗?” Buzz!” “嗡!” Dies out rocks gently, at once sword edge pays homage to ensiform tombstone dividing that maliciously the dazzling light spells to try chops, Bang cuts an opening the tombstone, jumps out the strange miraculous glow in its average. 寂灭轻轻晃动,旋即剑刃上祭出刺目的光影拼尽全力的冲着剑形墓碑狠狠的劈砍一下,砰一声将墓碑划开一道口子,在其中流窜出诡异的灵光。 This is good strange strength!” Is staring at miraculous glow Qin Shi stern, in this miraculous glow he feels one to come from the fluctuation of soul unexpectedly. “这是好诡异的力量!”盯着灵光秦石正色起来,在这灵光中他竟然感受到一股源自于灵魂的波动。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Breaks out the tombstone, dies out turns round to make an effort to rap once again several to the Qin Shi space ring, when shivers sound full Han who sends out anticipated. 劈开墓碑,寂灭再度回身冲着秦石的空间戒指使劲敲击几下,颤抖时散发出的声音满含期待。 Qin Shi in the thinking is suddenly enlighted, reveals the happy color of accident: You want to say with me that here can repair the nether world?” 在思索间秦石恍然大悟,露出意外的喜色道:“你是想和我说,这里能修复幽冥?”
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