PDL :: Volume #5

#416: Nine day before python

Cheng Xu the hoarse voice is incisive, the disciple of black dragon sect offers a sacrifice to spiritual power, ten several Profound Spirit Realm expert jump to jump, treads void is forcing to Shangguan Family. 程旭沙哑的声音尖锐刺耳,青龙宗的弟子纷纷祭出灵力,十数名玄灵境高手纵身跃起,踏着虚空向上官家逼迫。 17 Profound Spirit Realm, has the black dragon sect these years strength of promoted these many unexpectedly?” “17名玄灵境,青龙宗这几年的实力竟然提升了这么多?” Under the dreadful pressure, the Shangguan Ba pinching tightly fist, steps to inquire to Qin Shi side: Little friend, we what to do?” 在滔天的威压下,上官霸不由的捏紧拳头,迈到秦石身旁询问道:“小友,我们怎么办?” Means, have one actually.” “办法,倒是有一个。” What means?” “什么办法?” Captures the ringleader first!” Supine beginning gently, Qin Shi stared at Cheng Xu [say / way] to say with rapt attention. “擒贼先擒王!”轻轻的仰起头,秦石盯着程旭凝神道说。 Shangguan Ba one startled: You said that Cheng Xu?” 上官霸不由一惊:“你是说,程旭?” Um, so long as defeats him, the group of disciples of black dragon sect must be able not to strike burst.” Qin Shi nodded to say. “嗯,只要打败他,青龙宗的这群弟子必会不击自溃。”秦石点了点头道。 hears that sound, Shangguan Ba actually reveals some bitterly and astringently: This words are not false, but Cheng Xu the strength is tyrannical now, I am also not his match, which is defeated easily?” 闻声,上官霸却露出些许苦涩:“此话不假,但如今程旭的实力强横,就连我也远不是他的对手,哪是那么轻易打败的啊?” I cope with him, but the disciple of black dragon sect must give you Shangguan Family, how must constrain them, cannot they approach the blood pond, doesn't have the issue?” Qin Shi stares at Shangguan Ba to open the mouth to say. “我来对付他,但青龙宗的弟子就要交给你们上官家了,如何都要拖住他们,不许他们接近血池,没有问题吧?”秦石盯着上官霸开口道。 Shangguan Ba accident has gawked staring, at once calculates, under the point: Does not have the issue, the disciple little friend of black dragon sect felt relieved, so long as my Shangguan Family still had the soldier, will not make them approach the blood pond.” 上官霸意外的愣了愣,旋即盘算一番,点下头:“没问题,青龙宗的弟子小友放心,只要我上官家尚有一兵一卒,就不会让他们接近血池。” That is good.” “那就好。” After arranging, the Qin Shi enhanced dust fluctuates. 安排好后,秦石扬尘起伏。 Bang!! Slender white hands hold on him suddenly, the Yu Luocha bright eyes flash through worried that takes down dying out of waist: Dies out you to take, be careful.” 一只纤细的玉手突然拉住他,玉罗刹明眸闪过担忧,将腰间的寂灭取下:“寂灭你拿着,小心。” Um, is waiting for me.” “嗯,等着我。” Qin Shi complies with one, when turns round once again the facial expression decidedly, speeds away the kilometer stop lower part of the body, stares at skin and bones Cheng Xu to sneer saying: „Doesn't old fogy, you want my life? I come now, visit you to have this skill!” 秦石答应一声,再度回身时神情决然,疾驰千米停顿下身,盯着瘦骨嶙峋的程旭冷笑道:“老家伙,你不是想要我的命吗?我现在就过来,看你有没有这个本事!” With Qin Shi looking at each other, Cheng Xu actually anxiously does not get rid: „ He he, the boy, visits you are a talent, I am giving you an opportunity, how hires oneself my black dragon sect? I ensure treats you well. „ 秦石对视,程旭却不急出手:“呵呵,小子,看你是个天才,我在给你一次机会,投靠我青龙宗如何?我保证好好待你。“ Old fogy, was in this situation, you and I said that these you thought my meeting did believe? everyone / influential family is not a three -year-old child, puts out a real skill to come.” The Qin Shi palm spreads out, two purple raging fire beat in the hand, are staring at Cheng Xudao. “老家伙,都到这个地步了,你和我说这些你觉得我会信吗?大家都不是三岁小孩,拿出点真本事来吧。”秦石掌心摊开,两道紫色烈火在手中跳动,盯着程旭道。 Scoffs, does not know the so-called, final opportunity you do not treasure, moreover I forgot to tell you, you such ran, Shangguan Family may want not to guarantee.” Cheng Xu gloomy cold Dao. “嗤,不知所谓,最后的机会你都不珍惜,而且我忘了告诉你,你就这么跑出来,上官家可就要不保了。”程旭阴森的冷道。 That but actually not necessarily.” “那倒未必。” Shrugs, the laughter that Qin Shi thinks little, 22 looks at each other with him, looks at calm on his face, Cheng Xu stares, stunned casts aside excessively toward Qin Shi behind, at once covers entirely the wrinkle shameless pale. 耸了耸肩,秦石不以为意的笑声,和他22相视,看着他面庞上的从容,程旭不由一愣,愕然的朝秦石后方撇过头,旋即布满皱纹的老脸不由铁青。 Sees only in the two places of side fighting, Shangguan Family turns the golden light before hundred disciples suddenly, hundred miraculous direct impact clouds, circle on the summit of clouds, pours into the forehead of below crowd separately. 只见在两方交手之处,上官家靠前的百名弟子突然间翻起金光,百道灵光直冲云霄,在云霄之巅上盘旋一圈,分别注入下方人群的眉心。 Is demon symbol!” “是魔符!” All is the demon symbol? How can these many?” “全是魔符?怎么会这么多?” The crowd calls out in alarm unavoidably, original person inter-bank issue and acceptance of drafts thin Shangguan Family, unexpectedly and black dragon sect disciple head confrontation with the help of demon symbol, but is in an impregnable position. 人群不免惊呼,本来人单力薄的上官家,在魔符的帮助下竟和青龙宗弟子正面交锋,而立于不败之地。 Quick both sides fall into to struggle hard. 很快双方陷入苦战。 Boy, you courts death!” Cheng Xu the presbyopia is low and deep, among angers raises head suddenly, dragging the long gown broken wind to speed away, to Qin Shi on unarmed grasping under. “小子,你找死!”程旭的老眼低沉,愤怒间猛然仰头,拖着长袍破风疾驰,冲着秦石就徒手抓下。 Bang! 砰! Both fought once again, have formerly experience, Cheng Xu these time did not have the least bit to pull rank, just started to offer a sacrifice to within the body fully, merely in a minute such as the rainbow flame direct impact clouds, plunged Qin Shi. 两者再度交手,有过先前的经验,程旭这一次没有半点托大,刚开始就祭出体内全力,仅仅片刻间如虹的火光直冲云霄,扑向秦石 Continuously, in the Qin Shi palms gathers the purple halo unceasingly, blazing flame ignition space all around, the golden light explodes one after another unceasingly shoots. 此起彼伏,秦石掌心间不断汇聚紫色光晕,一团一团炽热的火焰点燃周遭的空间,金光不断炸射。 Bang! 轰隆! Collision delaying of earth-shattering, below Cheng Xu has pressed Qin Shi on imposing manner fully obviously, incurs the move fatally mass-criticizes to Qin Shi under. 天崩地裂的碰撞延展,全力下的程旭在气势上明显压过秦石,招招致命的冲秦石炮轰而下。 Under resists with hardship, Qin Shi unceasing You to retreat, impact in again the black pupil changes suddenly, the deep green palm wind of hundred zhang (333m) was ejected by Cheng Xu together, presses up to the Qin Shi forehead. 苦苦抵挡下,秦石不断的游退,再一次的冲击中黑眸突然变化,一道百丈的碧绿掌风被程旭击出,直逼秦石的眉心。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” When a resounding in dying out to escape sheath to reverberate, is including the sword glow shoulders straightly, the sword glow just had the audience in an uproar in great surprise, the person who one crowd of strengths are insufficient petrifies directly. 一声脆响在寂灭脱鞘时回荡,一年满含的剑芒笔直挑起,剑芒刚出全场哗然大惊,一群实力不足的人直接石化。 Bang! 砰! That palm wind able to move unhindered opens under dying out sword-light. 那掌风在寂灭的剑光下纵横而开。 Cheng Xu refuses to budge slightly, receives to draw out the hand rapidly, keeps off the sword glow, at once fixes the eyes on dying out in Qin Shi hand to be low and deep: Emperor soul?” 程旭略微僵持,迅速收身起手,挡下剑芒,旋即紧盯着秦石手中的寂灭低沉道:“帝魂器?” The next instant flashes through greedy in his pupil heart, sneering that at once disdains said: Has emperor soul, you are not my match!” 下一霎在他眸心闪过一丝贪婪,旋即不屑的冷笑道:“就算有帝魂器,你也不是我的对手!” Talks big did not fear that dodged your tongue!” “说大话不怕闪了你的舌头!” Bang! 轰! Roars lowly, the Qin Shi left arm spatters in all directions three, Baleful Qi one after another howls, the demon blood in within the body revolves, makes his strength instantaneously suddenly to increase, in addition god character transformation definitely achieves Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage peak directly. 低吼一声,秦石的左臂迸溅三圈,一团一团的煞气呼啸而过,体内的魔血运转,令他的实力瞬间暴增,加上神字决的转换直接达到玄灵境中期巅峰 The difference fluctuation of spiritual power, making Cheng Xu one startled: „Does boy, you hide strength intentionally?” 灵力的异样波动,令程旭不由一惊:“小子,你故意隐藏实力?” „Was this surprised? Has not ended!” “这就惊讶了?还没完呢!” Qin Shi narrows the cold pupil, Baleful Qi is covering he not anxiously getting rid, but is single-handed wields, is walking randomly mysterious light blue lovelace Fu Luo in the palm, the combustion. 秦石眯着寒眸,煞气笼罩中他并未急着出手,而是单手一挥,一张游走着玄奥的光影的青色魔符落在掌心,燃烧而起。 ! 咻! Demon Fu Ruti, in the Qin Shi body multiplies the thick feather, before this together demon symbol is him, when giving the Shangguan Family refinement, chooses for oneself specially, electing virtual environment peak Haidong to be blue. 魔符入体,秦石身躯上滋生出浓密的羽毛,这一道魔符是他之前在给上官家炼制时,特意为自己挑选得,选灵境巅峰的海东青。 Bang! 轰隆! Increases continuously, Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, Profound Spirit Realm peak. 连续攀升,玄灵境后期,玄灵境巅峰 Sees this crowd one startled: Good fearful strength, before this boy, hasn't used fully?” 望见这幕人群不由一惊:“好可怕的力量,难道这小子之前都没有使用全力?” Will really have this person? Too fearful.” “竟然会有这种人?太可怕了。” Beforehand easily in this moment, nothing left. 之前的轻易在这一刻,荡然无存。 With fighting of black dragon sect disciple, Shangguan Ba and severe winter looks to Qin Shi, reveals bitter and astringent smiling, they were already familiar with, which no matter this Shi Qin , can always bring incomparable shock to the human, never interrupts. 在和青龙宗弟子的交手中,上官霸和严冬瞄向秦石,纷纷露出苦涩的笑,两人早已习惯,这石秦不管到哪,总能给人带来无比的震撼,从未间断。 Shangguan Ba thought now, not, because Shangguan's ultra matter and Qin Shi have a falling out, and can with the Qin Shi cooperation be this life, wisest choice. 上官霸现在觉得,没因为上官超的事和秦石闹翻,并且能和秦石合作是他这一生,最明智的选择。 Offends him, simply is nightmare. 得罪他,简直就是噩梦。 Old fogy, meets to incur!” “老家伙,接招!” The wing is plentiful, the Qin Shi firepower full, bone-chilling cold golden color eagle-eyed stares at Cheng Xu, Haidong azure is under this day the speed to the quick accipiter, but empty shakes, the whole person disappears same place, approaches before Cheng Xushen. 羽翼丰满,秦石火力全开,凛冽的金色鹰眼凝视程旭,海东青乃是这天底下速度对快的鹰类,只是一个虚晃,整个人原地消失,咻一声就逼近到程旭身前。 Bang! 砰! Cheng Xu has not gotten back one's composure, a wisp of remnant shade flashes through before him several times, makes him change colors at once, the mention palm of quick and violent, suddenly and Qin Shi moved. 程旭尚未回神,一缕残影在他面前闪过数次,旋即令他不禁失色,迅猛的提起掌心,猛然和秦石触碰。 In the flurry, strikes to make his withdrawing several steps. 在慌乱中,一击令他退后数步。 Just stood firm the body, Qin Shi already appeared in his, five sharp eagle claws ripped open void, the chest of stroke rising sun punctured. 刚稳住身,秦石却早已出现在他的身后,五道锋利的鹰爪撕开虚空,冲程旭的胸膛刺下。 Bang! 砰! In the short confrontation, the circumstance reverses magnanimous, Cheng Xu the superiority already did not see, the fist palm unceasing friction, made his to reveal rare startled to accommodate. 短短的交锋中,情势大度逆转,程旭的优势早已不见,拳掌不断的摩擦,令他的露出罕见的惊容。 Withdraws unexpectedly rapidly, points to under the highest heaven blood cloud, the opacitas presbyopia is staring at Qin Shi angrily: Boy, I looked down on you actually, but you think that this can win me? overestimate one's capabilities!” 蓦地间迅速退后,直指九霄血云之下,浑浊的老眼盯着秦石愤怒不已:“小子,倒是我小瞧你了,但你以为这样就能赢过我吗?不自量力!” Nine-Headed Heavenly Python!” 九头天蟒!” The dense chill in the air flashes through in Cheng Xumou, at once sees only his withered arm to lift up high, hangs a collar on his arm, the collar is glittering the emerald green colored none remaining, covers the kilometer. 森然的寒意在程旭眸中闪过,旋即只见他干枯的手臂高举,在他的手臂上挂着一个项圈,项圈闪烁起翠绿色的精光,笼罩千米。 Tames the metal door knocker?” Slightly accidental light snort, Qin Shi reveals the puzzled color. “驯兽环?”略微意外的轻哼一声,秦石露出不解之色。 Roar shakes a day of great roar, making in the wooded mountain the beast make the bird to be loose, causes the fierce panic, a wisp of wisp was full of the primitive wild pressure to fall in the none remaining, making below crowd raise head. “吼”一声撼天巨吼,令山林中兽作鸟散,引起剧烈的恐慌,一缕一缕充满原始野性的威压在精光中落下,令下方的人群不由仰起头来。 This is Ancient Ferocious Beast List, ranks first 700 Nine-Headed Heavenly Python?” “这是远古凶兽榜,排名前700的九头天蟒?” Moreover is this strength Heaven Realm?” “而且这力量是天境?” A thousand zhang (3.33 m) snake tail flings from the fine glow, fills including the spunk flings from the sky to Qin Shi, snake tail not yet close Qin Shi, the fearful pressure then rolling falls on the forehead, making his Chest one startled, the rapid hand keeps off. 一只千丈的蛇尾从精芒中甩去,满含怒意的从上空甩向秦石,蛇尾尚未接近秦石,可怕的威压便在额头上滚滚落下,令他心口一惊,迅速起手去挡。 Bang! 砰! Even if so, the barbaric strength directly pulls out Qin Shi flies, such as shell general hit on the cliff of distant place. 就算如此,野蛮的力量直接将秦石抽飞,如炮弹一般撞击在远处的山崖上。 Shi’tou, little friend!” 石头,小友!” Battles to locate, Shangguan Family all people worries, at once sees the place of green glow clearing, the pupil reduces reveals to fear and despair. 交战处,上官家的诸人担忧不已,旋即望见绿芒散尽之处,瞳仁紧缩的露出恐惧和绝望。 Strikes to fly Qin Shi, enchanting halo dispersing, a nine thousand zhang (3.33 m) big snake circles in mountain peak, has its lazy putting out tongue letter that the god knows, the mouth spits the criticism: Old man, this is resting, you should better give me an appropriate reason.” 击飞秦石,妖娆的光晕散开,一只九头的千丈大蛇盘旋在山峰,拥有神识的它慵懒的吐出舌信,口吐人言:“老头,本座正在休息,你最好给我一个合适的理由。” You do not help me, Spirit Origin Blood Pond must fall to others hand.” In front of Nine-Headed Heavenly Python, the pulling down sound that Cheng Xu exceptionally dreads said. “你不帮我,灵源血池就要落到别人手上了。”在九头天蟒面前,程旭异常忌惮的压低声音道。 Oh? 哦? Raises begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket source Tianchi, Nine-Headed Heavenly Python is earnest. 提起灵源天池,九头天蟒认真不少。 Is supporting crushed stone dignifiedly, Qin Shi coughs several, stares at Nine-Headed Heavenly Python to reveal the color of accident, Heaven Realm Desolate Beast is the matter that he has not expected, just that fearful strength, if not for Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique Third Rank full, it is estimated that this time he already the veins completely broke. 撑着身旁的碎石,秦石凝重的干咳几声,盯着九头天蟒露出意外之色,一尊天境荒兽是他没有料到的事,刚刚那可怕的力量,若不是星陨霸体决三层全开,估计此时的他早已筋脉尽断。 Yo? Very anti- hits.” Induces to the Qin Shi vitality, casting aside of Nine-Headed Heavenly Python accident is excessive, at once 18 blood pupil neat falling on him: Kid, because of you, disturbing this place to rest, you said how I should tidy up you?” “呦?挺抗打。”感应到秦石的生机,九头天蟒意外的撇过头,旋即18只血眸齐刷刷的落在他身上:“小家伙,就是因为你,打扰了本座休息,你说我该怎么收拾你?” Tidies up your head, this miss received you first!” “收拾你个头,本姑娘先收了你!” Under the ten thousand audiences panic-stricken vision, seven color handsome pink clouds are treading together void, one step leaps to the Nine-Headed Heavenly Python top of the head, in the Xiaomi Cai tender surface the whole face is angry: „The monsters of nine heads, dare to bully my father, I have abandoned you!” 在万众惊恐的目光下,一道七彩的翩翩彩霞踏着虚空,一步就跃到九头天蟒的头顶,小米彩的娇面上满脸愤怒:“九个脑袋的怪物,敢欺负我爹爹,我废了你!” Reappearing of Xiaomi Cai made the crowd stare: Drinks, small girl who which this comes?” 小米彩的浮现令人群一愣:“喝,这哪来的小丫头?” Does not know that she does want to do? Won't want to fight with this Nine-Headed Heavenly Python?” “不知道,她想干嘛?不会是想要和这九头天蟒交手吧?” Cracks a joke, even if her strength is good, that is Heaven Realm Desolate Beast, moreover position near existence of ominous beast list, even if our people all adds, is not the match.” “开玩笑,就算她实力不错,那可是天境荒兽啊,而且还是位临凶兽榜的存在,就算是咱们这的人全加起来,都不是对手。” Is staring at Xiaomi Cai, movement stiff on Shangguan Ba, at once to behind shouting: Damn, is who makes her pass?” 盯着小米彩,上官霸手上的动作僵硬一下,旋即冲着身后的喊道:“该死,是谁让她过去得?” The Shangguan Family disciple reveals, but the color, Xiaomi Cai strength Shangguan Ba must be apprehensive, who can she be able to block in the past? 上官家弟子露出无奈之色,小米彩的实力就算上官霸都要忌惮三分,她要过去谁能拦得住? Anxious, the Shangguan Ba mind is flurried: This, if she has any matter, stone Qin Xiaoyou must extinguish me not to be possible.” Thinks of this, he hurries to shout: My great-aunt, you a bit faster comes back!” 焦急中,上官霸心神慌乱:“这要是她出点什么事,石秦小友非要灭了我不可。”想到这,他赶忙喊道:“我的姑奶奶,你快点回来啊!” Cheng Xuwang seven color reluctant to part Xiaomi Cai were being is startled stared staring, the swing palm that at once laughs loudly, said to Nine-Headed Heavenly Python: Has killed her!” 程旭望着七彩依依的小米彩更是怔愣的瞪了瞪眼,旋即捧腹大笑的挥舞手掌,冲着九头天蟒道:“杀了她!” Bang! 砰! The picture that but suddenly, an audience changes countenance launches in the peak. 但突然,一幕全场动容的画面在峰顶展开。 Having nothing to do with that Xiaomi Cai disdains wields, the light of seven color auspicious omen rolling fall, under the sweep of forever glorious, nine day before only meeting that not only has not obeyed Cheng Xu, instead fierce shivers, in nine heads full Han is frightened, low that at once simultaneously submits to unexpectedly. 小米彩不屑的袖手一挥,七彩的祥瑞之光滚滚而落,在光芒万丈的笼罩下,九头天非但没有听从程旭的只会,反而剧烈的颤抖一下,九道头颅中满含惊悚,旋即竟同时臣服的低下。
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