PDL :: Volume #5

#412: Spirit source blood pond

„Does the Shangguan Family host have the means?” 上官家主有办法?” The looking askance inquiry of Qin Shi accident said. 秦石意外的侧目询问道。 Shangguan Ba wears gold dragon Jin clothes, arrives among several people under the stern point: Truly, after stone Young Master leaves Cold City a few days, outside the city causes the world phenomenon suddenly, forms piece of Spirit Origin Blood Pond.” 上官霸身着金龙锦衣,走到几人中间正色的点下头:“确实,在石公子离开冷城后没几日,城外突然引起天地异象,形成一片灵源血池。” Spirit Origin Blood Pond?” 灵源血池?” The people knit the brows, Qin Shi has not heard to this Spirit Origin Blood Pond. 众人皱了皱眉,就连秦石对这灵源血池都是未曾听闻。 In puzzled, the Yu Luocha tender body lightly trembles, looks suddenly to the Shangguan Ba rapid [say / way]: Unexpectedly is Spirit Origin Blood Pond?” 在不解中,玉罗刹的娇躯不由轻颤,猛然望向上官霸急促道:“竟然是灵源血池?” Sees the Yu Luocha difference, Xiaomi Cai question: „Does demons elder sister, you know this Spirit Origin Blood Pond? Can help the father his breakthrough?” 看见玉罗刹的异样,小米彩问句:“罗刹姐,你知道这个灵源血池?能帮爹爹他突破吗?” Under various person fiery vision, under the point that Yu Luocha shocks: Spirit Origin Blood Pond, is in society cloudy evil thing, fills including pure spiritual Qi, if can invade to soak fortunately, truly possibly helps Shi’tou breakthrough.” 在诸人火热的目光下,玉罗刹震撼的点下头:“灵源血池,乃世间阴邪之物,其中满含精纯的灵气,若有幸能侵泡其中,确实可能助石头突破。” Here her intentionally, rigorous asked to Shangguan Ba: Is only, as far as I know, Spirit Origin Blood Pond forms the place, surely is above Heaven Realm will the number of times five fingers that can greatly the tomb pit, or the skeleton stack chaos caused by war battleground, in the trim Scarlet Flame Empire thousand years history, the blood pond forms surely, how suddenly appear in Cold City?” 说到这她故意顿了顿,严谨的冲上官霸问道:“只是,据我所知,灵源血池所形成之处,必定是天境以上的大能墓穴,或是千万尸骸堆积的战乱沙场,整片赤炎帝国千年的历史中,血池形成的次数不过五指,怎么会突然出现在冷城?” Shangguan Ba astonished has gawked staring, but said: „When Spirit Origin Blood Pond forms, my Shangguan Family most is defeated, therefore I am also only the hearsay, the concrete situation I am not very clear.” The presbyopia of his pollution rotates, stops , to continue saying: This does not hear Shi Xiaoyou to prepare to attack the shackles by chance, I want perhaps to add on the little friend.” 上官霸惊异的愣了愣,无奈道:“灵源血池形成之时,正是我上官家最落败的时候,所以我也只是道听途说,具体情形我也不是很清楚。”他浑浊的老眼转动一下,停顿一番,继续道:“这不碰巧听闻石小友准备冲击桎梏,我想说不定能够帮上小友。” Shangguan Ba did not say false, this point Qin Shi was clear, but if eternal truth Yu Luocha said that this Spirit Origin Blood Pond was precious, why can Shangguan Ba tell itself? 上官霸所言不假,这一点秦石清楚,但若真如玉罗刹所言,这灵源血池是何等珍贵,上官霸为何要告诉自己? Considers, his raising head chuckle: „The matter of this Spirit Origin Blood Pond, perhaps is Family Head not only by chance? Told me it, should have other matter, does not know I guessed was right?” 斟酌一番,他仰头轻笑:“这灵源血池之事,恐怕家主不仅仅是碰巧吧?将它告诉我,应该还有别的事,不知我猜的对不对?” Stares in nearby several people, looks toward Shangguan Ba. 在旁边的几人不由一愣,朝上官霸望去。 The Qin Shi sudden words made the Shangguan Ba look change, at once let go to say with a smile: He he, I really have the incident, wants to ask the little friend to help.” 秦石的突然话语令上官霸神色微变,旋即摊了摊手笑道:“呵呵,我确实还有一事,想要请小友帮忙。” This is busy, related with the Shangguan Family present situation?” “这个忙,和上官家的现状有关?” Looking eye Qin Shi of Shangguan Ba accident, slightly obviously under scruple point: Right, now Shangguan Family is defeated, all around influential or small clan eyes covetously, reason that can eat to support now, mostly because of this Spirit Origin Blood Pond reason, but the blood pond disturbance crosses, Shangguan Family must be besieged.” 上官霸意外的瞧眼秦石,略显迟疑的点下头:“没错,如今上官家落败,周遭大家小家虎视眈眈,之所以能吃撑到现在,多半是因为这灵源血池的原因,但血池风波一过,上官家必遭围攻。” You hope how I do help you?” “你希望我怎么帮你?” Spirit Origin Blood Pond, although forms, but some distance stably also date and time, when it is stable must make the outstanding heroes fight, I think that can cooperate with the little friend, while takes over this blood pond randomly, when not only can obtain the blood pond at that time, the strengths of other families also surely greatly damage, when my Shangguan Family recovers with the aid of the blood pond, then does not fear these petty people.” Shangguan Ba elaborated his idea. 灵源血池虽说形成,但距离稳固还有些时日,待它稳固之时必会引群雄争抢,我想能和小友合作,趁乱将这血池攻下,等到那时不仅能得到血池,其余家族的实力也必定大损,待我上官家借助血池恢复元气,便再也不惧那些鼠辈。”上官霸将他的想法阐述出来。 Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses: This?” 秦石眯眯着眼:“这样么?” Such words, he to not having opinion, but Yu Luocha actually closely examines one: If I have not remembered incorrectly, a blood pond can only support ten people to slurp, if takes over this blood pond, how the Shangguan Family host does prepare to assign?” 如此的话,他到没有意见,但玉罗刹却追问一句:“如果我没记错,一尊血池只能支撑十人吸食,那如果攻下这血池,上官家主准备怎么分配?” Ten people?” “十人?” Several people stare, Shangguan Ba also includes, obviously regarding this point, he does not know that begins to look at Qin Shi supinely, side Qin Shi has enough seven people, but will make him hand over seven quotas he definitely not to comply, for this reason will open the mouth saying: „Did little friend, this matter you say?” 几人不由一愣,上官霸也包括其中,显然对于这一点,就连他也不知道,仰起头望去秦石,秦石身边就有足足七人,但让他交出七个名额他肯定不会答应,为此开口道:“小友,这事你说?” „The Shangguan Family host, I am not many want, to give me five quotas, I then cooperate with your Shangguan Family.” 上官家主,我也不多要,给我五个名额,我便与你上官家合作。” Five?” Shangguan Ba reveals the color of feeling embarrassed. “五个?”上官霸露出为难之色。 If Shangguan Family main does not want, I pour do not demand, although I have not grasped depending on attacking by force of hemorrhaging pond a oneself, but the minute next two to three self-confidence from other family mouths, I have actually.” Qin Shi smiled, at once the thread of conversation transforms, said severely: At that time, feared that is the Shangguan Family main internal disorder and foreign invasion, possibly links one to eat does not get down.” “如果上官家主不愿意,那我倒也并非强求,虽说我没有把握凭一己之力攻下血池,但从其余的家族口中分下两到三个的自信,我倒是有。”秦石笑了笑,旋即话锋转变,严苛道:“只是那时,怕是上官家主内忧外患,可能连一个都吃的不下了。” hears that sound, the face of Shangguan Ba is even more ugly, although the Qin Shi words are coarse, but is actually not groundless, depending on the present Shangguan Family strength, if no Qin Shi to assist, let alone is competes for the blood pond, the ability that protects oneself is limited. 闻声,上官霸的面庞越发难看,秦石的话虽说难听,但却不无道理,凭现在上官家的实力,如果没有秦石相助,别说是去争夺血池,就连自保的能力都非常有限。 Struggles, he has to nod to say: Good, five five, I promise the little friend, but I have the incident, hoping the little friend can help.” 挣扎中,他只好点头应道:“好,五个就五个,我答应小友,但我还有一事,希望小友能够帮助。” Um? Said that looks.” “嗯?说说看。” The answer that oneself want, Qin Shi says with a smile. 得到自己要的答复,秦石笑着道。 From Spirit Origin Blood Pond still, I wants to invite the little friend stably on the 7 th in these seven day time, can help to refine some demon symbols, this attacks the assurance of hemorrhaging pond also to be able on at the appointed time big some.” Shangguan Ba sound slightly fiery [say / way]. “距离灵源血池稳固尚有七日,我想请小友在这七日时间,能帮忙炼制一些魔符,这样到时攻下血池的把握也能大上一些。”上官霸声音略显火热的道。 Refinement demon symbol?” Qin Shi light snort, at once free and easy saying with a smile: Ok, but Desolate Beast, must have Shangguan Family to leave, moreover I only practice ten every day.” “炼制魔符?”秦石轻哼一声,旋即洒脱的笑道:“可以,但荒兽,要有上官家出,而且我每日只练十道。” Good! My this sends for searching Desolate Beast.” “好!我这就派人去寻觅荒兽。” The Shangguan Ba presbyopia great happiness, the skill of Qin Shi refinement demon symbol he knows, 100% integrations, let alone is ten, even if together, can make Shangguan Family strength suddenly to increase. 上官霸老眼大喜,秦石炼制魔符的本事他知道,100的融合程度,别说是十道,就算是一道,都能令上官家的实力暴增。 Was right, beyond demon symbol that in except for helping Shangguan Family refines, I also need five water attribute Profound Spirit Realm Desolate Beast.” Qin Shi considers, said the sentence once again. “对了,在除了帮上官家炼制的魔符外,我还需要五尊水属性的玄灵境荒兽。”秦石斟酌一番,再度说句。 Water attribute? Without the issue.” “水属性?没有问题。” Shangguan Ba frank complying, then immediately shouted that the servant arranges. 上官霸爽朗的答应,然后马上就喊来下人安排下去。 The matter came to an arrangement, Shangguan Ba was exceptionally happy, night arranged the banquet to celebrate simply, put Qin Shi several people to return to the room. 事情谈妥,上官霸异常开心,夜晚安排了酒宴简单庆祝一番,才放秦石几人回到房中。 In the future in seven day, Qin Shi treats throughout in Shangguan Family, according to with the agreement of Shangguan Ba , helping Shangguan Family refine ten demon symbols every day, has saying that camel of skinny is big, Desolate Beast that in seven day refines, is Profound Spirit Realm, moreover over five levels. 往后的七天里,秦石始终待在上官家,按照和上官霸的约定,每日帮助上官家炼制十张魔符,不得不说瘦死的骆驼比马大,七日里炼制的荒兽,皆是玄灵境,而且都在五级以上。 During this, Shangguan Ba will pledge that offers to Qin Shi five water attribute Desolate Beast, Qin Shi refines five water attribute five mark demon symbols it, these five give Xu Qiao'er specially, Yu Luocha, the owlet porch, Feng Hen, the Xiao Tianyue five people. 这期间,上官霸将承诺给秦石的五道水属性荒兽奉上,秦石将其炼制成五道水属性的五纹魔符,这五道是专门给许巧儿,玉罗刹,枭轩,封痕,萧天月五人的。 In their five people, mostly the same except for minor differences characteristics, Xu Qiao'er and small porch, only then Spirit King Realm Initial Stage, Xiao Tianyue also Spirit King Realm Middle Stage, Yu Luocha, although Spirit King Realm peak, actually receives the toxin invasion of Heartless Yin Yang Talisman, Feng Hen cultivation for actually above Qin Shi, but obstructs the day Totem resentment to read gravely, therefore ordinary five mark demon symbols regarding their five people makes a false counter-accusation intensely, is very difficult to withstand, only has the water attribute gentle strength to melt. 他们五人中,大同小异的都有一个特点,许巧儿和小轩只有王灵境初期,萧天月也不过王灵境中期,玉罗刹虽说是王灵境巅峰,却又受绝情阴阳符的毒素侵染,封痕的修为倒是在秦石之上,但遮天图腾怨念深重,所以对于他们五人来讲普通的五纹魔符反噬强烈,很难承受,唯有水属性的柔和之力才能化解。 Refines these five demon symbols, Qin Shi is exceptionally earnest. 炼制这五道魔符,秦石异常认真。 Each, completely eradicates the Desolate Beast fondness of countryside, and breaks its Sea of Consciousness through six corner sleepy spirit, congeals the symbol. 每一道,都是将荒兽的野性彻底铲除,并且通过六棱困灵阵将其识海震碎,才凝结成符。 The 3rd day dusk, Qin Shi refines successfully five mark demon symbols, he sitting cross-legged alone transports the merit, carries on the practice of spiritual power, later is Mysterious Heaven Scripture First Rank, Second Rank, reaches the limit that he can withstand until Sea of Consciousness not willingly stopping. 第三日的黄昏,秦石将五纹魔符炼制成功,他才独自的盘膝运功,进行灵力的修炼,之后是玄天圣经一层,第二层,直到识海达到他所能承受的极限才不甘心的停下。 Sits in the bed, he closely is pinching the fist. 坐在床榻,他紧紧的捏着拳。 Then, he has a very important matter to do, the bone-chilling cold black pupil opens indifferently, under profound such as the eyeground of dark night, there is a none remaining together to flash past: From the blood pond still, should be reliably on the 4 th the time practices Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique Third Rank, calculates that really has delayed for a long time.” 接下来,他有一件很重要的事情要做,凛冽的黑眸漠然睁开,在深邃如黑夜的眼底下,有一道精光一闪而过:“距离血池牢固尚有四日,该是时候修炼星陨霸体决的第三层了,算一算真是耽搁了许久啊。” Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, this was the Qin Shi Assassin's mace once, is only in the promotion of Late Stage, first two have not been able to satisfy him. 星陨霸体决,这可是曾经秦石的杀手锏,只是在后期的提升中,前两层已经无法满足他了。 But he has not given up Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, because he knows that the Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique potential, does not compare 7-Step martial arts to miss absolutely. 但他从来没有放弃过星陨霸体决,因为他知道星陨霸体决的潜力,绝对不比一个七阶武学要差。 ! 咻! The palm wields, hard bones of the dead reappear, before is, at the Demonic Talisman Master big game, the maxillary bone of scarlet blood lizard Qin Shi leaves behind quietly. 掌心一挥,一根坚硬的白骨浮现,正是之前在符魔师大赛上,秦石悄然留下的赤血蜥蜴的颚骨。 Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique Third Rank, Refining Bone. 星陨霸体决三层,炼骨 Again practices Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, Qin Shi has a joy, this Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique regarding him, is martial arts, is he and start of Lin Yu friendship. 再一次修炼星陨霸体决,秦石有一种久违的喜悦,这星陨霸体决对于他来讲,不禁是一份武学,也是他和麟宇友谊的开始。 spiritual power offers a sacrifice, glitters the quite mysterious golden light, at once under the bright halo, golden scales such as the python ecdysis, multiplies along the flesh on. 灵力祭出,闪烁起颇为玄奥的金光,旋即在灿烂的光晕下,一片一片金色的鳞甲如蟒蛇蜕皮,沿着肌肤上滋生。 On the scales reflects gorgeous halo, at once is Second Rank Refining Muscle, the water flood dragon dragon tendon pulse condition in within the body is the rattan is the same, billowing tightening, the blue vein flees in the scales downstream like the poisonous snake one after another. 鳞甲上反射出绚丽的光晕,旋即是第二层炼筋,体内的水蛟龙筋脉像是藤条一样,滚滚的绷紧,一根一根青筋如毒蛇般在鳞甲下游窜。 First two open greatly, Qin Shi starts to revolve Third Rank. 前两层大开,秦石开始运转起第三层 Broken!” “碎!” Roars lowly, the wild spirit pressure such as the great antiquity beast of prey, curls up the maxillary bone then direct impact house beam of scarlet blood lizard, like one after another incisive loin puller, unceasing in the place above mill, has had saying that the scarlet flame lizard endures compared with Desolate Beast of real dragon linking strength worthily, in dreadful depressed enough strongly the hemiprism fragrant time spirit, was broken the defense of most outer layer, at once changes into everywhere the pure white powder, such as the winter in auspicious snow raised hand to scatter in the winter. 低吼一声,狂野的灵压如洪荒猛兽,卷起赤血蜥蜴的颚骨便直冲房梁,像一把一把尖锐的剔骨刀,不断的在上方碾磨而过,不得不说赤炎蜥蜴不愧是堪比真龙咬合力的荒兽,在滔天灵压下足足坚挺了半柱香的时间,才被破开最外层的防御,旋即化为漫天的洁白粉末,如冬冬季里的瑞雪扬手飘散。 In the Qin Shi lips and teeth, powder entrance. 秦石唇齿间,粉末入口。 Powdery skeleton hard does not move, flees in all directions following the bloodlines under the stimulation of movement of Qin Shi, covers each inch root bone of whole body, the root bone causes to puncture the ache of heart in the collisions. 粉末状的骸骨坚硬不移,在秦石的催动下顺着血脉流窜,覆盖全身的每寸根骨,根骨在碰撞间引起刺心的疼痛。 Hissing! When the ancients study Cultivation Technique, can't gentle, probably unravel from oppressive like this? Manifests the willpower not to make formidable like this?” “嘶!古人研究功法时,难道就不能温柔一点,非要这样抽丝剥茧自虐一下?体现意志力强大也不是这样弄的吧?” In the bone end blends, the original skeleton stretch after stretch of disruption, gradually were then replaced by the maxillary bone of scarlet flame lizard, every time fuses one, Qin Shi then must withstand one time just likes the corpse insect gnaws to nip the common web the pain. 在骨末交融间,原来的骨骼一段一段的碎裂,然后渐渐被赤炎蜥蜴的颚骨代替,每融合一根,秦石便要承受一次犹如尸虫啃咬一般钻心的痛。 When entire 206 times, completely transformation, the dim light of night was deep. 整整206次,全部蜕变时,夜色已深。 Bang! 轰! His whole body bang, the transformation of skeleton made his strength and fleshly body achieves qualitative leap, on the shining scales, covered First Rank hardly such as the profound iron common ossein, as if put on platinum to fight Armor to Yuanwang, the military might was uncommon. 他全身巨响一声,骨骼的转变令他的力量和肉身都达到一种质的飞跃,在金灿灿的鳞甲上,覆盖起一层坚硬如玄铁一般的骨质,离远望去仿佛穿着一身白金战甲,威武不凡。 Succeeded?” “成功了吗?” , Qin Shi stares unexpectedly suddenly, this time he feels the strength to be abundant, depending on his present fleshly body, even if Heaven Realm can greatly strikes directly, he has the confidence to keep off easily. 蓦地间,秦石猛然瞪眼,此时的他感觉力量充沛,凭他现在的肉身,就算是天境大能的正面一击,他都有信心能够轻易挡下。 Next First Rank, was Refining Spirit, when at that time, my psychic force must be able to leap once more!” “下一层,便是炼神了,等到那个时候,我的精神力必能再次飞跃!” All prepare, in black pupil dodges the anticipation: Then, is waited for that the blood pond is stable, then carried on final breakthrough.” 一切都准备好,黑眸中一闪期待:“接下来,就是等待血池稳固,然后进行最后的突破了。” Elder Sister Yu, is waiting for me, I save you immediately!” 玉姐,等着我,我马上就来救你!”
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