PDL :: Volume #5

#418: Draws in the black dragon

Demon ghost day photo!” “魅鬼天照!” The light nan four characters, such as the ancient grave morning bell return to remove in the Chest of crowd. 轻喃四字,如古墓晨钟般回撤在人群的心口。 The dark mass of black date covered the vault of heaven, filled including the evil thought and resentment heavy with a light dazzling, swallows light that in the world only saved. 乌压压的黑日笼罩天穹,满含邪念和怨气沉重的伴随着道道光影刺目而下,吞噬掉天地间仅存的光明。 The blood cloud buries, in the mountain peak end as if by the great sword able to move unhindered cleavage, a natural moat turned into the completely dark space, as if has become by the lonely hopeless situation that the world throws, between the black date and Qin Shi hand imprints, there is a naked eye together the slight ray that was difficult to distinguish, in the spirit pressure tremor that in the ray rolling fled in all directions caused fiercely buzz the whining noise, made black date inflation rapidly. 血云埋没,在山峰的尽头仿佛被巨剑纵横劈裂,一处天堑化成全然黑暗的空间,仿佛成了被世界抛去的孤独绝境,在黑日和秦石的手印之间,有一道肉眼难辨的细微光线,光线中滚滚流窜的灵压颤动中引起剧烈的嗡鸣声,令黑日急速的膨胀而起。 Overdrawing of 30% spiritual power, the black date then changed into thousand zhang (3.33 m) to cover. 灵力的透支,黑日便化为千丈笼罩。 Ray that each punctures is containing the fearful strength, that strength on the crash mountain massif will certainly the avalanche, the person who lets the audience clamor panic-stricken: What's the matter? Good fearful strength!” 每一道刺下的光线都蕴含着可怕的力量,那力量每逢坠落山体必将崩塌,让全场的人喧哗惊恐:“怎么回事?好可怕的力量!” This is, demon ghost day photo?” “这是,魅鬼天照?” In the panic, some people shiver shouted suddenly makes noise. 在恐慌中,突然有人颤抖的喊出声来。 Crowd as if obviously desperate valley: Was that a short time ago in 7-Step martial arts that the blue lotus city presented? That said that his he is the boy who that cuts to kill the Mysterious Palace elder?” 人群仿佛显然绝望的谷底:“是那个前不久在青莲城出现的七阶武学?那这么说,他他就是那个斩杀玄殿长老的小子?” What?” “什么?” Terrified vision thorn to Qin Shi. 悚然的目光刺向秦石 Shangguan Ba does the staring heart like the mess, this has gone beyond his expectation. 上官霸更是干瞪着眼心如乱麻,这已经超出他的预料了。 In the use demon ghost day according, Qin Shi early expected that attended the meeting is this, for this reason he not accidental control palm, rapidly pours into spiritual power toward black day, now he must do in half tea, writes off Cheng Xu. 在使用魅鬼天照时,秦石早预料到会是这样,为此他并不意外的操控掌心,急速的朝黑日中注入灵力,他现在要做的就是在半盏茶内,抹杀程旭。 Boy, you dares!” When the black date aspired to seize thousand zhang (3.33 m), before the broad giant beast already could not see clearly the trace, Cheng Xu the personal appearance that was hard to hide away is solidly locked in the darkness, wiped unprecedented to reappear panic-stricken in the presbyopia. “小子,你敢!”在黑日问鼎千丈时,之前恢弘的巨兽早已看不清踪影,程旭在黑暗中难以隐遁的身形被牢牢锁定,一抹前所未有的惊恐浮现在老眼中。 He has not expected, at present this less than 20 youth, a short time ago caused the scared mysterious youth in the blue lotus city. 他万万没料到,眼前这个不足20的少年,就是前不久在青莲城引起恐慌的神秘少年。 Does not want to use, but since has used, if cannot kill you, that may really be the shame to this including 7-Step martial arts that Mysterious Palace for this reason insanely snatches.” Qin Shi deeply inspires, within the body 80% spiritual power integrated during the black date. “本来不想用,但既然都用了,若是再不能杀你,那可真是愧对这连玄殿都为此疯抢的七阶武学了。”秦石深吸口气,体内八成的灵力融入进黑日之中。 Death!” “死吧!” The demon shade four shoot, the greedy black ray is the great antiquity beast of prey swallows likely to Cheng Xu, he does not have struggling and place of least bit in the demon ghost day according to below, was punctured the strainer by myriad rays directly, the vitality dissipates, finally died a tragic death. 魅影四射,贪婪的黑色光线像是洪荒猛兽般吞噬向程旭,在魅鬼天照下他没有半点的挣扎与地,直接被万千的光线刺成筛网,生机消散,最终惨死。 Followed Cheng Xu dying, thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant beast did not strike bursts, nothing left. 伴随程旭的死去,千丈的巨兽不击自溃,荡然无存。 Finished? Black dragon did Sect Master die?” “结束了?青龙宗主死了?” The entire process below person is silly is gawking, when to the black date dispersed once again, the scorching sun once again reappears the crowd also got back one's composure. 整个过程在下方的人皆是傻傻的愣着,一直到黑日再度散开时,骄阳再度浮现时人群才同时回神。 Cuts to kill Cheng Xu, Qin Shi dispersing is in charge, this is his first time throughout the demon ghost day photo in the actual combat, takes his shock to far exceed his imagination, lowered the head to look fully is being front in confusion, in thousand Ribiragawa full is the pits. 斩杀程旭,秦石散开掌印,这是他第一次在实战中始终魅鬼天照,所带给他的震撼远远超出他的想象,低下头望着满是狼藉的前方,千里平川中满是坑洼。 Strikes to cut to kill half step Heaven Realm powerhouse, is this 7-Step martial arts might? Good!” Light black glow of Qin Shi fingertip winding, reveals the satisfied brilliance, at once he does not have the half minute to change countenance, but is the turning round bird's eye view earth of striking while the iron is hot, is staring at other disciples and families of black dragon sect surviving: Cheng Xu died, on the scene also who refuses to accept?” “一击斩杀半步天境的强者,这就是七阶武学的威力么?不错!”秦石指尖缠绕的淡淡黑芒,不由露出满意的光彩,旋即他没有半分动容,而是趁热打铁的回过身俯瞰大地,盯着青龙宗残存的弟子和其余家族:“程旭已死,在场还有谁不服?” Refuses to accept? 不服? The crowd acquaintances sobbed, who also dares to refuse to accept? 人群相识哽咽,谁还敢不服? Suddenly the head of the clan of small family stands, before this person Qin Shi, has several points of impression, is head of the clan who that Yuan family is called the founder, cups one hand in the other across the chest to say to Qin Shi: Shi Xiaoyou's strength is obvious to all, below confessed that is not the match, this Spirit Origin Blood Pond, my Yuan family is willing to give up.” 突然有一个小家族的族长站出来,这个人秦石之前有过几分印象,是那个元家叫做元勋的族长,冲着秦石拱手道:“石小友的实力有目共睹,在下自认不是对手,这灵源血池,我元家甘愿放弃。” The person takes the lead, other influential or small clan withdraw immediately, this Spirit Origin Blood Pond fell in the hand of Shangguan Family. 有一人带头,其余大家小家马上跟着退出,这灵源血池就算是落在上官家的手中了。 Waving of Qin Shi satisfied smiles, at once falls to the Shangguan Ba side: „The Shangguan Family host, had finished, should my five quotas, make the number?” 秦石满意的挥手一笑,旋即落到上官霸的身旁:“上官家主,都结束了,我那五个名额,应该还作数吧?” Once again and Qin Shi shoulder to shoulder, Shangguan Ba withdraws terrified one step, then exceptionally respectful [say / way]: That is natural, this time has been lucky the little friend, the little friend , if not shut out, I hope my Shangguan Family five quotas, is giving the little friend two, is grateful by the news!” 再度和秦石并肩,上官霸悚然退后一步,接着异常恭敬的道:“那是自然,这次多亏了小友,小友若是不嫌弃的话,我愿将我上官家的五个名额中,在交给小友两个,以报感激!” Family Head! May not!” 家主!不可啊!” Shut up, if no little friend, now you already on rushing to the road of underground spring.” “闭嘴,若是没有小友,现在你们早就在赶往黄泉的路上了。” In the winter in behind, clenching teeth of several elders love dearly, but opened mouth has not said the words to come, Shangguan Ba said right, black dragon sect accidental appearance, broke their plan, if no Qin Shi, they already were slaughtered now completely. 在后面,严冬几个长老心疼的咬了咬牙,但张了张嘴也没说出话来,上官霸说的没错,青龙宗这个意外的出现,本来就打破了他们的计划,若是没有秦石的话,他们现在早就被屠杀殆尽。 Because has Qin Shi, lets already with Spirit Origin Blood Pond that they just miss, falls to their pouches in once more, can have three quotas, was very good. 正是因为有秦石,才让已经和他们失之交臂的灵源血池,再次落到他们的囊中,能有三个名额,已经很不错了。 In the winter has raised the head, he knows, although he gives the localization of Qin Shi to be very high, but he has looked down on at present the youth of this black robe. 严冬扬了扬头,他知道尽管他给秦石的定位已经很高,但他还是小瞧了眼前这个黑袍的少年啊。 Qin Shi knit the brows, at once feels relaxed smiles: He he, Family Head was polite, since I promise you, that certainly according to agreeing to do, as for quota, five good.” 秦石皱了皱眉,旋即释然一笑:“呵呵,家主客气了,既然我答应你们,那就一定会按照约定去做,至于名额吗,五个就好。” hears that sound, supine beginning of Shangguan Ba accident, stares at the Qin Shi free and easy smiling face to be stiff at once, shock it goes without saying in heart. 闻声,上官霸意外的仰起头,旋即盯着秦石洒脱的笑容不由僵硬,心中的震撼不言而喻 Qin Shi had not been saying with Shangguan Ba, but sets out to arrive at Xiaomi Cai several people of sides, noses in several people, sees several people not to have the injury to feel relieved that shows loving care for several. 秦石没在和上官霸多说,而是起身走到小米彩几人的身旁,在几人中查探一番,见几人没有伤势才放心下来,关怀几句。 Later his bone-chilling cold vision sudden revolution, moves to the side remnant live black dragon sect disciple, the original 3000 armies after the Shangguan Family disciple fights, only remaining barely managing to maintain a feeble existence 2000, moreover is all scarred. 之后他凛冽的目光突然一转,挪向在旁边残活的青龙宗弟子身上,本来3000的大军在和上官家弟子交手后,只剩下苟延残喘的2000不到,而且皆是伤痕累累。 Was bad!” “糟了!” Black dragon sect several elders of leads induce to the Qin Shi vision are to all reveal frightened, at once Qin Shi hangs curling the lip of is smiling craftily, crosses the hands behind the back welcomes toward them. 青龙宗几个领头的长老感应到秦石的目光皆是露出惊悚,旋即秦石挂着诡笑的撇了撇嘴,负手朝他们迎来。 Looks at the Qin Shi movement, the crowd is silent. 看着秦石的动作,人群寂静下来。 influential or small clan reveals to regret with reluctantly: This, black dragon sect was destroys thoroughly.” 大家小家纷纷露出惋惜和无奈:“这一下,青龙宗算是彻底毁了。” Is really difficult to imagine, big Sect that can with four meeting as an equal, must vanish immediately.” “真难想象,一个能和四家分庭抗礼的大宗门,马上就要消失了。” Qin Shi arrives around several people, stares at several people of desperate faces to smile, at once waved: Calculation that your this, who said?” 秦石走到几人跟前,盯着几人绝望的面庞不由一笑,旋即挥了挥手:“你们这,谁说的算?” Um?” “嗯?” Several elders have been startled being startled, about looks at each other one, no one dares to make noise. 几个长老怔了怔,左右对视一眼,谁都没敢出声。 Did not say considers as finished, I decide.” The helpless shaking down head, the Qin Shi vision has swept in several people, suddenly falls on a thin old man, this old man stands in the rear, is different from beforehand Cheng Xu, Qin Shi on his face felt good intentions, he opens the crowd , after for this reason arrives at that old man, during the words is polite: „Did seniors, what you call?” “不说算了,那我自己决定吧。”略带无奈的摇下头,秦石的目光在几人中扫过,突然落在一个骨瘦如柴的老者身上,这老者站在最后面,和之前的程旭不同,在他的面庞上秦石感觉到一丝善意,为此他翻开人群后走到那老者的跟前,话语间非常客气:“老前辈,你叫什么?” Is polite, instead made old man even more panic-stricken, referred to itself saying tremblingly: I? Obsolete Cen Chi.” 越是客气,反而令老者越发惊恐,颤巍巍的指了指自己道:“我?老朽岑驰。” „Does Cen spread?” Qin Shi takes down it silently, then raised hand to pat several in the obsolete shoulder: Ok, you.” “岑驰么?”秦石默默将其记下,然后扬手在老朽的肩膀拍了几下:“行,就你吧。” Said that this saying, he has not explained that but turns round 11 on nearby black dragon sect disciple to sweep, cold Dao: Now, you have two choices, either follows your Sect Master, that dies, either submits to me, with me.” 说完这话,他并未多做解释,而是回身在旁边的青龙宗弟子身上11扫过,冷道:“现在,你们有两个选择,要么去追随你们的宗主,那就是死,要么臣服我,跟着我。” Hears this saying, people on the scene reveal the color of accident. 听到这话,在场的众人露出意外之色。 Shangguan Ba and severe winter look at each other one, has not opened the mouth. 上官霸和严冬对视一眼,都没开口。 I am willing to follow!” Has the disciple of quickly grasping the meaning of something, the first start to talk shouts, at once before the crawling lower part of the body kneels down the Qin Shi body, exclaimed: Stone Qin Sect Master!” “我愿跟随!”有一个激灵的弟子,第一个开口喊道,旋即匍匐下身跪倒秦石身前,吼道:“石秦宗主!” About looks at each other one, in choice that in living and dying, the normal people can make the choice, for this reason 2000 people kneel down in an instant, said: I and others were willing to follow stone Qin Sect Master!” 左右对视一眼,在生和死的选择中,正常人都能够做出选择,为此2000人在转眼间跪下,道:“我等甘愿追随石秦宗主!” I and others were willing to follow stone Qin Sect Master!” “我等甘愿追随石秦宗主!” Good!” Looks at 2000 people of armies, Qin Shi is revealing the color of satisfied, at once Cen Chifu before the body, Landau said: My present Feng Cen spreading senior for the law enforcement elder of black dragon sect, later sees him, if sees me, the balls has the violator, kills!” “好!”望着2000人的大军,秦石露出满意之色,旋即将岑驰扶到身前,朗朗道说:“我现在封岑驰前辈为青龙宗的执法长老,以后见他如见我,胆有违背者,杀!” hears that sound all people clamored, spread the person including Cen is inconceivable looking to Qin Shi. 闻声诸人喧哗一声,包括岑驰在内的人皆是不可思议的望向秦石 Little friend not, Sect Master I “小友不,宗主我” Opening mouth of Cen Chi feels extremely flattered, but has not waited for him saying that Qin Shi breaks with a smile: Cen spreading senior not must be modest, this matter such decided.” 岑驰受宠若惊的张了张嘴,但没等他开口说完,秦石笑着打断:“岑驰前辈莫要过谦,这事就这么定了。” Cen Chi in the qualifications and status of Qinglong sect, is almost the elder on the scene basest and lowest one, he never has even thought can stand this altitude, actually he has the innumerable superior opportunities, is only this person extremely mechanical, never has bribed and other matters, rather impoverished from happy, does not hope muddy rich multi- sorrows, and also spurns these to close right up against seize every opportunity but does not have the true skill person. 岑驰在青龙宗的资历和地位,几乎是在场长老中最卑微的一个,他甚至从未想过能站到这种高度,其实他有过无数次上位的机会,只是他这人太过刻板,从来不曾有过行贿等事,宁可清贫自乐,不愿浊富多忧,并且还非常唾弃那些靠着投机取巧而没有真正本事的人。 But he does not know that this is not the merit of merit, was unearthed by Qin Shi, in the near future will participate in the Desolate Spirit Continent historical campaign. 但他并不知道,正是他这个不是优点的优点,被秦石挖掘出来,在不久的将来参与进荒灵大陆历史性的战役。 Qin Shi ordered, although was not convinced, actually everyone dares to violate, just started several elders of leads to look at each other one only, suddenly revealed unwilling and forced smile. 秦石下令,尽管不服气,却谁也敢违背,唯独刚开始几个领头的长老对视一眼,一时间露出不甘和苦笑。 Just Qin Shi had given them the opportunity. 刚刚秦石给过他们机会。 Since North District and a Burning Sky Sect war, Qin Shi then realized that strength of the is extremely really tiny, for this reason when just came East District he wants to pass to found influence alone, established Qin sect the branch. 自从北方区域焚天宗一战,秦石便意识到一己之力实在太过渺小,为此刚来东方区域时他想过去创建独自的势力,建立秦宗的分支。 But is broad concerned about the East District land features, all influence country divided into rival baronies, wants to develop a side influence from the foundation, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 但碍于东方区域地脉宽广,各方势力群雄割据,想要从根基发展一方势力,难如登天。 Therefore he thinks to receive, but East District conforms to the influence that he requests to be very few, aspires to seize peak Mysterious Palace not to be definitely impossible, but below four everyone / influential family all are the family inherits, is far from beyond his one can control, but the appearance of black dragon sect happen to made up for these not to be impossible, therefore just knew the when situation of black dragon sect Qin Shi then arose suddenly the fantasy. 为此他想到收并,只是东方区域符合他要求的势力少之又少,问鼎巅峰玄殿肯定不可能,而下方的四大家全是家族继承,远非他一个外能够驾驭,而青龙宗的出现正好弥补了这些不可能,所以刚得知青龙宗的情况时秦石便突发异想。 Drew in the black dragon sect, Qin Shi had not said again, but shouted that side Cen Chi arrived by the unmanned quarry stone, said lightly: Cen spreading senior, several matters I must confess with you.” 收拢青龙宗,秦石没再多说,而是喊岑驰来到旁边无人的乱石旁,轻言道说:“岑驰前辈,有几件事我要和你交代一下。” Sect Master please say!” 宗主请说!” Regarding Qin Shi, Cen Chi is admiring of sincerity, he knows that Qin Shi can stand in this, does not close right up against seize every opportunity absolutely, but is the genuine materials. 对于秦石,岑驰是真心的佩服,他知道秦石能站在这,绝对不是靠着投机取巧,而是真材实料。 Cheng Xugang died, sect decided but not yet announced however in great confusion, in has not been under my permission, ten thousand cannot to the outside declare that I was the Sect Master incident, these you took away to be used to handle Sect , trained some own trusted friends, waited for my summons.” Spoke, Qin Shi waves over a million spirit stones to offer a sacrifice, looks at he extravagant free and easy appearance, opening mouth of Cen spreading bursting out laughing. “程旭刚死,宗内定然乱成一团,在没得到我的允许,万不可对外界宣称我是宗主一事,这些你拿去用来打理宗门,培养一些自己的心腹,等待我的号召。”说完话,秦石挥手间上百万的灵石祭出,看着他阔绰洒脱的模样,岑驰哑然的张了张嘴。 Has not waited for him to open the mouth, Qin Shi earnest lowering the head, in the palm spiritual power congeals, together forceful token float, hands Cen spreading front: Moreover, when my verbal command, the black dragon sect changes the name to change surname immediately, is: Qin sect!” 没等他开口,秦石认真的低下头,掌中灵力凝结而起,一道铿锵有力的令牌悬浮而起,递到岑驰面前:“另外,待我号令之时,青龙宗立刻更名改姓,为:秦宗!” Qin sect?” “秦宗?” Two forceful sounds return to remove, making Cen Chi whole body shiver, the news that shocks together in mind, stares suddenly to Qin Shi: Northern Qin sect? Is it possible that Sect Master you are 两道铿锵有力的声音回撤,令岑驰全身颤动,一道震撼的消息在脑海化出,猛然盯向秦石:“北方秦宗?莫非宗主你是”
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