PDL :: Volume #5

#415: First fights

The highest heaven blood cloud mutation, causes billowing Changsha, the rain water that drippings drops the ebullition blood pond, subsides the blood pond finally, loudly pure to such as volcanic eruption spiritual power explodes to shoot. 九霄血云异变,引起滚滚长沙,淋淋的雨水滴落进沸腾的血池,终将血池平息,轰然一股精纯到如火山爆发的灵力在其中爆射而出。 Rich spiritual power made 100,000 crowds make noise. 浓郁的灵力令100000人群喧闹起来。 Spirit Origin Blood Pond consolidated!” 灵源血池稳固了!” This blood pond, only then ten quotas, everyone / influential family snatches quickly!” “这血池,只有十个名额,大家快去抢啊!” Who does not know is, the first [say / way] said the Spirit Origin Blood Pond rule, obviously many people did not know, after hearing, reveal the accident and losing, at once more toward the human tide that the blood pond swarmed. 不知是谁,第一个道说出灵源血池的规则,显然有不少人不知道,听到以后纷纷露出意外和失落,旋即更多的则是朝血池蜂拥的人潮。 „The quota of this blood pond, my Yuan family wanted!” “这血池的名额,我元家要了!” Founder, you gave up any idea of!” A side sets out, counts side influence to get rid to compete. “元勋,你休想!”一方起身,数方势力出手争夺。 In the rear area, Qin Shi pants for breath, a crisp sound resounds in the dantian, making him reveal the it goes without saying happy expression, in regards within the body to have extends dispersing on the spirit crystal together: This is, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage shackles?” 在后方,秦石喘息间,一声脆声在丹田响起,令他不由露出不言而喻的喜色,内视体内有一道在灵晶上延绵散开:“这是,玄灵境中期的桎梏?” Drinks, this Spirit Origin Blood Pond is really uncommon, so long as can invade to soak, does not leave the half day I to be able surely breakthrough!” Thinks of this, Qin Shi greedy attracting permits, to stare at the tight blood pond that the look stagnates. “喝,这灵源血池果然不凡,只要能够侵泡其中,不出半日我定能突破!”一想到这,秦石贪婪的吸允一下,神色凝滞的盯紧血池。 The blood pond is stable, the crowd kills to get angry, influential or small clan completely like insane falling, is inferior to the consequence placing oneself in. 血池稳固,人群都杀红了眼,大家小家全部像疯掉一样,不及后果的置身其中。 Fierce combat, electric light flint. 刀光剑影,电光火石。 In the noise, the only two side influence steady footsteps, a person has not set out, is the black dragon sect and Shangguan Family, Qin Shi and Shangguan Ba stands in the Shangguan Family front, crosses the hands behind the back the vertical staring blood pond. 在喧嚣中,唯独两方势力稳扎脚步,没有一人起身,是青龙宗和上官家,秦石上官霸站在上官家的前方,负手而立的凝视血池。 Puff! Puff puff! 噗!噗噗噗! Crowd unceasing invests toward the blood pond, immediately was penetrated by the innumerable [say / way] miraculous glows, no one is willing to make concessions one step in competitions of benefit, immediately in the blood pond then floats off over a thousand corpses. 人群不断的朝血池投入,马上又被无数道灵光击穿,在利益的争夺间谁都不肯退让一步,马上血池上便浮起上千具尸体。 This group of idiots.” Shangguan Ba roars with rapt attention lowly: They do this, finally only cheap black dragon sect.” “这群白痴。”上官霸凝神低吼一声:“他们这样做,最后只会便宜了青龙宗。” Qin Shi looks askance to smile: That but actually not necessarily.” 秦石侧目笑笑:“那倒未必。” Um? Little friend what meaning?” Shangguan Ba question. “嗯?小友什么意思?”上官霸问句 „The Shangguan Family host, you thought that if lets this group of people, makes the choice in the Qinglong sects and Shangguan Family, whom will they choose?” Outside Qin Shi inquired one. 上官家主,你觉得如果让这群人,在青龙宗和上官家做出选择,他们会选择谁?”秦石外头询问一句。 Shangguan Ba puzzled has gawked staring: This saying does not censure, but depending on my Shangguan Family present strength, they definitely will choose the black dragon sect.” 上官霸不解的愣了愣:“这话不是自贬,但凭我上官家现在的实力,他们肯定会选择青龙宗。” That was right, the person of this crowd of small families, is the host of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, if keeps them to arrive finally, the black dragon sect stands to summon, the Shangguan Family host thought that we can also attack the hemorrhaging pond from 100,000 people?” When Qin Shi spoke this saying, moves the vision to Cheng Xu of black dragon sect. “那就对了,这群小家族的人,全是属于欺软怕硬的主,如果留他们到最后,青龙宗站出来号召一下,上官家主觉得我们还能从100000人中攻下血池吗?”秦石说这话时,将目光挪向青龙宗的程旭。 Cheng Xu similarly ruthless offense is staring at him. 程旭同样狠戾的盯着他。 Shangguan Ba remembers the future rising sun to eject the matter of olive branch to Qin Shi suddenly, pats the brain way: How I have not thought.” 恍惚中,上官霸突然想起之前程旭对秦石抛出橄榄枝的事,一拍脑门道:“我怎么没想到。” Makes them slaughter, this instead ceased our future trouble, is favorable for us.” Under point that Qin Shi did not say a word. “让他们厮杀吧,这样反而杜绝了我们的后患,对我们有利。”秦石不言语的点下头。 In several thousand people of battles, has continued half double-hour fully, does not have one person to enter Spirit Origin Blood Pond actually successfully, but 100,000 people of huge quantities, actually sharp decline to less than 10,000. 数万人的厮杀中,整整持续了半个时辰,硬是没有一人成功进入灵源血池,但100000人的庞大数量,却锐减到不足10000。 Remaining people, is all scarred. 剩下的人,也全是伤痕累累。 Must start!” “要开始了!” The bone-chilling cold black pupil stares suddenly, at once invisible air/Qi field continuous covering all around, making the Shangguan Family disciple withdraw. 凛冽的黑眸突然瞪开,旋即无形的气场源源不断的笼罩周遭,令上官家的弟子不禁退后。 Shangguan Ba puzzled has gawked staring, when he just raised head Qin Shi already not in same place, an arrow step leaves behind the number to stop to the remnant movie queen in the blood pond edge, the raising hand that the black robe makes noise cool and refreshingly supports in the front. 上官霸不解的愣了愣,但他刚仰头时秦石早已不在原地,一个箭步留下数到残影后停顿在血池边缘,黑袍泠泠作响的扬起手撑在胸前。 Bang! 砰! A bang, Qin Shi front space disintegrates one after another, an enough thousand zhang (3.33 m) sandstorm curls up, as if two big dragons collide, Sang the form finds out from the space. 接连一声巨响,秦石面前的空间土崩瓦解,足足千丈的风沙卷起,仿佛有两只巨龙碰撞,一名桑老的身影从空间中探出。 Form Cheng Xu, making the Shangguan Ba moral nature one cold, was just he had not realized that turned round Asashoryu sect Miao to go, future rising sun place, only remaining several wisps of remnant marks. 身影正是程旭,令上官霸心底不由一寒,刚刚就是他都没有察觉,回身朝青龙宗瞄去,之前程旭所处之地,仅剩下几缕残痕。 Quite quick! Did this old fogy strive?” “好快!这老家伙又精进了?” Their fearful air/Qi fields such as the great antiquity wild animal, swallows the surrounding crowd. 两人可怕的气场如洪荒野兽,吞噬掉周围的人群。 The withdrawing several steps are staring at them, looks is keeping off in Cheng Xu front Qin Shi one startled: „Can this boy, keep off a farewell gift of food Sect Master palm unexpectedly?” 退后数步盯着两人,望着挡在程旭面前的秦石不由一惊:“这小子,竟能挡下程宗主一掌?” How possible? Doesn't he have Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage?” “怎么可能?他不是只有玄灵境初期吗?” Curious, the surprise, the puzzled, all kinds of discussion sound gets up. 好奇,诧异,不解,各式各样的议论声响起。 Stone Qin? Was he Shi Qin?” “石秦?他是石秦?” In terrified, does not know that was who shouted suddenly about ten thousand people that survives at once simultaneously stared the look, vision blazing falling on Qin Shi. 在悚然中,不知是谁突然喊了一声,旋即残存下来的近万人同时瞪开眼神,目光炽热的落在秦石身上。 Stone Qin? Hadn't that a short time ago destroyed the Shangguan Family person? Is impossible? He how and did Shangguan Family mix the same place?” “石秦?那不就是前不久毁了上官家的人吗?不可能吧?他怎么又和上官家混到一起了?” Does not know that heard he refined six mark demon symbols in Shangguan Family!” “不知道,听说他在上官家炼制出了六纹魔符!” What? Six mark demon symbols?” “什么?六纹魔符?” The Qin Shi status was said that Zhao Family disciple pupil color in amazement blends, understands suddenly before Family Head, why will say that this person of they could not stir up. 秦石的身份被道说而出,赵家弟子眸中的骇然之色交融,突然间明白家主之前为何会说,这人他们惹不起了。 Regarding other people's discussion, Qin Shi does not care at all actually, is crooked nape of the neck stroke Xu to say with a smile: „Is regulation senior, why such sharply going?” 对于旁人的议论,秦石倒是满不在乎,歪着脖颈冲程旭笑道:“程前辈,这么急着干嘛去啊?” The presbyopia of Cheng Xu pollution wrinkles, just that palm , he although has only used 50% strength, but is 50% strength, depending on his half Heaven Realm strength, can the second kill ordinary Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage absolutely, but actually by Qin Shi keeping off? Moreover what under keeping off is so calm. 程旭浑浊的老眼皱紧,刚刚那一掌,他虽说只用了五成力,但就算是五成力,凭他半步天境的实力,也绝对能秒杀普通的玄灵境中期了,但却被秦石给挡下了?而且挡下的是这般从容。 Keeps off my way, the boy you courts death!” “挡我去路,小子你找死!” Cheng Xu restrains the contempt, holds wind once again such as the bone-chilling cold thorn sword, straight pats toward the Qin Shi chest. 程旭收敛轻视,掌风再度如凛冽的刺剑,笔直的朝秦石胸口拍下。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi knows that at this time could not hide, for this reason met the approaching enemy on, a fist and Cheng Xu's fist heart staggered, they simultaneously withdrawing several steps, but Cheng Xu then such as the demon shade rushed to his front immediately, divided to chop once again under. 秦石知道,这时候躲不得,为此迎击而上,一拳和程旭的拳心错开,两人同时退后数步,但马上程旭便如魅影般冲上他的面前,再度劈砍而下。 The black pupil with rapt attention, Qin Shi is sideways to shunt rapidly, at once holds among the winds to howl the strange purple quiet fire, in rich spiritual power of blood pond influence, three golden light Buddhist relics swiftly condenses, curls the naked eye obvious green hurricane then to puncture toward Cheng Xu the chest. 黑眸凝神,秦石迅速侧身躲开,旋即掌风间呼啸起诡异的紫色幽火,在血池影响的浓郁灵力中,三枚金光舍利迅速凝聚,卷着肉眼可见的青色飓风便朝程旭胸口刺下。 Three golden light break the rumor, the wild psychic force made on Cheng Xu the face reveal rare dreading: Drinks, spiritual martial arts? A little meaning!” 三枚金光破开风声,其中狂野的精神力令程旭的面庞上露出罕见的忌惮:“喝,精神武学?有点意思!” Gives me to break!” “给我破!” The experts have stroked together the mysterious hand imprint in the front, at once spiritual power in he holds forms the aquamarine thick liquid, transforms the disgusting barrier to wrap to three Buddhist relics under. 老手在胸前拂过一道玄奥的手印,旋即灵力在他掌间形成碧绿色的粘稠液体,幻化成令人恶心的屏障冲着三道舍利包裹而下。 Bang! 砰! Buddhist relics by thick liquid package, spiritual power that compresses fiercely curls up thousand ocean waves, the air current made the swelling of liquid unexpectedly, ultimately formed several hundred cubic rubber ball. 舍利被粘稠液体包裹,其中剧烈压缩的灵力卷起千层海浪,蓦地间的气流令液体膨胀,最终形成数百立方的皮球。 The rubber ball expands unceasingly, points to remaining prestige dispersing of explosion, discouraged same falling on the precipice of ground. 皮球不断扩大,直指爆炸的余威散开,才泄气一样的落在地面的山岩上。 Old fogy, has not ended!” “老家伙,没完呢!” Three Buddhist relics just demolished, is three golden light punctures instantaneously, made Cheng Xu dense lowering the head, flurried ejected three viscous green liquor once again. 三道舍利刚刚爆破,瞬间又是三道金光刺出,令程旭森然的低下头,慌乱中再度抛出三道粘稠的绿液。 Bang! 砰! The golden light Buddhist relics kept off again, their front causes the wild with rage sandstorm, when the sandstorm surges the Qin Shi corners of the mouth reveal the strange radian. 金光舍利再次被挡下,两人面前引起狂怒的风沙,在风沙涌起时秦石嘴角不由露出诡异的弧度。 The intense shake causes scared: Very strong!” 强烈的震荡引起恐慌:“好强!” This degree of fighting, early is not those present can take, Shangguan Ba deep is pinching the fist, unavoidably is anxious. 这种程度的交手,早不是在场的人能够摄入的了,就连上官霸深沉的捏着拳,都不免紧张起来。 ! 咻! The empty shade in a flash, Qin Shi drags the black robe to crash in the dust sand unexpectedly, approaches before Cheng Xu's body in a minute. 蓦地间虚影一晃,秦石拖着黑袍冲进尘沙,在片刻间逼近到程旭的身前。 The sand dust rocks the reappearing shadow, Cheng Xu stares suddenly puzzled, kills the intent imposing ridicule: Boy, just that struck, has exhausted your psychic force, now dares to come nearly my body, you court death!” 沙尘晃动中突然浮现黑影,程旭不解一愣,杀意凛然的嘲弄道:“小子,刚刚那一击,已经耗尽了你的精神力,现在敢来近我的身,你是找死!” Spoke, his enhanced dust draws out the palm, the opacitas depth green miraculous glow, such as a turbulent python is common, wicked pats toward Qin Shi. 说完话,他扬尘起掌,浑浊的深绿灵光,如一尊汹涌的蟒蛇一般,恶狠狠的朝秦石拍下。 Exhausted? You try!” “耗尽了吗?你试一试!” Stares is pointing to the poisonous palm of forehead, Qin Shi does not draw back instead enters, the big hand in sleeve jumps the blue vein to meet the approaching enemy on. 盯着直指额头的毒掌,秦石不退反进,袖筒中的大手蹦起青筋就迎击而上。 Sees this movement crowd one startled: „Was this boy insane?” 看见这个动作人群一惊:“这小子疯了?” Is so near, he died!” “这么近,他死定了!” Shangguan Ba and the others worry in the rear area that the Xiaomi Cai impulsive temper lifts the pink clouds, comes up on the strategic place. 上官霸等人在后方都是不由担忧起来,小米彩冲动的性子抬起彩霞,就要冲上去。 Yu Luocha responded extremely quickly, grabbed Xiaomi Cai white. 玉罗刹反应极快,一把抓住小米彩的皓手。 Demons elder sister!” “罗刹姐!” Shakes the head to Xiaomi Cai gently, Yu Luocha similarly in short supply light [say / way]: Believes him, person who he cannot act sloppily.” 冲着小米彩轻轻摇头,玉罗刹同样紧张的轻道:“相信他,他不是会胡来的人。” Under several people worry, dry is staring at Qin Shi. 几人担忧下,干巴巴的盯着秦石 If the palm wind of poisonous snake is away from Qin Shi to be getting more and more near, in an instant only then close , the next instant black pupil dodges the blue light, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth reveals the strange radian: God character Secret Art!” 如毒蛇的掌风距离秦石越来越近,转眼间只有咫尺之间,下一霎黑眸一闪青光,秦石嘴角不禁露出诡异的弧度:“神字诀!” The sidereal revolution luck, rides the winds and sails about in the void, spiritual power of dantian spirit crystal moves restlessly restlessly, seethes with excitement following the black bloodlines on, pours into Sea of Consciousness at one fell swoop. 周天运气,凭虚御风,丹田灵晶的灵力躁动不安,顺着黑色的血脉沸腾而上,一举灌入识海 Under the releases of six golden light Buddhist relics, the spiritual Sea of Consciousness startled great wild goose of being exhausted tumbles, under wisp of clear spiritual power pours into, immediately such as fierce tiger throws the food to be the same, breaks in Mysterious Palace Gu Zhen spiritual power dispersing, gloomy Sea of Consciousness once again brightly. 在六枚金光舍利的释放下,匮竭的精神识海惊鸿翻滚,在一缕清纯的灵力注入下,马上如猛虎扑食一样,将灵力散开冲入玄殿古阵,暗淡的识海再度明亮而起。 Big Buddhist relics decide, the seventh Buddhist relics!” “大舍利决,第七枚舍利!” The limpid black pupil dodges golden light, the golden light farewell gift of food rising sun obvious feeling the psychic force of Qin Shi within the body restores in the flash some, said astonished: Psychic force restoration? How possible?” 清澈的黑眸一闪金光,金光下程旭明显的感觉到秦石体内的精神力在一瞬间恢复些许,惊愕道:“精神力恢复?怎么可能?” Realizes? Late! Concentrates!” “才察觉吗?晚了!凝!” If falls into the slender palms of Shekou the purple quiet fire beat, is sending out in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light Buddhist relics coagulation palms, with a crash with Cheng Xu the front impact. 如陷入蛇口的修长掌心间紫色幽火跳动而起,一枚散发着万丈金光的舍利凝固掌间,砰然一声和程旭正面碰撞。 Bang! 轰! Bang, the mountain peak earth such as the wind-drift sand counterattack, caves in unexpectedly, continuous toward their central gathering, thousand zhang (3.33 m) fire beacon direct impact ascends to heaven. 巨响一声,山峰的大地如流沙逆袭,蓦地间塌陷而下,源源不断的朝两人中央汇聚,千丈狼烟直冲升天。 The crowd is startled to allow to withdraw: How?” 人群惊容退后:“怎么样了?” Who won?” “谁赢了?” In staring, two bangs, two forms simultaneously withdraw from ten thousand meters from the sand dust with a crash, falls on the Qinglong sect respectively, Shangguan Family. 在凝视中,砰然两声巨响,两道身影从沙尘中同时退出万米,分别落在青龙宗,上官家 Is staring at them, with amazement accumulation: Draw, even?” 盯着两人,骇然聚集:“平,平手?” Tied unexpectedly? This boy and Cheng did Xu tie?” The sound of sobbing conveys in the sang mouths, the crowd felt whole body dry and hot trembles. “竟然打平了?这小子和程旭打平了?”哽咽的声音在颡口间传来,人群感觉全身燥热的哆嗦一下。 The Zhao Family main shifty eyes flutter, feels to rejoice. 赵家主贼眼飘动,不由感到庆幸。 Little friend! Are you how is it?” Supporting Qin Shi that Shangguan Ba several people go forward to worry about. “小友!你怎么样?”上官霸几人上前担忧的扶住秦石 The timely rain rain and dew multiplies in the bloodlines definitely, such as initially enters to warm the spring vitality to faint in within the body, gathers in his palm rapidly, at once shaking down head gently: All right.” 甘霖雨露决在血脉中滋生,如初入暖春的生机在体内晕开,迅速汇聚在他的掌心,旋即才轻轻的摇下头:“没事。” Very sets out, he did not have said again, vision straight was staring at the direction of black dragon sect. 挺起身,他没再多说,目光笔直的盯着青龙宗的方向。 Bang! 砰! Bang, Cheng Xu searches the tiger body, the whole body four projects the emerald green miraculous glow, during the windings the surrounding area kilometer completely by the viscous liquid corrosion. 巨响一声,程旭探起虎躯,全身四射出翠绿的灵光,缠绕间方圆千米尽是被粘稠的液体腐蚀。 Breathes heavily the previous two thick air/Qi, in his palm has the dazzling blood-stained mouth, on the blood-stained mouth often is beating together the purple strange flame, making him fly into a rage:: Boy, I dares to injure me!” 喘上两口粗气,他的掌心中有一道刺目的血口,血口上不时跳动着紫色的诡异火焰,令他勃然大怒::“小子,我敢伤我!” Really isn't good?” “果然不行吗?” Qin Shi not accidental forced smile, it seems like these half Heaven Realm strength imagines him is more fearful. 秦石并不意外的苦笑一声,看来这半步天境的实力比他想象中的还要可怕啊。 Black dragon sect disciple obeys orders, tramples flat Shangguan Family to me, does not remain!” “青龙宗弟子听令,给我踏平上官家,一个不留!”
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