PDL :: Volume #5

#417: Has killed you

The Nine-Headed Heavenly Python action made the people in an uproar. 九头天蟒的举动令众人哗然不解。 What's the matter? This is Nine-Headed Heavenly Python, giving this rituals of small girl line of bowing politely?” “怎么回事?这九头天蟒,在给这小丫头行叩拜之礼?” Can't? That has Heaven Realm cultivates for Desolate Beast, can make the thousand li(500 km) change into the flat country, how can like this?” “不会吧?那可是拥有天境修为的荒兽啊,举手投足间就能令千里化为平川,怎么会这样?” Under Xiaomi Cai in the sacred pink clouds cover, pays no attention to surprised of people, the lithe footsteps fall on carrying on the back of Nine-Headed Heavenly Python, ridiculed: Scoffs, has not evolved completely the smelly loach, dares to injure my father unexpectedly?” 小米彩在神圣的彩霞笼罩下,不理众人的惊讶,轻盈的脚步落在九头天蟒的背上,嘲弄道:“嗤,一只没进化完全的臭泥鳅,竟然也敢伤害我爹爹?” Loach?” “泥鳅?” In crowd strange winks eye, dares saying that perhaps the Nine-Headed Heavenly Python person, in the world won't surpass the five fingers? This small girl actually what origin? 人群中怪异的挤咕挤咕眼睛,敢这么说九头天蟒的人,天底下恐怕也不会超过五指吧?这小丫头究竟什么来历? Shangguan Ba stunned raising head, stares at Xiaomi Cai like is being looks at the monster, finally shaking the head of have no alternative, originally monstruous talent, not only Shi Qin, including his daughter also similarly so. 上官霸愕然的扬起头,盯着小米彩像是看怪物一样,最终无可奈何的摇摇头,原来妖孽的不光石秦,连他的这女儿也同样如此。 Small does not dare.” What is most frightened, in shouting curses of Xiaomi Cai, Nine-Headed Heavenly Python, not only does not have the least bit to be angry, instead exceptionally panic-stricken shivering response, restrains the snake body spiritual power of whole body completely, does not dare to be assigned away from the capital. “小的再也不敢了。”最惊悚的是,在小米彩的叫骂中,九头天蟒非但没有半点愤怒,反而异常惊恐的颤抖回应,将全身的灵力全部收敛蛇身,不敢外放。 Sees this, crosses the hands behind the back to stand in upper air, the illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy of Cheng Xuning eyes, cursed angrily: What are you making? Has killed her!” 看见这一幕,在高空中负手而立,程旭凝眼的气结,怒骂道:“你在做什么?杀了她啊!” But how no matter Cheng Xu called roar, Nine-Headed Heavenly Python submitted to the head throughout, the atmosphere before Xiaomi Cai does not dare to breathe heavily, seemed like the servant of wrong thing to kneel before the lord is the same, the whole body revealed frightened and restlessness of it goes without saying. 但不管程旭怎样叫吼,九头天蟒始终将头颅臣服,在小米彩前大气都不敢喘,就像是做错事的仆人跪在主子面前一样,全身露出不言而喻的惊悚和不安。 In the confusion, Qin Shi as if early has expects the brace in the quarry stone that sets out, looks at the appearance in field to feel funnily, really does not know that should say this Cheng Xu is stupid, is the luck is not good, a Desolate Beast truly foot of Heaven Realm made him dread several points, especially Desolate Beast fearful fleshly body, was far from the average man may compare, but unfortunately this Desolate Beast piece by piece was a snake, Xiaomi Cai was in the ancient times ominous beast, aspires to seize Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake that the ophidia Pyramid tower went against, under her bloodlines pressure, all ophidia involved the ants. 混乱中,秦石仿佛早有预料的在乱石中撑起身,望着场上的模样不免感觉好笑,真是不知道该说这程旭是笨,还是运气不好,一只天境荒兽确实足矣令他忌惮几分,特别是荒兽可怕的肉身,远非常人可比,但不幸的是这荒兽片片是一条蛇,小米彩乃是远古凶兽中,问鼎蛇类金字塔塔顶的七彩祥云蛇所化,在她的血脉威压下,一切蛇类介入蝼蚁。 Old fogy, it seems like your treasure Nine-Headed Heavenly Python must abandon you not to attend, prepares with Xiaomi Cai.” In the laughter completely obviously satirized, Qin Shi floated the body. “老家伙,看来你的这条宝贝九头天蟒要弃你而不顾,准备跟着小米彩了啊。”笑声中尽显讽刺,秦石浮身而起。 Brat!” “臭小子!” Does not have does not loosen, the scolding sound that Cheng Xu contorts one's face in agony, lowers the head toward Nine-Headed Heavenly Python at once again looks at one, Nine-Headed Heavenly Python under the Xiaomi Cai multi-colored sunlight covers, appearance that was still deference. 无可不解下,程旭呲牙咧嘴的骂声,旋即再度低头朝九头天蟒瞄一眼,九头天蟒小米彩的霞光笼罩下,仍是一副遵从的模样。 useless person!” Under the atmosphere, he raises hand to wield, the docile metal door knocker on wrist dodges luminously, covers in which Nine-Headed Heavenly Python. 废物!”气氛下,他扬手一挥,手腕上的驯兽环一闪光亮,将九头天蟒笼罩其中。 Small girl, I first has killed you!” “小丫头,我就先杀了你!” , Cheng Xu raises the palm wind breathless, aquamarine multi-colored sunlight such as dreadful wild waves rolling toward the Xiaomi Cai eyebrow fortune-telling by the parts of Chinese characters under. 咻一声,程旭气急败坏的扬起掌风,碧绿色的霞光如滔天骇浪般滚滚朝小米彩的眉心印下。 Bang! 砰! The empty shade in a flash, Qin Shi binds the black robe to keep off before the Xiaomi Cai body, the purple quiet color flame rotation is unceasing, meets the approaching enemy Cheng Xu to blast out with a crash. 虚影一晃,秦石裹着黑袍挡在小米彩身前,紫幽色的火焰回转不断,迎击程旭砰然炸开。 Two color halos meet as an equal, simultaneously withdraws several steps. 两色的光晕分庭抗礼,同时退后几步。 Keeps off before the body of Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi flung palm stroke Xu to say with a smile calmly: He he, the old fogy, is in front of these many people, starts to a girl of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, is this you main attitude?” 挡在小米彩的身前,秦石从容的甩了甩手掌冲程旭笑道:“呵呵,老家伙,当着这么多人的面,对一个手无缚鸡之力的女孩下手,这就是你一宗之主的作风吗?” Few idle talk!” “少废话!” Cheng Xudi roars, lacks the strength to truss up a chicken? Cracks a joke? In his opinion, Xiaomi Cai is more terrorist than Qin Shi. 程旭低吼一声,手无缚鸡之力?开什么玩笑?在他看来,小米彩远比秦石要恐怖。 Shrugs, Qin Shi pays no attention to his turning round to say with a smile to Xiaomi Cai: Good that small girl, just made, remaining gives me.” 耸了耸肩,秦石不理他的回身冲小米彩笑道:“小丫头,刚刚做的不错,剩下的就交给我吧。” Xiaomi Cai worries saying: Father, I helps you.” 小米彩担忧道:“爹爹,我帮你。” Does not use, the daughter is remarkable in this, I make father's nature unable to fall, if otherwise were passed on, how could it not be has become others laughingstock?” Qin Shi strokes on the Xiaomi Cai sending tree top gently, said with a smile. “不用,女儿在这大显神威,我做爹爹的自然不能落下,否则要是被传出去,岂不成了人家的笑柄?”秦石小米彩的发梢上轻轻一捋,微笑道。 This has anything, the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo is the way things should be, relax the father, some people will not laugh at you.” Xiaomi Cai is raising smart-alecky smiling , the sense of urgency does not have, the trifle without respect appearance made the Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch, gawked. “这有什么,青出于蓝而胜于蓝乃人之常情吗,放心吧爹爹,不会有人笑话你得。”小米彩扬着俏皮的笑了笑,一点紧迫感都没有,玩世不恭的模样令秦石嘴角抽搐,不由一愣。 „, I knew, I go back not to be good!” “得,我知道了,我回去还不行!” At once, Qin Shi put on a serious face, makes an effort to stare one, Xiaomi Cai no longer had insisted, after digging urging several of cherry lips, turns round to tread the multi-colored sunlight to fall to Yu Luocha side. 旋即,秦石板起脸,使劲瞪了一眼,小米彩才不再坚持,撅着樱唇的叮嘱几句后回身踏着霞光落到玉罗刹身旁。 This dead girl.” “这死丫头。” Shaking the head of have no alternative, his pupil heart restraining, beforehand laughing heartily is nothing left at once, wipes the cold brightness such as the sharp sword to puncture instantaneously, stares at Cheng Xudao: Old fogy, played also plays enough, should be the time finished.” 无可奈何的摇了摇头,旋即他眸心收敛,之前的欢笑荡然无存,瞬间一抹寒光如利剑刺出,凝视程旭道:“老家伙,玩也玩够了,该是时候结束了啊。” Boasts shamelessly!” Cheng Xu the anger lifts off angrily, raises the left hand to change to two aquamarine light, under straight thorn. “大言不惭!”程旭的怒火愤然升空,扬起左手化作两道碧绿色的光影,笔直的刺下。 Bang! 砰! The short confusion that Nine-Headed Heavenly Python causes diverges immediately, Qin Shi and Cheng Xu collide once more on, both fist palm encounters meets as an equal, is equally matched. 九头天蟒所引起的短暂混乱马上散去,秦石和程旭再次碰撞而上,两者拳掌交锋间分庭抗礼,难分伯仲。 Under, the innumerable crowds stare the big eye, is looking at two shade remnant glow in the electric light flint that the unceasing collisions causes, is out of sorts. 在下方,无数的人群瞪大眼睛,望着两影残芒在不断碰撞间引起的电光火石,不由失神。 They had already forgotten this line of points, in the look only the remaining this unrivalled confrontation, this showdown is their these influential or small clan great people, is for a lifetime cannot see to cross. 他们早就忘了此行的目地,眼神里只剩下这场旷世交锋,这种对决就算是他们这些大家小家的大人物,都是一辈子没能见过得。 Qin Shi in their eyegrounds, from one less than 20 infants, unknowingly relays to turn into the war-god to descend to earth. 秦石在他们眼底,从一个不足20的小毛头,不知不觉中转变成战神下凡。 Bang! 轰隆! A palm penetrates, Cheng Xu two are holding the viscous deep green miraculous glow, ignorant chops to the Qin Shi chest pain: Boy, eats me, as soon as strikes!” 一掌击穿,程旭两手托着粘稠的碧绿灵光,浑浑噩噩的冲秦石胸痛劈下:“小子,吃我一击!” Bang! 砰! In the confrontation Qin Shi avoids desirably, at once bottom of pupil heart bone-chilling cold flashing through cold current, will die out to gather the top of the head, the resentment read heavy wan character sword-light together like the seal sonorously under. 交锋中秦石刻意避开,旋即眸心底端凛冽的闪过寒流,一把将寂灭聚过头顶,一道怨念沉重的卍字剑光如印章般铿锵而下。 Moving suddenly, made below blood pond the ebullition tumbling, such as volcano general strength spraying, burnt one after another highest heaven cloud layer. 遽然的触碰,令下方的血池中沸腾翻滚,一股一股如火山一般的力量喷射而出,燃烧起九霄云层。 Kid, you must court death, I help you!” Withdraws three steps, Cheng Xu shameless changes, at once the emerald green colored miraculous glow makes his whole body become exceptionally strange, stares at Qin Shi to lift the top of the head two. “小家伙,你非要找死,那我就成全你!”退后三步,程旭的老脸一变,旋即翠绿色的灵光令他全身变得异常诡异,盯着秦石将两手举过头顶。 End world disaster falls!” “末世灾降!” Puff! A dull thumping sound, said surely the deep green light corrodes the blood cloud, fills with the acidic aura to make up for the audience, at once sees only in the cloud layer finds out together the fearful giant beast, the howling of giant beast such as Long Yin reverberates, enough over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) body with a crash under. 噗!一声闷响,千万道碧绿的光影将血云腐蚀,充满酸性的气息弥补全场,旋即只见在云层中探出一道可怕的巨兽,巨兽的吼叫声如龙吟回荡,足足上千丈的身躯砰然而下。 Is the secret technique of black dragon sect: End does the world disaster fall?” “是青龙宗的秘术:末世灾降?” That 6-Step Top-Grade martial arts? This regulation Sect Master lost one's temper really!” “那个六阶上乘武学?这一次程宗主真的动怒了!” The giant beast comes, the wooded mountain covered dark day is secret, a Shangguan Ba forehead wrinkle, at once Yang Shenchong Qin Shi exclaims: Little friend, tears quickly, this strikes you unable to keep off!” 巨兽现身,山林被笼罩的昏天暗地,上官霸不禁额头一皱,旋即仰身冲秦石吼道:“小友,快扯开,这一击你挡不下来!” Bang! 轰! Shivers, the precipice avalanche, mountain peak of half wall changes into the mud-rock flow rolling to swallow toward under. 颤抖中,山岩崩塌,半壁的山峰化为泥石流朝下方滚滚吞噬。 Qin Shi knit the brows, this strikes powerful in his opinion, has surpassed ordinary Heaven Realm by far, he feels absolutely terrifiedly. 秦石皱了皱眉,这一击的强悍在他看来,已经远远的超过普通天境,就连他都感觉到毛骨悚然。 Criticizes one: 6-Step martial arts? Has not thought that this old fogy also does have this type of card in a hand?” 暗骂一声:“六阶武学?没想到这老家伙还有这种底牌?” Begins supinely, stares at broad giant beast, Qin Shi once again is actually knitting the brows, this seems like intense quick and violent strikes, has its fatal weakness, that is the exceptionally slow speed, fends to the Qin Shi foot slowly with ease. 仰起头,盯着恢弘巨兽,秦石却再度皱眉,这看似强烈迅猛的一击,却有着它致命的弱点,那就是异常缓慢的速度,缓慢到秦石足矣轻松闪避。 „Does Jie Jie, want to shunt? You took a look behind again say.” Cheng Xu sees through the Qin Shi train of thought that puffing in gulps, the split corners of the mouth select the ridicule. “桀桀,想要躲开?你瞧瞧身后再说吧。”程旭看穿秦石的思绪,大口大口的喘着粗气,干裂的嘴角一挑嘲弄。 Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi scruple has gawked staring, at once turns round toward behind to look, in the black pupils wipes densely, Shangguan Family many disciples and Feng Hen and the others were away from him less than the kilometer, is pinpointing to quarrel with the disciple of black dragon sect. 秦石迟疑的愣了愣,旋即回身朝身后望下,黑眸间一抹森然,上官家诸多的弟子和封痕等人距离他不足千米,正在和青龙宗的弟子针锋相向。 You, if shunts, dying is they!” “你若躲开,死的就是他们!” Old fogy, to kill me, sacrificed your black dragon sect over a thousand disciples, do you refuse to balk?” Qin Shi clenches teeth to scold. “老家伙,为了杀我,难道牺牲你们青龙宗上千弟子,你都在所不惜吗?”秦石咬牙骂道。 Cheng Xu everywhere disdains: Can drag you dead, is their being honored, is their responsibility is at!” 程旭满目不屑:“能拖着你死,是他们的荣幸,更是他们的职责所在!” Bastard!” “畜生!” Indignant, Qin Shi rubbish with Cheng Xu, but is quick and violent begins supinely, under the giant beast distance in vault of heaven only remaining less than ten thousand meters, this speed has the time of half tea to him. 气愤下,秦石不在和程旭废话,而是迅猛的仰起头去,苍穹上的巨兽距离下方只剩下不足万米,这个速度对他来讲只有半盏茶的时间。 That i.e., to stop this to strike, he must strike to kill Cheng Xu in the time of half tea. 那就是说,若想阻拦这一击,他必须在半盏茶的时间内击杀程旭。 „, Only can probably incur with that?” Qin Shi thinks deeply about one, lowering the head of silently is looking in fingertip winding Baleful Qi. “难道,只能要用那招了吗?”秦石思索一阵,默默的低下头望着在指尖缠绕的煞气 Half tea, cuts to kill Cheng Xu, this to Qin Shi, simply is the unprecedented test, the means that he can think have one type, that is 7-Step martial arts: Demon ghost day photo. 半盏茶,斩杀程旭,这对秦石来讲,简直就是前所未有的考验,他能想到的办法只有一种,那就是七阶武学:魅鬼天照。 If uses the demon ghost day photo, the fearful degree that strikes he personally has seen, if will start fully must make the world phenomenon, at that time will certainly alarm the attention of Mysterious Palace, this also from start to the present, reason that he has not used why always. 但一旦使用魅鬼天照,那一击的可怕程度他是亲眼见过,若是全力发动必会引起天地异象,那时一定会惊动玄殿的注意,这也是从开始到现在,他为何始终没有动用的原因。 Before not having breakthrough, he has not wanted with the Mysterious Palace head confrontation, such to him to Elder Sister Yu, has the fault. 在没有突破之前,他还不想和玄殿正面交锋,那样无论是对他还是对玉姐,都只有弊害。 At this moment, it seems like again wants to hide is impossible.” Bitter and astringent shaking the head, Qin Shi reveals a helplessness, how not to mention the Shangguan Family disciple, he will not permit demons, Xiaomi Cai and Qiao'er and the others absolutely is injured. “事到如今,看来再想隐藏是不可能了啊。”苦涩的摇摇头,秦石露出一丝无奈,暂且不说上官家的弟子如何,他绝对不会允许罗刹、小米彩巧儿等人受到伤害。 Indecisive, is not the Qin Shi achievement, for this reason after deciding, deep attracting one breath. 犹豫不决,不是秦石的作为,为此决定下来后深深的吸上一口气。 Two palm gathering chests, pitch-black Baleful Qi rolling pours into. 两掌汇聚胸膛,乌黑的煞气滚滚注入。 The world is dim, desert wild smoke. 天地昏暗,大漠荒烟。 Stands under is staring at the Qin Shi movement, crowd all stunned gawked staring, Shangguan Ba and Xiaomi Cai several people induced to that fearful strength, simultaneously pinched tightly the fist heart, shivered. 站在下方盯着秦石的动作,人群皆是愕然的愣了愣,上官霸小米彩几人感应到那可怕的力量,同时捏紧拳心,不由的颤抖起来。 Good fearful strength, does he want to do?” “好可怕的力量,他要干嘛?” The hand imprint is even more swarthy, winding around Baleful Qi rolling enters, in swallows the essence between world in an instant, such as the spirit snake same walks randomly one after another, finally gathers, explodes to shoot. 手印越发黝黑,缭绕的煞气滚滚而入,在刹那间吞噬掉天地间的精气,如一条一条灵蛇一样游走,最终汇聚成一点,爆射而出。 The photosphere covers the clear sky, during rapid revolving presses up to the vault of heaven giant beast unexpectedly. 光球笼罩晴空,迅速的旋转间竟直逼天穹巨兽。 Was looking at Qin Shi acting Cheng Xuzheng being startled, regarding 6-Step end the world disaster fell, he has the incomparable confidence, for this reason contemptuously sneered: „Under boy, you do want to resist end the world disaster to fall? Don't too overestimate one's capabilities!” 望着秦石的动作程旭怔了怔,对于六阶的末世灾降,他有着无比信心,为此轻蔑冷笑:“小子,难道你想抵挡下末世灾降?别太不自量力!” Resists?” “抵挡?” Qin Shi indifferent raises the black pupil, at once is dense one presently: No, has killed you!” 秦石漠然的扬起黑眸,旋即森然一现:“不,是杀了你!” Um?” Cheng Xu is acquainted with his black pupil, knit the brows. “嗯?”程旭与其黑眸相识,不禁皱了皱眉。 Loudly, not the time that waits for him to get back one's composure, revolves the light in vault of heaven to inflate rapidly, for this reason trembles with fear in the above scorching sun, a black Sun replaces it, swallows world all light. 轰然一声,不等他回神的功夫,旋转在苍穹上的光影急速膨胀,在正上方的骄阳都为此惊颤,一轮黑色的太阳将其代替,吞噬掉天地所有的光明。 Demon ghost day photo!” “魅鬼天照!”
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