PDL :: Volume #5

#413: Goes to the blood pond

Seven day flies, in an instant arrived the night of sixth day. 七日飞逝,转眼间就到了第六天的夜晚。 According to the agreement, Qin Shi was Shangguan Family has refined 60 demon symbols, in the winter during this period has also refined 50 four mark demon symbols, through these, they treated on the 7 th in the special room of refinement demon symbol, in the winter looked to the Qin Shi vision has qualitative leap, already did not have initially the Demonic Talisman Master big game is contemptuous. 按照约定,秦石上官家炼制了60张魔符,严冬在这期间也炼制了50张四纹魔符,通过这七日,两人待在炼制魔符的特殊房间里,严冬望向秦石的目光发生质的飞跃,早就没有了当初符魔师大赛是的轻蔑。 Monstruous talent!” “妖孽!” Regarding Qin Shi, thought in the winter, only then these two characters can describe that must know he refines four mark demon symbols, needs half double-hour, but Qin Shi refined ten actually to use half double-hour, moreover what refined was five grains. 对于秦石,严冬觉得只有这两个字能够形容,要知道他炼制四纹魔符,一张就需要半个时辰,而秦石炼制十张却才用了半个时辰,而且炼制的还是五纹。 In the evening, Qin Shi final ten will give Shangguan Ba, when returns to the backyard the guest room, he called his room Yu Luocha rank. 傍晚,秦石将最后十张交给上官霸,回到后院的客房时,他将玉罗刹等人纷纷叫到他的房间。 These you take away.” Qin Shi pulls out before five Chang Shui River attribute demon symbols that in the bosom will refine, issues Yu Luocha several people separately. “这些你们拿去。”秦石在怀中将之前炼制的五章水属性魔符掏出,分别发给玉罗刹几人。 Received the demon symbol, Xiao Tianyue several people were excited. 接过魔符,萧天月几人兴奋起来。 Five mark demon symbols, this whole life I have not thought that I can use five mark demon symbols unexpectedly!” Xiao Tianyue holds up the demon symbol in hand, the exaggeration kisses one in the mouth. “五纹魔符啊,这辈子我都没想到我竟然能用五纹魔符!”萧天月举起手中的魔符,夸张的在嘴边亲上一口。 The owlet porch curled the lip: Can a little prospect? Later has the big brother, we will also worry that doesn't have the demon symbol to use? Let alone is five grains, later is six grains, seven mark that are not whatever we do spend freely casually?” 枭轩撇了撇嘴:“能不能有点出息?以后有大哥在,咱们还会愁没有魔符用?别说是五纹,以后就是六纹,七纹那不也是任由咱们随便挥霍?” Listens to the words of owlet porch, just started Qin Shi a little to be also pleased with oneself, more in the future will listen more not to suit, raises hand to pat on his head: „Did brat, what say? Also casually spends freely, when you I am common occurrence?” 听枭轩的话,刚开始秦石还有点沾沾自喜,越往后听越不对劲,扬手在他的脑袋上拍一下:“臭小子,说什么呢?还随便挥霍,你当我是母鸡下蛋啊?” The owlet porch laughs foolishly has grasped scratching the head. 枭轩傻笑的抓了抓头。 Qin Shi pays no attention to him , to continue to divide the demon symbol, when gives Feng Henmo the symbol, Feng Hen hesitates, shoves open the hand to say to Qin Shi: Elder Brother Shi, I, I have not needed, my situation you also know that with the fairyhood related thing, I do not dare to use!” 秦石不理他,继续将魔符分下去,递给封痕魔符时,封痕却犹豫起来,推开手冲秦石道:“石哥,我就算了,我不需要,况且我的情况你也知道,和魔性有关的东西,我不敢用!” One hear of this saying, have not waited for the Qin Shi start to talk, one flees to go forward in nearby Xiao Tian moon/month, has snatched from the Qin Shi hand the demon symbol, loves dearly: not to know how to use things sparingly, precious doesn't such treasure want? Wastes the Elder Brother Shi good intention, is all right Elder Brother Shi, I do not shut out, I accepted for him, had this demon symbol definitely to fish a top-quality angel!” 一听这话,没等秦石开口,在旁边的萧天月咻一下就窜上前,一把将魔符从秦石手中抢过,心疼道:“暴殄天物,这么珍贵的宝贝都不要?浪费石哥的好意,没事石哥,我不嫌弃,我替他收下了,有了这魔符肯定能钓上一个头号天仙!” The Qin Shi root closes tightly, but five mark demon symbols value 2 million Upper Tier spirit stones, Xiao Tianyue does actually want to take away to pick up the little girl? 秦石牙根咬紧,一张五纹魔符可是价值2000000的上品灵石啊,萧天月竟然想要拿去泡妞? Gets the hell out!” Waves to snatch the demon symbol, after Qin Shi holds a mark, fills his hand inside lane: Relax, your demon symbols, I had already processed, will not have the phenomenon that makes a false counter-accusation, bold using.” “滚蛋!”挥手抢回魔符,秦石抓住封痕后塞到他的手里道:“放心,你们的魔符,我早就处理过,不会出现反噬的现象,大胆的用吧。” Feng Henlve obviously refuses to budge, in the vision that then in Xiao Tianyue clings to accepts the demon symbol. 封痕略显僵持一下,然后在萧天月贪恋的目光中将魔符收下。 All people are not Xiaomi Cai, all attained the demon symbol, Xiaomi Cai did not have the means that she was Desolate Beast, in less than demon symbol. 所有人不算小米彩,全都拿到了魔符,小米彩是没办法,她本身就是荒兽所化,用不了魔符。 Yu Luocha lifted the skilled artist to receive the demon symbol, then the cherry lips opened and closed toward Qin Shi question: Shi’tou, that five quotas, how do you prepare to divide?” 玉罗刹抬起妙手将魔符接过,然后樱唇开合的朝秦石问句:“石头,那五个名额,你准备怎么分?” Speaking of this matter, looking that several people anticipated to Qin Shi. 提起这事,几人期待的望向秦石 Considers, Qin Shi by said on the bed: First did not say this matter, my truth and everyone / influential family said that thinks you also knew, after my breakthrough, must go to Mysterious Palace, Mysterious Palace did not need me to say in the East District status that you also understand, in which dangerous it goes without saying, said the honest remark I did not have any assurance, therefore you must leave now also with enough time, I ensure cannot blame you.” 斟酌一下,秦石靠在床榻上道:“先不说这事,我实话和大家说,想必你们也知道了,待我突破之后要前往玄殿,玄殿东方区域的地位不用我说,你们也都明白,其中的危险不言而喻,说实在话我没有什么把握,所以你们现在要离开还来得及,我保证不会怪你们。” Goes to the Mysterious Palace matter, for these days several people already heard, the relations of Yu Luocha and Hua Ling they also know now, but hears the colossus that cannot look , was still unavoidably timid. 玄殿的事,这几天几个人早就听闻,玉罗刹花零的关系他们现在也知道,但一听见那仰望不到的庞然大物,仍是不免胆怯。 Elder Brother Shi, if were not my Feng Henzao died, you were equal to giving my second life, which me so long as you went to go.” Feng Hen the first start to talk, he said is very artificial, but actually bottom of one's heart. 石哥,如果不是我封痕早死了,你等于给了我第二条命,只要你去哪我就跟着去哪。”封痕第一个开口,他说的很矫情,但却句句肺腑。 Under Qin Shi, seals the mark he to know that he moves the vision to the owlet porch and Xiao Tianyue: You?” 秦石点下头,封痕他知道,他将目光挪向枭轩和萧天月:“你们呢?” I and Qiao'er in the same place.” The owlet porch shrugs, face fearless free and easy. “我和巧儿在一起。”枭轩耸了耸肩,一脸无所畏惧的洒脱。 Xiao Tianyue has hesitant, but does not know that has thought of anything, on the face dodges startled accommodates, shakes the head saying: Elder Brother Shi I also with you, otherwise must go home to suffer the devastation of that ill-tempered woman, that might as well lets the happiness that I die directly!” 萧天月有所犹豫,但不知想到了什么,面庞上一闪惊容,跟着摇头道:“石哥我也跟着你,否则又要回家遭受那母夜叉的蹂躏了,那还不如直接让我去死来的痛快!” When spoke this saying, his view death as a return home everywhere, stirs up nearby Xiaomi Cai to smile delightfully, makes the bell same delightful sound. 说这话时,他满目的视死如归,惹得旁边的小米彩甜美一笑,发出银铃一样的悦耳声音。 „Did you determine? Xiao?” “你确定?那萧家呢?” Loves how, can see the angel to smile, this for a lifetime value.” Xiao Tianyue breathes heavily thick air/Qi, vision already not on the Qin Shi black robe, but moves to the Xiaomi Cai color skirt under: Person who has ideal to have the aspiration like my this type, how can submit because of a young Xiao? I must make one dead the loose ghost under my grand blueprint under peony!” “爱咋咋地吧,能看见天仙一笑,这一辈子值了。”萧天月喘上粗气,目光早就不在秦石的黑袍上,而是挪到小米彩的彩裙下:“像我这种有理想有抱负的人,怎能因一个小小的萧家而屈服?我一定要在我宏伟的蓝图下做一个死在牡丹花下的风流鬼!” Hey, you were looking that was careful I dig your eye!” Immoral vision of burning very shade, Xiaomi Cai tender strange. “喂,你在看,小心我把你的眼睛挖出来!”火辣辣好不遮拦的淫邪目光,小米彩娇怪一声。 Is disinclined to manage Xiao Tianyue, looked like in Qin Shi he is really incurable. 懒得去理萧天月,在秦石看来他是真的是没救了。 That such being the case, the Spirit Origin Blood Pond five quotas, I am this want to result in tomorrow, gives separately, I, demons, Feng Hen, Xiaomi Cai, with Qiao'er.” Qin Shi spoke of this to stop, saw several people not to open the mouth to continue saying: Demons, Feng Hen, Xiaomi Cai, three people of strengths are among you are strongest, should be able to make the promotion through the blood pond, like this goes to Mysterious Palace to us is also a safeguard, as for Qiao'er that is my selfishness, I want to make up for her.” “那既然如此,明日灵源血池的五个名额,我是这样想得,分别给,我,罗刹,封痕,小米彩,和巧儿。”秦石说到这停顿一下,见几人没有开口继续道:“罗刹,封痕,小米彩,三人的实力是你们当中最强得,通过血池应该能在做提升,这样对我们去玄殿也是一种保障,至于巧儿那一份,算是我一点私心吧,我想弥补一下她。” Elder brother “哥” „Does anyone of you have the opinion? Can say.” Qin Shi breaks Xu Qiao'er, fifteenth day goes toward owlet porch and Xiao Tian. “你们谁有意见?可以说出来。”秦石打断许巧儿,朝枭轩和萧天月望去。 I do not have the opinion.” The owlet porch shrugs to say. “我没意见。”枭轩耸了耸肩道。 Xiao Tianyue droops a face: You do not have the opinion, said that your young couple also did account for a quota, sentimental I have completed the order form finally?” 萧天月耷拉个脸:“你可不没意见,怎么说你们小两口也占了一个名额,感情最后就我落单了是吧?” Qin Shi opened mouth, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, Xiaomi Cai breaks in side directly, sweetly smiles throws an attractive coquettish look to Xiao Tianyue, whined: Day moon/month elder brother, you give Sister Qiao'er, did others ask you good?” 秦石张了张嘴,但没等他开口,小米彩在旁边直接打断,甜笑的冲萧天月抛去一个诱人的媚眼,嗲道:“天月哥哥,你就让给巧儿姐姐吗,人家求求你了好不好?” Side Xiao Tianyue straightens up: Good!” 唰一下萧天月就挺直身边:“好!” People astonished has gawked staring, this complies also was too rather refreshed, stares appearance that Xiao Tian full moon complexion is narrowing the eyes, Qin Shi a moment ago the compunction in heart, all of a sudden nothing left. 众人惊愕的愣了愣,这答应的未免也太爽快了,盯着萧天月满脸色眯眯的模样,秦石刚才心中的内疚,一下子就荡然无存。 A night of preparation is appropriate, several people prepare to return to the room. 一夜准备妥当,几人准备回房。 Before departure, Qin Shi leaves behind Xu Qiao'er and Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai three girls, later pulls out three to send the hairpin from the space ring, before , when he does not fall the small town on day is the gifts of several people of careful choices. 在离开前,秦石许巧儿玉罗刹小米彩三个女孩留下,之后从空间戒指中掏出三个发簪,正是之前他在日不落小镇时为几人精心挑选的礼物。 This gives to you.” “这个送给你们。” Quite attractive.” Xiaomi Cai smiles delightfully, then she pulls Xu Qiao'er to leave. “好漂亮。”小米彩甜美一笑,然后她挽着许巧儿离开。 When Yu Luocha turns round, Qin Shi stops by calling her suddenly: Demons, you and other, this you are taking.” Spoke, he will take out in the profound miracle cure that the non- gate auction room pats, gives Yu Luocha. 玉罗刹回身时,秦石突然喊住她:“罗刹,你等一下,这个你拿着。”说完话,他将在无门拍卖行拍下的玄灵丹取出,递给玉罗刹 Tomorrow attacks the hemorrhaging pond, you swallow the profound miracle cure, I protector for you in side, strive to achieve breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm.” Qin Shi faint smile had not said that held the Yu Luocha skilled artist to be unreliable spirit Dancdr. “明日攻下血池,你就将玄灵丹吞下,我在旁边为你护法,争取能达到突破玄灵境。”秦石浅笑的没多说,抓住玉罗刹的妙手将玄灵丹塞了进去。 Looks at the profound miracle cure Yu Luocha beautiful pupil of palm slightly to be absent-minded. 望着掌心的玄灵丹玉罗刹美眸略显恍惚。 A night elapses quickly. 一夜很快逝去。 The superficial ray falls motley, finally arrived at Spirit Origin Blood Pond stable time, the Shangguan Family atmosphere ties tight. 浅淡的光线斑驳而落,终于到了灵源血池稳固的时候,上官家的气氛紧绷起来。 When today's success or failure, is connected the Shangguan Family life or death, the Qin Shi seven people arrive at the front of garden, here gathered over a thousand Shangguan Family disciples. 今日的成败,关联到上官家的存亡,秦石七人来到庭院的前方时,这里已经聚集了上千名上官家的弟子。 Shangguan Ba sleeps all night difficultly, hope finally in the morning that he demon symbol that Qin Shi and severe winter refine apportions the strength high disciple, said severely: Today, to giving it all time, whether our Shangguan Family can reconstruct magnificently, watches today a war, everyone / influential family confident!” 上官霸彻夜难寐,总算将清晨盼来,他将秦石和严冬炼制的魔符分给其中实力较高的弟子,严厉道:“今日,到了放手一搏的时候,我们上官家能否重建辉煌,就看今日一战,大家有没有信心!” Has!” “有!” Has!” “有!” Has!” “有!” If the imposing manner billowing ebullition that the rainbow soars to the heavens, returns to remove in beyond the highest heavens. 如虹冲天的气势滚滚沸腾,回撤在九霄云外。 Stands in the stage the bird's eye view earth, Shangguan Ba leap of satisfied to the Qin Shi seven people by: Little friend, us?” 站在高台上俯瞰大地,上官霸满意的跃到秦石七人身旁:“小友,我们出发吧?” In blazing fierce Yangxia, the Qin Shi black robe scatters the swarthy halo, he narrows the eyes to focus slightly, the front surface toward Eastern Bi Mu, the corners of the mouth is light for a long time for a long time, wipes to exaggerate self-confidence of audience such as Jiang Hong Fanlan. 在炽热的烈阳下,秦石的黑袍散射开黝黑的光晕,他微微的眯着眼,迎面朝着东方闭目,许久许久嘴角轻仰,一抹渲染全场的自信如江洪泛滥。 At once he raises the hand, pinches the fist indifferently: „!” 旋即他高举起手,漠然捏拳:“出发!” Bang! 轰! Fierce tramples to bloom in the ebullition. 剧烈的践踏声在沸腾中绽放。 Over a thousand people of broad armies, such as rush to potential of enormous and powerful departure Cold City thunder, in being a focus of public attention under and whoops enters the jungle between forests, along direction vanguard that Shangguan Ba said. 上千人的恢弘大军,如奔雷之势浩浩荡荡的离开冷城,在万众瞩目的和议论纷纷下窜进林间的密林,沿着上官霸所说的方向前行。 30 li (0.5km) mountain peak peak of Spirit Origin Blood Pond distance outside Cold City. 灵源血池距离在冷城外30里的山峰顶端。 After three double-hour, army position near in foot. 三个时辰后,大军位临在山脚。 Stops the footsteps, wipes the rich courage vigor to greet the nostrils to come, Qin Shi begins to look supinely toward the sky, has a scary blood to say in the mountain peak peak, in the cloud layer from time to time appears the terrified demon shade, such as the scarlet raindrop crashes under. 停下脚步,一抹浓郁的血气扑鼻而来,秦石仰起头朝上空望去,在山峰的顶端有一朵骇人的血云,云层中时而现出悚然的魅影,如血色雨滴坠落而下。 „Is this position that Spirit Origin Blood Pond forms?” “这就是灵源血池形成的位置?” Um, Spirit Origin Blood Pond under that blood cloud.” Shangguan Ba serious nod, reveals rare dreading, at once the army starts to make great strides forward toward the place above. “嗯,灵源血池就在那片血云之下。”上官霸郑重的点了点头,露出一丝罕见的忌惮,旋即大军开始朝上方迈进。 On just the halfway up the mountainside, forest in all around then heard the broken rumor that howled, the fallen leaf of soughing is curled up to form the hurricane, besides Shangguan Family, Qin Shi can feel that had at least over a hundred influences, was speeding away toward the peak with great speed. 刚上半山腰,周遭的林中便传来呼啸的破风声,飒飒的落叶被卷起形成飓风,除了上官家以外,秦石能感觉到有至少上百道势力,正火速朝峰顶疾驰。 Arrives in the peak, at this time here gathered about ten thousand people, under the blood cloud, the gigantic endocraters, resembles the frontage to be hit by the star meteor to the feeling of person, under the endocrater is the bloody water of ebullition tumbling, in the billowing heat wave that the transpiration leaves is doping rich world spiritual Qi, Qin Shi induces in side cannot bear acclaim at the appointed time. 抵达峰顶,此时这里已经汇聚近万人,在血云之下,有一个硕大的巨坑,给人的感觉就好像正面被星陨撞击,巨坑下是沸腾翻滚的血水,蒸腾出的滚滚热浪中掺杂着浓郁的天地灵气,就连秦石在旁边感应到时都忍不住赞叹。 „Is this Spirit Origin Blood Pond?” “这就是灵源血池?” Um, had this blood pond, the little friend wants the breakthrough shackles, should not be the issue.” Shangguan Ba goes forward one step, dignified is staring at the blood pond under clouds. “嗯,有了这血池,小友想要突破桎梏,应该不是问题。”上官霸上前一步,凝重的盯着云霄下的血池。 Truly.” “确实。” Responded to one, the Qin Shi bird's eye view, outside blood pond, in addition was reverberating the fluctuation of restless disorder, it seems like that the distance should stably also some time. 回应一声,秦石俯瞰而下,在血池外尚且回荡着不安紊乱的波动,看来距离稳固应该还有些时间。 Yo, isn't this Shangguan Family of mourning gate dog? Cannot think that linked you to come?” When the Shangguan Family crowd stands firm, has a short hair man in side, unruly looking to Qin Shi, his with over a thousand people, on the face completely obviously despises similarly. “呦,这不是丧门犬的上官家吗?想不到连你们都来了?”在上官家的人群稳住时,在旁边有一名短发男子,桀骜不驯的瞄向秦石,他的身后同样跟着上千人,面庞上尽显轻视。 Zhao Ling, you spoke the limelight, you do not know that had a few words to call camel of skinny to be big? Today some of my Shangguan Family people of high skill lead a cheer, finally who will be the winner has not said certainly!” Stares at the short hair man, Shangguan Ba is revealing scolding of face loathing to say. “赵岭,你说话注意点,难道你不知道,有一句话叫瘦死的骆驼比马大吗?况且,今日我上官家有高人助阵,最后鹿死谁手还说不准呢!”盯着短发男子,上官霸露出一脸厌恶的呵斥道。 Person of high skill? Where is at? Where is at?” Zhao Ling of short hair fakes panic-stricken of accident, then about looks all around, the vision that despises falls before Qin Shi several people, laughs saying: „Didn't the Shangguan Family host, you say this group of boy scouts? Is this your so-called person of high skill? He he, you told me, their which high?” “高人?在哪?在哪呢?”短发的赵岭假作意外的惊恐一下,然后左右环顾一圈,鄙夷的目光落在秦石几人身前,大笑道:“上官家主,你不是说这群童子军吧?这就是你所谓的高人?呵呵,你告诉我,他们哪高?” Bang! 轰! Zhao Ling voice has not fallen, the solemn bang, his smiling face stops suddenly, at present sees only the black glow in a flash, the chest of whole person was hit by a palm, shakes directly departs dozens meters far. 赵岭的声音未落,俨然一声巨响,他的笑容戛然而止,眼前只见黑芒一晃,整个人的胸膛被一掌击中,直接震飞出数十米远。 Bang! 砰! A black robe curls up with the wind, howls to make noise, Qin Shi steps goes forward, a foot pedal on the body of Zhao Range, bird's eye view of keeping aloof, ice-cold [say / way]: Now, which do you know my high?” 一身黑袍随风卷起,呼啸作响,秦石迈上前,一脚踏在赵岭的身上,高高在上的俯瞰而下,冰冷道:“现在,你知道我哪高了吗?”
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