PDL :: Volume #5

#414: Black dragon sect

Boy, you courts death!” “小子,你找死!” Follows in Zhao Ling behind, the sharp knife blade over a thousand people of neat raising hands, the shining fierce combat, causes the refraction under the blood cloud the fluttering flags. 跟在赵岭身后,上千人齐刷刷的扬起手中的利刃,明晃晃的刀光剑影,在血云下引起折射的旖旎。 The corners of the mouth provoke a superficial radian toward on gently, have swept the crowd that Qin Shi despises, the black pupil bird's eye view toward below, the single foot catches up indifferently, the emerald green light has without the polarization extremely, becomes illusory image exploding suddenly shoots surely. 嘴角朝上轻轻挑起一个浅淡的弧度,秦石蔑视的扫过人群,将黑眸俯瞰朝下,单脚漠然发力,翠绿的光影无极化有极,成千万幻影猛然的爆射而出。 Bang! 砰! Strikes the green pines illusory image foot, center in the chest of Zhao Range, made becoming flushed that his face suppressed, a blood incarnadine Qin Shi black robe. 一击苍松幻影脚,正中在赵岭的胸口,令他面庞憋的涨红,一口鲜血染红秦石的黑袍。 Family Head!” Several people that Zhao Family leads exclaimed anxiously. 家主!”赵家领头的几人惶急吼道。 Qin Shi pays no attention to them, partly squats down to hold Zhao Ling, list is pointing at clouds cold Dao of West: He he, the western pink clouds are good, if they dare to proceed again one step, I free deliver you a regulation.” 秦石不理他们,半蹲下抓住赵岭,单手指着西方的云霄冷道:“呵呵,西边的彩霞不错,如果他们再敢往前一步,我就免费送你一程。” You “你” Do not work as the joke my words, I outside the human with friend do not crack a joke.” Scolds fierce, the Qin Shi bone-chilling cold pupil light opens and closes, such as the bayonet of cutting iron like mud, bares Zhao Ling defense line, punctures in his heart. “别把我的话当玩笑,我不和朋友以外的人开玩笑。”厉声呵斥,秦石凛冽的眸光开合,如一把削铁如泥的刺刀,生生的剥开赵岭的防线,刺在他的心头。 Scared fierce shivers several, Zhao Ling and Qin Shi have looked at each other for enough a half minute, he clear the feeling from the Qin Shi vision writes off intent, making him understand that at present this seems like less than 20 youth, is not looks at the joke with him really again, if the Zhao Family disciple proceeds again, be relentless will have killed him. 恐慌的剧烈颤抖几下,赵岭和秦石对视了足足半分钟,他从秦石的目光中清晰的感觉到一抹杀意,让他明白眼前这个看似不足20的少年,真的不是再和他看玩笑,如果赵家弟子再往前,真的会毫不留情的杀了他。 Draws back!” Timid within, Zhao Ling terrified delivering nearby Zhao Family disciple exclaimed. “退下!”怯懦间,赵岭悚然的送旁边的赵家弟子吼道。 Family Head!” Several unwilling shouting of leads. 家主!”几个领头的不甘喊道。 I called you to draw back!” “我叫你们退下!” Several times scold, Zhao Family disciple not willingly is pinching the fist, finally returns to another head of blood pond completely. 几次呵斥,赵家弟子才不甘心的捏着拳,最后全部退回到血池的另一头。 The satisfied laughter, Qin Shi loosens hand: He he, this is obedient.” Then very free and easy has patted the racket in Zhao Ling chest, sets out to say with a smile: Next speech time, first thinks over oneself.” 满意的笑声,秦石松开手:“呵呵,这才听话。”然后很洒脱的在赵岭胸口拍了拍,起身笑道:“下一次说话的时候,先掂量一下自己。” Spoke, Qin Shi turned around. 说完话,秦石已经转身。 Has eaten shrivelled, Zhao Lingpa sets out to return to the side of Zhao Family disciple, several take the lead to encircle immediately: „Did Family Head, why just make us draw back? Isn't boy of being wet behind the ears?” 吃了瘪,赵岭爬起身回到赵家弟子的身边,几个领头马上围上来:“家主,刚刚为什么让我们退回来?不就是个乳臭未干的小子吗?” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Scolds one, he stared at the Qin Shi black robe frightened, in the mind is keeping flashing through Qin Shi just bright red blood, that bone-chilling cold killing intent, makes him absolutely terrified now, for a long time serious shivering said: This person, we cannot stir up!” 呵斥一声,他恐惧的盯着秦石的黑袍,脑海中不停闪过秦石刚刚鲜红的血目,那凛冽的杀意,现在还让他毛骨悚然,许久才郑重的颤抖道:“这人,咱们惹不起!” The Zhao Family disciple looks at each other mutually, simultaneously reveals puzzled. 赵家弟子相互对视,同时露出一丝不解。 Returns to the Shangguan Ba side, Qin Shi to be similar anything not to occur to be the same, clashes Shangguan Ba to say with a smile: „Did the Shangguan Family host, which we just speak of? You continued.” 回到上官霸的身旁,秦石仿佛什么都没发生一样,笑着冲上官霸道:“上官家主,咱们刚刚说到哪了?你继续说。” I opened mouth, Shangguan Ba shuts up following the bursting out laughing, does not dare to believe is staring at Qin Shi, just getting rid ruthless offense to Zhao Range, murders resolute, does not have slight loathsome, but of this time is indifferent to personal gains and losses, is links him to grumble was inferior. “我”张了张嘴,上官霸继哑然闭嘴,不敢置信的盯着秦石,刚刚对赵岭的出手之狠戾,杀伐果决,没有丝毫的拖泥带水,而此时的这一份宠辱不惊,更是连他都自叹不如。 In any event, cannot with this child be the enemy.” “无论如何,都不能和此子为敌。” Reading decidedly thinks, if the iron rule is the same, deep carving in the Shangguan Ba heart. 一个决然的念想,如铁律一样,深深的刻在上官霸心中。 How, Shangguan Family host?” Qin Shi smiled, he does not know that was his several movements, aroused thousand wild waves in all person hearts, his attitude was this, to was not the person of friend, never needs to be polite, moreover Shangguan Family is defeated now, a deterrent force in the crowd did not have, therefore this deterrent force, can only create by him. “怎么了,上官家主?”秦石又笑了笑,他并不知道就是他刚才的几个动作,在所有人心中激起千层骇浪,他的作风就是这样,对不是朋友的人,从来不需要客气,况且现在上官家落败,在人群中一点威慑力都没有,所以这威慑力,就只能靠他自己创造。 Punishes one as a warning to others. 正所谓,杀鸡儆猴。 When to the noon, is the person of Spirit Origin Blood Pond gathering is getting more and more huge, the range estimate has completely 100,000, emerald green mountain peak was already occupied by the dense person's shadow. 时至晌午,为灵源血池汇聚的人越来越庞大,目测有尽100000之多,翠绿的山峰早已被密麻麻的人影占据。 The matter that Qin Shi strikes rout Zhao Ling already spread, makes the crowd of catching up dread several points actually, for this reason Shangguan Family does not have to encounter the unnecessary trouble but actually. 秦石一击溃败赵岭的事早已传开,倒是让后来居上的人群忌惮几分,为此上官家倒没有在遭到不必要的麻烦。 One group of more than 3000 people of armies, stepped the peak at this time suddenly. 一群足足有3000多人的大军,在这时候突然间踏上峰顶。 It seems like, is the black dragon sect!” “看来,是青龙宗!” This group of people just climbed mountains, 100,000 armies make way immediately a path, no matter what they pass through, enormous and powerful is really the overwhelming power. 这群人刚上山,100000大军马上让开一条道路任他们通行,浩浩荡荡的甚是威猛。 The armies , the body of Shangguan Ba senile will vibrate obviously, pinch the fist saying: Damn, cannot think that linked them to bring in?” 大军将至,上官霸老态的身躯明显抖动,捏拳道:“该死,想不到连他们都被引来了?” Induces to the change of Shangguan Ba, Qin Shi traces nose question in side: „The Shangguan Family host, what influence is this black dragon sect?” 感应到上官霸的变化,秦石在旁边摸了摸鼻子问句:“上官家主,这青龙宗是什么势力?” hears that sound, Shangguan Ba reveals bitterly and astringently: Black dragon sect, starts a journey in four everyone / influential family influences, Sect Master Cheng Xu, the Profound Spirit Realm peak strength, even if I and he of prosperous time bumps into, has not grasped can defeat.” 闻声,上官霸露出苦涩:“青龙宗,是起驾于四大家的势力,宗主程旭,玄灵境巅峰的实力,就算是鼎盛时期的我和他碰上,都没有把握能够战胜。” Profound Spirit Realm peak?” 玄灵境巅峰么?” Um, these year of black dragon sects and my Shangguan Family struggled unceasingly, link them to alarm now, it seems like these time wanted to capture Spirit Origin Blood Pond, was difficult!” Shaking the head that Shangguan Ba loses, has not expected the black dragon sect to appear obviously. “嗯,这些年青龙宗和我上官家明争暗斗不断,现在连他们都惊动了,看来这一次想要攻下灵源血池,难了!”上官霸失落的摇头,明显是没有料到青龙宗会出现。 The silent meeting, Qin Shi Bi Mu spreads out the psychic force, covers above the influence of Qinglong sect at one fell swoop, at once changes induces to several fearful strengths instantaneously. 沉默一会,秦石闭目将精神力摊开,一举笼罩在青龙宗的势力上方,旋即瞬间变感应到几股可怕的力量。 Twines in several strengths, Qin Shi locks on a thin old man immediately, imposing manner of this old man is uncommon, the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality step is lithe, Qin Shi dreaded. 在几股力量中缠绕一番,秦石马上锁定在一个骨瘦如柴的老者身上,这老者的气势不凡,仙风道骨步履轻盈,就连秦石都不免忌惮。 It seems like, he should be Sect Master of black dragon sect: Cheng Xu?” “看来,他就应该是青龙宗的宗主:程旭了?” Bang! 砰! In the survey, Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness fierce absent-minded, a stabbing pain of web comes, making him raise head suddenly, Cheng Xu the side in the crowd is excessive, smiling is staring at Qin Shi. 探测中,秦石识海剧烈恍惚一下,一股钻心的刺痛迎面而来,令他猛然仰头,程旭正在人群中侧过头,笑盈盈的盯着秦石 „Did he discover me?” The Qin Shi black robe trembled trembling, looking at each other saw together the sloppy mark in Cheng Xu's top of the head suddenly, making him wrinkle the brow: „Is this Lei Jieyin?” “他发现我了?”秦石的黑袍颤了颤,对视突然在程旭的头顶看见一道稀松的印记,令他不由皱紧眉头:“这是雷劫印?” Lei Jieyin, Profound Spirit Realm breakthrough Heaven Realm turning point, if thinks breakthrough Heaven Realm, then must wait for that Lei Jieyin is mature, directs to fall the day land mine disaster, when Luan Muhua breakthrough Qin Shi has seen accidentally. 雷劫印,玄灵境突破天境的契机,若想突破天境,便要等待雷劫印成熟,引落天地雷劫,曾经在栾慕华突破秦石无意中见过。 Although at this time Cheng Xu mark not yet mature, but Qin Shi can affirm that this is the breakthrough Heaven Realm omen. 虽说此时程旭的印记尚未成熟,但秦石敢肯定,这正是突破天境的前兆。 It seems like the Shangguan Family main news is not quite miraculous, this Cheng Xu already achieved half Heaven Realm! From the true Heaven Realm big energy, only misses Lei Jie one step.” Thinks of this, he is vigilant unavoidably, but the vigilant black pupil decidedly, does not have the meaning that the least bit flinches: But my Qin Shi road, is no one can keep off!” “看来上官家主的消息不太灵光,这程旭早就达到半步天境了!距离真正的天境大能,就只差雷劫一步。”想到这,他不免警惕起来,但警惕中黑眸更加决然,没有半点退缩的意思:“但我秦石的路,也不是什么人都能够挡得!” At this time, Cheng Xu stripped from the army suddenly. 在这时,程旭突然从大军中剥离。 Is stepping the lithe step, before he arrives at the Shangguan Ba body: Shangguan Family main is the Shangguan Family host, in the family is defeated worthily this appearance, has the mood to lead the disciple to come out unexpectedly to take a walk?” 迈着轻盈的步伐,他走到上官霸身前:“上官家主不愧是上官家主,家中落败成这个样子,竟还有心情带着弟子出来散步呢?” You “你” Shangguan Ba just wanted to open the mouth, has not waited for him saying that Cheng Xu actually raises hand to break, the opacitas presbyopia looks toward Qin Shi, said with a smile resentfully: Kid, are you Shangguan Family person of high skill who before defeated Zhao Ling?” 上官霸刚欲开口,没等他说完程旭却扬手打断,浑浊的老眼朝秦石望去,悻悻笑道:“小家伙,你就是之前打败赵岭的上官家高人?” He he, is the younger generation, does not know that the regulation seniors do have what advice?” The restraining train of thought that Qin Shi is polite response one, at once his black pupil one tight, wipes the invisible pressure billowing on, making him quickly launch the demon blood. “呵呵,正是晚辈,不知程老前辈有何指教?”收敛思绪,秦石算是客气的回应一声,旋即他黑眸一紧,一抹无形的威压滚滚而上,令他迅速的展开魔血。 Bang! 砰! They look at each other for a long time, Cheng Xu accidental restraining, said with a smile to Qin Shi: Good, good, then has strength in meditation so young, truly a little innate skill, does the little friend why follow Shangguan Family this mourning gate dog? Comes my black dragon sect, this blood pond must fall in my black dragon sect hand finally, I comply to give you a quota, how?” 两人相视许久,程旭才意外的收敛,冲着秦石笑道:“不错,不错,年纪轻轻便有这般定力,确实有点天赋,小友又何必跟随上官家这种丧门犬?来我青龙宗,这血池最后必会落在我青龙宗手上,我答应给你一个名额,如何?” Cheng Xu, you Shangguan Ba is burning with impatience, the opportunity that if the Qin Shi treachery, perhaps his Shangguan Family over a thousand disciples, drew back including the whole body at this time does not have. “程旭,你”上官霸心急如焚,若这时秦石临阵倒戈,恐怕他上官家上千弟子,连全身而退的机会都没有。 Bang! 砰! The voice has not fallen, Cheng Xu holds wind greatly Sheng, the blood cloud of highest heaven was inspired, wipes manic fierce tiger to tread Xiangyun to fall, keeps off before the body of Shangguan Ba suddenly. 话音未落,程旭掌风大盛,九霄的血云都被引动,一抹狂躁的猛虎踏着祥云而落,猛然挡在上官霸的身前。 Family Head!” 家主!” In the winter several people take up the pointed weapons suddenly, offers a sacrifice to the spiritual power then steps to go forward. 严冬几人猛然抄起兵刃,祭出灵力便踏步上前。 Whoosh! 唰! But just bought to go forward in several people, 3000 black dragon sect disciples from encircle Shangguan Family in all directions all round, in the vault of heaven forms surely the sharp sword, the sharp blade edge aims at the Shangguan Family disciple sharp completely. 但就在几人刚买上前,3000青龙宗弟子从四面八方将上官家团团围剿,苍穹上形成千万利剑,锋利的刃尖全部指向上官家弟子。 At daggers drawn, the Qinglong sects occupied overwhelming imposing manner, making in the fist heart that Shangguan Ba pinches tightly seep out the billowing cold sweat. 剑拔弩张中,青龙宗占据了压倒性的气势,令上官霸捏紧的拳心中渗出滚滚冷汗。 „To wait for Spirit Origin Blood Pond to finish, eradicates your Shangguan Family again, but Shangguan Family main , if so impatient, I to did not mind that now delivers you a regulation.” When spoke this saying, Cheng Xu the withered expert will raise slowly, in the Shangguan Ba heart understands, so long as Cheng Xu waves gently, the disciple who Shangguan Family goes forward will be punctured the strainer by 3000 black dragon sect disciples immediately. “本想等灵源血池结束,再去铲除你们上官家,但上官家主如果这么迫不及待,我到不介意现在就送你们一程。”说这话时,程旭将干枯的老手缓缓扬起,上官霸心中明白,只要程旭轻轻挥手,上官家上前的弟子马上就会被3000青龙宗弟子刺成筛网。 Under the intense oppression, Shangguan Ba does not dare to open the mouth actually. 强烈的压迫下,上官霸硬是没敢开口。 Smiling of Cheng Xu satisfied, turns round to say to Qin Shi: Kid, what kind of consideration? Comes my black dragon sect, I ensure cannot treat unjustly you.” 程旭满意的笑笑,回身冲秦石道:“小家伙,考虑的怎么样?来我青龙宗,我保证不会亏待你。” The Shangguan Family crowd looks to Qin Shi, is lives is dies all in Qin Shi a few words. 上官家人群瞄向秦石,是生是死全在秦石一句话。 Under being a focus of public attention, Qin Shi binds tightly black robe to open the mouth saying: He he, many thanks the senior lifts love, the younger generation keeps Shangguan Family.” 在万众瞩目下,秦石裹紧黑袍开口道:“呵呵,多谢前辈抬爱,晚辈还是留在上官家吧。” Um?” Cheng Xu knit the brows. “嗯?”程旭皱了皱眉。 Is hearing the response, the Shangguan Family disciple to relax, the other families of surrounding all suck the tongue, does not dare to believe is staring at Qin Shi. 在听见回应,上官家的弟子松了口气,外围的其他家族则皆是咂舌,不敢置信的盯着秦石 „Has he rejected the black dragon ancestor's invitation unexpectedly?” “他竟然拒绝了青龙宗的邀请?” Drinks, was this boy insane? tall Zhi who such good opportunity, climbs up the black dragon sect, after that in East District, said that can walk sideways is also similar!” “喝,这小子疯了?这么好的机会啊,攀上青龙宗的高枝,那以后在东方区域,说能横着走也差不多了!” Cheng Xu not willingly [say / way]: „Aren't you considering?” 程旭不甘心的道:“你不在考虑一下?” He he, does not need, the younger generation natural disposition to be uninhibited, may unable to receive the restraint, moreover I thought that the younger generation beforehand words, there are two issues.” “呵呵,不必了,晚辈生性不羁,可受不惯约束,而且我觉得晚辈之前的话,有两个问题。” Cheng Xuleng staring: What issue?” 程旭愣了愣:“什么问题?” First, the broken ship still 3000 nails, Shangguan Family was not the dog of mourning gate, second Qin Shi shrugged, stretched out the sound intentionally, wiped vigorous spiritual power to surge: This Spirit Origin Blood Pond, not necessarily is your black dragon sect!” “第一,破船尚有3000钉,上官家可不是丧门之犬,第二点吗”秦石耸了耸肩,将声音故意拉长,一抹浑厚的灵力涌起:“这灵源血池,也未必是你们青龙宗得!” You court death!” “你找死!” Two words, have enraged Cheng Xu thoroughly. 两句话,彻底激怒了程旭。 fierce tiger between fist winds opens blood-stained mouth, throws toward Qin Shi. 拳风间的猛虎张开血口,就朝秦石扑下。 Bang! 砰! The black pupil condenses, Qin Shi decides the god character, Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique opens greatly, at once meeting the approaching enemy of discontented scales on. 黑眸凝聚,秦石将神字决,星陨霸体决大开,旋即不满鳞甲的迎击而上。 They encounter, Qin Shi borrows strength to retrocede immediately, at once turns round to exclaim: Feng Hen, Xiaomi Cai!” 两人交锋,秦石马上借力后退,旋即回身吼道:“封痕,小米彩!” Bang! 砰! Next instant bang, two different vigorous spirit top-rankings get up, becomes the scarlet green curls up the East, a wisp becomes seven color Xiangyun fills the West, the spiritual power sword edge with a crash scrap that the Qinglong sect 3000 disciples condense. 下一霎巨响一声,两股不同的浑厚灵压卷起,一股成赤青色卷起东方,一缕成七彩祥云弥漫西方,青龙宗3000弟子凝聚的灵力剑刃砰然间炸碎。 Qin Shi stands firm the body, burns single-handed the purple quiet fire, three golden light Buddhist relics jump in the palms: Regulation Sect Master, you may probably consider, if fights now, both does not have the advantage to both sides!” 秦石稳住身,单手燃烧起紫色幽火,三道金光舍利在掌间跳起:“程宗主,你可要考虑好,若是现在交手,对双方都没有好处!” hears that sound, the wrinkle tremor of Cheng Xu face, looks askance to look toward the rear area, at once the head of the clan of other families lower the head, not with looking at each other. 闻声,程旭面庞的皱纹颤动,侧目朝后方瞄去,旋即其他家族的族长纷纷低头,不与对视。 Good, good, the young fellow, calculates that you plant, do not worry, if I today make you live am leaving this, my Cheng Xu this leader did not need to work as!” Cheng Xulian said that three good characters, raises hand to hint nearby disciple to depart. “好,好,好小子,算你有种,你别着急,我今天若是让你活着离开这,我程旭这掌门也不用当了!”程旭连道三声好字,扬手示意旁边的弟子离去。 Is looking at the black dragon sect of departure, Shangguan Ba and Shangguan Family many people such as the Chest giant stone puts down, simultaneously implored one long. 望着离开的青龙宗,上官霸上官家诸多的人如心口巨石放下,同时长吁了一声。 Just that flash, they as if saw the dead gate to close to be the same. 刚刚那一瞬间,他们仿佛都看见了死门关一样。 „The Qin Shi little friend the Shangguan Ba gratitude said. 秦石小友”上官霸感激道。 All right, my Qin Shi always lives up to one's words, complies with the Shangguan Family main matter, even if this black dragon sect, accompanies in the same old way.” Qin Shi breaks Shangguan Ba, wrinkles the feeling front stabbing pain of brow, that half step Heaven Realm fully a palm, making his abdominal cavity tumble, bloodlines ebullition. “没事,我秦石向来说到做到,答应上官家主的事,就算是这青龙宗,照样奉陪到底。”秦石打断上官霸,皱紧眉头的感觉胸前刺痛,那一半步天境的全力一掌,令他腹腔翻滚,血脉沸腾。 His vision tight is staring at Cheng Xu, in the black pupil flashes through the limpid murderous intention. 他目光紧紧的盯着程旭,黑眸中闪过清澈的杀机。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, the vault of heaven blood cloud tumbles, blood rain Putian that makes up for, hits in Spirit Origin Blood Pond under endocrater, making the ebullition of blood pond subside gradually. 就在这时,天穹的血云翻滚,弥补的血雨莆田而下,打在巨坑下的灵源血池中,令血池的沸腾渐渐平息。 Blood pond consolidated!” “血池稳固了!”
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